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Full text of "Catalog of Copyright Entries, 1916 Pamphlets, Dramatic Compositions, Maps For the Year 1916 New Series Vol 13 Part 1"

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PAR Df: 
Booxks, GRoOovuP 2 


Nos. 1-12 

Published by authority of the Acts of Congress of March 8, 1891, of J une 80, 1906, 
and of March 4, 1909 



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OF JUNE 30, 1906, AND OF MARCH 4, 1909 



No. 1 


4 ise Catalogue of Copyright Entries is published in four parts. Part i, 

Group 2, issued monthly, contains many titles of pamphlets, leafiets, 
and literary contributions to periodicals, and all other productions registered 
under the legal designation “book ” not found in Group 1 (issued several 
times a week), including also, however, preliminary reports of court decisions, 
local directories, herd books, and other annuals, etc. The entries are ar- 
ranged alphabetically by authors, or, if anonymous, by title. An asterisk (*) 
after the author’s name indicates that the author and copyright proprietor 
are the same. When the author and copyright proprietor are different, a 
separate statement is made at the end of the title, giving the proprietor and 
his address. F 

Group 2 also contains, in three separate alphabets: the titles of the entries 
made in Class “ C,” Lectures, sermons, addresses, prepared for oral delivery, 
which are arranged alphabetically by author; Class “ D,” Dramatic composi- 
tions, arranged alphabetically by title; and Class “F,” Maps, arranged alpha- 
betically by the subject word of each title. 

Under the act of March 4, 1909, in effect from July 1, 1909, the preliminary 
entry of titles has been abrogated and registration follews deposit of copies 
with an application fer entry in the Copyright Office. 

To save space in the Catalogue, the copyright notice after each title is ab- 
breviated. The abbreviations used in this part are as follows: “A,” Class A, 
Books; “A—Foreign,” Foreign books in foreign languages; “C,” Class C, 
Lectures, sermons, addresses, prepared for oral delivery; “ D,” Class D, Dra- 
matic compositions; “F,’ Class F, Maps. “©” implies copyright registra- 
tion of a published work, followed by date of publication; “© 1c.” stands for 
copyright of an unpublished work, followed by date of receipt in the Copy- 
right Office of the printed or manuscript copy; and “2 ¢.” for two copies, 
followed by date of their receipt. In the case of contributions to periodicals 
only one copy of the issue or issues containing such contribution is required. 
“A ad int.” implies ad interim copyright registration under the law of March 
4, 1909, of a book published abroad in the English language, for ‘which the 
deposit of only one copy is required. 

A list of the books of which the subsisting copyright has been renewed and 
extended under section 24 of the act of March 4, 1909, will be found in Part 1, 
Group 1. 

"ach number contains an index of the names of all copyright proprietors, 
the names of authors of pamphlets, the titles of anonymous pamphlets, and 
the names of authors of dramatic compositions. The annua! index supplies, 
in addition, the titles of all dramas and the subject words of ali maps. 

The annual subscription price for the Catalogue of Copyright Entries 
(received only for the calendar year) for Part 1, Groups 1 and 2, is $1.00 
for 1916, payable in advance to the Superintendent of Documents, Washing- 
ton, D. C., by postal money order, express order, or New York draft. 

The act of March 4, 1909, provides that the Catalogue of Copyright 
Entries “shall be admitted in any court as prima facie evidence of 
the facts stated therein as regards any copyright registration. 



The copyright Act of 1909 provides that of the articles deposited 
for copyright registration the Librarian of Congress shall determine 
what books and other articles shall be transferred to the permanent 
collections of the Library of Congress, and what other books or 
articles shall be transferred to other governmental! libraries in the 
District of Columbia for use therein. 

The Act further provides that any article undisposed of as above 
and still remaining on the shelves of the Copyright Office may be 
returned to the claimant of copyright under the provisions of section 
60 of the Act. 

Noricz is therefore hereby given to any author, copyright pro- 
prietor, or other lawful claimant, that in so far as any copyright 
articles deposited since 1870 and prior to June 30, 1909, are still 
remaining in the files of the Copyright Office, and are not to be 
transferred to the Library of Congress or to any other governmental 
hbrary in the District of Columbia, such books or articles may be 
returned to the claimant of copyright if requested by such claimant 
prior to December 31, 1916. 

This notice includes any printed and published copyright deposits 
such as books, periodicals, dramatic compositions, musical composi- 
tions, engravings, cuts or prints, lithographs, photo-engravings, or 
photographs Manuscripts or typewritten dramas and photographs 
filed for identifying works of art may not be returned. No maps 
are available for return. 

To secure such possible return the claimant of copyright of record 
should make formal request for the return of the articles, which must 
be separately and definitely specified. A suitable blank will be 
supplied on request. Address Recrster or Coryricnts, Library of 
Congress, Washington, D. C. 


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PART 1, 

Group 2 

Note.—An asterisk (*) after the author’s name indicates that the author 
and copyright proprietor are the Same, and that therefore the name is 

not repeated in the claim paragraph. 

A BC pathfinder shipping and mailing 
guide. Jan., 1916. 25th year. Bos- 
ton, Mass., New England railway 
publishing company, 1916. 1167 p. 
8vo. $3.50. [al 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
19, 1916; A 418599; New England 
railway pub. co., Boston. 

ABERCROMBIE & Fitch co.*, New York. 
On the trail of the Christmas gift. 
(In New York times) [2 

© Dec. 7, 1915; 1 c. Dec. 29, 1915; 
A 421445. 

ACCOUNTANTS educational institute. 
[3, 4 

Bookkeeping course. 611. 4to. $2.10 
[Text parallel to binding] © Dec. 24, 

1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 

Theory of advanced accounting course. 
134 1. 4to. $3.30. [Text parallel to 
binding] @© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c. and 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417676. 

© Samuel Malis, Los Angeles. 

ACKERMAN (Carl W.) Blockade of 
Germany impossible, declares ad- 
miralty staff chief. (Jn Washington 
times ) [5 

© Jan. Sf, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 31, 
1916; A 422107; United press assns., 
New York. 

ADELSON (Albert)* San Francisco. 
Unemployed question solved, back to 
the land. [8] p. folder. port. 12mo. 
$0.05. [6 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
4, 1916; A 419421. 

ADVERTISERS art & cut service, inc. 
Issue no. 20. 

Jan. 8, 

Human interest service. 
2 sheets, illus., 21 by 24 inches. 
@ Dec. 20, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. 

-1916; A 417498. 

Issue no. 21. 2 
by 13% inches. $5.00. 
1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

© Advertisers art & cut service, 


sheets, Ulas., 21 
© Dec. 20, 
3, 1916; A 

ADVERTISERS art & cut service, inc.— 


Zuckerman weekly fashion service, issue 
no. 94, Dec. 27, 1915. 2 sheets, illus., 
21 by 133 inches. $5.00. © Dec. 17, 
19fo +42. C.. and an. san. 3 1916s) A. 

Issue no. 95, Jan. 3, 1916. 2 sheets, 
illus., 21 by 132 inches. $5.00. © 

Dec. 24, 1915; 2 e. and aff. Jan. 10, 

1916; A 417678. 

© Sidney D. Zuckerman, Chicago. 

AEOLIAN co.*, New York. [11-15 

Aeolian vocalion, a new musical instru- 
ment of the phonograph type. [15] 
p. illus. 8vo. © Dec. 16, 1914; 2c. 
Dec. 28, 1915; aff. Jan. 12, 1916; A 


Aeolian-vocalion. Style G, $100. (In 
Tew York World) @© Jan. 16, 1916; 

. Jan. 20, 1916; A 421846. 

ra ee of distinction in period and 
special art designs. (Jn Country life 
in America, Jan., 1916.) © Dec. 30, 
1915; 1 ¢. Jan. 4, 1916; A 421447. 

Story of a love that lives in death- 
less melody. (In New York times) 
© Sept. 19, 1915; 1 c. Sept. 22, 1915; 
A 421665. 

Wonderful gift for all the family. 


New York Evening world) @© Dec. 

TE ALSIG Se oo Tan pio, tales oA 

AKEp (C. F.) Great idea. (In New 

York Evening mail) [16 

jG) Jan. 13, 1916; 1. c Jan. 15, 
1916; A 421738; Evening mail syndi- 

cate, ine., New York. 

ALBANY, N. Y. Albany, Schenectady, 
Troy, Capitol district, suburban di- 
rectory, 1916. v. 1. Schenectady, 
N. Y., H. A. Manning company, 
1915. p. [51)-426. S8vo. $6.00. [17 

©) -Dee...8f, (1915; 3. ¢... Famn;.'S, 

5, 1916; A 420232 
H. A. Manning co., Springfield, Mass. 
ALL-PACKAGE grocery stores co., inc.*, 
New York. To the 520 residents of 
Brooklyn including yourself, who 
may take profits out of the All-pack- 
age grocery stores co. 2 p. 1, 7-29 
p. plates. 8vo. [18 
san: ‘te Toro. 2 ¢.\ wan at, 
aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 425033. 

41916; aff. Jan. 




AtrtEN (Annie Winsor)* White Plains, 
N. Y. Common law of conduct. 20 
p.. -4to.: $0.25. [19 

©) Dec. 23, 1915: 2 ©: Dee. Ai, 
1915; aff Jan. 10, 1916; A 419530. 

ALLEN (Charles William)* Philadel- 
phia. America, dear motherland. 
Sheet, 84 by 54 inches. $0.25. [20 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
7, 1916; A 417629. 

‘ALLEN (Irving R.) Bigger, better 
business. Three-wheeled automo- 
bile. (Jn Chieago herald) [21 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 1 ce. Jan. 3, 1916; 
A 421397; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

ALLEN pub. co.*, New York. 48 ma- 
gicians’ magic movements and cere- 

monies, according to the latest 
formulas. 1915. 1 p. 1, 5-188 p. 
24mo. $3.00. (22 

©) Dec. 30, 1985s) 2 5c Jan. 10, 
1916; aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 419527. 


Confidential cost book, 1915-1916 cor- 
rected to ee 12 - cover-title, 
32 p. 16m 1915s 2 ec. 
and aff. sar S- 1916; A 419482. 

Rate book. viii, 98 p. S8vo. $100.00. 
© Dec. 1, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
3, t9LGs 4194838. 

© Laon Wertheimer, Cleveland. 

attorneys [1916] 
Mass., American 

14th ed. Boston, 
bank attorneys, 1916. 2p. 1., 458 p. 
16mo. $5.00. [25 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
4, 1916; A 418313; J. Favill Capron, 

AMERICAN BANKERS’ Service,  inc.*, 
Gouverneur, N. Y. Ideal banking 
service; wage earner letters. cover- 
title, 12 1. 12mo. [Text parallel 
with binding] [26 

© Jan, 18, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419727. 

AMERICAN HOLIDAY calendar, 1916. 
New York, Irving national bank, 
1916. Card, map, printed on both 
sides, 11 by 14 inches. [27 

© Jan, *42,. 19163.2 ©. and aff. 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 419644; David H. 
G. Penny, New York. 

suppl. Preventive appliances. 4 p. 
col. illus. fol. [28 

©. Jan..3, 1916; 2.¢ ‘and. ai. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 418389; National manu- 
facturers co., New York. 

pt. 1, nS. FS 

AMERICAN SCHOOL of correspondence’, 
Chicago. Algebra. pt. 2. College 
preparatory. Instruction paper, pre- 
pared by Walter J. Risley. 1 p. L, 
[59]-131, [4] p. S8vo. $0.50. [29 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 @ dan 
1916; aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 418542. 

AMERICAN TELEPHONE & telegraph co.*, 
Boston. Tariff and route book [Jan. 
1, 1916] xviii, 431 p. 4to. [30 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 ce. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 420366. 

AmeéricAs (Las) v. 2, no. 1, enero de 
1916. New York, All Americas pub- 
lishing company, inc., 1916. 112 p. 
illus., ports. 4to. $0.25. [31 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ec and aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 418419; All Americas 
pub co., ine., New York. 

ANGYALFI (Arthur)* New York. My 
heart is where you are. Sheet, 9 by 
4 inches. [32 
© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ce. and aff. Jan. 

7, 1916; A 417634. 

ARMOUR’S farmer’s almanac, 1916. 
Chicago, Armour fertilizer works, 
1915. 52 p. illus. (part col.) S8vo. 


© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 419547; Armour fer- 
tilizer works, Chicago. 

ARMSTRONG cork & insulation co.*, 
Pittsburgh. Nonpareil corkboard in- 
sulation. 1915 ed. 2 p. 1., 7-151 p. 
illus., diagrs. Svo. [34 

© Nov. 3, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 420310. 

ASHLEY (Roscoe Lewis) Medieval 
civilization; a textbook for second- 
ary schools. [Preliminary ed. Nor- 
wood, Mass., Printed by Berwick & 
Smith co.] 1916. cover-title, p. 327- 
422. illus., map. 12mo. $0.20. [35 

© Jan. '5, 19163'2'c.-and ait dan. 
6, 1916; A 418337; Macmillan co., 
New York. 

ASSOCIATION Of American Portland -ce- 
ment mfrs.*, Philadelphia. [386-41 

General rules for workmen. 2 p. l. 3-14 
p. 1G6mo. @© Dec. 27, 1915; 2 c. and 
aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417518. 

Rules for foremen. 2 p.1., 3-7 p. 16mo. 
@ Dec. 27, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 3, 
1916; A 417523. 

Rules for foundries. 2 p. lL, 3-4 p. 
16 mo. @© Dec. 27, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 417521. 

Rules for mechanics and repairmen. 2p. 
15°3—16 p./, 16mo. -4@) Dee. 27, 1915 5-2 
c. and aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417520. 


no. 1, 1916 

ASSOCIATION of American Portiand ce- 
ment mfrs. _eleaoa aes 
Rules for power plants. a 1, 3-8 p. 

mo. @© Dec. 27, 1915; Ge and aif, 
Jan. 3, 1916; ‘A 417519. 
8p. 16mo. © 

' Rules for quarrymen. 
Dee. 27, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 3, 
1916; A 417522. 

ATLAS powder co.*, Wilmington, Del. 

[42, 43 
Better farming with atlas farm powder. 
4p. illus. 8vo. Jan. 18, L916; 

2c. and aff. Jan. 29, 1916; A 425048. 

Uses of atlas farm powder. 15 p. illus. 
16mo. © Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 29, 1916; A 425047. 

AUTO suggestions. v. 2, no. 1, Jan. 
1916. cover-title, [20] p._ illus. 
16mo. [44 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419486; Northwestern 
chemical co., Marietta, O. 

AYER (N. W.) & son*, Philadelphia. 
' N. W. Ayer & son’s American news- 

paper annual and directory [1916, 
48th year] 1290p. col. maps. S8vo. 
$5.00. [45 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 420230. 

Bascock (M. G.) co. Lincoln’s birth- 
day. (Jn Brooklyn daily eagle) 

© Jan. 23, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 1, 1916; 
A 422114; George H. Babcock, New 

BarEy (Nelson Burdette) Peterson 
system of playing the guitar with 
steel in the. Hawaiian manner, de- 
signed for self study. San Fran- 

cisco, Cal., Sherman, Clay & co. 
[1916] 5 Be is. DOC » LOL.” 100. 

ape Jan. 5, 1916; = ec. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 420292 ; Sherman, Clay 
& co., San Francisco. 

BANKERS trust co.*, Salt Lake City. 
[48, 49 
Cniciitat tee tomorrow. cover-title, [10] 

Dp. mo. @© Nov. 20, 1915; 2 c. and 
aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419722. 

What must an executor know? cover- 
title, [9] p. 4mo. © Dec. 22, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419725. 

Barre, Vt. Barre city and Barre town, 
Vt.,. directory, 1915.. v. 23. Spring- 

field, Mass., H. A. Manning co., 1915. 
264 p. 8vo. $3.00. [50 
© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

8, 1916; A 418374; H. A. Manning 
co., Springfield, Mass. 

Rf RR SS A A EEE aay 


Barsottr (Charles)* New York. 
[Cablegrams} (Jn Progresso italo- 
americano ) [51-61 

Dee. 31, 1915, Jan. 1, 1916. © Dec. 31, 
1915: Jan..%, 19 6; 1 c. each Jan. 3. 
1916; A 421418, 421414. 

Jan. 3, 4, 1916. @ Janes, 4, 19tG: 
ec. each Jan. 4, 1916; ‘A 421438, 491439, 

Jan. 15, ates @ son 15, OIG: 1 e, 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 421722 

gane1G6; Bf; 1916. © Jan. 16, 17 
1c. each Jan. Ln 1916; "A 

gan. 19; 20, 1916. @ Jan: 19,20, 1916; 
1 ec. each Jan. 20, 1916; A 421856, 


Jan. 26, 1916. «©, Jan. 26, L916 = Fe: 
Jan. 97, 1916; A 421999. 
jan 3h 19tG.- '@ Jane si, 1916; £ Ve: 
Feb. 1, 1916; A 422111. 
Bary (Hmil B.)* San _ Francisco. 

Change the peg to fit the hole. Card, 
34 by 54 inches. [62 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419563. 

Baum (Mrs. C. L.)* Denver. Mental 
and spiritual helps to freedom. 63 
p. obl. 24mo. $0.25. [63 

© Dec. 12, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419462. 

BAYNARD pub. co.*, Kansas City, Mo. 
Would you pay him $1,000 to write 
a letter. (In System, Jan., 1916) 

© idan. 5.19163 1 ¢. Jan,,11, 1916; 
A 421660. 

BeckKeEr’s (F.) asphaltum ready roof- 
ing co. [Catalog] 11 p. col. illus. 
16mo. [65 

(cy Apr. 1 1915.2. cGy and afe...Jan. 
13, 1916; A 419571; Christopher Lit- 
cher, Chicago. 

BECKLEY (Zoe) Problems of everygirl. 
(In New York Evening mail) 

: [66-68 

Fan She TOTG. Co fan.ot1 £916 Le. 
Jan. 13, 1916; A 421647.- 

Jans -13,: 1916. ae Jam. aS TOTG Ae thee. 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 4217438 

Jan. 29, 1916. © Jan. 29, 1916; 1 e¢. 

Jan. 31, 1916; A 422098. 
© Evening mail syndicate, 
New York. 



almanac, 1916. 69th year. 

Ed. by Annie Ewell Russell. New 
Haven, Conn. E. H. Parkhurst 
[1916] 132 p. illus, map. 12mo. 
$0.10. [69 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
7, 1916; A 417633; Annie Ewell Rus- 
sell, New Haven. 


BeitH (I. H.)* London. Carry on, 
by the Junior sub. [pseud.}] chap. 1, 
2. (In Blackwood’s magazine, Jan., 
1916) [70 
© 1c. Jan. 19, 1916; A ad int. 
2548; pubd. Dec. 22, 1915. 

BELp1Ine bros. & co.*, Chicago. Beld- 
ing’s silk, display book. 16 p. illus. 
fol. [71 

© Jan. 11, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419703. 

Benson (N. P.) optical co. Price list 
of lenses, mountings, frames, ocu- 
lists’ and opticians’ supplies. 111, 
{1] p. illus. 4to. (Catalog A) [72 

© Nov. 1, 1915; 1 c. Nov. 29, 1915; 
1c. Dee. 9, 1915; aff. Jan. 7, 1916; 
A 417721; Nils P. Benson, Minne- 

BENTLEY (Charles E.) Crochet book 
no. 1. New York, Bentley-Franklin 
co. [1916] ‘Sep, atlas: > 4ter -S010. 


© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

12, 1916; A 4203841; Bentley, Frank- 
lin co., New York. 

BERGER bros. co.*, New Haven. X-ray 
on Spencer supporting corsets, the 
substitute abdominal wall. [14] p. 
folder, ius. 16mo. [74 

© Dee. 29, 1915; 2 ec. Dee. 30, 
1915; aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 417651. 

BErgry (B. D.) co.*, Chicago. Some 
suggestions for teaching Berry’s 
writing books. [New ed.]  cover- 
title, 79 p. illus. obl. 12mo. $0.10. 


©. Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 12, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417698. 

BIicELow (Lucius 8.)* Buffalo. Handy 
book of the convention and exhibi- 
tion. Buffalo, N. Y., Printed by 
Bigelow brothers [1915] cover-title, 
64 p. 12mo. [76 

© Nov. 29, 1915; 2 c. Dee. 2, 1915; 
aff. Dee. 17, 1915; A 419427. 

BLANCHARD (Arthur H.) Highway en- 
gineer in public life. 8 p. illus. 
Ato. [77 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419676; Natl. highways 
assn., Washington. 

BLuE Book of Cambridge, 1916. Bos- 
ton, Mass., Boston suburban book 
co., 1916. 200, [20] p. fold. map. 
diagrs. (1 folded) S8vo. $2.00. [78 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 420248; Boston suburban 
book co., Boston. 

pt. 1, n:s., v.13 

BoHannon (William Christian)* Chi- 
cago. Preparedness; who made God. 
v. no. 1. cover-title, 15, [1] p. 24mo. 
$0.10. [79 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 419631. 

Boterano (J.) & son*, Baltimore. 
Bolgiano’s 1916 [seed catalogue] 
ecover-title, 80 p. illus. 4to. [80 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 e. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417692. 

BooOKLOVERS Sales co., ine.*, New York. 
Christian herald Bible-picture con- 
test reply book. [New York, Isaac 
Goldman company, 1915] cover-title, © 
[8] p. S8vo. $1.00. [81 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 420224. 

BotTELtER (Mattie M.) Conversion of 
Brian O’Dillon. chap. 1. (in Chris- 
tian standard, Jan. 15, 1916) [82 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 1 c@ Jan. 14, 
1916; A 421735; Standard pub. co., 

Bower (Harry A.)* Boston. Course 
of instruction by mail for xylophone. 
Lesson 1-10. 10 v. 4to. $10.00. 
[Text parallel to binding] [83 

© Dee. 9, 1915; 2 « and aff. Dec. 
22, 1915; A 417652. 

Bowers (Thomas M.) 
business. Know your product. (In 
Chicago herald) [84 

@©-Jan. 14; 19163. 1. @. Jan. 15 
1916; A 421716; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

BRACKETT (Elliott Gray) Rheuma- 
tism. Boston, Mass., Health-educa- 
tion league, 1916. cover-title, 29 p. 
24mo. (Health-education series, no. 
31) $0.08. [85 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916: A 419656; Health-educa- 
tion league, Boston. 

Bigger, better 

Breep (Austin A.)* Cincinnati. How 
a salesman may build success within 
himself. cover-title, 50 p. 12mo. 

- [86 

© Dec.. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 417540. 

BRENNEN (Robert James)* Jackson, 
Mich. First selections from Bren- 
nen’s poems—his best and all to 
date. Jackson, Mich., Best literature 
publishing company [1915] [5] p. 
folder. S8vo. $0.25. [87 

© Dee. 26, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419463. 


no. 1, 1916 

{Brinty (J. B.)] Church, [editorial 
by J. B. Brinly and Ernest House] 
3 1. 4to. $0.02. [Reprinted from 
The Christian times] [88 

© Dec. 15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
4, 1915; A 419416; Christian press 
assn., Caneyville, Ky. 

BROTHERHOOD of locomotive firemen 

and enginemen*, Indianapolis. Our 
special study course. Westinghouse 
mee pra He. 3, sec. 5... (in 

Brotherhood of locomotive and fire- 

men’s magazine, Jan., 1916) [80 
eta ot: 1 GC. Jan... 18, 
1916; A 421658. 
Brown & Bigelow*, St. Paul. What 
1916 has in store for you. cover- 
title, [12] p. col. illus. fol. [90 

1). Dee. 16; 1915; 2 ec... Dec. 27, 
foto. af. Jan. 6G 1916; A 417723. 

machinery co.*, 


© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 « Jan. 24, 
1916; aff. Jan. 27, 1916; A 425018. 

floor crane. 

15 p. illus. 

Bryce (James) Prefatory note to the 
Handy volume issue. [Chicago, IIl.. 
Printed by R. R. Donnelley & sons 
eo., 1916] 41. S8vo. $0.10. [92 

© Dee. 29, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. 
Jan. 6, 1916; A 419487; Encyclo- 
paedia Britannica corp., New York. 

Buckizé&y (Elton J.)* Philadelphia. 
New decision on the liability of mer- 
cantile agencies for incorrect credit 
information. @ Dec. 27, 1915; 1 ec. 
gam. o 1916; A 421425, 

Remedy against employees who _ steal 
private data of the firm. © Jan. 24, 
1916; 1 ec. Jan. 31, 1916; A 422105. 

When employees combine to force an- 

other employee's discharge. @© Jan. 

: oe Maan iii LOI6 s A 

[Note: The foregoing are in Modern 
merchant and grocery world] 

BUFFALO trail as seen by the manager, 
ot ae 2) Jan, 1916: 15 p. ius. 
Svo. [96 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 417493; Buffalo leather 
co., Buffalo. 

ine.*, Buffalo. 
© Jan. 3, 1916; 2c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 417661: 

BUFFALO wire works ©€o.. 
Catalog no. 8. 175 p. illus. 


BULLETIN of the New York sabbath 

committee. v. 2, no. 6, Dec., 1915, 

Jana 191. Ad, TS} op: 2Svo. [98 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ec and aff. Jan. 

7, 1916; A 417637; New York sab- 
bath com., New York. 

BULLINGER (Edwin W.)* New York. 
Mercantile agency special ed. of Bul- 
linger’s postal and shippers guide 
for the United States and Canada. 

Ed. of Jan., 1916. (R. G. Dun & 

co. ) [99-105 

From Boston. 1204 fi. e. 1234] p. 
4to. © Dec. 29, 1915; 2 e. and aff. 
Jan. 4, 1916; A 418307. 

From Buffalo. 1204. [i. e. 1240] p. 
4to. Jane Sete Cc. wid att. 
Jan. 12, 1916; A 420342. 

From Chicago. 1204 beg e. 1234] p. 
ALTOS Gy. Jans. 3 AOL se Ge dans, 5; 
OMG taihe alan Slee i916; A 418407. 

From Cincinnati. 1204 [i. e. 1234] p. 

Ato. -©@- Jan. 5, 19167. 2 & and aff. 
Jan. fi 1916: Ay 448390: 

From Kansas City. 1204 [i. e. 1240] p 
4to.- © Jant.75._ 1996: "2. ¢ and, ate; 
Jan. 12, 1916; "A 420344. 

From Pittsburgh. 1204 [i. e. 1240] p. 
Ato. Jam 5, $O1G:° 2.6) .and> alr. 
Jan. 12, 1916; A 420343. 

From St. Louis. 1204 [i. e. 1234] p. 
4ito. @© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 7,. 1916; A 420279. 

Burgess (William)* Chicago. Safety 
always. Sheet, 93 by 4 inches. 
© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 419872. 

Burke (Laura J.)* Sacramento City, 

Cal. Waif of the plains. Revision. 
cover-title, [4] p. S8vo. [Motion 
picture scenario] [107 

© Bee: 1,/1915;' 2 ‘ce. Dee.) 22, 
1915; aff. Jan. 15, 1918; A 419646. 

Burns (Sidney H.)* New York. 
Handbook of hygiene and do’s and 
don’ts for the obese. 15 p. 16mo. 

Ke) Dee 45,1915 +. 2! ¢.. and: afi 
gan. 6; 1916; A 419470. 

Bureee (W. Atlee) & co.*, Philadel- 
phia. [109-114 
Burpee’s annual for 1916. cover-title, 

2p. illus. (part col.) S8vo. 

Dec 21) 119152 2) ec. antl ‘ati. Jan. 

3, 1916; A 420216. 

Burpee’s seeds that grow, for 1916. 
cover-title, 64 p. illus. 8vo. @ Jan. 
3; 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 6, 1916; 
A 419461. 

Cabbage and cauliflower. Rev. for 1916. 

} p. illus. Svo. @ Jan. 3, 1916; 
2 e. and afi. Jan: 6y 2916; "A 419460. 
Dahlia culture. jRey. ed.] Sheet, 

printed on both sides, 93 by 6 inches. 
© Va oF Laltee ec. ‘and Wit, Jan. 
6,° 191627 4 419459. 



BurRpPEE (W. Atlee) & co.*—Continued. 

Forty years Burpee service. 40th an- 
niversary suppl., 1876-1916. cover- 
title; "79, “PLY “pp. Y ilass “port. Sve- 
@ Dec. ce. and aff. Jan. 

28, 1915; 2 
3, 1916; A 417524. 

How to grow fine celery in the home 
garden. Rey. for 1916. [4] p. illus. 
1) Jan. 3.) TOs 2. ee; ameoot 
Jan. 6, 1916; A 419458. 
BuscuH (John J.)* Wakefield, Mass. 
Seeing Havana. Busch’s auto tours. 
[8] p. illus., maps. S8vo. [115 

© Dee. 13, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
12, 1916; A 420340. 

BUTLER bros.*, Chicago. Modern mira- 
ee: 4p. 1.;'5-31 po Was... 4te. 4G 

©) Jan. 5, 1916: 2 «Fan. 13,1916; 
aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 419661. 

CaticcnHio (Isaia)* Jersey City. Se- 
cret of how to become a great singer. 
Jersey City, N. J., Press of L. L. 
Van Benschoten, 1915. 4 p..1,%, 
p. Svo. $5.00. [ td: 

© Dee. 16, 1915* 2 e) Dee. 4 
1915; aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 419647. 

CALLAGHAN and company’s cumulative 
quarterly to the Michigan digest. 
Comp. by the publishers’ editorial 
staff. [v. 6. no. 2, Jan., 1916] Chi- 
cago, Callaghan and company, 1916. 
1p... 157. p... 4to.. .$5.00 per year: 


© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

7, 1916; A 420284; Callaghan & co., 

Camp (S. H.) & co.*, Jackson, Mich. 
Goodwin corsets. cover-title, [12] p. 
folder. illus. in cover. 48mo. [Text 
parallel to binding] [119 

() Oct. 13, 191533 "e Jan: 6; 4915: 
aff. Jan. 12, 1916; A 419574. 

CANTON culvert & silo co.*, Canton, O. 
Will they freeze? 21 p. illus. 16mo. 

© Jan. 1, 1915; 2 © and aff. Jan. 
4, 1915; A 419417. 
CaRENS (Edith Marie)* Jacksonville, 
Fla. Dressmaking self-taught. [New 
ed.] Philadelphia, W. Atkinson com- 
pany, 1916. 67 p. illus. 8vo. $0.25. 
© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 ¢« and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419465. [Copyright is 
claimed on new matter] 
CARPENTER (Frank G.)* Chicago and 
Washington. fal 22 23 
Alaska a new world, blazing with won- 
ders. (in Chicago daily or Sunday 
tribune)? © Jane, 19162 ie; Jana, 
1916; A 421501. 

Carpenter explains the charting of 
t ee op seas. (In Weise: Sun- 

aay star) £ Jan. 16, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 421847. 

pt. I mes. wees 

CASCADE CouNTy, Mont. Farmers’ di- 
rectory company’s farmers’ direc- 
tory, Cascade County, Mont., 1916- 
1917. [Bozeman, Mont., Printed by 
the Republican courier co.] 1915. 
176 p. illus. Svo. $2.00. [124 

© Oct. 19, 1915; 2 e and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 420468; Farmers’ direc- 
tory co., Bozeman, Mont. 

CENTRAL brass mfg. co.*, Cleveland. 
Central line of scientifically per- 

fected brass goods. 221 p._ illus. 
4to. (Catalog H) [125 

© Nov. 25, 1915; 2 @ Dee. 16, 
1915; aff. Dee. 27, 1915; A 418245. © 

CENTRAL district telephone co.*, Phila- 
delphia. Clarksburg, Fairmont, 
Marietta [ete.] telephone directory, 
Dec. 10, 1915. 172 p. 8vo. [126 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff, Jan. 
13, 1916; A 419584. 

CENTURY advertising service co.*, New 

York. Century fashion illustrating 
service, Feb., 1916. 261. illus. obl. 
Svo. [127 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 27, 1916; 
aff, Jan. 25, 1916; A 425034. 

CHALFANT (Harry M.) [128, 129 

Exercise for Sunday-schools on Temper- 

ance Sunday. [Philadelphia, Pa., 
—— by Lyon & Armor, 1915] [8] 
p. © June 10, 1915; 2 ec. and 

aff. Ret 3, 1916; A 420214, 

Exercise for Sunday schools on world’s 
Temperance Sunday. Philadelphia, 
The Sunday school times company, 
1915. [8] p. ports. 12mo. © Oct. 
15, 1915.; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 3, 1916- 
A 420218. : 
© Sunday school times co., Phila- 


CHALMERS (Stephens)* Saranac Lake, 
N: Y¥. Moving picture version of 
Edward Everett Hale’s The man 
without a country. [130-133 

Prologue, pt. i- 3. 3 we LeEtO $0.25 
each. Dec. 3 

Dee. 9, 18, ar : 
Jan. 3, 1916; 419418419420. ’ 
Dt ee iis 1D 40. 350252. 40 

Jan. 14> 9916 + 2 e;-and anaes, 2S, 
1916 ; A 419620. 
CHALMERS motor ¢co.*, Detroit. 
mers six-30. 16 p. iilus. 4to. 
© Dec. 30, 1915); -2 e,and 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 417510. 



CHAMPION rivet Co. Addenda _ to 
scientific facts. [8] p. illus. S8vo. 

© Nov. 4, 1915; 2 ce. Dee. 24, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 419664; David 
J. Champion, Cleveland. 


no. 1, 1916 
CHance (Frank L.) Chance classes 
Judge Landis as an A-1 fan. (in 
Chicago herald) [136 

gan. 25, -1916;° 1 ¢,. Jan. 24, 
1916; A 421980; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

CHANEY mfg. co.*, Springfield, O. 
Guide posts on the path to pros- 
perity. cover-title, [24] p. illus. 
8vo. [137 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aif. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419879. 

[CHAPPELL (Wayvell) & co.] 
automatic electric surfacing ma- 
chine. [4] p. illus. 8vo. [138 

© Dec. 15, 1915; 2 ce. and aff. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 425023; Arthur H. Chap- 
pell, Chicago. 


CHAUTAUQUA school of  nursing*, 
Jamestown, N. ¥. Medical nursing. 
68 p. illus., diagrs. Svo. (Studies 

in general nursing, lecture no. 18) 
© Dee. 30, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 8, 1916; A 419522. 

Cuicaco. SEconp security bank. Re- 
solved. Blotter, illus, 6% by 38 
inches. [140 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
Bit OPD: A. 419711; Drews-Wester- 
berg & co., Chicago. 

CHICAGO DAILY news almanac and year- 
book for 1916. 32d year. Comp. by 
James Langland. [Chicago, [IIl.] 
Chicago daily news company, 1915. 
736 p. illus. ports., maps. 8vo. 
$0.25 [141 

© Dec. 23, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
31, 1915; A 420362; Chicago daily 
news co., Chicago. 

CHICAGO REAL estate index co.*,. Chi- 
cago. Atlas and ownership index. 

Suppl. to v. 1. [Changes from Mar. 1, 
1910 to Nov. 20, 1915]  cover-title, 
fp. tol. © Dec. 2), 19155 2 e..and 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417694. 

Suppl. to v. 3. [Changes from May 1, 
1909 to Nov. 20, 1915]  cover-title, 
Zone ator. «© ec. 2411915: 2 ¢. and 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417695. 

Suppl. to v. 6. [Changes from Sept. 1, 
1910 to Nov. 20, 1915] eover-title, 
22) pi, fol. (@ Dees 215 19155 '2) c. and 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417696. 

CHICAGO TELEPHONE €o., Wisconsin tele- 

phone co., Cleveland teelphone co., 
Michigan state telephone co.*, Chi- 
cago. [145, 146 

Adjustment of substation ringers and re- 
ays. Nov. 1, 1915. cover-title, 9 p. 
diagrs. 12mo. (Central engineering 
bulletin no. 57) @©@ Dec. 21, 1915; 2 
e. and aff. Dec. 20, 1915; aff. Jan. 3, 
1916; A 419428. 





Insulated type transmitters. Nov. 1, 
W915. 1 © diage. ae va 
eu ecuing bulletin, no. 61) © Dec. 

915; 2 c Dec. 20, 1915; aft. Jan. 
3, 1916; "A 419429. 

Cuicaco title and trust co.*, Chicago. 
Abstract of title to the south half of 
the south east quarter of the south 
west quarter of section 24, T. 41 N., 
R. 18, HE. of the 3d P. M., in Cook 
County, Illinois. 2 numb. 1. fol. 
$10.00. [Text parailel to binding] 

ao Jan. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

7, 1916; A 417644. 

CHILTON co.*, Philadelphia. 
trade list. 
{Jan. Ist, 1915] 

918] p. 4to. 
June 1, 1915; 

[148, 149 

cover-title, 906 [1% e. 
@r May (2077 1915 3 2se. 
aff. May 28, 1915; 

A 401207 

{Jan., 1916] cover-title, 878, [1] p. 
4to. [Text parallel to binding] © 
Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Jan. 5, 
1916; A 420228, 

CITATOR. [150-152 

Kansas ed. “vv. 23," no. 3, Dee 1915. 
{New York, The Citator publishing 
company, 1915] ccver-title, 181 p. 
8vo. $5.00 a year. © Dec. 20, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 418318. 

Michigan ed. v. 19, no. 3, Dec., 1915. 
[New York, The Citator publishing 
company, 1915] cover-title, 223 p. 
8vo. $5.00 a year. @© Dec. 23, 1915; 
2 ec. and aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 418317. 

Nexas ed. “Vv. 8, no. 2, Wee: 1915. [New 

York, The Citator publishing eompany, 

1815] cover-title, 124 p. S8vo. $5.00 
a year. © Dec. 24, 1915; 2 ec. and 
aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 418316. 

© Citator pub. co., New York. 

City deposit bank, Pittsburgh. When 
and where to pay taxes and water 

rents. cover-title,, 6, [2] pD., and 
blank pages for memorandum. 
32mo. [153 

©. Dee. 31, 1915; 2 e@. and aff. 

Jan. 7, 1916; A 417632; W. HE. Will- 
iams co., Pittsburgh. 

CLEMENTS (John Ralston) Shaw’s 
campaign songs. Boston, United 

society of Christian endeavor, publi- 

cation department, 1915. 83 p. 1., 3- 
12 p. 24mo. $0.05. [154 

er Dee, Si. 1916s 2) ean aie. 
Jan. 13, 1916; A 419622; Alois J. 
Shartle, publication manager, Bos- 

CLOTHES shop’s suit saving system. 
Weekly plan. Card, 8 by 5% inches. 
$10.00. [155 

G)eDec 14, 1915.2. e@ Dec: JS, 
1915; aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 417615; 

Frank L. Reed, Pendleton, Ind. 



Coss (Ida Sublette)* Caddo Gap, Ark. 
Snares of hell. cover-title, [58] pn. 
port. 12mo. $0.35. [156 

© Dee. 14, 1915; 2 e Dee. 20, 
1915; aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417527. 

CopurRN (Margaret L.)* Kansas City, 
Mo. Milky way. cover-title, [31] p. 
illus. obl. 48mo. $0.05. [157 

© Dee. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 417531. 

fCor (Sayers) ] [158, 159 
Joan of Are. Mentor neagine course, 
monograph no. 1-6. Proof. © Jan. 

1; 1916: 2 c. and aff: Jan. £8, 1916; 
A 419679. 

John Milton. Mentor reading course, 
monograph no. 1-6. Proof. © Dec. 
15, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 4, 1916; 
A 419415. 

© Mentor assn., ine., New York. 

CoLERIDGcE (Samuel Taylor) Rime of 

the ancient mariner, by Samuel Tay- 

lor Coleridge, ed. by Helen Wood- 

row Bones. Chicago, Beckley-Cardy 

eco. [1916] 382 p. port. 16mo. (Pro- 
gressive school elassics) $0.05. 


© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 e. and aff. Jan. 

28, 1916; A 419896; Beckley-Cardy 

¢o., Chicago. 

CoLttins (Louis L.) U, chief boast of 
second ward, pride since 51. (J 
Minneapolis Sunday journal) [161 

‘© Jani 16,1916; 2 e. Jan. 31, 
1916; A 422113; Journal ptg. co., 

COLLINS publicity service*, Philadel- 

phia. Collins business building bul- 
letin, Jan. 5, 1916. [4] p. 4to. 
[Text parallel to binding] [162 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 
.11, 1916; A 419564. 

e. and aff. Jan. 

‘CotumBrIA trust ¢o.*, New York. Plain 
facts about trust company services. 
[48] p. 12mo. [163 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419668. 

COMMERCE trust Co. [164-170 
Accumulative savings certificate. [Rev. 
ed.] Kansas City, Union bank note co. 
11915] [4] pp. ifhis. fol. © Dec. 
10> 19155 2 ec: and al. Jan: Sion ; 

A 417560. 

© Percival G. Turner, Kansas 
City, Mo. [Copyright is claimed on 
rewording. ] 
Fortune building. Sheet, 12 by 64 inches 

fold. to 16mo. © Apr. 20, 1915; 2 ¢. 
and aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417538. 

pt. Las eB 

CoMMERCE trust co.—Continued. 

Great oaks from little acorns grow. 
Sheet, 12 by 6% inches fold. to 16mo. 
© Mar. 26, 1915; 2 ¢c. and aff. Jan. 
eo fone A 417534. 

Service ¢ efliciency sneer Sheet, 12 
by 64 imches fold. to 16mo. © "Apr. 
26, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417533. 

Short story about securities. Sheet, 12 
by 64 inches fold. to 16mo. © Mar. 

51, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 3,see-. 

A 417537. ~ 
Sightless can’t read this. Sheet, 12 by 
© Mar. 31, 

GE inches fold. to 16mo. 

915; .2 c and afl. Jan. 4,.49162 A 

Wise parents beget wise children. Sheet, 
ee 12 by 6% inches fold. to 16mo. 
© Apr. 1, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 3, 
1916: 'A 417535. 
© Union bank note co., Kansas 

City, Mo. 

CoMMON cause. Why the laborer 
should oppose prohibition. 6 p. port. 
16mo. [171 

© Jan. 5, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
7, 1916; A 417643; C. W. Bolen, De- 

CONNECTICUT plumber, steam and gas 
fitter. New Haven, Jan. 15-16, 1916. 
cover-title, [12] p. ports. $8vo. 
(Journeymen plumbers, gas fitters, 
steam fitters & helpers of the 
United assn. Connecticut state assn. 
of the United assn.) [112 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419551; Philip G. Me- 
Dermott, New Haven, Conn. 

CONSOLIDATED car co.*, Detroit. Ab- 
bott Detroit motor cars. [20] p. 
illus., diagrs. S8vo. [tS 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419566. 

CONSTITUTION, Aflanta. In society 

circles. (in Atlanta Constitution.) 


() Jan. 24. 1916; 4c Jane. 

1916; A 421971; James R. Holliday, 

CONTEMPORARY verse. Vv. 1, no. 1, Jan., 

1916. [Philadelphia, Pa., Printed by 
G. F. Lasher, 1916] 16 p. 8vo. 
$0.15. [175 

© Jan. 3; 1916; 2. ¢. and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419484; Howard A. Gra- 
ham, jr., Devereux C. Josephs, and 
Samuel McCoy, Philadelphia. 

CO-OPERATIVE buyers Magazine. v. 2, 
no. 2, Jan. and Feb., 1916. cover- 
title, 108, [1] p., 6 1. illus. (part 
col.) Ato. [176 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 e. and aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 419623; Baehr-Ingels co., 


no. 1, 1916 

Coos telephone co.*, Lancaster, N. H. 
Lancaster district telephone direc- 
tory, winter issue, 1915-1916. [Sec- 
tion 14] cover-title, 32 p. Svo. [177 

© Dec. 29; 1915; 2 ¢. Dee. 31, 
1915; aff. Dec. 30, 1915; A 419439. 

CRAWFORD (Bertha Carey)* Stafford, 

Kan. Poems. Stafford, Kan., 
Courier office, 1915. 18 1. 8vo. 
$1.00. [178 

© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c« Dec. 27, 
1915; aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417715. 

CRAWFORD (William 8.) Casualty in- 
surance and corporate bonds. Chi- 
cago, La Salle extension university 
[1916] 382 p. 8vo. [179 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 419626; La Salle exten- 
sion university, Chicago. 

CRISSEY (Forrest) Supreme passen- 
ger comfort [Chicago, Ill., Printed 
by Rogers & company, 1915] 4 p. 
illus. 32mo. [180 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
7, 1916; A 417626; Nordyke & Mar- 
mon ¢co., Indianapolis. 

Crucer advertising system*, Norwalk, 

O. Psychology of clothes. Argu- 
ment 1-4. 4 loose 1. illus. 8vo. 
$35.00. [181 

ec 25. 1915: 2c. Jan. 19, 
1916; aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 425035. 

CURTICE bros. co.*, Rochester, N. Y. 
Catalogue. 32 p. illus. (part col.) 
8vo. [182 

© Jam 10;°1915; 2c. and aff. 

Jan. 12, 1915; A 417700. 

CAN. se lal 
For 1916—An advertising creed. © J 

Pwtoto. Loc. dan. 14, 1916; ~ 451666. 
© Jan 

Parisian idea, white goods see 
&. 1916- 1 c. dam. 14, 1916; A 491668. 

Why white goods in midwinter. © Jan. 
iG: te, Jan. 14, 1916; A 421667. 

[Note: The foregoing are in the At- 
lanta Georgian | 

© Walter Gregory Bryan, Chicago. 
Date (Alan)* Bayside, N. Y¥. Alan 

Dale says. (Jn Pittsburgh Sunday 
leader ) [186, 187 
Jon, £65191 Qa hG:. UOLG <t e, 

Jan. 19, 1916; A 421843. 
Jan. 30, 1916. © Jan. 30, 1916; 1 ec. 

Feb. iff 1916; A 422112, 
Lenten art productions. 28 p. illus. 
4to. [188 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419690. 



Davies (Landon T.)* New York. 

Cashier’s guide of N. Y. city. Jan., 1916 
issue. Wall chart 26 by 153 inches. 
100: @r Jan. 4, 1916; 2. 'e: Jan. 10, 
1916; aff. Jan. 6, 1916; "A 419546. 

Davies’ transfer card. Jan., 1916 issue. . 
Wall chart, 28% by 19% inches. $1.00. 
© Jan. 11, 1916: 2 ¢. Jan. 15, 1916; 
= Jan. 14, 1OLG = A 417796. 

$1.00. “© Jan. 6, LONG: "2 ‘eS and” att. 
Jan. 10, 1916; A 417691. 

Davis (Charles Henry) Pineville, 
Kentucky, why iiving is costly; 

versus Middlesboro, Kentucky, how 
to cut the cost; with the assistance 
of Stanley E. Bates, S. B. and Will 
Ward Duffield. 8 p._ illus., maps. 
Ato. [192 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419675; Natl. highways 
assn., Boston. 

Davis (Richard Harding)* New York. 

[193, 194 
Air raiders aimed at Allies’ warships. 
Jam. 2, 1946; 1 ¢. Jam. 3, 1916; 

A 421412. 

Luring Teutons on to Saloniki. © Dec 
; 1c. Jan. 3, 1916; A 421411. 

[Note : The foregoing are in New York 
times ] 

(Samuel Q.)* Effingham, 
Know thyself as mortal and 
16 p. 8vo. §0.20. 


© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 417542. 

De BeEvorse (Chas. R.) co.*, Newark, 
N. J. De Bevoise quality—plus 
brassiéres, 1916. 11 p. illus. 8vo. 
(Catalogue W) [196 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

N. H. 
as immortal. 

18, 1916; A 419670. 

DELBRIDGE (Charles Lomax)* St. 
Louis. How to make war impos- 
sible. cover-title, [5] p. 24mo. 
$0.05. [197 

©. Jan.. 25, 1916; 2. ¢. and. aif. 
Jan. 27, 1916; A 425024. 

DenNNETI (Walker Marcus)* New 
York. Presence. Card, 7% by 33 
inches. [198 

(© Dec. 24, 1915; .2.¢e. Dee. 27, 
1915; aff. Jan. 6, 1916: A 4194738. 

DERRICK pub. co.*, Oil City, Pa. Oil 
field report for December. (J7 Oil 
City derrick) [199 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 6, 1916; 
A 421505. 


pi... 1. Se 

De Vureiss mfg. co.*, Toledo, 
Aeron system. Bocklet H. 24 p. 

illus. 16 mo. [200 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417670. 

Chicago. Mo- 
& butter-fat 

jomier total—solids 
. tests, correction table. Card, 64 by 
3 inches. [201 

© Dee. 30, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

12, 1916; A 417708. 

Disston crucible. v. 4, no. 11, Dee. 
ta AO Ly.) 1 pl. 165-LiGua. » dle 
port. Svo. [202 

© Dee. 14, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419490; Henry Disston 
& sons, ine., Philadelphia. 

Diver (Pauline L.)* New York. Bank- 
ing by mail, by Dollar Bill. [203-205 

Capital: what it is and how to get it. 

4to. in leather folder. © Oct. 

37, 1915; 2° ¢.0NOy. 12,1995 5 aft. Dec. 
18, 1915; A 419422. 

How to take cane of your ea 7A E 
Ato. © Oct. ee iS 1s ee c. Nov. 12, 
1915; aff. Dee 18, 1915; A 419424, 

Letter on banking by mail. 2 1. 4to. 
© Oct. 27, 1915; 2 c. Nov. 12, 1915; 
aff. Dec. 18, 1915; A 419428. 

DoNAHEY (William)* Chicago. 

Teenie Weenie clown has a close call. 
Olan. 23,1916: 1c. fan. 27, 1916: 

A 422006 

Teenie Weenies go after medicine. © 
Jan. t6. 1916: £°e! Jan’ 217° F916; 
A 421876. 

Teenie Weenies go nutting. © J 2. 
2916: dae: Jan. 46,5 39168 (A 491502. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

daily or Sunday tribune] 

Donatpson (Alfred Lee)* Saranac 
Lake, N. Y. Chapters of Adirondack 
history. Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 1915, 
Jan. 6, 1916. [6 instalments] (Jn 
Saranac Lake news) [209 

(C) Dec, 2,-9,. 16, 25, 30, 1915. Fan. 
G. 1916: 2 «each Jan. 13, 1916; 
A 421657. 

Dorr (Rheta Childe) AS a woman 

sees it. (In New York Evening 

mail) [210-213 

Dec. 30, 1915. © Dec..30, 1915; 1 ec. 
Jan. =. 1916;. A 421407. 

Jan. 13; 1916" @ Jans £3, 291652. 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 421741. 

eee ay ASE: © Fan,’ 25; LLG 35'S Fe. 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 421746. 

Jam, 28, 1916... © Jan. 25, 41946; 2c. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422094. 

© Evening mail syndicate, 
New York. 


O. | DRromcoore (Will Allen)* Nashville. 

(In Nashville ban- 
ner ) [214, 215 

Jan. 15, 1916: @ Jan. 15, 199G=. 2 e 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 421756. 

Jan. 29, 1916. © Jan. 29, 1916; 1 e« 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422106. 

Song and story. 

DUKESMITH (Frank MHutchinson)* 
Meadville, Pa. Principles and prac- 
tice of salesmanship, a practical 
home-study course. Lecture 2, 3. 
Meadville, Pa., Dukesmith school of 
salesmanship [1915] 2 v. illus. 
Svo. [216, 217 : 

© Dec. 14, 28, 1915; 2 c. each and 
aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417525, 417526. 

Hart (Burton B.)* Melrose Highlands, 
Mass. When you need money you 
need it very much. [5] p. folder., 
illus. S8vo. [218 

© Oct. 1, 1915; 2 @ and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419874. 

ECCLESIASTICAL and liturgical calen- 
dar, 1916. 141. col. illus. fol. [Text 
parallel to binding] [219 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
7, 1916; A 417647; Diederich-Schae- 
fer co., Milwaukee. 

[EcKEL (C. L.)] Properties of three— 
I—beam column sections. (Jn Uni- 
versity of Colorado journal of engi- 
neering, Dec., 1915) [220 

© Dec. 24, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
A 421539; M. Ss. Ketchum, Boulder, 

Economy service co.*, New York. 

[221-224 . 

Bulletin no. A 137, Jan. 1, 1916. cover- 

title, 8 1. illus: ‘obl.. 8ve. © Jam 

5 1916; 2 ¢. and aff; Jan. 7, 1916> & 

no: ‘A®° 138, Jan. 25, 1916) cover: 
title, numb. 1. 445-452. illus. obl. 
Svo0;> (@rdansts5, yee 2 e. and aff. 
Jan. 20, 1916; A 4197 

Supplementary service. 
13f. ‘Suppl., Jan. 43936: p283—102. 
illus. obl. 8vo. © Jan. 4, 191; 2 

¢, and aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 417646. 

Bulletin no. A 138, suppl. Jan. 15, 
1916. cover-title, numb. 1. 103-110. 
tius: “Sve: ~@ Jan. 155 191Gee sre 
and aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419704. 

ELECTRICAL WORLD Service. [225, 226 
Creating business in the electrical field. 
cv) ps 16moes 44@: Jani 214d, AStese a2 

Ge and ati, Jan. 13, 1916; "A 419572. 

Power of acquaintance as an asset in 

"Bulletin ito; A 

business. [8] p. 16mo. © Jan. 25, 
Gs 2) -@ and al. Fant 27, 1996s A 
© McGraw pub. co., inc, New 



no. 1, 1916 


[ELGIn motor car corporation.] Winan- 
cial horn of plenty. cover-title, 19 
p. S8vo. [227 

© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 417541; Charles S. Rie- 
man, Chicago. 

ELLERY (Loren William)* St. Paul 
Park, Minn. I keep a bee. [4] p. 
32mo. [228 

© Dee 2F 1915; 2c. Jan., 10, 
1916; aff. Dec. 29, 1916; A 419524. 

ELLioTT (James W.)* Rochester, N. Y. 
Charity and champagne. [7] p. col. 
illus. Svo. = [229 

© Dee. 22, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A "419880. 

ELLIOTT nursery co.*, Pittsburgh. Se- 
lection of the best seeds in the best 
varieties, season 1916. 27, [1] p. 
illus. 4to. [236 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419466. 

Eitis (R. P.) Chicken dollars and 
sense. (im Philadelphia North 
American ) [231-233 

7. Planning the plant and buildings. © 
Pie. to1G te) Jan. 15, L916; A 

8. Details of poultry house construction. 
fans G, 1916; 1 c¢,, Jan; 20,1916; 
A 421859 

9. Bonse location, fencing, water sup- 

miye © Jan. 25, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 26, 

1916; A 421998. 

© Matos advertising co., inc., Phil- 

Emporium world millinery co.*, Chi- 
cago. Art cut service. [Jan. 6, 
1916] Sheet, illus., 22 by 284 inches. 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419500. 

ENTERPRISE development co. Enter- 
prise development company. [4] p. 
16mo. [235 

©) Jan. 19, (1916; 2c Jan. 21, 
1916; aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 419871; 
Samuel L. Thomas, Washington, Il. 

Erickson (KE. H.) artificial limb co. 
Something new & without cost. [12] 
p. folder, illus. 16mo. [236 

© July 15, 1915; 2 ec. July 21, 
1915; aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417697; 
E. H. Erickson, Minneapolis. 

[Errett (Jane R.)] ed. [237, 2388 

Standard lektions-bilderkarten. 1. viertel- 
jabr. jhrg 18, no. 1, 2 januar, 26 
miirz, 1916, 1-13 lektion. 13 cards, 
printed on both sides, col. illus., 4 

by 3 inches. © Dec. 28, 19ND Zee, 
wait. 4, t9IG- an. Jan. 5 A916: A 

[HRrReEtTrT (Jane R.)] ed.—Continued. 

Standard picture lesson cards. 1st quar- 
ter Jan..2—Mar.*.26; 21916, sv. 28i-no. 
1, pt. 1-13. 18 cards, printed on both 
sides. col. illus. 4 by 38 inches. 
Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c.-Jan. 4, 1916; aff. 
van. 5, 1916; A 417622. 

© Standard pub. co., Cincinnati. 

ERWIN (Howard W.) Buffalo Bill’s 
tireless chase; or, Duty knows no 
sleep. New York, Street & Smith 
L1StG), “sl19°p.- 12mo. (On cover: 
Far West library no. 206) $0.15. 


© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 

18, 1916; A 419680; Street & Smith, 
New York. 

Evans (Arthur L.) co.*, Boston. Di- 
rectory of trade names and brands 

of shoes. [Boston, Mass.] The Shoe- 
man [1915] p. 3-29. 4to. $2.00.— 

© Dees 23; 1915<.2 
7, 1916; A 417657. 

ec. and aif.. Jan. 

Evans (W. A.)* Chicago. How to 
keep well. (Jn Chicago daily or 
Sunday tribune) [ 241-255 

Consumption declining. © Jan. 25, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 27, 1916; A 422009. 

Light. oe Jani 225 1916: Lea Jans 27, 
1916; A 422007. 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 13, 
1916; A 421643. 

Peril, in dust; i.@, Jan. 247:1916;: 1. .c. 
Jan. 27, 1916; A 422008. 

Public schools and epidemics. © Jan 
16, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 21, ee A 421877. 

Pyorrhoea symptoms. © J 8, 1916; 
ie Jant 235. 1916s 7A 421642. 

Rural physical types. © Jan. 19, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 21, 1916; A 421882. 

Sanitary gains in 1915. © reas 2, LOLG § 
1c. Jan. 6, 1916; A 421503 

Season of peril. © Jan. ao 1916; tc, 
Jan. 21, 1916; A 421879 

Skating craze. © Jan. 18, TOTG a -c. 
Jam, 21, 19162 A 421881. 

Time for extreme care. © Jan. 17, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 21, 1916; A 421880. 

To avoid grip and pneumonia. © Jan 
1, 191G sc. Jan. 13, 1916; A 421644. 

Uncared foe paralysis. © Jan. 23, 1916; 
1 c. Jan. 27, 1916; A 422005. 

Value of humidity. © Jan. 14, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 21, 1916; A 421878. 
© Jan 

Work of health Cina iceiania: 
4, tots 1c. Jan: 13; 191635 A 421641. 

EVANSVILLE, Ind. Bennett directory 
co.’s Evansville city directory, 1916. 
v. 50. Evansville, Ind., Bennett di- 
rectory co., 1916. 1083. p. 8vo. 
$7.00. [256 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 c Jan. 6, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 8, 1916; A 418375; Bennett 
directory co., Evansville, Ind. 




EVENING TELEGRAPH*, Philadelphia. 

Spirit of the American press. Dec. 22, 
23, 1915. [2 instalments] © Dec. 22, 
23, 1916; 1 c. each Jan. 4, 1916; 
A 421442-421448. 

Spirit of the Italian press. Dec. a 
1915. © Dec. 24, 1915; 1 ec. Jan. 4, 

1916; A 421444. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Philadel- 
phia Evening telegraph] 
FAIRBANKS, Morse & co.*, Chicago. 

Fairbanks, Morse & co. sealed glass jar 

storage batteries DDRG—7 and EERG— 
e -illus. 8vo. (Bulletin H 200) 
© Nov. 5, 1915; 2 ec. and afi. Jan. 
oO 19165" A 417604. 

Fairbanks-Morse direct acting, steam 
artesian well engines. 2 p. abe 
8vo. (Bulletin H 205) © Dec. 22 
1915 + 2 c; and att: dan... 5, 494. 6: 
A 417608. 

Fairbanks-Morse typhoon power pumps, 

single cylinder-double acting. p. 
illus. S8vo. (Bulletin no. 179) © 
Dee. 15, 1915; 2 c. ,and aff. Jan. 5, 

A 417601. 

Instructions no. 2117 G for erecting 
Fairbanks-Morse 8’, 10’, and 12’ type 
W steel windmills on wood or steel 
tower. Sth ed. 11 p. illus., diagrs. 
Syo....6) Dec: 9, 191s: 2. .¢. and ag. 
Jan. 5, 1916; A 417597. 

no. 2894 for starting and operating 
Fairbanks-Morse type N B horizontal 
oil engines, 382-60 H. P. Ast ed. 
cover-title, [1], 17 p. illus., diagrs. 
Sve. © Oct. 25, 19155 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 5, 1916; A 417599. 

no. 2407 for setting up and op- 
erating Fairbanks-Morse 1% dct 2 
Z hit and miss easoline engine. 

, 22 - Dp. diluss  dizaers. “Svo. 
© Oct. 21, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417598. 

no. 2409 for setting up, operating 
and care of the mor-lite plant. 17 p. 
diagrs. Svo. © Noy. 16, 1915; 2 «. 
and aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 417596. 

no. 2411 for setting up and op- 
erating Fairbanks-Morse no. 1A eclipse 
engine. cover-title, 16 p. illus., 
diagrs. Sva.. 40)" Sept. “FF, 7975. 2 ec 
and aff. Jan. Dy 1916: A "417600. 

Repair parts list no. 8117 for Taleban ks 
Morse 8’, 10’ and 12’ type W steel 
windmills on wood or steel tower. 8 
nis. oye. “oO Dec. OL Totnes "2 e. 
and aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 417595. 

no. 9117 for Fairbanks-Morse 8’, 10’ 
and 12’ type W steel windmills on 
wood or steel tower. 11 « adlus:, 
diagrs. Svo. © Dec. 10, 1915; 2 ¢. 
and aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 417606. 

no. 9407 for Fairbanks-Morse 1% 
H. P. type Z hit-and- -miss gasoline en- 
gime. ‘6 p. .illus., diagrs. ‘Svo. © 
Dee. 18, 1915; 2c. and aif. Jan. 5, 
1916; A 417605. 

no. 9410 for Fairbanks-Morse type 
Z horizontal oil engines, 10 and 15 
mM. P: . illus., diagrs. 8vo. © 
Dee. 13, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 5, 
1916 ; A 417607. 

1916 ; 

pt. 1, n.s., v. I8 


FAIRBURN (William 
Short Hills, N. J. 

Analysis of the individual, his study 
and reading. 12 p. S8vo. (Personal 
analysis and efficiency test, self analy- 
sis series no. 2) © Jan. 8, ¥916;; 2*e. 
and aff. Jan. 11, 1916; A 419557. 

-——his vocation, salesmanship. / 24 p. 
8vo.  ( Personal analysis and stgene 
test, self- analyss series no. 8 A) 

Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. ‘and ar. gam. 21. 
1916; A 419558. 

his work and influence. 10 p. 
Svo. (Personal analysis and efficienc 
test, self-analysis series no. 1) 
Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. .and a. Jan. 24. 
1916; "A 419559. 

FAIRCHILD pub. co.*, New York. 
[275, 276 

New York, Fairchild’s men’s wear di- 
rectory. v.45, no. 2). sprme AStGe 
cover-title, 520 p. illus. 32mo. $0.25. 
© Jan. 13, 1916; 2 c. and aft. Jan. 18, 
1916; A 419662. 

New York, Fairchild’s women’ S wear di- 
rectory. . V...6; He. 1916. 
cover-title, 616 p. a Ln © 
Jan. 27, 1916; 2 ©. and aff. Jan. 29, 
1916; A 425044. 

exchange*, Denver. 
Business _ literature. cover-title, 
[124 p., 2A. del: [277 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 425028. 

FARMERS’ realty 

FAULTLESS rubber co.*, Ashland, O. 
Turn your rubber goods into cash. 
Jan., 1916. cover-title, 16 p. illus. 
fol. [278 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419467. 

FEATHERSTONE (Edward A.)* Los 
Angeles. Catalog of the best motor 
ear supplies, 1915-1916. 208 p. 
illus. 8vo. [279 

© Oct. 8, 1915; 2 ec. Dec. 8, 1915; 
aff. Dec. 20, 1915; A 419674. 

FEDERAL School of commercial design- 
ing, inc.*, Minneapolis. Commercial 
design—photo retouching. 1 p. lL, 
20 numb. 1. loose plates (part fold.) 
fol. (Bulletin 7) [280 

© Dee. 20, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419518. 

Frereus County, Mont. Farmers’ di- 
rectory company’s farmers’ diree- 
tory, Fergus County., Mont., 1916— 
1917. [Bozeman, Mont., Printed by 
the Republican courier co.] 1916. 
288 p. illus. Svo. $2.00. [281 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 420289; Farmers’ direc- 
tory co., Bozeman, Mont. 




no. 1, 1916 

Ferro concrete construction co.*, Cin- 
cinnati. Building your building 
right. 27 p. illus. 8vo. [282 

© Dee. 14) 1915; 2.e@ Jan. 21, 
1916; aff. Jan. 18, 1916; A 420486. 

Frestner (FEF. Julius)* Qmaha, Neb. 
Abstract and summary of cases on 
contracts, v. 2, by F. J. Festner and 
Bart J. Kruger. Omaha, Neb., Fest- 
ner printing company, 1915. 36 p. 
12mo. $0.75. [283 

Cp Dee, <20;- 1915; 2. c. : Dee....20, 
1915; aff. Dec. 30, 1915; A 419426. 

FEUCHTINGER (Hugene) Perfect voice 
instructions for developing the vocal 

organ. 29, [1] p. col. illus. 4to. 
[Text parallel to binding] [284 
© Nov, 18, 1915; 2:6 Nov.215, 

1915; aff. Dec. 11, 1915; A 414995; 
Perfect voice institute, Chicago. 

FIDELITY mutual life insurance co.*, 
Philadelphia. Income for life. 
Sheet, printed on both sides, 12 by 
934 inches. [285 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419568. 

FILENE’s (William) sons co.*, Boston. 
This little book looks the question 
of clothes squarely in the face. 
cover-title, 23 p. illus. 16mo. [286 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419702. 

Foster (William Thomas)* Washing- 
ton. Foster’s weather’ bulletin, 
Mavot.a5. 22, 29, June 5, 1915. : [5 
instalments] (Jn Minneapolis Prog- 
ress ) [287-291 

© May 1, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 1915; 
1 e. each Jan. 8, 1916; A 421540- 

FOSTER INSTITUTE of domestic arts and 

sciences. [292-295 
Corsets and close-fitting patterns. 1st 
ed. 4. New York, N. Y., Education 

corporation general, [1915] cover- ics 

28, 2) p. illus. 5 diagrs. 8vo. © Au 
GS, 19105 2 c. and aff; Jan. 3, 1916; 
A 417512. 

House aprons and caps. Ist ed. 8. 
New York, N. Y., Education corpora- 
tion general, [1915]  cover- Aad 49, 
2 pi illus. diagr. S8vo. 2 
hoa, 2 ¢. and: aff. Jan. 3, 1916; 
A 417515. 

Laces and silks. 1st ed. 6. New York, 
N. Y., Education corporation general, 
[1915] cover-title, 53, 2 p._ illus. 
8vo. © Sept. 17, 1915; 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 417514. 

legit to———2 

FOSTER INSTITUTE of domestic arts and 

Tight linings and boning. ist ed. 5. 
New York, N. Y., Education corporation 

general, |1915]  cover-title, 42, 2 p. 
illus. 8vo. © Aug. 20, 1915; 2 c. and 
aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417513. 

© Edueation corporation general, - 
New York. 

FRASER (James 8.)* Boston. [296-298 

I am a jolly sailor. Sheet, 7 by 6 inches. 
© Jan. 10, 1916; 2c. and aie: Jan, 13, 
1916; A 419614. 

Right here in the U. A. Sheet, 7 by 6 
inches. © Jan. 10, a iaaee Paes and aff. 
Jan. 13, 1916; A 419615. 

Soldiers of the Scotch brigade. Sheet, 
by* G inches; ..@: ‘Jan. 10, 1916; 
2c and aff. Jan. 18; 1916; A "419616. 

FREMONT (Geo. R.)* Waterbury, Conn. 
[299, 300 

Beneath the magnolia’s shady leaves; or 
I love to sit and idly dream. Sheet, 
82 by 5% inches. © Jan. 6, 1916; 2 e. 
and aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 417636, 
[Copyright is claimed on new matter] 

Just driftwood. Sheet, 8% by 5% inches. 
© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Jan. 7, 

1916; A 417685. 

Froest (Frank)* Teddington, Eng- 
land. Greye-Stratton mystery. [2d 
instalment] (J2 Premier magazine, 
Jan., 1916) [301 

©1 e@ Jan. 3, 1916; A ad int. 
2539; pubd. Dee. 3, 1915. 

FULLER (Mrs. M. R.)* Bennetville, 
Minn. Maiden’s prayer. (Jn Ait- 
kin independent age) [302 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 27, 1916; 

A 422014. 
G. G. GREEN’s almanae, 1916. cover- 
title, 32 p. illus. 8vo. [303 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 « and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419678; George G. Green, 
Woodbury, N. J. 

M. & M. mfg. co. Don’t swat the 
fly. Sheet, illus., printed on both 
sides, 64 by 34 eperes [3804 

© Dee. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
12S WOLG. A. 41957 8: Senin B. God- 
dard, Detroit. 

GALENO (Osecar)* San  YFrancisco. 
Spanish conversational and pictorial 
course of thirty-three lessons with 
an appendix of regular and irregu- 
lar verbs. San Francisco, Cal,, 


Printed by Reynard press, 1915. 89 
numb: © ‘1. illus. 24mo. $0.75. 
[Text parallel to binding [3805 

© Oct. 15, 1995+ -2-¢. Dee: -20, 
1915; aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 419474. 



GARRETT (Garet) [806-308 

Germany on a bDiind errand. © Jan. 
25, A916 3d oe. fan. «27,7 298Gb ro A 

How Germans react to war. © Jan. 
26> A9IGs 1 Jes Jan, W2T, A916; A 

How Germany pays for war. © Jan. 
20, S165: 154¢, fam. Di wate A. 

[Note: The foregoing are in New York 
times. ] 
© New York times co., New York. 

GARVIN (John L.) [309, 310 

Asquith has saved his government with 
drait. .-@ Jan 2, 429163 a ¢.c3an. 4, 
1916; A 421432. 

Tin trident no weapon against Germans. 
@ Jan. 30; 191654 ef imeby 1; 1916; 
A 422115. 
[Note: The foregoing are in New York 


© Tribune assn., New York. 

GELTz (M. Camille)* Canton, O. 
fei t. ol2 

Death, the price of sin. cover-title, [10] 
p. 12mo. {Motion picture scenario] 
@ Jan; 15, 1916; 2 ecand-aff..Jan..18, 
1916; A 419681. 

Man within him, an original photo play. 
cover-title, [10] p. i2mo. © Jan. 6, 
19163° 2c. Jan. 7, 1O8Gs all. Janur L5, 
1916; A 41986690. 

GENERAL ELECTRIC ¢co.*, Schenectady, 
N. Y. Bulletin no. 46023. Are cir- 

cuit voltage indicator. Dec., 1915. 
[2] p. illus., diagrs. 4to. [Sis 
©, Dee. 29, 1915" 2c. Dee. oi, 

1915; aff. Jan. 8, 1916; A 419519. 

town, O. Substructural waterproof- 
ing. 48 p. illus., diagrs. 16mo. 

©. Decr 14, 191d: 2 ¢} Dee. 15, 
1915; aff. Jan. 7, 1915; A 417653. 

GENESEE advertising service. How to 
sell goods by mail. 56 p.  8vo. 
$3.00. [315 

© Aug. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
BOy. TOPS ss) 419523 ; Edwin K. 
Draper, Utica, N. Y. 

co.*, Joliet, Til. I 
am the calendar. Sheet, illus. 8 by 
10 inches. [3816 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 417501. 

GERMAN-AMERICAN trust co. [317, 318 

Results. {8} ps 16ni0. © Jans 7, 1916 ; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417680. 

Woman’s wishes. [5] p. folder. 16mo. 
© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 10, 
1916; A 417681. 

© R. P. Purse, Chattanooga. 



pt. 1, 2. Ss 

GERNSBACK (Sidney) Wireless course 
[in twenty lessons] by S. Gernsback, 
A. Lesearboura & H. W. Secor. 5th 

ed. [New York, Electro importing 
co., 1915] cover-title, 160 p.  illus., 
ports., diagrs. S8vo. [319 

© Dee. 10, 1915; 2 c. Dee. 31, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 419533; Electro 
importing co., New York. 

GIFForD (Charles Bright)* Muskogee, 
Okla. Taking notes in adjustment 
of old accounts. In re:—collection 
service. (Jn Modern methods, Oct., 
1915) [320 

© Oct. 1, 1915; 1 ce. Jan. 3, 1916; 
A 421418. 

GiIRAULT (Caro G.)* Chicago. Gather 
up the fragments. [12] p.  obl. 
382mo. (Cover-title: Just fragments. ) 
$0.25. [321 

© Dee. 21, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419498. 

Guass (Montague) [322, 323 

Birsky and Zapp on presidents out of 
work. © Jan. 30, LG;.1 «,Behs I, 
1916; A 422116. 

Christmas is dying out, say Birsky and 
Zapp. © Jan. 2, 1916; 1 ¢« Jan. 4, 
1916, A 423434. 

[ Note: The foregoing are in New York 

© Tribune assn., New York. 

GoBEL (Grace L.)* New Egypt, N. J. 
' (824, 325 

May gladness reign. 2 1]. illus. 24mo. 
SO. To. ©. Dec. 15:)° 1915 4.2 2 bee 
20, 1915; aff. Jan. 43. 1916; A 419577. 

Merry Christmas to ae my friend. 2 1. 
illus. aane- $0.1 Dec, 1 
1915; ce. Dec. 30. 1915; at.’ Jam. 
iS; 1016 - A 41957 6. 

Gottos (A. M.) Practical study at 
the. theatre. [Chicago] Elbert 
Moore [1915] 16 p. S8vo. ([Sereen 
talk no. 2, for Elbert Moore’s course 
of instruction and _ criticism in 
writing the photoplay]) [826 

© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Dee. 
29, 1915; A 418356; T. L. Shaw, Chi- 

GRASSHOPPER, 40th jump, Christmas, 
1915-523 spo ilbus.- L6m0sseeegtaen 

© Dee. 18, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417619; Skinner & Ken- 
nedy stationery co., St. Louis. 

GREEN (Wrederick H.)* Muscatine, Ia. 

[328, 329 
Echoes from old Kentucky. Sheet, 7 by 
5 inches. © Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ec. and 

afr. Jan. 12; £916: A. A417 FOT. 

When you gave me your heart and I gave 
you mine. Sheet, 7 by 5 inches. © 
Jan.” 8; 1916: 2 -c, and. an. Sane i 
1916; A 417706. 



no. 1, 1916 

GREEN (Gladys) * Los 
Changed. Sheet, 84 by 6 
[Motion picture scenario] [330 

Seger 20. 1915: 2 ¢.. Dee: 27, 
1915; aff. Jan. 10, 1915; A 419538. 

-GREENEBAUM sons bank and trust co.*, 
Chicago. 6% systematic savings 
plan. [4] p. illus. 4to. [3381 

Sewer 1s, 1915: 2 c. Dec. 24, 
1915; aff. Dec. 27, 1915; A 417608. 

_ GREENEWALD (Henry) co. Choosing a 
situation. cover-title, 12 p._ illus. 
Svo. [332 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2) c. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419619; Henry Greene- 
wald, Philadelphia, 


GREENWOOD (May S.)* Petaluma, Cal. 
Mother pioneers and other poems. 
[16] p. port.’ 16mo. $0.50. [333 

arene 20; 1915;°-2 cc Nov. 1, 
1915; aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 419668. 

[Grecory (Clifford V.)] Songs of the 
lazy farmer. [Chicago, Ill., Printed 
by Post printing co., 1916] cover- 
title, 48 p. illus. S8vo. [83 

eins, 1916: 2 ¢,. Jan. 8, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417690; Prairie 
farmer pub. co., Chicago. 

GrRecory (Thomas B.) [335-838 

Chic ken oath. @ Jan. 9, 1916; 1 «c. 
Pan ts, 196: A 4291755. 

Sijory of living. © Dec. 12, 1915; 1 ec. 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 421446. 

Luck and pluck. © Dec. 26, 1915; 1 ec. 
Jan. 8, 1916; A 421553. 

Salonica. © Jan. 2, 1916; 1 ¢c. Jan. 13, 
1916; A 421648. 

pMiate:: The foregoing are in Pitts- 
burgh gazette times] 

© Newspaper feature service, inc., 
New York. 

Griccs (Sutton EH.) How 
Memphis, Tenn., National 
welfare league [1915] 
$0.25. [839 

eee a0, 1915: 2 ce Jan. 6, 
1916; aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 419633; 
Emma Jane Griggs, Memphis, Tenn. 

cmt) mic eo., inc.*, 
Red head spark plugs; 

72 p. 16mo. 


ever-good motor necessities. cover- 
title, 64 p. illus. (part col.) 8vo. 

© Jan, 17, 1916; 
20, 1916; A 419712. 

GUARANTY securities co.*, Lincoln, Neb. 

Ze, dud fit, Jan. 

10 year loan plan. Card, printed on 
both sides, 4 by 7 inches. © Dec. 27, 

1915; 1 c. and aff. Dec. 29, 1915; 1 c. 
Dec. 30, 1915; A 425088. 

to rise. ' 


GUARANTY securities co.*—Continued. 

15 year loan plan. Card. printed on both 
sides, 4 by 7 inches. © Dec. 27, 1915; 
tees and att. Dee. ZOOS sis exec. 
30, 1915; A 425039. 

20 year loan plan. Card, printed on both 
sides, 4 by 7 inches. © Dec. 27, 1915; 
1-e@; and aft. Dec. 29,, 21915: 1 ec Dec: 
30, 1915; A 425040. 

Haas” (Albert) German 
meets test of wartime drain. (/n 

New York tribune) [344 
© dJan..3-219165 1.3 dan. 4,916; 

A 421486; Tribune assn., New York. 

HAHN (Lew) Dress up, the familiar 
miracle. New York, Fairchild press, 
1916. 3p.1, 46 p. 16mo. $0.25. 


© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ce. and aff. Jan. 

18, 1916; A 419673; Fairchild press, 
inc., New York. 


HaiteEy (Mayme B.)* Kansas City, 
Mo. High school teacher-training ex- 
amination questions of Missouri for 
1914-1915. 31 p. 12mo. $0.50. 

©: Nove & 19155 2°e. Nov: (5; 1915; 
aif. Jan. 3, 1916; A 419536. 

HAISELDEN (Harry J.)* Chicago. 
Story of Baby Bollinger. (Jn Chi- 
cago evening American) [347-355 
Foreword. © Nov. 24, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 

14, 1916; A 421728. 
chap. 5c [6 pista es © Noy. 26-— 

Dec 1915; 1 c. each Jan. 14, 1916; 
A “Gor70t rR 719. 

chap.-d25contd: :@! Decs 15; 19155- 1 “ec. 
Dee. 30, 19153-A 421748. 

ehap? 20. - (© DeGes0; 1925s Loe.i Jan. 
3, 1916; A 421424. 

Hate. (Mary E.)* Barre, Vt. [356, 357 

From secret haunts in hollow and wood. 
Card, col. illus. 3 by 43 inches. $0.10. 
© Dec. 2A NOt 2 (Ce An aii aly, 
at OG A 417489. 

Peace of Easter. 2 1]. col. illus. i16mo. 
SOLZOy = Gi Deer 2 191 42-c: and 
aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417490. 

Hamiin (Alice B.) Hope of the 
world. New York, Missionary edu- 
cation movement of the United 
states and Canada [1916] 8 p. 
illus. 8vo. $0.75 per 100. [358 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419877; Missionary edu- 
cation movement of the United 
States and Canada, New York. 

HARKINS (William D.)* hicago. 
Periodic system and the properties 
of the elements, by William D. Har- 
kins and R. E. Hall. (Jn Journal 
of the American chemical society, 
Feb., 1916) [359 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 1 ¢ Feb. 2, 1916; 
A 422120. 




Harmon (Christopher) * White Plains, 

ING ee: Register’s docket [and] 
county clerk’s docket. (Jn Eastern 
state journal) [3850, 361 

Dec. 23—Dec. 29, 1915. © oe £eiPO16.: 
ie. 7Jan. 3, 1916; A 421404 

Jan. 6-12, 1916. © Jan. 15, 1916; nies 
Jan. £7, 1916; A 421750. 

Harmony cafeteria. Eat the harmony 
way. Dec. 14, 1915. (Jn Chicago 
daily or Sunday tribune) [862 

© Dee. 14, 1915; 1 «. Jan. 3, 1916; 

A 421417; Thomas M. Bowers adv. 
agency, Chicago. 

HARTSHORN (Winnifred)* Kansas 
City, Mo. Rules of instruction for 

the use of Acme tailoring system. 

Kansas City, Mo., Press of J. C. 

Bovard, 1915. 19 p. 12mo. $0.25. 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 419659. 

Harvey Blodgett’s book for bankers. 
Veo, no: 4, Dec. 191s. 56 p; .d2moe. 

© Dee. 17, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419726; Harvey Blodgett 
co., St. Paul. 

[Hastines (James Syme)] Bits of by- 
play, by Luke MecLuke_ § [pseud.] 
[Each 5 instalments] (Jv Cincin- 
nati enquirer) [385-379 
Jan. 2-6, 1916. © Jan. 2-6, 1916; 1c. 

each Jan. 8, 1916; A 421546421550. 

Jan. 7-11, 1916. © Jan. 7-11, 1916; 
1 e. each Jan. 139 190G : GA 421651— 

Jan. 12-16, 1916. 
1° ec. each Jan. 

© Cincinnati enquirer, Cincinnati. 

© Jan. 12-16, 1916; 
21, 1916; A 421862- 

Hesert (Louis A.)* Chicago. Melting 
pot sales association of America, v. 
3, no. 3719-3733, 10-15 to 11-27-15. 
2v. 4to. $300.00. [380, 381 

© Oct. 29, Nov. 27, 1915; 2 ¢. each 
and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417683, 

HENDERSON (Peter) & co.*, New York. 

Iiverything for the garden. 1916. 
cover-title, 206 p. illus. (part col.) 
Ato. [382 

© Jan; 1, 1016; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 417701. 

HENSHAW motor co.*, Boston. Mak- 
ing the dollar. (Jn Boston globe) 

©) Jan, 2, 1916: 1 c. Jan. 6; 1996; 
A 421506. 



pt. lL ae eS 

(Georg) Heinrich Schon, 
junior. anfang, 1—40. forts., schluss. 
[42 instaiments] (Jn Vossische zei- 
tung, 19. sept.—6. noy., 1915) [384 

© Sept. 19-Nov. 6. 1915; 1 « each 
Dec. 6, 1915; A—Foreign 13327; 
Egon Fleischel & co., Berlin. 

Herrick (Myron T.)* Cleveland. How 
to finance the farmer; private enter- 
prise, not aid, by Myron T. Herrick 
and R. Ingails. Cleveland, O., The 
Ohio state committee on rural cred- 
its and cooperation, 1915. 3 p. L, 
58 p. S8vo. $0.50. [385 

© Dee. 8, 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 4, 1916; 

aff. Dee. 13, 1915; A 4175890. 
HErRIcK & Bennett*, New York. Ma- 
turity calculator, 1916. ...Circular 

card, with dials attached, 54 inches 
in diameter. [386 

© Dee. 24, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Dec. 
27, 1915; A 419654. 

Hicks (Reese V.) How to make the 
winter flock declare paying divi- 
dends. (Jn Philadelphia inquirer.) 


© Jan. 9, 1916; 1 @ Jan. 15, 1916; 

A 421721; Eugene McGuckin ¢o., 

HoGwaALLow news, Jan. 15, 1916. (Ju 
Lineoln chronicle and Millinoket 
journal) [388 

© Jan. 15; 1916: tne Jame 
1915; A 421869; Adams syndicate, 
Madisonville, Ky. 

HoNoLuLu, Hawaii. Traffic speed and 
automobile registration ordinances 
of the city and county of Honolulu; 
ordinances nos. 56, 63, 71, 73, and 
88 abridged and comp. by J. M. Mon- 
‘sarrat. 29 p. 16mo. (Cover-title: 
Autoists’ blue book, Lp ai [389 
© Dee. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419713: James Melville 
Monsarrat, Honolulu, Hawaii. 

[Horr (Chester R.)] [890-3898 

Before the days of Christopher Colum- 
bus. -@ Jan. 2,, 91@y 2 44 Jaa 
1916; A 421536. ; 

Laundress, chorus girl, peeress, war 
widow, trench angel. © Jan. 2, 1916; 
ive.’ Jan.:6;° 1916 ; -A 424585 

Medal for modern Joan of nee © Jan 
9,.1916.; 1c. Jan: 14, 1916: A £91732. 

Movies not imitation of spoken drama. 
© Jan. 2, 1916; 1. ¢..Jdan 6; 19867 
A 4215387. 

Newest scientific discoveries and remark- 
able facts. Jan. 2, 1916. © Jan. 2, 
19165 .1 c. Jan. 6, 19165 A 421588: 

Jan. 9, 1916. @© Jan. 9, 1916; 1 «. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421734, 


no. 1, 1916 

{Hore (Chester R.) ]—Continued. 

She didn’t want to be a movie actress at 
all. jan. o, 1916: Le: Jan. 214, 
1916; A 421781. 

Society turns pagan. © Jan. 9, 1916; 
ie. gan. 14,7 1916; A 421730. 

Will the survival of the unfit force 
women to draft a new moral code? 
Ce ann Os O16 = Te. Jan. 14, 1916; 
A 4217338. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Cleveland 
Sunday leader.] 

© Cleveland co., Cleveland. 

HorcuKin (W. H.) Bigger, better 
business. Selling possibilities in 
Ameriea. (Jn Chicago herald) [399 

ian 26 1916: 1. c. Jans 27, 
1916; A 422001; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

HoTcHKIN (W. R.) ~ Bigger, better 
business. (Jn Chicago herald) 
[400, 401 

Generation of manufacturing deveilop- 
ment. oC san. 24, 1916; 1'c. Jan. 25, 
1916; A 421982. 

Men who stand still. © Jan. 25, 1916; 
fe. Jan. 26, 1915; A 421986. 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Horcuxiss (Louise Chapman)* Bos- 
ton. Beils of 1916. Sheet, 84 bv 
53 inches. [402 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2c. and aff. cs 
20, 1916; A 419689. 

Hovse (Elwin Lineoln)* Hood River, 
Ore. [403, 404 
Bridge of faith. lta oF 16mo. $0.20. 
©, Dec. 1, 1915; Crna. S71 916): 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; aa 419528. 

Psychology of success. Ger) eta, .D> 
16mo. $0.20. © Dec. 30, 1915; 7a 
and aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 419442, 

Houston ship channel facts. v. 1, no. 
4, Dece., 1915. [16] p. illus., maps. 
16mo. $0.01. [405 

ic) * Dec. 15,1915; 2 c. Dec. 23, 
Pye nan. Jan, 10, 1916: 417717: 
Julia Cameron Montgomery, Hous- 

Howarp (Arthur Platt)* Burlington, 
Vt. Selling jewels to multimillion- 
aires; illustrations by Will Grefe. 
Burlington, Vt., The Daye press, 
for. 4. p. 1, 11-78, [1], p. _ plates. 
8vo. [406 

© Dec. 16, 1915; 2c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 419534. 

Howertt (Charles M.)* New York. 
Billionaire power; the remedy. 
cover-title, 64 p. S8vo. $0.25. [407 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419555. 


Hoy (Ben)* Plainwell, Mich. How 
long, O Lord, how long? (Jn Plain- 
well enterprise) [468 

Gr tan: G7 1916 =e: Jan. .o, tore ° 
A 421545. 
Hoyneg (Thomas Temple) 
Hardy shooting bares scandal. 

CO GI e i Coes RAD 
AS eae 
Inj.cold, type... ©) Jan. 12. 49165, ec. 
Jan. 05; 1916; A 421724. 

Slants at all angles, by the veteran. 
Wane ole.” CO dane 2 LOU =. Le, 
Fane tos TOG vAr 4126. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Patriot] 
© Thomas T. Hoyne, ine., Chi- 

© Jan. 
1916:° A 

Claus did come. 

Evelyn) Santa 
[14] p. 24mo. 
; [412 
©! Dee. 1915s) 2 ves Dee 128; 
195i afl. Tan. 5. bOtG> > A -AlTE09 : 
Charles Lawrence Huff, Philadel- 
Hvuie-Locxe (Flora E.)* Buffalo. 
Foundation of music in rhymes and 
songs for beginners. Rev. ed. 

cover-title, 1 p.1. 3832p. 8vo. $0.50. 
© Jan. 4, 1916: 2 ¢.Jan. 7, 1916; 

aff. Jan. 15, 1916; . 419650. 

homes medicine co.*, 
Ungtiento maravihoso 



© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 425021. 

HUNGERFORD (U. T.) brass & copper 
co.*, New York. Brass and copper 
{eatalogue] cover-title, 404 p. illus. 
Svo. [415 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 420309. 

Hurrtsut (Jesse Lyman) Superin- 
tendent’s helper. 1916. New York, 
Cincinnati, The Methodist book con- 
cern [1915] 175 p. 24mo. $0.25. 


© Sept. 17, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 

8, 1915; A 414985; Methodist book 
concern, New York. 

Huston (Frank M.) [417-419 

Looking back. (Jn Buildings and_build- 
ing management, Dec., 1915) © Dec. 
11915 i ce. Dee. 31, 1915; A 421663. 

What the country needs, October, 1915. 

New York. 
de Dr. Humphreys. 
cover-title, [7] p. illus. 

(In Hotel bulletin, Oct., 1915) © 
Oct. ae ia Te: Deck 31, TOT Pek. 

Nov., 1915. (In Hotel bulletin, 

Novy.,, 1915). .© Nov..1,,1915 5 1.¢, Dec. 

81, 1915; A 421662 
© Maurice B. Kovnat, Chicago. 


[409-411 - 



IKNOW co.*, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Sys- 
tem of success development. 13 1. 
port. 4to. $2.00. [Text parallel to 
binding] [420 

©: Dee. 9, 1915; 2 ¢. Dec: 10,1915: 
aff. Dec. 24, 1915; A 419431. 

IMPERIAL rubber co.*, New York. 
Hose. 19 p. illus. 12mo. [421 
(©) -Nov: 30,: 1915;'°2".c. Dee =22. 

1915; aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 419432. 

INDIANA rural credit assn.*, Indian- 

apolis. Indiana rural credit asso- 
ciation. cover-title, 15 [1] p. nar. 
Svo. [422 

© Nov. 10, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417671. 

INLAND printer co.*, Chicago. Cata- 
logue of practical books about print- 
ines 0 OOD. «+ LUWSi ‘Swo, [423 

© Dee, 18, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
80, 1915; A 419640. 

INSURANCE press*, New York. Initia- 
tive. (Jn Insurance press, Jan., 
1916) [424 

cams D2. 

1916; A 422104. 

CES ie ee ceed Fp ees 

(in New 

ASIG2 k e¢: 

INTERNATIONAL news service*, 
York. Kabibbie kabaret. 
York evening journal) 
Jam, -25-- 1996. Jane. Zhe 

Jan. 26, 1916; A 421996. 

Jan. 26, 19165. © Jan, 26, 
Jan. 27, 1916; A 422010. 

Jane 28016. “© Jane 2S, 
Jan. 29, 1916; A 422088. 

Fane ZO Lo 6. sO@rmians, 29: 
gan. 31, 1916; A 422091. 

IRWELL (Lawrence) Short detective 
stories. cover-title, 4, 4, 4 p. 8vo. 
$1.00. Contents.—A unique use for 
teeth—The theft of the VeSpasian 
signet—Why Henderson libelled 
himself. [429 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2..c. and. aff. Jan. 
7, 1916; A 417660; Hamilton news- 
paper syndicate, New York. 

(Alois von)* Monticello, 
American perfumer-synfleur 
[430, 431 

Alon. winse tol," ©" wec 
2 te wand. ate San. 4, 719065 
A 4194438. 

no.467 Az, [41 4p illus... fol... -©: Jan: 
Ot. Jt bys eC pane alk Panta, LOPES 
A 4250380. 

(W.. W.)* London. 
(In Strand magazine, 

Totes Te: 
POLG s+ =e; 
1916: "i" ec. 

Ne aye 
no. 66 A. 

ied OUD 


1915) [432 

©: tae. Deer 271, 191 be rAS ads int. 
2546; pubd. Nov. 25, 1915. 

pt. 1, n. s., v.13 

[JAMESON (Helen Follett)] [4383-446 

Oyster gray and flesh pink are the cor- 
rect colors, by Madame Qui Vive 
ipsene © Jan... 2, 1SiGy 17cm 
3, 1916; A 421481. 

Raffea hats, with Mother .Goose crowns, 
offered for southern wear, by Madame 
Qui Vive [pseud.] @ Jan. 23, 1916; 
1c Jan. 24, 1916; A 421972. 

What to wear and how to wear it, by 

Mme. Qui Vive’ [pseud.] Dec. 31, 
1915. © Dec Siigois? tie wen 
1916; A 421398. 
Jan. 1, 1916. ‘(@eseamrd oot. 
1 c. gan. 3, 1916; A 421400. 
Jan, 3, 2916; Jan. & I91G2 
5 yi oF oy 4, 1916; A rea 
Ja 5, fT6e 1G 5, “SO8Gs 
dae an 6, 1916; A 41456. 
Jan. 12, 1916. @.demee eee, 
te. Jan, 14, 1916; A 421669. 
Jan. 14, 1916. © Jan.. 14, i3re 
ie. Jan. 15, 1916; A 42u715- 
Jan. 19, 1916. © Jan? 195 39860 
1 ec. Jan. 20, 1916; A 421851. 
Jan. 20, 1916. © Jan, 20, 1976; 
le. Jan. 21, 19163 A420 
—-Jan. 24, 1916. © Jan. 24, 1916; 
1 ¢«. Jan. 25, 1916; Avaatgss: 
Jan. 25, 1916.. © Jas. 2a, t008, 
1 ec. Jan. 26, 1916; A 421989. 
Jan. 26, 1916... @ Jan. 2ogseoeus 
1 ec. Jan. 27, 1916; A 422002. 
Jan. 29, 1916.  @ dan. 29; 1985; 

1 ec. Jan. 31, 1916; A 422083. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

JAMUN co. Jamun compound in dia- 
betes. cover-title,15 p. 12mo. [447 

© Nov. 30, 1915; 2 «. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417673; John P. Shep- 
herd, Minneapolis. 

JEFFREY (Wim. Riley) jr.*, Rosebury, 
Ore. Star of Bethlehem. Folded 
ecard, 8% by 3? inches. [448 

© Jan. 2, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417674. 

JELKE (John F.) co.*, Chicago. Jelke 
high grade margarine, from churn 
to consumer. cover-title, [16] p. 
illus. obl. 24mo. [449 

© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419878. 

JESSE (F. Tennyson)* % Hughes Mas- 
sie, London. Girl’s war journeys in 
France, nos. 14. [4 instaiments] 
(In Daily mail) [4590 

©1c. each Jan. 25, 1916; A ad int. 
2551; pubd. Dec. 28-31, 1915. 
JCHNSON (Helen Louise) [451, 452 

Budget. [4] p. illus. 4to. © Jan. 18, 
1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 20! 191G. 

Home management. [4] p. illus. 4to. 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 20, 
1916; A 419729. 

© American bankers’ service, ine., 
Gouverneur, N. Y. 



no. 1, 1916 473 
JOHNSTON (R. M.) Low speed elimi- | KEEPSAFE co.*, ine., New York. Keep- 
nates navy as defence factor. 7th safe, the unstealabie strong box. 
article. (Jn New York tribune) 15 p. illus. 24mo. [465 
[453 © Nov. 6, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 

fda. 1916; 1c. Jan. -4,°1916 ; 3, 1916; A 417516. 

aad ge sn., New York. : : 
ere a eee Assn. Ketter (David H.) Practical sugges- 

tions on claim adjustments. Case 

JuxL i vesterheimen, 1915. Minneapo nO. 79-81. (iw Industrial review, 

lis, Augsburg publishing house Dec.. 1915 466 
[1915] [48] p. illus. (part col.) ns ee Rate 4 ee 
eol. plate. fol. $0.50. [454 eC. 49; D5 Cc. Jan .4, > 

4 A 424441; Western underwriter co., 
© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. Wu Noe 

81, 1915; A 418284; Augsburg pub. 

house, Minneapolis. KENosHA, Wis. Wright’s directory of 
Kenosha for 1916. v. 9. [Milwau- 
KAnsAs Crty casualty co.*, Kansas kee, Wis., Printed by Cannon. print- 
City, Mo. [455, 456 ins Jeo: 219164: 250-6 Ly §29]-678 -p. 
Reduced premium accident policy for front. (folded map) S8vo. $6.00 
Peo © Sent. 23, 1915; 2c. Let 
and aff. Jan. 11, 1916; 4 419560. © Jan. 22, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
Reduced premium policy for medically 24,1916; A 420470; Wright directory 
selected risks. [4] p. fol. fold. to eo., Milwaukee. 
ave. .1@) Dee, 29, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. 
Jan. 11, 1916; A 419561. Kentucky tobacco product co.*, ine., 
: |  Wouisville. Spray your flowers, 
Kay (J. Roland) Bigger, better busi- shrubs, fruits, vegetables, ete., with 
ness. Trade opportunities in non- Black leaf 40. Card, printed on both 
manufacturing countries. (In Chi- | — sides, illus., 6 by 3} inches. [468 
cago herald.) [45% © Jan. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 1c. Jan. 3; 1916; 15, 1916: A 419625. 
A 421401; J. Keeley, Chicago. 
KeErr (G. W.) Sweet peas up-to-date. 

KAYNEE co.*, Cleveland. Contrast. Rev. ed. Philadelphia, W. A. Burpee. | 
[Cleveland, O., Printed by The Cor- & co., 1916. 94 p. illus. 12mo. 
day & Gross co., 1915] 87 p. illus. [469 | 
8vo. [458 © Jan. 3; 1916: 2.¢ and aft. Jan. 
© Dec. 20. 1915: 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 6, 1916; A 419457 ; W. Atlee Burpee 
10, 1916; a 420311. & co., Philadelphia. 
. Key (Ellen) War born of spiritual | 
Kerr (Alice)* Shreveport, La. Three neglect, says Ellen Key. (Jn New : 
links, friendship, love, truth. York tribune) [470 | 
[Shreveport, La., Printed by The © Jan. 30, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 1, 1916; | 
Castle printing company, 1915] A 422118; Tribune assn., New York. 
eover-title, 4 a LEIS: si. le as 
aq Be ee MlUs.,:, Dar oe KEYSTONE fireproofing co.*, New York. 

Metropolitan system of fireproof roof 

© Dee. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. construction. 29 p. illus., fold. pl., 

29, 1915; A 419475. 

diagrs., 8vo. [471 
Jal, me 2 snae ALE Til, 
Krerey (J.)* Chicago. [460-464 2 etl eee e. and aff. Jan 

- At a woman’s whim he stoops and con- 
quers. © Jan. 23, 1916; 1 c. Jan. | Kinsourn (Alice M.)* So. Lancaster, 

24, 1916; A 421977. Mass. Kitty’s candies. 40, [4 
Fighting for the Garden of Eden. © DAG: 80 a i rt ie 
at as, LOG: 1 ¢c. Jan. 24;,.1916; ry iy gaat wee 
A 421973. © ‘Dee. 19, 1915: 2-¢. Dee. 27, 
Giri who showed 590,000,000 pow to 1915; aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 417650. 
love finds love a failure, @© Ja 2 : 

1916; 1 c. Jan. 3, 1916; A 421483, Kine (Julius) optical co.*, New York. 
How I escaped death in’the Tower of Saniglas fitted to different models 
Rca Gidea et th ctt. King’s safety goggles. 18 p. 
Saint in silk lingerie, no wonder Mrs. illus. — Svo. (Cover-title: Let v= 
ee was, shocked. © Jan. 23, 1916; Save your workmen’s eyes) [473 
ce. Jan 5; A 421978. BS ; rs atch 3 : ; 
[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago © Jan. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

herald] 27, 1916; A 425082. 




KincstEy (Charles) Tutor’s story; 
by the late Charles Kingsley, revised 
and completed by his daughter, 
Tucas Malet [pseud. of Mary St. 
Leger Kingsley Harrison] chap. 1, 
ve (In Cornhill magazine, Jan., 
1916) [474 

Or As Gi ane 25, stOt6 ¢ Aswad oint. 
2505 °. pubd. Dec. 22, 19155-.Smith, 
Elder & co., London. 

Kirk (Alice Gitchell) 

Better living standards. © Jan. 14, 

1916: 1c. Jan. 17, 1916; A 421758. 
Looking after finances—married or sin- 

gle. (In Cleveland plain dealer) © 
gan: Pwo less fh ves dam. S.A okG 
A 421551. 

© Alice Gitchell Kirk co., Cleve- 

KIRKPATRICK (Clifford ) * Adrian, 
Mich. Our own United States. (In 
Musical art, Jan., 1916) [477 

Jan IA BOL 3a. ve. an.» 20, 
1916; A 421861. 

KLEEMPERER (Otto)* Chicago. How to 
make the Depniae floor lamp an ad- 
vertising and trade-building propo- 
sition of extraordinary value. [4] 
p. S8vo. [478 

(C),.dan. 13, 1916 ¢ 2 C. and an. san, 
28, 1916; A 419870. 

KLUCITE co., ine.*, Hoboken, N. J. Spec- 
ifications for mixing cement mortar 
and concrete [ete.] 19 p. 16mo. 
(Cover-title: Integral cement water- 


2 ec. and aff. Jan. 


© Jan. 12, 1916; 
15, 1916; A 419628. 

KNICKERBOCKER case co.*, Chicago. 
Knickerbocker made-right sample cases. 
8 p. illus. 8vo. © Dec. 4, 1915; 2 «. 
and aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 419641. 

Practical Xmas gifts. 4 p. 
Aton. i@) Deen 4.019155) 2 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 419642. 

$10 solves eating problems. 4 p 
illus. 4to. © Dec. 1915; 
aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A "419643. 

KNIGHT AND STRUCK co.*, New York. 

Heatherhome seed and plant book, 
191G, (eap0rD.. tas. 22mm: [483 

i Dee 15; A915 ee Dec. 2s; 
19159 a © FJany 10% 1OtG; ait. Dec. 
24, 1915; A 419526. 

eol. illus. 
c. and aff. 

Kwox (George Wesley)* Niagara 
Wats. N.Y... rite to. Pills... “61. 
obl. 48mo. [484 

© Dec, 24, 1915; 2 c...Dece.. 15, 
1915; aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 419476. | 


Home making 
(In Cleveland plain dealer) 
[475, 476 

pt. 1, n.s., v.13 

KNoOHLSAAT (Edith M.)* New York. 

Autobiography of a garden club 
member’s garden. 2 p. 1. 17 numb. 
L,' Ato: $2.50. [485 

© Dec. 15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
20, 1915; A 419483. 

Lair (Jack) [486—499 

Boy has to break law to get a look. 
© Jan. 25, 1916; f ©. daw 26, 2220 
A 421987. 

Does silk solve bad boy problem? © 
Jan. 19, 1916; 1..c. dan 20,7 aSte- 
A 421849. 

Gus the bus goes flying to rescue. © 
Jan. 3, 1916; 1 ¢ Jans. 4, 2265, 2 

Gus the bus waits on auto autocrat. © 

Jan. 24, 191651 ¢. Jan. 2a, 2o2 ee oe 


Happy New Year to young loop-hound. 

© Jan. 1, 1916 5 be. Sank Sr aeee: 

Line from a gay dog to a stray dog. 
@- Jan: 12/198 ie: 1 c. Jan. 94; 298G: 
A 421672. 

News from our own novelette family. 
© Jan. 5, 1916; 1°. Jam @ foie 
A 421497, 

Obituary notice with a laugh. © Jan. 
26,. 19163. 1 »«c.. Jane 1S 

Regarding the juvenile crime wave. © 
Dec. 31, 1915; 1 ¢. epee ee 

Shackled dozen on the law’s 
Jan. 14, 1916; 

Tale of Makehay Hoyne, the new hero. 
© Jan. 29, 1916; 1c. Jaa. Si, 1916* 
A 422084. 

Ten dollars worth. © Jan. 2, 1916;1 «. 
Jan. 8, 1916; A 421488. 

That~epigram. © Jan. 23, .a91G> # ve 
Jan. 24, 1916; A 421981. 

Touch of war makes devils of boobs © 
Jan. 20, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan: 21939 ie- 
A 421873. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 
LANG (F. S.) mfg. co. 

way. © 
1 « Jan, 15, 1916; A 

Lang’s patent 

hot blast, smoke-burning hotel 
ranges [1916]  cover-title, 128 p. 
illus., port. S8vo. [500 
© Dee. 16, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419499; F. S. Lang, 
LARROWE milling co.*, Detroit. 90 
pounds a day. [6] p. folder. illus. 
16mo. [501 

ES J anys, 1OlG 92. and aff. Jan. 
ato kG 5 A 417631. 

Liteon (Christian D.)* San Fran- 
cisco. Sixth sense. Part the first. 
San Francisco, Cal., Progress exten- 
sion university, 1916. 6p) 26S¥a) 
$2.00. [502 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
138, 1916; A 419582. 


no. 1, 1916 

LASSEN (May C.)* San Francisco. 
[503, 504 
To England. Sheet, 12 by 9% inches. 
SE00- .@ Sept. 15, 1915; 2.c: Oct. 18, 
1915; aff. Dec. 23, 1915: A 419434. 

To France. Sheet, 12 by 9% inches. 
$1.00. © Sept. 18, 195 22 eF Oct? 1S; 
1915; ait. Dec. 23, 1915: A 419435. 

LAWYERS cooperative pub. co.*, Roch- 
ester, N. Y. Repealed or amended 
sections of the North Dakota consti- 
tution and the compiled laws of 
1913. cover-title, 1 pl., 5 numb. 1. 
16mo. $0.50. [505 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419567. 

LEAVITT’s farmer’s almanack, 1916, no. 
120, by Dudley Leavitt. Concord, 
[N. H.] HE. C. Eastman [1915] 48 p. 
illus. S8vo. $0.10. [506 

© Dec G, 1915.;-2"c.:Dec. 31,1915; 
aff. Dec. 16, 1915; A 419425; Hdson 
C. Eastman, Concord, N. H. 

Lestanc (Maurice)* % Hughes Mas- 
sie, London. Bombshell, tr. by Alex- 

ander Teixeira de Mattos. chap. 
46. (Jn Pearson’s magazine, Jan., 
1916) [507 

ede): Jan: 29,1916; A. .ad.:int. 
2555; pubd. Jan. 1, 1916. 

Lee (Albert Sherman)* Ripley, W. 
Va. New arithmetic. 207 p. diagrs. 
12mo. $1.00. [508 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419495. 

LEE (George H.)* Omaha, Neb. 

[509, 510 

Common sense chicken talk. cover-title, 

24 p. illus., port. 24mo. © Nov. 10, 

Eglo ae enand an. Jan: 9, LOl6G; A 

cover-title, 24 p. 

Mostly about pork. 
© Dec. 20; 1915; 

illus., diagr. 16mo. 

PC OCCmag 21 Ol: ait, san. 9,°tO16 : 
A 417613. 
LENNON (Bert) foi, 5l2 

Is her lobster appetite worth $23,000. 

© Jan... 23, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 24, 1916; 
A 421974. 

Uncle Sam with his coat off. © Jan. 2, 
LUG ce. Jan. 3, 1916; A 421485. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

herald. ] 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

LEvINSKY (Ray Lewis)* Flushing, L. 
Ey No -¥:. Cup of civilization from 
Songs of the universe, by Ray Lewis 
[pseud.] ed. by Jsadore Bernstein. 
Flushing, N. Y., MeConnell & Connor 
A915} TS] p. ° Svo: [513 

© Dec. 21, 1915: 2c. Dee. 18, 
1915; aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 419665. 


Lewis (Lloyd D.) Just why we have 
giants and how we ¢an control our 
height. (Jn Chicago herald) [514 

© Jan. 2; 1916s 1c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
A 421486; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

LIBERTY stove Co. Marvel colony 
brooder. [4] p. illus. 4to. [515 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417672; C. H. Landen- 
berger, Philadelphia. 

Lima, O. R. L. Polk & co.’s Lima city 

directory, 1916. v. 16. Columbus, 
O.5°R, Ei" Polk &*eo:, A916. “Fd. -p: 
8vo. $6.00. [516 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c and aff: Jan: 
17, 1916; A 420379; R. L. Polk & e@o., 
Columbus, O. 

Lincoztn, Neb. Lincoln city directory, 

1916. [v.26] [Lincoln, Neb.] Lin- 
eoln city directory co., 1915. [25]- 
874 p. S8vo. $7.00. Po 

© Dee. 30, 1915; 2-c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 420208; Lincoln city di- 
rectory co., Lincoln, Neb. 

NATIONAL life insurance co. 
Twenty-six reasons why? [8] pD. 
folder, illus. port. 16mo. [518 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419866; Robert W. 
Fowler, Ft. Wayne, Ind. 


Linpsay (Forbes) Efficiency; practi- 
cal lessons in life insurance sales- 
manship. 8d ed. New York, Chi- 
cago, The Spectator company [1915] 
Vili pel. S3p2°16mo. *$1.00.. [519 

Gr Novas, 2651915: 2 e, Nov. 29, 
1915; aff. Nov. 27, 1915; A 414820; 
Spectator co., New York. 

Liste (Ann) 
Cinderella man. 
Alina: (Pay, USGS ak 
A 421994. 

yan. 26,. 191G. - ©: Jan-7 26, M916; 
1 ec. Jan. 27, 1916; A 422011 

Jan. 28, 1916. © Jan. 28, 1916; 

Jan... 25, 1916... © 
e.. Jan. 26; 1916: 

Lire. anNwecO, wore UA 422087. 
Jan. 29, 1916" "© Jan. 729,-1916'5 
iC. ey awe Fok OMG AA: 422089. 

House of glass. Dec. 31, 1915. © Dec. 
a Lol 1 Cans o, LOLGs Ay 421405: 

Jato! COUGr = Oe wane rae Ol ois 
rie van. 4,916: <A 421437. 

Jany 5. 28060 @) Fans be 7916 + 

ec. .dan: 6; 196s) A 421504. 

Jan, 12, 1916. «@ Jan. 2. Loos 
PL ee Jan. te, Loto 421645. 

Jan. 14, 1916. © Jan. 14, 1916; 

ft ver eiane 15.) (91 6st 421720. 
van. 15, 19162. Onda. 15,296; 
Doyen Janie U7 91 GsieA 490736. 

Jan. 19, 1916. © Jan. 19, 1916; 
Ee.” San 20, 1916; A 421855; 




Liste (Ann)—Continued. 

House of glass. Jan. 20, 1916. 
20, eeotGs Ach. Wal) we. 
421887 . 

[Note: The foregoing are in New York 
evening journal] 

© Internatl. 

LITTLE (Richard Henry) 
as a reflection of life. 
Elbert Moore [1915] 16 p. S8vo. 
({Sereen talk no. 1, for Elbert 
Moore’s course of instruction and 
criticism in writing the photoplay]) 

ae Jan. 
1916 A 

news service, New 



© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 e. and aff. Dec. 

29 eADI5: A 4183555 Be iia, Shaw, 

Lioyp i bros.*, Cincinnati. Lloyd 

brothers’ bulletin, winter, 1915. 

cover-title, 32 p. S8vo. [533 

© Nov. 19, 1915; 2 ¢. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 419441. 

Lone (W. Z.) Dollars & sense in the 
crispette business. 52 p._ illus., 
ports., diagrs. S8vo. (Cover-title: 
Short way to big steady profits) 


© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419565; W. Z. Long co., 
Springfield, QO. 

LowiInson (Louis)* New York. Low- 
inson’s comparative cotton goods 
ehart for 1915. Sheet, 23 by 18 
inches. [535 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 e. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916: A 419707. 

Lyons (Thomas Francis)* Cleveland. 
Helpful hints on modern locomotive 
brakes. 1 p.1, 88 p. 24mo. $0.50. 

Organ: 47,1916; 2.¢, and aif; Jan. 
f 2. 1O1GS FA 419570. 

McATAMNEY (Hugh) co.*, New York. 

Wanamaker cut service. [537, 538 
Issue no. 21, Dec. 20, 1915. Sheet, illus., 
25 by 18 inches. $12.00. © Dec. 

1915: 2 c. and aff. Jan. 12, 1916; 

A 417708. 

Issue no. 22, Dec. 27, 1915. Sheet, 
25 by 183 inches. $12.00. © Dee. 10, 
19S -e and att, Jans 125.1916 3" A. 

McCann (Rebecca) Cheerful cherub. 

cover-title, 39 1. illus. 4to. [539 
© Dee. 15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

8, 1916; A 417511; International 

press bureau, Chicago 

McCasrIn (J. OC.)* Indianapolis. 

Minister of the Gospel—an ambas- 

sador for Jesus Christ. Los Angeles, 

Bible institute of Los Angeles, 1915. 

Zo Pp. smo) “SO. [540 
CO ec. 28" 19a: Oe" aan. 1%, 

1916; aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 419645. 



pt. 1, n. s., v.13 

McCowan (Hervey Smith)* Dallas, 
Play the game. 15 p. 16mo. $0.25. 

© Oct. 3, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419682. 

McCown (Minnie E.)* Emporia, Kan. 
Farmer boy’s call to arms. 2 1, 
32mo. $0.25. [542 

© Jan. 6, 1916: 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 419639. 

McCurcHeon (John T.) [5438-545 
Allies’ Balkan campaign has strange as- 
pect. © Jan..18, 1916; 1.2. Janse 
1916; A 421853. 
Newspaper men draw fire of Bulgar can- 
non. © Jan. 19, 1996; 2 © 2 2 
1916; A 421883. 

See French in retreat from Serb frontier. 
@ Jan. 20, 1916; ie. Jam, 2h 2996- 
A 421885. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily or Sunday tribune] 

© Chicago tribune, Chicago. 

McDaApe (Andrew Jackson)* Brook- 

lyn. Jack Thrift, a poem of riches. 
cover-title, 16 p. col. ilius. 16mo. 
$0.05. [546 

© Dec. 21, 1915; 2 4 Bee ee 
1915; aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 419436. 
McDonatp (C. A.)* San Francisco. 
Jeweled key. Card, 114 by 7% inches. 
cat Gel [547 
© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 417699. 

[McEvoy (J. P.)] Gist and jest of it, 
by the umpire. (Jn Chicago herald) 

Dec. 31, 1915. © Dec. Si, 19ta2 2 eS 
Jan. 3;. 1926 > Ay 429395: 
Jan. 3,-1916. @© Jan. 3, 19165 2 © Jae 
4, 1916; A 421490. 
Jan. .5, 1916... @. Jan. 5, 33167 
van. 6, 1916; A 421495. 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 
McGiapeE (Anne)* Johnstown, Pa. 

Our new home primer, by Anne Me- 
Glade, illustrated by Ludwig Hen- 
ning and Arthur Gard. 2 p..1., 100 
p.<fs lus; 12mo;. $6.2 [55i 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419671. 

McInpoo (Emmer E.)* Little Rock, 
Ark. McIndoo’s installment invest- 
ment guide. Little Rock, Ark., F. 
Pattee printing co. [1915] cover- 
title, [4] p. 12mo. $2.00. [552 

©, Dec. 220,5,1915;..2 cc. Dee sae 
1915; aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 419487. 

—— a Ce 



no. 1, 1916 

McKiIntry (Hdna M.)* Cleveland. 
Roman people. Study outline. New 
York, Cincinnati [ete.] American 
book company [1915] 118 p. maps. 
Svo. $0.25. [553 

(Jan. s. 1916; 2 c..and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 418331. 

McKiIrterick’s directory of advertisers, 
their advertising managers and ad- 
vertising agents of the United States, 
1916. v.17. New York, G. McKiti- 


m- Noy. 15,1915; 2 ec. Jan. 8, 
1916; A 418474; George McNKittrick, 
New York. [Copyright is claimed 
on additions. ] 

MACLEOD CO. Buckeye catalog D. 

cover-title, 24 p. illus. S8vo. [535 

© Dee. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

8, 1916; A 417494; Walter Macleod, 

McNamara (J. P.)* Chicago. Me- 
Namara series of post card songs. 
2d series. Sheet, 134 by 82 inches. 

© Dee. 15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417668. — 

Manoop (J. W.)* Sioux City, Ia. 
Lights that fail, a call to repentance. 
[Cincinnati, O., Printed by The 
Methodist book concern, 1915] 382 
m i2mo. $0.15. foot 

iy Dee 16, 191532 -¢. Dec. 20, 
mayen air, Jan. 3, 1916; A, 419477. 

MAin (W. F.)* Iowa City, Ia. Last 
word in business building campaigns 
for the retail merchant. 22 p. obl. 
Svo. $1.00. [558 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419493. 

MALONE (Walter) Opportunity. Post 
card, 83 by 53 inches. $0.10. [559 
© Dee. 10, 1915: 2 @ and aft. 

Dec. 27, 1915: A 417698; Ella Ma- 
lone, Capleville, Tenn. 

MANUFACTURES & dealers assn. of 
America (Educational publicity de- 

partment) Facts. cover-title, [48] 
p. 24mo. $0.02. [560 
© Bec. 29; 1915; 2 & and: aff. 

Jan. 3, 1916; A 417539; A. P. Dan- 
iels, Chicago. 

Marie flooring mfrs.’ assn.*, Chicago. 
How to lay and finish maple floors. 
ap, [1] p..! diagr. « 16mo.. © .Dec. 24, 
fet a0 ee ann ak, Jan. 7, L916: 

A 417628. 


Mapzre flooring mfrs.’ assn.*—Contd. 
Individuality in the home, a woman’s 

@reamis ptise spa Col. Whiss L6mo0.;) © 
Pee A OLD 2 Ae) ands air. oan. 
4 S9IGYHA 497642: 

illus. 16mo. 

School-reom floors. 16 p. 
and aff. Jan. 

@) Dees 24) 1915 325 
(,, bOIGg: Ay 417630: 
Ten reasons why retail lumbermen should 
handle maple flooring. 138 p. i6mo. 
@) Dees 245 19157352 le; and) att.. Jan: 

hawt GG wAS ALT G2 5. 

Marpen, Orth & Hastings co.*, Chi- 

cago. College inn salads and some 
other recipes [prepared by the 
chef] cover-titie, [12] p. illus. 
(part col.) 16mo. [ 565- 

© Dec. 18, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
P27 AOIG 9 Ay 40-7713: 

MaAnrsHALyt (Ars. Thomas Riley) Pre- 
serve the American home. Inter- 

viewed by Edna Mary Colman for 
Comfort. Proof, port. [ 566. 

© udan.. 15. 1916 "2. e,. san. 19, 
1916; aff. Jan. 27, 1916; A 4198738; 
W. H. Gannett pub., ine, Augusta, 

MARYLAND. Nelson’s Washington su- 
burban directory of Maryland and 
Virginia towns adjacent to the Dis- 
trict of Columbia, 1916. Washing- 
ton, D. C., J. C. Nelson, 1916. 424 
p. 8vo. $4.00. [567 

© Jan. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
19, 1916; A 420416; Justus C. Nel- 
son, Washington. 

Mason (Robert Edwin)* Tropico, Cal. 
Come listen at the beach. [4] p. 
illus. Svo. $0.25. [568. 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419497. 

Mason (Walt) [569, 570 

Farming in China. (In Home and farm) 
@©1nOcts yey TOthe. Ties Deak Sipni.GL5 5 
A 421416. 

Winter is coming. 
and stock grower, 
INOven EERO bis ec: 
A 421664. 
© Maurice B. Kovnat, Chicago. 

MerEpINA County, O. Farm journal di- 

(In National farmer 
Nov., 1915) ©: 
Dec. 31, 1915; 

rectory of Medina County, Ohio. 
Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson com- 
pany, 1916... 224 “p:- -illus:,. ports. 
SVO. [571 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 420471; Wilmer Atkin- 
son co., Philadelphia. 

MELCHER (Webster A.)* Philadelphia. 
Chemical treatment of questioned 
ink marks. no. 28. cover-title, 11 p. 
Svo. [5GL* 

© Sept. 4, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Sept.. 
8, 1915; A 4103832. 



MeELrose, Mass. Resident and busi- 
ness directory of Melrose, Mass., 
1916. Boston, Mass., Union publish- 
ing. €6:, 1916. «-320,. £20)>p:) fold: 
map. S8vo. har2 

© Dec. 22, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 420247; Union pub. co., 

MerrcHants’ & mfrs’ co.,* Springfield, 
Mass. Merchants’ and manufactur- 
ers’ service. Bulletin 132, 182 A-—-H. 
9 loose 1. illus. 4to. [573 

© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417679. 

MERCHANTS trust and savings bank, 

St. Paul. [574-579 
Attorney and the merchants. trust. 
cover-title, [16] p. 24mo. (No. 7 of 
a series) © Dec. 28, Tole 32 ieseand 

aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419716. 

Life and property; or, The descent of 
property under the laws of Minnesota. 
[27] p. 24mo. (On cover: No. 8 of 
a. series) @© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 ec. and 
aH. Jan. 20, 19167 A 419720. 

Today and tomorrow. cover-title, [12] 
p. 24mo. (No. 1 of a series) © 
Dec. Li, 1915 > (2 ce sandal. ano u. 
1916; A 419723. 

Trusts for the living. cover-title, [12] 
p. 24mo. (No. 4 of a series) @© 

Dec. 21, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 20, 
1916; A 419718. 
Who should make a will. cover-tiitle, 

24mo. (No. 5 of a_ series) 
© 7, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 20, 
1916; A 419717. 

Your life insurance money. cover-title, 
[12] p. 24mo. (No.3 of a series) © 
Dee. 23, OTS = 2 ¢. antpas. Jana, 
1916; A 419719. 
© Harvey A. Blodgett, St. Paul. 

MertTzcer (George P.) Bigger, better 
business. (Jn Chicago herald) 
[580, 581 

Getting inside the buyer’s pocket. © 

Jan 2QO2 1916 6 asics dans, C1916; 
A 421872. 

Team work in sales promotion. © Jan. 
18) 2916 81. os Jan. .20,. 1396; A 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Meyer (Henry Herman) Lesson hand- 
book, 1916. New York, Cincinnati, 
The Methodist book concern [1915] 
156 p. 24mo. (Berean — series) 
$0.25. [582 

© Oct. 22, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
8, 1915; A 414984 ; Methodist book 
concern, New York. 

MEYER BotH co. Sheet no. 14, issued 
Jan. 10, 1916. Sheet, illus., 19 by 25 
inches. [5838 

() Jan. 5, 1916; 2-¢c..and aif. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419491; H. J. Grauman, 

pt. 1, n.s., v.13 

MICHIGAN washing machine co. 


Analysis of initiative. Sheet, 11 by 8% 
inches. (Motor high speed sales talks, 
no. 25, 11-17-15) @© Nov. 47, 4935; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417688. 

Finger tip familiarity. Sheet, 11 by 8% 
inches. (Money makers’ sales bulle- 
tin, no. 24, 11-3-15) @© Noy. 3, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417689. 

I can and I wiil. Sheet, 11 by 8% inches. 
(Motor high speed sales talks, no. 26, 
12-11-15) @© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 e¢. and 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417687. 

Interest in customers, the link that com- 
pletes the sales chain. Sheet, 11 by 
83 inches. (Money markers’ sales bul- 
letin, no. 23, 10-20-15) © Oct. 20, 
1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 10, 1996 A 

Victory or death. Sheet, 11 by 8% 
inches. (Motor high speed sales iia, 

no. 27, 12-15-15) © Dec. 15, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417685. 

© J. D. A. Johnson, Muskegon, 

Miniter (Marion C.)* Salamanea, N. Y. 
Hand work for International graded 

Sunday school lessons; teachers 
handbook. Salamanea, N. Y., Miller 
publishing company [1915] 2 v. 
illus. 8vo. $0.18. [589-593 
ist year beginners, pt. 2. © Dec. 11, 
1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 
1st year primary, pt. 2. © Dec. 18, 
1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 
2d year beginners, pt. 2. © Dec. 16, 
1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan." 316. 
2d year primary, pt. 2. @ Dec. 24, 
1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 4, 191574 
3d year primary, pt. 2. © Dee 2 
1915;.2. ¢.-and <i. Jan, 2. ieee 
Miner (William -H.)* Gihasy fo 

of Heart’s Delight farm. 
illus., 13 by 

and aff. Jan 

[1916] 14 cards, col. 
144 inches in envelope. 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 ¢. 
20, 1916; A 419731. 

Missouri discount co. [Form of agree- 
ment relating to use of discount and 
savings checks] Sheet, 8 by 84 
inches. - [595 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419469; Alfred F. Wins- 
low, Kansas City, Mo. 

MitcHEeErL (Edmund)* Los Angeles. 
[596, 597 

Her mother love. © Dec. 25, 1915; 1 ¢. 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 421428. 

Sacred pickax. © Jan. 1, 1916; 
Jan. 8, 1916; A 421552. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Los An- 

geles times illustrated weekly.] 





no. 1, 1916 


MonTaAGvE (Gilbert H.) How the law | Morristown, N. J. Richmond’s Mor- 

against tying contracts affects busi- 
mess men. (/n Printers’ ink) [598 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 1 ec. Jan. 3, 1916; 
A 421415; Printers’ ink pub. co., 
New York. 

Montana flour mills co. From the 
kernel! to the loaf. 20 p. ilius., map. 
12mo. [599 

© Dee. 6, 1915; 2 ce. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 419894; Charies R. Mc- 
Clave, Lewistown, Mont. 

Montross gallery*, New York. Cata- 

logue; Cézanne exhibition through 
January, 1916. fSisops colt pl. 
12mo. [G00 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
a, 1996; ail. Jan. 15, 1916; A 419652. 

Moore (Elbert) Student guide no. 1, 
fer Elbert Moore’s course of instruc- 
tion and criticism in writing the 
photoplay. Chicago, Elbert Moore 
[1915] 6p. folder. 8vo. [601 

© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 

Ze ASID; A. 418357 : Te ao Shaw, 

Moore (Marvin §.)* Detroit. Yankee 
land by Marv. [pseud.] 2 1. illus. 
Svo. $0.25. [602 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 4199857. 

MoorHEAD’s quarterly record. v. 12, 
no. 4, Jan. 1, 1916. Pittsburgh, Pa., 
Moorhead publishing co., 1916. 80 
p. 16mo. [603 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419895; Moorhead pub. 
co., Pittsburgh. 

Morcan (Gene) Miss 1916. (1% Chi- 

cago herald) [604 
© Jan. 2, 1916; 1c. Jan. 3, 1916; 

A 421482; J. Keeley, Chicago. 
Mornine telegraph Sunday magazine. 
(New York Morning telegraph, sec. 

2) [605-609 

Dec. 19, 26, 1915. © Dec. 19, 26, 1915; 
1 ¢. each Jan. S, 1916 Aa 421533; 

eH. 2s TOL © Jan. ae 1916 =) 1>e> Jan. 

26, 1916 ; A 421997. 

ac 9, 16, 1916. 

@iisan: 9: 16, 1916; 
c. each Jan. 26, 1916; A 421968, 

© Lewis pub. co., New York. 

Morrison (Charles)* Shelbyville, Ind. 
Vest pocket diary and reference 
book, 1916. cover-title, 120 p. illus. 
24mo., [610 

©) Déc, 23,1915 ;2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417611. 



ristown and Morris Plains directory, 

1916. 16th year. Yonkers, N. Y., 
W. L. Richmond, 1915. 228 p. 8vo. 
$3.50. [611 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 418309; W. L. 
Richmond, Yonkers, N. Y. 

Morrow (James)* New Orleans. New 
Orleans winter race meeting, Jan. 1- 
Mar, 7, 1916. cover-title, 16 p. S8vo. 

; [612 
©\ Jann, 1946 > 2. cand: aff; dan. 

15, 1916; A 419682. 

MorTHEer Goose. [613, 614 

Mother Goose A BC. cover-title, 14 1. 
col. illus. 4to. (Saalfeld’s muslin 
books) $0.60. © Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. 
and aii. Jan. 10, 1916; A 419611. 

Mother Goose at home. cover-title, 14 1. 
col. illus. 4io. (Saalfield’s muslin 
books). $0.60. ©- ©! Jans, 3 19163)2: ec. 
Jan. 10, 1916; A 419610. 

© Saalfield pub. co., Akron, O. 

MOUNTAIN states telephone & telegraph 

o.*, Denver. Telephone directories. 


Deming and Las Cruces. Book no. 1-8, 

Dec., 1915. cover-title, 14 p. 4to. © 

Dee: -20; -1915:"2 «and aff. Jan. 8, 
1916; A 419501. 

Globe district telephone directory. Book 
no. 5—S, Dec., 1915. cover- title, 15 p. 
4f0.. ©: Dec. 1%. 3915: 2 cand ag: 
van. 8, 1916; A "419504. 


Preseott district. Book no. 4— 
1916. cover-title, 19 p. 4to. 
a 196s 2 Cs. and atejsan. S: 

Tucson district. 
1915. cover-title, 31 p. 
it OL 2. ¢e. and ait. 
A 419502. 

Se ad.; 
© Jan. 
1916; A 

Book no. 2-S, Dec., 
4to. © Dec. 

MULLOWNEY (John J.)* Paxtang, Pa. 
Peace calendar and diary, 1916. 
San Francisco, P. Elder and com- 
pany [1915] [742] p. mounted on 
iron stand. 48mo. $1.00. [619 

(C) ey. 45. 1915;. 2c... Dec. 327, 

1915; aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 419535. 

Munpy (Talbot)* Norway, Me. Sam 
Bagg, of the Gabriel group. (Jn 
Storyteller, Jan., 1916) [620 

Gyyb c. Jam 13, 1906. tA.tadint. 
2554; pubd. Dee. 16, 1915. 

APPROVED adver- 
In the den of the 

mail order 
it p.. Sve. [621 

© Dees, 30;. 104 52> 2 cy oSape 11, 
1916; aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 419540. 

Erie, Pa. 



pt. L Se 4S 


foundry, factory, mill and mine 
workers of America. [Articles of 
incorporation.] 15, [1] p. 16mo. 
$0.25. [622 

IC) Dee 222 1915s. 2.e° Wed 27, 
1915; aff. Jan. 8, 1916; A 419544; 
H. Jefferson Smith, Little Rock, Ark. 

WATIONAL’S CHAT: - vi: 2, no. 5,’ Janz, 
1916. 4p. illus. Svo. [623 

© Jan.'3, 1916; 2 c: Jan: 11, 1916; 
afi. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419709; Natl. 
importing & mfg. co., New York. 

NATIONAL CLOCK & mfg. Co. [624, 625 

How to conduct a_ successful general 
agency business. 30 p. 8vo. © Dee. 
1S Othe 2ee. dnd: aim. aaness, Loe: 
A 419617. 

How to sell aluminum. 15 p. 8vo. @© 
Deeg 8. A9l5)-. 2c and ait. sane es, 
1916; A 419618. 

© William J. Dick, Chicago. 

cago. National method is equal to 
having a competent instructor with 
you constantly. i1st—36th week’s les- 
son for beginners on the violin. 36 
loose 1. illus. 11 by 17 inches. 
$18.00. : [626 

© Dec. 15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
38, 1916; A 417500. 

assn.*, Utica. Universal data and 
sales book, Jan., 1916. [S6] loose 
p. 8vo. $10.00. [627 

whan. 14° 1916s, 2 e. Jan. 47, 
1916; aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 419683. 

NATIONAL FIRE proofing co.*, Pitts- 
burgh. Nateco lock joint sewer tile. 
2p. —ilas., diasrs. ~--12m0. [628 
© Dec. 4, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

11, 1916; A 419552. 

NATIONAL GAS engine assn. N. G. E. 
A. data sheets. vy. 1-5. Lakemont, 
N. Y., National gas engine associa- 
tion, 1916. Various paging, tables. 
12mo. $5.00. [629 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419687 ; “Harry R. Brate, 
sec., Lakemont, N. Y. 

NATIONAL IMPORTING & mfg. co.*, New 
York. Women’s wear and general 
dry goods, spring & summer, 1916. 
cover-title, 33, [1] p. illus. 4to. 


© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ce. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916: A 419554. 

NATIONAL LAMP works of General elec- 
tric co. (Engineering dept.)*, Cleve- 
land. Bulletin 26. Mazda lamp in 
photography. Dec. 80, 1915. 27 p. 
illus., port., diagrs. S8vo. [631 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419468. 

NATIONAL MOTOR vehicle co.*, Indian- 
apolis. [632, 633 

National highway twelve. 15, [1] p. 
illus., diagr. 8vo. © Dec. 29, 1915; 
2 ¢. and aff..Jan. 3, 3936 A17 529. 

National sixes. 23, [1] ps. 100s. Sve. 
© Dec. 29, 1915: 2c. and aff. Jan. 3, 
1916; A 417530. 

NATIONAL PROFIT sharers assn.*, Port- 
land, Me. National profit sharers 
association. [ Worcester, Mass. 
Printed by the Davis press, 1915] 
32 p. illus. Svo. [634 

© Dec. 10, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 420221. 

Foreign trade report [port of Bos- 
ton] for Nov., 1915. [4] p. 4to. 


© Dee. 22, 1915; 2 ce. Jan. 8, 1916; 
aff. Dec. 27, 1915; A 419543. 

NEIL (Marion Harris) Rosebud rec- 
ipes. Cincinnati, Rheinstrom bros. 
co. [1916] 46 p. illus. (part col.) 
12mo. [636 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
12, 1916; A 417710; Rheinstrom 
bros. co., Cincinnati. 

(Nels Edward)* Duquesne, 
Pastor Russell’s sphere in the 


Reformation. Dec. 16,. 23, 30, 1915. 
[3 instalments.] (J2 National labor 
tribune) [637-639 

© Dec. 16, 23, 30, 1915; 1 « each 

Jan. 4, 1916; A 421429421431, | 
NEUMAN (H. L.) Putting it over. 
4p. fol. [640 

© Jan. 11, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 419634; Simpson, Sho- 
walter & Barker, inc., Pittsburgh. 

mary lessons in type composition. 
Lesson 1-7. [12] p. 8vo. [641 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 e. Jan. 11, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 419648; Edgar 
N. Carver, Boston. 

NEw ENGLAND telephone & telegraph 
o.*, Boston. Telephone directories. 
Concord-Manchester-Nashua district, win- 
ter issue, 1915-1916. [section] 32. 
cover-title, 104 p. 8vo. © Jan. 6, 
I9tGcs 2 ‘ec. Jan, £0,. 1916 yah E ier 

8, 1916; A 419531. 



no. 1, 1916 


New Ewncianp telephone & telegraph | NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE assn.*, Cleve- 


Lowell district, winter issue, 1915-1916, 
[section 7] cover-title, 144 p. S8vo. 
aie LOG) a 0206, Sand salt san: 

5, 1916; A 417620. 

Springfield district, winter issue, 1915— 
1916. [section] 5. cover-title, 112 p. 
ato, @ Jan. 24, 1916; 2 ¢c. and ail. 
fan, 2%, 1916;\A. 425029. 

New York (State) Commissioners of 

state reservation = at Saratoga 
Springs. Saraghtoghie bath. 7 p. 
16mo. [645 

Pai eo, 1915: 2c. Jan. 12, 

#916; aff. Jan. 27, 1916; A 425037; 

Commissioners of the state reserva- 
tion at Saratoga Springs, Saratoga 
Springs, N. Y. 

New York (City) [646, 647 
Financial index of New York city. Jan. 
1916 issue containing names, addresses 
and telephone numbers of all New 
York stock exchange firms, [etc.] 
New Vork elu. T. Davies, 2015. . 23. p. 
Zamo.  »1.00, © Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. 
and aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419691. 
© Landon T. Davies, New York. 
New York charities directory [1916] 
25th ed. A reference book of social 
service in or available for Greater New 
York, by Lina D. Miller. [New York] 

Charity organization society in the 
Chynom New Mork, 2906. xli,) [i]. -p., 
Peet pel tomo. $1.00. Jan. 
2a AGG 2) Caiand aft. Jan. 27, 1916; 
A 418620. 

© Charity organization soc., New 
New York HERALD. Contributions to. 


Furious fighting is resumed along the 
western front. © Jan. 30, 1916; 1c. 
Feb. 1, 1916; A 422110. 

Only sixteen passenger steamships now 
on the Atlantic. Key to chart. € 
fiteewtolGo: t ¢c,..Jan. 8, 1916; A 

Three steamships take winter tourists 
south. Key to chart. © Jan. 30 
HoIGst ec. Keb. 1,.1916; A 422109. 

War moves of the week from Riga to 
the Suez canal. Russians, reorganized, 
make a bid for Lemberg. © Jan. 2, 
LOnG); 1c. Jan. 3,,1916; A 421409. 

© New York herald co., Jersey 

New York LIFE insurance co. [Satis- 
faction and regret.] Envelope, illus., 
64 by 4 inches. [652 

© Nov. 10, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
10, 1915; A 419480; Gen. Nagai, San 

NEWKIRK (Newton) Stranger in 
camp; or, Hoodoo Hank and his 
mystery, and other stories. Boston, 
Mass., National sportsman, inc., 
1916. cover-title, [54] p. illus. S8vo. 
$0.50. [653 

mo dan. 14 1916° 2 ¢.: Jan, 22, 
1916; aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 419898; 
National sportsman, inc., Boston. 

land. Is world war about to un- 
eover men of destiny who will turn 
tide of Armageddon? Shy Lloyd- 
George, small ‘“d” democrat, is 
picked as battling Europe’s master. 
Proof, port. [654 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
31, 1915; A 419387. 

co. This great company provides 
the most protection for the least 
eost. [4] p. 4to. [655 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 ¢@ and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419471; W. G. Critchlow, 
Covington, Ky. 

Ginseng catalogue [Chinese 
[8] p. folder, illus. S8vo. [656 

© Dec. 21, 1915; 2 ce. Dec. 24, 
1915; aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 417654; 
Harry A. Schoenen, New York. 


NortH YAKIMA, Wash. R. L. Polk & 
co.’s North Yakima and Yakima 
County directory, Jan. 1, 1916. Seat- 
tle, Tacoma [ete.] R. L. Polk & co., 
ine., 1916. 526 p.. 8vo. $8.00. [657 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 418615; R. L. Polk & 
co., ine., Seattle. 

Nortucuirre (Alfred Charles. William 
Harmsworth, ist baron) Northcliffe 
warns U. S. against feeling of over- 
confidence. (Jn Washington times) 


©) Jan. 5, 1916; 1 '¢., Jan:.5,. 1916; 

A 421448; United press associations, 

NovELTy notes. v. 2, no. 1, Jan., 1916. 

24 p. illus. Svo. $0.05. [659 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

tO TOU GAC ae 22 © Soseph: “B. 
Coufal, New York. 

Nu Bone corset co.*, Corry, Pa. Nu 

Bone corsets and accessories. 79, 
[hieipies: tus Svo. ) »(Catalog no. 
8, 1916) [660 

© Jan. 34916+.2 ¢. and, aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419688. 

O’Connor (T. P.) British fire two 
shells now to one by German troops. 
(In Wilmington Delmarvia star) 


© sam. 23, 2916.44 eG Jane 26, 

1916; A 421970; Central news of 
America, New York. 




pt.1,n.s., v.13 

Oxtes (May B.)* Boulder, Col. Gold 
and golden glory; from the personal 
autobiography of May B. Oles. chap. 
27. Boulder, Col., [Boulder printing 
company, 1916] 30 p. 8vo. $0.25. 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 419621. 

OLIPHANT (T. HE.) What well-dressed 
women are wearing. (Jn New York 

Evening mail) [663-665 
Jan. ts, 1916: °@ Jan. 415, 19167 =] ¢. 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 421739. 

Jain. 15,. 1916. .©@-dan.. 15, 1916s LP c. 
jan. 17, 1916; A 421745. 

Jam. .28..1916:., @-dans.28, 1916; 1. c. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422092. 

Jan. 29, 1916. © Jan. 29, 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422097. 
© Evening mail syndicate, 

New York. 

[Ontons (Berta Ruck)] Girls at his 
billet, by Berta Ruck. (Jn London 
illustrated Sunday herald) [667, 668 
Dec. 26, 1915, Jan. 2, 1916. [2 instal- 

T9TG = 


ments] @ +1 e. each Jan. 22... 19165 
A ad int. 2550; pubd. Dec. 26, 1915, 
Jan. 2, 1916. 

Dec. 5, 12, 1915. [2 instalments] © 
1 eda: 3, 1916; A ad int. 2536; 
pubd. Dec. 5, 12, 1915. 

© Mrs. George Oliver, London. 

Ornances, N. J: Directory oi the 
Oranges, Irvington, Livingston and 
Millburn, 1916. [v. 5] Newark, 

N. J., The Price & Lee company, 
$91G) "1257 Dp. Avo... trom. - roid. 
map) $6.00. [669 

© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
21, 1916; A 420455; Price & Lee co., 
New Haven. 

New York. Long 
1 pr Sya; 


Dec 4ts 1915 > Bre Dee 22; 
1915; aff. Dec. 31, 1915; A 417612. 

OSBORNE co.*, Newark. [671-674 

America first. [How paintings are Tre- 
produced by the colortype process.] 
4p. cole his fol. "© Dee 21, 1995 
2 ec. and aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417506. 

America first, a series of pictures in 
color, showing types of ships and men 
of the United States navy. cover- 
title, [12] p. col. ius; fol... @ Dec. 
28, 19155 2c. aad ait. /Jan.ia; 1916 ; 
A 417507. 

Osborne art calendars are the finest in 
the world and they are low in price. 
4p. col. illus. fol. © Dec. 24, 1915; 
2-esvand att: Jans 3), 191GReex 417505. 

We are ready to show you the latest and 
best in Osborne art calendars for ad- 
vertising, the line for 1917. 4 p. 
eols sillus;- fel: @y Deer Zl yAgiess 2 e¢. 
and aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417504. | 

Orvis bros. & €o.*, 
range view of cotton. 


Ostus (Charles R.)* Port Huron, 
Mich. Facts about your teeth. 
cover-title, 21 p. illus. 8vo. [675 

© Oct. 9, 1915; 2 ce. Dee. 13, 1915; 
aff. Oct. 28, 1915; A 419529. 

OvuR monthly message. v. 3, no. 1, Jan., 
1916. 9p. illus. (part col.) 4to. 
© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419694; Con. P. Curran 
printing co., St. Louis. 

OwENS (Harry Holemnback)* Balti- 
to paint. Washington, D. C., House. 
and Hermann, 1915. cover-title, [16] 
p. illus. 12mo. [677 

© Nov. 15, 1915; 2 e. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419548. 

PaciFic telephone and telegraph ¢o.*, 
San Francisco. Portland, Oregon. 
City, Salem, [ete.] telephone direc- 
tory, Dec., 1915. Various paging. 

Svo. [678. 

© Dec. 27, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419488. 

[PAGE (Brett) ] 
together. Card 64 by 8 inches. [679 
© «Jana 2%, a 2 @. (sano cle 
1916; aff. Feb. 1916: A 425230; 
Morris & denier New York. 

PALMER (Frank 
Lake, Ind. 
of the Acts. 
by Reub. Williams & sons, 
88 1. 4to. $0.25. 

© Dee. 15, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 6, 1916; 
nit dan’ (a, 191e: A 420253. 


Nelson)* Winona 
Chapter outline study 
[Warsaw, Ind. Printed 


‘Second Pan American scientifie con-. 

gress dinner, Jan. 8, 1916. cover- 
title, [3] p. illus. 4to. [681 

(©) Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419558. 

PARISIENNE art service*, New York. 

[682, 683. 

eos no. P 5is..Deek aa 
numb. 126-133. illus. fol. © Dec. 

its% i918: 2 e> Dec. 22, 199153 ate Bees 

31, 1915; A 419438. 

[Bulletin] Pp 52, Dec. 25, 1915. numb._ 
l. 1384-141. illus. fol.. @.. Dees 
1915;-2 ec...and aff. Jan. 7, 19%e. 2 

PARSONS (Horace W.)* Wamego, Kan. 
Flood protection and conservation 
of moisture. cover-title, 16, [3] p 
Svo. (Bulletin no. 1) $0.10. 

© Dec. 16, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan,_ 
15, 1916; A 419655. 

Mischief, a book ef pictures. 

When we were boys. 



ities a 


no, 1, 1916 


[685, 686 


Parsons (Louella O.) 

How. to beconie a movie star. 
191G:. © Jan...2; 1916; 1 ec Jan. 
1916; A 421484. 

Why_ stage favorites are often costly 
failures" when playing in the silent 
drama. @ Jan: 23, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 421975. 

{[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
herald. ] 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Parvin (Zimri M.)* Portland, Ore. 
Parvin’s diagram of the triads of the 
major and minor. keys. fot. -p. 
12mo. $0.25. [687 

Ser t. foin- 2c Jan, 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 25, 1916; A 419898. 

PENNSYLVANIA railroad co.*, Philadel- 
' phia. Compariscn of passenger loco- 
motives. 47 p. diagrs. 8vo. (Lo- 
comotive testing plant at Altoona, 
Penna. Bulletin no. 22) [688 

© Dec. 27, 1915; Jan. 
5, 1916; A 420235. 

PEPPER (J. W.) & son*, Philadelphia. 
“Complete catalog and _ price list, 
everything musical, 1916. 186 p. 
illus., ports. fol. [689 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 4183869. 

[PETERSEN (William) ] 
dean. [690, 691 

Domestic relations. Chicago, American 
correspondence sehoo}] of Jaw [1916] 
Pome. Gitan. 1. 1916°> 2c. and 
Be, Jan. 13, 1916; A 419630. 

Legal ethics. Chicago, American cor- 
respondence school of law [1916] 12 
p. Svo. ©: Jan. 1, 1916; 2c. and’aff. 

Jan. 15, 1916; A 419629. 

© American correspondence school 

2 ec. and aff. 

Talk by the 

of Jaw, Chicago. 
PHILADELPHIA. Directory of members 
of the Philadelphia. bar, 1916. 

Philadelphia, Press of F. McManus, 
jr. & co., 1916: 209 p. 48mo. [692 

.© Jan. 26, 1916; 2.c. and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 425045; Charles B. Zim- 
merling, Philadelphia. 

selling opportunities. [693, 694 

[Form 57 A]. Proof. © Dec. 20, 1915; 
Puc. Jan. 10. 1916: aft, Jan. 15; 1916; 
A 419651. 

[form 57 BY Proof: @©-Jan: 6; 1916; 
2 c..and aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419708. 

Facts about 

© William L. MelLean, Philadel- 
Puinuires (Cropley) co.*, Chicago. 

What railroad men say of Kirkman’s 
Science of railways. [82] p. port. 
12ino. [695 

©: Jan. 14, 1916; 2° ¢. Jan. 28, 
1916; aff. Jan. 29; 1916; A 425046. 



PuHitirres (John Edwin)* Syracuse, 
N. Y. Bank protection against forg- 

ery. [Prospectus.]. [5] p. folder. 
16mo. [696 

© Dec. 1, 1915e72; cs. and. aif. - Dec. 

31, 19153 A. 407617. 

Pick. (Albert) & co.*,. Chicago, Car- 
pets, rugs, curtains, linens, furni- 
ture. cover-titie, 142  p. illus. 
(part. col.) 4to. (Catalog U 61) 

@),.dan., 6: 1916<-2 c..and aft:.Jan. 

12, 1916; A 417702. 

PIcKERT (Herman Joseph)* Chicago. 
Pickert’s speed-easy touch type- 
writing. _Lesson 1-19. ‘[195]. p. 
obl. 16mo. $1.50. [698 

© Nov..30,.1915.;.2 ec. Dee. 3, 1915; 
aft. Jan. 8, 1916; A 419545. 

Picks. v. 2, no. 5, winter issue, 1916. 

8 p... illus. 12mo, [699 

© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 

20, 1916; A aaa Henry Greene- 
wald, Philadelphia. 

Piotrowski (N. L.) [ 700, TOL 

Getting passport long day’s job. © Jan. 
22, Oil Lee Jan. ‘24, 19467" A 

Paris the haven of many Poles. © Jan. 
193 Ge Wiel fang 2, o1ores yf 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

herald. ] 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

PitMAN (Isaac). & sons*, New York. 
Rapid course in Pitman’s shorthand. 

Lesson | 1. (In Pitman’s journal, 
Jan:, 1916) [702 
ans 1" IGIG so t,o eae Te, 

1916; A 421426. 

Pace, (Eva May)* Chautauqua, N. Y. 
Unlocked gates. Sheet, 124 by 5 
inches. $0.50. [703 

©), Dee. 20,,.191.5.;.2,c.,and aff. Jan. 
US, 1916: A. 42502%. 

PLANETS and people; Ormsby’s annual 
prognosticator and year-book of the 
heavens. _ [1916,, 22d year] 64 p. 
illus., port., diagrs. 12mo. $1.00. 

[ 704 

©-Noy, 4, 1915, 2. c. and. aff. Nov. 

8, 1915; A 414470; Frank E. Ormsby, 

Pratr & Washburn refining co.*, New 

York. Meaning of veedol. cover- 
title, 24. p. illus. (part col.) obl. 
48mo. [705 

© Dee. 29, 1915; 2 ¢«. and aff. Jan. 

15, 1916; A 419658. 



Post (Lyman D.)* New York. Post’s 
paper miii directory for 1916. 656 
p. maps, diagrs. 8vo. $2.00. [706 

Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 420178. 

PowER (P..M.) @o., ine.*, Chicago. 
Authentic data in relation to 
Powdered coal engineering and 
equipment company’s system of fuel 
economy and smoke ~ abatement. 
cover-title, 56 p. diagr. 12mo. [707 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 417528. 

PREsS circulations system*, Chicago. 
Press circulations system, a co-op- 
erative business-building and sub- 
seription system. 16 p. 12mo. -[7T08 

© Jan, 6, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417669. 

PREWETT (Clay W.)* Houston. Prew- 
ett system, short methods of ad- 
dition, subtraction, mutiplication 
[ete.] [Rev. ed., 1916] 64 p. port. 
16mo. $1.50. (Cover-title: How to 
figure fast) [709 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ec and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417675. 

PRIMAVERA (Domenico)* Cleveland. 
Dialogo fra VItalia e JV Austria. 
Sheet, 14 by 64 inches. [710 

© Dee. 10; 1915* 2 c. Dec. 18. 
1915; aff. Jan. 6, 1916; A 419472. 

PRINTING trades blue book, 1916. New 
York ed. New York, A. F. Lewis & 
co., 1916. 447 p. 12mo. $3.00. [711 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 « and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 420352; A. F. Lewis & 
co., New York. 

PRISCILLA weaving art co.*, Louisville. 
Priscilla weaving art; book of in- 
structions. 19 p. illus. 8vo. $0.25. 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419698. 

PucH (Claude Freeman)* Pittsburgh. 
Pittsburgh banking institutions. 
Sheet, 22 by 94 inches. Special 
suppl. Jan., 1916, ed. of Moorhead’s 
quarterly record. [7138 
© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

28, 1916; A 419876. 

PuncH. v. 149. [Each illus. 4to. 
Pe [714-717 
no. 3883, Dec. 8, 1915. © 1 c. Jan. 5, 


no. 3884, Dec. 15, 1915. @1c. Jan. 12, 
1916; A ad int. 2541; pubd. Dec. 15, 

7A ad int. 2537; pubd. Dec. 8, 

pt. I, nS. was 


no. °3885, Dee: 22; 1915+) Vout tans 
19, 1916; A ad "int. 2547; pubd. Dec. 
22: 1915. 
no. 8886, Dec. 29, 1915. @1e. Jan. 26, 
qeaek "A ad int. 25523; pubd. Dec. 29, 

© Bradbury, 

Agnew & co., Itd., 

Ratt (Harris Franklin)* Evanston, 
Lil. Development of the kingdom of 
God, the life and teachings of Jesus 
Christ, lessons written by Harris 
Franklin Rall; practical applica- 
tions written by John William Lang- 
dale. (Jn Adult Bible class monthly, 
Jan., Feb., 1916) [718, 719 

Lesson 1-5. © Dec. 10, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 
15; 1915 5,A 421728, 

Lesson 6-9. @© Jan. 10, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 421844. 

RAYMOND (C. E.) Bigger, better busi- 
ness. Cost of labor after the war. 
(In Chicago herald.) [720 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 6, 1916; 
A 421493; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

RED BooK [Knoxville, Tenn.] 1916. v. 
1. Knoxville, Tenn., Knoxville credit 
reporting company, inc. [1916] 233 
p. fol. $25.00. [721 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 418427; Ernest C. Mat- 
thews, Chattanooga. 

RED SQUARE co.*, New York. [722-727 

Auxiliary tender of the mail room. [6] 
p. folder. i16mo. © Dee. 22,7 4513- 
2c. and aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419697. 

Good-bye sponge; the soliloquy of the 
office boy. [6j p. folder. illus. (part 
col.) #6mo. © Dee. 17, 198i 72 
and aff. Jan. 20, 1916; "A 419696. 

In toy land. cover-title, 6 p., 11. illus. 
(part col.) 16mo. © Dec. 30, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419700. 

_ Real protection. cover-title. [6] p., 1 1. 
illus. i16mo. Oct. 26, 29855) Zre. 
and aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419698. 


Square deal. 8 p. illus. 
16mo. © Jan. 4, 1916: 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 20, 1916; A 419701. 

Trials and fete Shae cover-title, 6 
p., 1 1. . illus. (part col.) i6mo: 7@ 
Dec. 23, 1915; 2c. and ‘ail. Jan. ae 
1916; A 419699. 

REED (Charles Oliver) jr.* Aberdeen, 
S. Dak. Reed insurance agency 
bulletin. Announcement [and] no. 
1, 2. [8 instalments] (In Aber- 
deen daily news) [728-730 

© Aug. 23, 26, Sept. 1, 1915; 1 « 

each Dec. 1, 1916; A 421752-421754. 

REED & Carnrick, Jersey City. Proto- 
nuclein therapy. cover-title, 24 p. 
illus. (part col.) 8vo. [731 

© Dec. 6, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 425019. 



no. 1, 1916 763 

REINLEIN (Fred)* Litchfield, Cal. Con- 
trol of the gipsy and browntail moth, 
of the pearthrips, of the bollweevil 
[ete.] 28 p. illus. 12mo. (Circu- 
lar no. 147, Nov. 30, 1915) oe 

P [732 

© Dee. 11, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 5, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 8, 1916; A 419575. 

Rice (Cyrus William)* Philadelphia. 
Efficiency experts, superintendents, 
engineers, owners. [4] p. 4to. [733 

©. Dec. 23, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 417502. 

Ricuarps (W. H.) Making a man. 
ist ed. Osage City, Kan., Clyde 
Swem printing service. 1G +p. 
16mo. [734 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 419669; Co- 
lumbus Clyde Swem, Osage City, 

Rieck (Edward E.) co. Winning 
hand for the dealer. Card, col. 
illus., 14 by 114% inches fold. to obl. 
12mo. [735 

(©) Jan. 23; 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 425026; Simpson, Sho- 
walter & Barker, inc., Pittsburgh. 

RopRIGUEZ Vidal (J.)*—Continued. 
publishing company [1915] 15 p. 
oe $0.50. [Motion picture sce- 

nario] [742 
© July 2, 1915; 2 « and aff. July 
6, 1915; A 401676. 

Rosenzweie (Adolf) Serivalor: the 
valuation of raw silk. chap. 9. 
(American silk journal, Jan., 1916.) 

ey Wee a0, 195 fe. tan 13: 

1916; A 421656; Clifford & Lawton, 
New York. 

RueeLtes (Frank A.)* Boston. Stock 
fluctuations for the year 1915. 65th 
annual ed. 15 p. fol. $0.50. [744 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 420383. 

RUSSELL (Lillian)* Chicago. [745-758 
Beauty. lies at the end of the rainbow. 

@ tan. 2. 19t6 = tex Jane 35° 1996; 
A 421498. 

Beauty talks by Lillian Russell. Cling- 
iIng7to Wies ©) Jan. +3. 1916 >. cy Jan. 
4, 1916; A 421499. 

Dressing table. © Jan. 26, 1916; 

1 ¢« Jan. 37, i916; A 422004. 

Feet are more than ornaments. © 
Jane 4 TOG Pe. Jan: 15, -19L65 
A- 421719: 

Lillian Russell’s beauty hints. Armor- 
plated food.” --@)-Jan._ 1, 19163 Ac e. 
Jan. 8, 1916; A 421408. 

Cocktail’s companion. @© Jan. 24, 

#9963 2 ce: Jan: 25: 1916; A 427991. 

Fad a useful device. @©@ Dec. 31, 

1945 501 c.idan. 3, 19163 A 421398. 

Finishing schools. © Jan. 5, 1916; 

ie: JanjiG) L916: Av 422500. 

Human andelions. © Jan Sa 

791G: 1c. fan. 20, 1916; A 491852 

Long way around. @© Jan. 29, 
191654. cian, 3, a A 422086. 

Milk wagon rout © fan) S12, 
TSEG sete: Jan. 14, 1916; A 421673. 

Social shirker.. »@)Jan: 20, 1916; 

er Jam 21, 1916s A 4218S 75. 

Use legs as well as brains. @© 
Jan, Zo, 49916» Pie Jan,’ 263" 1916; 
A 421992. 

Oh, loosen the curls you wear, Jeanette. 
CG) Jan. 20, 1916" 1 ¢.. Jan, 24,3916 = 
A 421990. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily or Sunday herald] 

SAALFIELD pub. co.*, Akron, O. 

Baby’s own book. cover-title, 6 1. col. 
illus. obl. 16mo. (Saalfield’s muslin 
books): $0.15: ‘@adan. 3, 191654 2 e: 

and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 419608. 
Far away friends. cover-title, 6 1. col. 
illus. obl. 16mo. (Saalfield’s muslin 
books) + -$OH15:-. © Jani13, 19163 2 cc. 

and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 419606. 

| Rors & Robb*, Washington. Best evi- 
dence. cover-title, [i111] p.  illus.. 
diagrs. 4to. [736 

j Jan. 7, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 41954 

"Rosertson (Geo. F.)* Marion, Ala. 
Debaters’ delight. [4] p. 16mo. 
$0.10. [737 

© Dee. 27, 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 10, 
#916; aft. Dec. 31, 1915; A 419525. 

_Kocx Istanp savings bank. [738-741 

j How does an executor differ from an 
| administrator or trustee? cover-title, 
[10] p. 24mo. (No. 6 of a series) 

20, 1916; "A 419715. 

Logical reasons. cover-title, Ft Bs 
24mo. ee. 7 of a series) © D 
a, LOL > ce. and aff. Jan. 20, 1916: 
A Aoi 4 

Trust company service. cover-title, Peal 
p. 24mo. (No. 1ofaseries) © Oct 
20, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 20, 1916: 
A 419721. 

What must an executor know? cover- 
mae, [12] p. -24mo. (No. 3 of a 
series) @© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 20, 1916; A 419724. 

© Harvey A. Blodgett; St. Paul. 
'Ropricvez Vidal (J.)* New York. 

Dawn of day, by J. Rodriguez Vidal, po A ae ue Coat 61. ae 
tc = ‘ 11ius. opi. mo. aainela s muslin 

tr. from the Spanish by J. Barretto books) $0.15. © Jan. 3, 1916; 2c 

de Sousa. New York city, Broadway and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 419609. 




pt. 1, n. s., v. 13° 

SAALFIELD pub. co.*—Continued. 

Pets of the farm. cover-title, 6 Il. col. 
illus. obl. 16mo. (Saalfield’s muslin 
books) °-$0.15.. @ Jan. 3, 19265) 2. ¢. 
and aff Jan. 10, 1916; A 419607. 

Rock-a-bye baby. cover-title, 14 1. col. 
illus. 4to. (Saalfield’s muslin books) 
$0.60. @ Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c¢. and afi. 
Jan. 10, 1916; A 419612. 

Sacus (Sigmund)* New York. New 
ereat American home industry, cast- 
ing forms for lead toy soldiers. [16] 
Dp» . illus. . Sv0: [764 

©) Jan. 6, 1916; 2c. and: aif.) fan. 
18, 1916; A 419677. 

Sarnpon (Theodore)* Chicago. Ex- 
planation and instructions concern- 
ing the new American chronolo 
board and rules for playing [ete.] 
11 p. 16mo. [765 

Deen tt Jota, 2 C4, ie oe, 
1915; aff. Jan. 6, 1916; A 417655. 

Sr. Pauxn dispatch and pioneer press 
almanac and year-book for 1916. 
2d annual ed. St. Paul, Minn., The 
Dispatch printing company, 1916. 
640 p. illus., ports., maps, diagrs. 
SvO. [766 

© Dee. 23, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 418547; Dispatch print- 
ing co., St. Paul. 

iS he 

SsaremM,: N. Salem, Canobie Lake 

district [ete] N. H., directory, 
ISDA ow 2h. (Canaan Ne: Ei bee W. 
E. Shaw, 1915. 99 p. 8vo. $2.00. 

. [767 

(Q, Aus --16,..1915 5, .2- c.,Dee...20, 
1915; aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 420183; 
William E. Shaw, Canaan, N. H. 

Sansporn (N. W.) Making the most 

of ay pouliry. farmed. pe. <b. Gia 
American poultry advocate, Jan., 
1916) [768 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 1c. Jan. 10; 1916; 
A 421555; Clarence C. De Puy, Syra- 
euses No. 

Sauter (Kred)* New York. Catalogue 
of Fred Sauter. [Long Island City, 
N. Y., Printed by Long Island star, 
1915] 56 p. illus. 12mo. [769 

© Dee. 5,. 1915:.2 &. Jam G6, 1916 ; 
aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 418324. 

Sawyer (Jeannette K.)* Cleveland. 
Little true story. cover-title, 10 p. 
12mo0. $0.25. ee [770 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
18. 1916; A 419573. 

ScHarrer (Conrad Henry Bryant)* 
Chicago. Glossary of pictographic 
inetaphors of ancient Egypt and the 

original interpretations of popular 
legends. Sheet, illus., 16 by 114 
inches. $1.00. ee: 

© Nov. 2, 1915; 2 c. Nov. 5, 1915; 
af. gan. 1, TOT.” A SE iee: 

ScHmip (Carl) If there were but a 
wishing book, by Carl and Florence 

Schmid and Carol Phyllis. Felded 
card, col. iilus. 34 by 54 inehes.. 

© Dee. 23, 1915; 2 ¢ and aff. Jani 
3, 1916; A 417495; Charles P. 
Schmid, New York. 

SCHRECKENBACH (Paul) Thlustierte 
veltkriegschronik der Leipziger 

Illustrirten zeitung, 1914. Text von 

Paul Schreckenbach. 20. lfg.  Leip- 
zig, J. J. Weber, 1915. illus.) eel 
plate, maps. fol. [Tt 

©' Dec, 6, 1915: 1 €. dam Fi, aoe 
A—Foreign 18284: J. J. Weber, Leip- 
zig, Germany. 

J.)* Sé Louis... 
' Concession sheet. Issue of Jan. 1, 1916. 

[3] p. 8vo. $6.00 for 6 mo. © Jan. 
4; 1916 ;..2, c. and aff.. Jan. 7, 1996; 

Scuuster (Edw. 

A 417640. 
Net f. o. :b. mill list. Issue of an; 
¥, 1916. [3] p. S8vo. $6.00 for 6 moa. 
Jam.) ,4,; 1916; 2) 'e¢. and .aih. Jane 

Schuster’s yellow pine lumber rate book. 
Dec., 1915. Western ed. cover-title,- 
180 p. 12mo. $12.00 for 12 mo. ; 
Dec. 29, 1915; 2 e. and aff. Jan. 3, 
1916; A 417492. : 

SCHUYLER (Livingston Rowe)* New 
York. History 1, topie list and ref- 
erences. 22 p. 16mo. (College of 
the city of New York, Dept. of his- 
tory) $0.10. [777 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 6, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 417638. 


Scotr (Anna B.) Best ways to cook 

fresh vegetables. Philadelphia, W. 
A. Burpee & co., 1916. 40 p. port. 
12mo. [778 

© Dee. 21, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
53, 1916; A 420215; W. Atlee Burpee 
& co.. Philadelphia. 

SEARS, Roebuck & co.*, Chicago. 

Bargain counter. Bulletin no. 158. 
ecover-titie, 82 p. illus. 4to. © Nov. 

13, A915; 2c, Dec. 9, -1S1h> aaa 
15, 1916; A 419653. 

Bulletin no. 164. cover-title, 32 p. 
illus. 8ve. @ Dee. 20, 1915; 2 c. and 
aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 4196837. 


no. 1, 1916 

SEaRs, Roebuck & co.*—Continued. 

Beckwith pianos, standard of_excellence. 
Pop. seo. sligs: .fol.. © Noy... 20, 
"995-2 "c. and afi. Jan. 15, ‘1916; 
A 419688. 

Special cataiog of farm implements and 
machinery, cream separators, gasoline 
engines and power outfits. cover-titie, 
189 p. illus. (part col.) 4to. © Dec. 
Dey, NOUNS : 2 e.-and jait. Jan. 15,°1916 ; 
A 419636. 

SECHEER & €O.*, Cincinnati. In the air 
and on the road. 16 p. illus. 16mo. 
$0.50. [783 

© Jan. 5, 1916::2°c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419494. 

SECTIONAL hotel directory and tour. 
ist’s guide. [Old series, v. 5, no. 1; 

New series, v. 1, no. 1, Jan., 1916]: 

[86] p. obl. 8vo. $4.00. [784 

(ey Wee wy 1915 >:2c. Dec. 4, 1915; 
aff. Dee. 6,1915; A 416747; Jason A. 
Sullivan, San Antonio. Tex. 

Security trust co. of Rochester*. 
Rochester, N. Y. Cost and quality. 

-over-titie, [7] p. — 24mo. [785. 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419550. 

SERVICE motor truck co.*, Wabash, Ind. 
Bervice motor trucks. 39, .[1] p. 

illus., diagrs. Svo. (Cover-title : 
Service manual) [786 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 425049. 

SHARP (James) Viavi cause, 1916, by 
J. Sharp and [Charles L. Rhodes] 
San Francisce, Cal., The Viavi com- 
pany [1916] 31 p. 16mo. (Cover- 
title: 1916 greetings and good wishes 
for the new year from The Viavi 
company) $0.05. [787 

©. Dec. 24,1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 417488; Viavi co., San 

SHEPARD (Charles EH.) agency. Adver- 
tisers guide. Sheet, printed on both 
sides, 12 by 9 inches. [788 

© Dec. 11, 1915; 2 c. Dec. 29, 
1915; aff. Jan. 11, 1916; A 419542; 
Charles E. Shepard, Lebanon, N. H. 

SHEPARD (Frank) co.*, New York. 
Shepard’s citations of all cases in the 
Iowa reports. v. 7, no. 4, Dec., 1915. 
[Cumulative suppl.] 307 “p: '* Svo. 
$5.00 a year. Jan. D1 KG 592.c. 
-and aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 418559. 

New York court of appeals reports. 
13, no. 4, Dec., 1915. 414 p. 8vo. 
$4. 00 a year. @ Jan. BOVLOEG, 2 c. 
and aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 418562. 





SHEPARD (Frank) co.*—Continued. 

New York miscellaneous reports. 
v. 13, no. 4->Dees, 391). 0407p. = Sv0. 
$4.00 a year. © Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ec. 
and aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 418560. 

New York Supreme sone reports. 
13, no. 4, Dee., 1915. 39 p. S8vo. 
$5.00 a year. © Jan. 8, 916: 2 
and aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 418561. 

Oklahoma and Indian Territory re- 
ports. v. 7, no. 3, Dec., 1915. [Cumu- 
lative suppl.}] 243 p. 8vo. $4.00 a 
year. @ Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
gan. 18, 1916; A 418443. 

Shepard’s Connecticut citations. Jan., 
1916. [Cumulative suppl.] 69 p. 
8vo. $4.00 a year. © Jan. 4, 1916; 
2c. and ait. Jan. 13, 1916; A 4184388. 

Shepard’s Federal citations. v. 6, no. 
ean LOG: [Cumulative suppl.] 
217 p. S8vo. $5.00 a year. © Jan. 4, 
1916 5.22 ¢c, and saft. Jan. 227 LONG : A 

Shepard’s Georgia citations. v. 8, no. 
1, Jan., 1916. [Cumulative suppl.] 
224 p. S8vo. $5.00 a year: © Jan. 8, 
GIGS 2 - eo and tail, Jans 13). L9I6 = A: 

Shepard’s New York supplement cita- 
tions. v. 3, no. 4, Dec., 1915. [Cumu- 
eae suppl.| 212 p. S8vo. $6.00 a 

OLgan. ¢,..LollGi= 2 ce. and air. 
Far. B13: 1916; A 418442. 

Shepard’s Ohio citations. v. 7, 
Dec., 1915. [Cumulative supa 1 
D Svo. “34:00, 2 year." ©. J: 
LOG; 2) ec; -and ahs 'Jan; 22.8 

Shepard’s Utah citations. 1st ed., 1915. 
6p. 1,56 Dp.  {Sy0.,. -$12:00: © Jan. 
ies 1916: Ze. ‘and aft? aan’ 13, 19L6:: 
A 418445, 

v. 1, no. 1, Dec., 1915. . .[Cumula- 
tive suppl.] 39 p. Svo. $3.00 a year. 

ane) 2A Te 2c. and aff. Jan. 13, 
1916; A 418444 

Shepard’s Virginia foeious and annota- 
tions. v. 5, no. 1, Jan., 1916. [Cumu- 
lative suppl.] 77 p. S8vo. $4.00 a 
year: | 2@i Jans )5, doles ¢c and staff. 
Jan. 13, 1916; A 418439. 

Shepard’s West Virginia citations and 
annotations. vy. 4, no. 1, Jan., 1916. 
[Cumulative suppl.] 90 Be. pa $4.00 
a year. © Jan. 6, 1916; ec. and aff. 
Jans 13; 196% A 418440, 


SHERIDAN (Philip H.)* Madison, S. D. 
Your own book. [7] p. 1Gmo. $0.25. 
© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 

28, 1916; A 419865. 

SHERMAN (Althea Rosina) *, McGregor, 
Ia. Birds by the wayside in Hgypt 
and Nubia. (Jn Wilson bulletin 
Sept., 1915) [804 

De Nov., 28,..1915:,.1 e. Dee. 17, 
1915; A 421845. 

SuirRLtEY (John Cofer)* Chicago. 
Angels’ song. (In Review, Dec., 
1915, Jan., 1916) {S805 

GwDJaner2o,- AGG: «lc. Jan, 31, 
1916; A 4221038. 



SHORTWRITER co. of America*, Chicago. 
Speed writing on the shortwriter. 
15 p. illus., port. 8vo. [806 

© “Dee: 27, 1915302. E> and’ aff. 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 417496. 

Srmonps (Frank H.) 
Bagdad failure, 

[807, 808 
another little package. 
@ Jans 30,1916 ;..h «: Nebsad, 29le 
A 422117. 

Suez the exposed heel of the British 

Achilles. © Jan. 2, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 4, 
1916; A 421435. 
[Note: The foregoing are in New 

York tribune. ] 
© Tribune assn., New York. 
SMALLEY (G. W.)* New York. Persia. 
(In New York tribune) [809 
© Jan. 31, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 1, 1916; 
A 422119. 

SmiITH (Carry J.) Easy road to read- 
ing, 2d reader, illus. by Gertrude 
Speer and Mary Louise Spoor. 
Chicago, New York, Lyons & Carna- 
han [1915] 192 p. col. illus. 12mo. 
(Nature and life series) $0.40. 


© Oct. "1,° 1915: 2 cand ait Jan: 
Lyons & Carna-- 

6, 1916; A 418342; 
han, Chicago. 

SMirH (Elmer D.) & co.*, Adrian, 
Mie Crysanthemums for every 
purpose, 1916. cover-title, 24 p. 
illus. Svo. [811 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 417509. 

SmirH (Farmer) Goodnight stories. 
(In New York Evening mail) 
[812, 8138 

@ Janets al o1G= 2 e: 
A 421737. 

Jan. £2, £916. 
Jan. bf, LOLG ; 

Jan. 03, 19iG.) ©) Tans is), L9G. Le. 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 421742. 

© Evening mail syndicate, inc., 
New York. 
Smiryu (Homer J.)* Milwaukee. Eng- 

lish for boys, material and method. 
16 p. Svo. $0.05. [814 

(cy “Dees ot 1912 eee, 2, 
1915; aff. Jan. 11, 1916; A 419541. 

SPALDING (A, G.) & bros.*, New York. 

[815, 816 
Spalding complete 1916 trade list. 
{Catalogue no. 1602] Jan. 5, 1916. 

illus. Svo. 

cover-title, 184 p. 
and aff. Jan. 13, 

Gale ay 1916; ZG. 
1916; A 419581. 

Spring & summer, catalogue 1916. Over 

title, 176 p ‘illus. 8vo. 5, 
TONG 22 e and aff. Jan. 13, 1916: 
A 419580. 



pt. 1, n.s., v.13 © 


1916. New York, American sports 

Official athletic almanac, — 


publishing company, 1916. 219, [2] — 

p. front., ports., diagrs. 16mo. 

(Spalding red «over series of ath- 

letic handbooks, no. 1R) $0.25. 

e. and aff. Jan. 
Amer. sports 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 
7, 1916; A 420267: 
pub. co., New York. 

SPECIALTY auto parts co., inc.*, New 
York. Book of knowledge for Ford 
owners. cover-title, 32 p. illus. 
Svo. [818 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 «. and aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 419649. 

SPECTATOR co.*, New York. [819, 820 

Supplement to Reports of fire insurance 
companies. v. 10, no. 7, Dec., 1915. 
p. 49-56. S8vo. @ Dec. 24, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 3, 1916; “A 417587. 

Supplement to Reports of fire insurance 
companies. v. 10, no. 8, Jan., 1916. 
; . Bvo., SO2n Va Jan 13, 
1916; 2. ca and afi. Janie: 1916: 
A 419692. 

SPEER (Helen)* New York. Helen 
Speer book of childrens white pine 
toys & furniture. cover-title. 24 p. 
illus. (part col.) diagrs.  obl. 
16mo. [821 

© Dee. 27, 1915: 2.6 “eee 
1915; aff. Jan. 12, 1916; A 419605. 

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. Springfield 
Chester, Vt., directory, 1916. v. 5. 
Springfield, Mass., H. A. Manning 
eo., 1916.. 1 p. 1. 4A po ere 
$2.50. [822 

© Dec. 21, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 420231; H. A. Manning 
co., Springfield, Mass. 

(H. de Vere)* Stebbing, 
Chelmsford, England. Luck of Cap- 
tain Slocum. no. 2. The encounter 
with Keller. (Jn Premier magazine, 
Jan., 1916) 823 

©. i1.«.. Jan. 38,1916; A aap 
2540; pubd. Dee. 3, 1915. 

STALKER (Herbert H.) Bigger, better 
business. Over-ripe proficiency. (In 
Chicago herald) [824 

© Jan. 29, 1916;.1.e@ Janae 
1916; A 422085; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

STANBROUGH (William M.)* New- 
burgh, N. Y. Old Falis house; 
collection of pen sketches, drawn by 
Sid Turner. 161. illus. obl. 16mo. 

© June 1, 1915; .2 ¢ Bec ae 
1915; aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417709. 




no. 1, 1916 

STANDARD INSURANCE directory of New 
England, 1915-1916. Boston, Mass., 
Standard publishing company [1915] 
[7]-1132 p. 16mo. $2.00 [826 

© Dec. 16, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 7, 1916; 
an. Jan, 5, 1916; BAS 418352 ; Stand- 
ard pub. co., Boston, 

“STANDARD SANITARY mfg. co.*, Pitts- 
burgh. Standard porcelain enam- 
eled vitreous china & brass plumbing 
goods. x, 329 p. illus. fol. (Cata- 
logue PF) [827 

© Sept. 10, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 420168. 

York. [828-836 

Standard bond descriptions. vy. 4, no. 
cover-title, [71] p. 4to. $60.00. 
Galan dal 1916-2) ¢. and. afi;. Jan. 
2. 1916> A 420318. 

v. 4, no. 2. cover-title, [103] Dp. 
4to. $60.00. @ Jane 25: 1916;°2 ¢: 
and aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 420516. 

Standard bond offerings, Jan., 1916, is- 
sue. Pocket size. 668 _ p. 12mo. 
O0.00-)- @7 dan. 13,1916: 2c) and 
aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 4204383. 

pepedard corporation records. v. 4, no. 
ie perens -title, various paging. 4to. 
$60.0 @ Jane tt Gish cs and 
aff. Ta. i?) 4916 : "A 420319. 

2. cover-title, eel D. 
Sea $60. "00. @ Jan. 25, 1916; c. 
and aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A A20B15~ 

Standard corporation service daily. v. 
‘< cover-title, 3, 1491 

1550 p. 4to. $60.00. © Jan. il 
POG ee. and att. Jan. . £2; 1916: 
A 420317. 

——y. A 4, no. A 2. cover- praaeacs 
1, 5, 1551-1618 p. 4to. 0.00 oe 
wants 2. torGg- 2 ee and oe Jan. 
26, 1916; A 420514 

ee aaeecial aimont service. v. A 
5. no. Act. ee. title, various paging. 
tio. "$60.0 Quan AP OG 2 Cc 
and aff. fan. PL OLG: A 420316. 

Vv.AY 3, -A2. cover-title, Li 
paging. reed $60.00. © Jan. 
EQUG Es Je. and al. Jan. 26, 1916: 
A 420517. 

STANDARD WATER systems co.*, Hamp- 
ton, N. J. Standard muilticoil feed 

water heaters. cover-title, 18  p. 
illus., diagrs. S8vo. (Bulletin no. 
101.) [837 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 
zi. 1916; A Re 

2c. and aff Jan. 

‘“Srark bros. nurseries & orchards co.*, 
Louisiana, Mo. Secrets of orna- 
mental planting. Boro: illus., 
diagrs. 4to. [838 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 29, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 419899. 



STEBBINS (Charles M.)* Brooklyn. 
High school spelling leafiet. Brook- 

lyn, N. Y., Stebbins & company, 1915. 
cover-title, 16 p. 12mo. $90.05. 


©: Nov. 26, 1915; 2 « Dee. 30, 

1915; aff. Dec. 80, 1915; A 419440. 

Stevens (Zillah Foster) 
service for Sunday schools on 
Temperance Sunday. [Philadelphia, 
Pa., Printed by Lyon & Armor, 1915] 
[8] p. 12mo. [840 

© Aug. 16, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 420212; Sunday school 
times co., Philadelphia. 

Order of 

STEVENS-Davis co.*, Chicago. 
[841, 842 
Enthusiasm, the motive power of success. 
no. 18. cover-title, 2 1. 4to. [Text 
parallel to binding] © Dec. 31, 1915; 
2 c. and aff. Jan. 6, 1916; A 419464. 

Optimism as a factor in selling. no. 19. 
cover-title, 2 1. 4to. [Text parallel 
with’ binding]. © ‘San. 7," 1916: 2c. 

and aff. Jan. 12, 1916; A 417711. 

STizEs (William A.) Bigger, better 
business. Who will buy it. (Iw 
Chicago herald.) [843 

Jan. 12) ASIG= 1 ie yane 4: 
1916; A 421670; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

StoupER (Herman R.)* Omaha, Neb. 
Sure collecter. cover-title, 601. obl. 
24mo. $10.00. [844 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 425020. 

STRAIGHT (Edward Bratton) * Chicago. 
Natural system of double drumming. 
Book 4. Analysis of 6-8 time. cover- 

title, [168] p. diagrs. 4to. (Kd- 
ward B. Straight’s drum _ school) 
$2.00. [845 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 3, 1916; 
A 420283. 
| SULLIVAN (EF. J:)* ‘Salt Lake’ City. 
System of accounts for county gov- 
ernment. 3p.1., 72 p., 151. (7 fold.) 
Svo. [846 
© Dec. 24, 1915; 2c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 419666. 

SUTHERLAND (Harvey)* Brookiyn. 
Voice made beautiful. a Wa a 
16mo. [847 

© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 c and aff. Dee. 

8, 1915; A 419444. 
SWEET’s catalogue service, inc.*, New 
York. [848, 849 

Specification digest & checking list for 
use in connection with Sweet’s en- 
gineering catalogue. [New York, 
Printed by Williams printing co., 1915] 
pee SO pe tole (©) Dect. Woo: 
2 B "Jan. 10, 1916; aff. Jan. 12, 1916: 
A 420321. 


SwEEr’s catalogue service, inc.*—Con. 
Sweet’s engineering catalogue. 2d an- 
nual ed., 1915. 52, 8238, 80 p. illus., 

diagrs. fol. @© Dee. 27, 1915; Paarl 

Jan, °S; 1916; ati. Janz £2, 1916; ses 
TAYLoR bros. laundry. Mr. Reddy 
caught in the act. [4] p. col. illus. 
16mo. [850 

ec. and aff. Jan. 
Atlantis press, 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 
8, 1916; A 419489; 
Cambridge, Mass. 

TayLoR instrument cos.*, Rochester, 

INSY 2 [851, $52 

New Tycos thermograph, recording ther- 
mometer. (4) 2p. illus. 1Gmo.: 
Dec. .22, 1915;,2 c. and aff: Dec. 27, 
1915; A 419478. 

Tycos hydrometers, thermometers. 
ilius. Svo. (Bulletin 1700.) 
22, 9A” Ff Cand “an: Dec. o 25, 
A 419479. 

© Dec. 

THARPE (Almah Myrtle)* Kansas City, 
Mo. Moses and a man of today. 
[Kansas City, Mo., Printed by The 
3..D.,Havens co.;, 1915] 15,p.;:.12mo. 


© Dee. 29, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

3,.1916; A 417491. 

THrrm married life. (in New York 
evening journal) [854-856 
Jan. ‘20, 79967 ''@* Jan: *20, £9867 ec. 

Jan. 21, 1916; A 421886. 

Jans »25,.-1916.. © sbanw25, 1916;5°1 ce. 
van. 26, 1916; A 421995. 

Jano Zo. 1916. Jan. 129, loro: F -e. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422090. 
© International news service. New 


THIELSEN (Edward W.)* San Fran- 
cisco. Note calender—i916. Card 
84 by 15 inches. [857 

© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

3, 1916; A 417503. 

THOMAS (Seth Howard )* Indianapolis. 
Schedule of weights—grain and 

grain products in packages. Sheet, 
8 by 24 inches. $5.00. [858 
© “Mee: *28, 19tse "2 “see ai. 

1915; aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417705. 

TuHompson (J. Walter) Bigger, better 
business. Two phases of our na- 
tional opportunity. Jan. 3, 1916. 
(In Chicago herald) [859 

(Jun! ’3, 1916-1" C Jan. -4, Toe: 
A 421491; J. Keeley, Chicago 
THOMPSON (MM. Roy ) * Tacoma. 

Awake! that something. Post card, 
illus, [860 

© Dec. 11, 1915; 2 *e:' Dee. 16, 
1915; aff..Jan. 3, 1916 "A Sr 7616. 


pt. 1,n.s.,.v.13 

THORBURN (J. M.) & co.*, New York. 
Thorburn’s seeds, 1916. cover-title, 
144 p. illus. S8vo. [861 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417659. 

THRIFT service. You wouldn’t take a 
file. Sheet, illus., 7 by 4 inches. 
© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 « and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419496; Atlantis press, 
Cambridge, Mass. 

THUurRsTon (KE. Temple)* Tewkesbury, 
Gloucestershire, England. Refugee. 
(In Bystander, Nov. 24, 1915) [863 

© 1c Dec. 22, 1915; A agit 

2543; pubd. Nov. 23, 1915. 
Troca mill & elevator co.*, Waverly, . 
1 gph [864, 865 

Ti-o-ga dairy feeds. [8] p. folder, 
illus. 16mo. © Jan22, 29tG. 22 
and aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419686. 

Ti-o-ga poultry feeds. [4] p. illus, 
16mo. ‘@ Jan. 12, 1916; 2<c.-and aff. 
Jan. 20, 1916; A 419685. 

Tompkins (Walter Knapp)* Cleve- 
land. Law of countermand as ap- 
plied to a conditional sale contract. 
cover-title, 15 p. 16mo. $0.50. 

© Jan. 4, 1916;°2 « Jan. 7, #916; 
aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419710. . 

ToustEy (William H.)* Philadelphia. 

Songs of Twill. Card, 7 by 4 
inches. [867 

© Apr. 5, 1915; 2 « and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417748. 

TrAvis - (Frank %H.)* |New ~Work. 
Knox dry ‘vapor generator. cover- 
title; 2FG] *p: +" ITS... “sips ts=* on 
24m0. [868 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
11; 1916; A 419556. 

(Harriette Taylor) | 
[869, 870 

Reading-lierature; 7th and Sth years 
[by] Harriette Taylor Treadwell, Mar- 
garet Free and Thomas H. Briggs, 
illus. by Frederick V. Poole. Chicago, 
New York. Rew Peterson and company 
f1915] 574 p. col. illus. “19mo. 
ue ombined reader) $0.72. © Jan. 5, 
1916 ;°2 ‘ce. Fan.’ 10, 1946 57a. an. oe, 
1916; A 418405. 

Reading-literature; 5th and 6th years, 
adapted and graded by Harriette Tay- 
lor Treadwell and Margaret Free, illus. 
by Frederick Richardson and Frederick 


V. Poole. Chicago, New York, Row, 
Peterson & company [1915] 574 Dp. 
col. illus. 12mo. (Combined ag 
S042... © Dec. 2%. 1915-2 .e, Dee: 

30, 1915; aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 420246. 
© Row, Peterson & co., Chicago. 

no. 1,.1916 

Trepway (Stutley Weeks)* Chicago. 
Grocery salesmanship. Ginger talk 
no. 14. 4 cards, 19 by 7 inches. 

© Dec. 17, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
30, 1915; A 417656. 

TuckER (James Irwin)* Norman, 
Okla. American road; prepared for 
Extension division, University of 
Oklahoma, no. 1, 2. Norman, Okla., 
The American road, 1915. 2 v. illus. 
12mo. (Cover-title: Lessons for cor- 
respondence instruction on _ the 
American road) [872,873 

© Dec. 8, 1915; Jan. 25, 1916; 
2 ce. each Jan. 27, 1916; aff. Jan. 28, 
1916; A 419867, 419868. 

TURNER (J. K.)* Cleveland. Circle of 
the labor movement. book 2, chap. 
1. (Jn Mediator, Jan., 1916) [S74 

©, dan. 18. 1916; 1 c. Jan. 20, 
1916; A 421858. 

TyLerR (Bertha Bliss)* San Diego, 
~*Cal. [875-880 

Christmas thought. fob ap: 24mo. 
(Cover-title: Christmas in the hills.) 

@ Noy. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 5,) 

1916; A 419453 

Cordial greetings. [3] p. 16mo. $0.19. 
i Ney, 13,1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 5, 
1916; A 419452. 

Hyening: Panama-California exposition. 

48mo. $0.25. 

ie ps ws. obi. 
© wece 9, F915: 2 ec. ‘Oct: 29, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 439455. 

Numbered. Folded card, 53 by 3% inches. 
$0.15. @ Nov. 6, 1915 ly an “and aff. 
Jan. 5, 1916; A 419451. 

Paean of peace. Card, 3 oy 54 inches. 
$0.10. @© Dec. 11, 1915; ec. and aff. 
Jan. 5, 1916; A 419454. 

Some merry little men. Folded card, 54 
by 3% inches. $0.10. © Dec. 19, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 419456. 

calendar and Lear’s fore- 
cast, 1916. [12] p.  illus., ports., 
map. fol. $0.05. [Text parallel to 
binding] [S81 

© Dee. 18, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419706; Frank S. 
Schmid, Fort Wayne, Ind. 

UNcLE Sam’s 

UNDERWOOD (Drury) Top o’ the 
morning. (Jn Chicago herald) 

Dec. 31, 1915. © Dec. 381, 1915; 1 c. 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 421394. 
Jan. 1;°1916: '‘@ Jan. 1, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 421399. 

gan, 2, 2916. © Jan. 2; 1916; 1 c.,Jan. 
3, 1916; A 421487. 
Jan. 5, 1916. © Jan. 5, 1916; 1c. Jan. 

6, 1916; A 421494. 
Jan. 12, 1916. © Jan. 12, 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421671. 

Jan. 14, 1916. 
Jan. 15, 1916; 

1iG; 1c 

A 421718. 


© Jan. 14, 1916; 1 a | 


UNDERWOOD (Drury )—Continued. 
Jan 29 c91G. © Sans); *1916- 1 ec. 
Jan. 20, 1916; A 421850. 
gan. 20, 1916... ©. Jjan.,20, 1916. 1c. 
Jan. 21, 1916; A 421874. 
Tai oe Pole! “Geran. oo” toro ee eC: 
Jan. 24, 1916; A 421979. 
Ji aoe ONG 1) wanes Loeb.) a> ie: 
Jan. 26, 1916; A 421988. 
Jan 26. JOtG. .@© Jan. 2619165,41 ce. 
gan. 27,-1916.; A 4226038. 
jan. 29, 1916... © Jan...29. i916: 4 .e. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422082. 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Union bank note co.*, Kansas City, 
Mo. Monthly savings certificate. 
Sheet, illus., 14 by 83 inches fold to 
8vo. [894 

© July 15, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 417532. 

U.S. para rubber works,* East Orange, 
N. J. Bluco rubber specialties. 9, 
[1] p. illus. 16mo. [895 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419672. 

UNITED theatres co.*, Seattle. Profit 
sharing bond, series Al, $1,000.00. 
Sheet, illus., printed on both sides, 
17 by 11 inches. [896 

© Nov. 19, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Dec. 
20, 1915; A 417610. 

VALENTINE (C. S.) Habits, care and 
feeding of Indian runner ducks. (In 
Philadelphia inquirer ) [S97 

© Jan. 23, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 1, 1916; 
A 422108; Eugene McGuckin ©Co., 


VALENTINE & co.*, New York. Care of 
the car. 4th ed. 24 p. col. illus. 
16mo. [898 

© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
7, 1916; A 417627. 

VANCOUVER, Wash. R. L. Polk & Co.’s 
Vancouver city and Clarke and Cow- 
litz counties directory, 1916. v. 6. 

Tacoma, Seattle [ete.] R. L. Polk 
& co., ine., 1915. 346 p. Svo. $6.00. 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 420287; R. L. Polk & co., 
ine., Seattle. 

[VAN DyKE (Henry) ] Christmas 
ereetings from Heart’s Delight farm 
[1915] 41. col. illus. 4to. [900 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 419750; William H. 
Miner, Chazy, Wicks 


SE eee CC 



VEHICLE year book, 1916. Philadel- 
phia, Ware bros. company, 1916. 
[366] p. illus. fol. $2.00. [901 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 4203893; Ware bros. co., 

WacGstarr (Henry C.)* Atlanta. Lum- 
ber talks, by Cy Press [pseud.] 
cover-title, 741. 8vo. [Text parallel 
with binding] [902 

© Dec. 18, 1915; 2 ce. and aff. Dec. 
28, 1915; A 419520. 

WaLtpron (John J. T.) Law govern- 
ing theatres, Sam Brown—Bill 
Jones—dialogue. [7] p. 8vo. $0.10. 


© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
6, 1916; A 419485; Chief pub. co., 
New York. 

WALKER. bin» co*,. Penm: ‘Yan; No Y: 
Walker bin system stops the leaks. 
[Philadelphia, Pa., printed by Wm. 
FF, Fell co., 1915] cover-title, 32 p 
illus. 12mo. [904 

© Dec. 22, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
38, 1916; A 420217. 

Warp (Mary Augusta Arnold) 
Connie, by Mrs. Humphry Ward. 
(In Cornhill magazine, Dee. 1915, 
Jan., 1916) [905, 906 

chap. 1, 2.) ..@'1 c« Dec. 24, 1915; A ad 
int. 2538 ; pubd. Nov. 26, 1915 

chaps so, 4. (Oi te. Jane 2k 1916 A ad 

int. 3549; pubd. Dec. 22, 1915 

© Mrs. Humphry Ward, Tiaor 

WaRREN (J. D.) mfg. co.*, Chicago. 
Supplement to Warren’s economical 
catalogue of hardware store fixtures. 
20 p. illus. obl. 16mo. [907 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
12, 1916; A 417714. 


WARREN bros. co.*, Boston. Warren’s 
portable asphalt plant. 28 p. illus. 
obl. S8vo. [908 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff, Jan. 
7, 1916; A 417658. 

WASHBURN (Claude C.)* Duluth, 
Minn. Verses, 2 p. 1, 3-26 numb. 1. 
12mo. [909 

© Dee '22, 1915+ 2 ce! Dee? 24 
1915; aff, Jan. 6, 1916; A 419480. 

Waskow co. America’s best shoe cut 
service, sheet no. 7, Jan. 1, 1916. 
Sheet, illus., 24 by 18 inches. [910 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417682; Richard G. Was- 
kow, Chicago. 

pt.1,n.s., v.18 

Watson (Mark S.) {911-914 

Mexican peace only new form of brig- 
andry. Article 11. © Jan. 18, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 20, 1916; A 421854. 

Mexican peons will progress only by 
force. Article 12. © Jan. 19, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 21, 1916; A 421884. 

Wilson policy in Mexico has cheapened 
U. S. Final article. © Jan. 23, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 26, 1916; A 421993. 

100,000 are starving in Mexico with more 
to come: death rate 9,000 a month, 
yet U. S. withdraws Red cross. () 
ai 11, 1916; 1 @ Jan, 13, 1916- & 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily or Sunday tribune.]. 

© Chicago tribune and New York 
sun, Chicago. 

Watwoop (Arthur. William)* Vermil- 
lion, S. Dak. Six poems and a short 
story. 12 p. 16moer “$025, [915 

© Dec. 15, 1915; 2 ¢. and ak, fam 
12, 1916; A 417720. 

WEAVER (Willis)* Sealy, Tex. First 
aid to seed corn. [6] p. folder. 
Svo. [916 

© Nov. 6, 1915; 2 e. Dee. 20, 
1915; aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 419521. 

WELSH (Ellwood B.)* Philadelphia. 
Old Fishtown and _ Kensington. 
[ Philadelphia, Pa., Printed by Welsh 
and Lessig] 1916. 15 [1] p., port., 
24mo. $0.10. . [917 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 419579. 

WERNER (W.)* Chicago. * [918-931 

Abdication of the tyrant. © Jan. 18, 
19164 1 ¢. Jan. 20-1916 as 421860. 

Bachelor’s car. ee Jan. 28; 1916; fe 

Jan. 31, 1916; A 422101. 

Cello; '@ Dec. St, 91915 5") ey eae 
1916; A 421427. 

Governor’s engagement. @© Jan. 11, 

19AG > 1. clan: 15, 1916; A 491649, 

Bat; Gy -Dee.-29, 191) ; ee 
1916; A 421420. 

Her birthday gift. © Jan. 19, 1916: Le 
Jan. 21, 1916; A 421868. 

In lilac time. © Jan. 14, 1916; 1c. Jan. 
17, 1916 3 & 421757: 

Making a golfer overnight. © Dec. 30, 
1915; 1 ¢. Jan: 8, 1916 5) A 429423. 

Married life in the twentieth year. @ 
Jan. 11, 1916; Le: Jan, 13, JS16- 

Professional man and his money. @ Dec 
29, 1915 3 ec. Jan.) 3, L516: A 451421. 

@ Jan. 28, 1916; 1 e. 
A. 422102. 

Jan. "Ss 

Three mothers. 
Jan. 31, 1916; 



no. 1, 1916 

WERNER (W.)*—Continued. 

Two yesterdays. © Dec. 30, 1915; 1 c. 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 421422. 

Unfortunate celebration. © Jan. 13, 
iG 4 ¢. dan. 15, 1916;,A: 421727. 

Why the trust company. -@© Jan. 19, 
1916; 1 ec. Jan. 21, 1916; A 421867. 

[Note : The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily news. ] 

WESTERN FARMERS almanac, 1916. 
[89th year] Louisville, Ky., J. P. 
Morton & company, ince. [1915] 76 
p. illus. 8vo. $0.10. [932 

© Dec. 18, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
3. 1916; A 417508; John P. Morton 
& co., ine., Louisville, Ky. 

WESTERN REFERENCE & bond associa- 
tion. Living endowment. [8] p. 
12mo. [933 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
12, 1916; A 417719; J. I. Billman, 
Kansas City, Mo. 

WEstTsMITH (Henry)* Santa Monica, 
Cal. Birthday greetings. Sheet, 8 
by 6 inches. [934 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419562. 

WHarton (Henry Morton)* Denver. 
Homeward bound. Post card. 935 

© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 417487. 

WHETForRD (Edward D.)* Bethlehem, 
Pa. Whetford log book for an- 
chored thought, 1916. 23, [3], 366, 
25-56 p. loose port. 24mo. $0.50° 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
4, 1916; A 418315. 

WuHuirte (FE. F.) Dispenser & carbon- 
ator. January jottings. (Jn South- 
ern pharmaceutical journal, Jan., 
1916) [937 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 1 ec. Jan. 3,1916; 
A 421440; W. H. Cousins, Dallas. 

WHITE SEWING machine co.*, Cleve- 

land. Advertising  sales-service. 
cover-title, 18 1. illus. 24mo. 
(Form no. A. P. 32) [938 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419869. 

WHITMAN (Stephen)* New York. 
Children of hope. chap. 10-12. (In 
Century, Jan., 1916) [939 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 1 c@ Jan. 24, 
1916; A 421924, 



How to have health 
and muscles like mine. (in New 
York American) [940-942 

Jan. 2.19916. (@ Jan. 2. 1916 "1 - ec Jan: 
= 1916; A 421408. 

Jan. i6, 191 G6 @-Jdan:-t6. 1916294 « 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 421747. 

Jan. 30, 1916. © Jan. 350. 49162 — 2 c. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422100. 

© A. Merritt, “New York. 

WILLIAMS (Clara Andrews) Jack and 
Betty’s magazine. Feb., 1916. (In 
Woman’s home companion. ) [943 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
A 421556; George Alfred Williams, 
Summit, N. J. 


WILLMORE (Howson Edward) jr.* Chi- 
cago. From amber to dynamo. pt. 
13. Commutation. (Jn Brass world, 
Dec., 1915) [944 

© Dee. 23, 1915; ie Jan. 3, 1916 ; 
A 421419. 

WINWAL co.*, Rockford, Ill. Solution 
of the button problem. 6 p._ illus. 
16mo. [945 

© Dee. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
30, 1915; A 419627. 

WITTL (Raymond)* Chicago. How to 
play Wittl’s game of baseball. Sheet, 
printed on both sides, 14 by 8 inches, 
fold. to 8vo. [946 

© Dee. 16,.1915 3 2 «2. Jan...14, 
1916; aff. Jan. 27, 1916; A 425048. 

Woop (T. W.) & sons*, Richmond. 
Wood’s high grade seeds, 1916. 
cover-title, 100 p. illus. (part col.) 
4to. [947 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 12, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 11, 1916; A 419569. 

Worrtp almanac and_e encyclopedia, 
1916. New York, The Press pub- 
lishing co. (The New York world) 
1915. clxiv, 896 p. illus., tables. 
12mo. $0.25. [948 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 420155; Press pub. co. 
(The New York world), New York. 

Worvp’s star knitting co.*, Bay City, 
Mich. Spring and summer catalog 
no. 48. 80p. illus. 8vo. [949 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 419635. 

WricHt (Jacob William)* Pasadena, 
Cal. Garden. cover-title, [8]  p. 
mounted port. 12mo. [950 

© Dee 18, 1915; 2 ¢: Dee. 23, 
1915; aff. Jan. 12, 1916; A 417716. 

951 pt. I, n. s., v.13 

Wright (Mary Louise) Managing | WricHt (Mary Louise)—Continued. 
marriage. (Jn New York Evening Jan. 29, 1916. © Jan. 29, 1916; le. 

mail) [951-956 Jan. 31, 1916; A 4220 

Dec. 30, 1915. © Dec. 30, 1915; 1 ©. © Evening mail syndicate, inc., 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 421406. New York. 

J 11, 1916. Jan. 11, 1916; 1 «. 

7 an. 13, 1916; a ants 421646. ‘| YAWMAN & Erbe mfg. co.*, Rochester, 

Jan. 13, 1916. ©, Jan. 18, 1916; 1 «. | N. Y. Record filing cabinets, gen- 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 421740. eral catalog no. 919-E, Jan. 1, 1916. 

Jan. 15, 1916. © Jan. 15, 1916; 1 «¢. ; _ illus. : 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 421744. 2d ed. 88 p ee 4to [957 

Jan. 28, 1916. © Jan. 28, 1916; 1 c. © Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 423093. 7, 1916; A 417648. 

This catalogue contains the following entries since Jan. 1, 1916: 
(a) United States publications (including 340 contributions to periodi- 

Cals) 0 ee 938 

(b) Foreign books in English language under ad interim provisions of 
Mar. 4 T9009 eee ee eee 17 
(c) Toreign *bovuks tn foreren jangndse 2. ee eee 2 




Betres (Ambro)* Harrison, Id. Un- 
civilized and the civilized creations, 
as given by Moses. 56 numb. 1. 
4to. Ms. [958 

© 1c. Jan. 19, 1916; C 904. 

FREEMAN (William Neeley)* Tiverton, 
R. I. Overgovernment the need of 
the hour. 16 ioose 1. 4to. Type- 
written. [959 

© 4 cep. 5, 1916; C 910. 

Goopwin (William McAfee)* Wash- 
ington. Christian science (church 
policy vs. doctrine); popular the- 
ology, and materia medica. Rev. 
ed. 861. 4to. Multigraphed. 

© 1c. Jan. 11, 1916; C 893. 

GrosE (Parlee Clyde)* McComb, O. 
Scientific management on the farm. 

5 numb. 1. 4to. Typewritten. 

= + ¢€. Jan. 20, 1916: C 905. 

Hatt (BE. J.) & Summers (D. C.)* 
Denver. Dialogue debate; wet versus 
dry, Tom O’Neil, a saloonkeeper, 
and a license commissioner, as given 
by E. J. Hall and D. C. Summers. 
32 p. 8vo. [962 

© 1c. Dec. 16, 1915; C 906. 

HENNESSY (John Joseph)* Marion, O. 
Address delivered before the Ohio 
association of master bakers mid- 
winter convention, Akron, O., Jan. 
19, 1916. 91. 4to. Typewritten. 


©1c. Jan. 19, 1916; C 907. 

| KEEFE (John R.)* New York. Plan 

for installing a two or three platoon 
system in fire departments, which 
will decrease the cost and increase 
the efficiency. 8 1. 4to. Type- 
written. [964 

© 1c. Dec. 30, 1915; C 894. 

KEELER (William Frederic)* New 
York. Course in the development 
of color vision (higher psychism) 
Lesson no. 1-7. New York, Higher 
thought correspondence school, 1915. 
7 v. 4to. $Multigraphed. Con- 
tents.—1. Introductory lesson.—2. 
First steps in actual color seeing.—- 
3. How to overcome difficulties in 
vibrant color seeing.—4. How to see 
your own color or the color that is 
corelative.—5. Fundamentals of color 
interpretation.—6. Color value.—7. 
Location of colors and color forms. 


© 1c. each Dec. 30, 1915; C 897- 

KENNEDY (Frank) Romeo and Juliet, 
in Hebrew. 4 numb. 1. 4to. Type- 
written. [972 

© 1c. Jan. 17, 1916; C 908; Gil- 
bert Pealson, Cincinnati. 

Nor (J. M.)* San Francisco. Dread- 
naught of peace. 6 numb. 1. fol. 
Multigraphed. [973 

© 1 e. Feb. 3, 1915; C 909. 

SEIBERT (Jonas S8S.)* New York. 
Lights and shadows of New York 
eily. dS numb. 1. 4to. Type- 
written. [974 

© 1c. Jan. 17, 1916; C 896. 

Number of entries of Lectures, sermons, addresses, included in the cata- 

fee omce Jan. 1, 1916... 



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ADVERSARIES; drama in 4 acts, by C. 

Coste. 4y. 4to. Typewritten. [975 

© 1c. Feb. 4, 1916; D 42955; 
Claire Coste, New York. 

ALIMONY (THE) CLUB; 1 act playlet, 
by Geraldine Sloane. [1], 10 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [976 

© jie. Jan. 25, 1916; D 428388; 
David H. Sloane, New York. 

AMBASSADOR (THE); musical comedy 
romance in 8 acts, by E. H. Hackley. 
[Philadeiphia, Philadelphia tribune, 
1916] 40 p. 16mo. [Libretto only] 


fa dian. 2.1916: 2 ec. Jan: 19, 

1916; D 42795; Edwin H. Hackley, 

AMERICA FIRST; drama of the present 
time in 8 acts, by A. Chrostowski. 
[98] p. 4to. Typewritten. [97S 

ae € Jan, 15, 1916;,,D 42751; 
Alphonse Chrostowski, New York. 

playlet, by R. Danenbaum and 
G. Goodmann. [2], 18 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [979 

/ 2 @& Jan. 3, 1916; D 42743; 
Roby Danenbaum & Gustav Good- 
mann, New York. 

AMERICAN (AN) GIRL; play in 4 acts, 
bye. 6B. Purdie. - [132] p.. 4to. 
Typewritten. [9SO 

©) fe. Jan. 10, 1916; D 42717; 
Francis Baillie Purdie, St. Joseph, 

ANY HOUSE; play in 8 acts, by O. 
Davis and RK. H. Davis. [182] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [981 

ia.eG. dan. 15,1916; D 42774; 
Owen Davis & Robert H. Davis, 
New York. 

ARCHIE’S HONEYMOON; farce in 3 acts, 
wees a. yan... [1],. TL’ p... 4to. 
Typewritten. [982 

© 1c. Jan. 28, 1916; D 42896; 
Thomas A. Ryan, Yonkers, N. Y. 

AT THE WINDOW; comedy in 1 act, by 
Liliaw F. Chandler. New York, 
Samuel French; London, Samuel 
Mrenchey itd. 10151) -46.ep. a2mo. 
(On cover: French’s international 
copyrighted ed. of the works of the 
best authors, no. 314.) [983 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 6, 1916; 
D 42663; Samuel French, New York. 

AVENUE (THE); play in 1 act, by F. 
Merrill. [1], 21 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [984 

© 1c. Jan. 26, 1916; D 42851; 
Fenimore Merrill, New York. 

Bass; story of a street waif, play in 
4 acts, by. W.. Hainer. ~ [1],..3—p. 
4to. Typewritten. [985 

©'-1 ‘e:\Jan: 29,1916; D: 42931; 
Whitfield Hainer, Providence, R. I. 

BEAUTY (THE) SEEKERS; play in 2 
acts, by J. J. Lake. 2v. 4to. Type- 
written. [986 

© Adeexnlan. 718, 1916; D° 42787; 
James J. Lake, Washington. 

BEHIND THE SCREENS; touch of reel 
life with accompaniments, book by 
Arthur PP. Scott. lyries by. A. P; 
Scott, H. E. Weese, J. E. Freeman 
and Donald Scott, music by H. E. 
Weese and J. E. Freeman.  [Chi- 
eago, Gunthorp Warren printing co., 
1915] 2 Dp. 1 Ovo: [987 

©) “Deer sit * 19to= 2 oe." Tank 17, 
1916; D 42781; University club of 
Chicago, Chicago. 

BEHOLD THY WIFE; play in 4 acts, by 
W. H. Briggs. [Revised ed.] 4 v. 
4to. Typewritten. [988 

© 1c. Jan. 14, 1916; D 42844; 
William Harlowe Briggs, New York. 

BENEDICT ARNOLD; play in 4 acts, by 
M. Nolan. [98] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [989 

1 ec Jan. 28, 1916; D 42903; 
Mary Nolan, New York. 


Oe —— ee > ee ee ee ee - 



BERNICE SALEM; play in 4 acts, by 
Minnie Scheff and H. H. Hughes. 
[185] p. 4to. Typewritten. [9390 

© de Jan. 15.) 1916-D 427i3- 
Mrs. J. S. Scheff, New York. 

Betty; skuespil i 3 akter, af J. Mag- 

nussen. Kjébenhavn og Kristiania. 
‘Gyldendalske boghandel, Nordisk 
forlag, 1915. 161 p.. 12mo. [991 

©" Dee. 15, 191534. eo. dams 2a 
1916; D 42810; Julius Magnussen, 

BItLy AND THE BLIZZARD; play in 1 
act, by A. D. Miller and J. R. Tut- 
wiler. [38], 21 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Feb. 2, 1916; D 42939; 
Alice Duer Miller & Julia R. Tut- 
wiler, New York. 

Biack (THE) AND WHITE RACE; farce 
in prologue and 8 acts, by A. M. 
Lyon. 4 v. 4to. Typewritten. [993 

© 1e¢. Dec. 24, 1915; D 42739; 
Adelaide May Lyon, New York. 

BLACKMAIL; play in 4 acts with a pro- 
logue, by A. Rives (Princess Trou- 

betzkoy). [174] p. 4to. Type- 
’ written, [994 

©, dic. Jana. Iie: Daag ak: 
Amelie Rives ‘Troubetzkoy, New 

BoaATSWAIN’S (THE) MATE; comedy in 
1 act and 2 parts, after W. W. 
Jacobs’ story of that name, drama- 
tized for music and composed by EH. 
Smyth. London, Forsyth bros., Itd., 
1915. 26 p. 8vo. 1995 

© Dee. 30, 1915; 1c. Jan. 7, 1916; 
D 42676; Ethel Smyth, London. 

Bonps (THE) OF INTEREST; comedy in 
a prologue and 3 acts, from. the 
Spanish of Jacinto Benavente, by 
ds arey Underhill --- (6.20. ...¢i,. ihe 
drama, no. 20, Nov., 1915.) [996 

©. Nov..29, 1915-1 ¢., Jan. 3, 1916; 
D 42630; John Garrett Underhill, 
New York. 

Boos (THE); miniature comedy in 2 
scenes, by W. E. Seott. 19 p.. 4to. 
Typewritten. [997 

©) 1 «@ Jan, 101910; 427271; 
William Haward Scott, San Fran- 

fairy play, by E. E. C. Dunlop. [1], 
23p. 4to. Typewritten. [998 

@,.1,;c.. Beb. 2;. 1916; ID, 42940; 
Evangeline Elizabeth Crowell Dun- 
lop, Washington. 

pL. 1, WS 

BREAD; play in 1 act, by E. Broome. 
[19] p. 4to. Typewritten. [999 

© 1c. Feb. 1, 1916; D 42922; 
Elizabeth Broome, East Orange, 

BRYAN TO PROVIDENCE; original comedy 
with specia! song numbers in 1 act 
and 2 scenes, book, lyrics and musie 
by Jack Burnett. 12 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [Words only.] [1000 

© 1c. Feb. 3, 1916; D 42944; 
Milze Derden Chance, Bryan, Tex. 

CAMP KEEP-OFF; comedy in 2 acts, by 
Hilliard Booth. New York, Samuel 
French; London, Samuel French, 
ltd., 1915. 28 p. 12mo. (On cover: 
French’s international copyrighted 
ed. of the works of the best authors, 
no;..319=) [1001 

© Dee. 30, 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 6, 1916; 
D 42662; Samuel French, New 

CHALK-LINE (THE) ; comedy, by C. W. 
Tackenberg. [3], 20 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1002 

© 1 ¢ Feb. 2; 1916; D* 42928; 
Charles William Tackenberg, Cin- 

CHARM (THE) OF LIFE; play in a pro- 
logue, 4 acts and. an epilogue, by 
Amend Robertson. [5], 94 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1003 

© 1c. Jan. 18, 1916; D 42848; 
Marguerite Robertson, New York. 


M. P. Higgins. [11] p. 8vo. Printed. 


© Jan. 7, 1916; 2.¢. Jan. 14,1916; 

D 42762; Mrs. Milton Prince Hig- 
gins, Worcester, Mass. 

CuiLp’s (THE) BOOK OF PLAYS; Mother 
Goose in pantomine, by Elsie Wil- 
liamson Phifer; drawings by. E. 
Marie Atkinson. Boston, New York 
[ete.] Educational publishing com- 
pany [1915] 111 p. illus, diagrs. 
Svo. [1004* 

© Dee. 14, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Dec. 
27,1915; A 418199; Educational pub. 
co., Boston. 

CHOCOLATE (THE) BRIDE; episode of 

love interrupted at the altar, by J. 

McCree. [1], 18 p. 4to. Type- 

written. [1005 
© 1 ec... Jan.. 6, 1916;, D 42658: 

Junie McCree, New York. 




Bro. 1, 1916 

CHOCOLATE (THE) GIRL; play in 3 acts, 
by A. Hovey-King. 65 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1006 

© 1c. ‘Jan. 31, 1916; D 42916; 
Alvin Hovey-King, Boston. 

act by Kay Muir [pseud. of M. P. 
Smith]. [1], 12 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1007 

© 1 ce Jan. 19, 1916; D 42932; 
Mary Pierce Smith, Los Angeles. 

Crry (THE); a modern play of 
American life in three acts, by Clyde 
Fitch. Boston, Little, Brown, and 
company, 1915. 4 p. 1. p. 451-636. 
12mo. $1.00. [1007* 

© Nov. 18, 1915; 2 c and aff. Nov. 
15, 1915; A 4204387; Little, Brown 
and company, Boston, and Alice M. 
Fitch, New York. 

CLATRE-DE-LUNE; play in 38 acts, by 
Baroness von Hutten and Marie An- 
derson. 38v. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Jan. 11, 1916; D 427380; 
Baroness B. von Hutton & Marie 
Stuart Maitland Anderson, London. 

CLEOPATRA; opera in 4 acts, book by 
Louis Payen, music by Jules Mas- 
senet, English translation by Martia 
Leonard. New York, G. Schirmer 
meen fl So hp... Svo.  (G. 
Schirmer’s collection of opera-libret- 
tos. ) [1009 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
D 42639; G. Schirmer, New York. 

CoDE OF THE MOUNTAINS; 1 act play, 
by L. W. Pedrose. 17 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1010 

aac, Jan.17, 1916; D-. 42780; 
Lawrence William Pedrose, Seattle. 

CoHEN AND HIS coIN; vaudeville 
sketch, by O. Shafter. [1], 7p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1011 

© i/c..Jan. 5, 1916; D 42649; 
Otto Shafter, Brooklyn. 

ConquEstT (THE); 1 act playlet, by 
Geraldine Sloane. [1], 21 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1012 

© 1c Jan. 24, 1916; D 42829; 
David H. Sloane, New York. 

CONVINCED; or, Just like his father, 
comedy in 8 acts, by Mary Lackeye 
Jackson. [102] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1013 

(step) Jam. (15;,.19163..D. 42771; 
Mrs. F. H. Jackson, Euclid, O. 




CORNERED; comedy sketch, by F. L. 
Whittier. [1]. 17 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1014 

Ct Gerjan 5419. ASG SD 42793; 
Frank L. Whittier, New York. 

CRADLE (THE) SONG; play in 1 act, by 
A. Metzger. [1], 19 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1015 

© 1c. Jan. 8, 1916; D 42710; 
Adrian Metzger, San Francisco. 

Critic (THE) ; or, An opera rehearsed, 
opera in 2 acts, text by Richard 
Brinsley Sheridan, arranged for the 
opera by L. Cairns James and the 
composer, music by Charles VY. Stan- 
ford. Libretto. London, Boosey & 
co., 1915. 382 p. 8vo. [1016 

© Dee. 18, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
D 42635; Boosey & co., London. 

CULPRITS (THE); comedy drama in 1 
act, by Alan Storm [pseud. of G. 
Lipkind |: El; 1% pe > 4to.* "Eype- 
written. [1017 

© 1-¢e Jan, 12) 19iG: DD. 4A2723: 
Goodman Lipkind, New York. 

CurRSE (THE) OF A NATION; drama in 
38 acts and 9 scenes, by Barry Gray. 
[42] p. 4to. Typewritten. [1018 

© 1c Jan. 22, 1916; D 42820; 
James J. Brown, Linwood, N. J. 

drama in 8 acts, sequel to Ten 

nights in a barroom, by R. W. 
Smiley. [96] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1..¢ 95an. 10, dOIG ss. 42714: 
Robert W. Smiley, Philadelphia. 

Daisy (THE); play in 7 acts, by Os- 
mond Shielingford. 2. v. Ato. 
Typewritten. [1020 

© 1 dan: ''29) 1916" D “42906; 
John Bartlett, New York. 

DaxoTa (A) wipow; comedy in 1 act, 
by Grace Livingston Furniss. New 
York, Samuel French: London, Sam- 
uel French, Itd., 1915. 20 p. 12mo. 
(On cover: French’s international 
copyrighted ed. of the works of the 
best authors, no. 316.) [1021 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c Jan. 6, 1916; 
D 42666; Samuel French, New York. 

3 acts, by P. B. Sipe. [133] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1022 

© 1c. Jan. 25, 1916; D 42836; 
Paul B. Sipe, Pittsburgh. 



pt. 1, mss Vee 

play in 1 act, by A. Snowden. [6], 
79 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1023 

© 1c: Glan. : 22, 1996 ; dy 42821 - 
Anne Snowden, Modesto, Cal. 

Day (A) IN couRT; burlesque on a jus- 
tice of the peace’s court, by J. C. 
Powers. Boston, Walter H. Baker & 
€o0., 1916.2 12-p.* 12mo; [1024 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 7, 1916; 
D 42678; Jay Clay Powers, San An- 

DEMONSTRATOR (THE); auto play, in 
face by lH bb. snemann ~ Tsai ps 
4to. Typewritten. [1025 

(O-d cs, Jam, 14, 19163 1D: 42763; 
Herbert B. Ehrmann, Boston. 

DrePrHs (THE); 1 act play, by H. W. 

Dunning. [1], 27 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1026 
©-l c. Jan. 3, 1916> 1 426298 

Harold Woleott Dunning, 


Deespy (THE) witcH; play in 4.acts, 

by M. Longhi. 55 p. fol. Type 
written. [1027 
© 1 ey dame, 1906: 1 22609" 

Marion Longhi, Chicago. 

DESERT (THE); or, Fata Morgana, 
seenario for ballet in 2 scenes, by 
L. Eyre. [6], 15 p. 4to. TLype- 
written. [1028 

© 1.¢ Dec. 27, 1915; D 42517; 
Laurence Eyre, Philadelphia. 

DESMOND’S BRIDE; or, Abbeyfeale, 
play in 38 acts, by H. F. A. Foley. 
[43] p. 4to. Typewritten. [1029 

© 1 @ Jan. 21, 1916;:D 42803; 

Edward F. Alfred Foley, Cedar 
Rapids, Ia. 

comedy, book by D. O. Miller. [5], 

30 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1030 
© 1 exdan.) 27; 1916; .p 42954; 

Daisy Orr Miller, New York. 

1 act, by O. T. Johnsone. [16] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1031 

©; Ane: Jan .d5,°19165,D 427725 
Otto T. Johnsone, Brooklyn. 

Dr. WAHL; Skuespil i 3 akter med et 
forspil og et efterspil, af H. Na- 
thansen. Kj¢benhavn og Kristia- 
nia, Gyldendalske boghandel, Nor- 
disk forlag, 1915. 166 p. 12mo. 

©: Oct.19, A91S401 “er Sa 1, 
1916; D 42809; Henri Nathansen, 


DOMESTIC ECONOMY; comedy in 1 act, 
by A.‘ Hoftman...,{ahu26 7p. ee 
Typewritten. [1083 

© 1c Feb. 3, 1916; D 42947; 
Aaron Hoffman, New York. 

Dora THORNE; dramatic play in 4 
acts, by J. W. Macready. [84] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1034 

© 1 ¢« Jan, 24, 1916; Dp 42572 
Darcy & Wolford, New York. 

DosE (A) OF HELL; comedy, with 
preface and the case for equality, 
by M. I. Todd. New York, Mary 
Ives Todd [1914] 58 p.. 12mo. 

© Apr. 17, 1914; 2 Decses 

1915; D. 42728; Mary Ives Todd, 

Brookly i. 

DoWwN SUWANEE WAY; comedy drama 
in 4 acts, by G. J. Crawley. [82] p. 
fol. Typewritten. [1036 

© 1c Jan. 29, 1916; D 42911; 
George J. Crawley, Irondale, Mo. 

Drees; play in 1 act, by Eva Wil- 
liams and Mark Swan. [tS]. 
4to. Typewritten. [1037 

© 1c Feb. 3, 1916; D 42942; 
Mark E. Swan, New York. 

Dusty (THE) PATH; play in 1 act, 
by Wilfred T. Coleby. New York, 

Samuel French; London, Samuel 
French,. ltd, 1915.-: 23 p. 7a 

© -Dec.. 30, 1915; 1.c Jam 48, 
1916; D 42790; Samuel French, |td., 

EASY MONEY; original farce in 3 acts, 
by Anton Oelgoetz. 89 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1039 

© 1c. Dec. 29, 1915+ D 42672 --A 
W. Oelgoetz, Columbus, O. 

acts, by: HE. Cy Randall” (iariew 
4to. Typewritten. [1040 

©.1.¢ Jan. -3, 1916;> D 42650. 
Ethel Claire Randall, Chicago. 

farce in 4 

FIGHTEEN; play in 1 act, by Kay 
Muir [pseud. of M. P. Smith]. [1], 
18 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1041 

© 1 ec. Jan. 19, 1916; °D 42933: 
Mary Pierce Smith, Los Angeles. 

EMANUEL; play in 4 acts, by K. B. 
Miller. [129] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

©.1 ec. Feb. 3, 1916; D 42022- 
Katherine Browning Miller, New 


no. 1, 1916 

act, by F. A. Frost. [1], 21 p. Ato. 
Typewritten. [1043 

@© 1 ¢« Jan..3, 1916; D 42636; 
Francis Alvan Frost, New York. 
dramatic operatic sketch 

in 1 act, by G. G. White. [12] p. 

8vo. Typewritten. [1044 
@ 1 c. Jan. 20, 1916; D 42814; 

George Gordon White, New York. 


EXPECTATIONS; or, Just two, comedy 
in 1 act, by E. Hopkins and H. Har- 
rington. [2],19 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1045 

© i c¢. Feb. 2, 1916; D 42934; 
Ldwin Hopkins & Hazel Harrington, 
New York. 

Farrin’s (THE) CHRISTMAS; [play in 
83 acts] by A. H. Clement. 22 p. 
12mo. Printed. [1046 

© 1c. Dee. 30, 1915; D 42764; 
Anna H. Clement, Marinette, Wis. 

FsRIBOL; vaudeville en 1 acte et 2 ta- 
bleaux, par Mauprey et Pougaud, 
mise en scéne de Jules Favart. 
Paris, C. Joubert [1915] 59 p. 8vo. 

Serieece t6, 1915: 1 ¢« Dec. 30, 
1915; YD 42632; C. Joubert, Paris. 

FATHER’S WAY; Comedy drama of 
home life, by W. E. Scott. 21 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1048 

om £ @ Jan. 10, 1916; D 42720; 
William Edward Scott, San Fran- 

FEAR (THE) MARKET; play in 4 acts 
with a prologue, by A. Rives (Prin- 
cess Troubetzkoy). 5 v. 4to. Type- 
written. [1049 

i te. Jan. 6, 1916; D 42659; 

Amelie Rives Troubetzkoy, New 

FEATHERHEAD (THE); 8 act drama, 
oe feos. Mel alis. [72] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1050 

© 1c Jan. 19, 1916; D 42835; 
Edwin Leslie McFalls, Hanover, 

N. H 

sketch, by T. Josselyn. [1], 10 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1051 

© 1c. Jan. 12, 1916; D 42733; 
Talbert Josselyn, Berkeley, Cal. 

FirE (THE) TEST; Indian play, by 
EK. T. Seton. [9] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1052 

© 1c. Jan. 25, 1916; D 42839; 
Ernest Thompson Seton, New York. 



(THE) SPEAKS; play in 1] First (THE) STONE; drama in 3 acts, 

by J. Swerling. [55] p. 4to. 
written. [1053 

Cds ce. Jane 2 AIG sy; D 42732 ; 
Jo Swerling, Chicago. 


FIVE BIRDS 1N A CAGE; play in 1 act, by 
G. E. Jennings. New York, Samuel 
French; London, Samuel French, 
ltt, 1915: °28 p. 12moer- (On cover’: 
French’s acting ed. no. 2534.) [1054 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 6, 1916; 
D 42661; Samuel French, ltd., Lon- 

FOR-RENT, FURNISHED; sketch in 1 act, 
by, (Ax Bartlett. . Ey 44eeps2* Ato. 
Typewritten. [1055 

@°t ce Jan. 15." 1916: Py. 42769; 
Arthur Bartlett, New York. 

act, by Cora Maynard [pseud. of 
BAe Grifing, ah, 29yup. 25 4toz 
Typewritten. [1056 

(id .er. Jan. 20,1916; D 42799; 
Emily Cora Griffin, New York. 

acts, by A:. M.: Brooks. [3], 16 p: 
fol. Typewritten. [1057 

© 1. Feb. 3, 1916; D 42949; 
Anna Moldovan Brooks, Peoria, Ill. 

acts, DY WL. Gonennt” 50 "pp. , fol. 
Typewritten. [1058 

Of ¢. Jan. 6. 19i6: bP 426(0; 
Marion Longhi, Chicago. 

FROM THE SAME PLACE; dramatic play- 
let in 1 act and 8 scenes, by Glen 
L. Beveridge and F. Siegel. [12] 
p. fol. Typewritten. [1059 

© 1«¢ Jan. 20, 1916; D 42902; 
Fred Siegel, Chicago. 

society drama, by A. R. La Porte. 
[54] p. fol. Typewritten. [1060 

(Dot fis, aha. 2D, , L9G s, D: 42882 - 
Addie R. La Porte, Syracuse, N. Y. 

4 acts, by G. J. Crawley. [83] p. 
fol. Typewritten. [1061 

Gy 2 .@ Jan: 29, 1916s *D 42907: 
George J. Crawley, Irondale, Mo. 

GirRL (THE) UP-STAIRS; comedy in 2 
acts, by Gladys Ruth Bridgham. 
Boston, Walter H. Baker & c@o., 
1916.» 21. p....12mo. [1062 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 7, 1916; 
D 42681; Walter H. Baker & co., 

. 47 



pt. I, i Ss Vows 

GOLDEN (THE) BALL; juvenile musical 
fantasy based on Grimm brothers 
fairy tale, The frog prince, by L. K. 
Been, music by Ruth D. Engstrom. 
23 p. Svo. Printed. [Words only. ] 


© Dee. 22, 1915; 2 ¢. Jan. 8, 1916; 

D 42712; Lucy Kneeland Been, Cal- 
umet, Mich. 

GooD OLD DAYS; play in 2 scenes, by 
Searl Allen and Chas. Doty. [1], 
5p. 4to. Typewritten. [1064 

©1c. Feb. 1, 1916; D 42924; John 
Gleeson, Bertha & Fred Houlihan, 
Trenton, N.. J. 

Goopy-GooDY’s (THE) DAUGHTER; com- 
edy in 1 act, by H. M. Graves. [1], 
27 p. S8vo. Typewritten. [1065 

© 1c. Jan. 28, 1916; D 42904; 
Harry M. Graves, New York. 

comedy drama, by G. J. Crawley. 
[32] p. fol. Typewritten. [1066 

© 1c. Jan. 29, 1916; D 42909; 
George J. Crawley, Irondale, Mo. 

GREATEST (THE) NATION; play in pro- 
logue and 8 acts, by M. F. Crighton 
and W. Elliott. [82] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1067 

© f.¢ Jan. .8,,1916; DD 42726. 
Marian F. Crighton & William ElI- 
liott, New York. 

GREEN (A) WOMAN; sketch in twenty 
minutes, by H. T. Dimick. [8], 18 p. 
fol. Typewritten. [1068 

©O-tve san: 18; 1916: DD 42788: 

Howard Thomas Dimick, Shreve- | 

port, La. 

GUINEVERE; play in 6 acts, by H. C. 
Colwell. [149] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1069 

C1 se. lan .S, 1916". 42711 
Henry Clifford Colwell, Kittanning, 

play in 8 acts, by E. Chantler. 3 v. 
4to. Typewritten. [1079 

(©) dine.) dan. 12,-d916; BD 42738: 
Everett Chantler, Pittsburgh. 

HAUNTED (THE) BRIDE; a peep behind 
the doors of a moving picture 
Studio, “by J. -McOree.” T1],° 21 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1071 

© 1c. Jan. 20, 1916; D 42800; 
Junie McCree, New York. 


play, by C. F. Horner. 29 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1072 

© 1 c. Jan. 14,°1916% D 426-7 
Chas. F. Horner, Kansas City, Mo. 

HEARTS DESIRE; drama in 1 act, by 
G. HE. Crater, jr. 19 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1073 

© 1c. Jan. 18, 1916; D 42786; 
George E. Crater, jr., Brooklyn. 

drama, by B. Glynn. 8 p.. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1074 

© 1c. Jan. 20, 1916; D 42945; 
Billee Glynn, San Francisco. 

HigHway (THE) TO LOVE; play in 3 
acts, by H. A. McAnarney. 116 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1075 

© 1c Jan. 31; 1916) Dp 429Ks; 
Henry A. McAnarney, Baltimore. 

HIS FATHER’S WILL; play in 1 act, by 
A. Du Lany. 4 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1076 

© 1c. Jan. 21, 1916; D 42805; 
Albert Du Lany, Chicago. 

Honor (THE) cross; play of 1 act, 
by M. E. Lee. 11 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1077 

©'> 1 ec. Jan: 15, 1916: BD 42%er- 
M. EK. Lee, St. Louis. 

4 act melodrama, by A. R. La Porte. 
[54] p. fol. Typewritten. [1078 

© 1¢ Jan. 25, 1916: WD 44eae0 
Addie R. La Porte, Syracuse, Wee 

HuMAN (THE) HUNTER; fantasy drama, 
by. I.. Propper. 4 p. fol,=eype. 
written. [1079 

© 1c. Jan. 21, 1916; D 42804; 
Isidor Propper, Detroit. 

HUMAN PARASITES; play in 4 acts, by 
M. S. Watts. [2], 61 p. fol. Type- 
written. [1080 

© 1c. Jan. 20, 1916; D 4Z38025 
Mary S. Watts, Kansas City, Mo. 

IN SELF DEFENSE; a crumb from the 
under crust, by W. C. Dunean and 
C. W. De Rose. [22] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1081 

@© 1 ¢« ‘Jan. 26, 1916; DB Azea0- 
William Cary Dunean & Chas. W. 
De Rose, New York. 

IN SPITE OF THE LAW; play in 4 acts, 

by A. C. H. Howze. [99] p. 4to. 
Typewritten, [1082 

© 1.¢. Jan: 15, 1916;>D, 4270- 
Anne ©. H. Howze, Washington. 


no. 1, 1916 

whimsically humorous musical spec- 

tacle, book and lyrics, by D. HEH. 
Davenport. [16] p. fol. Typewrit- 
ten. [Words only.] [1083 

© 1c Jan. 24, 1916; D 42842; 
Delbert Essex Davenport, Philadel- 

offering with musical numbers in 1 
act, by T. J. Baston. 7p. fol. Type- 
written. [1084 

© 1c. Jan. 10, 1916; D 42716; 
Thornton J. Baston, San Francisco. 

INSURED; play in 1 act, by M. M. 
Townley. 15p. 4to. Typewritten. 
i £ « Jan. 7, 1916; D 42675; 
Morris M. Townley, Chicago. 

INTUITION; part 2, sketch, by A. B. 
Foans. 7 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

: [1086 
© 1c. Jan. 5, 1916; D 42744; 

Andrew B. Foans, New York. 

JACKS UP; play in 1 act, by G. Richard- 
son and J. Neilson. [1], 13 p. 4to. 
Typewritten, [1087 

ert ec fan. 12.°1916: 1D. 42741; 
Grace Richardson & Jeanne Neilson, 
New York. 

JOHN FERGUSON; play in 4 acts, by S. 
G. Ervine. New York, Macmillan 
company [1915] 113 p. 12mo. [1088 

eter 0, 1915; 1 e.iJan: 113, 
1916; D 42830; St. John G. Ervine, 
Dublin, Ireland. 

JUST A WIFE; play in 1 act, by E. Law- 
son and E. Polini. [3], 33 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1089 

© 1c. Feb. 3, 1913; D 42948; 
Eleanor Lawson & Emelie Polini, 
New York. 

KITCHEN CALLERS; comedy sketch, by 
T. Josselyn. [1],10 p. 4 to. Type- 
written. [1090 

© 1 ec. Jan. 28, 1916; D 42894; 
Talbert Josselyn, Berkeley, Cal. 

Kwockine (THE) ON THE pDooR; play 
a 4, act. by Edith Thain. [2], 26 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [1091 

© 1.c. Jan. 15, 1916; D 42766; 
Edith Isobel Thain, New York. 

LACKING CONSCIENCE; crinoline comedy 
in 4 acts, by U. Keene. 4 v. 4 to. 
Typewritten. [1092 

© 1c. Jan. 26, 1916; D 42853; 
Ursula Keene, New York. 



LADDE; play in 8 acts, by W. N. Day. 

[2],19 p. 8vo. Typewritten. [1093 

© 1c. Dee. 18, 1915; D 42667; 
William N. Day, Spokane, Wash. 

Lapy GoDIVA’S RIDE; vaudeville sketch, 
by M. T. Middleton. [18] p. 16 mo. 
Typewritten. [1094 

© 1c. Jan. 17, 1916; D 42784; 
Milton T. Middleton, New York. 

play in 1 act, by F. Cannon. [14] 
p. 4 to. Typewritten. [1095 

© 1 ce. Jan. 14, 1916; D 42759; 
Fanny Cannon, New York. 

HAYM LUZZATTO’S) (Praise for 
righteousness) ; tr. from the Hebrew 
by Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein and 
Rebecea Fischel. New York, Bloch 
publishing company, 1915. 55 p. 16 
mo: $0.35. [1095* 

© Mar. 6, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 
19, 1915; A 414676; Herbert S. Gold- 
stein, New York. 

sketch, by Louie W. Bogner. [2], 
10 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1096 

© 1c Feb, 2;-1916;"D 42929- 
B. M. Berg, Rochester, N. Y. 

LEGITIMATE; drama in 4 acts, by J. 

Slavit. [64] p. 4to. Typewritten. 


©? 2 ©. Fan. 22) 1916) D: 42815; 
Joseph Slavit, Brooklyn. 

of New York life, by A. Colby. [1], 
14 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1098 

© 1e Jan. 5, 1916; D 42648; 
Archie Colby, New York. 

LIGHTHEART; child’s play, by J. D. 
Abbott. [8], 22 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1099 

© 1e. Feb. 1, 1916; D 42926; 
Jane Drake Abbott, Buffalo. 

LILLITH; comedy in 38 acts, by A. 
Mixon. [104] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1100 

(cy 1 .¢.’ Jan, 5, 1916: Did 2647: 

Ada Mixon, Washington. 

LosING ELoise; modern comedy in 38 
acts, by I. Jackson. [197] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1101 

© 1c. Jan. 10, 1916; D 427138; 
Fred Jackson, New York. 


LOST CLAIM 13; or, His little pal, play 
in 4 acts, by G. J. Crawley. [29] p. 
fol. Typewritten. [1102 

© 1« Jan. 29, 1916; D 42910; 
George J. Crawley, Irondale, Mo. 

Porous. CPan) “Lity; 1 act. drama sor 
women, by EH. M. Unsell and E. M. 
Riley. [1], 10 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1103 

©) Ac. Fan. 2h t91G: DD A280rs 
Eva M. Unsell & Edna M. Riley, 
New York. 

LOVERS’ LANE; a play in four acts, by 
Clyde Fitch. Boston, Little, Brown, 
and company, 1915. 2p. 1, p. [213]- 
405. 12mo. $1.00. [LLOS* 

 Novy.cdsy 191576:2, en andy cait. 
Nov. 15, 1915; A 4204389; Little, 
Brown, and company, Boston, and 
Alice M. Fitch, New York. 

MAD WITH THE HEAT; farce comedy, 
by: B. oe Osborne: +) (52 ie «to. 
Typewritten. [1104 

Cy 1 e) dan. 17... 1916s: 427e5* 
Bertha Hoover Osborne, Washing- 

Man (THE); 1 act comedy-drama, by 

M. Cherney. [1], 21 p. 4to. Type- 

written. [1195 
© 2e. Jani 17) 1916+ Di 42082* 

Maurice Cherney, Brooklyn. 

Man (THE) IN RED; fantastic comedy 

novelty, by John B. Hymer. [1], 
17 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1106 

© 1 ¢ Jan. 22, 1916; D 42843; 
Eleanor Hymer, New York. 

Man’s (A) GAME; play in 8 acts, by 
Owen Davis. [106] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1107 

©) ec: Wan. "20, 1916) D 542791: 

Darcey & Wolford, New York. 

MARMORET SOM sOovV; [sSkuespil i 4 
akter] af Hjlert Bjerke. Kristiania, 
H. Aschehoug & co. (W. Nygaard) 
1915. “3p LF 146 p. .12mo. [1108 

© Nov. 19, 1915; 1 ec. Jan. 8, 1916; 
D 42811; H. Aschehoug & co., Chris- 

Mater Donoroso; play in 1 act, by EK. 
Randolph and T. G. Springer. 16 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1109 

©) ee dan.-24.) 19163" DP 42825; 
Edith Randolph & Thomas Grant 
Springer, New York. 



pt. 5, S.,'¥. ae 

acts, by G. Davidson and J. Koven. 
Boston, Poet Lore company; To- 
ronto, Copp Clark co., limited, 
[1915]. 1p.1,179 p. 12mo. (Amer- 
ican dramatists series. ) [1110 

© Jan. Li, 19163~-2 c. Janes 
1916; D 42776; Gustav Davidson & 
Joseph Koven, New York. 

MeEtopy (THE) MAKERS; vaudeville 
sketch in 1 act, by V. M. Haberle. 
[2],16 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1111 

© 1c. Jan. 10, 1916; D 42789; 
Vera Marie Haberle, New Haven. 


mr drama in 4 acts, by B. 

[2],115 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1: ¢. Jan. 14, 19167) 43i5e. 
Barton Hall, Kansas City, Mo. 

Brown’s left town, 1 act musical 
comedy, by F. L. Griffiths. [1], 25 
p. 4to. Typewritien. [Words only] 

© 1c. Feb. 4, 1916; D 42953; Fred 
L. Griffiths, San Antonio. 

MrracE; play in 3 acts, by E. HE. Keays 
and R. Sherwin. [74] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1114 

© 1c. Jan. 26, 1916; D 423837 
Hmery Keays & Ross Sherwin, Great 
Neck, N. Y. 

Mrs. RITTER APPEARS; comedy in 1 act, 
by G. Kelly. [8], 39 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1115 

© 1c. Jan. 20, 1916; D 42601; 
George Kelly, Philadelphia. 

MonSIEUR RENAUD; comedy drama in 
4 acts, by HK. B. Lewis and J. Ruben. 
[37] p. foi. Typewritten. [1116 

© 1c. Jan. 29, 1916; D 42905; 
Eugene B. Lewis & Jose Ruben, Los 

MooNLicgHt Mary; play in 8 aets, by 
G. V. Hobart. [109] p. 4to. Type- 
written. {1117 

© 1. c. Jan. 14, 1916: 2 427Ge- 
George Vere Hobart, Pelham Manor, 

MotTHer (THE) OF A MAN; play in 1 
act, by A. Marshall. [2], 17 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1118 

© 1e Jan. 29, 1916; D 42914; 
Abigail Marshall, New York. 
MovseE; play in 3 acts, by E. Knob- 
lauch. 3 v. 4to. Typewritten. 
© 1c. Jan. 5, 1916; D 42650; Hd- 
ward Knoblauch, London. 


no. 1, 1916 

MURDER WILL OUT; dramatic incident 
in 4 portions and 1 scene, by R. E. 
Hausrath, jr. [1],10p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1120 

© 1c. Jan. 24, 1916; D 42824; R. 
E. Hausrath, jr., San Francisco. 

My LADY’S DRESS; a play in three acts, 
by Edward Knoblauch, with an in- 
troduction by Frank Chouteau 
Brown. Garden City, N. Y., Double- 
day, Page & company, 1916. xxvi, 
Pa, 265,19) ps 12mo. $0.75 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

19, 1916; A 420399; Edward Knob- 

lauch, London. 

My MOTHER’S ROSARY; dramatic play 
in 4 acts, by Owen Davis. [95] pb. 
fol. Typewritten. MayAS 

© 1e. Jan. 24, 1916; D 42828; 
Darey & Wolford, New York. 

= 2eus, by J. Jarrow: [S87] p. 
Typewritten. [1122 

© 1c. Jan. 25, 1916; D 42840; 
Joseph Jarrow, New York. 

NAMELESS (THE) ONE; play in 8 acts, 
by Anne Cleveland Cheney. New 
York, Frederick A. Stokes company 
boro) 4G pp. fT. - 151 p. 12mo. 


Pate 1) 1916-2 cc. Jan. 13, 

1916; D 42746; Frederick A. Stokes 
company, New York. 

historical comedy-drama in 5 acts, 
8 scenes, by F. Kleber. [104] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1124 

if ee Jan. 13; 1916; D 42750: 
Frank Teipe Kleber, Chicago. 


interlude, by S. 

22 p. S8vo. Typewritten. 


fic. Jan. 5, 1916; D° 42654; 
Stuart Walker, New York. 

New (THE) HOMESTEAD; new drama 
im > acts, by H. L. Dixson. [3], 
46 p. fol. Typewritten. [1126 

© 1c. Jan. 24, 1916: D 42822: 
Harry Lester Dixson, Northfield, 

NEw (THE) SCHOOL-MA’AM; Sketch in 
1 act, by G. H. McArthur. Boston, 
Walter H. Baker & co., 1916. 11 p. 
12mo. [1127 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 7, 1916; 
D 42679; G. H. McArthur, Boston. 


tol 4 


NicgHt (THE) BEFORE; Scottish do- 
mestie comedy in 8 acts, by H. 
Lauder. 3 v. 4to. Typewritten. 


24, 1915; D 426387; 

New York. 

Or te. Dee 
Harry Lauder, 

NiTANA; opera in 8 acts, libretto by 
A. Post, music by Umberto Vesci. 
[46] p. 4to. Typewritten. [Words 
only ] [1129 

©, ties sJan, 10.1916? Dp 42715 - 
Augustus Post, New York. 

NO SMOKING ALLOWED; play in 1 act, by 
O. T. Johnsone. [16] p. 4to. Type 
written [1130 

©, A es Jan Als, AGIG= D420 773 5 
Otto T. Johnsone, Brooklyn. 

No TRESPASSING; play in 8 acts, by Ev- 
elyn Gray Whiting, Boston, Walter 
H. Baker & co., 1916. 56 p. 12mo. 


© Jan-> 1;.1916% 2. \¢... Jan. 3f 1916 

D 42634; Evelyn Whiting Card, Win- 
throp, Mass. 

Nor FOR SALE; melo-comedy in 8 acts, 

by William Revest. [96] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. {1132 

“Oc. Jan’ 12% 1916; DpA2T3S: W. 
Carl Raue, Philadelphia. 

Not In; comedy episode, conceived and 
written by LeRoy MacNicol. [8], 15 
p. 4to. Typewritten. LISS 

© 1c. Dec. 16, 1915; D 42642; Le- 
Roy Vincent MacNicol, New York. 

OBERGN AND TITANIA; adaptation of the 
fairy scenes in Shakespeare’s A mid- 
summers night’s dream, by Frances 

BE. Clarke. New York, Samuel 
French; London, Samuel French, 
lid., 1915; 15 p. 12me0.  (Om-cever: 

French’s international copyrighted 
ed. of the works of the best authors, 
no. 320. ) [1134 

© Dec., 30, 1915; 2.c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
D 42709: Samuel French, New York. 

OnIo (THE) LADY; play in 4 acts, by 
N. B. Tarkington and Julian Street. 
[2], 179 p. Svo. Printed. [1135 

© 1c. Jan. 20, 1916; D 428138; N. 
Booth Tarkington, New York. 

Oup Britt RocERS; rural comedy playlet 
invd veck by, A. Holman, « fhJy-9, p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1136 

© 1e). Jan. 10,:1916;.D 42722; 
Harry Holman, New York. 



pt. 1, pn. s., v.13 

ON PROBATION; in 1 act, by H. C. Kas- 
tenbaum. 16 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1c Jan. 14, 1916; D 42761; 
Harry Clay Kastenbaum, New York. 

ON WITH THE DANCE; dancing novelty 
in 8 acts, by B. W. B. Rainger. [1], 
db4p. 4to. Typewritten. [11388 

©. 1 cGxJdan.,.5,, 1916; . 1.42655; 
Bertha Weston Bright Rainger, New 
Rochelle, N. Y. 

eomedy sketch, by J. Cook. 4 p. 
fol. Typewritten. [1139 

© 1c. Jan. 6, 1916; D 42725; Joe 
Cook, Lake Hopatcong, N. J. 

PAINTED ILLUSIONS; comedy skit, by E 
Hoffmann. 5 p. 4to. Typewritten. 
© 1c. Jan. 17, 1916; D 42380; 
Eberhard Hoffmann, New York. 
Pam (A) oF sAcKs; farce-comedy in 
1 act, by Frank X. O’Leary. [1], 
19 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1141 
©.4.-e: Jan. 20, 19164*2)) 42797: 
Francis Xavier O’Leary, Brooklyn. 
sketch, by Grace Bryan. [1], 16 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1142 
© 1c. Feb. 4, 1916; D 42950; 
Grace Lovell Bryan, Minneapolis. 
PAULA; play in 1 act by A. N. Meyer. 
14 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1148 
© 1.c. Dee. 29, 1915; D 42847; 
Annie Nathan Meyer, New York. 
PEDDLER (THE); play in 1 act, by M. 
H. Lyman. 6p. 4to. Typewritten. 
© d+e“san: 10, 1916:.D 42817: 
Marie H. Lyman, Philadelphia. 
PEOPLE’S (THE) FRIEND; monologue, by 
A. Hoffman. [1], 30 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1145 

fe) Asc. Sam.) 1S 2 19) A? 
Aaron Hoffman, New York. 

PERFUME (THE) SHOP; odoriferous 
comedy, by Junie McCree. [1], 17 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1146 

© 1c. Jan. 27, 1916; D 42855; 
Harry Lutton, New York. 

PERHAPS: comedy in 1 act, by Grace 
Livingston Furniss. New York, 
Samuel French; London, Samuel 
French, ltd.,°1915. 18 p. 12mo. 
(On cover: French’s international 
copyrighted ed. of the works of the 
best authors. no. 317.) [1147 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 6, 1916; 
D 42665; Samuel French, New York. 

PLAN (THE) AND THE MAN; play in 4 
acts, by A. S. Eagan and M. VY. Sam- 
uels. [1386] p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Jan. 8, 1916; D 42704; 

Aiberta S. Eagan & Maurice V. 
Samuels, New York. 

PLAYMATES; comedy, by D. H. Wal- 
lace. [1], 51 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Jan. 4, 1916; D 42644; 
David Harold Wallace, New York. 


children, by E. Guerrier. 3 p. (Jn 
S. H. G. news, v. 4, no. 1, Nov. 138, 
1915.) [1150 

© Nov. 20, 1915; 1 e¢ Dee. 30, 
1915; D 42845; Edith Guerrier, Bos- 

—— (concluded) play for children, by 
EX. Guerrier. 3p. (Jn §. E. G. news, 
v. 4, no. 2, Dee. 11, 1915.) [1151 

© Dec. 18, 1915; 1 e« Dee. 30, 
1915; D 42846; Edith Guerrier, Bos- 

in 8 acts, by R. C. Sheldon. [74] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1152 

© 1c Feb. 4, 1916; D 42952; 
Ruth Church Sheldon, Hempstead, 


satire in 2 acts, by W. Clapp. [132] 
p. fol. Typewritten. { Words 
only] [1153 

© 1c. Jan. 4, 1916; D 42646; 
Woodbridge Clapp, Washington. 
PRINCIPLES; 4 act drama, by G. G. 
Glick. [54] p. 4to. Typewritten. 
© 1c Dec. 17, 1915; D 42672; 
George Gordon Glick, St. Paul. 
PRIZE ESSAY; or, Boy wanted, by Edith 
F. &. U. Painton. Chicago, Beckley- 
Cardy company [1916] 27 p. 12mo. 
$0.25. [1155 
© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419897; Beckley-Cardy 
co., Chicago. 

PropicaL (THE) DAUGHTER; rural 
drama, by A. A. Fisher. 10 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1156 

© 1c. Jan. 11, 1916; D 42729; 
Albert A. Fisher, Portland, Or. 

torical 4 act play, by B. C. Ruggles. 
44 p. 12mo. Printed. [1157 

© Dec. 22, 1915; 2 c. Dee. 28, 
1915; D 42808; Bernard Clinton 
Ruggles, Oakland, Cal. 



no. 1, 1916 

ProposaAL (THE); specialty or playlet 
in 1 scene, by Frank A. Burt [pseud. 
of A. Berek]. [1],5p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1158 

© 1c Jan. 8, 1916; D 42706; 
Augustus Berek, Brooklyn. 

PUSHING TO THE FRONT; play in 1 act, 
by E. Von Hampton and J. Shriner. 
6 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1159 

© 1 « Dec 31, 1915; D 42818; 
Earle Von Hampton & Joe Shriner, 
New York. 

Q:; farce in 1 act, by Stephen Leacock 
and Basil Macdonald Hastings. 
New York, Samuel French; London, 
Samuel French, ltd., 1915. 23 p. 
12mo. (On cover: French’s acting 
ed. no. 2459.) [1160 

MiMee. 30; 1915; 1 -c:. Jan. 14, 
1916; D 42753; Samuel French, Itd., 

RACEKAMP (EN); skuespil i 8 akter, 
af Bernt Lie. Kristiania, H. Asche- 
houg & co. (W. Nygaard) 1915. 
ae f 121 p.° 12mo. [1161 

© Dec. 6, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 12, 1916; 
D 42748; H. Aschehoug & ©@o., 

RACHEL; drama in 38 acts, by A. W. 
Grimké. [116] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1162 

© 1c. Feb. 3, 1916; D 42946; 
Angelina Weld Grimké, Washing- 

RACHEL Vour; play in 4 acts, by P. 
Kester. [2], 90 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1163 

ec gan, 12 1916: D 42734; 
Paul Kester, Alexandria, Va. 

REAPERS (THE); 1 act drama for man, 
by Eve Unsell. 11 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1164 

i LL ¢@.. Keb. 4, 1916: D. 42951; 
Eva M. Unsell, New York. 

REASON’S FOLLY; play in 1 act, by E. 
a bannvart, (2), 11° p.. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1165 

© 1 ce. Jan. 19, 1916; D 42792; 
Kugene J. K. Bannvart, Philadel- 

RECALLED; comedy dramatic epilogue, 
by C. R. Warren. [88] p._ fol. 
Typewritten. [1166 

© 1c. Jan. 10, 1916; D 42849; 
Charles R. Warren, San Francisco. 




Respect (THE) FOR RICHES; comedy 
in 4 acts, by W. Devereux. 4 v. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1167 

© 1c Feb. 2, 1916; D 42936: 
William Devereux. New York. 

REVELATION (THE); play of fantasy 
and fact in 3 acts, by S. Toler. 
[118] p. 4to. Typewritten. [1168 

© 1c. Jan. 13, 1916; D 42749; 
Sidney Toler, Cape Cottage, Me. 

RicH (THE) Mr. GrinsBurG; natural 
comedy, by A. Colby. 17 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1169 

© 1. ¢. Web..1; 1916: D 42923: 
Archie Colby, New York. 

RILEY; comedy in 1 act, by H. D. Lev- 
inson, 15 p. (Jn The review, v. 11, 
no. 2, Dee. 1915.) [1170 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 ec. Dee. 80, 
1915; D 42641; Herman D. Levin- 
son, Philadelphia. 

Ringe (DER) DES POLYKRATES; heitere 
oper in 1 akt, nach einer lustspielidee 
des H. Teweles, musik von Prich 

Wolfgang Korngold. Mainz, B. 
Schott’s s6hne [1915] 40 p. 12mo. 
fa a ly @ 

© Dec. 4, 1915; 1 ec. Jan. 5, 1916; 
D 42677; B. Schott’s s6hne, Mainz, 

Sicality, by P. Moeller. [1], 26 p. 
4to. Typewritten. fn Ia 4 

© @ Jan. 12;1916:; D 42740: 
Philip Moeller, New York. 

RosiTa; romantic comedy in 1 act, by 

A. Colby. 23 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Feb. 2, 1916; D 42930; 
Archie Colby, New York. 

SANCTUARY; drama in 1 act, by R. B. 
Hennessy. 15 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

©-1 ec. Jan, 29,1916; D 42918; 
Roland Burke Hennessy, New York. 

ScHEemMers (THE); comedy playlet, by 
M. Cherney. 18 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1175 

© 1c. Jan. 17, 1916; D 42783; 
Maurice Cherney, Brooklyn. 

SCIENCE oF Gop; psychological drama 
in a prologue and 8 acts, by John St. 
John. 4 v. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Jan. 10, 1916; D 42718; 
John Rayner, New York. 


pt. 1, n.s., v.13 



Secrer (THE) SIN; 4 act comedy | Snow Brrps; dramatic act in 3 scenes, 
drama, by J. Montague. [134] p. by Mrs. L. Bates. 16 p. 4to. Type- 
4to. Typewritten. [1177 written. 

© 1 ¢« ‘Jan. -7, 1916; BD 42674; 
John Montague, New York. 
SECRETARY (THE); play in 8 acts; by 
T. McKean. 38yv. 4to. Typewritten. 
© dW caReb. 1, 1916;. D 42927; 
Thomas McKean, Philadelphia. 

SEE AMERICA FIRST; patriotic comic 
opera in 2 acts, words by T. L. Riggs, 
music by Cole Porter. [95] p. Ato. 
Typewritten. [Words only. ] [1179 

Ob e; Jan. SUS TOLG sD eae Se 

T. Lawrason Riggs, Cambridge, 

SEVEN (THE) GIFTS; phantasy of 
‘Nhristmas giving a pantomime, by 
4. Walker. [38], 16 p. S8vo. Type- 
written. [1180 

© 1 ¢.. Jan, 10) 19165 D 42747. 
Stuart Walker, New York. 

SHE GOT AWAY WITH IT; comedy in 1 
act, by A. J. Lamb. 2p. fol: Type- 
written. [1181 

© bt e Jan. 24, 19163 “D 42823: 
Arthur J. Lamb, Chicago. 

SHE, oF Mars; spectacular drama in 1 
act, by G. E. Crater, jr. 14 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1182 

© de -San.) 14551916 >D) 42755 
George E. Crater, jr., Brooklyn. 

SHERMAN WAS RIGHT; or, Don’t do it, 
1 act farce, written by Willard Mack. 
18 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1183 

© 1c. Dee. 24, 1915; D 42653; 
Jack Kennedy, New York. 

SILENT SUE; comedy in 38 acts, by Hu- 
genie Magnus. [85] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1184 

©pdce, Jan. 8, 1916; 1) 42707 
Eugenie Magnus Ingleton, Fort Lee, 
He ote 

SKIRTING THE SKIRTS; musical comical 
revue-extravaganza in 2 acts and 11 

scenes, book and lyrics, by D. E. 
Davenport. [102] p. fol. Type- 
written. [Words only] [1185 

©); 1.¢c., Jan. 24 19162, D 42841: 
Delbert Essex Davenport, Philadel- 

SLEEP (THE) BREAKERS; 38 act dra- 
matic farce comedy, by N. Leffing- 
well. 3 v. 4to. Typewritten. 


© Poe Pan. 7, A996 0D: 4737: 

Nat Leffingwell, New York. 

© 1c. Jan. 31, 1916; BW 429097 
Mrs. Lou Bates, Detroit. 

Snow (THE) QUEEN; [play in 1 act] 
from Hans Andersen’s tale, by EH. 
Guerrier. 5 p. (Jn 8S. E. G. news, 
vy. 4, no. 3, Jan. 8, 1916.) [1188 

© Jan: 15, 19165e1 (a fae 
1916; D 42831; Edith Guerrier, Bos- 

SoM VI NU ENGANG ER; lystspil i 3 
akter, af Helene Dickmar. Kris- 
tiania, H. Aschehoug & co. (W. Ny- 
gaard) 1915. 38 p. 1. 170 p. 12mo. 


© Nov. 23, 1915); he, -damerag, 

1916; D 42742; H. Aschehoug & co., 

SoRcERESS (THE); drama in 5 acts, 
by Victorien Sardou, version and 
translation from the French by G. 
Morehead. [133] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1190 

© 1c Dec. 27, 1915; D 42668; 
Darcey & Wolford, New York. 

Spirir (THE) or JOHN Brown: drama 
in 5 acts, by G. B. Buster, jr. [50] 
p. 12mo. Typewritten. [1191 

© 1c. Jan. 3, 1916; D 42757; 
Greene Berry Buster, jr., Kansas 
City, Mo. 

Spocks; libretto in 8 acts, book and 
yrics by A. N. C. Fowler. [94] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1192 

© 1 ¢« Jan. 12, 1916; D 43mG- 
Albert N. C. Fowler, Glens Falls, 

SQUARE (A) DEAL; play in 1 act, by H. 
McIntyre. [2], 26 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1193 

© 1, ¢ Jan. 15, 1916; D 42763- 
Edward McIntyre, San Francisco. 

young people, by Cornelia L. Meigs. 
New York, Macmillan company, 1916. 
4p. 1. 87p. 12mo. [1194 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 3, 1916; 
D 42941; Macmillan company, New 

TAKEN FROM LIFE; 1 act play, by 
Walter Hackett and W. Taylor. 
[2], 20 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1195 

© 1c. Feb. 2, 1916; D 42935; 

Wilton Taylor, New York. 



no. 1, 1916 

Tate (THE) OF TWO SHIRTS; 1 act 
farcical sketch, by J. Donahue and 
A. M. Stewart. 6 p. 4to. Type 
written. [1196 

© 1 ec. Dec. 10, 1915; D 42648; 
Jack Donahue & Alice Marion Stew- 
art, Atlantic, Mass. 

THREE NIGHTS; Short play, by O. T. 
Johnsone. [25] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [1197 

fe Jan 22, 1916%:D 42846; 
Otto T. Johnsone, Brooklyn. 

THE GREAT OF RUSSIA; play in 1 act, 
by M. Malleson. [1], 14 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1198 

© 1c. Jan. 28, 1916; D 42895; 
Miles Malleson, Bloomsbury, London. 

Irving Dale. Boston, Walter H. 
Baker & co., 1916. 9p. 12mo. [1199 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 7, 1916; 
D 42680; H. Irving Dale, Boston. 

TONOCHTITLAN; or, The bride of an 
Aztee god, dramatic play to be 
danced in 1 act, by G. E. Murdock. 
[14] p. 4to. Typewritten. [1200 

© 1c. Feb. 2, 1916; D 42937; Gil- 
bert Edward Murdock, San Fran- 

in 4 acts, by O. L. Dreeben. 59 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1201 

© 1c Jan. 3, 1916; D 42638; 
Octavine Lopez Dreeben, Dallas. 

TuRN (THE) 0’ THE ROAD; play in 4 
acts, by G. J. Crawley. [86] p. fol. 
Typewritten. {1202 

© 1c. Jan. 29, 1916; D 42908; 
George J. Crawley, Irondale, Mo. 

TuRN (THE) OF THE TIDE; play in 1 
act, by H. Herbert. [1],12 p. Ato. 
Typewritten. [1203 

toe, Jen, .7, 1916: D 42678: 
Hugh Herbert, New York. 

STALK; play in 1 act, by Helen 
Alden [i. e. H. A. Woodworth]. 
[16] p. 4to. Typewritten. [1204 

© 1e Jan. 3, 1916; D 42626; 
Helen Alden Woodworth. Brookline, 

Two (THE) coprs; play in 1 act, by 
J. Huberman. 19 p. 8vo. Type- 
written. [1205 

© 1c. Jan. 25, 1916; D 42834 ; | 
Joseph Huberman, New York. 


TICKETS, PLEASE! comedy in 1 act, by 


TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS; play in 4 acts, 
by Lillian Perrine Davis (i. e. Mrs. 
C. C. Davis). [100] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1206 

© 1c¢ Jan. 21, 1916; D 42806; 
Mrs. C. C. Davis, Lexington, Tenn. 

Two (THE) PAINTERS; play in 1 act, 
by. O. T. Johnsone. 10 p._ 4to. 
Typewritten. [1207 

©, fe tan. Ss (191Gb 42708 - 
Otto T. Johnsone, Brooklyn. 

Two PEACE ADVOCATES; 1 act comedy, 
by R. H. Williams. 15 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1207# 

© a ef ikdie:6275) 19152 9641588 
Regina Helena Williams, East St. 
Louis, Ill. 

ULYSSES AND PENELOPE; Play in 4 acts, 
bye, Hen W. -Peck.-« L071) pe Crok 
Typewritten. [1208 

Fe; Jam’ 17, 198t6? PD 42079: 
Edith Weld Peck, Cincinnati. 

THEY HAVE DONE; pictorial fantasy 
in 1 act and 1 scene, by Augusta 
Raymond Kidder. New York, Sam- 
uel French; London, Samuel French, 
ltd., 1915. 18 p. 12mo. (On cover: 
French’s international copyrighted 
ed. of the works of the best authors, 
no 315.) [1209 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 6, 1916; 
D 42664; Samuel French, New York. 

UNFORGIVING (THE) MAN; or, Harold’s 
proofs, play in 1 act, by C. A. de 
Lima. [2], 7p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1 ¢ Man. 1t;° 1916: ‘D421; 
C. A. de Lima, New York. 

UsHER (THE); sketch, by I. F. Green. 

[1], 3 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1211 

©. ¢ ¢ san. 17, 1o1a- PD 42Tit: 
Irene Franklin Green, New York. 

Verpict (THE) (ENTHANASIA); play 
in 3 acts, by G. A. Fendler. 61 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [1212 

© 1e Jan. 3, 1916; D 42628; 
Grace A. Fendler, Los Angeles. 

VoicE (THE); play in 3 acts, by F. A. 
Kummer. [113] p. 4to. Type- 
written [1213 

© 1c Jan. 4, 1916; D 42645; 
Frederic Arnold Kummer, Catons- 
ville, Md. 


1214 pt. 1, 0. s., v.13 
VuLTURE (THE); play of modern | WHEN THE YOUNG BIRDS GO; [play in 1 
American society in 4 acts, by G. act] by P. B. Barrington. Los An- 
Haacke. [52] p. fol. Typewritten. geles, Cal., C. C. Parker, 1915. 31 p. 


© 1e. Jan. 31, 1916; D 42917; 
George Haacke, Minneapolis. 

WAKE UP, UNCLE SAm; play in 1 act, 
by Campion-Squire. 17 p. _ fol. 
Typewritten. [1215 

© 1c. Jan. 28, 1916; D 42897; 
Mary E. Campion & Mary E. Squire, 

WANDERERS (THE); vaudeville act by 
G. C.. Spelman. 5 p. 4to. Type- 
_ written. [1216 
© 1c. Jan. 20, 1916; D 42796; 
George Curtiss Spelman, Chicago. 

WANDERING (THE) BOY; play in 3 
scenes, by O. Marose. 3 p. _ fol. 
Typewritten. [1217 

© 1c. Jan. 10, 1916; D 42719; 
Otto Marose, Chicago. 

WANTED: A HUSBAND! play in 8 acts, 
by N. Sulzberger (Sebastian Frank 
Wendland) authorized translation, 
by Sasha _ Best. [114] p. fol. 
Typewritten. [1218 

Ont c. “Fan. 8.19163" 4262 (< 
Nathan Sulzberger, New York. 

War; drama in 4 acts, by N. Salvesen. 
[3], 94 p. 4to. Typewritten. [1219 
© i1e. Jan. 12, 1916; D 42745; 
Nick Salvesen, Chicago. 

drama in 4 acts, by A. Wynne and 
Jane O’Ryan. [117] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1220 

© 1c. Jan. 15, 1916; D 42768; 
Anna Wynne, New York. 

WASHERMAN (THE) ; play in 4 acts, by 
A. H. Hickerson. 203 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [1221 

© 1c. Jan. 27, 1916; D 42856; 
Allen H. Hickerson, Brooklyn. 

WEAKLING (THE); play in 8 acts, by 
G. W. Craigie. [114] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [L222 

© 1, ¢ Jan. 27, 1916; D. 42898; 
George William Craigie, Cumberland 
Mills, Me. 

(THE); comedy playlet, by 
FF. L. Whittier and C. S. Keith. [1], 
16 p. 4to. Typewritten. (ERB 

© ie Jan. 6, 1916; D 42657; 
Frank L. Whittier & Cato S. Keith, 
New York. 



16mo. [1224 

© Nov. 138, 1915; 2 ec. Dee. 27, 
1915; D 42724; Pauline B. Barring- 
ton, Los Angeles. 

minute comedy drama in 8 acts, by 
D. KE. Davenport. [113] p. fol. 
Typewritten. [1225 

©i1ec. Jan. 7, 1916; D 42752; Del- 
bert Essex Davenport, Philadelphia. 

WHO Dip IT? comedy dramatic sketch, 
by F. L. Whittier and C. S. Keith. 
[1], 12 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1« Jan. 8, 1916; D 42708; 
Frank L. Whittier & Cato S. Keith, 
New York. 

WHY THE WOMEN LOST; play in 4 acts, 
by J. B. Magoun. [61] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1227 

© 1c Jan. 38, 1916; D 42640; 
Jeanne Bartholow Magoun, Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 

playlet, by J. A. Mitchell. Sp. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1228 

© 1¢« Jan: 6, 1916; D 424656; 
Joseph A. Mitchell, Philadelphia. 

GRAD; volksstueck in 3 akten, mit 
einem vorspiel, von Max M. Simon. 
[131] p. 4to. Typewritten. [1229 

© 1e¢ Jan. 22, 1916; D 42819; 
Anna Simon, New York. 

WoMAN (THE) HUNTER; play in 4 
acts, by EH. Arden. 4 v. 4to. Type- 
written. [1230 

© 1c. Feb. 2, 1916; D 42938; 
Edwin Arden, Forest Hills, N. Y. 

WomMAN (THE) IN THE CASE; a play 
in four acts, by Clyde Fitch. Bos- 
ton, Little, Brown, and company. 
1915. 195 p. 12mo. $1.00. [1230* 

© Nov. 18, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. 
Nov. 15, 1915; A 420438; Little, 
Brown, and company, Boston, and 
Alice M. Fitch, New York. 

WoMEN AND MEN; play in 4 acts, by 
A. W. Armstrong, based on her 
novel The seas of God. 5 v. 4to. 
Typewritten. [1231 

© 1c Jan. 22, 1916; D 42812; 
Anne Wetzell Armstrong, Big Creek, 


no. 1, 1916 1237 
Wor (THE) AND THE cop; or, In the | 600 mires FROM NEw YorxK; comedy 
wrong neighborhood, comedy sketch, playlet, by A. Connor. 7 p._ fol. 
by. FF Jelley. [1], 6 p.  4to. Typewritten. [1235. 
Typewritten. sy ©1 
e. Jan. 31, 1916; D 42920; 
© he}. an: 14, 1916 ; D 42754 ; Agnes Connor, Detroit. 

Herbert E. Jelley, New York. 

YouR PEOPLE; drama in 4 acts, by | 1914-1915; sketch, par André Mau- 
4to. Typewritten. [1233 Svo. [1236 

@© ic. Jan: 29, 1916; D. 42912; © D 
: i i : een 1S, 19S Le Dee. 30; 
Karl Schmidt & Everett Shinn, New 1915° D 42633: C. Joubert, Paris. 

$500 GoES BEGGING; or, The $500 secret, 

farce comedy in 3 acts, by A. C. 
New. [1], 61 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

1915 (THE) TOWN IN REVUE; musical 
revue, by P. Gross. [12] p. 4to. 

[1234 Typewritten. [1237 
© lie. Jan. 19, 1916; D 42794; © 1c. Jan. 24, 1916; D 42925; 
Archey Cameron New, Baltimore. Philip Gross, Roxbury, Mass. 

Number of entries of Dramatic compositions (including entries for 239 
unpublished and other one-copy dramas), printed in the catalogue since 
Ea Ta Pc aN ea tee ee RP 263 

THE ACT OF MARCH 4, 1909. 

Rocer La Hontre; drama in four acts 
from the French, by Augustin Daly. 
© by Joseph F. Daly and Richard 
Dorney, New York, as executors, in 
renewal for 28 years. Renewal no. 
7291, Dec. 16, 1915. Original entry, 
Dec. 10, 1888, no. 35165. 



ALABAMA. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Alabama. 
Scale 13 mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 
19 inches. [1238 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 22, 1916: 
F 28314; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

ALTON, Int. Insurance maps of Alton, 
Madison Co., Ill. Dec., 1915. Scale 
50 and 100 ft. to an inch. 29 sheets, 
size 25 by 21 inches. [1239 

@© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 29, 
1916; EF 29725; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Agizona. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Arizona. Scale 
19 mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 19 
inches. [1245 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28302; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

AEKANSAS. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Arkansas. 
Scale 13 mi. to an inch. Size 19 by 
252 inches. [1241 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916: 
F 28294; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

ASH ForK To PHOENIX, Ariz. Auto- 
mobile road from Ash Fork to 
Phoenix via Prescott and Wicken- 
burg. pt. 1-3. 3 cards, size 3 by 9 
inches. Contents: 1. Ash Fork to 
Prescott.—2. Prescott to Wicken- 
burg.—3. Wickenburg to Phoenix. 


© Oct. 6, 1915; 2 c. each Jan. 11, 

1916; F 28245-28247: Automobile 

club of southern California, Los 

mobile roads from Bakersfield to 
Fresno, San Francisco inland route. 
pt. 4. Size 9 by 3 inches. [1243 

© Oct. 6, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 11, 1916: 
F 28248; Automobile club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 




Cal. Automobile road from Bakers- 
fieid and vicinity to San Luis Obispo. 
Size 3 by 8 inches. [1244 

©) Ock.5,. 1915; 2 c Jan: 14. 1916: 
F 28221; Automobile club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 

BaRDWELL, Carlisle co., Ky.  [Insur- 

ance map] Dec.. 1915. Secale 50 ft. 
to an inch. 3 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [1245 

(© tae 25. 1916.2" ¢." Jan-, 36. 
1916; F 29713; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Betorr, Wis. Insurance maps of Be- 

loit, BRoek co., Wis. Nov., 1915. 
Scale 50 and 100 feet to an inch. 
23 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 
© Jan. 13, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 14, 1916: 
F 29684: Sanborn map co., New 

Benoit, Bolivar co., Miss. [Insurance 

map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 ft. to an 

inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Jan. 15, 1916: 2 c. Jan. 17, 1916: 

F 29685: Sanborn map co., New 

BENTON, Marshall co., Ky. [Insurance 

map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 ft. to an 

inch. 3 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 26, 1916; 

F 29711; Sanborn map co., New 

Brack Bear, Shoshone co., Id. [In- 

surance map] Noy., 1915. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 
inches. [1249 

© Jan 14, 1916; 2 ¢. Jan. 20, 1916; 
F 29690; Sanborn map co., New 

Boston, Mass. Map of the city of 

Boston and vicinity. Scale S800 ft. 
to an inch. 4 sheets, size 403 by 27 
inches, [1250 

© Dec. 18, 1915; 2 c. Dee. 23, 1915: 
F 28202; Heliotype co., Boston. 



pt. 3, nose 13 

CARTHAGE, Mo. Insurance maps of 
Carthage, Jasper co, Mo. Nov., 
1915. “Seale 50° ft. to: an meh, 32 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [1251 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. Jan: 19, 1916; 

¥. 29699: Sanborn map co., New 

CHAPEL HILL, Orange Co., N. CC. [In- 
surance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 
and 100 ft. to an inch. 8 sheets, size 
25 by 21 inches. [1252 

(©. Jan, 18 19163" 2."c.- Jan, 39, 
1916; F 29697; Sanborn map 6co., 
New York. 

CHICOPEE, Mass. Insurance maps of 
Chicopee, Hampden Co., Mass. Nov., 
1915. Scale 50 an inch. 40 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [1253 

© =Jan.»19,. 19162 2 .¢. Jan. 20; 
1916; F 29691: Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

CLARKDALE, Yavapai Co., Ariz. [In- 
surance map] Oct., 1915. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 2 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [1254 

©) Jan..3,.19163.2 c,Jan.A0,, 1916 ; 

KF 29682; Sanborn map co., New 

CoLorsapo. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Colorado. 
Seale 16 mi. to an inch. Size 16 by 
25 inches. [1255 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28291; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

CONNECTICUT. New commercial and 
census map of Connecticut showing 
counties in different colors, town- 
ships, cities, villages and post offices, 
steam and electric railroads, ete.; 
with inset, Congressional districts. 
Size 83 by 473 inches. [1256 

© Jan, 5; 19163 2c. Jan. 7, 4916: 
EF 28208; National map co., Indian- 

Rand- McNally new commercial 
atlas map of Connecticut and Rhode 
Island. Scale 54 mi. to an inch. 
Size 19 by 26 inches. PB ba 

© jan. 5, 191652 ¢ Jan, 10,1916; 
F 28282; Rand Mc-Nally & co., Chi- 

ConrabD, Grundy Co., Ia. [Insurance 
map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 inches. 


©) Jan. 24, 1916.2, ce. > Jan. - 25, 

1916; F 29704; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

CRYSTAL SPRINGS, Copiah Co., Miss. 
[Insurance map] Nov., 1915. Scale 
50 ft. to an inch. 6 Sheets, size 25 
by 21 inches. [1259 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 © Sans 1 
1916; F 296938; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Davipson, Mecklenburg Co., N. C. 
[Insurance map] Deec., 1915. Seale 
50 and 100 ft. to an inch. 38 sheets, 
size 25 by 21 inches. [1260 

© Jan. 25;° 1916; 2%er aw roe, 
1916; F 29705; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 

Decatur, Ill. Insurance maps of De- 
eatur, Tl. 1915. Scale 50 and 100 
ft. to an inch.’ 4p, 7. ° S2' 2 sizes 
by 21 inches. Bound. [1261 

@© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 2) shae 2 
1916; EF 29721; Sanborn map G¢o., 
New York. 

DELAWARE County, Ind. Size 34% by 
27 inches, [1262 
© Dec. 31,-19154 200 diieeeee 
1915; F 28203; Toney C. Hefel, Mun- 
cie, Ind. 

Detroit, Mich. Insurance maps of 
Detroit, Mich. v. 7. 1915. Scale 50 
and 100 ft. to an inch. 3p.) Sa 
size 25 by 21 inches. Bound. [1263 

©) Jan. £11, 1916 302 “e, (games 
1916; F 29686; Sanborn map c¢o., 
New York. 

Rand-McNally new commercial at- 
las map of Detroit and vicinity. 
Scale 4 mi. to an inch. Size 123 by 
19 inches. [1264 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2ece. Fanan24 
1916; F 28309; Rand-MeNally & co., 

Dixon, Pulaski Co., Mo. [Insurance 
map] Sept., 1915. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 inches. 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c Jan. 7, 1916; 

F 29675; Sanborn map co. New 
Expora, Hardin Co., Ia. [Insurance 

map] Dec, 1915. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 7 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 
©” Jan. 27,. 1916; 2° ¢. Jam jae, 
1916; F 29722; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 



no.-1, 1916 

Europe. Historical atlas of Europe 
past and present. New York, Chi- 
cago, G. F. Cram company, 1916. 

- 19 p. ports.. maps. fol. $0.35. 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 420285; George 

F. Cram co., Chicago. 

FarrpLtay, Polk Co., Mo. [Insurance 
map] Scale 50 ft. to an inch. 1 
sheet, size 25 by 21 inches. [1268 

aan G 1916; 2 c. Jan, 7,.4946; 
F 29678; Sanborn map co., New 

FLORIDA. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Florida, with inset, 

Southern portion of Florida. Scale 
18 mi. to an inch. Size 19 by 26 
inches. [1269 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28281; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

Fort Pierre, Stanley Co., 8S. D. [In- 
surance map] Nov., 1915. Scale 
50 ft. to an inch. 3 sheets, size 25 
by 21 inches. [1270 

o) dan. 25, 191G: 2 e. Jan. -26. 
1916; F 29710; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Ark. Map of Fort Smith oil and 
Gas district situated in Sebastian 
and Crawford counties, Ark. Size 
39 by 30 inches. Blueprint. [1271 

© Dee. 24, 1915; 2 c. Dec. 29, 

. 1915; F 28253; Winters & Dove, 
Fort Smith, Ark. 

ParK. Automobile road from Fresno 
to General Grant National Park, 
Hume and Kings River Canyon. 
Size 3 by 834 inches. [1272 

©. Noy. 30, 1914; 2 c. Jan. 11, 
1916; F 28224; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

Fresno to Mopesto, Cal. Automobile 

road from Fresno to Modesto. San 
Francisco inland route. pt. 5. Size 
9 by 3 inches. [1273 

© Oct. 6, 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 11, 1916; 
F 28242; Automobile club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 

Frisco, Shoshone Co. Id. [Insurance 
map] Nov., 1916 [1915]. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 
inches. [1274 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 20, 
1916; F 29688; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 





GeM, Shoshone Co., Id. Insurance 
map] Nov., 1915. Scale 50 ft to an 
inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Jan: 14, 1916; 2 e Jan. 20, 

1916; F 29689; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Greorcrs4. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Georgia. Scale 15 
mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 19 
inches. [1276 

ic) dan. 3, 1916: 2c. Jan. 10,1916; 
EF 28287; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

FRERNCASTLE, Franklin Co., Pa. [In- 
surance map] Dec. 1915. Scale 50 
and 100 ft to an inch. 6 sheets, 
size 25 by 21 inches. [1277 

© Jan. 18, 1916: 2:°¢ Jan.. 19, 
1916; F 29694; Sanborn map ©Co., 
New York. 

GREENSBURG, Pa. Insurance maps of 
Greensburg, Westmoreland co., Pa. 
Dec., 1915. Scale 50 and 100 ft. to 
an inch. 24 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [1278 

©) ‘Jan: 25,1946: 2 ¢« Jan. 26, 
1916; F 29717; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

GREENVILLE, Miss. Insurance maps of 

Greenville, Washington co., Miss. 
Dec., 1915. Scale 50 and 100 ft. to 
an inch. 33 sheets, size 25 by 21 

inches. [1279 

Jan... 25: 15916 .2 e- dJan.+26, 
1916; EF 29719; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Ga. Insurance maps of 
Spalding Co. Ga. Dec, 
Seale 50 and 100 ft. to an 
19 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 
Cy Jan? 20; “TSiG. 2 Tan, et. 
1916; F 29700; Sanborn map ©Co., 
New York. 

HANOVERTON, Columbiana Co., O. 



surance map] Nov., 1915. Secale 50 
ft to an inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 
inches. [1281 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 7, 1916; 
F. 29676; Sanborn map co., New 

Okl. Scale 1000 ft. to aninch. Size 
404 by 54 inches. Blueprint. [1282 

6).dan. .25, .1916:..2. ¢c.. Jap. 20, 
1916; F 28320; George M. Brown, 
McAlester, Okl. 




pt.1,n.s., v.13 

HoLyoKkE, Mass. Insurance maps of 
Holyoke, Mass. 1915. Seale 50 and 
100 ft. to an inch. 4p. 1 561, 
size 25 by 21 inches. Bound. [1283 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2c. Jan. 7, 1916; 
I’ 29680; Sanborn map co., New 

IpAHO. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Idaho. Scale 20 

* mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 19 inches. 

© Jan. 7,.1916; 2 « Jan. 22,1916; 
F 28317; Rand-MeNally & co., Chi- 

I~iinois. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Illinois. Secale 15 
mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 17 inches. 


© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ¢ Jan. 10, 1916; 

KF 28284; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

InpDIANA. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Indiana. Scale 11 
mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 19 inches. 


© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 ce. Jan. 22,1916; 

F 28318; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

Iowa. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Iowa. Seale 13 mi. 
to an inch. Size 16 by 26 inches. 


© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ce. Jan. 10, 1916; 

Ff 28297; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

JESUP, Buchanan Co., Ia. [Insurance 
map] Dec., 1915. Secale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 2 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 

F 29681; Sanborn map co., New 

KANSAS. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Kansas. Scale 16 
mi. to an inch. Size 19 by 26 inches. 


© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 

F 28289; Rand-MeNally & co., Chi- 

Kentucky. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Kentucky. 
Seale 11.7 mi. to an inch. Size 19 
by 86 inches. [1290 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 22, 1916; 
I’ 28312; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 


Road map of the Blue Grass 

region of Kentucky. Size 15 by 15 

inches. [1291 
© Sept. 20, 1914; 2 ce. Jan. 7, 1916; 

F 28207; Dietz co., Lexington, Ky. 

Lansine, Mich. Map of the city of 
Lansing. 1916. Size 19 by 16 inches. 

© Jan. 9, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 7, 1916; 
F 28206; L. HE. O’Neil, Lansing, 

Lone BeEacH To Santa Ana, Cal. 
Automobile road from Long Beach 
to Santa Ana via Naples and Seal 
Beach. Size 3 by 84 inches. [12938 

© Sept. 7, 1915; 2 ¢. Jan. 11, 1916; 
F¥ 28219; Automobile club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 

Los ANGELES, Cal. Automobile road 
map touring Los Angeles and vi- 
cinity, showing boulevards, good 
roads and highways, ete., drawn by 
Elmer Brown. Size 184 by 293 
inches. [1294 

©. Aug. 11,: 1915.2 ‘ewan 
1916; F 28227; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

Automobile road from Los Angeles 
to Bakersfield via Ridge route. pt. 
1, 2. 2 ecards, size 8? by 3 inches. 
Contents: 1. Los Angeles’ to 
Bailey’s.—2. Bailey’s to Bakers- 
field. [1295 

© Nov. 7, 1915; Nov. 14, 1915; 
2 ec. each Jan. 11, 1916; F 28239, 
28240; Automobile club of southern 
California, Los Angeles. 

via Tehachapi Pass. pt. 3. 
Willow Springs to Bakersfield. Size 
2% by 9 inches. [1296 
© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 «@ Jan. 11, 
1916; F 28218; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

——— Automobile roads from Los An- 
geles to Bakersfield via Tejon and 
Tehachapi passes. pt. 1 A. Los 
Angeles to Willow Springs. Size 
2? by 9 inches. [1297 

(C) “Oct.” 28, 1915; 2 ec. dam te 
1916; F 28238; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

Los ANGELES TO Ey, Cal. Auto- 
mobile road map from Los Angeles 
to Ely via the Midland trail. pt. 
1-10. 10 cards, size 8% by 3 inches. 
Contents: 1. Los Angeles to Willow 
Springs.—2. Elizabeth Lake to Cinco. 



no. 1, 1916 

Los ANGELES TO Ety, Cal.—Continued. 
3. Cinco to Little Lake.—4. Little 
Lake to Long Pine.—5. Long Pine to 
Big Pine—6. Big Pine to Lida.—7. 
Lida to Tonopah.—S. Tonopah to 
Twin Springs—9. Twin Springs to 
Hortons Ranch.—10. Hortons Ranch 

to Ely. [1298 
© June 23, 1915; 2 c. each Jan. 
11, 1916; F 28228-28237; Auto- 

mobile club of southern California, 
Los Angeles. 

Los ANGELES TO SAN Francisco, Cal. 
Principal automobile routes from 
Los Angeles to San Francisco and 
Lake Tahoe, including trips to na- 
tional parks of California. Size 9 
by 6 inches. [1299 

ftane Ss, 1915; -2 ¢.. Jan. 11, 
1916; F 28214; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

Los ANGELES TO SreRRA Mapre, Cal. 
Automobile road Los Angeles to 
Sierra Madre. Size 3 by 9 inches. 


© onev. 15, 1915; 2 ¢. Jan. 11, 
1916; F 28223; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

Automobile road map from Los 
Angeles to Topanga Cafion and re- 
turn. Size 3 by 83 inches. [1301 

May 12, 1915; 2 ec. Jan: 11, 
1916; F 28215; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

LOUISIANA. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Louisiana; 
with inset, New Orleans. Scale 15 
mi. to an inch. Size 19 by 26 inches. 


eam > 191G- 2 c.. Jan 10, 

1916; F 28300; Rand-McNally & co., 

McGrecor, McLennan Co., Tex. (In- 
surance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 
and 100 ft. to an inch. 6 sheets, 
size 25 by 21 inches. [1303 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 26, 
1916; F 29712; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Marne. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Maine. Scale 124 
mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 19 inches. 


© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F. 28285; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 


MASSACHUSETTS. Rand-McNally new 
commercial atlas map of Massachu- 
setts; with inset, Environs of Bos- 
ton. Scale 7 mi. to an inch. Size 
16 by 26 inches. [1305 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F, 28292; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 


MAYESVILLE, Sumpter Co., S. C. [In- 
surance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 
ft. to aninch. 4 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches [1306 

© Jan. 25; 1916; 2 e Jan. 26, 
1916; F 29716; Sanborn map ©Co., 
New York. ; 

MicHican. Nellist’s road map of 
Michigan; with 1S insets. 2 sheets, 
size 27 by 43 inches. Blueprint. 


© Dee. 21, 1915; 1 e. Dee. 31, 1915, 

1 e. Jan. 3, 1916; F. 28252; John: F. 
Nellist, Grand Rapids, Mich. 

—Rand-McNally new commercial 
atlas map of Michigan, northern 
peninsula. Scale 16 mi. to an inch. 
Size 184 by 26 inches. [1308 

© Jan 3, 1916; 2 c Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28276; Rand-McNally & co. Chi- 

southern peninsula. Scale 
12 mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 18% 
inches. [1309 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28274; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

MINERVA, STARK & Carrot Cos., O. 
[Insurance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 
50 ft. to an inch. 6 sheets, size 25 
by 21 inches. [1310 

©) Jan. 18, 1916; = -é&"tan.' 29, 
1916; F 29695; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

MINNESOTA. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas, map of Minnesota; 
with inset, Minneapolis, St. Paul and 
vicinity. Scale 16 mi. to an inch. 
Size 19 by 26 inches. {1311 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28301; Rand-MecNally & co., Chi- 

Mississippi. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Mississippi. 
Scale 13 mi. to an inch. Size 26 
by 19 inches. [1312 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 22, 1916; 
F 283819; Rand-MecNally & co., Chi- 



Missouri. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Missouri. 

Scale 16 mi. to an inch. Size 19 by 
26 inches. [1313 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ce. Jan 10, 1916; 
F 28280; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 


Mopesto To San FRAncisco, Cal. Au- 
tomobile road from Modesto to San 
Francisco. San Francisco inland 
route. pt. 6. Size 3 by 9 inches. 


© Oct. 6, 1915; 2 ¢ Jan. 11, 1916; 

F 28249; Automobile club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 

Montana. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atias map of Montana. 
Scale 23 mi. to an inch. Size 19 by 
26 inches. [1315 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ce. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28299; Rand-McNally & ¢a., Chi- 

MONTICELLO, Piatt Co., I. [Insurance 

map] Dee., 1915. Secate 50 ft. to an 
inch. 7 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 

© Jan. 25, 4916: 2 ¢ Fan. 26, 
1916; F 29707; Sanborn map ©co., 
New York. 
MOUNTAIN Grovr, Wright Co., Mo. 
[insurance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 
50 ft. to an inch. T sheets, size 25 
by 21 inches. [1317 
@ Jan. 25, -1916; 2 e- Jan. 26, 
1916; F 29708; Sanborn map eo., 
New York. 

NASHVILLE, Washington Co., Ill. [In- 
surance map] Dee., 1915. Secale 50 
ft. to an inch. 8 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [1318 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 19, 
1916; F 29698; Sanborn map ©Co., 
New York. 

NEBRASKA. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Nebraska. 
Scale 18 mi. to an inch. Size 19 by 
26 inches. [13819 

© dan. 3, 1916;°2.e: Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28283; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

NEVADA. Rand-McNaily new commer- 
cial atlas map of Nevada. Scale 19 
mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 19 inches. 


© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 10, 1916; 

K 28277; Rand-McNally & -co., Chi- 

pt. 1, 2. s., v.13 

New HAmMPpsHIRE. Rand-McNally new 
commercial atlas map of New Hamp- 
shire. Scale 74 mi. to an inch. Size 
26 by 19 inches. [1321 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 ce. Jan. 22, 1916; 
F 283810; Rand-MecNally & co., Chi- 

New Mexico. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of New Mexico. 
Scale 21 mi, to an inch. Size 19 by 
26 inches. [1322 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28303; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

NEw Prive CREEK, Lake Co., Or. [In- 
surance map] Dec., 1915. Seale 50 
ft. to an inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 
inches. [is23 

© dan. 13, 1916; 2°e "daw 2 
1916; F 29687; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

New York (State) Rand-McNally 
new commercial atlas map of New 
York. Scale 9 mi. to an inch. Size 
26 by 374 inches. [13824 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ce. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28296; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

NEw York (City) Insurance maps of 
the Borough of Queens, city of New 
York. v. 2. 1915. Seale 60 ft. to 
an inch. 3 p. 1. 89 1. size 25 by 
21 inches. Bound. f1325 

©: Dee. 29, 1915;.2 2, Dee set 

1915; F 28679; Sanborn map €o., 
New York. 

NortTH CAROLINA. Rand-MeNally new 
commercial atlas map of North Caro- 
lina; with inset, Western portion of 
North Carolina. Scale 14 mi. to an 
inch. Size 14 by 26 inches. [1326 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
FE 28290; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

NortH Daxora. Rand-McNally new 
commercial atlas map of North Da- 
kota. Scale 14 mi. to an inch. Size 
19 by 26 inches. [1327 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28278; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

Onto. Rand-McNally new commercial 
atlas map of Ohio; with _ inset, 
Hauilton County, O. Scale 138 mi. 
to an inch. Size 19 by 26 inghes. 


© Jan. 7, 1916;-2 ec. Jan. 22,1916; 

F 28313; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 


no. 1, 1916 1345 
OxLAHomMA. Rand-McNally new com- | QuEBEc, Canada. Secale 80 mi. to an 
mercial atlas map of Oklahoma; inch. Size 93 by 143 inches. [1337 

with inset, Western portion of Okla- 
homa. Scale 13 mi. to an _ inch. 
Size 19 by 26 inches. [1329 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28286; Rand-MecNally & co., Chi- 

OREGON. Rand-MeNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Oregon. Scale 
16 mi. to an inch. Size 19 by 254 
inches. [1330 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28804; Rand-MecNally & co., Chi- 

Owosso, Mich. Insurance maps of 
Owosso, Shiawassee Co., Mich. 
Dec., 1915. Scale 50 ft. to an inch. 
24 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


yan. 25, 1916; 2 c. Jar. 26, 
1916; F 29720; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

OysTER Bay, Nassau Co., N. Y. [In- 
surance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 
and 100 ft. to an inch. 11 sheets, 
size 25 by 21 inches. [1332 

i) dan. 25, 1916; 2 c: Jan. 26, 
1916; F 29706: Sanborn map ©Co., 
New York. 

Penns Grove, Salem co., N. J. [{In- 
surance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 10 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [1333 

© Jan. 18. 1916; 2c. Jan. 19, 1916; 

Kf 29696; Sanborn map co, New 
PENNSYLVANIA. Rand-McNally new 

commercial atlas map of Pennsyl- 

vania. Seale 8.5 mi. to an inch. 
Size 26 by 374 inches. [1334 

mean. 7, 1916; 2 c..Jan. 22;/ 1916 ; 
F 28315; Rand-MecNally & co., Chi- 

PIERRE, Hughes co., 8S. D. [Insurance 
map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 9 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 26, 1916; 

KF 29714; Sanborn map co., New 

Park, Cal. Automobile road’ from 
Portersville to Sequoia National 
Park. Size 2? by 8? inches. {1336 

© July 6, 1915; 2 ce. Jan. 11, 1916; 
F 28226; Automobile club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 

© Dee. 10, 1915; 2 ec. Dec. 20, 1915; 
F 28136; J. N. Matthews co., Buffalo. 

Rauway, N. J. Insurance maps of 
Rahway, Union ¢o., N. J. Dec., 1915. 
Scale 50 and 100 ft. to an inch. 21 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [1338 

cy late 2 Oth 2 Cl tano 2. 1916: 
F 29703; Sanborn map co., New 

REDLANDS, Cal. Automobile routes in 
and out of Redlands. Size 8? by 114 

inches. [1839 

@©=June. 15, 1915-2. ce Jan... 
1916; F 28250; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

REDLANDS To Forest Homer, Cal. Map 
showing automobile roads from Reda- 
lands to Forest Home and Seven 
Oaks. Size 3 by 84 inches. [1340 

© Aug. 6, 1915; 2 ¢. Jan. 11, 1916; 
KF 28222; Automobile club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 

ST. Paurt, Minn. Seale 600 ft. to an 
ineh. Size 5 ft. 6 in. by 7 ft. 7 in. 
© Nov. 15,. 1915 = 2).e Janz 10, 
1916; F 28213; F. J. Armstrong, St. 

SALEM, N. J. Insurance maps of 
Salem, Salem co., N. J. Deec., 1915. 
Seale 50 and 100 ft. to an inch. 17 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [1342 

©; Jan. 25, 1916. 2) e. dan. 26, 
1916; Ff 29718; Sanborn map. co., 
New York. 

SALINAS TO PaciFic GrRovE, Cal. Au- 
tomobile road from Salinas to Pa- 
cifie Grove, also showing the famous 
40 mile drive on the Monterey Pen- 
insula. Size 3 by 8% inches. [1343 

©) Oct. 16,.1915; 2 ¢. Jem oii, 
1916; EF 28248; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

mobile road from Salinas to Watson- 
ville via Castroville. Size 3 by 83 
inches. [1344 

©) Oct. 16, 1915: 2 cc. Jana, 
1916; If 28244; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

the famous 101 mile drive on the 
rim of the world showing, resorts, 

lakes, and fishing streams in the 
San Bernardino Mountains. Size 
84 by 123 inches. [1845 

© July 6, 1915; 2 ¢. Jan. 11, 1916; 
Il’ 28225; Automobile club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 



pt. 1, Wes, V.E 

San Dieco County, Cal. Principal au- 
tomobile rountes touring San Diego 
County. Size 16 by 164 inches. 


©. July, 2001915 +: Que. sank at, 
1916; KF 28251; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

San Francisco, Cal. Principal auto- 
mobile routes in and out of San 
Francisco. Size 153 by 19 inches. 

; [1347 

© Apr.,6, 1915; 2c Jan. Al, 1916; 

¥ 28217; Automobile club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 

mobile road from Santa Ana to Riv- 
erside to Santa Ana via Orange, 
Santa Ana Canyon and Corona. Size 
3 by 8 inches. [1348 

© Sept. 14, 1915;°2°¢ Jane 4, 
1916; F 28220; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

SanTA BarBARA, Cal. Automobile road 
map touring Santa Barbara and vi- 
cinity. Size 83 by 214 inches. 


©. Apr. 27,1 1915's ;2ee. Jam ond, 

1916; F 28216; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. 

SarpDis, Panola Co., Miss. [Insurance 

_inapl Dec, 2915. <Scale S50. it. 10 
an inch. 4 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [1350 

THON ans ibe. Totes oo .Cicdbae gee. 
1916; EF 28632; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 

SENATOBIA, State co., Miss. [Insur- 
ance map] Dec., 1915. Secale 50 ft. 
to an inch. 4 sheets, size 25 by 21 

inches. [i351 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 26, 1916; 
K 29709; Sanborn map co., New 

Map of Sharon, Mercer 
1905. Size 254 

COS a: 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
K 28188; Griff W. Nicholls, Sharon, 


SourH Dakota. Rand-McNally new 
commercial atlas of South Dakota. 
Scale 154 mi. to an inch. Size 19 
by 26 inches. (ile-353 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
IF 28295; Rand-MeNally & co., Chi- 

SuMTER, 8S. C. Insurance maps of 
Sumter, Sumter co.,S.C. Dee., 1915. 
Seale 50 and 100 ft. to an inch. 22 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [13854 

© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 e. Jan. 22, 1916; 
EF 29701; Sanborn map eco. New 

TENNESSEE. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Tennessee. 
Scale 13 mi. to an inch. Size 124 by 
38 inches. [1355 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28276; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 
cago. } 

Texas. Rand-McNally new commer- 

mercial atlas map of Texas. Scale 
20 mi. to an inch. Size 29 by 37 
inches. [1356 

© Jan..3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 283805; Rand-McNally & eo., Chi- 

VALLEY MILts, Bosque Co., Tex. [1in- 
surance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 8 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. pissTt 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 28, 1916; 
F 29723; Sanborn map co.,New York. 

VERMONT. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Vermont. Scale 64 
mi. to an inch. Size 19 by 26 inches. 


© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 22, 1916; 

F 28316; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

VERONA, Lawrence Co., Mo. [Insur- 
ance map] Oct., 1915. Seale 50 ft. 
to an inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 
inches. [1359 

© Jan. 6, 1916:°2°e, Jan. 7, ite: 
¥ 29677; Sanborn map co., New 

VIRGINIA. Rand-McNally new commer- 
cial atlas map of Virginia, with in- 

set, Western portion of Virginia. 
Scale 14 mi. to an ineh. Size 16 by 
253 inches. [1360 

© Jan. 3, 19163. 2c). tae 
1916; F 28298; Rand-McNally & co., 

VIRGINIA, Minn. Insurance maps of 
Virginia, St. Louis Co., Minn. Dec, 
1915. Seale 50 and 100 ft. to an ineh. 
18 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [1861 

©.Jan. ‘28, 19163 2° @.sam. 29, 
1916; EF 29726; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 



no. 1, 1916 

Wasuincton (State) Rand-McNally 
new commercial atlas map of Wash- 
ington. Scale 15 mi. to an inch. 
Size 19 by 26. [1362 

| Jam 3, 1916: 2 c« Jan. 10, 
1916; F 28288; Rand-McNally & co., 

Automobile road from Watsonville 
to Santa Cruz via Aptos and Soquel. 
Size 3 by 8? inches. [1363 

my ret, 16 1915; 2 c. Jan. 11, 
1916; F 28241; Automobile club of 
southern California, Los Angeles. | 

West VircInrA. Rand-McNally new 
commercial atlas map of West Vir- 
ginia. Scale 14 mi. to an inch. Size 
19 by 26 inches, [1364 

Paes > 1916- 2 ¢ Jan. 10, 
1916; F 28279; Rand-McNally & co., 

Nally and co.’s commercial atlas of 
America. 47th ed. Chicago, Rand 
McNally & company [1915] 1 p. 1. 
L, 446 p. maps (part col.) charts. 
fol. $15.00. [1365 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 420302; 
Rand McNally & co., Chicago. 

WESTVILLE, Gloucester Co., N. J. [In- 
surance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 
and 100 ft. to an inch. 6 sheets, size 
25 by 21 inches. [1366 

Sagem 25, 1916: 2 c. Jan. 26, 


WicHITA Farts, Tex. Insurance maps 
of Wichita Falls, Wichita Co., Tex. 
Dee., 1915. Scale 50 and 100 ft. to 
an inch. 27 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [1367 

© Janus 21, 1916: 2 -e -Jan. 22, 
1916; F 29702; Sanborn map co., 

New York. 
WICKENBURG, Maricopa Co., Ariz. [In- 
surance map] Oct., 1915. Scale 50 

ft. to an inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 
21 inches. [1368 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 29683; Sanborn map co. New 

WISCONSIN. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Wisconsin. 
Scale 16 mi. to an inch. Size 26 by 
19 inches. [1369 

©) dan: '7; 19163.2.c. dJan..22. 1916; 
F 28311; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

Wryomine. Rand-McNally new com- 
mercial atlas map of Wyoming. 

Scale 153 mi. to an inch. Size 19 
by 26 inches. [1370 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28293; Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

York, Neb. Insurance maps of York, 
York Co., Neb. Dec. 1915. Scale 
50 and 100 ft. to an inch. 14 sheets, 
size 25 by 21 inches. [1371 

ey van.. 2 09G:-S ec. Jan. 28; 

1916; F 29715; Sanborn map co., 1916; F 29724; Sanborn map ©co., 
New York. New York. 
Number of entries of Maps included in the catalogue since Jan. 1, 1916____ 134 


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PART «l , 

Group 2 

Note.—An asterisk (*) after the author’s name indicates that the author 
and copyright proprietor are the same, and that therefore the name is 

not repeated in the claim paragraph. 

ADVERTISERS art & cut service, ine. 
Zuckerman weekly fashion service, 
issue no. 96, page A, B, for week 
beginning Jan. 12, 1916. 2 sheets, 
illus., 21 by 133 inches. $5.00. [1372 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417667; Sidney D. Zuck- 
erman, Chicago. 

AEOLIAN co.*, New York. [1373-1383 

Aeolian-vocalion. Style J. (In New 
York Sunday world.) @© Jan. 2, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 5, 1916; A 421461. 

Coming of the masters. (In New York 
sun.) .@ Jan, 23, 1916; 1.c. Feb. 4, 
1916; A 422186. 

Complete player outfit. (In New York 
evening journal.) @ Feb. 1, 1916; 
1 ec. Feb. 4, 1916; A 422188. 

Happy hours for those you love. ple 
New York evening journal.) 
St9to: 1 ec. Jan: 12, 1916: A 421619. 

Most wonderful piano in all the world. 
(In New York times.) © Jan. 30, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 4, 1916; A 422187. 

New Aeolian Hall—in Brooklyn. (In 
Brooklyn daily times.) Deg, 22, 
1915; 1 c. Jan. 5, 1916; A 421460. 

Phonograph of today. (In McClures, 
ape 20202)" ©) Jan! 23; 1916; 1 c. 
Jan. 19, 1916; A 421802. 

This beautiful Aeolian player is a mu- 
sical instrument of finest type—yet 
moderately priced. (In New York 
Evening world.) @© Jan. 3, 1916; 1c. 
Jan. 5, 1916; A 421462, 

This complete player outfit. (Jv 
York American.) Meb.. i. 
1 c. Feb. 12, 1916; A 422398. 

World’s most wonderful piano. (In 
New York Evening post.) @ Jan. 

1916 ; 

Pevtieeo, 1° Cc, Jan. 19, 1916; A 

You do more than simply listen to a 
phonograph. (Jn New. York evening 
journal.) @© Jan. 9, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 
12, 1916; A 421620. 

AIKIN-LAMBERT co0.*, New York. Cap- 
itol fountain pens. 12 p. illus. 4to. 

(Catalogue no. C116.) [1384 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 
9, 1916; A 425304. 

2c. and aff. Feb. 


[1885, 1386 

Sketches of merchandise for use in de- 

ALERT syndicate service™*, 

partment store advertising. Issue of 
Feb., 1916. cover-title, 10 loose 1. 
itis, * fol. $50.00. © Jan. Va, VStG > 

2e. and aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 417817. 

Suggestions for advertising copy, supple- 
mentary to the Feb., 1916, issue. 
ecover-title, 14 numb. 1. fol. [Text 
parallel to binding] © Jan. 13, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 417809. 

ALEXANDER BROS.*, Philadelphia. Alex- 
ander’s advertising book for 1916. 
[v. 3.] [Baltimere, Printed by N. T. 
A. Munder & co., 1916] Various pag- 
ing. col. illus., col. plates. fol. 

© Jan. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

10, 1916; A 418777. 

York. Genius of greatness. [6] p. 
folder. 16mo. [1388 

(© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 418708. 

ALMANACH de Madame de Thébes, 
1916. Paris, E. Flammarion [etc.] 
1916. 96-p. ° 12mo) fr. 1:25. [1389 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 17, 1916; 
A—Foreign 138444; Ernest Flamma- 
rion, éditeur, Paris, 

ALTENA (Ulco A. C. Van Regteren)* 

New York. Love, the victor. cover- 
title, 11 p. S8vo. [Motion picture 
scenario | [1390 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417994. 

chemical co. 

Money-making corn. 64 p. 
8vo. [1391 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 426058; Frederic A. Hoyt, 
New York. 



pt. I, es ve 

AMERICAN BANK service co.*, New 

York. Song of a constant friend. 
[14] p. col. illus. 12mo. $0.10. 

© San. 13, 1916: 2 c. and all. Jan: 
17, 1916; A 417806. 

AMERICAN BLOWER CO.*, Detroit. Brick 

dryer. 48 p. illus., diagrs.. 40s. 
(Series 3, no. 21) [1393 
© Jan. 28, 1916; 2e: Rebs 5, 1916; 

aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A “425218, 

AMERICAN FLINT glass workers’ union*, 
Toledo, O. Circular no. 8. [Toledo, 
O., Printed by Kraus and Schreiber, 
1916] 15 p... 4to. [1394 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 420652. 

AMERICAN-LA FRANCE fire engine Co., 
ine.*, Elmira, N. Y. Motor fire ap- 
paratus for small cities and towns. 
16 p., illus. obl. 16mo. [1395 

© Jan. 15,°291630°2 «anda. 
Jan. 28, 1916; A 419887. 

Dealers who advertise house plans 
say they bring them customers. 
Sheet, illus., plans, printed on both 
sides, 22 by 15 inches. [1396 

©) Wan. 13, ASIG:. 2. e.. Jat. oan. 
1916; aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 425219. 

AMERICAN RACING manual, 1916. Chi- 
eago, Ill., Daily racing form publish- 
in co: 11916]. 39s, ) 41 JD... 16mn. 
$0.50. [1397 

© Jan. 18, 1916:\2%¢ Jan,,19, 
1916; aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 420524; 
Frank H. Brunell, Chicago. 

investment corp. ] 

Building a fortune. [8] p. 8vo. © 
Feb., 1, 1916: 2 cG[Heb. 5; 1986. aft. 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 426132. 

Important considerations regarding 
bonds as an investment and the real 
earning power of money. [8] p. 8vo. 
© Feb. 1 AOTGE, 2s ca heb 5. OG 2 
aff. Feb. 14, 1916; A 426130. 

You and your money. 11 p. 16mo. © 
Heb: 1321996. 2 ve-bebwd) L1G ea 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 426131. 

© Earl S. Scott, Winona, Minn. 


AMERICAN SCHOOL of correspondence’™, 
Chicago. Water supply. pt. 1-8. 
Instruction paper prepared by Fred- 
erick KE. Turneaure. 3 v. illus., 
diagrs. S8vo. $1.50. [1401 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. each and aff. 
Feb. 7, 1916; A 420672. 

[1402, 1403 

Seedtape better quality seeds. 32 Dp. 
illus: , l2mo, (© Jana sees PORE. 

Jan. aff. Feb. 4, "1916: 

A 425196 
Seedtape, your garden, you simply plant 
cover-title, [8) D. a 
Jan. G3. 12 
and aff. Feb. 9, 1916; 425305. 

shoe manufacturers for 1916. 13th 
original ed. Boston, Mass., Ameri- 
can shoemaking pub. co. [1916] 1 



©: Jan. 1... 1916 (2a eae 
1916; aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 420420. 
Amer. shoemaking pub. co., Boston. 

p. 1, [5]-230 p. 24mo. 

ANDERSON (John G.) Municipal links 
makes golf people’s pastime. (Jn 
Philadelphia Evening telegraph) 


© Jan. 1, 1916; 1 ec. Jan. 6, 1916; 

A 422028; Evening telegraph, Phila- 

ANDOVER [calendar] 1916. cover-title, 
12 1. illus., ports. 4to. [1406 
© Dec.'. 11;-1915302 sen Deer as, 
1915; aff. Dec. 14, 1915; A 415992; 
Chas. H. Elliott co., Philadelphia. 

ANDRASSY (Julius) If Teutons win; 
if allies win; what? Sheet, port., 
154 by 11% inches. [1407 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9,1916; A 425321; Newspaper enter- 
prise assn., Cleveland. . 

ANGELI (Diego) [1408, 1409 

Story of Leombruno, translated from the 
Italian of Diego Angeli by Charles B. 
McMichael. chap. [3] 4. © Dee. 19, 
1915; 1 ec. Jan. 5, 1916; A 421449. 

Story of the dragon with the seven 

heads; translated from the Italian of 
Diego Angeli by Charles B. McMichael. 

@ Jan. 2, 1916; 1 ec. Jani.G6, s8tea se 


{Note: The foregoing are in Philadel- 
phia press fiction magazine.] 

© Charles B. McMichael, Phila- 

ANGYALFI (Arthur)* New York. Good- 
bye. Sheet, 9 by 4 inches. [1410 
© Jan, 5, 1916; 2 c. Janc7 ete. 

aff. Jan. 13, 1916; A 419594. 

Aww ArRsor, Mich. Polk’s Ann Arbor, 
Ypsilanti and Washtenaw County 

directory, 1916. Detroit, Mich., R. L. 
Polk & co., 1916. 4 p. 1, [25]-1036 
p. 8vo. $6.00. [1411 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2°c. and atl dam: 
14, 1916; A 420357; R. L. Polk & co., 



no. 2, 1916 
ArnotD (Sarah Louise)* Brookline, 
Mass. Mastery of words. pt. 1. 

Syracuse, N. Y., Iroquois publishing 
company, inc. [1916] viii, 32 p. 
illus. 12mo. (See and say series. 
Book 4) $0.24. [1412 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 418700. 

ATLANTA journal,* Atlanta. [1413-1415 

Burned out at forty—say old top, is that 
you? Hebe ee LOG: Aes Neb. 5; 
1916; A 422453. 

Folks who don’t go to the pictures. © 
nee, 1996; 1 c. Jan.,28, 1916; A 

You don’t know what you’re missing if 
you’re not a movie fan. © Jan. 19, 
1916; 1 c. Jan. 26, 1916; A 422045. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Atlanta 
journal. ] 

ho. 1, Jan., 1916. New York, The 
Automobile trade directory, incor- 
porated, 1916. 844 p. 8vo. [1416 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 418508; Automobile 
trade directory, inc., New York. 


Pet. upp. Jan. 1916. ist & 2d 
sections. 2v. 8vo. [Text parallel 
with binding] [1417, 1418 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢« each and aff. 
Jan~ 5,; 1916; A "417573, 417574 ; 
Automobile trade directory, ine, 
New York. 

Ayrers (Harral B.)* New York. Mod- 
ern policies. New York, C. 8S. Loder 
and associates [1916] [4] p. 12mo. 


© Dee, 13, 1915; 2 c.-and aff. Jan. 

14, 1916; A 417768. 

B.-M. co.’s cumulative code annotations 
and current digest. Oregon. [v. 1, 
no. 2, January, 1916] Ed. by W. S. 
Church. San Francisco, Cal., Ben- 
der-Moss company [1916] 2 p. lL. 
164 p. 4to. $3.00. [1420 

© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
25, 1916; aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 418595; 
Bender-Moss co., San Francisco. 

BAKER (S. F.) & co.*, Keokuk, Ia. 

Heaith for man and the domestic 
animals. cover-title, 112 p. 12mo. 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 420645. 

BARBER (Edward S.)*, Chicago. Busi- 
ness science of dentistry. Lesson 
1-6. 6 v. 8vo. Contents.—Lesson 
1. What’s the matter with dentist- 
ry.—Lesson 2. Business system in 




BarBeR (Edward S.)*—Continued. 
dentistry, the uncounted cost.—Les- 
son 38. Business system in dentistry, 
regulating profit. 
ness system in dentistry, the elusive 
fee.—Lesson 5. Business system in 
dentistry, real secrets of success.— 
Lesson 6. Business system in den- 
tistry, fees and collections. 


Lesson 1 © Feb. 1, 1916; Lesson 
2-6 © Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. each and aff. 

Feb. 9, 1916; A 425298—425308. 
Barsotti (Charles)* New York. [Ca- 

blegrams ] (In Progresso _italo- 

americano) [1428-1460 

Janes: TOUGS Ol Janey 5.) LOloe ee dam: 
5, 1916; A 421479. 

Jan. 6. L916 ©) JaneiGrel Sle Le. sank 
7, 1916; A 421524. 

Jans i 1OlGa, © dank, (oan loOrG:: Co ual. 
8, 1916s A. 42055%. 

Janis! LOG: 1@jane'S) LOLG A ten Jan. 
8, 1916; A 421558. 

Jan. 9, 1916. © Jan. 9, 1916; 1 c. Jan 
10, 1916; A 421559. 

Jant 102 S16: W@ Jant 1.04 A916 s4 ee: 
Jan. 10, 1916; A 421602. 

Jane aioe LOG As Opadane ate TOG so leues 
Jan. 12, 1916; A 421611. 

ais ee OG ©) ian O 1G) + alae 
Fan. 125-1916 =x 421785. 

Jane toy LLG. L@ dane oe LOLG Rs GC: 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421694. 

Jan. wt42 9LGs.. @) tans MA NSEG s)he! 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421695. 

Jan, 1S o916.. ©, Jan. Us p19ls = tec. 
Jan. 18, 1916; A 421786. 

Taide 2D on Ge 
1) ce. Neaeh Wane 

Jan. 23, 24, 1916. 
1 e@. each Jan. 

@Qi daniel 22501016). 
22, 1916; A 421907, 

© Jan. 23, 24, 1916; 
24, 1916; A 421922 


Jan pera olGn @O©ivan. saat MOG 5 18 Cc: 
Jan. 25, 1916; A 421958. 

Afi Parise alte h ey: Jan. $27; ASG. Le. 

Jan. 28, 1916; A 4220438. 

Jan Zoo nhoOn GC) wane 2oy LOG a1 
Jan. 29, 1916; A 422068. 
Jan. 30, Feb. 1, 1916. @© Jan. 
Looe, Ue. each Hep, 1. 2, 

422151, 422152. 
Feb. 2, 1916. © Feb. 
3, 1916; A 422181. 

30, Feb. 
1916; A 

DD LOl6s' tT ic Hep. 

Feb. 3, 4, 1916. @© Feb. 3, 4, 1916; 1 c. 
each Feb. 4, 1916; A 422210, 422211. 

Keb. 5, 1916. © Feb. 5, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 422255. 

Feb. 6, 1916. © Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 422276. 

Feb. 7, 1916. @ Feb. 7, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
(pehOLG: Ar 422277 

Pen, G0) Lolo.” © Keb; 8, OD, tee > 
1 c. each Feb. 9, 1916; A 4223383, 

Heb, 10, 1916. © Feb. 10, IT9L6s dc. 
Feb. 10, 1916; A 422371. 

Neb fil. 2916). ‘@OvVRebs -L 1916." 1 ce. 
Feb. 11, 1916; A 422388. 




pt. I, n.s., v.13 

Barsottr1 (Charles) *—Continued. 

Feb. 12, 13, 1916. 
Pen) Mep. yd2. A4-- 19465 

Keb... 14, 1916. .@ Web, 14. 1StG] fc: 
Feb. 15, 1916; A’ 422444, 

BarRTLeTtT (Frederick H.) & co. Down 
of a new era in real estate mer- 
chandising. (Jn Chicago daily trib- 
une) [1461 

© Jan. 19, 1916; 1c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
A_: 422286; Harden D Leachman, 

Bearp (Daniel Carter)* Flushing, N. 
Y. Dan Beard tells you how to 
make your own poke. (Jn Boys’ 
life, Feb., 1916) {1462 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 1c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
A 422390. 

A 422429, 

BEAVER co.*, Buffalo. Noverm, a dis- 
infectant sheathing. cover-title, 
[8] p. illus. 24mo. [1463 

© Nov. 1, 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 419537. 

BECKLEY (Zoe) Problems of every 

girl. (In New York Evening mail) 

Jam. 6, 1916... .@ Jan. 6, 1916; 1 ¢, Jan. 
S. 1916 :° A Sa24 572. 
Jan. 8 1916.~,© Jan. 8) 2916 5°) cl Jan. 

12, 1916; A 421609. 

jan. 20." WOLGT) yea. 205 191G aaa: 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 421904. 

Hep. 3,, 1S16...0° Web, oS. 1 Stiga ce: 
Feb. 5, 1916; A 422251. 

Heb: ss, LOtG. Vo. Heb. 5. TOG = h co wep: 
7, 1916; A 422272. 
© Evening mail syndicate, inc., 
New York. 

BeitH (1. H.)* London. Carry on, by 
the Junior Sub. [pseud.] chap. 3, 
4. (In Blackwood’s magazine, Feb., 
1916) [1469 

( 1c. Web... 24, 1916; ,A “ad. int. 
2519; pubd. Jan. 27, 1916. 
BELL TELEPHONE Co. of Pennsylvania‘, 
hiladelphia. Telephone directori ies. 
Erie County, Brie, Albion [ete.] Jan. 
LOS GL ONGS- WO 2Zc aD bo. Oey Hee. 2. 

TOPG. 2) el and (airs hep io. LOG 
A 426047. 

Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Carbondale 
fete] dan. ote. eRe Ato, 
@ Jan. 18, 199@-°2  ¢) and atts fan: 
28, 1916; A 419889. 

Williamsport, Bellefonte, Lock Haven 
fete.], OSaKn., 1 1057,1916.°/66  Dp.tSto. 
© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419890. 

BDENDEL (Henri)* New York. Paris 
forever. (Jn Harper’s bazar, Feb., 

1916) [1473 

© Jan. 20;.1916;.1 ¢. Jan. 24, 
1916; A 422445, 


© Feb. 12, 13, 1916; 

Benson (Carl J.)* East Rockford, Ill. 
Philosophy of three words, I, we, 
us; translated from the Swedish. 
19 p. 16mo. $0.25. [1474 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. Dee. 28, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 417590. 

BERANGER (Clara S.)* New York. 
Natural right. 8 p. S8vo. [1475 

© Dec. (23; 191531 Bret Weenie, 
1915; aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417592. 

BERLINER illustrirte Zeitung. 25. 
jahrge. nor. 3, 16° jan., 1916. "Was. 
fol. M.0.10. [1476 

©Jan. 16, 1916; 1 é. Feb. 14, 1916; 
A—Foreign 13427; Ullstein & Co., 

BERNHARDT (Sarah) Why I am young 
at 71. (Jn Chicago heraid) [1477 

© Jan. 16, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 17, 1916; 
A 421808; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

BERTSCHE (C. P.)*, Chicago. 

Barney fixes Kirby swindle with po- 
lice. @ Jan. 11, 1916; 1 © Janco24, 
1916; A 421941. 

Barney says right cops help dip rob. 
Jan. 12, 1916; 1 c Jan. 24, 1916; 
A 421942. 

Barney tells motive for Rialto shoot- 
ing, © Jan. 17,_199163 1 ¢. Jame 
1916; A 421946. 

Befriended by Busse, Bertsche reforms. 
@ Jan. 7, 1916; i.e. Jan. 24/0586; 
A 421938. 

Bertsche beaten for failing to give 
sraft. © Jan. 20; . 199624) fee 
24, 1916; A 421949. 

Bertsche in a French prison *vearing 
mask. © Jan. 6, 1916; 1 ¢ Jan. 24, 
1916; A 4219387. 

Bertsche now fixer for right coppers. 
@ dan. 8; 191Ge ste Jan. 24, 1916; 
A 421939. 

Bertsche sees no profit in evil life. 
@ Jan. 5, 1916; 1 -¢. Jans 22 stSte- 
A 421936. 

Bertsche tells how graft is collected. 
© Jan. 14, 19165 1 « Jan: 24/1980 
A 421944. 

Busse in anger, hits Barney on the 
jaw... © Jan. 10, 191624 @¢igeee 
1916; A 421940. 

Hope it will do good, Barney’s final 
word. © Jan. 21, 1916; 1 « Jan. 24, 
1916; A 421950. 

Police blackmailed re says Bar- 
ney. @ Jan. 138, 1916; ec. Jan. 24, 
1916; A 421943. 

Spilling the beans for Chicago crooks. 
© Jan. 15, 1916; 1..¢c..Jan., 24, oe3eae 
A 421945. 

These con men made police return graft. 
@ Jan. 19, 1916; 1 «. Jan. 24, 3926- 
A 421948. 

Walking away when shot, Bertsche says. 
Jan. 18, 1916; 1.¢ Jan. 24, 2355; 
A 421947. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily news] 



no. 2, 1916 
Best & co.*, New York. [1493-1498 
Advance spring styles. BONE title, 
[4] p. illus. 16mo. © Feb. 1, 1916; 

2c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A ae 

pupae for southern wear. [4] p. map. 

i6m Now oo Toto: 2 C. nea ait. 
Jan. fia 1916); ‘A 417759. 

Best’s annual January white sales. 

mie aus. | tto. © Dee. 31, 1915 ; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 14, 1916 A 417760. 

Best’s baby book. cover-title, 48 p. 
Hips Sve. ©: Jan... 28, 1916: Des 
and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419957. 

January white sales. [4] Seay Miliaas: 
Tome. ..¢) Jan.1o,,1916 > 2c: and. aff. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 417758. 

Originality. cover-title, [6] p. folder. 
item remo, £@oeb.4. 19165. 2. ¢. 
and aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425284. 

BEST way. [1499, 1500 

Nae eno os, WDecs 15, 1915. .cover-title, 
panitOsi—Lins. Wlus., port. .8vo. © 
Wee, 17,,1915; 2.c. Dec. 29, 1915; aff. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 417750. 

vy. 1, no. 10, Jan. 15, 1916. cover-title, p 

Mats) —isd. illus! Sve. .@ Jan.,,15, 
4916; 2¢e. and aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 

New York. 
(Theobald von) 

© Best & co., 

Kaiser’s illness never confining. (In 
Washington times) [1501 

© Jan. 14,1916; 1.c. Jan. 14, 
1916; A 421706; United press assn., 
New York. 

BETTER business. v. 2, no. 1, Jan., 
1916. Chicago, S. H. Churchhill & 
company, 1916. [4] p. illus. 8vo. 


© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 426004; Samuel C. Bilger, 

BIBLIOTHEK der unterhaltung und des 
wissens. Mit originalbeitriigen der 
hervorragenden schriftstellern und 
gelehrten sowie zahlreichen illustra- 
tionen. Jahrg. 1916. Stuttgart 
[etc.] Union deutsche verlagsgesell- 
schaft [1915] pHach.:. 240: p. 
front., illus. 16mo. M.0.75. 

[1503, 1504 

neo ec, &, 1016 :::% e,.Jans: 26, 
Hi A—Foreign 13367. 
"© Dec. 31, 1915: ot c. Feb. 14, 

1916: A—Foreign 1335 
© Union deutsche Pei, SAS UNOII- 
schaft, Stuttgart, Germany. 

Bippre (Edward M.) 

Chart showing 
workmen’s compensa- 

tion law effective Jan. 1, 1916. 
Sheet, illus., 164 by 134 inches. 


© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 

Jan. 19, 1916; A 417839; George G. 
Henderson, Philadelphia. 


BrrcH (Clarence E.)* Lawrence, Kan. 
Birch sectional writing chart. Law- 
rence, Kan., The School record pub- 
lishing company, 1916. 30 1. obl. 
Svo. $10.00. [1506 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417826. 

Birkes (Elijah Martin)*, St. Joseph, 
Mo. Vitalize the church organiza- 
tions P4]. p. «16moe.. -$0.05., -[1507 

© Jan. 8, 1916;-2 ¢c» Jan. 10, 
1916; aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 419788. 

BittneR (Franklin)* New York. 
Presidents of the United States in 
poster stamps. By4l eres os illus. 
24mo. $0.25. [1508 

‘e) Dee ol Oty Se Ieee SO: 
11S jvait, Dec..31, 49155 A. BUG5S9. 

Brxspy (R. W.)* Buffalo. [1509, 1510 

How to chart yourself. cover-title, [8] 
Daie2mMo © sans a OtGe 2c. dan 
15, 1916; aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 419789. 

Service for high grade men. cover-title, 

LS =[ Lp: fh 24mors © dans a or6; 
2c. Jan. 15, 1916; aff. Jan. 22, 1916; 
A 419790. 

BLACKMAN (Alexander Francis) * 
Clayton, Mo. Feud in Wall street. 
[2liab. LAM. 0. 1G: [1511 

©).J ane 18, 19162 2 rea dans 21, 

1916; aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419695. 


Model solutions to Modern American 

law problems. 19, 20. 2 v. 8vo. 
© Nov. 20, Dec. 20, 1915; 2 ec. each 

BLACKSTONE institute*, 

anda: Jan: . 14 -19ih AS 4077386, 

Modern American law guide. no. 61, 62. 
2°00 '8v0.. © DecshIst9t5 322, esveach 
and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417741, 

Modern American law problems. 19, 20. 

VA sven GG ‘Novel, POLS 2 "re: 
each and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417 738, 

Buarir,, Harper & co.*, Aurora, Ill. 
Identified seeds. cover-title, 28 p. 
illus. Svo. [1518 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 

27, 1916; A 426006. 

BLAKE (Alice) Awakening of Gladys 
Clifton. chap. 1-6. (Jn Illustrated 
companion, Feb., 1916) [1519 

toy. Jant25,1 1916 = 1re nantes. 
1916; A 422030; F. B. Warner co., 
New York. 

Briopcetr (Harvey A.) Bigger, better 
business. (Jn Chicago herald) 
Another phase of bigger banking. © Feb. 
12, 1916; 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; A 422492. 



BiopcetTt (Harvey A.)—Continued. 

Bigger banking. © Feb. 11, 1916; 1 ec. 
Feb. 12, 1916 A 422402. 

When banks and people come to better 
understanding. @© Feb. 10, 1916; 1 «¢. 
Feb. 11, 1916; A 422384 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Bores (William J.)* Bloomfield, N. J. 
Boies bank news letter service. [3] 
p. 4to. [1523 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417990. 


[Men’s syndicate service] 
3835—335A. Feb. 5, ie: 
fol. @ Heb. 1, 1906: 
9, 1916; A 4252 89. 

[Women’s syndicate service] supplement 
336—336A. Heb, Di S906! 21s Tilas. 

sales service*, Chi- 
[1524, 1525 

2 Vz itis: 
2 c. and aff. Feb. 

fol. © Feb. 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A aoe 
BookLovers’ contest co., inc.*, New 
York. Rub the lamp. (Jn Cleve- 
land leader ) [1526 

© Jan. 30, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
A 422389. 

BooKLovErs’ sales co., ine.*, New York. 

Start now, now, this minute. (Jn 
Virginian-pilot and the Norfolk 
landmark) [1527 

© Jan. 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
A 422292, 

Boston. First national bank. Wealth 
of America, minerals and metals 
[28] p. illus. 16mo. [1528 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417729; Walker-Longfel- 
low co., Boston. 

BosToN UNIVERSITY calendar [1916] 
[Boston, Mass., Printed by P. H. 
Foster & co., 1916] 394 p. S8vo. 
$1.00. [1529 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 24, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 418658; Boston 
university women graduates’ club. 

Boyp (Asa S.)* Philadelphia. World’s 
greatest gift. 3831p. 16mo. [1530 

© San. Tete 2 Hey ane. ol 
1916; aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425139. 

BREWER’S hand book and buyers’ guide 

for 1916. 40th year. Chicago, H. S. 
Rich:.& Co. [1916] 252 p.~ 12mo. 
$5.00. [1531 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 418707; Herbert G. Rich, 


pt: 1:nass wae 

BrRicKeR (Garland Armor)*, 
bus, O. 


Beef. Columbus, O., The Kauffman- 
Lattimer co. [1916] Cloth wall chart, 
illus., 28 by 42 inches. $0.50. © 
Dec. 15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 20, 
1915; A 426039. 

Clover. Columbus, O., The Kauffman- 
Lattimer co. [1916] Cloth wall chart, 
illus., 28 by 42 inches. $0.50. © Dec. 
28, 1916; 2 c« Feb. 3, 1916; aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 426037. 

Corn. Columbus, O., The Kauffman- 
Lattimer co. [1916] Cloth wall chart, 
illus., 28 by 42 inches, $0.50. © Dec. 
15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 20, 1915; 
A 426040. 

Grafting. Columbus, O., The Kauffman- 
Lattimer co. [1916] Cloth wall chart, 
illus., 28 by 42 inches. $0.50. © 

: 2 ¢c. Webs’ 33,2916 ae 
Feb. 5, gies ’A 426036. 

Spraying for the codling moth. Colum- 
bi The Kaufifman-Lattimer co. 

Cloth wall chart, illus., 28 
by 42 inches. $0.50. @© Dec. 28, 
TORE 2.c: heb Ss 1916; aff. Feb. 5, 
1916; A 426035. 

Wheat. Columbus, O., The Kauffman- 
Lattimer co. [1916] Cloth wall chart, 
ilius., 28 by 42 inches. $0.50. @© Dec. 
28, 1915; 2c. Feb. 3, 1916; ait Web: 
5, 1916; A 4260388. 

BRIDGMAN nursery Co. [1538, 15389 
Descriptive catalog of strawberry and 
other small fruit plants. cover-title, 
16 p. illus. 8vo. @ Jan. 15, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 426000 : 
© Fred C. Stahelin, Bridgman, 
Same. @© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 ¢«. and 
aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425306. 
© F. C. Stahelin & son, Bridgman, 

Bronson [pseud] Key to will-power. 
[Ti p. / 4to,"" $100: [1540 
© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 ©) ang ane 
Jan. 26, 1916; A 419850; Keldan 
pub. co., Chicago. 

Bronson (George Catheart) OQOredo. 
Sheet, illus., 13 by 7% inches. $0.25. 

© Dee. 1, 1915; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417805; H. L. Ward pub. 
co., Los Angeles. 

BRooKLYN First national bank. Uncle 
Sam’s pocket pieces. [24] p. illus. 
16mo. [1542 

© May 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417728; Walker-Long- 
fellow co., Boston. 

BrRooKMIRE economic chart co., New 
York. International barometer. 
[4] p. col. diagrs. 4to. [1548 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 419762. 


no. 2, 1916 1567 
BroTHEeRHOoD of locomotive firemen & | BurcER (Emily Gertrude) Emily 
enginemen™*, Indianapolis. Our Burger makes public My own story. 
special study course. Westinghouse yf? n Boston American.) [1556 

air brake, pt. 3, section 5a. (Jn 
Locomotive firemen and enginemen’s 
magazine. Feb., 1916) 
idan ot, 1916; 1. c. Feb.- 9, 
1916; A 422335. 
Brown (Allan P.)* San Francisco. 
Service of the visiting and consult- 

ing teacher. [2d. ed.] Santa Bar- 
bara, Cal., D. H. Schauer, 1915. 
16 p. front. (port.) 24mo. $0.10. 


© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 419791. 

Bryce (Catherine T.) Aldine speller. 
pt. 1 for grades 1 and 2, pt. 2 for 
grades 3 and 4; by Catherine T. 
Bryce and Frank J. Sherman. New 
York, Newson & company [1916] 
2 oN. » illus. (part col.) 12mo. 
$0.20 each. [1546, 1547 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. each and aff. 
Feb. 7, 1916; A 420686, 420687; 
Newson & co., New York. 

BtucuH fiir alle. 1916. [Each. illus. 

fol. M. 0.30 [1548, 1549 

mia. -© Dee) 29, 149155'1 « Feb. 
14, 1916; A—Foreign 13425. 

niet, © Dec. 31, .1915; 1 c.° Feb. 
14, 1916; A—Foreign 13426. 

© Union deutsche verlagsgesell- 
schaft, Stuttgart, Germany. 

Bucr1a blue book no. 3; original de- 

Signs in tatting, novelty & filet cro- 

chet. New York, Bernhard Ulmann 
co., ine., 1916. 47 p. illus. S8vo. 
$0.10. [1550 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 418503; Bernhard Ul- 
mann co., inc., New York. 
Buckiey (Elton J.)* Philadelphia. 
Latest Victor price-fixing decision again 

upsets the law. @© Jan. 31, 1916; 1 
e, Web. 5, 1916; A 422257. 

Protecting one’s self ee a partner. 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 24, 1916; 
A 421925. 
Something about accepting debtors’ 

notes in settlement of accounts. © 
Meiko 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 10, 1916; A 

When you buy a business and find that 
it isn’t doing what the seller claims. 
© Feb. 7, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 15, 1916; 
A 422449, 

[Note: The foregoing are in Modern 
merchant and grocery world.] 
BUFFALO gasolene motor co.*, Buffalo. 
Buffalo four-cycle marine engines. 
34 p. front., illus. 4to. [1555 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 425278. 


[1544 | 

Feh ie tole: Fe wep 44, 
1B A 422418; Boston American, 

BURPEE (W. Atlee) & co.*, Philadel- 

phia. Burpee’s seeds that grow, 
blue list, 1916. cover-title, 148 p. 
illus. Svo. [155T 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
19, 1916; A ‘417842, 

Bourrovcus & co.*, Boston. Inactive 
real estate trust stocks, land and 
wharf companies. [8] p. fol. [1558 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417583. 

Burrowes (Katherine) *, Detroit. New 
musical note gatherers. cover-title, 
[44] p. illus. 4to. [1559 

© Oct. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 
13.9915 6:40 fe Jan. ab titOlG=.. A 

Burton (Theodore E.) Republican 
victory certain this year. says Bur- 
ton, backing self with figures. Sheet, 
port, 184 by 10 inches. [1560 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425313; Newspaper en- 
terprise assn., Cleveland. 

Butter (John)* Blackwell, Mo. 
[1561, 1562 

Addenda [to Man’s inhumanity to man] 
4] p. 8vo. R 
Nov. G6 9915 ob e: or 29 WOR S. 
aff. Jan. 3; 1916: A 417582. 

Man’s inhumantiy to man [4] p. Svo. 
© Nov. 22, 1915: 1 ¢. Nov. 6, 1915; 
1 c. Nov. 39, 1Otrer att Jane oy. totG 
A 417581. 

Butterick fashions. 
spring 1916. 84 p. illus. fol. 

wi) 9 (epee. 
and aff. 

Cc) Fan-"10, “1916: 2" |. 
Jan. 13, 1916; A 419585 : 
pub. co., New York. 

CALIFORNIA current digest, ed. by 
P. V. Ross, together with Spe hi, 
comp. by George J. Martin [v. 2, 
no. 1, January, 1916] San Fran- 
cisco, Bancroft-Whitney company, 
1916, xxi, 67 .p. 4.1.,.196 p.' 4to. 
$7. 50 per year. [1563 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 418715; Bancroft-Whit- 
ney co. 

CALUMET baking eo,*, Chi- 
cago. [1564-1567 
Better things to eat for the worker on 

the farm. @©@ Nov. 18, 1915; 1 « 
Jan. 27, 1916; A 422279. 





CALUMET baking powder co.*—Contd. 
y aig they’ll be so good I just can’t 
@* (\Janv 1S 39 0 PGi tS ca han: 

OT, “so16: A 422282. 

Just what you want. 
1 ce Jan. 27, 1916; A 422281. 

Light as a feather. © Dec. 2, 1915; 
ter Jan. 27, ASG vA 422280: 
[Note: The foregoing are in Iowa 

homestead. ] 

© Dec. 16, 1915; 

CAMPBELL electric co.*, Lynn, Mass. 
Campbell x-ray and high-frequency 
apparatus. 44p. illus. 8vo. (Cat- 
alog no. 83) [1568 

© Jan: 25,°1916; 2. e.. and) aff: 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419989. 

Rk. L. Polk’ & co-s 
1916. Seran- 

€. -and:,ail. 
Re lL. Polk 

Carbondale directory, 
ton)’ (Pas. ioe Pelk’ & iG0s 
286 p. Svo. $4.00. 

@Qsdan. AT 1916:,-2 
Jan. 18, 1916; A 418493 : 
& CO., Pittsburgh. 

CarEy (Frank A.)* Maple Shade, N. 
J. Solution. (In Moorestown 
chronicle ) [1570 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 12, 1916; 
A. 421959. 

CARPENTER (Frank G.)* Washington. 

Canadians to monopolize shipment of 
Alaskan fish. Jan. 623, 19165) a. ec. 
Jan. 24, 1916; A 421909. 

Carpenter begins story of his travels in 
Maskat - ©) Jan. 2, Ole: Lec: Janie: 
1916; A 421617. 

Carpenter visits a queer city in south- 
ern «Alaska. ©) »fams 9. L916 S01 
Jan. oHO> A916: Ay 421618: 

Terrors mingle with delights in Alaskan 
seas. @ Jan. 16, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 19, 
1916; A. 421825. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Washing- 
ton Sunday star, unless. otherwise 
stated. ] 

CENTRAL district telephone co.*, Phila- 

delphia. Pittsburgh district  tele- 
phone directory, Jan. 5, 1916. 240, 
140, 288 p. Ato. Li5%5 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 426048. 

CHABRE (Theodore)* Alameda, Cal. 
Comparing and measuring distances. 
15 p... diagrs. S8vo. [1576 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c« and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 425270. 

CHALMERS (Stephen)* Saranac Lake, 
N. Y. Moving picture version of 
Edward Everett Hale’s The man 
without a country; scenario by 
Stephen Chalmers. pt. 5, 6. 2 v. 

4to. [Text parallel with binding.] 
[1577, 1578 
© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 c. each and 

aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 419925, 419926. 


pt. 1, mis we 2S 

CHAMBERLAIN (Robert Rensselaer) * 
New Haven, Conn. Interior decora- 
tion and the history of periods. 
Article 7, 8 (Jn New Haven reg- 
ister ) [1579, 1580 

© Nov. 14, 21, 1915; 1 ¢. each Feb. 
2,,/1916;, & 422349, 499343, 

CHANCE (Frank L.) [1581-1584 
Chance starts feature series on famous 
fans. © Jan. 9, 1916; 3. ¢) Jan 2 
1916; A 421767. 
Money is no object with Cohan who 
paid pe 000 to see Sox play. © Jan. 

16, 1916; 1 ec... Jan. 2 29 

Society girls are good fans, Chance 
AVEES. 1 ©@) Jane 30, Tags uc. ene 
sl, 1916;, A Aa213 

Taft an illustrious ant in Chanute col- 
lection. 1916: 4 Cc. Henwa i 

© Feb. 6, 
1916; A 422312. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

CHAPMAN (Herman L.)* Marcellus, 
Mich. <As the masses see it; two 
poems: Don't go to war till you 
know what for and A warning. [4] 
p. 12mo. [1585 

© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 ¢ and “aff. 
Jan. 27, 1916; A 425222. 

CHARTERHOUSE c0.*, Philadelphia. 
Business forms and banking com- 
plete in one course. cover-title, 32 

Dp. illus. SVO. (Pay envelope 
studies ) [1586 
© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A 42530T. 

CHAYES (Herman E. S.)* New York. 
Technique for a simple bridge. (In 
Dental items of interest, Jan., 1916.) 


() Jan. 4, 1916; 1 ¢ Jan, 5) 49aG; 
A 421451. 

CuHiIcAco. Complete paper directory of 
Chicago, Jan., 1916. 11th ed. Chi- 
cago, Darrow publishing co., 1916. 
84 p. 16mo. eat ~ [1588 

© Jan. 13, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
OT -AtGlG *. A ea ; Philo Clark 
Darrow, Western Springs, I. 

CHICAGO ASSN. of commerce*, Chicago. 
Way to ship. Book no. 12. Pub. by 
the Chicago association of commerce 
under the direction of the Freight 

traffic committee, Jan. 1, 1916. 
eover-title, 618 p. 4to. [1589 
© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 cand ail. 

Jan. 19, 1916; A 420428. 


no. 2, 1916 


CHIcAGO central station institute. 
Commercial engineering course. 
Lesson 3. Prospects—new business. 
cover-title, 38 p. Aol Svo. [1590 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
y 2816: A 417572 : Natl. electric 
light assn., New York. 

CHICAGO examiner. [1591-1596 

Abraham Lincoln once said. © Oct. 6 
hea bk erdansre, 1916: A 421463. 

- Clothes investments pay daily dividends. 
Me oo sola. § 6 C.) Jan. 6, 2916; 
A 421514. 

Put music in your life. © Nov. 28, 
2 «¢o gan. 6 1916; A 421515. 

Quality and quantity. © Oct. 31, 1915; 
1c. Jan. 5, 1916; A 421466. 

Quality writers attract quality readers. 
ute 42. 9995-2 ec. Jan. 5, 1916; 
A 421464. 

Winning the public’s good will. © Oct. 
21, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 5, 1916; A 421465. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
examiner ] 

© Walter Gregory Bryan, Chi- 

Cuicaco telephone co. Chicago, classi- 
fied telephone directory, the red 
book, Jan., 1916. Chicago, Ill., R. 
H. Donnelley, 1916. 543 p. 4to. 


© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

5, 1916; A 426030; Reuben H. Don- 
nelley, Chicago. 

CHICKERING & sons*, Boston. Chicker- 
ing & sons, pianoforte makers. 
[Ninety-third anniversary] 24 p. 
illus. 8vo. [1598 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 426001. 

CITATOR. [1599, 1600 

Illinois ed. 15, no. 4, January, 1916. 
[New York, The Citator publishing 
company, 1916] cover-title, 343 p. 
8vo. $5.00 a year. © Feb. 7, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 17, 1916; A 418871. 

Missouri ed. v. 14, no. 2, January, 1916. 
[New York, The Citator publishing 
company, 1916] cover-title, 431 p. 
8vo. $5.00 a year. @© Feb. 9, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 17, 1916; A 418870. 

© Citator pub. co., New York. 

City bank. Banking hints. cover- 
title, 16 p. illus. 16mo. [1601 

© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 ¢. Dec. 21, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417724; Sidney 
E. Downey, Syracuse, N. Y. 

CLEVELAND Jewish society book. Cleve- 
land, O., The Jewish independent 
pub. co. [1916] 3880p. illus., ports. 
12mo. $1.00. [1602 

© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 420503; Jewish inde- 
pendent pub. co., Cleveland. 


[CLISBEE (George)] They show their 
faces, too, at Follies. (In Cleveland 
Sunday leader) [1603 

© Feb. 6, 1916; 1 ce. Feb. 9, 1916; 
A 422341; Cleveland co., Cleveland. 

[CLroseE (E. H.) realty co.] Big 
chance. cover-title, [10] p._ illus. 
nar. S8vo. [1604 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 425140; Elmer 
Harry Close, Toledo. 

CLOTHIER pub. co., ine.*, New York. 
Style forecast for fall and winter, 
1916-1917. Sheet, illus., 22 by 22 
inches. [1605 

©. jan: (20 1StG= Se. bein. oe 
1916; aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425141. 

Coir (Stanton) Are American men 
slaves of women. (In Chicago 
herald) [1606 

© Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
A 422313; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Cottins (Louis L.) [1607-1609 

Newly wed pair first to settle in fourth 
ward. @i Jan. 30, 1916: tec. heb. a. 
1916; A 422185. 

Primitive mill first building in Flour 
city; @..Feb. 6, 1916: 1. (e¢Websa4, 
1916; A 322392. 

Third ward had its beginning on Bas- 
Sett's' Creek.o7 '@) Jane 23, soles: Es. c. 
Jan. 27, 1916; A 422077. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Minne- 
apolis Sunday journal.] 

© Journal ptg. co., Minneapolis. 

CotuMBIA school of drafting, Wash- 
ington. Columbia school of draft- 
ing [1916] cover-title, 16 p. illus. 
ports., diagrs. S8vo. [1610 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
12, 1916; A 419792; Roy C. Claflin, 

ConKLIN (Victor T.) Sauk Centre, 
Minn. [1611, 1612 
Laws of state for January. © Dec. 30, 

1915; 1c. Jan. 11, 1916; A 421598. 
[Minnesota laws] TF eb., 1915, with title, 

Our laws for February. © Jan. a 

1916; 1 c. Feb. 4, 1916; A 422213. 

[Note : The foregoing are in Long 
Prairie leader. ] 

CoNSTITUTION, Atlanta. [1613-1615 

Feeding the pussy in the morning. @© 
Pep,.18, 18363, 2 ci Feb. 10,.. 016; 
A 422379. 

Go-fans. Jan. 3, 1916. © Jan. 3, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 6, 1916; A 421507. 

On with the dance, let joy be uncon- 
fined. @© Jan. 31, 1916 1 ec. Feb. 3, 
1916; A 422182. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Atlanta 

Constitution. ] 

© James R. Holliday, Atlanta. 


pt. 1, n.s., v.13 

CoNTINENTAL illustrating. co.*, New | [Courtis (S. A.) ]—Continued. 
York. Piano dealers’ publicity aid. Bieenen) mama bYonkety uae 
cover-title, 52 1. illus. 8vo. (Oid N. X., or ook company, 5 
ere } ; : Dec. ¢ F : 
master series, vol. A.) [1616 oe ree 7: asta a Pmt pe in 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425166. 

ConweEL. (J. L.)* Washington. Mem- 
ories of Lincoln. 1. (Jn Spring- 
field Republican.) [1617 

© Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 10, 1916; 
A 422374. 

Coonrty (John M.) Lecture on the 

composers. New York. American 

college society [1916] 9 p. S8vo. 

(American college course) $0.50. 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 5, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 18, 1916; A 417570; Albert 
Newton Shideler, New York. 

CornisH (Reynelle G. E.)* Portland, 
Ore. Legal sidelights for lawyers 
and laymen. Dec. 26, 1915. (Un 
Portland Sunday Oregonian) [1619 

© Dec. 26, 1915; 1 «. Jan. 5, 1916; 
A 421476. 

CORPORATION calendar. v. 7%, no. 1, 
Jan., Feb., 1916. Card, 103 by 44 
inches. [1620 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417568; United States 

corp. co., New York. 
CORPORATION trust co.*, New York. 
Corporation trust company’s  in- 

come tax service, 1913-1916. 1p. 1, 
330, 82,1 p. S8vo. $20.00. [1621 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 @ and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419592. 

Country home, the ladies farm 
journal. (In Fruit-grower and 
farmer ) [1622-1624 
Ve 20, no. 2, Jane 1,) 1916" [@ sane 4, 

1916; 1 ec. Jan, 44, 1916 2A 421698. 
Weal no. Fae, AGN elie Ly. "1916. © Jan. 19, 
1916; ee. Web. 2, 1916; A 422169. 

Ve 20 NO. oO, Keb. 1, 1916. © Webasto, 
1916 ; 1c Feb. 15, 1916; A 422450. 

© W. G. Campbell, St. Joseph, 
[Courtis (S. A.)] Detroit public 

schools standard practice tests. 
Lesson no. 1-381, 44. 82 

inches, in case. © 
Dec. 80, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 7, 
1916; A 425254. 

Form B. Lesson no. 1-81, 44. 82 
cards, 8 by 5 inches, in case. @© 
Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 7, 
1916; A 425255. 

In arithmetic. Student’s record. [Yon- 
kers-on-Hludson, N. Y., World book com- 

pany, 1915] 15 p. 12mo.,© Dec. 30, 
VOTO o2 tC ANG) Bik. eed. tien LOloe A 

© World book co., Yonkers-on- 
Hudson, N. Y. 

[CrREDITORS’ protective association, 
ine. ] Modern’ credit reporting. 
cover-title, 16 p. 24mo. [1629 

© Jan; Hf,” 1916""2" ¢. "Pande, 
1916; aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 415223; 
George R. Macomber, Washington. 

CRESCENT city savings bank.  In- 
dustrial savings certificate. Sheet, 
printed on both sides, 164 by 10 
inches, folded to S8vo. $0.50. 


© Oct. 25, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

17, 1916; A 417803; Thomas Hwing 
Brenan, New Orleans. 

Crorr (Terrell)* St. Louis. Casings 
for machinery, foundation anchor 
bolts, by Bruce Page [pseud] (in 
Power ) [1631 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 1 «. Jan. 8, 1916; 
A 421595. 

CroFrron (Hdna Olivia) * Norwood, O. 
Co-ops. (Jn National co-operative 
housewife, Dec., 1915.) [1632 

© Dec. 20, 19153, 23.64 Janese: 
1916; A 422046. 

Cummines (G. W.) & Kneisel (Ar- 
thur)* Chicago. Telephone talks. 
Jan. 1916 installment. (Jn ‘Tele- 
phone engineer, Jan., 1916) [1633 

© Dec. 31, 19153-4 se adeno: 

1916; A 421453. 

Dapanr (CC. P.)* » Hamilton, i 
Facts about honey. [16] p. illus. 
Svo. $0.03. [1634 

© Jan. 26,1916; 2+ Gagane 2a: 
1916; A 426055. 

DaILy Georgian & Sunday American. 

Choose well these companions of your 
everyday life. © Jan. 23, 1916; 1 c. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422192. ‘ 

January is a harvest month for furni- 
ture buyers. © Jan. 16, 1916; 1 ec. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422191. 

Pure food for every table in Atlanta. 
(In Atlanta Georgian) @© Jan. 14, 
1916; 1 c. Jan. 31, 1916; A 422190. 

To the furniture dealers of Atlanta. 

@. Jan.,.9, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. si i 9h: 
A 422189. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Atlanta 

Hearst’s Sunday American, unless other- 
wise stated] 

© Walter Gregory Bryan, Chi- 



no, 2, 1916 


Date (Alan) Bayside, N. Y. Alan | Davis (A. M.) co.*—Continued. 

Dale says: (Jn Pittsburgh Sunday 
leader ) [16389-1643 

janet o1G. - @ Jan. 2; 19163 1 sc. Jan. 
7, 1916; A 421592. 

faa 1916. © Jan:.9, 1916; 1 e.cJan. 
12, 1916; A 421634. 

Jan. 23,)1916... © Jan. 23, 1916; 1.¢. 
Jan. 26, 1916; A 421967. 

Feb. 6, 1916; © Feb. 6, P9TOs if'¢.. Heb. 
8, 1916; A 422296. 

Feb. 13,,,1916. ©. Feb. 13, LONG 251... 
Feb. 15, 1916; A 422448. 

Davis (A. M.) co.*, Boston. 

All for you. If I had a hundred hearts. 
Card, col. illus., 3% by 43 inches. 
aot. ,© Jan. st, 1916;.2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419988. 

Can you guess. I wish that I knew. 
Card, col. illus., 3 by 53 inches. $0.10. 
© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 2, 
1916; A 419985. 

Friendly valentine. This valentine to 
your address. Card, col. illus., 3 by 
= inehes. $0.20. © Jan. 31, 1916; 
2 c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419981. 

Here’s my heart. I’m bringing you this. 
Card, col. illus., 34+ by 4% inches. 
SO.) © Jan. oat! 1916: 2c. and aif. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419987. 

Inside there is a test of true love. 2 1. 
col. illus. ob]. 48mo. $0.10. © Jan. 
eon 2 c.-and ait, Keb. 2; 1916; 
A 419966. 

Loving hearts. This little girl is very 
shy. Card, col. illus., 34 by 4% inches. 
Sova, ©) Jan.vot., 1916.5°2'c.. and aff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419968. 

Mother Goose valentine. [Rain, rain, go 
away] Folded card, col. illus., 31 by 
42 inches. $0.10. © Vane le. ft ONG 
2c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419967. 

[Sing a song of sixpence] Folded 
eard, col. illus., 34 by 4% inches. 
$0. 10. © Jan. 31, 1915: 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419962. 

for a dear little girl. [Little Boy 
Blue] Folded card, col. illus., 34 by 
4% inches. $0.10. © Jan. 31, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419980. 

for a little friend of mine. [Jack 
and Jill.] Folded card, col. illus., 34 
Dyie4s inehes. .. $0.10. ©. Jan.. 31, 
wveo, 2 Cc. and aff: Feb.’ 2, 1916; A 

for a Jittle friend of mine. [Mis- 
tress Mary quite contrary] Folded 
card, col. illus., 33 by 44 inches. 
~u..L0, © Jan. 31; 1916: 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419977. 

for you. [Tom, Tom, the piper’s 
son] Folded card, col. illus., 34 by 
4% inches. $0.10. @©@.Jan: 31, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419970. 

to a dear little boy. [Little Miss 
Muffet] Folded card, col. illus., 34 
by 44 inches. $0.10... © Jan. 31, 
iva. 2 Cc. and aff. Neb. 2, 1916; A 

to a girl I know. [This is the 
house that Jack built] Folded card, 
col. illus., 34 by 43 inches. $0.10. © 
Wad. oL, 1916; 2. ¢c. ‘and aff. Beb. 2, 
1916; A 419971. 


-——to you. [Little Jack Horner] 
Folded card, col. illus., 3% by 43 
inches. $0.10. @© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. 
and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419975. 

to you. [Twinkle, twinkle, little 
star] Folded card, col. illus., 34 by 43 
inches. $0.10. © Jan. 31, 1916; 2 ce. 
and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419972. 

Our heart. 3 1. col. illus. 48mo. $0.10. 
© Jan. of, 29165 2. .c..and aff. Webs 2, 
1916; A 419965. - 

To my valentine. [How would you like 
to be my valentine] 2 1. col. illus. 
obl. 48mo. $0.15. @©@ Jan. 31, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419964. 

[There never was a saint so fine] 
cover-tithe. 1) ycols Allus’ -24mo! 
$0:2). ,.@.dan. o1,)4016*> 2c. andiaff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419963. 

Valentine. I’m writing on a _ tender 
theme. Card, col. illus. 3 by 532 
inchest-) $0105 @ Janz isis 19165 2. ec. 
and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419986. 

Valentine for old times’ sake. Card, 
col. illus., 34 by 53 inches. $0.10. © 
Janos TOlGs pomes ang waite, Hep. 2, 
1916; A 419961. 

Valentine for you. Little maiden. 
Card, col. illus., 3% by 4% inches. 
$0:05; @) Jane 315) 1962" cs and: ait. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419984. 

Valentine greeting. [If other hearts 
you’re offered] cover-title, 1 1. col. 
illus. 24mo. $0.25. © Jan. 31, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419983. 

[You may not be an architect] 
2 i, “eols illus. “obl: “48mo. ~$00L5. 
@i dane 31551996... 2 ic. and afer Hebi) 2, 
1916; A 419978. 

Valentine greetings. [If everyone were 
as nice as you.] cover-title, 1 1. col. 
illus. 24mo. -$0.25. © Jan. 31, 1916; 
2 ec. and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419982. 

Of friendships I’ve known. Card, 
col. illus. 33 by 5 inches. $0.10. © 
Jane St. TOG = 2 C. and ae. Hep, 2. 
1916; A 419978. 

Valentine kisses. This little maiden’s 
finger tips. Card, col. illus., 34 by 43 
inches. 150.05. @)Jane oh, 191622 ce. 
and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419969. 

Valentine offer. [Pray use my heart for 
a fiddle] 21. col. illus. obl. 48mo. 
$0.15. © Jan. 31, 1916; 2 cand aff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419979. 

Davis (Charles Henry) Good roads 

everywhere. Sheet, illus., 143 by 
104 inches. (Jn Christian herald, 
Nov. 10, 1915) [1672 

© Nov. 10, 1915; 2 ce. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 417999; Natl. highways 
assn., Washington. 

Davis (Richard Harding)*, New York. 


Deserted command. © Jan. 23, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 25, 1916; A 421955. 

From Paris to Saloniki while the war 
rages. © Jan. 16, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 19, 
1916; A 421829. 

Hoover is invited to feed Serbians. © 
Jan. 9, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 10,1916; A 



pt. 1, a..s,, 4a 

Davis (Richard Harding) *—Contd. 

Peep at the famous St. Mihiel salient. 
Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 14, 1916; 

A 422428. 
[Note: The foregoing are in New 
York times magazine.] 
Davis (William W.)* Baltimore. 

Sanctity of the Lord’s day: the 
cross roads of the Kingdom. Sheet, 
printed on both sides, col. illus., 11 
by 84 inches. ’ [1677 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 25, 1916; A 425142. 

Davison’s silk trade, a directory of 
the silk manufacturers of the 
United States and Canada. 21st 
annual ed., 1916. New York, Da- 
vison publishing co., 1916. 

[1678, 1679 
Office ed. 656 p. 8vo. $3.00. © Jan. 

17, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 19, 1916; aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 418515. 
$2.00. © 

Pocket ed. 572 p. 12mo. 
dan. .i7, 19162°2¢,, Jan, 2g; 1916; 
A 418512. 

© Davison pub. co., New York. 

Dawes (Chester L.)* Cambridge, 
Mass. Electrical measurements and 
testing direct and alternating cur- 
rent. cover-title, [64] p.  illus., 
diagrs. 4to. (Loose leaf laboratory 
manual. The Wiley technical se- 
ries. J. M. Jameson, editor) $0.75. 

©) Janz 6; 19t6- 2 ce and ah. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 420290. 

DEANE (Nathaniel Carter)* Carnegie, 
Pa. Where freedom found its way. 
[4] p. illus., port. 4to. [1681 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 426059. 

Dr JARNETTE (Alva Lyle)* San Diego, 

Cal. Open forum songs. [San 
Diego, Cal., Printed by A. T. Rog- 
ers, 1916] cover-title, 49 p. 16mo. 
$0.15. [1682 

© Jan. 2. 1916; 2 ce. and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 425237. 

De Lano (C. S.)* Los Angeles. In- 
structions for playing the Hawaiian 
steel guitar. 7p. illus., ports. fol. 


©) Dee. 15,: 1915: 2 ce. Deer 23. 
1915; aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 419990. 

DERRICK pub. co.*, Oil City, Pa. Oil 
field report for January, 1916. (In 
Oil City derrick) [1684 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 1 c Feb. 5, 1916; 
A 422254, 


DeETECTA phone co. of America, ine. 
Detecta ear phone. [8] p._ illus, 
port. S8vo. [1685 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 426002; Gaillard Smith, 
New York. 

DETMER Service bureau. [1686, 1687 
v. 12, no. 4 Sheet, col. illus., 2034 by 
15 inches: © Dec. 31, 1915.2 Gand 

aff. Jan. 6, 1916; A 419595. , 

vy 12, no. 5. Sheet, illus., ports., printed 
on both sides, 41 by 15 inches. fold 
to fol. © Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 15, 1916; A 426134. 

© Detmer woolen co., New York. 

DETROIT correspondence institute of 
motoring*, Detroit. [1688-1690 

Course of scientific instruction in motor 
car production, repairing, driving and 
salesmanship. Lesson 1, pt. 2. cover- 
title, [6] p. Sv0.)@) dan. 2772906; 
2 ec. and aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 419923. 

Detroit correspondence institute of 
motoring. [ Prospectus ] 
Svo. » @ Jan. 14,,.4d986s ae 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 417808. 

General instructiecns and special intro- 
ductery lesson of the course of scien- 
tific instruction in motor production, 
repairing, driving and salesmanship. 
[101 p.  Svo. @ Jan. 27, tae 2 
and aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 419924. 

DETROIT STEEL products co.*, Detroit. 
Springs on your ear. 63 p. inel. 
front., illus. 24mo. [1691 

© Nov. 5, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417819. 

DEUTSCHE Dbiicher, 1915; 
der Mitnchner verleger. 


vom Deutschen buchhandel. [Miin- 
chen, F. Bruckmann a.-g., 1915] 
96 p. illus. 12mo. [1692 

© Nov. 22, 19153 a.ce. dane 2a. 
1916; A-—Foreign 13369; Vereini- 
gung Miinchner verleger 1914 e. V., 
Munich, Germany. 

DEUTSCHE revue. 41. jahrg. Januar, 

1916. S8vo. [1693 
© Dee. 29, 1915; 1 ec. Jame 
1916; A—Foreign 13392; Deutsche 

verlags-anstalt, Stuttgart, Germany. 

DEUTSCHLAND. 7%. jahrg. DP... sae 
jan., 1916. illus. 4to. [1694 

© Jan. 13, 1916; 1 ¢. Mebr 1%, 
1916; A—Foreign 18431; J. J. 
Weber, Leipzig. 

DEVNEY (Joseph J.)* Cleveland. 

Deyney’s demonstration chart. Sheet, 
printed on both sides, 18% by 113 

inches fold. to 8vo. $0.25. © Jan. 
24,1916; 2 c. Jan. 31, 1916; aff. Jans 
27. 1916; A 425148. 


no. 2, 1916 

DEyNEY (Joseph J.) *—Continued. 

Meeting objections to taking more in- 
surance. p- i6mo. 3 per $1.00. 
Crna. fo. tot: 2 ec. Heb. 5, 1916; 

aff. Dec. 6, 1915; A 425224. 
Suggestions for using Devney’s dem- 
onstration chart. 6 folder. 8vo. 

© Jan. 25, 1916: 2 c. Jan. 31, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 27, 1916; A 425144. 

Dre Zene (H. L.)* Maple Shade, N. J. 
De Zeng’s electric opthalmoscope 
with new metal mirror, universal 
light adjustment. De Zeng’s scien- 
tific refracting and muscle testing 
equipment. [4] p. illus. 8vo. 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 426007. 

Digs BLATT gehért der hausfrau. 30 
jahrg. Each illus. fol. M. O. 15. 

Mit etD, Oo. gan., 1916. © Jan. 9, 1916; 
ie Feb. 14, "1916; A—Fforeign 13428. 
hft. 16, 16. jan., 1916. © Jan. 16, 1916; 
1. é. Feb. 14, 1916; A—Foreign 13429. 

© Ullstein & co., Berlin. 

DIRECT-ADJUSTMENT service. Direct- 
adjustment service. 51 cards, 3 by 
5 inches, in card cabinet. [1701 

© Dee. 10, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
15, 1916; A 426191; William BE. Jun- 
ker, Brooklyn. 

DrRectory of coal mines by counties. 
[Supplement to pocket edition, Coal 
field directory and mining catalog, 

1915.] Pittsburgh, Pa., Keystone 
consolidated pub. co., ine. [1915] 
85 p. 24mo. $5.00. [1702 

© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c« Dee. 31, 

1915; aff. Dec. 30, 1915; A 417473; 

Keystone consolidated pub. co., 
Drxon (Thomas)* New York. Fall 

of a nation. (Jn National Sunday 

magazine) [1703, 1704 

Fall of a nation, chap. 18 cont.-20. © 
Pan sueoko. do ¢c. Jan. 17, 1916; A 

Fall of a nation, chap. 21, 22. © Jan. 
23, Ge e; wan. D7, 1916; A 

DoAaNE (Clarence E.)* Strongsville, 
O. Instructive missionary game; di- 
rections. [44] cards, 4 by 24 inches. 
$0.25. [1705 

© Dec. 6, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Dec. 
15, 1915; A 419796. 

DonAHEY (William)* Chicago. 

Teenie Weenie, lady of fashioin, reads a 


DonNAHEY (William) *__Continued. 

Teenie Weenies go sleighing. © Jan 
L9G 2h .contan. 4, 1956: A i2tts0 

Teenie Weenies have a fire. © Feb 
1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 10, 1916; A 452568 

pwore: The foregoing are in Chicago 
Sunday tribune] 

AS a woman 
York Evening 

Dorr (Rheta Childe) 
sees it. In New 
mail) [1709-1715 
Jane AI aSIG.. Oriani E1916 =f “ce: 

Jan. 14, 1916; A 421689. 

Jan. 12, 1916. © Jan ey ADI Ge veh C. 
Jan 14, 1916; A 421699 

Jan. 20, 1916. © Jan. 20, 9iG-) ©, ec. 
Jan , 22. 1916; A 421905 
Jan. 26, LOG.) Gy wan. 26, LO16% 1 e. 

Jan. 28, 1916; A 422041. 

Feb. 2, 1916. © Feb. 2, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 422205. 

Heb: 2 45,4916... © Meebo s4, )491E25% ec: 
Feb. 5, 1916; A 422253. 

Heb, 52.1916... Gy Web. .5,.1916;5,2° ec. 
Feb. 7, 1916; A 422269. 
© Evening mail syndicate, inc., 

New York. 

Dorie (John)* New York. Golf bil- 
liards. cover-title, 8 p.  diagr. 
48mo. [1716 

© Jan. 11, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 4199383. 

DRAKE (Edward R.)* Chicago. Awak- 
ening of white lead manufacturers. 
(In Paint, oil and drug review) 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 14, 1916; 
A 422417. 

DRENNAN (Marie) Prayers of a week. 
(In Association monthly, Feb., 1916) 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 3, 1916; 

A 422416; National board of Young 
women’s Christian assn., New York. 

DrRoMGOOLE (Will Allen)* Nashville. 
Song and story. (Jn Nashville ban- 
ripe [1719-1722 
Jan. 1916. © Jan. 1, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 

6, 1D16. A 421480. 

Jan. 8, 1916. © Jan. 8, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 421588. 

Jan. 22, 1916. @ Jan. yee 1916.9) 1G 
Jan, 24, 1916: A 421926 

Feb. 5, 1916. © Feb. 5, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 422377. 

DuntToN (George E.)* New York. 
Technical educational series. Lec- 
ture 8. (Jn Electrotypers’ union 
journal, Feb., 1916) [1723 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

TRO ste et et |} 2; 1918s) A0419948. 
30605—16——2 81 

EAGLE oil & Supply co., 

EAGLE printing co.*, 

Eau CLAIRE, Wis. 





Dwyer (James Francis)* New York. | 
In the long grass. (In Hat asworth 

red magazine, Jan. 15, 1916) [1724 
© 1c. Feb. 10, 1916; A ad int. 
2568; pubd. Jan. 15, 1916. 

* Boston. Some- 
thing in it for both of us. cover- 
title, [S] p. 48mo. [1725 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
3, 1916; A 425121. 

Providence, R. I. 

Wonderful mind reading. cover- 
title, [5] cards in envelope. 4 by 23 
inches. $0.10. [1726 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 ce. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 11, 1916; A 419539. 

Hast State street business men’s assn., 

Rockford, I. 17271, Tt2S 

Save money on E. State st. and adjoin- 
ing sections. (Zn Rockford morning 
star)’ @ Dee ta 190s -7 1" crane ol 
1916; A 422052. 

Save money on East State street from 
now until Christmas eve. (In Rock- 
ford republic) © Dec. 13, 1915; 1 «¢. 

Jan. 21, 1916; A 422058. 


, Rich- 
Sheet, illus., 

HASTERN coal & export corp.* 
mond. All good lump. 
25 by 388 inches. [1729 

© Oct. 1, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Oct. 
21, 1915; A 419797. 

Wright’s s dir ectory of Eau Claire e 
1916. v. 17. Milwaukee, Wis., 
Wright directory co. 1916. [5]-S, 
11-485 p. front. (feld map) 8vo. 
© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 420811; Wright directory 
co., Milwaukee. 

training school*, New 
York. Salesmanship [by J. W. Fisk 
and A. E. Hurst.] Lesson 1-12. 
cover-title, 12v. 16mo. [1731-1742 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 c. each and 
aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 425256425267. 

service co.*, New York. 
[1743, 1744 

Bulletin no. A139, Feb. 1, 1916. cover- 
title, 8 numbr. 1. illus. obl. S8vo. 
@ Feb. 1, 1916s*2 and “an. eb. 
7, 1916; A 425246. 

Supplementary service. Bulletin no. 
AAS. suppl. Heb. A, a9 cover- 
title, p. 111-118. illus. obl. S8vo. 
@ Eeb. 1; 1916;2° c Jand ait. eb. 
7, 1916; A 425247. 

(May)* Wendover, Bucks, 

England. God in the man (in Cas- 
sell’s magazine, Feb., 1916) [1745 

© 1c. Feb. 26, 1916; A ad int. 
2582; pubd. Jan. 29, 1916. 


pt..1, BOS., Vas 

EFFINGHAM town and county song 
book. [Efiingham, Ill., Printed by 
the Le Crone press] 1916. 71 p. 
illus. 16mo. $0.10. [1746 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 420692; Ada H. Kepley, 
Effingham, Ill. 

ELpRiIDGE’s tide-book and marine di- 

rectory, 1916. 41st year. Boston, 
Mass., C. C. Hutchinson, general 
agent, 1916. 2 p. 1. 108 p. front. 
(port.) S8vo. $0.75. [1T4A7 

© Dec. 15, 1915; 2. eroame2, 
1916; aff. Jan. 29, 1916; A 420621: 

M. Eldridge Macy & Gratia W. 
Eldridge, Ipswich, Mass. 

ELeEctTric storage battery co.*, Phila- 
delphia. Manual of exide batteries 
in automobile starting & lighting 
service. 2d ed., Jan., 1916. 3 p. L, 
3-62 p. illus., diagrs. S8vo. [1748 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417733. 

importing co.*, New York. 
Catalog no. 16. 1st ed., 1916. 272 
p. illus. 16mo. [1749 

© :Jan:. 14, 1916: 2 eam ie 
1916; aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 417838. 


Erytis (R. P.) Chicken dollars and 
sense. (In Philadelphia North 
American) [1750-1752 

5. Finding the most satisfactory market. 
©: Dec: 26, 1915; 1 cipdanaieeesie: 

A 421530. 

6. Disposing of poultry farm products. 
@Q dane 2. 16; 1 > Jan? Tae 
A 4215381. 

11. Efficient brooding equipment is im- 
portant. Feb. 6,. 19165. tees: 
12, 1916; A 422415. 
© Matos advertising co., ine, 


En Paso, Tex. Worley’s directory of 
Hl Paso, U. S. A., 1916: Dallas, 
Tex., J. F. Worley directory com- 
pany, 1916. [45]-702  p. Ato. 
$5.00. [1753 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 4203860; John F. 
Worley directory co., Dallas. 

ENGELHARD (Charles)* New York. 

Facts worth knowing about pyro- 

meters in general and Heraeus Le 

Chatelier pyrometers in particular. 

cover-title, 34 p. plates. S8vo. 


© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417810. 


no. 2, 1916 1788 
ENGINEERING directory. pt. 1, 1916 | Evans (W. A.)*—Continued. 
ed. [Chicago, Ill.. The Crawford Living to be 100. © Jan. 28, 1916; 1 «. 
publishing co., 1916] 896 p. 12mo. Jan. 29, 1916; A 422065. 
$5.00 [1755 Lymph channels. © Dec. 31, 1915; 1 ©¢. 
pga Jan. 5, 1916; A 421475. 
© Jan. 26, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. | Negligible report. © Jan. 6, 1916: 1 «. 
Feb. 7, 1916; A 420693; Crawford Jan.-8, 1916; A 421587. 
pub. co., Chicago. Occupations for deaf. © Jan. 31, 1916: 
1 ec. Feb. 1, 1916: A 422144. 
Eenst & co.*, Newark, N. J. Insur- Reform association. © Jan. 5, 1916; 
ance requirements demand safety u e. Jan. 8, eet A ee Pe 
firs ; Seli-test in diabetes. eb. 6, 1916; 
— [6] p. folder, illus. By ee 1 c. Feb. 10, 1916; A 422367. 
. Septic sore throat. © Feb. 14, 1916: 
an. 7 4 (2, an@ (alk c. Heb. . A 22483. 
© J 28, 1916: 2 1 aff 1 c. Feb. 16, 1916 422483 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 419928. Sick babies and fresh air. © Jan. 29, 
1916: 1 c. Feb. 1, 1916; A 422143. 
SQUERRE ‘ i accounting. *eS- Subnorma! children. © eA D5 
E (E-4d-) >A ti L Sub 1 child © Dec. 29, 191 
son no. 3. Financial statements. 1c. Jan. 5, 1916; A 421473. 
New York, N. Y., National com- Typhoid in Lee © eee 26, 1916; 
mercial gas association [1916] p. wap Spe 7 aa if ita ge 
33-60. S8vo. (Practical gas educa- Jan. 14. 1916: A 421683. Bn Ae 
tional courses) [1757 Why flowers die ulnar © Jan. 3, 
© Feb. 8, 1916: 2 c and aff. 1916; 1 c. Jan. 8, 1916; A 421584. 
Seer tate A 495528 - Natl: com- | \ Wiy so back after‘ thirty.’ @ Jan. 30, 
SE see een. New. York. 1916:1 c. Feb. 3.1916; A 42217 is 
mail. New York. Evening 
Estate stove co.*, Hamilton, O. mail real estate suppl. Dee. 31, 
[1758, 1759 1915. [1782 

Estate gas appliances. 141, [1] p. 
illus., diagrs. Svo. /({ Catalogue no. 
49) © Jan. 26, 1916: 2 ec. ‘and aff. 

Jan. 31, 1916; A 419934. 

Time table to be used in all baking and 
roasting operations in the Estate fire- 
less cooking gas range—no. 888. 
Wall chart, illus., 11 by 14 inches. 
© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 425225. 

ETHELL (Henry C.)* Springfield, Ore. 
How I was sanctified. Springfield, 

Ore., News print, 1916. 32 p. 
(port.) 24mo. $0.10. [1760 
© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419955. 

ErnHicat culture school*, New York. 
[Muscular movements] 25 loose 1. 
obl. S8vo. [1761 

© Dec. 19. 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 1, 
1916; aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 425226. 

Evans (W. A.)* Chicago. How to 

keep well. (Jn Chicago daily or 

Sunday tribune) [1762-1781 

Blood circulation. © Dec. 30, 1915: 1. 
Jan. 5, 1916; A 421474. 

Calories. © Jan. 21, 1916: 1c. Jan. 22, 
1916; A 421902. 

Deaths from excitement. © Jan. 27. 
1916; 1 c. Jan. 29, 1916: A 422064. 

Dreams. © Jan. 9, 1916; 1 c¢. Jan. 14, 
1916; A 421681. 
Fletcherizing. © Jan. 12, 1916: 1 ec. 

Jan. 14, 1916; A 421682. 
Hope for the lean. © Jan. 20, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 22, 1916; A 421901. 
Important question. © Jan. 1. 1916; 
21 ec. Jan. 8, 1916; A 421583. 
Keeping books on health. © Jan. 
E916; 2) c Jan. &, 1916; A 401588" 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
A 422209: Mail & express co., New 

EVENING TELEGRAPH*, Philadelphia. 
Cosmopolite. Dee. 24, 1915. (In 
Philadelphia Evening telegraph) 


© Dec. 24, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 6, 1916; 
A 422027. 

Farre (Edgar) Germans hold tight 
rein on all Belgian finances. (Jn 
New York tribune) [1784 

© Jan. 13, 1916;:.1 ¢ Jan. 18, 
1916; A 421788; Tribune assn., New 
FAIRCHILD press*, New York. Spring 
dress up. cover-title, 16 p. Svo. 
© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A ; 425289, 

FAIRCHILD pub. co.*, New York. 
[1786, 1787 


Chicago, Fairchild’s, women’s wear di- 
rectory. v. 6, no. 1, spring 1916. 
cover-title, 192 p. 32mo. $0.25. © 

Feb. 3, 1916: 2 c. 
1916; A 425279. 

Fairchild’s Chicago apparel gazette di- 
rectory. v. 15, no. 2, spring, 1916. 
cover-title, 208 p. front. (fold. map) 
32mo. $0.25. © Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ec. 
and aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 425170. 

FANCHER (Elizabeth W.)* Evanston, 
Ill. Floral fantasy. Evanston, IIl., 
R. F. Milne, 1915. cover-title, [7] p. 

iS col. illus., port. 16mo. $0.25. [1788 
© Oct. 12, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
’| 14, 1916; A 417726. 

and aff. Feb. 7, 



1789 ‘ 

Fantus bros.*, Chicago. How to be a 
suecessful agent. cover-title, 64 p. 
16mo. $1.00. [1789 

© Dee. 10, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417807. 

FARMER’S rural credit loan and Sav- 
ings assn. of Indiana. Investor’s 
profit. cover-title, [12] p. 8vo. 


©) Dec’ 29, 4905772 ec... Jan. 11, 

1916; aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 419787; 
Fred Baker, Evansville, Ind. 

FARRINGTON (Frank)* Delhi, N. Y. 
Some trade getting ideas for bakers. 
(In Bakers review. Feb., 1916) 

© Jan, 28, 1916; 1 ce. Feb. 3, 1916; 
A 422174. 

Frerevson (Fred D.)* Logansport, 
Ind. Travels of a tourist Typo, by 
Texas [pseud] [114] p. 16mo. 
$0.25. [1792 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 « and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419492. 

FIDELITY mutual life insurance co.*, 

Philadelphia. Income for life 
[$5,000] Sheet, printed on both 
sides, 12 by 94 inches. [1793 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417744. 

FLETCHER (Orlin Ottman)* Greenville, 
S. C. Existence of God: a study of 
the religious consciousness. Lec- 
ture 2. (Jn Review and expositor, 
Jan., 1916) [1794 

© dan, 519th. 1 «) Janes 1916; 
A 421554. 

FLETCHER-BERRY (Riley M.) Planta- 
tion Christmas cakes. 15 p. 24mo. 
$0.05. [1795 

©) Dec, 20; 1915.2 ce. Jan, 6, VIG: 
aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417761; Curtis 
pub. co., Philadelphia. 

FLIEGENDE bliitter. bd. 144. [Hach 
illus. 4to. M. 0.80] [1796-1798 
NO. SOGiks Jali... tOte. JO) Pali, olas 
1 ec. Feb. 14, 1916; A—Foreign 13411. 
no. 3677, 14. jan., 1916. © Jan. 14, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 14, 1916; A—Foreign 

no. 3678,.21, jan... 1916.. .@ Jan. 21, 
1916; 1 ec. Feb. 14, 1916; A—Foreign 
Braun & Schneider, Munich. 
FooTtoGRAPH co.*, New York. Footo- 
graph ad book no. 3. 15 1. illus. 
4to. [1799 

© Mar. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426516. 


pt. 1, 0: S., ¥.43 

Forp (Allyn K.)*, Minneapolis. Home 
laundry hints. 4th ed., rev. and enl. 
80 p., illus. 24mo. $0.25. [1800 

© Oct. 21, 1915: 2 & Janere 
1916; aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 417618. 

FoREMAN bros. banking co.*, Chicago. 
Right means might. [14] p. illus., 
part. 16mo. [1801 

© Dec. 27, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
afi. Jan. 21, 1916; A’ 419798. 

(Wm. Thos.)* Washington. 

Foster’s weather builetin. June 12, 
19, 26, July 3, 10, 1915. (Jn Minne- 
apolis Progress) [1802-1806 

© June 12-July 10, 1915; 1 « 
each Feb. 8, 1916; A 422297422301. 

FowLer (Jonathan O.) pres. of the 

Bureau of Patents*, New York. 
How to sell patents. Sheet, 11 by 
12 inches. [1807 

© Dec. 17, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
21, 1916; A 417906. 

FRANKAU (Gilbert)* London. Song of 
the guns. (Jn Land and water) 
[1808, 1809 

3, 4. [2 instalments] © 1 ec. each Feb. 
10, 1916: A ad int. 2569; pubd. Jan. 
13, 20, 1916. 

5, 6, 7, 8. [3 instalments] @© 1 ¢. each 
Feb. 26, 1916; A ad int. 2584; pubd. 
Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10, 1916. 

FRANKLIN sugar refining co.*, Phila- 
delphia. Sugar talks, Jan., 1916. 
(In Grocer’s review, Jan., 1916) 


© Feb. 5, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 8, 1916; 
A 422308. 

FREMONT Waterbury, 
Conn. [1811, 1812 
Y; ‘the Y, the Yu M. @)) AV Sheers 

by 11 inches. © Jan. 6: 2 @ 

Jan. 7, 1916; aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 

You seem to fill that aching want. 
Sheet, 8% by 11 inches. © Jan. 6, 
1916: 2-e: Jan. 7, 1916; a. Jano 
1916; A 417752. ; 

Frorest (Frank)* Teddington, Eng- 
land. Greye-Stratton mystery. (Jn 
Premier magazine, Feb., 1916) 


© 1c Jan. 29, 1916; A ad int. 
25015 pubd. Jan.) a eOie 

FUEL engineering co. of New York’, 
New York. Coal service report for 
the month of December, 1915. 8 
numb. l. 4to. [1814 

© Jan. 12, 1916: | 2. ce. and la 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 417771. 

(Geo. Rays 


no. 2, 1916 

Fucter (Paul)* Dorchester, Mass. 
Freedom’s eras. (Jn Quincy even- 
ing telegram) [1815 

Pee 2% 1915; 1 c. Jan. 5, 
1916; A 421639. 

FULL speed chemical laboratory. Uni- 

versal mechanical necessity: full 
speed pulley covering. cover-title, 
[8] p. illus. 8vo. [1816 

© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 417818; Alfred 
Gelbert, Chicago. 

Funk (Sylvester M.)* Hagerstown, 
Md. Funk’s practical penmanship 
drills. Pad. 4to. [1817 

© Dee. 2, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
80, 1915; A 417588. 

Furst bros. & co.*, Baltimore. Period 
mirrors. cover-title, 1 p. 1., [82] p. 
8vo. [1818 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 15, 1916; A 425341. 

GARRETT (Garet) [1819-1823 
Delusions of German logic. © Jan. 23, 
G,02) Gc Jah. 25, 1916; A 421956. 
Germany as a unit in war. © Jan. 21, 
1916; 1 c. Jan. 24, 1916; A 421920. 
Peace feeling in Germany. © Jan. 28, 
oe! e. vans 29, 19163) A. 422067. 
Self-seeing in Germany. © Jan. 24, 
ie. + €. Jan, 20, 1916; A 421957. 
Yearnings of young Germany. © Jan. 
Peer C. Jan. 24, 1916* A 

[Note: The foregoing are in New 
York times.] 

© New York times co., New York. 

GARVIN (J. LL.) [1824—1828 

Britain hears menace in boom of Wil- 

son words. © Feb. 6, 1916; 1 «. 
Feb. 8, 1916; A 422308. 

British cabinet a salad and Asquith is 
the oil. © Jan. 16, 1916; 1 ec. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 421789. 

British find that Czar’s needs and U. S. 
amity conflict. © Feb. 13, 1916; 1. 
Feb. 15, 1916; A 422454. 

Rise of new and stronger British min- 
istry forecast. © Jan. 9, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Jan. 11, 1916; A 421601. 

Teuton hammer welds allies on land and 
sea. Jan. 28, 1916; 1c. Jan. 25, 
1916; A 421965. 

[Note: The foregoing are in New 

York tribune] 

© Tribune assn., New York. 

GATCHELL (Albert Edward)* Cincin- 
nati. [1829, 1830 
Dollars and sense the great game of 

business. sheet, illus. 13 by 934 
inches. © Dec. 22, 1915; 2 c¢. Dec. 
29, 1915; aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 



GATCHELL (Albert Edward) *—Contd. 

Making dreams come true. How, when 
and where you can get dollars when 
you want them. sheet, illus., 14 by 9 

inches. © Dec. 21, 1915; 2 ec. Dec. 
24) OASIS. alts ans a Se TOSS T A. 

GEFLUGELZUCHTER jahrbuch fiir das 
jahr, 1916. Hamburg, Wis., Der 
Gefluegelzuechter publishing  co., 
1916: keep, (GE, iWkhus: - Sve. 
$0.25. [1831 

© Jan, 12, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 419781; Henry E. Voigt, 

Hamburg, Wis. 
GENERAL electric co.*, Schenectady, 
N. Y. Bulletin. [1832, 1833 

No. 43850. Flood lighting. Jan., 1916. 
4 p. illus., diagrs. 4to..© Jan. 10, 
1916; 2c. and) af.) Web: (27/1996: 
A 419958. 

No. 44091. Pendell automatic substa- 
tion. Jan., 1916. 5p. illus., diagrs. 
sto. 1© Jan.’'S) 191652; @ “and aff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419959. 

GERLACH-BARKLOW co., Joliet, Ill. 
[1884, 1835 

What makes a man, or woman, decide 
to become your customer? cover-title, 
[12] p. illus. 4to. @© Dec. 31, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 417578. 

What makes a man say: I would like 
to open an account with your bank. 
cover-title [12] p. illus. 4to. © Dec. 
31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 5, 1916; 

A 417577. 

GERM 0’ son co.*, San Francisco. 
Facts for bean growers, bacterial 
treatment of the seed. 13 p. illus. 
Svo. (Facts for farmers series) 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417666. 

GILLAM (Manly M.) 
business. Holding your market. 
(Jn Chicago herald) [1837 

© Jan. 28, 1916%, 1c. Jan. 29, 
1916; A 422061; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

GLASs (Montague) [1838-1842 

Ambassador a job? ask Birsky and Zapp. 
© Jan. 23, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 25, 1916; 
A 4219638. 

Birsky and Zapp discuss prison reform. 
© Feb. 13, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 15, 1916; 
A 422455. 

Birsky and Zapp talk preparefulness. 
© Jan. 9, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 11, 1916; 
A 421599. 

Cost of high living worries Birsky and 
Zapp. © Jan. 16, 1916; 1 ¢c. Jan. 18, 
1916; A 421790. 

War more ticklish as poker, Birsky tells 
Zapp. © Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 8, 
1916; A 422307. 
[Note: The foregoing 

York tribune.] 

© Tribune assn., New York. 

Bigger, better 

are in New 


pt. I, 1. S., v.18 


GLoveR (H. B.) co.*, Dubuque, Ia. 
Nightie book. 28 p. illus. (part 
col.) 8vo. [18438 

© Oct. 10, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417665. 

GoopMAN (William Archie)* Nord- 
hoff, Cal. Goodman’s average table. 
Sheet, printed on both sides, 123 by 
8 inches. $0.25. [1844 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 4, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 7, 1916: A 426060. 

GoopDYEAR (Ellen Conger)* Buffalo. 
Supplement to the Divine order and 
reality of being as shown in the 
Scriptures. 8 p. 16mo. $0.10. 


© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

3, 1916; A 425161. 

Gorpon (Marion) pseud. Cinderella’s 

Christmas. (Jn Cleveland press) 
© Dee, 24, 1915-1 cc, Jan. 12, 

1916; A 421630; May C. Whitaker, 


GoRHAM co.,* New York. [1847-1850 

Bronze lighting fixtures. cover-title, 
14 pl. fol. (Catalogue L) © Jan. 3, 
IF1G Soo es San, 6, 1816s ait, Web: fo, 
1916; A 418664. 

Bronze misc. ornaments. cover-title, 
8 pl. fol. (Catalogue O) Jan. 3, 
1516> 2, ¢.Jan: 6; aff. Feb. 1, 
1916; A 418666. 

Bronze mortuary work. 5 p. 1., 65 pl. 
fol. (Catalogue M) © Jan. 3, 1916; 
2c. Jan. 6, 1916; aff. Feb. § 1916; 
A 418663. 

Bronze mouldings & shapes. cover-title, 
46 pl. fol. eS OERE W) © Jan. 
3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 6, 1916; aff. Feb. 1, 
1916: A 418665. 

[Goutp (Gerald B.)] Matching the 
eoal to the plant. New York, Fuel 
engineering company of New York 
[1915] 21 p. i16mo. (Series of 
short business talks, no. 3) [1851 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

14, 1916; A 417770. Fuel engineer- 

ing co. of New York, New York. 

ray (Robert D.)* Ridgewood, N. J. 

eee to enlarge negatives with the 

parallax condenser. Price list for 

1916. cover-title, 15 p. illus. 16mo. 


© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; rt oe 

western mutual limited live 
stock insurance co. Equity co-insur- 
ance. [6] p. illus. fol. [1853 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 ce. Jan. 6, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 425233; Ing- 
wart O. Olsen, Almena, Wis. 



i | 


GREEN (R. W.)* Stanford University, 
Cal. Report on fraternity finance. 
(In Banta’s Greek exchange. Dec., 
1915) ~ ~£1854 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 1 e Jan 81, 
1916; A 422158. 

GREENBERG (Samson)* San Francisco. 
Exposition reverie. Sheet, illus., 11 
by 9 inches. {1855 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 425249. 

GREENE (Nelson B.)* New York. _ 

America first, America last, America all 
the time. Jingo jingles no. yo (In 
Fort Plain standard) © 20, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 12, 1916; A 192395. 

Guess we'll have to go to Mexico. Jingo 
jingles no. 4. (in Fort Plain stand- 
ard) @ Jan. 20, 1916; 1 © Web. 12, 
1916: A 422397. 

Hip, hip, hooray for the U. S. 
Fort Plain standard) © Feb. 
1 c. Feb.,9,,1916¢ A 52302. 

I didn’t raise my girl to be a Belgian. 
Jingo jingles no. 3) (In Fort Plain 
standard) @© Jan. 20, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
12, 1916; A 422396. 

ar (In 
, 1916; 

GREGORY (Carl Louis) 
photography. (Jn Moving picture 
world) [1860-1866 

Jan. 1, 1916. © Dec. 29, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 
Tp AON See “421528. 

Motion picture 

Jan. 8, 1916. © Jan. 5, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 
12, 1916; A 421632. 

Jan. 15, 191 6. @ Jan. 12, 1916-=>2 6 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 421700. 

Jan. 22. 19 @ Jan. 19, 1916352 4 
Jan. 24, 1916: A 421890. 

eh.) 5, 1916. | 5@ Saas 26, 1916 > 7° = 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422154. 

Feb. 12, 1916. @©@ Feb. 2, 19167 22 
Feb. 5, 1916; A 422216. 

Feb. 19, 1916. +P Feb. i 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 422457 

© Chalmers aie co., New York. 

Grecory (Thomas B.) [1867-1869 

Corfu. © Jan. 30, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 5, 
1916: A 23. 

Humanity’ s forward march. € 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422222. 

Union of the churches. © Jan. 16, 
1916; 1 c. Jan. 25, 1916; A 421966. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Pitts- 
burgh gazette times.] 
© Newspaper 

New York. 

et at 

© Jan. 23, 

feature service, 

Gre (Cecile) Dr. Greil’s own story 
of the sinking of the Ancona. (Jn 
New York times magazine section) 


© Jan. 9; 191634 c Jans ae 

1916; A 421582; New York times co., 
New York. 


no. 2, 1916 

(Mary E.)* Ionia, Mich. 
signatures. Ne@sin Ti. i 6! 

mounted 1. S8vo. $0.25. [1871 

i dane 15, 1915;' 2 cand aff. 
Dec. 31, 1915; A 417848. 

GRIMSHAW (Beatrice)* Thursday Is., 
Port Moresby, New Guinea. Coral 
palace. (Jn Story-teller magazine, 
Feb., 1916) © [1872 

i) tee. Feb. 8,. 1916; A ad. int. 
2564: pubd. Jan. 10, 1916. 

GROLIER society*, New York. Glory 
that was Greece and the grandeur 
that was Rome. 31 p. illus. 4to. 
$0.05. [1873 

epson. 22, 1916: 2 c: ‘and* aff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 419956. 

GUARANTY securities co.*, 



Neb. First mortgage certificates 
and bonds. 12 p. 12mo. [1874 

Peon. 5.1916: 2 ¢. and. aff. 
Jan. 8, 1916; A 419517. 

GUILBERT (Yvette) Every woman 
mourns with 4 hearts for her 
soldier who fell in battle. Sheet, 
illus., 16 by 11 inches. [1875 

isan, 15, 1916; 2) e. and aff. 
Feb. 9, 1916; A 425318; Newspaper 
enterprise assn., Cleveland. 

GuTE kamerad. 30 jahrg. [Each 
illus. 4to. M. 8 a yr.] 
4 [1876-1879 
mete, Cc) Jan, 2) 1916: 1 .c, Feb, 14, 
1916; A—Foreign 13414. 
eee ean. 2, 1916" 1 ¢c,. Keb, 14, 
1916; A—Foreign 13415. 
mur. 18. © Jan. 5, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 14, 
1916; A—Foreign 13416. 
mee, tc) gan. 12, 1916: 1 ¢: Feb. 14, 
1916; A—Foreign 13417. 

© Union deutsche verlagsgesell- 
schaft, Stuttgart, Germany. 

HABERDASHER directory, Jan—June, 
1916. New York, The Haberdasher 
co., 1916. cover-title, 192 p. 24mo. 


© Jan. 15, 1916: 2 c Jan. 20, 

1916; aff. Jan. 18, 1916; A 418511; 
Haberdasher co., New York. 

HAFERKORN (Henry Ernest)* Wash- 
ington. Searchlights. (Jn Profes- 
Sional memoirs. Jan. Feb., 1916.) 

© Jan. 14, 1916: 1 c. Jan. 14, 
1916; A 421702. 

HAFFNER (F. Philip)* Philadelphia. 

Abridged gratuitous souvenir on the 

law of commercial paper. ecard, 
port., 17 by 11 inches. [1882 
©) Jan, °22;. 1916; ..2 .c. Jan, 21, 

1916; aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 419892. 


Hae (William Green) Law govern- 
ing checks. Chicago, Blackstone in- 
stitute, 1915. 28 p. port. Svo. (One 
of a series of lectures) [1883 

© Dec. 16, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916: A 417740; Blackstone in- 
stitute, Chicago. 

Hatt (D. C.) & co., ine.*, New York. 
Chamois skin sport coats for men 
and. women. [8] p.  eol. illus. 
16mo. [1884 

©.Dec, 1, 1915: 2.¢ and aft. Jan, 
14, 1916; A 417732. 

HAMEL (Charles F.)* Toledo, O. Eye 
fix and eye trix. cover-title, [8] p. 
illus. 16mo. [1885 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417804. 

[Hamuin (Alice B.)] Supplement to 
the Hope of the world, an Easter 
pregram for the Sunday school. 7, 
[1] p. S8vo. $0.75 per 100. [1886 

(yea 2, 1G ee. west, 28 
1916; aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425148; 
Missionary education movement of 
the United States & Canada, New 

HamMMoND. (W. Earl)* New York. 
Questions and answers to Black 
book. New York city, Railway mail 
club [1916]. cover-title, 46 p. 16mo. 
$0.60. [1887 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2c. Jan. 21, 1916: 

aff. Jan. 27, 1916; A 425041, 
Hare (Frank C.) 
bey on 

Milk feeding poul- 
crates sure way to large 
(Jn Philadelphia Inquirer) 

© Jan. 2, 1916; 1 ec. Jan. 7, 1916; 
A 421614; Eugene MecGuckin co., 


Hare (John R.) Commercial man- 
agement. . Lesson no. 3. Plan of 
commercial managers’ work. New 

York, N. Y., national commercial 
gas association [1916] p. 29-45. Svo. 
(Practical gas educational courses) 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425329; Natl. commer- 

cial gas assn., New York. 

HARMON (Christopher) * White Plains, 
1s | Sipe 4 Register’s docket [and] 
county clerk’s docket. (Jn Eastern 
state journal) [1890-1894 

Dec. 30, 1915-Jan. 5, 1916. © Jan. 8, 
1916; c. Jan. 8, 1916; A 421576. 
Jan. 13-19, 1916. © Jan. 

Ze, kot: 
1 « Jan. 24, 1916; A 421915. 




pt. 1, n.S., v. 13 

Harmon (Christopher) *—Continued. 

Jan. 20-26, 1916. © Jan. 29, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 29, 1916; A 422066. 

Jan. 27 to Feb. 2, 1916. © Feb. 5, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; A ae 
Feb. 8 10 Feb. 9, 1916. © Feb. 

1916; c. Feb. 12, 1916; A 493408. 

HARRIMAN (Lucia B.) Mikado gives 
Japan’s 500,000 octogenarians an 
imperial wine cup as coronation 
gift. Sheet, illus., 143 by 8 inches. 


© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A 425309; Newspaper en- 
terprise assn., Cleveland. 

Forbes & co.*, New Yerk. 

information, com- 

[129] p. 12mo. 

© Jan, 17, JS16. 2 /e sand) ate, 
Jan. 19, 1916; A 417840. 

HARRISBURG railway Co. [1897-1912 

Citizens—all of them. Article no. 10 
on the subject of jitnevy regulation. 

Railroad bonds, 
parisons, 1916. 

@ Nov. 29, 1915; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; 
A 422234, 
Concerning that ordinance. © Dec. 8, 

1915; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422220. 

Discrimination. Article no. 1 on the 
subject of jitney regulation. © Novy. 
Ag, UIGe tac Webs 5; 1906 + A 422225; 

Tieharieetie—- net Article no. 8 on the 
subject of jitney regulation. © Nov. 
26, 1915; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422232. 

Fee and the bond. © Dec. 4, 1915; 1 ¢. 
Feb. 5, 1916; A 422221. 

Flesh and fowl. Article no. 7 on the 
subject of jitney regulation. © Nov. 
24, 1915; 1c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422231. 

Locking the stable door. Article no. 9 
on the subject of jitnev regulation. 

© Nov. 27, 1915; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; 
A 422233. 
Lop-sided. Article no. 6 on the _ sub- 

ject of jitnevy regulation. © Nov. 23, 
1915; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422230. 

Shall present conditions continue? © 

Nov. 36. 1915; 1 ec. Feb. 5, 1916; 
A 422224, 
Sold—your_ streets—for $5. Article no. 

4 on the subject of jitney regulation. 
© Nov. 20, 1915; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; 

A 422228. 

Squarelv up to you. © Dee. 2, 1915; 
1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; “A 422219. 

State steps in. Article no. 11 on the 
subject of jitney regulation. © Nov. 
30, 19955 1c. Heb. 5, 191G3 A 422235. 

Summing up. Article no. 12 on the 
subject of jitney regulation. © Dec. 
1, 1915; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422218. 

Toll of traffic. Article no. 3 on the sub- 

ject of jitney regulation. © Nov. 19. 
1915; 1 ec. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422227. 

When the lights are out. Article no. 5 
on the subject of jitney regulation. 
© Nov: 22; 1915; 1 e Keb. 5; 2926; 
A 422229, 

Who pays the freight? Article no. 2 
on the subject of jitney regulation. 
© Nov. 18, 1915; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; 
A. 422226. 

HARRISBURG railway co.—Continued. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Harris- 
burg telegraph. ] 
© Federal adv. agency, Harris- 
burg, Pa. 

Harrison (Arthur)* Poughkeepsie, N. 
Y. Treatise on the manufacture of 
flavoring extracts and food colors. 
71. Ato. $2.00. [1913 

© Dec. 21, 1915; 2 @ Dec. 30, 
1915; aff. Dee. 31, 1915; A 417587. — 

HARRISON (Louis Reeves) [1914-1919 

Dress’d in a little brief authority. © 
Jan. 5, 0916s 1c. Sana 1916; A 


Enigmatic secret. © Jan. 12, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Jan. 15, 1916; A 421699. 

Five reel material. © Jan. 19, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 24, 1916; A 421891. 

Great year dawns. © Dec. 29, 1915; 

1 ec. Jan. 6, 1916; A 421529. 
Making a scene. © Jan: 26, 1916s Ie: 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 422155. 
© Louis Reeves Harrison, New 

Sex drama. © Feb. 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 422458. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Moving 
picture world.] 

© Chalmers pub. co., New York. 

HaArTForRD merchants mereantile co.*, 

Hartford. Credit guide. [1920, 1921 

Bridgeport district. [1916] 
467 p. 4to. Jan. a>. 1916 
and aff. Feb. 3, 1916; ‘A’ 418688. 

Hartford district. [1916] 1 p. 1, 
p. 4to. »©@_ Jan.) 20, 29te; 
aff. Feb. 38, 1916; A 418683. 

HARTMAN (James F.)* Boston. Story 
of Hartman’s preparation. 8 p. 
illus. 16mo. [1922 

© Dee. 27, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 12, 1916; A 419598. 

[Hastines (James Syme)] Bits of 
byplay by Luke McLuke [pseud.] 
[Each 5 instalments] (Jn Cincin- 
nati enquirer) [1923-1947 
Dee. 28. 19152 fans 1.1 1916 sO@awee 

28, 1915-—Jan. 1, 1916: 1 ¢c. each Jan. 
5, 1916; A 421454421458. 

Jan. 17-21, 1916. © Jan. 17-21, 1916; 
1 c. each Jan. 24, 1916; A 421927-— 

Jan. 22-26, 1916. © Jan. 22-26, 1916; 
1 ec. each Jan. 28, 1916; A 422047— 

Jan. 30, Feb. 3-6, 1916. © Jan. 30, Feb. 

3-6, 1916; 1 c. each Feb. 9, 1916; A 
422348422352. : 
Feb. 8-12, 1916. © Feb. 8-12, 1916; 1c. 

each Feb. 14, 1916; A 422433422437. 
© Cincinnati enquirer, Cincin- 




no. 2, 1916 

Hawkins (Amasa F.)*, Boston. Se- 
quence service. cover-title, [8] p., 
illus. 16mo. [1948 

© Dec. 10, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425288. 

Heacock (William <A.)* Lockport, 
N. Y. Mail order business; a com- 
plete set of lessons for beginners. 
80 p. front., coi. port., illus. (part 
col.) col. pl. fol. $3.00. [1949 

© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 24, 
1916; aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 425169. 

HEILBRONER (Louis)* Ft. Wayne, Ind. 
Heilbroner’s records, major league 
players, 1916. 108 p. 12mo. $1.00. 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 418876. 

HENSHAW motor co.*, Boston. Dodge 
brothers motor car [Reneat orders. ] 
(In Boston Sunday globe) [1951 

© Dec. 19, 1915; 1 c. Dec. 27, 
1915; A 421459. 

HEREDITARY order of descendants of co- 
lonial governors*, Greenwich, Conn. 
Extracts from by-laws of the Hered- 
itary order of descendants of colo- 
nial governors. 1 p. 1., 16 numb. 1. 
32mo. [1952 

© Sept. 18, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419515. 

Herz (Eugene)* Chicago. Bookkeep- 
ing for the storekeeper. 6. Double 
entry system. pt. Books required 
and their duties. (Jn Profitable 
storekeeping, Feb., 1916) [1953 

© Feb. 11, 1916; 1 c« Feb. 14, 
1916; A 422431. 

Herz (Walter C.) Collation of epi- 
grams on the subject of saving. 
1916 ed. Chicago, Bankers illumi- 
nated service co. [1916] 60 numb. l. 
illus. (part col.) obl. S8vo. [1954 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419888; Bankers illumi- 
nated service co., Chicago. 

(Jn Madisonville 
[1955, 1956 

HoGwaLtLow news. 
Semiweekly hustler) 

Saat, 20an. © Dee. 31, 1915; 1 c. 
wan, @, 19165 A 421527. 

Poop .ay aeeoe:. +O. eb... 4,.1916; 1 ec. 
Feb. 10, 1916; A 4223738. 

© Adams syndicate Madisonville, 

Horeproor hosiery co.*, Milwaukee. 


Now for a sane Christmas. (Jn Ains- 
lee’s Dec., 1915) @©@ Nov. 12, 1915; 
eG Jan. 15, 19163; Ar 422157. 


HoLeproor hosiery co.*—Continued. 

Six pairs must wear six months. (In 
Saturday evening post, Oct. 23, 1915) 
© Oc 21, 49155 docadan. 15, 1916; 
A 422160. 

Try these stockings for three months. 
(In St. Nicholas Dec., 1915) © Nov. 
mast 1995 2) ste: 15) '591G: A 

When hosiery like these are guaranteed 
to wear six months. (Jn Saturday 
evening post, Nov. 13, 1915) © Nov. 
x ( Led 9G: Jan. 15, 1916; 

Yes, the six months are up and our 
holeproofs have outworn the guarantee. 
(In Saturday evening post, Sept. 4, 

) @© Sept. 2, 1915; 1 ¢. Jan. 15, 
1916; A 422159. 


HoLtuANnp (James Conor) Art of ef- 
fective public speaking. Lesson 
1-20. Chicago, The Calhoun corpo- 
ration. [1916] 20 v. 16mo. $37.00. 


oS Jan. 10, 1916; 2 ¢@. and aff. Jan. 
1916; A 417837 : Calhoun corp., 

Hotmes (Jessie)* Houston Heights, 
Tex. Picture of a child. Sheet, 8 
by 64 inches. $0.25. [1963 

© Dee. 7, 1915; 2 ec. Dec. 11, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 18, 1916; A 419599. 

Hooper (George Herbert)* Berkeley, 
Cal. Ode to Mt. Tamalpais. (In 
Courier ) [1964 

Jam 1521916 >t e€) Webi 410) 
1916; A 422378. 

[Hore (Chester R.) ] [1965-1981 

Fisticuffs as first aid to grand opera. 
@ Jan: 23,) 1916") ten Jan, 27, “2916's 
A 422019. 

Fool’s paradise. © Jan. te 193D5, 2 Cc. 
Jan. 19, 1916; A 42184 

Grand opera without fat. © Jan. 23, 
1 a ¢ Jan; 27,\4916'3' A: 429029. 

How ae profits split the Du 
@> Heb: 6, 1916; E ce: Web.» 9; 
A 422338. 

Is New York the bik fc: largest city? 
© seaed 25, 1916: ec. Jan. 20, 1916 

Mad house ibiirtent: © Jan. hy 1916; 
1 ¢e. Jan. 27, 1916; A 422020 

Making his latest union a aL K legal 
act. Jan. 16, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 19, 
1916; A 421839 


markable facts. 
Jan. 16, 16016; 
A 421840. 
Jan. 23, 1916. @© Jan. 23, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 37, 1916; A 422024. 
Jan. 30, 1916. @ Jan. 30, 1916; 
1 c. Feb. q, 1916; A 422285. 
Feb. 6, 1916. © Feb. 
1 c. Feb. 9, 1916; A 422340 
Now we know why fFerne liked the 
Germans. © Jan. 30, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 422414. 


and re- 
1916. © 

Jan. 16, 
i -e, Jane 29; 

6, 1916; 



pt. 1, nisi, w aS 

[Hore (Chester R.) ]—Continued. 

Prettiest legs in England. © Jan. 23, 
1916; 1 ce. Jan. 27, 1916; A 422023. 

Rude materialism menaces the purple 
mother. © Jan. 30, 1916 1 c..Keb. 
7, 1916; A 422284. 

Strangest legacy ever recorded. © Jan. 
TWEHTIGIG; “Avice. Man. siSF t19Ke.:" CA. 

Why English girls have turned stable 
boys. © Feb: 6; 1916% 1°c: Feb. 9, 
1916; A 422336. 

Why Marjorie Gould Drexei won’t go 
back to London. © Jan. 16, 1916; 
ic. Jan. 19, 1916; A 421836. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Cleve- 
land Sunday leader] 

© Cleveland co., Cleveland. 

Horr (Eleanor) Quotations and com- 
ment [2d. ed.] [24] p. port. 12mo. 
$1.00. [1982 

© Jani’22; 1916 5 2'e! anda.’ Jan. 
27, 1916; A 425271; Kellogg-Baxter 
ptg. co., Kansas City, Mo. 

HoTcHKIN (W. R.) [1983, 1984 

Bigger, better business. How can the 
market for a commodity be meas- 
ured? (In Chicago herald) © Jan. 
Mie ASI Ge) Ga ac.. Wanlg2Z8; 4 1D 16s A. 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Successful store promotion. [52 install- 
ments] 52 v. plate. 4to. $24.00. 
Ovdan. (5, 1925.5 7.2 ¢. seach. Dee. 24, 
1915; aff. Dec.-23, 1915; A 419844. 

© W. R. Hotchkin, New York. 

[ HULLINGER’S correspondence institute 
of artistic glasswork ] [1985, 1986 
Artistic glass work. cover-title, 22 p. 

dik tilus.. ports. L2moww4, ©. Jans, 

19165 2. co Jan, 4, 1916. atisMeb> 2, 
TONG AwAZ 22. 

How to make a filtering rack. Sheet, 
illus. 11 by, 82 -inches: ~.@) Jan. 41, 
LOGS 2Zreysand: safi.« Web. 92-7 L006): A 
© L. G. Hullinger, Francesville, 


HuntTER (Wm. C.)* Kansas City, Mo. 
Laughing gas. Kansas City, Mo., 
Hunter service [1916]. 117 p., incl. 
front. (port.) illus. 24mo. [1987 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419882. 

HURSLEY’s pharmacy. Some facts con- 
cerning Hursley’s remedy. [4] p. 
16mo. [1988 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417987; Frank B. Hurs- 
ley, Detroit. 

ILLINoIs society of architects. Hand- 
book for architects and builders, 
1915. 18th year. Emery Stanford 
Hall, editor. Chicago, Excelsior 


ILLINOIS society of architects—Contd. 
printing - eo., 1915... 380= pp oaiiass 
ports., diagrs. 8vo. $2.00. [1989 

© Oct. 15, 1915; 2 exFanrs, 419i; 
aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 418586; Her- 
man L.. Palmer, Chicago. 

ILLUSTRIERTE geschichte des welt- 
krieges, 1914-15; alegemeine kriegs- 
zeitung. 38. bd. Stuttgart, Union 
deutsche vorlagsgesellschaft [1915] 
[Each, illus., plates (part col.) maps. 
fol. M. 0.25] [1990-1992 

68. hft. p. [341]-360. @© Dec. 29. 1915; 
1c. Feb. 14, 1916; A—Foreign 13422. 

69. hft. p. [861]-380. @© Jan. 5, 1916; 
1 c. Feb. 14, 1916; A—Foreign 134238. 

70. hft. p. [381]—400. @© Jan. 12, 1916; 
1 ce. Feb. 14, 1916; A—Foreign 13424. 
© Union deutche verlagsgesell- 

schaft, Stuttgart, Germany. 

INDIANAPOLIS. Lawyers’ directory, 
1915-1916. Wall chart, 28 by 224 
inches. $1.00. [1993 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
38, 1916; A 426136; William James 
McCoy, Indianapolis. 

INQUIRER and mirror. Fire depart- 
ment. v. 96, no. 28, Jan. 8, 1916. 
Spi alias... tot, [1994 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 1c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
A 421589; Harry Baker Turner, 
Nantucket, Mass. 

INTERNATIONAL correspondence schools. 

Drainage and _ sewerage. Instruction 
paper with examination questions. 2d 
ed. 736. Scranton, Pa., International 
texthook company [1915] cover-title, 
52,2 p. iilus., diagrs:” hSvor. ©, Dee 
24, 1915; 2 c« and aff. Feb. 2,929%6; 
A 419936. 

lectriec ignition. Instruction paper 
with examination questions. pt. 1, 2. 
2d ed. 1258AB. Scranton, Pa., Inter- 
national textbook company [1915] 
2v. illus., diagrs. 8vo. @ Dec. 24, 
1915; 2 ce each and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; 
A 419937. 
Farm organization. Instruction paper 
with examination questicns. pt. 1, 2. 
Ist ed.» 1345: A, B. “Scranton sea. 
International textbook company [1915] 
2 vy.  8vo. © Dec. 24; 1915s 2e 
each and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419938. 

Operation of electrical machinery. In- 
struction paper with examination 
questions. pt. 1, 2. ist ed. 1648 A, 
B. Scranton, Pa., International text- 
book company [1915] 2v. illus., 
diagrs. 8vo. © Dec. 30, 1915; 2 «. 
each and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419939. 

Patternmaking. Instruction paper with 
examination questions. pt. 1-3. Ist 
ed. 1698 A, B, ©. Scranton, Pa., In- 
ternational textbook company [1915] 
3v. illus., diagrs. 8vo. @©@ Dee. 6, 
24, 1915; 2 ec. each and aff. Feb. 2, 
1916; A 419940. 


no. 2, 1916 2050 
INTERNATIONAL correspondence | [JAMESON (Helen Follett) ] 
schools—Continued. [2021-2049 

Pen and ink. [Instruction paper. ist 
ed. 2S: Seranton, Pa., Interna- 
tional textbook company [1915] 
cover-title, 103 p. illus., plates. 8vo. 
© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 2, 
1916; A 419941. 

Soil, waste, and vent stacks. Instruc- 
tion paper with examination ques- 
tions. 2d ed. 734. Scranton, Pa., In- 
ternational textbook company [1915] 
eover-title, 66, 2p. illus., diagrs. 8vo. 
© Dec. 14, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 2, 
1916; A 419935. 

© International 
Scranton, Pa. 

textbook  co., 

INTERNATIONAL lumber co. of Minne- 

sota. Exposition of the kinds of 
lumber carried at the plants of the 
International lumber company of 
Minnesota. cover-title, 1 p. 1., 47-62 
p. illus., ports. fol. [2002 

ree, 25; 1915; .2. ¢Jan. 27, 
1916; aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 425220; 
American lumberman, Chicago. 

Nz ew vice*, Ne 
INTERNATIONAL news service*, New 

York. Kabibble kabaret. 
York evening journal) 
Jan. 21-24, 1916. 

1 @ each Jan: 
A 421951-—421953. 

aan. 2, 1916, cA Tati At. LOG * 1. 'e, 
Jan. 28, 1916; A 4220389. 

Jam ot, 1916, @ Jan: 31, 1916; 1 c. 
Feb. ‘1 1916; A 422145. 

(jn New 

© Jan. 21-24, 1916. 
22, 24, 25, 1916: 

Feb. 1, 1916. © Heb, 1, 191651, Web. 
2, 1916; A 422149. 

Mebs2,,1916., © Keb: 2,.1916 ; .1.c.. Feb: 
3, 1916; A 422179. 

Feb. 3, 1916. 

4, 1916; A 422204. 

Feb. 4, 1916. © Feb. 
r §, 1916; A 422246. 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
4, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 

Feb. 5, 1916. @© Feb. 5, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 422264, 
Feb. 7, 1916. 

8, 1916; A 422294. 
Feb. 8, 1916. © Feb. 
9, 1916; A 422332. 
Feb. 9, 1916. © Feb. 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 422369. 

Beer, tel, » © Reb. “10, 19163" 1 c. 
Web. 11, 1916; A 422387. 

Pea ete, 6) 6Neb. 11, 1916: 1 ¢, 
Teb. 12, 1916; A 422406. 

mee oe, 1016. © Feb. 12, 1916; 1 «¢. 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 422425. 

Re tt, Long, © Heb,’ 14,1916; 1 c. 
Feb. 15, 1916; A 422441. 

@© Feb. 7, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
8, 1916. 1 ¢c> Heb. 

IrvING iron works co.*, Long Island 

City, N. Y. W. Irving hand forged 
iron. 14 p. illus. obl. 48mo. 
(© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419932. 


JOHNS-PRATT co.*, Hartford. 

Skirts nine yards around, count ’em, by 
Madame Qui Vive [pseud. ] © Feb. 6, 
L916 Tes Web: 7, 1916s A‘ 422320. 

Spring millinery for girls who are flying 
to southern climes, by Madame Qui 
Vive [pseud.] © Jan: 9; 1916; 1 ce. 
Jan. 10, 1916; A 421760. 

Spring of fashion se aul on winter’s 
toes, by Mme. Qui Vive [pseud.] © 
Jan. 30, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 31, 1916; 
A 422129. 

Spring race meet at Nice stimulates ef- 
forts of couturieres. © Jan. 16, 1916; 
1 Yel Fan Ae VOU eA e429 807. 

What to wear and how to wear it, by 
Mme. Qui Vive [pseud.] Jan. 4, 1916. 
Ortans 4419169 1c. sant 5, 1916: 
A 421467. 

Jan. 6, 1916. 
Jan Fe. LOG <9 AW 421 518. 
JAN wodGe = © Jans 7, LOG =e, 
Jan. 8, 1916; A 421560. 

Jan. 8, 1916.° © Jan. 8, 1916; 1 ec. 
Jan. 10, 1916; A 421568. 
Jan. 10, 1916. © Jan. 10, 1916; 
Cane eles ONG a wAg 4 ile 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 1 ¢. 

Jans PL LStee  @y Jans 1 1916 + 
Gc. sang 2s VOLE eA A OTG a 
Jan. 13, 1916. 

© Jan. 13, 1916; 
Che Sate 4, al OG > A 421675. 
dane 15501 9G. © dan. oy 1oLG.: 
Ce Jane i LOGS VA 42a 

Jane 1 196. "@! fans 17,1916 
ce. Jan, 18, 1916; A 421814, 
Jan..18, 1916. © Jan. 18, 1916; 
c. Jan. 19, 1916; A 421817. 
Jame 20 SING se 1G) janie wGtGic 
ec. Jan. 22, 1916; A 421899. 
Jan, *22. 19165 © © Jan: 22) 1916": 
e. Jan. 24, 1916; A 421912. 

Jan 2; bole... ©) dane 27, 1916. 
ec. Jan. 28, 1916; A 422035. 

Jan. 28, 1916. 
ce. Jan. 29, 1916; A 422059. 

WAN. al: VOLG. Rieder ge ean ol Gi 
e. Keb. 2, 1916; A 422185. 

Feb. 1, 1916. © Feb. 1, 1916; 
GG. Webei2, Ole “Ae Zoo 13s: 

Heb: 2,° 1916:...© Peb.12; 1916. 
c. Feb. 4, 1916; A 42219 

Web. 3, 1916: ° © Feb. 3, 1916* 
e. Feb. 4, 1916; A 422198 

Heb..4,.1916.. .©@ Heb. 4, 1916: 
e. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422240 

Feb. «5, 1916. .@ Feb. 5, 1916; 
ec. Heb. 7% L916" A 429260: 

Repo, Loko... Neb, 1,4 Lori. 
ec. Feb. 8, 1916; A 422322. 

——Feb. 8, 1916. © Feb. 8, 1916; 

G@ Heb. 9, 2916 3.A4 422311. 

Feb. 10, 1916. © Feb. 10, 1916; 
ce. Feb. 11,.1916; A 422381. 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 1 

Feb. 11, 1916. @© Feb. 11, 1916; 
ec. Feb. 12) 1916; A 422400. 

——_ Heh, 12, 1916. © Feb. 12, 1916; i 
e. Feb. 14, 1916; A 422420. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
herald. ] 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

ston red fibre sheet packing. cover- 
title, [8] p. col. illus. 16mo. [2050 

Ged, To, 19V0 } 20) and "ait. 
Dec. 24, 1915; A 417565. 



JOHNSON (Gladys)* Sausalito, Cal. 
Return to the Land of Wugg, no. 1. 
(In San Francisco Daily news) 

CC} Taig) 22, PONG sth, Cl Te. 2, 
1916; A 422072. 

JOHNSTON (R. M.) Immediate scien- 
tific defence action necessary. (Jn 

New York tribune) [2052 

© Jan. 9, 1916; 1 e@ Jan. 11, 1916; 
A 421600; Tribune assn., New York. 

JONES (Wylie B.) Bigger, better busi- 
ness. Small dash of imagination. 
(In Chicago herald) [2053 

© Jan, 15, 1916; 41.7ehiiem,, 17, 
1916; A 421776; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

JUDSON (Clara Ingram)* Chicago. 
Bed time tales no. 8. [New York, 
Printed by Adams newspaper serv- 
ice, 1915] 2691. illus. obl. 24mo. 


© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 41838738. 

KAUFMAN (Herbert)* Ocean City, 
Md. Herbert Kaufman’s weekly 
page. [2055-2060 
Jan. 9, 1916. (Jn Cincinnati commercial 

tribune) © Jan 3, 191G; 1.¢. Jan. 19; 

(in New York American) 
5 LOM Gi be. ean Oe OMG 

(In New York American) 
1ISiG : aie. San. .2i; 1916 ; 


(In Fargo daily courier- 

Jan. oe 1916) Meo eb. 5, 

Gy Youngstown Vindica- 
b, 8 1016; 1 ¢ Feb. 15, 
Feb. 13) 1916. in Indianapolis Sunday 
Stan) PO hebalis: siOlG:) at enehebs 15: 
1916; A 422451. 

KEELER (Harry Stephen) Stolen fin- 
ger. chap. 13. (J/7 Illustrated com- 
panion, Feb., 1916) [2061 

© Jane) 25, 1916; . 1c. Jan.” 28, 
1916; A 4220382; F. B. Warner co., 
New York. 

KEELER (W. Frederic)* New York. 
Secret of mastery. (Jn Constructive 
thinker, Jan., 1916) [2062 

©) Jan, As 1G Ae. fan, 14, 
1916; A 421708. 

KEELEY (J.)* Chicago. [2063-2071. 

Egypt the land of doom, who will it 

strike now. @©@ Jan. 9, 1916; 1c. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 421766. 

From flapper to diva via the knockout 
route. © Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 7, 
1916; A 422317. 

How science has found that chewing 
gum is worry’s greatest foe. © Jan 
16, 19163 1 ¢. Jan. 17, 1916 e0A 421811. 

Love’ letters of a blacksmith. © Jan 

@ Jan: 1916; aN 




pt. 1, n.'s., v. 13 

KEELEY (J .)*—Continued. 

Maggie Teyte’s wonderful leap year ro- 
mance. Jan. 30 6; 1. cian, 
31, T9IG: A. 422128, 

© Jan. 

Out of the mud the lily grows. 
6; Lc. Jan. 10, 1916; ‘A 421764. 
Payenolorical salad, did it win a divorce. 
Feb. 6 1916: 1c. Feb. 7, 1916; 

A 422314 
What mystic charm protects the images 
of Joan. Jan. 9, 2OLG: Bren Jan. 

© Jan. 


10, 1916; A 421761. 
20,000 Whhovidith watchdogs. 

1916; 1 @, Jan. 31, 1996 2-8 oes 
[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

KELLER (David H.) 
tions on claim adjustments. Ques- 
tion of medical examiners’ fees. 
(In Industrial review, Jan., 1916) 


(©). Jan: 25, 1916: 1 Ge eb acaet. 

1916; A 422891; Western under- 
writer co., New York. 

Kritioce (R. M.) co.*, Three Rivers, 
Mich. . Great crops of strawberries 
and how to grow them. cover-title, 
64 p. illus. 4to. [2073 

(C). Nev. 2p, T9%n +" 2 ie ieee 
1916; aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425159. 

Krtty (Thomas J.)* Omaha, Neb. 
Some observations on the teaching 
of singing. 3. (in Musical courier, 
Heb. 3, 1916) [2074 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
A 422290. 

KENNEDY (Olin Wood)* Sacramento, 

Practical sugges- 

Cal. Air bandit. chap. 1-14 end. 
(In Sacramento star) [15 instal- 
ments. ] [2075 

© Jan. 5-20, 1916; 1 c Jan. 25, 
1916; A 422081. 

Krntucky tobaceo product ¢o., inec.*, 
Louisville. Spraying with black 
leaf 40 to control cabbage aphis. 
[4] p. illus. 8vo. (Bulletin no. 
2-L) [2076 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417571. 


Special war 
War dope. cover-title, [16] p. illus. 
16mo. [2077 

© Nov. 18, 1916; 2 « June 2, 
1915; aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425158; 
George S. Beachel, New York. 

KEUFFEL & Esser co.*, Hoboken, N. J. 
Builders uniform sub-contract. 
cover-title, [4] p. folio. [2078 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425297. 


no. 2, 1916 2104 
Key (Ellen) Ellen Key sees women | Koos (Emile)* Franklin, Pa. 

seeking world uplift. (In New [2091, 2092 

York tribune) [2079 Emile Koos’ druggists’ improved record 

© Jan. 23, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 25, Peres econ oe ah Teade. 

1916; A 421962; Tribune assn., New 2c. and aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 419946. 

York. as eon ee ans acme ee ne 

: : t i 
Key (Minter P.)* Washington. Sew- By 16), ys ee Be $2.00. o) ton aie 

erage of the Mississippi River will 
prevent the overflow of its levees. 
[4] p. 8vo. $0.05. [2080 

fn Dec. 25, 1915-2 c. Dec. 30, 
1915; aff. Jan. 12, 1916; A 419600. 

Kinestey (Charles) Tutor’s story; 
by the late Charles Kingsley, re- 
vised and completed by his daughter, 
Lucas Malet. chaps. 3-5. (Jn Corn- 
hill magazine, Feb., 1916) [2081 

foe ep 17,1916: A ad int. 
2574; pubd. Jan. 26, 1916; Smith, 
Elder & co., London. 

Kirk (Alice Gitchell) [2082-2086 

Domestic science solves problems. @© 
Jan. woos UE se, Heb: 2, 1916 ; 
m 422165. 

Home making talks. After-theater sup- 
per. )© Jan. 28, 1916; 1 « Jan. 29, 
1916; A 422079. 

— Cooking by electricity. © Feb. 4, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422256. 

—— Honey in menu making. © Feb. 
Pontos: ot oe. Neb. 12, 1916; A 

— Making waffles. © Jan. 21, 1916; 
1 c. Jan. 22, 1916; A 421895. 

{Note: The foregoing are in Cleve- 
land plain dealer] 

© Alice Gitchell Kirk co., Cleve- 

Kirk (William)* Chicago. Kirk’s 
syndicate. This trust agreement. 
Sheet, printed on both sides, 14 by 
9 inches. [2087 

ian. 25, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. . 26, 
1916; aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 426042. 

KLEMPERER (Otto)* Chicago. Lamp 
club sales and advertising plan. 
Sheet, illus., 19 by 25 inches. [2088 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417988. 

KnNAvuTH, Nachod & Kuhne*, New 
York. Foreign exchange. cover- 
title, 2 v. in one cover. 12mo. Con- 

tents :—Ioreign money orders.—For- 
eign drafts. [2089 

© Dee. 1, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 425197. 

KNOWLES (Jessie) Dorothea and the 
listening man by Win Huntington 
Lee [pseud] (Jn Sioux City jour- 
nal. [2090 

© Dec. 5, 1915; 1 ce. Dec. 15, 1915; 
A 422156; ‘Sub rosa syndicate, Mil- 


LOG =e 2%e,-and aft. Keb. 2) 1916): A 

5676-5677. Hebrew 
holidays, 1916. 26th year. [4] p. 
16 mo. [20938 

© Feb, 1, 1916; 2 c Jan. 27, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 425221; George 
G. Brown, New York. 

KosuHerR calendar. 

KRANZCHEN (Das) 28 jahrg. [Each 
illu. 4to. M. 8a yr.] [2094-2097 

Nrevat6n- @ Jane 2° 1916. Ase), Webie14, 
1916; A—Foreign 13418. 

Nee ee @) Jan. 2nd Gi er hepa 14. 
1916; A—Foreign 13419. 

Nee 18>, .@ Jan. 5, d9163. 1 ec. Keb. 14, 
1916; A—Toreign 13420. 

Nit: V@naniet2 39 9NGier 1 (es; Webial4, 
1916; A—Foreign 13421. 
© Union deutsche verlagsgesell- 

schaft, Stuttgart, Germany. 

Krum (Walter G.) Handling and 
marketing eggs for top prices. (In 
Philadelphia inquirer) [2098 

©) Jans, 619162, cy Jam. 18; 
1916; A 421782; Eugene McGuckin 
co., Philadelphia. 

KuBIE (Isaac) co. Nuestra clave par- 
ticular para el negocio de azucares. 
22° narrow fol. [2099 

©) Dec) 22" 4915 s De, Wee 22, 
1915; aff. Jan. 13, 1916; A 419603; 
Isaae Kubie, New York. 

LACASSIAN laboratories*, St. Louis. 

[2100, 2101 
Human skin. Sheet, illus., 18 by 5% 
inches. © Jan. 3, 1916; 27Cy ans Lo. 

1916; aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 419991. 

Who I am. Sheet, 11 by 8% inches. 
© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ce. Jan. 15, 19163 
aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 419992. 

LADIES’ home journal. Needlework 
dept. [2102-2104 
Christmas gifts in Christmas. colors. 

lp. S8vo. $0.02. © Dec, 20, 19155 
2c. Jan. 6, 1916; aff. Jan. 14, 1916; 
A 417765. 

Easy patterns in crochet. 24 p. illus. 
Svo...$0,15. | © Dec. 20, 1915; 2c. 
wa. GoLO16< an. Jan. 2A TOOLS 2) A, 

Easy patterns in_tatting. 15 p._ illus. 
S8vo. $0.15. © Dec. 20, 1915; 2.¢. 
Jan. 6, 1916; aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 

© Curtis pub. co., Philadelphia. 



pt. 1, n.s., v.13 

Lait (Jack) [2105-2133 

Around the world in an easy chair. © 
Jan. 8, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 10, 1916; A 

Artistic soul cries out in anguish. @ 
Feb. 4, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 

Bend of the tree. © Jan. 16, 1916; 1 
ec. Jan. 17, 1916; A 421806. 

Call to arms on the boy problem. © 
Feb. 8, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 9, 19163 A 

Canada Kid frowns on Immune Eddie. 
© Feb. 2, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 4, 1916; 
A 422195. 

Canada Kid on bad boy problem. © Jan 
22, (LOGS bee Fan, ¢ 245° "T9tee A 

Charlie the wolf turns up once more. 
© Jan. 18, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 19, 1916; 
A 421819. 

Enter Fred the hot tamale peddler. © 
Jane) 15.) NOUG; od nev dane, 17s LOK 5 
A 421775. 

Epistle to Mr. Furman D. Updike. © 
Jam, 2%; A9IGs tie. Jan. 28s 2OL6: 
A 422034. 

Excellent opening for pretty girl. © 
Jan. 28, 1916;:1 ¢. Jan. 29, 1916; 
A 422060. 

Father fights for his son, our ward. © 
Feb. 3, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 4, 1916; A 

Flight of the crying goose. © Jan. 9, 
L9G; Ls co Fan, LO P16) 7A 428 R59. 

Gus and Evele at the cabhooray. © 
Jan. 31, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 2, 1916; A 

Gus the bus a brave hero in holdup. © 
Bebo 4,0 £9963) ce. Bebycsy  19tee A. 

Gus the bus at the midnight uplift. © 
Jan. fOr 19t6s Leh Jane Li Tors : 
A 421770. 

Gus the bus defeats the grip germ. © 
San. As LOG Sak ic. San 1S LoaG - 
A 421816. 

Has nothing to do, so writes play. © 

Jan. 6, 1916; bier Jan. LOIGs) A 
apa isy Lrg 

Hey, girls, here’s leap year bonanza. © 
faneel, LOG: hee Jang. 85 LOG ee A 

It was such a beautiful name, it was 
Mrs. Jack Sunshine. © Feb. PR 

1916; 1 c. Feb. 14, 1916; A 422419: 

Mrs. Grundy sets new spring fashions. 
© Keb. 1,° 2926; 15a Rebs 2) 191es 
A 422140. 

Novelette Bill courting in Chicago. © 

Jan, 21. MOG tees Van. 22, OG. * 
A 421898. 

Our little barber had been very ill. © 
Jan. D1) “LOG 2 ac, Sia, LEO LG 
A 421623. 

Pleased to meet you. © Jan. 30, 1916; 
Le. Jan: ‘Sh, 1906 > A 422130; 

Tale of hop-skip-jump revenge. © Jan. 
4, 1916; 1c. Jan. 5, 1916; A 421468. 

Taxi, mister! @© Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 422319. 

Tragedy of a plain little girl fighting 
for, a,man, © Jan... ba, "1916: 1 e¢. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421677. 

Lair (Jack)—Continued. 

Tragedy of man who could not read. © 
Feb. 5, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 7, 1916; A 

What do you mean, leave it to court? 
© Feb. 10, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 11, 1916; 
A 4223838. 

Would earn Christian money for Jews. 
© Feb. 11, 1916; 1 c. Pebu 12) 19kGe 
A 4224061. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
herald ] 

© J. Keeley, 

LAMBERT (Irvin C.)* Chicago. Cathe- 
dral of all the stores. (Jn Dry goods 
economist ) [2134 

© Oct. 2, 1915; 1 « Jan. 24, 1916; 
A 421960. 


LANDIS Christmas savings club ¢o.*, 
Harrisburg, Pa. New and greatest 
of all savings plans. MHarrisburg, 
Pa., Union trust co. [1916] cover- 
title, 4p. i6mo. [2135 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 425273. 

LANE (Franklin K.) Why Wilson 
should be re-elected: because he has 
made good! Franklin K. Lane, cabi- 
net officer, defends the nation’s 
chief. Sheet, ports. 142 by 114 
inches. [21386 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425312; Newspaper enter- 
prise assn., Cleveland. 

LANGSTON press. This is business. 

Card, 5 by 8 inches. [2137 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. Dee. 18, 1915; 

aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 426048; John 
William Langston, Chicago. 

, Detroit. 

Here are two cows. [4] p. illus. (part 
col) fol. © Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417748. 

Too much. [4] p. illus. (part 4 
fol: '@ Jan. 10, 1916; 2c; and am 
Jan. 14, 1916; "A 417749. 


When you come to Toledo. 
illus. fol. © Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c and 
aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 425251. 

Larson (Christian D.)* San  Fran- 
cisco. Subconscious reconstruction. 
Lesson 8. San Francisco, Cal., 
Progress extension university [1915] 
34 p. 8vo. [2141 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
4, 1916; A 419450. 

LARROWE milling co.* 

LA SALLE extension univ.*, Chicago. 
Business leadership. 100 p._ illus. 
ports., fold. chart. 4to. [2142 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419593. 




no. 2, 1916 

La Tour (Irene) 

cover-title, 33, [1] p. illus. 16mo. 
$0.10. [2148 
© July 20, 1915; 2 c. Nov. 30, 

1915; afi. Nov. 29, 1915; A 416622 ; 

Royal pub. co., South Norwalk, 

LAUGHLIN (J. Laurence) Dollar ex- 
change versus sterling. Proof. (Na- 
tional editorial service, serial no. 
361) [2144 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. Dec. 29, 1915; 

an. Jan. 11, isle. A 419602 : Natl. 
editorial service, New York. 

Law (Leroy M.) Merits of refined 
asphalt roads. 15 p. 16mo. [2145 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 419942; United States 
asphalt refining co., New York. 

LEAGUE of visible helpers*, Chicago. 
Amended by-laws of the subordinate 
groups of the League of visible 
helpers. Chicago, Ill., [Printed by 
Indo-American book co.] 1915. 15 p. 
16mo. $0.05. [2146 

© July 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
29, 1915; A 417996. 

LEGAL calendar for 1916. Card, 11 by 
12 inches. $0.10. [2147 

© Jan. 2, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 13, 1916; 
aft. Jan. 27, 1916; A 419875; Mrs. 
J. H. Palmer, Houston. 

LENNON (Bert) When Mary blew the 
tank, let her tell it. (Jn Chicago 
herald) [2148 

wan. 9.61916; 1. e Jan. 10, 
1916; A 421762; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Lewis (Lloyd D.) [2149-2151 

England’s remarkable inducements not 
to enlist. © Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
7 2016; A’ 422316. 

Europe’s secret peril—another Attila. 
© Jan. 30, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 31, 1916; 
A 422126. 

Serbia’s despair told in fantastic marble. 
© Jan. 30, 1916; 1c. Jan. 31, 1916; 

A 422122. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
herald. ] 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 
Lewis (Oscar A.)* Chicago. Rules of 
the road. 31 p. 16mo. $0.05. 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417813. 

Lewis (Robert)* Medical Lake, Wash. 

How to start a mink ranch. 6 
numb. 1. 4to. [Text parallel to 
binding] [2153 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417812. 

Art needlework. | L’Ipar 


(Joseph <A.)* New York. 
Truth cause and prevention of dan- 
druff, falling hair, grayness and 
baldness. [4] p. illus. 16mo. 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 426005. 

LincERWwoop mfg. co.*, New York. 
Lidgerwood electric mine hoists. 1 

p. L, 5-30 p. illus. 4to. (Bulletin 
no. 15) [2155 
© Jan. 5, 1916: 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

14, 1916; A 417747. 
LIESENFELT (Margaret E.)* Hammond, 

Ind. Liesenfelt yoke book. cover- 
title, 13 p. illus. obl. 8vo. $0.10. 

(Ci Jan 2b 1916: 2 ¢. Jan: 24 

1916; aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425146. 

Lire extension institute, inc.*, New 
York. Monthly health letter no. 20. 
[4] p. 4to. $0.50 per annum. 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

5, 1916; A 417579. 

LINCOLN (Natalie Sumner) Engraved 
portraits of American patriots. Dec., 
1915. (Jn Daughters of the Ameri- 
can revolution. Dec., 1915.) [2158 

© Dec. 16, 1915; 1 ec. Dee. 14, 
1915; A 422074; Corcoran gallery of 
art, Washington. 

Liste (Ann) [2159-2182 

Cinderella man. Noy. 27, 1915. © Jan. 
e A916 VE Ge. Jans 28) 1996s" A. 

Jan. 24, 1916. © Jan. 24, 1916; 
1. ec. Jan. 25, 1916: A.421954. 

Soe 31, Feb. 1, 1916. © _ si 

Feb. 1916; 1 c. each Feb. 1, 1916; 
A 429146. 422148. 
Feb. 2, 1916. @© Feb. 2, 1916; 1c. 

Feb. 3, 1916; A 422180. 

Feb. 3, 1916. © Feb. 3, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Feb. 4, 1916; A 422203. 

Feb. 4, 1916. © Feb. 4, 1916; 1c. 
Feb. 5, 1916; A 422247. 

Feb. 5, 1916. © Feb. 5, 1916; 1 c. 
Feb. 7, 1916; A 422266. 

Feb. 7, 1916. @© Feb. 7, 1916; 1c. 
Feb. 8, 1916; A 422295. 

Feb. 8, 1916. @© Feb. 8, 1916; 1 c. 
Feb. 9, 1916; A 422331. 

Feb. 9, 1916. © Feb. 9, 1916; 1c. 
Feb. 10, 1916; A 422370. 

Feb. 10, 1916. © Feb. 10, 1916; 
1 c. Feb. 11, 1916; A 422386. 

Feb. 11, 1916. @© Feb. 11, 1916; 
1 ec. Feb. 12, 1916; A 422408. 

Feb. 12, 1916. @© Feb. 12, 1916; 
1c. Feb. 14, 1916; A 422424. 

Feb. 14, 1916. © Feb. 14, 1916; 

1c. Feb. 15, 1916; A 422442. 

House of glass. Jan. 4, 1916. © Jan. 
1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 5, 1916; A 421477. 




Liste (Ann)—Continued. 
Jan. 6, 1916. ©. Jan. 6, 1916; le 
Jan. 7, 1916; A 421522. 

Jan, 7, 1916. © Jan. 7, 1916; 1 ec. 
Jan. 8, 1916: A 421578. 

Jan. 8, 1916; © Jan. 8, 1916; 1 
c. Jan. 10, 1916; A 421579. 

Jan. 10, 1916. © Jan. 10, 1916; 
1e. Jan. 11, 1916; A 421603. 

Jan. 11, 1916. © Jan. 11, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 12, 1916; A 421612. 

Jan. 18, 1916. © Jan. 138, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 14, 1916; A 421687. 

Jan. 17, 1916. © Jan. 17, 1916; 
1c Jan. 18, 1916; A 421781. 

Jan. 18, 1916. @ Jan. 18, 1916; 
1 ¢. Jan. 19, 1916; A 421828. 

[Note: The foregoing are in New 
York evening journal] 

© Internatl. news service, New 

LoMax (Walter E.)* Atlanta. Home 
prescription calendar with astrolog- 
ical signs. cover-title, [80] p. 
16mo. $1.00. [2183 

© Sept. 10, 1915; 2 c. Nov. 13, 
1915; aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 419845. 

Lone (Sol. L.)* Kansas City, Mo. 
Chiropractic’s place in the healing 
art. 30, [1] p. 24mo. $2.00. [2184 
© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 

17, 1916; A 417821. 

LoveELtL mfg. co.*, Erie, Pa. Anchor 
brand clothes wringers, rubber rolls, 
mangles.: (on cover: Catalog no. 
8.) 96 p. illus. 8vo. [2185 

©’ Fan. 3, 1946: 2. ¢) dan. .A0, 
1916; aff. Jan. 18, 1916; A 419794. 

LUBRICATION. [2186, 2187 

vy. 38, no. 8, Jan., 1916. New York, The 
Texas company [1915] 9 p. illus. 
12mo. @© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Sane ao} 1916; A 417841. 

v. 3, no. 4, Feb., 1916. cover-title, 8 p. 
illus. 8vo. © Feb. 11, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Feb. 15, 1916; A 426133. 

© Texas co., New York. 

LUMBERMENS credit assn.*, Chicago. 
Reference book. Feb., 1916. Vari- 
ous paging. S8vo. [2188 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 418687. 

ine.*, Milwaukee. 

Announcing hose of luxite. Sept. 18, 
1916. (In eerie evening post, 
Sept. 18, 1915 Sept. 16, 1915; 1 
c. Jan. 15, 1916 : yA 42216 

Oct., 1915. (In carat ae Oct., 
1915) © Sept. 18, 1915; 1 ¢« Jan. 
15, 1916; A 422163. 

For these days when ankles show. (In 
McClures, Nov., 1915) © Oct. 18, 
1916; Les Jan. 25) 1906s) 422164. 

LuxiTE textiles, 

ptel, nN: Ss. Vee 

McCutcHEoN (David C.)* Chicago. 
McCutcheon mailing service. 

Iowa. cover-title, 102 1. 4to. [Text 
parallel with binding] © Jan 2% 
1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; aff. Feb, 
1916; A 426063. 

Mieniean. cover-title, 104 1. 4to. 
[Text parallel with ae © Jan 
29, 1916; 2 ce. Feb. 2, 1916; aff. Feb. 
8, "1916; "A 426064. 

St. Louis zone: Arkansas, Lower Iitinois, 
Missouri. cover-title, 107 1. : 4to. 
[Text parallel with binding] © Feb. 
7, 1914; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1916; 

| A 426062. 
| McCutrcHeon (John T.) Gen. Sarrail 
' and the correspondents. (Jn Chi- 
cago daily or Sunday tribune) 

© 'Jan.'), 13; 1916; 11sec) fam ee 
1916; A 421686; Chicago tribune, 
[McEvoy (J. P.)] 
by the umpire. 

Gist and jest of it, 
(In Chicago herald) 

Jan. 4, 1916. @© Jan. 4, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 421470. 

Jan. 6, 1916. © Jan. & 1916; 1 « 
Jan. 7, 1916; A 421520 

Jan. 7, 1916; e sans 1 1916; 1c. Jan. 
8, 1916: A 21562 

Jan. 8, 1916 FE Jan. ie. 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 

10, 1916; A 421570. 

Jan. 10, 1916 © Jan, 10, 
Jan. 11, 1916; A: 491769. 

Jan. 11, 1916. © Jan. 11, 1916 ; 1 « 
Jan. 12) 1916; A 421625, 

Jan. 13, 1916. © Jan, 13, 2916. ie 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421678. 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

McGraw electrical directory, Feb. 
1916. Railway ed. . New York, 
McGraw publishing co., ine., 1916. 
185, 262 p. S8vo. $3.00. [2203 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 418703; McGraw pub. co., 
inc., New York. 

McGrercor bros. co.*, Springfield, O. 
McGregor’s year book floral gems, 
‘spring, 1916. cover-title, 120 p. 
illus. col. plates. 4to. [2204 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 ¢ Jan. 4, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A 417754. 

MACKIE-BEYER (—) Orchestra lead- 
er’s guide. Phila., Pa., J. W. Pep- 
per & son, 1916. 50 p. 4to. $1.00. 


© Feb. 1, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

4, 1916; A 420644; J. W. Pepper & 
son, Philadelphia. 

Mackinnon (Alice Boswell)* Pasa- 
dena, Cal. Pasadena. (in Pasa- 
dena news) [2206 

© dan, 1, 19169 dhe. Feb. 5, 1916; 
A 422236. 

POLGS ie, 


no. 2, 1916 


McQvuaip (Elias A.) Mohr attempted 
for six years to ruin minister, (Jn 

Boston American) [2207 

© Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
A 422258; Boston American, Boston. 

MAHIN (John Lee) Bigger, better 
business. (Jn Chicago herald) 

Can big business live without the free 
Hallarn, |G Wep..5, 1916; 1 c. Feb.. 7, 
1916; A 422259. 

Wow much more can be given the con- 
sumer? © Feb. 4, 1916;.1 ¢c. Feb. 5, 
1916; A 422248. 

How the middleman serves the consumer. 
nen. 2 1916:°>L c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
A 422196. 

Is the salesman a producer? © Feb. 3, 
1916; 1 ec. Feb. 4, 1916; A 422201. 
What the consumer owes the manufac- 
turer, °@ Feb. 1; 1916; 1 c.. Feb. 2, 

1916; A 422141. 

What the manufacturer owes the con- 
sumer. © Jan. 31, 1916; 1c. Feb. 2, 
1916; A 422132. 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

MALDAGUE (Georges)* Paris. Cheva- 
liers de Vamour. (Jn Petit journal) 

Nos. 2-15. 
S21, 1915; 1 -c. each 
A—Foreign 13356. 

Nos. 16-30. [15 instalments] © Oct. 
22-31, Nov. 1-5, 1915; 1 c. each Dec. 
4, 1915; A—Yoreign 13357. 

Nos. 31-43. [13 instalments] © Nov. 
6-14, 16-19, 1915; 1 ec. each Dec. 
14, 1915; A—Foreign 13358. 

{14 instalments] © Oct. 
Dec. 1, 1915; 

MARINER (W. E.)* Chicago. Sworn 
statement in proof of loss. [4] p. 
4to. $0.05. p220T 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419920. 

MARKHAM (Romondo David)* Chi- 
eago. [Sample book and cuts] Some 
things the cubit stones say to the 
house ot A-B-K.  cover-title, 48 
numb. 1. obl. 32mo. [2218 

© Dec. 10, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
81, 1916; A 425234. 

MARTIN (Gus G.)* Chicago. Home- 
trade booster. (J2 Chicago north- 
west suburban signal) [2219 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 29, 

1916; A 422278. 
Mary (Jules)* Paris. Amour dans le 
ruines. [Each 15 instalments] (Jn 

Petit Parisien) [2220-2222 

Bost), © Oct. 17-31, 1915; 1 c. 
each Nov. 26, 1915; A—FToreign 

nos. 16-30. © Nov. 1-15, 1915; 1 «. 
each Noy. 30, 1915; A—loreign 

nos. 31-45. © Nov. 16-30, 1915; 1 «c. 
each Dec. 16, 1915; A—YTDoreign 



MASSACHUSETTS trust eco. Old Glory 
savings club; power of money. [6] p. 
24mo. 2223 

Op Jan. 14. 1916; 2c. Jan: 26; 
1916; aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 425235; 
Howard H. Riggleman, Boston. 

Complete Waldemar 

Cit AS INE: ode A 

ed aoe cet 

MAzrEer (Joseph) 
chain assays. 
bulletin, Jan. & Feb., 1916) 

©, Jans. 26, 1916." 1... ¢.; Neb, As 
1916; A 422482; American national 
retail jewelers assn., Neenah, Wis. 

MERCANTILE collection c¢o.*, Utica, 
Nig p22 2 2220 
Every citizen wants to stand well in 

the community. Sheet, printed on 
both sides, 7 by 64 inches. © Jan. 25, 
LOVES 2c. and ait. Mebs: (a 19UGa A 

Explaining some things that trouble peo- 
ple. Sheet, printed on both sides, 7 
by 64 inches. © Jan. 25, 1916; 2 ¢ 
and aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 425239. 

METTLER (Franklin L.)* Wilmington, 

Del. Incorporating under the laws 
of Delaware. cover-title, 11 p. 
12mo. [2220 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 4252388. 
MetTzcER (George P.) Bigger, better 
business. (Jn Chicago herald.) 
Long lane of investigation. © Jan. 17, 
POLE? 1 es Jan. 18; 1916s A) 421815; 

Realizing possibilities. © Jan. 21, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 22, 1916; A 421897. 

Selling in simple language. © Jan. 22, 
1916; 1 ¢c. Jan. 24, 1916; A 421914, 
Seven years from now. © Jan. 18, 
6; 1c. Jan. 19, 1916; A 421818. 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 


Sheet no. 43. Jan. 26, 1916. Sheet, 
illus., 17% by 22% inches. Jan. 25; 
191G@; 2 e. and aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 
© Oscar Meyer, Chicago. 

Sheet no. 287, Feb. 2, 1916. Sheet, illus., 
19 by 25 inches. © Feb. 2, 1916; 2 
ce. and aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 425250. 
© W. C. Both, Chicago. 

Mryverson (Louis F.) Co-insurance, 
its purpose and explanation. [4] p. 
12mo. [2234 

ie) Nov, 20: 1015* 2 co Ubu 

1916; aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 419891; 

Alva KE. Stern, New York. 

Miami, Fla. R. L. Polk & co.’s Miami 
city directory, 1916. v.5. Jackson- 
ville, Fla., R. L. Polk & co. [1916] 
4p. 1., 49-551 p. illus. S8vo. $6.00. 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

20, 1916; A 418509; R. L. Polk & co., 

Birmingham, Ala, 

[2282, 2233 



Mites (Charles C.)* Maywood, Il. 
Two little shoes. Card, illus., 134 
by 7% inches. $0.25. [2236 

(Jan. 27, 1916: 2%: and aidan. 
ot, 1916; A’ 419922. 

Mites City, Mont. R. L. Polk & co.’s 
city directory of Miles City, Glen- 
dive, Terry [ete.] and county di- 
rectory of Custer, Dawson, Prairie 
[ete.] 1916. Helena and Butte, R. 

L. Polk & co. of Montana, 1916. 412 | 

D. Ova, | 59,00: (225 6 

© Jan. 13, 1916; 2c. Jan. 18, 1916; 
Ait, wan. 17, LONG, A 4203889 > RAG. 
Polk & co., Helena, Mont. 

Mitter (Edward L.)* Peru, Ind. Dis- 
play bank advertising. cover-title, 
109 1. Svo. $15.00. [Text parallel 
with binding] [22388 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
A OLG ee 425244, 

MitteR (George Ernest)* Covington, 
Ky. Katherine Belvue. (Jn Scribo. 
Feb., 1916) [2239 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 1c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
A 422291. 

MINNESOTA chandelier co.*, St. Paul. 
Lighting fixture no. G. N. 2248 and 

fixture data. Sheet; illus., 124 by 
4 inches, [2240 
© “Dee. 18-1915." ¢, “and “att. 

Feb. 7, 1916; A 426044. 

Minog (Robert) [2241-2243 
Hivery natiou lies in this war. Sheet, 
tas, ie by. G6 aneches. 1@ sian. 12° 
1916 > 2 ce and -afl. “Web 9) Oto A 
War smile. Sheet, illus., Done, 12: by 
11 inches. © Jan. 10, 1916 "2c, and 
aff. eb. 9, 1916; A 425314. 

18 carloads of one-legged men, as Rob- 
ert Minor saw them. Sheet, illus., 13% 
94 inches. © Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and 
Sis eb. 9, 0Olb A. 425323. 

© Newspaper enterprise assn., 

MISHAWAKA Woolen mfg. co.*, Misha- 
waka, Ind. Instructions to sales- 
men, 1916.) 4p: 1; S2p2 AGnio: 


© Dee. 23, 1915; 2 @ and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417995. 

MopDERN business supplement. vy. 1, no. 
- 4, Oct.—Dec., 1915. ed. by Joseph 
Ford Johnson. [New York city, Al- 
exander- Hamilton] 1915. 1 p. 1., 
p. 393-584. S8vo. [2245 

© Jan. 7; 1916* 2c.’ and“athJan. 

15, 1916; A 419587; Alexander Hain- | 

ilton institute, New York. 


pt. L, WSe we ee 

Montcomery, Ala. R. L. Polk & co.’s 
Montgomery directory, 1916. Mont- 
gomery, Ala., R. L. Polk & co., 1916. 
783 p. Svo. $7.00. [2246 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 « and aff. Jan. 
26,,.191G6;. A. 420510; Boi  Poteee 
co., Birmingham, Ala. 

Moopy’s manual, complete list of se- 
curities maturing Jan. 1, 1916—Dec. 

31, 1917. v. 1. New York, Moody 
manual company [1915] 1 p. 1., 242 
p. 16mo. $3.00. [2247 

© Dec. 28, 1915: 2 G dam ee 
1916; aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 420488; 
Moody manual co., New York. 

Moon (William -H.) co.*, Morrisville, 
Pa. Moon’s hardy trees & plants for 
every place & purpose, 1916. 128 p. 
illus. 4to. [2248 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
15, 1916; A 426135. 

Morison (Francis R.)* 
Monthly talk to bank 
100% man. Sheet, 124 



by 84 inches. 


© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 419948. 

Mornine telegraph Sunday magazine, 
Jan. 23, 30, 1916. (New York Morn- 
ing telegraph, sec. 2) [ 2250, 2251 

© Jan. 23, 30, 1916; 1 ¢. each Feb. 
12, 1916; A 42240), 422410; Lewis 
pub. co., New York. 

Morris (Rob.) jr.*, Portland, Tenn. 
Early history of the Eastern star. 
(In National-Mizpah TEastern star 
magazine, Feb., 1916) [2252 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 8, 1916; 
A 422304. 

MoRRIS ANNUAL, 1916. New York, 
Morris high school, 1916. xi, [12], 
129 p. illus., ports. Svo. [2253 

© Dee. 24, 1915; 2 eo dae 
1916; aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 420602; 
Isador A. Rosenzweig, New York. 

MORRIS PLAN CO., Of New York. How 
to borrow money and how to invest 
money in small amounts. 14 p. 
16mo. [2254 

© Dec. 9, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 14, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 7, 1916; A 417753; Indus- 
trial finance corp., New York. 

Moses (Alfred G.)* Mobile, Ala. 
Peace anthology. 40 p. 16mo. 
$0.50. [2255 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 ¢. ‘and aff. Jan. 
P19 A 417820. 


no. 2, 1916 


Mr. Hesron land and development co. 
Freedom’s call in the last Ameri- 
can West. 20 p. illus., map. 8vo. 


© Nov. 1, 1915; 2 c. Nov. 9, 1915; 

aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417566; Albert 
Roy, Portland, Ore. 

MounNrTAIN states telephone & telegraph 
, Denver. Telephone directories. 
pei 2256 

Albuquerque and Tucumcari districts, 
book no. 6-S, Jan., 1916. cover-title, 

aap. 410. © Jan, 21, 1916; 2 c. and 
an. Heb. 7, 1916; A 425268. 

Roswell district, book no. 7-S, Feb., 1916. 
cover-title, 25 p. ito. @© Feb.- 1, 
foro ec and alii. eb: 7, 1916; A 

MowuntTsier (Rebert) [2259, 2260 

Diary of dead English Tommy picked up 
on battlefield tells of thrilling life in 
the trenches at Dardanelles. Sheet, 
Pheepy 13 mches.. @ Dec. 31, 0915; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425308. 

Is there to be an United States of Greece? 
Masses agitate a revolt against throne. 
Sheet, illus. (ports.) 122 by 9% inches. 
aan. 7. 19136; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 9, 
Li A oie: aay Me Be 

© Newspaper enterprise assn., 


Moxrey (Thomas)*, Seattle. Special 
stickerman. Seattle, Wash., Prac- 
tical moulding book co., 1915. cover- 
title, 37 p. illus. 4to. [2261 

© Oct. 26, 1915; 2 c. Dee. 15, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 419799. 

Murpockx (Victor) Bryan followers 
will turn to progressives, says Vic- 
tor Murdock. Sheet, port. 12 by 5 
inches. [2262 

© Jan. 11, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 4253815; Newspaper enter- 
prise assn., Cleveland. 

[MurpHy (Daniel T.) ] [2263, 2264 

American joke book. [South Norwalk, 
Conn., Printed by Murphy me cox 
1915] fs21. p. i6mo... $0.1 

Sept. 20, 1915; 2 c. Nov. 30, 1915: aff. 
Nov. 29, 1915; ‘A 416620. 

Same. (On cover: Ford 
$0.10. © Oct. 20, 1915; 2 c. Nov. 30, 
1915; aff. Nov. 29, 1916; A 416621. 
© Royal pub. co., South Norwalk, 


joke book) 

MurpHy (George Edward)* Santa 
Monica, Cal. Redemption of Molly 
Carson. [8] p. 12mo. [2265 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417824. 

NATIONAL electrical contractors’ assn.*, 
Utiea, N. Y. Universal data and 
sales book [additions] Jan. 26, 
1916. [88] p. S8vo: $10.00. [Text 
parallel to binding] [2266 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419921. 

NATIONAL MFG. €O., ine.*, Minneapolis. 

[2267, 2268 
Cash in on the crowd. [16] p. illus. 

16moe:, Gian. 8. 1916.2 e5 and: alt. 
Feb. 4, 1916; A 425171. 

Making money out of footsteps. cover- 
title, :[16]. -p. ius... 16mo. © Jan. 
18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 4, 1916; 
A 425172. 

NATIONAL PECAN groves co.*, Washing- 

ton. Will you be one in one thou- 
sand? cover-title, 28 p. plates. 
16mo. [2269 

© Dec. 18, 1915; 2'c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417769. 

NATIONAL SHAWMUT bank*, Boston. 
Foreign trade report [port of Bos- 
fore! Dees 1915. fA op. Ete: 

(Chr sane s26, 1O1G: “2 |-e2 cant. 
1916: aff. Web: 2,-1916; A 425150: 

NEUSTADTL (Victor)* New York. 
Ethische principien in dramen der 
neuzeit. 31p. S8vo. (Ethische vor- 
traege, nr. 1) [2271 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 31, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 7. 1916; A 425281. 

New Jersey foundry & machine co.*, 

New York. Overhead carrying de- 
vices. 48 p. illus., diagrs. Svo. 
(Catalog 88) [2272 

© Jan. 81, 1916; 2 
2, 1916; A 419949. 

New York. Economist short cut, Jan. 
1916. New York, Dry goods econ- 

e. and aff. Feb. 

omist [1916] 4380p. front. (fold. 
map) 16mo. $0.25. [2273 
© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A 425281; Textile pub. co., 
New York. 

Contributions to. 
Gritain’s sailors eager for the breath of 
battle. © Jan. 23, 1916; 1c. Jan. 24, 
1916; A 421918. 


Galicia new centre of interest in the 
world struggle. © Jan. 9, 1916; 1c. 
Jan. 10, 1916; A 421605. 

Many neutral ships in the Atlantic. 
Key to chart. © Feb. 13, 1916; 1 c. 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 422426. 

Operations in war theatres from North 
Sea to Tigris. New British armies 
assume defense. (In New York herald) 
© Feb. 6, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 7, 1916; 
A 422275. 




New York HERALD—-Continued. 

Review of week’s operations in the great ; 

theatres of war. 18,000,000 men are 
preparing for the summer campaigns. 
@ Feb. 13, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 14, 1916; 
A 422427. 

Steaming dates changed as result of 
weather. Key to chart. © Feb. 6, 
1916" 1c. Heb. (, 1916; A 42224. 

Tourist travel to the south increases. 
Key to chart. © Jan. 23, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Jan. 24, 1916; A 421919. 

Tsar’s troops make big advance through 
Caucasus snows. © Jan. 23, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 24, 1916; A 421917. 

War operations of week from North Sea 
to the Tigris. Pressure at Kut is ex- 
pected to follow Turkish release at 
Siratts: (@ Jan 16, TOL6 ec Jan. 
17, 1916; A 421788. 

41 steamships shown in this week’s 
chart. Key to chart. © Jan. 16, 
1916; 1c. Jan. 17, 1916; A 421784. 

© New York herald co., Jersey 

New York TIMES index. v. 38, no. 4, 
Oct._Dec., 1915. New York, The 
New York times [1916] 1 p. 1, 555 
p. S8vo. $2.00. [2284 

© Feb. 9, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 14, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 19, 1916; A 418919; New 
York times co., New York. 

NEWSPAPER enterprise assn.*, Cleve- 
land. 20 perils face U. S. on road to 
world supremacy. Sheet, ports., 21 
by 144 inches. [2285 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425319. 

NEWSPAPER feature service, inc.*, New 
York. Each Proof, illus. 

Asthma Simpson, the village queen. 
Everything is fine now, Asthma. 
Jan, 22, 1916; 2 ¢. and aif. Neb. 5, 
1916; A 426009. 

Good news Luke, I’ve got you a job. 
© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 17, 
1916; A 417835. 

——- Now in the second act I have to 
fight off a mob. © Dec. 24, 1915; 2c. 
and aft. Jan. 8, 1916; A 419507. 

We'll have to start you off this 
week with a few words of explanation. 
© jan. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aif. Feb. 5, 
1916; A 426019. 

Daily magazine page for everybody. 
Beauty hints. Hair helps for the 
woman who is always busy. © Jan. 
92, 1916; 2 ¢. and alt. Web. a, 1916; 
A 426017. 

—— Distinct nightie novelty. © Jan. 8, 
1916? 2 "ce, and airy Jane Li Lolo; 
A 417830. 

How beauty may be won by fresh 
air and exercise. © Dec. 24, 1915; 
2 ec. and aff. Jan. 8, 1916; A 419511. 

—— How to make the most of your own 
flower of beauty. © Jan. 29, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 426025. 


pt. 1, 8. eee 

NEWSPAPER feature service, ine.*—Con. 

How to perfect your child’s future 
body by teaching her to exercise wisely 
today. © Jan. 22, 49163 2 %e. 200 
aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 426015. 

——— Revelations of a wife. How Dicky 
took care of Madge. © Dec. 24, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 8, 1916; A 419512. 

How Jack said good-by. © 
Jan: 29, 1916; 2 ¢..and jai. heb eae 
1916; A 426022. 

How Madge and Dicky’s moth- 
er met. © Jan. 8, 1916202 Gang 
aff. Jan. 17, 1916: A 41 7TS2e 

How Madge told Dicky. © 
Dec. 24, 1915; 2 « and aff. Jan. 8, 
1916; A 419510. 

Jack’s farewell note. © Jan. 
8, 1916; 2 ¢c. and afl. Jane Be Veore-; 
A 417833. 

Life is just one long compro- 
mise. @© Jan... 29, 1916> 2° andWak. 
Feb. 5, 1916; A 426026. 

Nothing at all. .s@ gan. S22 
1916; 2c. and, ai. Webs *o2 ones 


What happened after Jack 
left. © Jan. 29, 1916: 2c) ane au 
Feb. 5, 1916; A 426023. 

What helped Madge’s head a 
lot. © Dec: 24, 1915; 2 €. and lan. 
Jan. 8, 1916; A 419514. 

Why Dicky said tomorrow. 
© Dec, 24, 1915 ° 2 cand ak. Janes: 
1916; A 419513. 

Why Madge left home © 
Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and jake Wena, 
1916; A 426016. 

Ways the schoolgirl may dress her 
hair becomingly. © Jan. 8, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 417828. 

Winifred Black writes about a 
strange new creed. © Jan. 8, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 417831. 

Winifred Black writes about edu- 
cation and the top of the ladder. 
© Dec. 24, 19153; 2 c. and af, Jans. 
1916; A 419505. 

Winifred Black writes about free- 
dom and running away. © Jan. 22, 
19163. 2 ¢. and ail. Hebi oO; 1 oeh ee 

Winifred Black writes about high 
school frats. © Jan. 29, 1916; 2% 
and aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 426024. 

Winifred Black writes about Judge 
not that ye be not judged. © Jan. 
22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. eb. 5, 1916; 
A 4260138. 

Winifred Black writes about the 
man of mystery. © Jan. 29, 1916; 
2c. and aff. eb. 5, 1916; A 426027. 

—— Winifred Biack writes about those 
who are simply defective. © Jan. 8, 
191632 ¢. and aff. Jan. 17, 19igee 

Hickory Hick. Lena! You’re the only 
girl I ever loved. © Jan. 29, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 426018. 

Johnny Boston Beans. Help! ITll get 
yer. © Jan. 22, 4916; 2 eandae. 
Feb. 5, 1916; A 426008. 

Polly and her pals. Aye verily this 
pale face practice of swearing ot New 
Years is a wierd custom. © Dec. 24, 
1905:°° 2) 'e: and aiiy Jan. Si tote; sz 


no. 2, 1916 


Newspaper feature service, inc.*—Con. 

——TI see where the board of health 
has made sneezing a misdemeanor. 
ey sane, 1916: 2 c. and aff. Web. 
Ia OtGe: A 426011. 

Pa’ll- be tickled pink. © Jan. 29, 

foto: 2 Gand alm, eb. 5, 1916; A 


You kin sleep on the porch if you 
likess ©) jan. S$) °1916° 2e -and ‘aft. 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 417829. 

Putting it over on pa. Madam, I call 
in the interest of art. © Jan. 8, 1916; 
Gee and ait. Jan. 17, 1916; A 417834. 

My son, give me your skates a mo- 

ment. © Dec: 24, 1915; 2 c and aff. 

Jan. 8, 1916; A 419509. 

That son-in-law of pa’s. 

Gosh blink it 

there’s th’ son-in-law. sane. 
iGo ec and a. Meb. 5, 1916s A 

Look’s like th’ coast is clear. © 
fant oe tOlG: 2c. sand alt.--fan. 17, 
1916: A 417836. 

Well, while I’m still without a cent. 
© Dee. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 8, 
1916; A 419506. 

Yes, pa, that is a photograph of 
Lady Tubbley. © Jan. 29, 1916; 2 ¢. 
and aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 426020. 

Niss (C.) & sons. Niss profit sharing 
bond. Sheet, printed on both sides, 
143 by 9 inches fold. to Svo. [23826 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 426045; Clarence C. Niss, 

NotteMeErrr (W. A.) co., ine.*, New 
York. Private code. cover-title, 30 
p. 24mo. P32 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
14,1916; A 417756. 

Norman (W. W.)* Toledo, O. What 

to read on business. Toledo, O., 
Norman & Remington co. [1915] 
47 p. illus. 24mo. [2328 

© Dec. 30, 1915: 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
ol, 1915; A 417755. 

Norti AMERICAN accident insurance 
co. [2329, 2330 
Instructions to N. A. A. I. C. protective 

department agents. cover-title, [8S] p. 
avo. © Web. 5, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aft. 
Feb. 9, 1916; A 425292. 

N. A. A. I. C. has arrived. cover-title, 
ee Lei. © Jan. 5, 1916; 2 «. 
gan. 10, 1916; aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 

© W. G. Critchlow, Covington, 

NorkTHAMPTON, Mass. Northampton 
and Easthampton directory, 1916. 

[v. 84] Northampton, The Price & 
Lee co., 1916. 569, [S] p. front. 
(map) Svo. $3.50. [2331 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 420690; Price & Lee co., 
New Haven. 

O’Brien (Edward J.) Carrying on 
the torch of Hawthorne, Poe and 
Bret Harte in short story. (Jn Bos- 
ton evening transcript. [2332 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 11, 1916; 
A 421635; Boston transcript co., 

O'Connor (Thomas Power) 
Allies’ position indicated by the news 
on) thes weeks ©) Jan. 2. LOG foie: 
Jan. 5, 1916; A 421593. 

Asquith reaps new laurels by success as 
war time premier. © Jan. 30, 1916; 
ivewWeb. 2s LOEG AM 22a 

Balance swings slowly to allies. © Jan. 
OU RNG) Sa eres: 9 dine) Palko GSMO Be ost 

Gallipoii retreat made a profound stir 
in iingland.. © Dec 26, >19t5e se. 
Dec. 31, 1915; A 421594. 

Joint committee of two parliaments to 
discuss “wate. ©. Jans 9, LOG) Ale: 
Jan. 12, 19165 A 421636. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Wilming- 
ton Delmarvia star] 
© Central news of America, New 


Oit Ciry oil & grease co.*, Oil City, 
Penn. Germania lubro compound. 
cover-title, 5 p. folder. 24mo. Bul- 
letin no. 810. [2338 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A 425283. 

OLEAN, N. Y. R. L. Polk & @o,’s Olean, 
N. Y., directory, 1916. v. 1. Pitts- 
burch: Pa.” Pook &"€o:./ 1015: 
479 p. Svo. $6.00. [2339 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 

LOE TOG a Ge Mens Leela aA 

418469; R. L. Polk & co., Pittsburgh. 

OLIPHANT (T. HE.) What well-dressed 
women are wearing. (In New York 
Evening mail) [2340-2347 
Jang. GG 1916." © gam 6 29te- te, Jan. 

8, 1916; A 421573. 

ca 21, 196: © Jans Thy 19165 4 oe, 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421691. 

van. 205.1916... © Jan. 20, 1916; 1 «a 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 421906. 

Jan,v26;' 4916. .© Jan. 26, 1916; 1 «. 
Jan. 28, 1916; A 422040. 

Heb. 2, 1916. © Feb. 2, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 422208. 

Feb. 3, 1916. © Web. 3, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
do, 1916; A 422248. 

Feb. 4, 1916. © Feb. 4, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 422268. 

Feb. 5, 1916. © Feb. 5, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
(ooo: A A222 1. 
© Evening mail syndicate, ine, 

New York. 

O’Nettt (Felix J.)* Stafford Springs, 
Conn. Buttress and the ivy. (In 
Catholic transcript) [2348 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 9, 1916; 
A 422358. 




[Ontons (Berta Ruck)] Girls at his 
billet, by Berta Ruck. [2 instal- 
ments] (/” London Illustrated Sun- 
day herald) [2349, 2359 
Jan 9: 26,1916. >: @el_¢ each Reb. 7, 

1916; A ad int: 2562; pubd. Jan. 9, 
af, 2016: 

Janz 23, 30, 1916; © 4 ceach Heb, 21, 
1916; A ad int. 2577; pubd. Jan. 23, 
30, 1916. 

© Mrs. George Oliver, London. 

eration, electremobile industrial 
truck. cover-title, 14 [1] p. illus. 
SVO. > {2351 
(C). eer. 27,  I9iIbs 2G, er. 10, 
1915; aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 417998; 

Electromobile ¢o., St. Louis. 

OxtTon (Beulah Sylvester) First naval 
battle of the revolution at Machias. 
(77, Lewiston journal) DATS Ue 

). Ags? 28S Ay A es Sein as 

1915; A 403565; Lewiston journal 
eo., Lewiston, Me. 
QQXYGENERATOR ¢Oo.*, Chicago. Evolu- 
_ tion of the oxygenerator. [6] p. 
folder, diagrs. 16mo. [2552 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 419944. 

PARISIENNE art service*, 
| Bulletin | no: PooS38. Fan: 5, 1916. 
numb. 1. 142-149. illus. fol. [2353 

©) Jan; 551916+'2 €..and a oJan. 
14, 1916; A 417745. 

PARKER (J. V.)* Chicago. Analytic 
system for the measurement of rela- 
tive fire hazard of traction car 
houses and (or) yards and rolling 

New York. 

stock, Dec., 1912, rev. June, 1915. 
8 p. 8vo. [2354 

© Jan. 1%, 1916; 2 c-andeatt. Jan. 
1 ISG: A: 417814, 

PARKER (Mary Moody)* Wilmington, 

Del. Series of lessons in the Gespel 
of John for Bible study classes. 
cover-title, 47 p. Svo. $0.15. [2355 
© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

SP OnG oe 425160. 
l’arsons (Louella O.) [2356-2359 

Brains before beauty is movie demand. 
@ Heb. 6,7 1916 > “1 6. Web; 7; 1916: 
A 422315. 

liow to become a 
1916. - ©); Jan. S, 
1916; A 421763. 

Modern AladGin enters filmland. © 

dan 30, T3916); 4) c. Jian: ST, 1916: 

Jan. 9, 
Aer et ae 

movie star. 
OU Gs 

‘Movies demand courageous actors. @© 

A 421810. 

| Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

916°" 44 c Jan. 10, 1916; 


pt. I, BS. wos 

PARTIAL payment bond corp. Nothing 

to sell but assistance. 12 p. 16mo. 


© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A 425286; J. Alexander Van 
Rensselaer, New York. 

PATENTEES’ mfg. co.*, New York. Fow- 
ler weighing & vending machine. 
Sheet, illus., 1S by 18 inches. [2361 

© Dee: 22, 1915> 1c) eee eee 
1915; 1 ¢«. Jan. 22, 19163 a5 eee 
21, 1916; A 419846. 

PEKAR (Gyula de) What Austria 
really thinks of America, not a na- 
tion at ali! Leader in country at 
odds with us views us as a house di- 
vided. Sheet, 144 by 133 inches. 


© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A 425310; Newspaper enter- 
prise assn., Cleveland. 

PENGELLY (J. Bradford)* Flint, Mich. 
New Christmas legend. (Jn Flint 
daily journal) [2363 

© Dec. 27, 1915; 1 ce. Feb. 5, 1916; 
A 422298. 

Perrect Catholic calendar, 1916. Card, 
3 by 54 inches. $0.25. [23864 
©. Jan. 11,_1916: 2 cia 
7, 1916; A 425242; Charles Louis 
Weathers, Covington, Ky. 
ERKINS adjustment co.*, St. Louis. 
Instructions and forms for collec- 
tion. 2 sheets, printed-on both sides, 
104 by 16 inches. [2565 
© Jan. 11, 1916: 2.6 Jawa 
1916; aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 425147. 

Prters (Merian Shaw) Peters 
Brambaugh method readers. 
3. By Merian Shaw Peters and 
Martin Grove Brumbaugh, illus. by 
Emma Troth. Philadelphia, Chris- 
topher Sower company [1916] 271 
p. illus. (part col.) 12mo.- [2866 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2.c. and aff. Feb. 
3, 1916; A 418669; Christopher 
Sower co., Philadelphia. 


PETROLEUM idea. vy. 17, no. 1, a 
1916. 23 p. ports. 24mo. [2367 
© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
Be NARS A 425175 ; Angier chemical 
co., Boston. 

Puitiirs (Libbie Sprague) 
[2368, 2869 

His affinity. chap. 14, 15. © Jan. 25, 
1916; 1 c. Jan. 28, 1916; A 422081. 



no. 2, 1916 

Puiiires (Libbie Sprague)—Contd. 

Mystery of Castle Lennox. chap. 1-6. 
ie) ite 5. 1916); 1. c.. Jan,, 28, 1916; 
A 422029. 

[Note: The foregoing are in [llus- 
trated companion] 

©F. B. Warner co., New York. 

Pierce (R. ff.) JTllumination. Lesson 
no. 3. Units of light and illumina- 
tion. New York, N. Y., National 
commercial gas association [1916] 
69 p. S8vo. (Practical gas educa- 
tional courses) [2370 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 ce. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425330; Natl. commercial 
gas assn., New York. 

PietzucH (Joseph)* Cincinnati. Piet- 
zuch’s pigeon-toed shoes. [4] p. 
illus. 24mo. p2cet 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 419954. 

Piotrowski (N. L.) is Tea cote 
All in Ireland back Poland. © Jan. 31, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 2, 1916; A 422133. 
Pope’s sympathy with Poland. © Jan. 
Soto 4.) cs dans 31, “1916: A 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

PIPENHAGEN (Charles A.)*, Chicago. 
Aunt Hannah’s handy jelly bag or 
strainer. Chicago, Pines manufac- 
turing co. [1916] Envelope, illus., 
9 by 10 inches. [2374 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 425274. 

Pratr (Louis J.) Industrial fuel. 
Lesson no. 3. Transfer of heat and 
high temperature measurement. 
New York, N. Y., National commer- 

cial gas association [1916] p. 69- 
eos. oie. Svo. . (Practical 
gas educational courses) [2375 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425331; Natl. commercial 
gas assn., New York. 

Pocket directory of shoe manufac- 
turers for 1916. Boston, Mass., Shoe 
& leather reporter co., 1916. 1p. 1, 
7-274 p. fold. map. 24mo. $2.00. 


© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 20, 

1916; aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 420429; 

Shoe and leather reporter co., Bos- 

PoLttock (James Arthur)* Toledo, O. 

Topics for American history and 
civics 1789-1916. cover-title, 64 p. 
Svo. $0.40. [2377 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 5, 1916; 
aff. eb. 7, 1916; A 425245. 


Pore bros. and Cheppu co., ltd.*, New 
York... Lurn.o. the, tide. tt" -p: 
24mo. [2378 

© Feb. 4, 1916; :2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 426003. 

POST-DISPATCH, St. Louis. Post-dis- 
patch house, home and real estate 
enides, OC 25,: 19152. (lt. St.. Louis 
Post-dispatch ) [2379 

(EOC 25; 1915 7 4c. Jan. T, 1916; 
A 421532; Pulitzer publishing co., 
St. Louis. 

POST-GRADUATE School of modern den- 
tistry. Cavity preparation. gold 
filling. Lesson 5. Philadelphia, Pa. 
Stratford-Cookson co. [1915] cover- 
Piles SO 4d STO. ee Onl oe [2380 

©) Avie. 10-4 191s? en San 15: 
19IG 2 -att.. Webs 04716" A 425152 8 
Stratford-Cookson co., Philadelphia. 

Price (Lucy Jeanne) Bird girl’s aim. 
(Jn Cleveland Sunday leader) 


© Jan. 30, 1916; 1 ce. Feb. 7, 1916; 

A 422283; Cleveland co., Cleveland. 

PRUDENTIAL insurance co. of America®, 
Newark, N. J. Prudential day, the 
national pay day. (Jn Colliey’s) 

C) ckam 45. AGG -s teh danay ta: 
1916; A 421697. 

PuncH. v. 150. [Each illus., 4to. 3 d.] 


NOPOSSis Jane: LOG. .Orlwesdeelbs. 2. 
sate A ad int. 2558; pubd. Jan. 5, 

no, 3688; Jan. 12;,1916. | ©) Lc Feb. 9, 
1916; A ad int. 2565; pubd. Jan. 12, 

no. 3889, Jan. 19, 1916. © 1c. Feb. 16, 
LOTGs A ad int. 25738; pubd. Jan. 19; 

no. 3890, Jan. 26, 1916. ©1c. Feb. 23, 
he A ad int. 2578; pubd. Jan. 26, 

© Bradbury, Agnew & co., Itd., 

Purse (R. P.)* Chattanooga. Confi- 
dence and credit. cover-title, [6] p. 
16mo. [2387 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 ec and aff, Feb. 
7, 1916; A 425241. 

RAMSEY (EH. E.) [2388, 2389 

Indiana supplement [to] Tarr and Mc- 
Murry’s new complete geography. 
New York, The Macmillan company, 
1916. cover-title, 32  p. front. 
(map) illus. S8vo. $0.30. @ Feb. 
2, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. eb. 3, 1916; 
A 418678. 




pt. 1, 1. 6., VAS 

Ramsey (H. H.)-—Continued. 

Indiana supplement [to] Tarr and Mc- 
Murry’s new introductory geography. 
New York, The Macmilian company, 
1916. cover-title, 8 p. front. map) 
illus. S8vo. $0.20. © Feb. 2, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 1916; A 418674. 

© Maemillan co., New York. 

Raymonp (C. E.) Bigger, better busi- 
ness. (J2 Chicago heraid) 
aoe engineers. © Jan. 10, 1916; 
. Jan. cE 1916; A 421772. 
aa in America. © Jan. 8, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Jan. 10, 1916; A 421567. 
Preparedness for peace. © Jan. 4, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 5, 1916; A 420471 
Preparedness for peace. Cost. of capital 
acter the war. ©@©:) Jan. "6, S916. Of oc. 
an. (ey UOC = eAct4s ZUG: 
Sales departments. © Jan. 7, 1916; 1c. 
Jan. 8, 1916; A 421563. 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

REAL estate board of New York*, New 

York. Diary and manual of the real 
estate board of New York, 1916. 

[New York, Printed by John Ward 
& son, 1915] Various paging. 12mo. 
$1.00. [2395 

© Dee. a 1915; 2 ec. Dec. 23, 1915; 
atk dan: 7, 1916: ie 420281. 

Resident and 
Redondo Beach 

REDONDO Beach, Cal. 
business directory, 
and Hermosa-Manhattan Beaches, 
Los Angeles County, Cal., 1915-16. 
Redondo Beach, C. H. Turner [1916] 
97 p. Svo. $1.50. [2396 

© Jan, 1,1916; 2 ¢. Jan. S, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 25, 1916; A 420573; Charles 
H. Turner, Redondo Beach, Cal. 

REED (Charles H.)* New York. 

Game of Wall street. cover-title, [16] p 
SVvOsn »o-00secO©) Heb. (2 tO1GE 2: erand 

aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425294. 
How to keep a one and 2 pone chart. 
Sheet, S83 by 9 inches. © Feb. 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A “195096" 
Lifetime opportunity you have wished 
for to master the secrets of Wall street 

speculation. cover-title, 6 p. folder. 
8vo @meb: 2. POG 52) ucavand! ait. 
Feb. 9, 1916; A 425295. 

ReEentieER (Marie-Louise-Antoinette de 
Hérédia)* Paris. Jeunne fille; par 
Gérard d’Houville [pseud.] 1°°-[5°] 
ptie. [5 instalments] (Jn Revue 
des deux mondes, 15 sept.—ld nov., 
1915) [2409 

© Sept. 15-Nov. 15, 1915; 1 «. 
each Dec. 28, 1915; A—Foreign 

REVIEW of reviews co.*, New York. 
Bill’s choice, a typical high school 
boy’s experience. cover-title, 28 p. 
24mo. [2401 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 e. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 426056. 

ReEvVvuE de Paris. 23e année. [Hach 
Svo. fr. 2.50] [2402, 2403 

no. 2, 15. jano., 1916.'© Jan. 15,4516. 
1c. Feb. 1, 1916; A—Toreign 13445. 
no. 8, 1°" fevrier, 1916. © Feb. 1, 1916; 
1c. Feb. 18, 1916; A—Foreign 13446. 
© Administration de la Revue de 
Paris, “Paris. 

REYNOLDS (Mrs. Baillie)* London. 
Kingdom and the wall. 1. The 
cipher of the seven thrones. (in 
Story-teller magazine, Feb., 1916.) 

© 1c Feb. 8,-1916)°A aa ant 

2563; pubd. Jan. 10, 1916. 

Rice (William E.) Beginners by ex- 
ercising care can succeed in squab 
business. (In Philadelphia in- 
quirer) [2405 

© Dec. 19, 1915; 1 ec. Jan. 7, 1916; 
A, 421523; 
Philadelphia. é 

RiTeENougR (John S.)* Pittsburgh. 
Master minds of type and press no. 
1 (Jn Inland printer, Jan., 1915) 

© Dee. 13, 1915: 2 eee 
1916; A 422025, 

RitteR (Elma Streeper)* Philadel- 
phia. Swedish or oriental weaving 
designs with full directions. (Jn 
Philadelphia press) [2407 

© Jan. 2, 19165:43 e;dan, GtSiee 
A 421509. 

RoBpBIns (Joseph C.) Missionary 
message of the Bible, prepared 
under the direction of the commit- 
tee on voluntary study, council of 
North American student movements. 
New York city, Association press 
[1916] 22 p. 16mo. $0.10. [2408 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417989; International 
committee of Y. M. C. A., New York. 

Roserts (A. Stanley)* Philadelphia. 
Chauffeur’s message. Sheet, 74 by 4 
inches. [2409 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan, 
26, 1916; A 419847. 

Roperts (Charles G. D.)* % Hughes 
Massie, London. Brothers of the 
yoke. (Jn Windsor magazine, Feb., 
1916) [2410 

© 1c. Feb. 26, 1916; A ad int. 
2583; pubd. Jan. 28, 1916. 


Eugene McGuckin ©@o., | 

no. 2, 1916 



—— (Georgia)* Rupert, Vt. Songs 
for special day programs. cover- 
title, 31 p. 12mo. [2411 
_ © Dec. 17, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28.1916; A 419881. 


_ Reosertson (John Dill) Pulmonary 
peril in your pets. (Jn Chicago her- 
ald) [2412 

© Jan. 9, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
A 4271765; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Roeinson (J. Albert) Nitration pred- 
ucts oi cotton and benzol and prep- 
aration of raw materials. 48 p. 8vo. 
(Underwriters’ bureau of New Eng- 
land. report no. 158) [2413 

aan ss, 1916: 2 c..Jan. 13, 
1916; aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417997; 
Underwriters’ bureau of New Eng- 
land, Boston. 

Rosrnson (Joseph S.)* Cambridge, 
Mass. Painters’ guide and hand- 
book; how to paint, how to mix 
paint, when to paint. [16] p. 24mo. 
$0.25. [2414 

© Nov. 27, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 417725 

RODERMUND (Mathew Jos.)* Madison, 
Wis. Relation of man to his en- 
vironment; or, The discovery of two 
great missing links in human physi- 
ology. (Jn Journal of the American 
association of progressive medicine, 
Dec., 1915) [2415 

pees 2, 1915: 1.4 Jan. 11, 
1916; A 421591. 

RoupestsH (Eli Hayden)* Topeka, 
Kan. Round base writing system: 
Bk. 1-3: for third to eighth grades. 
3v. obl. 48mo. $0.15. [2416 

ROYAL WORCESTER corset co.*, 

Rven (Henry C.) ed. 

Rus-Lee illustrative service’, 

W orces- 

ter. Illustrated price list, spring 

and summer, issued Jan. 1, 1916. 29 

p. illus. 4to. [2420 
Sa Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
ySOIG 5. A: 436029, 

United States 

Statute citer-digest supplement.  v. 
2, no. 5, January. 1916. Comp. and 

ed. by Henry C. Ruen. Detroit, The 

Citer-digest company [1916] 21S p. 
Svo. $5.00 per year. 2421 
© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 

10, 1916 

; A 418786; Citer-digest co., 

Before you order a new drawing. 
cover-title, 29 1. illus. 4to. [Text 
parallel to binding] [2422 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 419516. 

Russert (Charles Edward) 


Labor’s Australian army sneered at but 
made good in world war—Russell. 
Sheet, illns., port., 11 by 114 inches. 
© Jan. 29, 1916: 2 ec and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425325. 

No military frills in Switzerland, all 
officers must come from ranks. Sheet, 
illus., port.. 16% by 112 inches. © Jan. 
24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1916; 
A 425324. 

Swiss citizens give themselves to their 
republic; their republic makes big re- 
turn to every one of them. Sheet, 
illus., 14 by 11 inches. © Jan. 26, 
1916: 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 

Swiss system would give us army of 
10,009,000 for what our 85,000 sol- 
diers cost us now. Sheet, illus., 15 
by 12 inches. @ Jan. 21, 1916; 2 ¢. 
and aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425322. 

Will Swiss system make us more “ae 

a. taristic than our hired army? Shee 
© Jan. it, 1916; 2 c. an and illus., port., 16 by 11 inches. © Ja 
aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 417825. 19, 1916: 2 c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1916: 

A 425320. 
Rousseau (Charles)* Paris. Dans la © Newspaper enterprise assn., 
poudre. (Jn Nouvelliste de Bretagne, Cleveland. 
Maine et Normandie) [2417, 2418 
nos. 1-12. [12 instalments] © Oct. 17- RusseLtt (Lillian)* Chicago. 
29, 1915; 1 c. each Dec. 4, 1915; A— [2428-2455 
Foreien 13355. Beauty talks by Lillian Russell. Be 
nos. 13-27 bis. [16 instalments] © natural to be graceful. © Feb. 11, 
Oct. 50—Nov. 15, 1915; 1 c. each Feb. 1916; 1c. Feb. 12, 191G; A 422403. 

7, 1916; A—Foreign 13399. 

ROYAL pus. co.*, South Norwalk, Conn. 
American joke book: Ford jokes, 
moving picture jokes, jitney, war, 
and vaudeville jokes. [31] p. illus. 
16mo. $0.10. [2419 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 21, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 425155. 


Loud talking. © Jan. 28, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 29, 1916; A 422062. 
Self-pity a loadstone. © Jan 
1916; 1 c. Jan. 17, 1916; A 421778. 
Unfashionable sweat. © Feb. 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 8, 1916; A 422327. 
Water cure. © Jan. 7, 1916; 1 c. 
Jan. 8, 1916; A 421565. 
Foot as a social debutante. © Feb 6, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 7, 1916; A 422326. - 



2456 pt. 1, ns., V.4e 

RUSSELL - (Lillian) *—Continued. 

Lillian Russell’s beauty hints. Busy 
housewife. © Jan. 10, 1916; i e«. 
jan. 44) 19162 Ay 420. 

Cautionary signals. © Jan. 1T, 

1916: 1 c Jan. 18, 1916; A 491892" 

Exercise need of ail. © Jan. 8, 
1916; 1 «. Jan. 10, 1916; A 421566. 
Fry, mush., © Web. 10, 1916. 4 ic: 
Feb. 11, 1916; A 422385. 
Ghosts. © ae 6. 41916 2*2 e:-Jgan: 
7, 1916; A 42152 

Jewel in the ga © tdaneeai, 
19162 4\e. Jan. 22; .1996:-A.. 421900. 

sust) lauch pat. date; v@: Jan. 627, 
1916; 1c. Jan. 28, 1916; A A2203T. 

Keep your mouth clean. © Jan. 
22. 1916; tT Meh Fan) 245 aa 9i6'< «A 

Let nature paint your cheeks. © 
Hel. e2) TONG hve: Ney. 42 1otGe AX: 

Mirror of the being. © Jan. 11, 
Sm.4 Calan, U2: 1916: A 421626. 

—— Nature’s prescription. © Jan. 18, 
1916; 1 ec. Jan. 19, 1916; A 421823. 
Pearls in your mouth. © Feb. 
8, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 9, 1916; A 422325. 
Somebody cares. © Jan. 13, 1916; 

te. Jan. 14. 1996: A A216 TS: 

Superlatives. Feb. 12, 1916; 

1 ec. Feb. 14, 1916; A 4224238. 

Unlocked windows. Feb. 8, 1916; 

te. Feb. 4, 1916 :-A’ 422202: 

Use a elub.: ©: Jan..31, 4916; 1 «c. 

Feb. 2, 1916; A 422137. 

Voices from dead days. © Feb. 4 

1916; 1 c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422244. 

Water firsts- @vfebss: 19165.4-e¢: 

Feb. 7, 1916; A 422263. 

When now becomes was. © Feb. 1, 

1916; 1c. Feb. 2, 1916; A 422142. 

You shape bees own face. © Jan. 
4 ASIG 46. Jan. 5b 1916: A 421472. 

What’sina back? © Jan. 16, 1916; 1¢ 
gan. 47, 1986-7 A 42918248. 

Would you have the bloom of a fresh 
gathered peach? © Jan. 30, 1916; 1 
date ais S996 >. A. 422156. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 


SACRAMENTO, Cal. Sacramento direc- 

tory co.’s Sacramento city directory, 
1916. v. 26. Sacramento, Cal., Sac- 
ramento directory co., 1916. 646 p 
Svo. $7.50. [2456 

ie) Jan. 420, 1916: 2oe.. Janis, 
1916; aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 420392; 
Sacramento directory co., Sacra- 
mento, Cal. 

SADLER (William 8.) 12,000 deaths a 

years from grip—the cause and cure. 
(In Chicago herald) [2457 

© dan gl6., t9te-o 4: 2c. dan... 17, 
1916; A 421812; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

SAFETY press, inec., New York. Fires 

in institutional buildings. (17 
Safety engineering, Jan., 1916) 
S50. 24, Al A olen SOM ZO. 
1916; A 422071. 


ST. PETERsSBuRG, Fla. R. L. Polk & 

co.’s St. Petersburg, Clearwater, 
Tarpon Springs [ete.] city directory, 
1916. v.38. Jacksonville, Fla., R. L. 
Polk & eco. [1916] 352 >. [are 
$6.00. [2459 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 420636; R. L. Polk & co., 
Birmingham, Ala. 

SALES method co.*, New York. 


Ad helps for banks. cover-title, 104 1. 
illus. Svo. (Editorial series, vol. A) 
© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
aif. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425163. 

Ad helps Fined furniture dealers. v. A. 
104 1. illy 8vo. © Dec. 20, 1916; 
2c. and a af, Feb. 4, 1916; A 425176. 

Ad helps fer grocers. cover-title, 52 1. 
illus. emer (Good provider series, 
vol. A) ©-Dec. 20,1915; 2 2, he = 
1916; aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425162. 

Ad helps for hardware dealers. cover- 
title, 54 1. ilius. Svo. (Old philoso- 
pher series, vel. A.) © Dec. 20, 1915; 
2c. Feb. 4,-191635-at; Webs 3254996- 
A 425164. 

Ad heips for monument makers. cover- 
title, 53 1. illus. 8vo. (Historical 
series, vol. A) @© Dec.. 20, 191572 4 
Feb. 4, 1916; aff. Web. 2 1916; A 

SALipA, Col. R. L. Polk directory co.’s 

Salida city and ene County di- 
rectory, 1916-1917. 6. Colorado 
Springs, Col., R. LE. Polk directory 
co., 1916. 170 p. Svo. $5.00. 7 [2% 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 e@ and aff. 
Feb. 7, 1916; A 420677; BR. i. Polk 
directory co. of Colorado, Colorado 
Springs, Colo. 

SANBORN (N. W.) Making the most 

of a pouliry farm. pt" 42539 
American poultry advocate, Feb., 
1916) [2466 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 10, 1916; 
A 422354; Clarence C. De Puy, Syr- 
acuse, N.Y. 

SANGAMON County, Ill. Moore & Win- 

ter’s county farm directory, Sanga- 
mon County, Ill., 1915-1916. - Jack- 
sonville, Tl., Moore & Winter, 1916. 
335 p. fold. map. Svo. $5.00. [2467 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 418478; Moore & Win- 
ter, Jacksonville, Il. 

Sargcent (Sumner B.) Design and 

construction of textile machinery 
cams. (Jn American machinist) 
© Jan. 6, 1916; 1 ce. Jan. 7, 1916; 
A 421513; Hill publishing co., New 






no. 2, 1916 

(Frederick) Injunctions and 
other equitable remedies. Chicago, 
La Salle extension university [1916] 
27 p. Svo. (American law and pro- 
eedure, lecture 30) [2469 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417993; La Salle exten- 
sion univ., Chicago. 

Savines, loan & trust co. Condensed 
railway time card. [4] p. 24mo. 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
17. 1916: A 417801; George R. An- 
gell, Madison, Wis. 

SAYLES (Harold F.)* Chicago. Vérité 
en un mot. Chicago, Ull., The Evan- 

gelical publishing co., 1916. 14 p. 
24mo. $1.00 per 100. [2471 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

10, 1916; A 426096. 

ScaLres (George S.)* 

Owed to the cow. (Jn Plairwell 

Enterprise) | [2472 

Poedan 20 191G: 1 °c. Jan. 22, 
1916; A 421894, 

Scenagro bulletin. 

Plainwell, Mich. 

How to write and 

sell scenarios. PGT opis SkS. smo. 
$0.10. [2473 
© Nov. 15, 1915: 2.c. and aff. 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 417802; W. A. Hill, 
Los Angeles. 
[Scwack artificial flower co., inc.] 

[2474, 2475 
Schack’s book of suggestions for the 

display man. Beer lee 24 p._ illus. 
fol, © Jan. zh 1916: 2 c. and aff. 
Jan, oi, 1916; A 419930. 

Schack’s spring flower book, 1916 
cover-title, 16 p. illus. fol. © Jan 
26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 31,. 1916 
A 419929. 
© Joseph Schack, Chicago. 

SCHOENFELD (Fanny Elizabeth)* New 

York. Master reporting service; ac- 

mcacmuntet, ip p. illus., port. 

24mo. [2476 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419927. 

Scnuuster (Edward J.)* St. Louis. 
Schuster’s yellow pine lumber rate 
book, Jan., 1916. Western = ed. 
cover-title, 200 p. 12mo. $1.00. 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A 425291. 

Scuwinp (Adolph)* Chatham, N. Y. 
Poultry bubble. 14 p. 24mo. $0.25. 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

5, 1916; A 426028. 



Scott stamp & coin co.*, New York. 
Seott’s standard eatalogue of local 
stamps of the United States, China 
and Philippine Islands. cover-title, 
30 illus. 1G6mo. $0.10. [2479 

oo 7P. 
© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

14, 1916; A 417731. 

SEARS, Roebuck & co.*, Chicago. Bar- 
gain counter. Bulletin no. 165-167. 
SrW. nls... 4t0: [2480-2482 

© Dee, 31, 1915-;*Jan. 7,.18, 1916: 
2-e. eneh ard aff, Keb. 2, 1916: A 

SEcorp (W. L.) Salesmanship. Les- 

son no. 8. Water heating, circu- 

lating type. New York, N. Y., Na- 
tional commercial gas association 

[1916] + p.-37—55. > illus., diag. Svo: 

(Practical gas educational courses) 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A 425327; Natl. commercial 

gas assn., New York. 

SEIPPEL (Clara P.) How jealousy, 
most despised of our emotions, can 
be made the highway to greatness. 
(In Chicago herald) [2484 

© dan 301916 er Fama se 
1916; A 422127; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

SHAFFR (Anna Louise) When that 
gape develops into a heavy yawn. 
(Jn Chicago herald) [2485 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 

A 422321; J. Keeley, Chicago. 
SHARPS and flats.) vy. 2, no: 3,’ Jan., 
1916. 15 p. illus. 8vo. 24S6 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 419886; Lyon & Healy, 

SHEPARD (Frank) co.*, New York. 
Shepard's California citations and ano- 
tations. v. 9, no. 1, January, 1916. 
[cumulative suppl.] 400 p. S8vo. 
$6.00 a year. © Feb. 14, 1916: 2 ¢. 

and aff. Feb. 17, 1916; A 418878. 
Shepard's citations of all Alabama 
cases. Supplemental ed. continuing 
Shepard’s Alabama citations, 1907 ed. 
3 p. 1, 329 p. 8vo. $10.00. © Feb. 
10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 17, 1916; 

A 418885. 

Shepard’s Colorado citations. v. 9, no. 
AA January, 1916. {Cumulative 
suppl..] 215 p. S8vo. $5.00 a year, 

Feb, 2, 1916: 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
Diy Os A. 418879. 
Shepard’s Minnesota citations. v 16, 
January, 1916. ‘oumntire 
suppl. | 114 p. 8vo. $4.00 a year, 
© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Feb, 

17, 1916; A 418880. 




SHEPARD (Frank) co.*—Continued. 

Shepard’s Northeastern reporter cita- 
fons: ov. “S}.nos 1° January, . 191: 
[Cumulative suppl. 7 Beton OF Svo. 

$6.00 a year. © Feb. 9, 1916; 2 ce. 
and afi. Feb. 17, 1916; A 418881. 

Shepard’s Pacific reporter citations. v. 
9, no. 1, January, 1916. [Cumulative 
suppl.] 358 p. 8vo. $6.00 a year. 
© Peb: 16, 1916; 2. ¢ and aii eb. 
17, i916; A 418884. 

Shepard’s Sauee reporter citations. 
v. 9, no. 4, January, 1916. [Cumu- 
lative suppl.] 214 p. S8vo. $5.00 
a year. © Heb: 5, 191632 ¢ ‘and 
aft Feb. 17, 1916; A 418882. 

Shepard’s Wisconsin citations. v. 9, no. 
ip January, 1916 [Cumulative 
suppl.] 160 p. Svo. $5.00 a year. 
© Keb. 7, 198632 c. and-afi. Meb: 47, 
1916; A 418888. 

SHER-A-coca co., of Pittsburgh*, Pitts- 
burgh. Shera-a-coca and Sher-a- 
ecca punch; their history, composi- 
tion and uses. [16] p. col., illus., 
port. 16mo. [2495 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

5, 1916; A 417576, 

SrmMonps (Frank H.) 
Along the Adriatic, 

eastern Calais. © Feb. 
Ireb. 8, 1916; A 4223806. 

If Belgium made peace—a new possi- 
Ditty. “Web. 1s, : T9te sae Web: 
15, 1916; A 422456. 

Russia’s offensive, new struggles on old 
battlefields. © Jan. 16, 1916; 1 e. 
Jan, 25," 1916)) A. 420¢ode 

Sea, power and its influence on the great 
war. Jan. 235, 1996: 2 c. Jan. 25, 
1916; A 421961. 

[Note: The foregoing are in New 
York tribune] 

© Tribune as 
SIMPLEX service co.* Ee York. Sim- 
plex success course. Twenty-eight 
lessons in money making. 20 v. in 
cover. Syo. $24.00. [2500 
© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

21, 1916; A 417923. 
SIMPSON (Robert)* New York. Legacy 


Austria’s drive to 
6S, L9tes te. 

, New York. 

of tears (in Munsey, February, 
1916) [2501 

(©). dan: 20, S916; 1 e.,,Jdan. 19; 
1916; A 421842. 

SINGER almanae, 1916. [ Elizabeth, 
N. J.] Singer sewing machine co., 
[1816] cover-title, 47 p. illus. 8vo. 


© Sept. 28, 1915; 2 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 417815; Singer sew- 
ing machine co., Elizabethport, N. J. 

SINGER sewing machine ¢o., inc.*, 
Elizabeth, N. J. Singer machine 
no. 98-2. [12] p. illus. 8vo. (Form 
9364, rev. Jan., 1916) [2503 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417816. 

ec. and aff. . 

pt.1,n.s., v.13 

SINGLETON (Lawrence G.)*  Pitts- 
burgh. Contribution to the study of 
faces. (Jn Dental cosmos, Jan., 
1916) [2504 

© Dec. 27, 1915; 1 ¢ Janes, 198e- 
A 321450. 

SLAWSON (Loton H.) co.*, New York. 
Greatest monopoly. 2 p. L, [T]-41 p. 
illus. S8vo. [2505 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 
8, 1916; A 426061. 

2 ec. and aff. Feb. 

SMALLEY (George W.) [2506-2508 
Americans abroad. © Jan. 17, 1916; 
Le, Jan. 18, 19165) A Aoi? 
© Tribune assn., New York. 
Lord Burnham. @© Feb. 7, 1916; 1 «¢. 
Reb. 8, 19163 A” 4223505. 

Two Anglo-Americans. © Jan. 24, 1916; 
1 ¢«. Jan. 25,, 19165 A 429964: 

[Note: The foregoing are in New York 

© George W. Smalley, New York. 

Simple system of 
[4] p. Ato. 
© Dec. 15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417586; Farmers’ bureau, 
ine., New York. 

SMITH (Edgar L.) 
farm accounting. 

[SmMitrH (F. Eugene)] Most frequent 
diseases of mankind; their cause 
and treatment. New York, Ff. Har- 
vey. Roof’ co., 1915: 4 Tease 
illus., col. pl., diagrs. Svo. $0.50. 


© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 @ and aff. Jan. 

5, 1916; A 417585; I. Harvey Roof 
co., New York. 

SmitH (Harmer) Goodnight stories. 

(In New York evening mail) 


Jan. 6, 1916. © Jan..6;.1916:; feta. 
10, ae A 421575. 

Jan. 8, 1916. © Jan. 8, 191672 C. Jan. 
12, 1916; A 421607. 

Jan. 11, 1916... @ Jan. At) 3867 ee 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421690. 
I9EG 50 es 

"© Feb. 2, 
1916; 1 « 

Feb. '6, 1916; A 422250. 
Feb.. 4,. 1916. .@ Feb. 4, $916-123 ve 

Feb. ", 1916; A 422267. 
© Evening mail syndicate, 
New York. 


[SmitH (G. R.)] Meaning of twelve 
hens in a back yard. (Jn Philadel- 
phia inquirer) [2517 

© Jan. 30, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
A 422150; Eugene McGuckin co., 



no. 2, 1916 


Smitu (Leitie)* Paducah, Ky. Three- 
fold alphabetic guide of precious 
jewels. cover-title, [27] p. 16mo. 
$0.35. [2518 

© Dec. 19, 1915; 2 c. Dec. 6, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 13, 1916; A 419604. 

SmrootH-on mfg. co.*, Jersey City. 
Smooth-on iron cement no. 7. 3d ed. 
cover-title, GS p. 16mo. [2519 

wee. 20° 1915; 2c. Dee. 30, 
1915; aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417475. 

New York. 
Dilatory domiciles, social register. Bal- 
timore, Jan., 1916. 6 p. 16mo. © 
Jan. 19; 1916; 2%e; and aff.:Jan. 22, 
1916; A 418577. 

Boston, Jan., 1916. 16 p. 16mo. 
© Jan. 13, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 22, 
1916; A 418565. 

Buffalo, Jan., 1916. 8 p:. _.41Gmo. 
© Jan.. 19, 1916; 2 e. and aff. Jan. 22, 
1916; A 418578. 

—— Chicago, Jan., 1916. 10 p. 16mo. 
@© Jan. 13, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 22, 
1916; A 418554. 

Cincinnati & Dayton, Jan., 1916. 
Soe tome. © Jan. 19, 1916; 2-c. 
and aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 418570. 

Cleveland, Jan., 1916. 6p. i6mo. 
© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 22, 
1916; A 418569. 

Meecnnolis, jan) LOG: Hi he OF 
16mo. © Jan. 19, 1916; 2 e. and aff. 
gan, 22, 4916; A "418572. 

New Orleans, Jan., 1916. 7 p. 
16mo. © Jan. 19, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. 
warn. -22, 1916; A 418579. 

—— New York, dan. 1916. 38 p. 16mo. 
© Jan. 8, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 22, 
1916; A 418580. 

ae Pe Jane, AOAC. cay MF 
16m © Jan. 11 1916; 2c. and aff. 
Jan. 509, 1916; A 418581. 

Pittsburgh, Jan., 1916. 8p. 16mo. 
iO Jan: £5,. 1916 ; 2c, and aff. Jan. oD 
191G; A 418568. 

Portiand, Jan., 
© Jan. 19, 1916; 
1916; A 418575. 

Providence, Jan., 1916. 5 p. 16mo. 
© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 418566. 

—— St. Louis, Jan., 1916. 12 p. 16mo. 
@© Jan. 15, 1916; : ’2 c. and aff. Jan. 22, 
1916; A 418567. 

—— St. Paul, Jan., 1916. 6 
© Jan. 19, 1916; 2c. anda 
1916; A 418571. 

San Francisco, Jan., 
16mo. © Jan. 19, 1916; 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 418573. 

Seattle, Jan., 1916. 3 
© Jan. 19, 1916; 2c. anda 
1916; A 418574. 

Southern California, Jan., 1916. 
5 p. 16mo. © Jan. 19, L916 5) 2 ce. 
and aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 418576. 

Southern cities, Jan., 1916. 7 p. 
16mo. © Jan. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 418563. 

SocraL register assn.*, 

1916... 5, p.. 16mo. 
2c. and aff. Jan. 22, 

. 16mo. 
oan, a, 

TOLU. «co Dp. 
2c. and aff. 

. 16mo. 
+ 0D. D2. 

SocraL register assn.*—Continued. 

Washington, Jan., 1916. 10 p. 
16mon:: © jan.) £33 19163" 2 ‘e.candcag#e. 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 418583. 

Social register locater, 1916. vv. 8. 
14S p. 16mo. $2.50: © Jan. 15; 
L9G #2 estand vate. Jan. 22, 1916s) A. 

SonoRA phonograph corp.*, New York. 
Sonora, the instrument of quality. 

[New York, Printed by American 
lithographic co., 1915] cover-title, 
23° p,  itus. f2mo; [2541 

(Cy) Ded. 15. sole: Dee. dane ee: 
1916; aff. Jan. 18, 1916; A 420485. 

SOUTHWESTERN telegraph & telephone 
co.*, Dallas. Dallas, Tex., telephone 
directory, winter, 1915-1916. [4], 
154, 40 p. 4to. [2542 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 419589. 

SPALDING (Samuel J.)* Canton, O. 
Historical souvenir of world’s 
largest flag, Canton city owned. 
eover-title, [20] p. illus. (part 
col.) S8vo. [2543 

© Jan. 11, 1916; 2.c. and aff. Jan: 
18, 1916; A 419591. 

SPALDING’S Official base ball record, 
1916. 9th year. Ed. by John B. 
Foster, comp. by Charles D. White. 
New York, American sports publish- 
ing company, 1916. 466 p._illus., 
ports., diagrs. 16mo. (Spalding 
red cover series of athletic hand- 
books, no. 59R) $0.25. [2544 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
26, 1916; A 420536; Amer. sports 
pub. co., New York. 

SPENCER (H. A.)* Kansas City, Mo. 
H. A. Spencer ownership service. 
Tot oe ee NINDS, Giners: FOr 
$35.00. [2545 

© Nov. 23, 1915; 2 «@ each Nov. 
26, 1915; A 420499. 

General catalogue of canning 

SPRAGUE canning machinery co.*, 

machinery and canners’ supplies. 
473 p. illus. S8vo. [2546 
© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 5, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A “4206: 54. 
SqurrEsS (C. E.) co.*, Cleveland. 

Squires steam traps, reducing valves, 
pump governors, boiler feed water 
controllers gas regulating valves for 
steam boilers. 45 p. illus. 4to. 
© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 425277. 




STAcPOOoLE (H. de Vere)* Stebbing, 
Chelmsford, Essex, England. Luck 
of Captain Slocum: A question of 
conscience. (Jn Premier magazine, 
Feb., 1916) [2548 

©’ 1 ic: Jam... 20: (99165 eA ade ink. 
2556; pubd. Feb. 1, 1916. 

STANDARD fashion book, v. 8, no. 4, 

spring, 1916. 64 p. illus. fol. $0.20. 


© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 

13, 1916; A 419586 ; Standard fash- 
ion ¢o., New York. 

Visi 4 anon. 


Standard bond descriptions. 

cover-title: sop. ie Sil 

$60.00. © Feb. 7, 

Feb. 8, 1916; A 418731 i 
Standard corporation records. v.4, no. 3, 

cover-title, various paging. 4to. $60. 00. 

© Feb. 7, 1918: 
1916; A 418730. 

Standard corporation service, daily re- 
vised. v. 5. Nov. 1 to Dec. 31, 1915. 

2c. and aff. Feb. 8, 

40 p., 2 1., p. 1207-1508. 4to. © Jan. 
8, 1916: 2c. and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; 
A 426291. 

Standard financial digest service. v. A 3, 

no. A 8. cover-title, various paging. 
4to. © Feb. 7%, 1916 ; 27°C) (and? aie. 
Feb. 8, 1916; A 41873 

STARK (William P.) 
Neosha, Mo. [2554, 2555 
Get these books free. © Jan. 29, 1916 ; 

1 e. Jan. 29, 1916; A 422080. 

ee art 1916 books by Wm. P. Stark, 
© Fan.6,' 19t6: 2 e) Jan: g, 

nurseries co.*, 

1916: A 421640. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Country 
gentleman ] 

STEBER (Frederick William)*, Dallas, 
Tex. Level section transparent 
scales for plate A profiles. 8 p., 19 
eelluloid scales. obl. S8vo. $2.50. 


© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425280. 

STEINER (Rudolf) Spiritual guidance 
of man and of mankind. [Bethle- 
hem, Pa., Printed by Times publish- 

ing company, 1915] 100 p. 12mo. 
$0.50. [2557 
© Dee. 15, 1915; 2 ec. Nov. 29, 

1915; aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 419667; 
H. Collison, London. 

STEPHENS (Anna D.) It just did 
itself. (Jn Messenger of peace. 
Jan., 1916) [2558 

(dan tS. 1986-1 GC. sanyo? 
1916; A 421892; Peace assn. of 
Friends in America, Richmond, Ind. 

pt. , nisi was 

Srrering (Edward Ray)*, Canton, O. 
If smiles are human sunshine. (in 
Roller monthly. Nov., 1915) [2559 

© Nov. 1, 1915; 1 © Deere 
1915; A 421701. 

STEVENS-DAVIS co.*, Chicago. Think- 
ing in Small figures. no. 22. cover- 
title, 2 1. 4to. [Text parallel to 
binding] [2560 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 e and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 419950. 

STEWART (Anita) 
talks to girls. 

Anita Stewart’s 
no. 16. New Year 
resolutions. (in New York evening 
journal ) [2561 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 1 @ Jan. 5, 1916; 
A 421478; Internatl. news serv ice, 
New York. 

STEWART (W. H.) jr.*, New York. 
Motorists’ problems solved. Nov. 3- 
Dec. 8, 22, 29, 1915. “Cin New Wore 
globe and commercial advertiser. 

© Nov. 3, Dec. 29, 1915; 1 e. each 
gan. 19, 1916; A 421794421801. 

Stites (William A.) Bigger, better 
business. (Jn Chicago herald) 

[2570, “257% 

Doing business by rule of thumb. @© 

Jans 11, 29163 £ eh tans oe 
A 421624. 

Salesmanship and salesmen. © Jan. 13, 
il ; Le: Jan, 14, £9iee A 491676. 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

STIMSON (Earl)* Baltimore. System 
for standardizing maintenance of 
way work. (Jn Bulletin of the 
American railway engineering asso- 
ciation, Oct., 1915) [2572 

© Dec. 13, 1915; 1 « dan. 10; 
1916; A 421889. 

STOWE (Lyman H.)* Detroit. Vision 
on the battlefield. no. 1. cover-title, 
[28] p. illus., port. 12mo. [2573 

©).- Dec. 20, °1915.> 2c" See eee 
1915; aff. Jan. 5, 1916; A 417591. 

STOWERS (Roy Parker)*, Connell 
Wash. Stowers method of individ- 
ual ledger proof. Card, 1 bya 
inches. [2574 

© Dec. 17, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 419588. 

STRATFORD-CooKsoNn co.*, Philadelphia. 

Somnoform for analgesia and sur- 
gical anesthesia. 81 p. plates. Svo. 

©, Sept.’ 15, 1915: 2c." dans yaa. 
1916; aff. Feb. 1,.1916; A 425151. 


~ no. 2, 1916 

Symons (William L.) 

RAGLIABUE (C. J.) mfg. co.*, 


SULLIVAN machinery co.*, Chicago. 

Sullivan rotator hammer drills. 27 
p. illus., diagrs. 4to. (Bulletin 
- no. TOA, Jan., 1916) [2576 

Jan. 10, 1916; 2 ¢c and. aff. 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 417823. 

StverKrore (EH. A.) 
British 18-pounder 

(Jn American machinist) 
eee aan. G. 191G: 1c. Jan. 7, 1916; 
A 421512. 
Ze san. ts, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 14, 1916; 
A 421696. 

tater. 2916-1 c. Jan. .29, 1916; 
A 422075. 

4. © Feb. 10, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 11, 1916; 
A 422413. 

© Hill pub. co., New York. 

Switzer, Stackhouse & co.*, Utica, 
1. eee [2581-2583 
Brief ad booklet, series no. 2. cover- 

wants if Sve. © Jan. 24, 1916; 
2 ec. and aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 419883. 

Garder system, commercial accounts, 
series no. 2. Sheet, 44 by 28 inches. 
© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 28, 
1916; A 419885. 

Gander system, savings accounts. Sheet, 
44 by 28 inches. © Jan. 14, 1916; 
2 e. and aft. Jan. 28,.1916; A 419884. 

How to choose 
and protect a trademark. Chicago, 

Blackstone institute, 1915. 32 p. 
port. Svo. (One of a series of lec- 
tures) $0.50. [2584 

© Dec. 9, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417748; Blackstone in- 
stitute, Chicago. 

lyn. Indications; temperature cor- 
rection. Sheet, 74 by 34 inches. 
© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417567. 

TARRYTOWN, N. Y. Richmond’s direc- 
tory of Tarrytown, North Tarry- 
town, Irvington [ete.] 1916-1917. 
16th year. Yonkers, N. Y., W. L. 
Richmond, 1916. 231 p. S8vo. $3.50. 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

21, 1916; A 420445; W. L. Rich- 
mond, Yonkers, N. Y. 
TEL-ELECTRIC co. General catalogue 

no. 2. Houston, Tex. [1916] 752 p. 
front., illus. 4to. [2587 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 e«. and aff. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 420615; R. R. Don- 
nelley & sons co., Chicago. 



THEIR married life. 

THomMson (John R.) 

Topp protectograph 

Towns (Charles Barnes) * 




TELEPHONE society of the mountain 

states. Educational dept. Substa- 
tion practice. Plant course no. 2, pt. 
no. 1, section 1-5. cover-title, 36 
numb. 1. illus., diagrs. 4to. [2588 

© Oct. 30—-Dee. 1, 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 
Pie” tSiGe vat. Webs *s.~ I9163s | A 
425149; Mountain states telephone 
& telegraph co., Denver. 

(In New York 

evening journal) [2589-2597 

jan. ¢,, 1916. °@: Jans 7; 191G@3 1 ei) Jan. 
StS Ge A Aft ona. 

Jan. 8, 1916. © Jan. 8, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 421580. 

Jan its LO UGs Oran. eb  LOLe ase ¢ 
Jan. 12, 1916; A 421613. 

Jan 13.1916. (©) LansesS> TOW Are: 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421688. 
Jan ES. 4986... ©. Jan. 18. 19th ek) ¢: 

Jan. 19, 1916; A 421827. 
Heb. 121916. © Feb. 13.1916; 1 ¢ Heb. 
2, 1916; A 422147. 
. 5, 1916. © Feb. 
7, 19165; A 422265. 
Sn totoo. ©) Beb. 
9, 1916; A 422330. 

5 FOLGE ex eb: 
§, 1916; L c. Heb. 

Heb. 41," £916. -4@: -Febs 11,5 1986 — f° ¢& 
Feb. 12, 1916; A 422407. 
© International news service, 

New York. 

co.*, Chicago. 
Meat you eat in restaurants. (Jn 
Chicago daily tribune.) [2598 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 1 « Feb; 2, 1916; 
A 422170. 

co.*, Rochester, 
N. Y. If a crook gets hold of one of 
your checks. Sheet, col. illus. 
printed on both sides, 12 by 16 inches 

fold. to obl. 16mo., with post card 
attached. [2599 
©. Nov.:'22, 1915 2 ‘¢.~ Dee; 15, 

1915; aff. Jan. 13, 1916; A 4196138. 
New York. 

Secial information for physicians 
coneerning the Charles B. Towns 
hospital. 18 p. front. Svo. [2600 

© Jan. 16, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 419947. 

& Harris*, Los 

and trademarks. 


ce. and aff. Jan. 

Angeles. Patents 
31 p. 24mo. 
© Nov. 15, 1915; 2 
10, 1916; A 417664. 
(William B.) Bigger, better 
business. (Jn Chicago herald) 
[2602, 2603 

Pollywog and the pool. © Feb. 8, 1916; 
1c. Feb. 9, 1916; A 422309. 

Preparedness and the manufacturer. © 
Be. - ts S9L6 ee Ler aren, «8, 1916; A 

© J. Keeley, Chicago, 


2604 pt. 1, BiSs ve Bae 
TRUMAN (William Herbert)* Louis- | UNDERWoop (Drury )—Continued. 
ville. Division of ledger, classifica- Jan: 28; 1916: © Jane: 28) .39%6e 206 
tion of accounts. General, private Jan. 29, 1916; A 422058. 
accounts. Sheet, printed on both Jan. 30, 1916. © Jan. 30, 1916; 1 ¢. 

sides, 11 by 11 inches. [2604 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 425275. 

TURKINGTON (William H.)* Malden, 
Mass. How a clergyman lived on $1 
a week. [2 installments] (Jn Bos- 
ton Sunday post) [Second install- 
ment bears title: Clergyman’s quest 
for lunch-room job] [2605 

© Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 1915; 1 c. each 
Feb. 3, 1916; A 422175. 

TWELVE point calendar, 1915. Sheet, 
illus., printed on both sides, 8 by 643 
inches. [2606 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2’c. and aff. Jan. 
Qt, 1916? "A -4202382>) Rieharad P. 
O’Connor, Portland, Ore. 

User land und meer. Jahrg. 58. 115 

bd. [Each illus. fol.] [2607-2612 

nr sae NOs Decks) MOT) ames! Janw 25, 
1916; A—Foreign 13345. 

Nr 1OpwWee. Aa. HOLDS tee. Pam. ae 
1916; A—Foreign 1383846. 

Nir i JG Decs 22) 11s ee Jane 2: 
1916; A—Foreign 13396. 

mr. 14 @.-Dee. 29 .19tDe bees Janse l. 
1916; A—FYoreign 133891. 

Te yor GC) ee oer OMG mie Ga eh els at 
1916; A—Toreign 13434. 

mre 16553@) sant .t2) TONG sees epee: 

1916; A—Foreign 13433. 
© Deutsche verlags-anstalt, Stutt- 
gart, Germany. 

UNDERWOOD (Drury) ‘Top o’ the morn- 

ing. (Jn Chicago herald) 

gan. 42 1916s ©) dan. 4-1 901624 Cc. Fant 
5, 1916; A 421469. 

Han. 6, 1OLGl © fan. 1G, 1G. te. san. 
7, 1916; A 421519. 

Van ene ols © Mani atoOlG s ites dean: 
8, 1916; A 421561. 

Jan. 8, 1916. © Jan. 8, 1916; 1 « Jan 
10, 1916; A 421569. 

gan:*9; 1946." @ Jan 9, 19165 2 ey Jan 
10, 1916; A 421768. 

Jan, wet, 1946.) ©. Jan. 11, 19165 dove 
Jan. 12, 1916; A 421622. 

Jan. 13, A9tG: 7O Jan. 13, TOTS: ee. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421674. 

Jan; to) Sle. | Okan tb, (19816) sc. 
van. 17, 1916; Av4A24 773: 

dan. 16) 3t9tG 4 ©) sam. 16, L916 = te. 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 421804. 

Jan. Les Lolo Osan. As; AGG ori ec: 
Jan. 19, 1916; A 421820. 

Jan. 21. G9, WOadan: 215 1946+4))4).c. 
Jan. 22, 1996 3) A 421896. 

Jane 22; U9iG. OF Jans 225 A916. al c: 

Jan. 24, 1916; A 421911. 

Jan. 20, 1916... °©O Jan. 27, 1016s? Lie 
Jan 28, 1916; A 422036. 

Jan. 340 OG SEA 422128. 

Feb. 1, 1916. © Feb. 1, 19163°2 e2 Heb: 
2; 1916); AL 42283o° 

Ieb. 2, 1916. © Feb. 2, 1916; 1 c. Web. 
4, 1916; A 422194. 

Feb. 3, 1916. @© Feb. 3, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
4:'V916; A 422199. 

Ireb. 4, 1916. © Feb. 4, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
5,\ 1916 ;. A 4222403 

Feb. 5, 1916. © Feb. 5, 1916; 1 ec: Feb. 

Bs 1916 ; A 422261. 

Feb. 6, 1916. © Feb. 6, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 
‘ 1916; A 422318. 

Feb. 9, 1916. © Feb. 9, 1916; 1 ¢c. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 422380. 

Feb. 10, 1916. © Feb. 10, #9163) ive 
Feb. i 1916; A 422382. 

Feb. 11, 1916. © Feb. 11, 291631 & 
Heb, 22... $916. 020 422399. 

Keb. 12. 1926. Loe 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 422421, 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

UNDERWOOD (Lineas D.) [2638, 2639 

Underwood’s digest. v. 11, no. 4, Oct— 
Dec., 1915. “Washington, Di Cl - The 
Card digests Co., 1916. 202 ecards, 3 by 
5 inches. Sie @© Feb.  ¢, LOL1e; 
2c. Web. 44e 1916; aif. Feb. 19, 1916; 
A 426252. 
© Card digests co., Washington. 

Underweod’s trade-mark digest. v. 4, no. 
2, July—Dec., 1915. Washington, D. C., 
The Card digests company, 1916. 147 
cards, 3 by 5 inches. $2.00. © Feb. 
%, 1916; 2 c.. Feb. U4, 19167 ai ene 
19, 1916; A 426251. 
© Lineas D. Underwood, Wash- 


UNDERWRITERS’ laboratories, inc.*, Chi- 
cago. [2640, 2641 
List of manufacturers of inspected ma- 

chanical appliances, July, 1915. Suppl. 
Jan; L9G: 1p. .coks muss Sve. 
Feb. 4, 1916; 2 ¢. and ali. Hebe a, 
1916; A 426046. 

Underwriters’ laboratories; standard for 
counterbalanced elevator doors. Hd. 
of ‘Dec.,, 1915.’ -1.p. If G2epe ites: 
diagrs. (1 fold) 8vo. © Feb. 2, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 425243. 

UnItTeEp friends of Lincoln in America. 
Blue ritual for the use of the S. O. 
S. 56 p. 24mo. $1.00. [2641* 

© Noy. 5, 1915;,2.¢ Ney s,491a- 
aff. Dee. 1, 1915; A 413965; Lewis 
W. Fairchild, H. Boas Nelson & J. 

Patterson, Poplar Bluff, Mo. 
UNITED STATES corp. co.*, New York. 

Corporation suggestions. cover- 

title, [7] p. S8vo. [2642 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417569. ; 



no. 2. 1916 2664 
UniTepD STATES GRAPHITE co.*, Sagi- | VAN Duzer (Winifred) [2655—265T 
naw, Mich. [2648, 2644 Divorced. beruee 4 phauiom exer © 
Effective in any type of boiler. © aos Feb. 6, ec. Feb. 9, 1916; 
29, 1915; i ¢. Dec. 31, 1915; A 422339. 
421596. Royal triangle as it might be movieized. 

z= 5. G. co's eee graphite paint. 
© Dec. 27, 1915; ©, Dee. Si, 3985 ; 

A 421597. 
{Note: The foregoing are in Na- 
tional engineer] 
UNITED STATES SUPPLY co. [2645, 2646 
Catalogue D. [Chicago, Ill., Printed by 
R. Donnelley & sons COS, Srl 
ekxvi, 758 p. illus. Svo. © 
o1, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 19, 1916: 
A 420408. 

© United States supply co., Chi- 

Catalogue D. 
esi p. front., illus. 

Neb. [1916] 
Orme 2, 


oe ee. and ail. Web: 2,°1916; A 


© R. R. Donnelley & sons co., 

Upson co.*, Lockport, N. Y. Not for 
mummies. [8S] p. illus. fol. [2647 

(> Jan. e, 1916; 2 ec. and aff, Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417575. 

VALENTINE & co.*, New York. 

[2648, 2649 
He wanted to make sure the varnish 
was’ valspar. (Iu Cosmopolitan, 

Maren, 1916) © Feb. 10, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Ireb. 17, 1916; A 422494, 

Valspar is the one varnish that is not 
afraid of water. (Jn Outlook) © 

Feb. 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 10, 1916; A 
{Van AUKEN (Ida Cleve)] Ladies 

home journal millinery lessons. 
[2650, 2651 
[Hat-frame making.] §8 p. illus., diagrs. 
Broo 90:10. © Dee: 20, 1915; 2 c. 

Jan. G, 191G; aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 

Lesson no. 2. Covering a velvet hat. 
8 p. illus., diagrs. Svo. $0.10, © 
Dec. 20, 1915; 2c. Jan. 6, 1916: off. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 417763. 

© Curtis pub. co., Philadelphia. 

VAN Buren (Blanche A.) How a 
woman can hold her husband’s love. 
(in Chicago herald) [2652 
eiaeens 16, 1916: 1 ¢. Jan. 17, 
1916; A 421818; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

VAN DeEVENTER (John H.) Three-inch 

Russian shrapnel. (Jn American 
machinist) [ 26538, 2654 
2. © Jan. 27, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 29, 1916; 
A 422076. 
3. © sa 3, 2916; 1 «. Keb. 6, 1916; 
A 422217. 
© Hill pub. co., New York. 

© Jan. 16, 1916; enijan. 49, 1916): 

A 4218388. 
She didn’t like being the wonee in his 
novels. © Feb. 6. 1916 = c. Feb. 9, 

1916; A 422337. 

ee The foregoing are in Cleveland 
Sunday leader] 

© Cleveland eco., Cleveland. 

Wanrrr. .. (Alpert... K.) =.» St. «Louis, 
Golden rule exchange system. cov a 
title. 18 p. Svo. [265 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 
EG) 1946 = A 417811. 

WALKER (John Brisben)* 

2482 an ait, san. 

New York. 

Learning how to use one’s minutes. 
+50 p: Svo. (Ten essentials for a 
useful education. pt. 1) $0.20. 
Oh Bang oe ,, 19 iG ss 2) ee. cam i, 
1916; aff. Jan. 25; 1916: A 425153 
WALKER - LONGFELLOW  €0.*, Boston: 
Best bank advertisement. [4] p. 
illus. 16mo. [2660 

©) Jam tf 1906: 
14, 1916; A easy 

Watts (Frank KE.) Architectural 
monograph on houses of the South- 
ern colonies. [New York, Printed 
by the De Vinne press, 1916] 16 p. 
illus. 4to. (White pine series of 
architectural monographs. v. 2, no. 
id.) [2661 

© Feb. ae ISi6 > 2 e Feb. 35, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 420643; George 
I’. Lindsay, Saint Paul. 

Warp (Edward G.) Rational method 
in reading, by Edward G. Ward. 
Additional primer, by Mary A. 
Ward, assisted by Madalene D. Bar- 

er and) oir, can: 

num. Rev. and enl. ed. Boston, 
New York [etc.] Silver, Burdett and 
company [1916] 158 p. illus. (part 
col.) 12mo. [2662 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; - parein Silver, Burdett 

& €0,, Boston. 
[WaRNER (C. G.)] Successful selling 
method for our $239.00 proposition. 

23 [i}_p.. <46mo:; ..$1,00, [2663 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

26, 1916; A 419848 ; W,. IF. Main, 
Iowa City, Ta. 

Waters (Leonard Arthur) Carranza 

troopers shoot up steamer, (Ji San 

Francisco call and post.) 12664 

@® Noy. €¢; 39153117 cv... Dee) 27, 
1915; A 421633; Call pub. co., San 




pt. I, nm. S:, v.13 

Watson (Mark S.) [2665-2676 

Canada gives full response to war call. 
© Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 9, 1916; A 

Huge shortage of corn in Mexico another 
result of “Mexican revolt. Article 9. 
© Jan. 16, 1916; 1.¢. Jan. 19, 1916; A 

Mexican credit chaotic; banks are help- 
less. Article 6. © Jan: 18, 1916; 1 c. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421685. 

Mexicans fear Japanese more than Yan- 
kees: . Article 2. .© Jan, 9; 19165 1 c. 
Jan. 12, 1916; A 421615. 

Mexico by tax plans to drive foreigners 
out.  Artide 8..°°@: Jan. 15,7 1916 5°27. 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 421780. 

Mexico facing long famine in live stock. 
Article 10. © Jan. 17, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 

. 19, 1916; A 421826. 

Mexico where she was 75 years ago; 
needs the iron hand of another Diaz. 
Article 14. © Jan. 21, 1916; 1c. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 422404. 

Mexico’s rail arteries cut by vandalism. 
@ Jane 8; 1916 ee Jane 2s TOGA 

No experience needed to be Mexico jurist. 
Article 13. © Jan. 20, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
3S, £91G 3 Av 4221 0G. 

Railroad ruin, biggest issue Mexico faces. 
Article’?. "© Jan. 14; 1916: 1 © ‘Jan. 
17, 1916; A 421779. 
© Chicago tribune & New York 

sun, Chicago. 

Sir Sam Hughes, a spur behind Canada 
Im-war. Article: 2+. @ Mebu i, L906): 
1 c. Feb. 9, 1916; A 422329. 
© Chicago tribune, Chicago. 

Typhus sweeps Mexico: plague beyond 
control. Article 5. Venn Was UguG 
1c. Jan. 14, 1916; A 421684. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily or Sunday tribune.] 

© Chicago tribune and New York 
sun, Chicago. 

WEAVER (J. H.) & co.*, 
Colver bituminous coal, Fairmont 
gas coal. [24] p. illus. fol. [2677 
~ © Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417584. 


WeEsBstER (Mary HEliza)* Dallas. 
IKknow thy destiny. 16p. 24mo. 

© Oct. 29, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
24, 1915; A 425154. 

Weeks (Arland D.) . Playdays on 
Plum Blossom Creek, by Arland D. 
Weeks, with illustrations by Warner 
Carr. Chicago, New York, Rand, Mc- 
Nally & company [1916] 965 p. incl. 
front., illus. (part col.) Svo. $0.75. 


© Jan. 15, 1916; 2c. Jan. 26, 1916; 

aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 420531; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

WERNER (W.)* Chicago. [2680-2730 

Advertising what to eat. © Jan. 17, 
1916; 1c. Jan. 19,.1916; A 121835. 

American fashions in furniture. © Jan. 
31; 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 2, 1916; A 422172. 

Baz. © Jan. 10. 1916; 1 e. Jan. 12, 
1916; A 421688. 

Brother in vaudeville. © Feb. 1, 1916; 
1 c. Feb. 3, 1916; A 422183. 

Call of Memphis. © Feb. 2, 1916; 1 c. 
Feb. 4, 1916; A 422214. 

Candy girl. © Jan. 25, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 422017. 

Case of the reproduction. @©@ FTeb. 3, 
1916; 1c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 422239. 

Character and bonds. © Feb. 2, 1916; 
1 oc. Feb. .4,-1916; A 4222i5: 

Chicky a motorcar: © Jan. 22, .29io; 
1c. Jan. 24, 1916; A 421935. 

Close mouthed Waterses. © Jan. 7%, 
1916; 1 c. Jan. 12, 1916; A 491637. 

Curing a grouch. © Jan. 4, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Jan. G, "1916; A 421511. 

Defect in vision. © Jan. 4, 1916; Le. 
Jan. 6, 1916; A 421510. 

Dictaphone proposal. © Jan. 6, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 12, 1916; A 421629. 

Fittest in foods. © Jan. 21, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Jan. 24, 1916; A 421938. 

Growing up. © Jan. 21, 1916; 1c. Jan. 

24, 1916; A 421982. 
Hope chest. © Jan. 8, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 
12, 1916; A 421628. 

How Joe Cul’ bought an Aziz motor car, 
© Jan. 25,1916; 1 -¢c. Janear, 2916, 
A 422018. 

How to read the bank statement. © Jan. 
15. 1916; 2 ¢. Sant ii, oo 

In the empty house. © Jan. 26, 1916; 
1 ec. Jan. 28, 1916; A 422057. 

Is it so nominated in the bond. © Jan. 
8, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 12, 1916; A 421627. 

Livable furniture. © Feb. 7, 1916; 1c. 
Feb. 9, 1916; A 422344. 

Master spirit. © Jan. 12, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 421704. 

Miss Ann. © Jan. 5, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 7, 
1916; A 421525. 

Money a golden key. © Feb. 7, 1916; 
1 ce. Feb. 9, 1916; A 422345. 

Mortgage lifter. © Feb. 10, 1916; 1 ce. 
Feb. 12, 1916; A 422411. 

Nell’s voice. © Feb. 8, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 422375. 

Never-ending automobile show. © Jan. 

, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 2, 1916; A 422167. 

Paper doll girl. © Jan. 31, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 422168. 

Patent housecleaner. @ Feb. a, 
1c. Feb. 7, 1916; A 422289. 

Picture of home. © Jan. 27, 1916; 1c. 
Jan. 29, 1916; A 422069. 

Red plush coat. © Jan. 29, 1916; 1 c. 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 422166. 

Rose colored romance. © Feb. 3, 1916; 
1c. Feb. 5, 1916; A 4222388. 

Sally’s mother. © Jan. 15, 1916; 1 «. 
Jan. 17, 1916; A 421832. 

Second choice. @© Feb. 4, 1916; 
Feb. 7, 1916; A 422287. 

Silk: stockings. ..©. Jan. 22, 1916 “ive 
Jan. 24, 1916; A 421934. 

1916 ; 

1 eg 



no. 2, 1916 


WerRNER (W.)* Chicago—Continued. 

Simple savior. © Jan. 20, 1916; i c. 
san 23, 1916; A 421893 

Spendthrift. © Feb. 12, 1916: 1 c. Feb. 
14, 1916; A 422439. 

That red carpet. © Jan. 17, 1916; 1 ¢. 

Jan. 19, 1916; A 421834. 
True beauty and the motor car. Jan. 
1946. -© Jan..d, a ee 


7, 1916; A 421526... 

Trustee who never throws a fit. © Jan. 

BeJie. Jan: “14, ° 1916}; A 

Under seven flags. © Feb. 8, 
1c. Feb. 10, 1916; A 422376. 

Wall flower. © Feb. 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
11, 1916; A 4223958. 

Wash lines. © Jan. 24, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 422015. 

Ways and ways (© Jam. 3) 1916; 1 ¢. 
Jan. 5, 1916; A 421452. 

Wheel with which you ride on air. © 
ame sG 191G- 3 “«. Jan. 28, 1916; 
A 422056. 

When doctors disagree. © Jan. 24, 
a94G6- 2 G@) Jan... 27;.1916; A 422016. 
When the breadwinner goes. © [eb. 5, 
191G; 1 c. Feb. 7, 1916; A 422288. 
Willie. © Feb. 11, 1916; 1c. Feb. 14, 

1916; A 422440. 

Winter ae in Quebec. © Feb. 1, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 3, 1916; A 422184. 


Coens ear 16) an. 27,1916 % Pc. 
Jan. 29, 1916; A 422070. 
Woolly lamb. © Feb. 12, 1916; lc. 

Feb. 14, 1916; A 422488. 
[Note: The tee are in Chicago 
daily news] 

WESTINGHOUSE air brake co.*, Pitts- 
burg. Instruction pamphlet no. 
5034. LN passenger car brake equip- 
ment, type L triple valve. Dec. 
1915. cover-title, 57 p., illus., fold. 
diags. 12mo. [2731 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 ec Jan. 14, 
1916; aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 419793. 

Wuaten form co. Cuts culvert cost 
to the last cent. [20] p. illus (part 
col.), port. Svo. EB Y- 

© Dee. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417992; Edward J. Wha- 
len, Syracuse, N. Y. 

Wheeler lay- 

illus. Svo. $0.15. 


© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 6, 1916; 

aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417766; Curtis 
pub. co., Philadelphia. 

’ WHELPLEY (James Davenport) Free- 
dom for commerce. Article 1, 2. 2 
installments. Proof. (National ed- 
itorial service, serial no. 859, 360) 

WHEELER (Marianna) 
ette. 6 p. folder, 


© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 ¢.. Dec. 29, 

9915; aff. Jan. 11, 1916; A 419601; 

Natl. editorial service, ine, New 
_ York. 

WHiTe (Asa_ E.)*, meatile Wash. 
White’s estimator’s guide for con- 

tractors-builders. 5D «Op. 16ino. 
$1.00. [2735 
© Dee. 6, 1915; 2c Jan. 24, 1916; 

aff. Dee. 11, 1915: « 419786. 

WHITE (KE. F.) Dispenser and ear- 

bonator. Why and again why? (Jn 
Southern pharmaceutical journal, 
Feb., 1916) [2736 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
A 422212; W. H. Cousins, Dallas. 

Ware. (J. H.} mie. co:*, 
White’s patented universal bowl 
hangers. Wall chart, illus., 33 by 
19 inches. [2137 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 419960. 


WHITE & Kemble *, New York. White 
& Kemble’s atlas and digest of rail- 
road mortgages. Pennsylvania rail- 
road system. 28 p. fold. map. fol. 
$15.00. [2738 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
2, 1916; A 420612. 

White trucks 
4th ed. 63 [1] 

WHITE co.*, Cleveland. 
for delivery service. 
D..¢-tlbus:) 4te. [2739 

© Jan. 3; 1916: 2'c) Jan. 10,1916: 
aff. Jan. 18, 1916; A 419795. 

Witcox (Pauline Seymour) Engraved 
portraits of American patriots. Jan., 
1916. (Jn Daughters of the Ameri- 
can revolution magazine, Jan., 1916.) 


© Jan. 3, 1916; 1 c. Dec. 31, 1915; 

A 422073; Corcoran gallery of art, 

Witkins (John) co., inc.*, New York. 
Why the John Wilkins toupees and 
wigs are the best made. 16 p._ illus. 
Svo.  (Cover-title: Wigs and tou- 
pees ) [2741 

© Nov. 22, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417991. 

How to have health 

and muscles like mine. (Ji New 

York American) [2742-2745 

Jan. 9, 1916. @© Jan. 9, 1916; 1c. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 421604, 

Feb. 6, 1916. © Feb. 6, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
7, 1916; A 422278. 

Jan. oo, 1916. ©: Jan. 
Jan. 34, 1916; A 421916 

Feb. 13, 1916. © Feb. 13, 19i6G.* 2 oc. 
Feb. 15, 1916; A 422443. 

© A. Merritt, New York. 


ae 1916; 1 ¢. 




WILLIAMS (Clara Andrews) Jack and 
Betty’s magazine; written by Clara 
Andrews Williams, illustrated by 
George Alfred Williams. March, 
1916. (J72 Woman’s home compan- 
ion, Mar., 1916) [2746 

© Peb. 45. A916) ah ee ao, 
1916; A 422394; George Alfred Wil- 
liams, Summit, N. J. 

WILLIAMSON (William Hay)* Chi- 
cago. Williamson plan for the com- 
pulsory military education of the 
boys of the United States of Amer- 
ica. cover-title, [14] p. 16mo. 

© Dee. Sy 1915; 2 c. Dec. 6, 1915; 

aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 425236. 
WILLOWCRAFT shops*, Cambridge, 
Mass. -Willoweraft, 1916, 5.55 .p. 
illus. obl. 24mo. [2748 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 

2, 1916; A 420611. 

WiILson (Ella Grant)* Cleveland. Up- 
to-date flower store, by EH. G. Wilson 
and W. R. Hornberger. 2 instal- 
ments] (J2 Florists exchange, Jan. 
1s 221 O1G) [2749 

© Jan. 13, 20, 1916; 1 c. each Jan. 
26, A9IG: A. 422172. 

Witson (Louis William)* Chicago. I 
think TPll go to the picture show. 
(In Art student, ie 1915) [2750 

© Dec. G, 1915; 2 ¢« Dec. 27, 1915; 

A 422054. 
WISCONSIN (Uniy. of) Extension di- 
vision*, Madison, Wis. Organiza- 

tion of manual and industrial arts. 

Course 8, assignment 1-16. Madi- 
son, The University, 1915. 16 v. 
4to. (Instruction papers for home- 
study, manual arts series) $8.00. 


© 2 we 20, 1916; 2 c. each and aff. 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 419785. 

Woon (Melvin S.)* Los Angeles, Cal. 
‘able of elemental perceptions. 2 1. 
fol. (2152 

© Dee. 22, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
30, 1915; A 417462. 

pt. I, n. s., v. 18, no. 2, 1916 

Wooprurr (Caroline 8.) New book of 
Vermont taxes and partial pay- 

ments. Boston, New York [fetc.] 
Ginn and company, 1915. ii, 22 p 
12mo. $0.15. [2753 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 e and aff: Feb. 
8, 1916; A 426057; Ginn and Go., 

WricuHt (Benson)* La Crosse, Wash., 
Statutory calendar. July 2, 30, Aug. 
13-Sept. 17, Oct. 1-Dec. 10, 31, 1915. 
(In, Colfax commoner) [Title va- 
ries on earlier instaiments reading, 
Important laws explained for Com- 
moner readers, State laws explained 
for Commoner readers, or Laws ex- 
plained for tee e 2 readers] 


© July 2; 30, Aug. sept. 17, 
Oct. 1-Dee. 10, 31, 1915; 1 e@. each 
Jan. 11, 1916; A 422346. 

Wericut (Mary Louise) Managing 

marriage. (in New York erening 
mail) 2735-2764 
Ose 6, 1916 2"1 eae 

Jar. 6. 1916. 
10, 1916; A 4215 

Jan. a 1916. ki gots ie 1916; 1.e. 
ips 1916; A 421608. 

Jan. 10, 1916. © Jans 10: 
Jan. i2, 1916; A 421610. 

Jan. 12,1916. .-© dan. 12; 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 421693. 

Jan. 20; 1916. © Jans 20; 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 421903. 

Jan. 26, 1916. © Jan. 26, 
Jan. 28, 1916; A 422043, 

meb. «2. 19163. "© webs 2. 
Feb. 4, 1916; A 422206. 
3 1916: -@ Pebsys: 

b. 5, 1916; A 422249. 

eb. 4, 1916. @©@ Feb. 4, 
Feb. 5, 19163" .A ‘422252. 

Ireb. 5, 1916... @ eb. 5,.1916 714.2 
ONG 5 Ara Amos 
© Evening mail syndicate, 
New York, 







19165 4 ue. 
Feb. i 




Woest (Hsther W.)* Portland, Ore. 
Loose leaf phonic picture cards. 27 
ecards, illus., 12 by 74 inches. [2765 

© Sept. 20, 1915; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 419597. 

his catalogue contains the following entries since Jan. 1, 1916: 
(a) United States publications (including 1,069 contributions to 

DELiIOGIGAIS} 2 22 A ee ee fy! 54 

(b) Foreign books in the English language under ad interim pro- 
visions ‘or Dior, 4, 1909... |) sie eee See ie ae ee 34 
(c) Foreign beoks in foreign lancua geese 2s222 2 2 ee 42 
2, 348 





CHAseE (Arthur C.) Los Angeles. 
Wholesale factor selling service plan 
and business policy. 41. 4to. Type- 
written. [2766 

‘© 1c. Feb. 23, 1916; C 916. 

Eppy (John §S.) Los Angeles. 
tials to dominion. 12 nub. 1. 

{(C) 1 ©. Feb. 19, 1916; C 918. 

Fett (George Edward) Buffalo. 
Great superiority of mechanical res- 
piration over the postural or manual 
methods. 18 numb. 1. 4to. Multi- 
graphed. [2768S 

© 1 c. Feb. 14, 1916; C 917. 

Hatt (Guy Herring) Kansas City, 
Mo. Implement dealer and the trac- 
tor business. 6 numb. loose 1. fol. 
Typewritten. [2769 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; C 915. 



12mo. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; C 914. 

Merritt (Geneviéve) New Brighton, 
N. Y. Dance, a human necessity. 
22 numb. loose]. 4to. Typewritten. 

Mears (Charles Willard) 
Talk on human nature. 
19 numb. 1. 

©1c. Feb. 9, 1916; C 911. 

SOLDEN (George W.) Chicago. Jedge 
Satterbury expresses his views on 
sufferation. cover-title, 5 numb. 1. 
fol. Multigraphed. [2772 

© 1c. Feb. 7, 1916; C 912. 

Stare (William Rogers) Preservation 
& efficiency of traction engine boilers. 
cover-title, 7 numb. 1. 4to. [2773 

1 e. “gan. 36, 1S1G= 6.892: 
United States graphite co., Saginaw, 

Number of entries of Lectures, sermons, addresses, included in the catalogue 



ata eran 

oF siete | 



ABOUT TWELVE; play in 1 act, by C. 
van Valkenburg. [2], 8 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2774 

© 1 ce. Feb. 5, 1916; D 42959; 
Carlton van Valkenburg, New York. 

3 akten, von Eugen Burg und Louis 
Taufstein. Berlin, Biihnenverlag 
Abn & Simrock, g. m. b. h., 1916. 
63 p. Svo. P2075 

© 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; D 48070; 
Biihnenverlag Ahn & Simrock, g. m. 
b. h., Berlin. 

comedy-drama, by C. I. Ivins. [1] 
21 p. 4to. Typewritten. [2776 

© 1c. Feb. 18, 1916; D 43079; 
Clifford F. Ivins, Red Bank, N. J. 


festival. New York city, The Eth- 

ical culture school [1915] 50, [5] 

p.,11. front., plates. Svo. $0.60. 

my tee 23,1915: 2 ¢. Jan. 11, 
1916; aff. Jan. 8, 1916; A 420327; 
Ethical culture school, New York. | 

AMERICAN (AN) HOME; 1 act argu- 
ment fo¥ preparedness, written by G. 
H. Petty. [2] 24 p. 4to. Type- 
written. C2a77 

© 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; D 43047; 
George Hubert Petty, Kansas City. 

AMORES DE ALDFA; comedia lirica en 
2 actos y 5 cuadros, original de J. 
G. Renovales y F. Ga. Pacheco, 
mfisica de los maestros Pablo Luna 
y Reveriano Soutullo. [Madrid, So- 
ciedad de autores espafoles] 1915. 
42 p. 12mo. [Libretto] [2778 

© Jan. 27, 1916: t ec. Jan. 28, 
1916; D 42876; Juan G. Renovales y 
Francisco Ga. Pacheco, Madrid. 

ANGLING; 1 act satire, by W. Stead. 

7p. 4to. Typewritten. [2779 
© 1c. Jan. 29, 1916; D 42966; 
Wailer Stead, New York. 

new America, serious comedy in 1 
act, by L. Cleveland. 39 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2780 

© 1. Feb. 18, 1916; D 480S0; 
Lucey Cleveland, New York. 

AQui ESTAMOS TOOS; entremés en 1 
acto y en prosa, original de J. Munoz 
Serrano. [Madrid, Sociedad de au- 
tores espanioles] 1915. 1S p. 12mo. 


© Jan. 27, 1916; 1 ec Jan. 28, 1916; 

D 42883; José Mutioz Serrano, Ma- 

AS IT SHALL BE WRITTEN; original play 
in} aet; by F.-C. Witter: [2], 438: 
4to. Typewritten. [2782 

© 1c Feb. 5, 1916; D 42957: 
Frank C. Witter, Denver. 

As 1T was; sketch, by J. G. Lyle. [22] 

p. fol. Typewritten. [2783 

© 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; D 48042; 
John Geddes Lyle, San Francisco. 

AT 12 MIDNIGHT; comedy sketch, by 

C. Jackson. 6p. fol. Typewritten. 


© 1c Jan. 28, 1916; D 42964; 
Chris Jackson, Bloomington, IIl. 

BaD HATS; play in 8 acts, by H. V. 
Esmond. Frome and London, But- 
ler and Tanner [1916] 89 p. 12mo. 


© Jan. 14, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 14, 1916; 

D 43041; H. V. Esmond, Maiden- 
head, England. 

comedy in 3 acts, by J. Marks. 
[105] p. 4to. Typewritten. [2786 

© 1c. Feb. 5, 1916; D 42962; 
Jeannette Marks, South Hadley, 

BELOW ZERO; or, State line, farcial hur- 
ricane in 8 gales, by M. Beldon. 
[164] p. 4to. Typewritten. [2787 

© 1c. Feb. 8, 1916; D 42981; Milo 
Beldon, New York. 




pt. 5 BS. Vee 

fairy play, by Oscar Wilde, dram- 
atized by lu. W.. Moore. [2 Rip. 
4to. Typewritten. [2788 

© 1c Feb. 3, 1916; D 48050; 
Lou Wall Moore, Chicago. 

BRAINS PLUS; farce in 1 act, by H. M. 
Graves. [1], 24 p. S8vo. Typewrit- 
ten. [2789 

© 1 ¢ Feb. 8, 1916; D 42977: 
Harry M. Graves, New York. 

BUENA NOCHE! pasa-calle comico- 
lirico, pascual en 1 cuadro y en 
prosa, original de L. Llaneza, mt- 
sica de Manuel M. Faixé. [Madrid, 
Sociedad de autores’ espanoles] 
1915. 22. p..12mo..,. [Libretto] 


© Jan. 27, 1916; 1 «@ Jan. 28, | 

1916; D 42869; Luis Llaneza, Mad- 

By THE SUWANEE RIVER; classy scenic 
musical comedietta in 1 act, 1 scene, 
book by J. Burnett. [1] 7 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [Words only] [2791 

©. doe. Rebs a, 1916: Dp 4302 = 
Jack Burnett, Chicago. 

CACUSIA; operetka w 1 akcie, Stanis- 
lawa Z. Wachtla, “muzyka Me S. 
Rozyckiego. Chicago, Ill., W. H. 
Sajewski, 1915. 46 p. 16mo. [Li- 
bretto only] [2792 

© Wee." 29. 1915s =" 2 eo hep: 1: 
1916; D 48031; W. H. Sajewski, 

CANARY COTTAGE; comedy in 2 acts, 

by O. Morosco and KE. Harris. [36] 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [2793 

© 1c. Feb. 16, 1916; D 43059; 
Oliver Morosco & Elmer Harris, Los 

CAPTAIN DREYFUS; drama in 1 act, 
by Jacob Gordin. 


(In The day, v. 8, no. 411-413, Jan. | 

24-26, 1916.) [2794 

© Jan. 24-26, 1916; 1 ¢. each Jan. 
29, 1916; D 42915; Anna Gordin, 
Alexander J. Gordin & Leopold Ben- 
edict, adms. of estate of Jacob M. 
Gordin, Brooklyn. 

Casa (LA) DE Quiré6s; farsa comica 
en 2 actos, original de C. Arniches. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores espa- 
fioles] 1915. 60 p. 12mo. [2795 

©) Jan 27, 1916 a co Aa 28, 
1916; D 42858; Carlos Arniches, 


CASTANUELAS (LAS); fantasia c6mico- 
lirica en 1 acto, dividigo en 5 cua- 
dros, en prosa, original de Guil- 
lermo Perrin y Miguel de Palacios, 
mtisica del maestro Gerénimo Gimé- 
nez. [Madrid, Sociedad de autores 
espafioles] 1915. 87 p. 12mo. [Li- 
bretto] [2796 

© Jan. 27, 1916; a sc) fame 
1916; D 42882; G. Perrin y M. de 
Palacios, Madrid. 

CHAMBERMAIDS (THE) ; 1 act skit with 
special songs, by A. IX. Berry. [7] 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [2797 

© 1c. Feb. 16, 1916; D 48061; 
Alice Kathryn Berry, Pueblo, Col. 

CHANGE MY AD; 1 act play, by W. FE. 
Scott. [1] 14 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [2798 

© 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; D 4304S; 
W. Edward Scott, San Francisco. 

scenes, by J. B. Dabney. 41 p. (Jn 
Poet lore, v. 26, no. 6, Nov.—Dec. 
1915.) [2799 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 9, 1916; 
D 42984; Julia P. Dabney, Brook- 
line, Mass. 

w kaezke ksiezniezka na ordynack- 
iem, fraszka ze spiewami, And. Sto- 
waczyhiski. Chicago; Ii., W. .H. 
Sajewski, 1915. 61 p. 16mo. [2800 

© Dee. 29, 1915; 2 c. Feb. 11, 1916; 
D 48082; W. H. Sajewski, Chicago. 

Cotor (THE) MADNESS; comedy in 8 
acts and a prologue, by O. Johns. 
[128] p. 4to. Typewritten. [2S01 

© 1c. Feb. 19, 1916; D 43089; 
Orrick Johns, Sappington, Va. 

CémicA (LA); opereta en 1 acto y 8 
cuadros, refundida por J. B. Pont, 
musica del maestro Eysler, adapta- 
ciédn del maestro Eugenio Ubeda. 

[Madrid, Sociedad de autores es- 
pafioles] 1915. 45 p. 12mo. [Li- 
bretto] [2802 

© dan, 27, 19163, 1 ce Janae, 
1916; D 428938; Juan B. Pont, Mad- 

in 7 act, by L. N. Gilbert: [Lae 
4to. Typewritten. [2803 

© 1c Web 11, 1916;"D 40%: 
Lillian Norton Gilbert, Grafton, 



no. 2, 1916 

Convict 999; 1 act. play, by J. M. 

Levering. 18 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© ic. Feb. 9, 1916; D 42986; 
Joseph M. Levering, New York. 

CONVULSION (THE) ; play in 3-acts, by 
W. M. Wright, jr. [1], 80 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2805 

© 1c. Feb. 19, 1916; D 43090; 
Win. Mason Wright, jr., Philadel- 

Cop (THE) AND THE LADY; comedy 
sketch, by W. Rosenblum. 7p. fol. 
Typewritten. [2806 

© 1c. Feb. 9, 1916; D 42987; 
William Rosenblum, Chicago. 

CoRREO DE GABINETE; entremés en 
prosa, original de Julio Pellicer y 
Jose Fernandez del Villar. [Mad- 
rid, Sociedad de autores espafioles] 
19i6"-19 ‘pi. |: i2m0. [2807 

iam 27. 1916: 1c. Jan. 28, 
1916; D 42874; J. Pellicer y J. Fer- 
nandez del Villar, Madrid. 

Cristo (EL) DE LA VEGA; zarzuela en 
3 actos y 7 cuadros, en verso, letra 
de Gonzalo Cant6é y Fernando Solde- 
villa, mtisica del maestro Ricardo 
Villa. [Madrid, Sociedad de autores 
espanioles] 1915. 79 p. 12mo. [Li- 
bretto] [2808 

Peer, 1916; tc, Ja, 28, 
1916; D 42887; G. Canto y F. Solde- 
villa, Madrid. 

CrysTAL (THE) pooR; phantasy in 3 
acts, by E. S. Backus. [50] p. 12mo. 
Typewritten. [2809 

| tc, Jan. 27, 1916: D 42899; 
Emma S. Backus, Cincinnati. 

Curro ACHARES; entremés en verso y 
prosa, original de A. Calero Ortiz. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores es- 
panoles] 1915. 16 p. 12mo. [2810 

© Pane 27; 1916%, 1 c. Jan: 28, 
1916; D 42884; Antonio Calero 
Ortiz, Madrid. 

CZULA STRUNA; komedyo-opera w 1 
akcie, przez Ludw. Clairville i Lamb 

Thiboust. Chieago, Ill., W. H. 
Sajewski, 1915. 60 p. 1Gmo. [2811 
i) wee, 29, 1915; 2 c; Feb. 11, 

1915; D 
DANGER; play in 3 acts, by B. Veiller. 
[151] p. 4to. Typewritten. [2812 

© 1c. Feb. 10, 1916; D 43002 ; 
Bayard Veiller, New York. 

43039 ; W. H. Sajewski, Chi- 


DEACON’S (THE) HAT; play in 1 act, 
by J. Marks. [2] 48 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2813 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 48093; 
Jeannette Marks, So. Hadley, Mass. 

Drcirr (EL) DE LAS FLORES; entremés 

comico, original y en prosa, de V. G. 

Paesa. [Madrid, Sociedad de au- 

tores espanoles] 1915. 16 p. 12mo. 


@©iiJdan: 27039165 4 ex! Jam. 28: 

1916; D 42881; Vicente G. Paesa, 

DEFENSE; 2 act drama, by C. A. Mc- 
Mullen. [46] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Feb. 8, 1916; D 4297S; 
Clarence Allen McMullen, Baltimore. 

sketch for 3 people, by O. Shafter, 
[1], 5 p. 4to. Typewritten. [2816 

© 1 ¢. Feb. 8, 1916: D 42979: 
Otto Shafter, Broooklyn. 

1 act, by Alan Storm, [pseud. of G. 
Lipkand] “phi 2k. pire Atop. :Eype- 
written. [2817 

© 1c. Feb. 17, 1916; D 48074: 
Goodman Lipkind, New York. 

Dorotuy; tragedy in 1 act, by Alan 

Gordon. [6] p. fol. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Feb. 19, 1916; D 48088; 

Har Gordon Armstrong, Norfolk, 

DouBsLEe CROSSED; 1 act play, by J. C. 
Doenecke. [24] p. 4to. Ms. [2819 
© 1c. Feb. 19, 1916; D 48087; 
Justus Christian Doenecke, Brook- 
DwécH Yeriks6w I Dwi FELUNIE; 
napisal Szezesny Zahajkiewiez, mu- 

zyka M. §S. R6ézychiego. Chicago, 
Il. W. H. Sajewski, 1915. 89 p. 
16mo. [Libretto only] [2820 

C) Ded. 29°) 1915 -*2 © Meh, 17) 

1916; D 43037; W. H. Sajewski, Chi- 

Dzikcko Minoscr; utw6r dramatyezny 
w 4 ch odstonach, przez A. Zukow- 
skiego, muzyka M. S. Rézyckiego. 
Chicago, W. H. Sajewski, 1915. 40 
p. 16mo. [Libretto only] [2821 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 « Feb. 11, 
1916; D 43027; W. H. Sajewski, 




pt.1,n.s., v.13 

Eees; comedy in 1 scene, by C. Ken- | Famosa (LA); comedia lirica en 1 

nedy. 14 p. 4to. Typewritten. 
© 1c. Feb. 11, 1916; D 48023; 
Clayton Kennedy, Baltimore. 

ENEMIGO (EL) MALO; comedia en 2 
actos y en prosa, original de Ceferi- 
no R. Avecilla y Manuel Merino. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores espa- 
fioles] 1915. 48 p. 12mo. [2823 

acto, dividido en 8 cuadros, en verso 
y prosa, original de L. Navarro Ser- 
rano, mtisica del maestro R. Millian. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores espa- 
fioles}] 1915. 56 p. 12mo.  [Li- 
bretto] [2830 

©’ Jan. 27, 1916; 4° Janse 
1916; D 42891; Leon Navarro Ser- 
rano, Madrid. 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 1 ec. Jan. 28, | FIFTEEN MINUTES’ GRACE; farce m 1 

1916; D 42874; C. R. Avecilla y M. 
Merino, Madrid. 

bilder aus kranker zeit [in 4 akten] 
von Hermann Sudermann.  Stutt- 

act, by N. H. McCloskey. [3] 29 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [2831 

© 1. Feb. 19, 1916; D 48077; 
Natalie Hutchinson McCloskey, Dor- 
chester, Mass. 

gart und Berlin, J. G. Cotta’ sche FLEEcy ; a cloud play in 3 acts, by L. P. 

buchhandlung nachfolger, 1916. 3383 
p. 12mo. [2824 
© Dec. 4, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 24, 1916; 
D 438068; J. G. Cotta’ sche buch- 
handlung nachfolger, Berlin. 

icatura taurina en 1 acto, en prosa 
y verso, original de Antonio Calero 
Ortiz, musica del maestro Bernar- 
dino Bautista Monterde. [Madrid, 
Sociedad de autores espanoles] 1915. 

Wilson. [41] p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 43100; 
Lillian P. Wilson, Marion, Ind. 

For SALE—THE STRAND; farce in 1 act, 

by R. Carter.’ [2] T p.’. 4te.. Type 
written. [2833 

© 1c. Feb. 17, 1916; D 48073; 
Robert Carter, Chicago. 

Boe. pr LemMO: [2825 | ForocraFiA FEMINISTA; humorada 

©; Jan: 2% 19162 )27 6 gan. 2S; 
1916; D 42878; A. Calero Ortiz, 

ESCUELA (LA) DE VENUS; pasatiempo 
cOmico-lirico en 1 acto y 4 cuadros, 
en prosa, original de Manuel Gon- 
zalez Lara y Jose Casado, musica 
del maestro Millan. [Madrid, So- 
ciedad de autores espafioles] 1915. 
41 p. 12mo. [Libretto] [2826 

© dani 2h 191641 « Jan 2s, 
1916; D- 42872 aAMe.G. ‘Laraisyl-d: 
Casado, Madrid. 

EVENS; dramatic skit, by H. A. Greene. 
[2] 10 p. fol. Typewritten. - [2827 
© ¢.FepiG)1916: 2b. 43065; 
Harry Aaron Greene, Newark, N. J. 

EXPERIMENT (THE) ; play in 8 acts, by 
by. Hi. E.. Prince... {2,698 - px. “io: 
Typewritten. [2828 

© Jes ep. (t2. 1916 <P 45010 4 
Leslie E. F. Prince, Washington. 

coOmico-lirica en 1 acto y 38 cuadros, 
en prosa, original de D. Garrido, 
mtisica del maestro Serafin Rada. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores espa- 
fioles}] 1915. 38 p. 422nie7 ee 
bretto] [2834 

©: Jan: 27, 1916: 91 G@) dae 
1916; D 42885; Daniel Garrido, 


sette Eugénie Spink. Boston, New 
York {[ete.] D. .C.. Heath Gece 
[1916] vi, 79 p. front., illus. 16mo. 
(Heath’s modern language series) 
$0.35. Contents: La _ galette des 
rois.—Les  poulpicans.—Le petit 
chaperon rouge.—Pierrot et les kor- 
rigans.—Blanche-Neige et  Rose- 
Rouge.—La fin des Korrigans.— 
Jeanne d’Are. [2834* 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 418885; D. C. Heath & 
co., Boston. 

IaAtR EXCHANGE; play in 4 acts, by | FrmAy THE THIRTEENTH; comedy in 8 

G. E. Jex. [112] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [2829 

© 1c. Feb. 10, 1916; D 42995; 
Georgina Elizabeth Jex, Newark, 


acts, by M. Terrell and R. Marshall. 
[195] p. 4to. Typewritten. [2835 

© 1c. Feb. 15, 1916; D 48054; 
Maverick Terrell & Rachael Mar- 
shall, Seattle. 


no. 2, 1916 


FRIEND IN NEED; 3 act drama, by G. A. | GioconpA 

Weber. 41 p. fol. Typewritten. 
© 1c. Feb. 11, 1916; D 48014; 
Gustav Adolph Weber, Milwaukee. 

antics, book and lyrics for a spec- 
tacular musical fantasy in 2 parts, by 
D, E. Watkins. [56] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2837 

© 1c. Feb. 12, 1916; D 48024; 
Dwight Everett Watkins, Galesburg, 

From A To Z; domestic travesty play- 
let, by G. W. Solden. 10 p. fol. 
Typewritten. [2838 

rae) Wen. 7, 1916; D..42973; 
George W. Solden, Chicago. 

play, by W. M. Cressy. [148] p. 
fol. Typewritten. [2839 

© 1c. Feb. 7, 1916; D 42970; Will 
M. Cressy, Concord, N. H. 

Future (THE) Mr. & Mrs. STRAIGHT; 
play in 3 parts, by C. A. de Lima. 
[58] p. 4to. Typewritten. [2840 

© 1 c. Feb. 10, 1916; D 43084; C. 
A. de Lima, New York. 

GALLITO Y BELMONTE; entremés en 
prosa, original de Aurelio G[onza- 
lez] Rendon, mtisica del maestro 
José Padilla. [Madrid, Sociedad de 
autores espafioles] 1915. 14 p. 
12mo. [Libretto] [2841 

oe yan. vet, 1916: 1 c: Jan. 28, 
1916; D 42880; Aurelio G. Rendon, 

Gas (THE) ROUTE; or, The right road, 
play in 1 act, by K. Ervin. 10 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [2842 

© 1c. Feb. 7, 1916; D 42967; 
Katharine Ervin, San Francisco. 

GENIO (EL) pe LEON; juguete cémico- 
lirico en 1 acto y 3 cuadros, en 
prosa, libro de Guillermo Hernéndez 
Mir y Luis Fernindez Garcia, mt- 
sica del maestro Rafael Millan. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores es- 
panoles] 1915. 41 p.12mo. [Libret- 
to] [2843 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 1 c Jan. 238, 
1916; D 42870; G. Hernindez Mir 
y L. Fernindez Garcia, Madrid. 

GETTING HIS story; sketch in 1 act, 
by G. Earle and V. Harwood. [2] 
29 p. 4to. Typewritten. [ 2844 

© 1c. Feb. 8, 1916; D 48083; 
Georgia Earle & Van Ness Harwood, 
New York. 

(LA); bagatela cdmico- 
lirica en prosa, original de Blanca 
Suarez, mtisica de los maestros Mar- 
quina y Quislant. [Madrid, Socie- 
Gad de autores espafioles] 1915. 20 
p. S8vo. [Libretto] [2845 

© dJann27, 1916:.4. ¢ Jan. 28, 
1916; D 42871; B. Suarez, Madrid. 


[ 2846 
42961 ; 

GLtow (THE) MAN: 
play in 3 acts, by J. Marks. 
p. 4to. Typewritten. 

©. ive. Hep. 5. 19165 D 
Jeannette Marks, Scuth 

GORA PIESN; albo, Praca i sztuka, 
obrazek ludowy w 4-ch aktach ze 
Spiewami i tafneami, napisal i 
muzyke utworzyl Antoni Jaxa. 
Chicago, Ill., W. H. Sajewski, 1915. 
94 p. 16mo. [Words only] [2847 

(©) Dero. 19152 e. eb. 14, 
1916; D 48040; W. H. Sajewski, Chi- 

GUENN; play in 8 acts, adopted by 

S. G. Smith. from the novel by 
Blanche Willis Howard. [2] 57 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [2848 

© 1c. Dec. 27, 1915; D 48052: 
Susan Grant Smith, Wiscasset, Me. 

tremés de costumbres andaluzas, 

original de Enrique Mouly. [Mad- 
rid, Sociedad de autores espanoles] 
19450. 29or p? Dare! [2849 
fe) dam Ot 1916" "eP Jan> Ss, 
1916; D 42868; FE. Mouly, Madrid. 

HAFED THE PERSIAN; play of 4 acts, by 

N. S. Purdy. [78] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2850 

©1c. Feb. 7, 1916; D 42972; Nan- 
nie Sutton Purdy, Lawrenceville, 

HATE; sketch in 3 scenes, by C. Web- 

ster. [1] 14 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

[2851 . 

© 1c. Feb. 16, 1916; D 48064; 
Charles Webster, Brooklyn. 

Hetpina HENnry; libretto of a musical 
farce in 2 acts, book and lyrics by 

an; Na Co Sowler (60): pv rite. 
Typewritten. [2852 

© 1c. Feb. 8, 1916; D 42982; 
Albert N. C. Fowler, Glens Falls, 
Me Xs 




pt. 1) he S., Fas 

HER POWER; drama in 4 acts, by S. 

[156] p. Svo. Ms. [2853 
© 1 ¢@.. Jah. 26, 1916; D 42837; 

Sain Zlotopolsky, New York. 

Hermit (THE); farcical comedy, by 

J. k. Lessing. [1] 18 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2854 

© 1c. Feb. 10, 1916; D 438000; 
J. Edward Lessing, New York. 

His ALIBI; episode, by H. L. Newton. 

S p. 4to. Typewritten. [2855 

© 1«e Feb. 10, 1916; D 42996; 
Harry L. Newton, Chicago. 

HonEYMOoN (THE) HOLD-UP; farce- 
comedy in 1 act, by W. 8S. Gidley. 
16 p. 4to. Typewritten. [2856 

©,.4,.e@ Kebis2t, 1916363 43106; 
Will S. Gidley, Springfield, Mass. 

Hoopco (THE) ESCALATOR; comedy 
sketch in 1 act, by W. S. Gidley. 
14 p. 4to. Typewritten. [2857 

© 1c. Feb. 18, 1916; D 43081; 
Will S. Gidley, Springfield, Mass. 

episodes, by F. Lobl. [58] p. Ato. 
Typewritten. [2858 

© 14 Feb. 18, 1916; D 43078; 
Frederick Lobl, Boston. 

pantomine in 12 

LIGHT); fantasy in 3 episodes, by 
B. I. Bremner... [2} 52 p. Type- 
written. [2859 

© 1c. Feb. 10, 1916; D 42998; 
Blanche Irbe Bremner, Berkeley, 

IDEAL UND LEIDEN; drama in 4 akten, 
von H. Landwirth. Chicago, Kunst 
verlag, 1915. 

Ta Deas Seashell 

ea | 
[60] p. S8vo. [2860 

© Dee. 30, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
D 42727; Henri Landwirth, Chicago. 

ILUSTRE (IML) HUESPED; humorada sa- 
tirica en 4 cuadros, prélogo y epi- 
logo, de Serafin y Joaquin Alvarez 
Quintero. [Madrid, Sociedad de au- 
tores espafioles] 1915. 59 p. 12mo. 


© Jan. WT. 19163°L..c: Paty 28, 

1916; D 42857; S. y J. Alvarez Quin- 
tero, Madrid. 



IN THE MORGUE; 1 act sketch, by S. 
Cowan. [1] 14 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [2862 

© 1c. Feb. 10, 1916; D 48001; 
Sada Cowan, New York. 

1 act, by I. Roth: [hp DOS tel. 
Typewritten. [2863 

© 12 ¢. Feb. 21, 19167 D+43105- 
Irving Roth, New York. 

INcWENT (AN) ; play in 1 act, by C. A. 
Smart. 19 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c Feb. 11, 1916; D 43008; 

Charles A. Smart, Oakland, Cal. 

INEXPERIENCE; Satire with music in 4 
scenes, by Ballard. Macdonald. [22] 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [2865 

© 1° G Feb. 12; 191677 D* 43025; 
Benjamin D. Berg, New York. 

INTERSPERSED (THE); play in 1 act, 
by E. L. Leeds. [15] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2866 

© 1 c. Feb. 16, 19163) D7 430G0- 
Eleanor Langdon Leeds, Cincinnati. 

Iron (THE) HAND; new 1 act war 
drama, by H. Caine. New York, 
MacConnell printing company, 1916. 
LL fiols [2867 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 e«. Feb. 16, 
1916; D 48072; Hall Caine, Greeba 
Castle, Isle of Man, Great Britain. 

[IvAN DuRACK; oder, Drei monumen- 
ten, a fantasy and a prologue with 
8 acts, by H. Solotaroff] 




[2] Tl p. 4to. Typewritten. [2868 

© 1 e Jan. 20; 1916; D 42783; 
Hirst Solotaroff, New York. 

JABBERWOCKY comedy dramatized 
from works of Lewis Carroll, origi- 
nal musical adaptations from Schu- 
mann, by Alice Woodfin. [18] p. 
fol. Typewritten. [Words only] 

© 1c: Web. 2, 1916;. Diaagae 

Alice I. Woodfin, New York. 

JARABE (EL) DE PICO; comedia en 2 
actos y en prosa, original de Miguel 
Rey y Pablo Nougues. [Madrid, 
Sociedad de autores espafioles] 1915. 
Ho ps “L2mie: [2870 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 1 e. Jan: 28, 
1916; D 42890; M. Rey y P. 
Nouges, Madrid. 


no. 2, 1916 


JOKEL, THE OPERA-MAKER; drama in 1 | Lrap YEAR; play in 8 acts, by F. Ull- 

act, by Jacob Gordin. 

(In The day, v. 3, no. 459, 460, Feb. 
2 11-1916. ) [2871 

© Feb. 10, 11, 1916; 1 c. each Feb. 
14, 1916; D 48045; Alexander J. 
Gordin, admrs. estate of Jacob M. 
Gordin, Brooklyn. 

JUDGMENT (THE) oF Soromon; drama 
of today in 8 acts, by E. Worthing- 
ton. [105] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© ie Web: 15, 1916: D 48058; 
Edward Worthington, New York. 

JULIUS Cz:saR; with introduction, 
notes, and questions for review 
adapted from the Wood and Syms- 
Wood Oxford and Cambridge edi- 
mom, py B.A. Pureell and L. M. 

Somers. Chicago, New York, Scott, 
Foresman and company [1915] 203 
p. 12mo. $0.35. [2872* 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
26, 1916; A 420520; IF. A. Purcell 
and L. M. Somers, Chicago. [Copy- 
right is claimed on introduction and 

tact play, by W. M. Cressy. [1], 
29 p. fol. Typewritten. [28738 

© 1c. Feb. 7, 1916; D 42968; 
Will M. Cressy, Concord, N. H. 


akten, von Franz Dilberg. Berlin, 
Egon Fleischel & co., 1915. 4 p. 1., 
188 p. 12mo. [2874 

memog 410, 1915: 1 c,. Jan,- 31, 
1916; D 42921; Egon YFleischel & 
co., Berlin. 

Kine Corra; dramatic playlet in 1 act, 
by KR. Jordan. [1] 12p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2875 

2. G rep, 21, 1916; D 43101: 
Robert Jordan, Brooklyn. 

Kine Kore IN WAR TIMES; play in 1 
act, by M. 8S. Chandler. [1] 7 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [2876 

© 1c. Feb. 12, 1916; D 43022; 
Martha 8S. Chandler, Kingston, N. Y. 

LAprén (EL) LInce; o, La mujer de 
hielo, fantasia comica.en 2 actos, 
divididos en 4 cuadros, en prosa, 
original de ©: Allen-Perkins. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores espa- 
fioles}] 1915. 53 p. 12mo. [2877 

mm) Jan. 27, 1916; 1.-¢c. Jan’ 28, 
1916; D 42865; Carlos Allen-Perkins, 

mann. {1] Typewrit- 
ten. [2878 

© 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; D 43044; 
Frederic Ullmann, Highland Park, 

66 p. 4to. 

LEAVE IT TO ME; farce comedy in 8 
acts [revised version of Not yet] 
by A. Keir and Ruth Comfort Mitech- 

Taelbaliy Go R, Cave) Youn2]. “—Et28i p: 
4to. Typewritten. [2879 

© 1-¢e. Feb. 1, 1916; D 42992; An- 
gela Keir & Ruth Comfort Mitchell 
Young, New York. 

LESSONS IN FrREeNcH; farce comedy in 

2 gets, Dy bs IN. Gilbert...[21,.8) p. 
4to. Typewritten. [2880 

© 1c Feb. 11, 1916; D 438006; 
Lillian Norten Gilbert, Grafton, 

Look out! musical comedy libretto in 
2 acts, book and lyrics by S. V. B. 
Brewster, music by George D. Clews. 
[6], 57 p. 4to. Typewritten. [2881 

©: 1 ¢.. Keb. 7, 19165 D 42975- 
Sey aed BF York. 
S. V. B. Brewster, New Yorl 
LuLG; comedia dramitiea en 8 actos, 

original de C. Bertolazzi, adaptada 
a la escena espafniola por Enrique 

Tedeschi y Antonio FF. lLepina. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores es- 
panioles] 1915. 58 p, 12mo. [2882 

© ie. Jan. 2699168 (D 42705: 
IH. Tedeschi y A. I’. Lepina, Madrid. 

MADONNA DYIANORA; play in verse, by 
Hugo von Hofmannsthal,' trans- 
lated from the German by Harriet 

Betty Boas. Boston, Richard G. 
Badger, [1916] 44 p. 12mo. (Con- 
temporary dramatists series) 


© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 9, 1916; 
D 429838; Richard G. Badger, Bos- 

MAN’S PREROGATIVE; Dlay in 8 acts, by 
A. C. New. [2] 58 p,. 4to. Type- 
written. [2884 

© 1.¢.. Feb. 19, 1916; D 438091; 
Archey Cameron New, Baltimore. 

Mara (EL) pre Evropa; improvisacion 
fantaistica en 1 acto, dividido en 4 
cuadros, en prosa y verso, original 
de HK. Polo, miisica del maestro Eu- 
genio Ubeda. [Madrid, Sociedad de 
autores espanoles] 1915, 64 p. 12mo. 
[ Libretto] [2885 

@ Jan, 27, 1916: 1. ¢c. Jan; 28, 
1916; D 42868; Ernesto Polo, 




Marcu WINDS; dramatic comedy with 
musical interlude in 4 acts, by A. 
Glasgow. [79] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [Words only] [2888 

© 1. Feb. 17, 1916; D 43082; 
Agnes Glasgow, New York. 

Maskrep (THE) BATTERY; dramatic 
episode in 1 act, by Durward Prim- 
rose. [1], 8 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

©1c. Feb. 8, 1916; D 438004; Dur- 
ward H. Primrose, New York. - 

MASSACRE; or, Russian justice, play in 
2. scenes, - by... Eis - Rosen: > *225p. 
4to. Typewritten. [2888 

© 1c. Jan. 27, 1916; D 48051; 
Frank Edward Rosen, Newark, N. J. 

MATARIFES (LOS); Sainete en 1 acto, 
dividido en 8 cuadros, en prosa, 
original de Manuel Fernandez de la 
Puente, mtsica de los maestros 
Cayo Vela y Enrique Bru. [Mad- 
rid, Sociedad de autores espafoles] 
1915. 43 p. 12mo. [Libretto] 


© san: 27. 1916s! 1 ce: Jan. 28, 

1916; D 42860; M. Fernandez de la 
Puente, Madrid. 

MIcHAEL SPEDUFFY; or, A Grecian 
knight (night), faree comedy vaude- 
ville act, by D. Marnell. [1] 14 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [2890 

© 41 Geb. 19,°1916-D 438092 - 
David Marnell, Philadelphia. 

act comedy playlet, by P. Cammans. 
[2] 8p. 4to. Typewritten.. [2891 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 43098; 
Paul Cammans, Seattle. 

drama in 4 acts, by J. Simonson and 
Hardin D. Rickman. [80] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2892 

© 1 ¢« Feb. 15, 1916; D 48055: 
Jules Simonson, New York. 

position, by H. HE. Van der Koor. 
8p. 4to. Typewritten. [2893 

Oud exeMebs 41916, DD 429074: 
Herman E. Van der Koor, St. Paul. 

MisFit (A) FORTUNE; play in 1 act, by 
A. Marshall. [2] 20 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2894 

© 1c. Feb. 15, 1916; D 48056; 
Abigail Marshall, New York. 

¢ pt. 1, HPS. we aS 


cal comedy in 8 acts, by A. H. 
Adams. [8], 123 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. _ [2895 

© 1: ¢ ‘Feb. 7%, 1916; D 42963- 
Arthur H. Adams, Sydney, Australia. 

Mistrz TWARDOWSKI; dramat w 5-ciu 
aktach pierwsza ezesé trylogii, przez 
Stanisilawa Scwajkarta. Chicago, 
Ti., Naktadem i drukiem Spolki wy- 
dawnictwa polskiego, 1915. 2 p. L., 
79 p. 4to. [2896 

© Dee. 15, 1915: .2;c); Dees 2 
1915; D 42682; Polish pub. co., Chi- 

MozaA (LA) DEL LLANO; drama rural 
en 8 actos y en prosa, original de 
J. Andrés de Prada. [Madrid, So- 
ciedad de autores espafioles] 1915. 
6) DP. 2.1 Z2me: [2897 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2%e dames. 
1916; D 42878; J. Andrés de Prada, 

MusicaL (A) MIXUP; musical comedy- 
dramatic playlet, by Albert N. Den- 
nis. 138 p. S8vo.  Typewritten. 
[Words only.] [2898 

© 1-e. Jan. 27,. 19163°D 423524 
Alta Williams & Hattie Schott, 
Wheeling, W. Va. 

Mysterious (THE) Mr. FABIOLA; com- 
edy in 8 acts, by S. G. Eghian. [2] 
133 p. 4to. Typewritten. [2899 
© 1 ¢. Feb. 10, 1916; D 42999; 
Setrak G. Eghian, New York. 

Nan; drama in 4 acts, by C. M. Allen. 

[5] 109 p. 4to. Typewritten. [2900 
© 1c. Feb. 12, 19165 D 43026e 

Constance M. Allen, Los Angeles. 

Nipo (EL) DEL PRINCIPAL; Sainete en 
1 acto, dividido en 4 cuadros, orogi- 
nal de Enrique Paradas y Joaquin 

Jiménez, mtisica de los maestros 
Cayo Vela y Enrigue Bru. {Mad- 

rid, Sociedad de autores espaiioles] 
1915. 44 p. 12mo. [Libretto] 
©. Jan. 27, 1916; 1 e Janes 
1916; D 42886; E. Paradas y J. Jim- 
énez, Madrid. 

NicuHt (THE) SHIFT; play in 1 act, by 
M. BE. Lee. [1] 18 p. 4to. Tyvpe- 
written. [2902 

© 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; D 43046; 
M. E. Lee, St. Louis. 



no. 2, 1916 

Nino (EL) DE LA BOLA; entremés en 
prosa, original de Antonio Calero 
Ortiz y Fernando Vallejo. [Madrid, 

- Sociedad de autores espaiioles] 1915. 
*¢ py. 12mo. [2903 

Jon. 27, 1916; t «& Jan. 28, 
1916; D 42862; A. Calero Ortiz y 
F. Vallejo, Madrid. 

O6espaua (THE MONKEY); dramatic 
composition arranged in 5 parts and 
epilogue, by O. Dymow [1] 23 p. 
S8vo. Ms. [290+ 

© 1 ec. Feb. 5, 1916; D 42956; 
Ossip Dymow, New York. 

OLp (THE) HOME SINGERS; play in 2 
acts, by C. Ff. Horner. [11] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2905 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 438099; 
Chas. F. Horner, Kansas City, Mo. 

OLD (THE) vVioLIN; play in 4 acts, by 
M. T. Wilson. [GS] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2306 

© 1c Feb. 9, 1916; D 43086; 
Marie Tersa Wilson, Toronto, Ont., 

ONE MORNING IN BrLcIuM: playin, 1 
act, Dy KE. Barker. [2] 17 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2907 

© 1c Feb. 12, 1916; D 43016; 
Elsa Barker. New York. 

OSTATNIE DWA RUBLE; farsa w 1 akcie, 
przetlomaczyl z niemieckiego Dalski 
opracowal T. Kantor. Chicago, IIL, 
W. H. Sajewski, 1915. 32 p. 16mo. 


© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c Feb. 11, 

1916; D 43030; W. H. Sajewski, 

Orure (THE) GIRL; dramatic compo- 
sition in 4 acts, by J. I. Malloy. 
[89] p. 4to. Typewritten. [2909 

© 1c. Feb. 12, 1916; D 438025; 
John I’. Malloy, Meriden, Conn. 

Park (A) oF THEM; 1 act play, by 

M. EF. Pesnel. [2] 16 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2910 

© 1c. Feb. 16, 1916: D 43066: 
Maximilian Edwin Pesnel, New 

Paris (THE) Dott; musical comedy in 
2 acts, book, lyrics, and music by 
James Macreedy. [88] p.  4to. 
Typewritten. [2911 

© 1c. Feb. 17, 1916; D 43076; 
James A. McCreedey, New York. 


Passapo (Lo); drama en 4 actos y 
en verso, original de H. Alonso Rod- 
riguez. [Madrid, Sociedad de au- 
tores espaftioles] 1915. 79 p. 12mo. 


© sam 27. 1916: 1 «2. Jan. 2S. 

1916; D 42867; Honorio Alonso Rod- 
riguez, Madrid. 

PraAno (THE) IS TUNED; comedy play- 

let, by S. F. Hillman. [1] 14 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2918 

© 1c. Feb. 11,-1916; D 43010; 
Sara Frazer Hillman, Pittsburgh. 

PLays; by August Strindberg. 4th 
series. Tr. with an introduction by 
Edwin Bjorkman. Authorized ed. 
New York, C. Scribner’s sons, 1916. 
4p. 1., 3-283 p. 12mo. $1.50. Con- 
tents: The bridal crown.—The spook 
sonata.—The first warning.—Gus- 
tavus Vasa. [2913* 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 420592; Charles Scrib- 
ner’s sons, New York. 

POCAHONTAS; comic operetta in 2 acts, 
book and lyrics by Fred Edmonds, 
music by Edward Johnston. Book of 
words. New York, J. Fischer & bro., 
1916. 24 p. 4to. (Fischer ed. no. 
4050) [2914 

© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 c@ Feb. 15, 
1916; D 438067; J. Fischer & bro., 
New York, 

PREPAREDNESS; original sketch, by 
Wim. Kurt [pseud. of J. F. Volkert] 
15 p. 4to. Typewritten. [2915 

© 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; D 43018; 
John F. Volkert, Philadelphia. 

PRUNE-STONE (THE) DOPE; comedy in 
3 acts, by G. Hamilton and W. Rath- 
bun, adapted from the story of same 
title by G. Hamilton. [122] p. 4to. 
Typewritten, [2916 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 48104; 
Gertrude Hamilton & Will Rathbun, 
New York. 

Reet (A) ROMANCE; play in 1 act, by 
Jay Mocley, rewritten and revised 
bya.’ Db. Butler. ..[2] 14 p: fol. 
Typewritten. [2917 

© 1c. Jan. 27, 1916; D 43008; 
Ray L. Butler, Glendale, Cal, 

RELIABLE (A) LIAR; 1 act play, by W. 
M. Cressy. [1], 29 p. fol. Type- 
written. [2918 

© 1c. Feb. 7, 1916; D 42969; Will 
M. Cressy, Concord, N. H. 




pt. 1, RSs, Veda 

Rorre (THE) OF PEARLS; 4 act play, by 

i. Ey Kidder. [113] p-  4to:> Type- 
written. [2919 

© 1c. Feb. 11, 1916; D 43007; 
Edward BE. Kidder, New York. 

SascHA; ein drama in 4 akten, von 
Frieda Berg. [1] 89 p. 4to. Ms. 
© 1e. Feb. 11, 1916; D 48005; 
Friederika Hilenberg, New York. 
SECOND FLOOR OPPOSITE; farce in 1 act, 
bye Ws) By Oaink: ) 4b2) i Bi Ip.) ato. 
Typewritten. [2921 
© 1 c Feb. 10, 1016; D 42994; 
William H. Quinn, Fall River, Mass. 

en 8 actos, en prosa (inspirado en 
e! pensamiento de una novela in- 
glesa) escrito por Luis Linares 
Becerra y Jose Mesa Andres. 
[Madrid, Seciedad de autores es- 
panoles] 1915. 46 p. 12mo. [2922 

© dam. Bi oA G>. tc. dan. .28, 

1916; D 42879; L. Linares Becerra | 

y J. Mesa Andres, Madrid. 

SETTLING THE WAR; burlesque in 1 
act, by A. Gerstenberg and Rienzi 
de Cordeva.: [2] 33 p. 4to. “Type- 
written. [2923 

@ a°¢ Web. 12, 2916: Dp" 43020; 
Alice Gerstenberg, Chicago. 

SHapows; Grama in 1 act, by Alan 
Storm [pseud. of G. Lipkind] 20 p. 
4dto. Typewritten. [2924 

© te. Webi 8)-1916s" D’ 42976; 
Gooodiman Lipkind, New York. 

Grama in 1 act, by Jacob Gordin. 

(in The day, v. 3, no. 415; 416, Jan. 
16, 17, 1916) [2925 

© Jan. 16, 17, 1916; 1 ¢c. each Jan. 
18, 1916; D 42901; Alexander J. 
Gordin, admrs. estate of Jacob M. 
Gordin, Brooklyn. 

dramatic playlet in 1 
Walker. 15 p. Ato. 

original comedy 
act, by J. 
© 1. Feb. 16, 1916; D 43063; 
Johnnie Walker, Whitestone, N. Y. 
faree, by. W..D..Salvini., 7 pe fol. 
typewritten. [2927 
41 ¢« Jan. 31, 1916;. po43e9: 
William De Rosa Salvini, Los An- 

oF SoLtomon; [by] N. P. Barlow, 
Greenville, Mich, N. P. Barlow, 
1916. 43 Ds Dork, «To: [2928 

©: Feb. 7,- 1916: 2) cys Pebnae2. 
1916; D 48015; N. P. Barlow, Madi- 
son, Wis. 

SIERRA MoRENA; boceto de sainete orig- 

inal y en prosa, de Antonia Paso y 
Joaquin Abati, musica del maestro 

Lied |[Madrid, Sociedad de autores 
espafieles] 1915. 2 say 12mo. 
[Libretto] [2929 

© Jan. 27, 1916: 1 © aan 
1916; D 42861; A. Paso y J. Abati, 

SINGED WINGS; modern play in 8 acts, 
by C. Charters and J. L. Mills. 
[48] p. 4to. Typewritten. [2930 

© 1. Feb. 17, 1916; D 43075; 
Charies Charters & Julia Lincoln. 
Mills, New York. 

SOME OTHER WOMAN; vaudeville 
sketch, by V. H. Pendleton. [1] 23 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [29381 

© le. Feb. 21, 1916. 9 4210-- 
Virginia Hunter Pendleton, Wee- 
hawken, N. J. 

by W. Y..-Zwietuseh... 12.92) 3801. 
Typewritten. [2932 

© 1c. Feb. 11, 1916; D 43009; 
William Y. Zwietusch, Milwaukee. 

Son (THE) AND HEIR; playlet in 1 act, 
by E. Crotty. [2], 12 p. “fol” Eepe- 
written. [2933 

© 1.¢ Feb. 5, 1916; D 4396s; 
Elizabeth Crotty, Cleveland. 

[in 83 acts] by Margaret C. Getcheil. 
New York, Camp fire outfitting co. 
[1916] 23 p. 12mo. [2934 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2.e; eb. 2, a0ier 
D 42993; Camp fire outfitting co., 
New York. 

STRINGS; comedy in 8 acts, by GC. MM. 
Nelson and J. V. Smith. [124] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [2935 

© 1a Feb. 9, 1916; D 42989; 
George Merwin Nelson & J, Van 
Velsor Smith, New York. 

SUPERIOR FORCES; original, modern, 
realistic drama of present American 
life in 4 acts, by S. Semon. [1], 57 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [2936 

©: Lec. Reb. TF; 1916; D aaa; 
Samuel Semon, San Francisco, 



no. 2, 1916 


Surprise (A) PARTY; novelty comedy 
drama in 1 act, by C. S. Keith and 
B. Warren. [1], 11 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2937 

© 1c Dec. 3, 1915; D 42965; 
Cato S. Keith & Bessie Warren, 
New York. 

SyN wWoLNoscl; obrazek dramatyczny 
w 3 aktach, przez Kazimierza Na- 
gora. Chicago, Ill., W. H. Sajewski, 
1915. 67 p. 16mo. [29388 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 ec. Feb. 11, 
1916; D 48029; W. H. Sajewski, 

Tempro (EL) bE CuPIDO; comedia 
vodevilesca en 3 actos y en prosa, 
original de A. Estremera. [Madrid, 
Sociedad de autores espafioles] 1915. 
75 p. 12mo. [2939 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 1c Jan. 28, 
1916; D 42892; Antonio Estremera, 

THREE CHUMS; vaudeville sketch, by 
VY. H. Pendleton. [2] 14 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2940 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 43102; 

Virginia Hunter Pendleton, Wee- 
hawken, N. J. 
Tio (EL) DE LAS cAfpAS; juguete 

c6mico lirico en 1 acto dividido en 2 
cuadros, en prosa, original de J. 
Pérez Lopez, musica del maestro 
Francisco Alonso. [Madrid, Socie- 
dad de autores espafioles] 1915. 
45 p. 12mo. [Libretto] [2941 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 1 c. Jan. 28, 
1916; D 42864; José Pérez Lopez, 

Tort (THE) OF JEALOUSY; play in 1 
act, by BE. Westcott. 7 p. « fol. 
Typewritten. [2942 

© 1c. Jan. 28, 1916; D 42980; 
Eva Westcott, Chicago, 

ToMMyY’S BIT; playlet in 1 act, by L. 
Clemens. [2] 28p. 4to. Ms. [2943 
© 1c. Feb. 15, 1916; D 43053; 

Le Roy Clemens, New York. 

Too MUCH SMOKE; comedy sketch, by 
Billy Carey [pseud. of W. C. Dono- 
hoe] 11 p. fol. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Feb. 9, 1916; D 42985; 

William Carey Donohoe, Hempstead, 
av. Ee 

Singing and dancing specialty, by 
gyohn §. Carroll. [1], 5 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2945 

© 1c. Feb. 4, 1916; D 42960; 
John Donahue, New York. 


Jacob Gordin. 


(In The day, v. 8, no. 425-427, Jan. 
8-10, 1916) [2946 

© Jan. 8-10, 1916; 1 ¢. each Jan. 
12, 1916; D 42900; Alexander J. 
Gordin, admrs. estate of Jacob M. 
Gordin, Brooklyn. 

TRUMP; dramatic sketeh in 1 act, by 
B. F. and H. J. Meurling. [8] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [2947 

© 1c. Feb. 9, 1916; D 42988; 
Bert F. & Howard J. Meurling, Min- 

Two OF A KIND; musical comedy in 1 
act, words and lyrics by Raymond 
Barrett, music by Edward C. Moore. 
32 p. 4to. Typewritten. [Words 
only] [2948 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 43095; 
Charles Raymond Barrett, Chicago. 

U PRZEKUPKI; krotechwila w 1 akeie, 
napisal Konstanty Krumlowski, 
opracowal Augustyn Zukowski. Chi- 

cago, Ill, W. H. Sajewski, 1915. 
24 p. 16mo. [2949 
(Dee! "25. 1915. 2c. Web. da. 

1916; D 43036; W. H. Sajewski, Chi- 

comedy in 3 acts, by L. K. Anspacher. 
New York, Frederick A. Stokes com- 

pany {1916] 4 .p. 1., 276 p. port. 
12mo. [2950 

© Feb. 18, 1916; 2 ¢c. Feb. 21, 
1916; D 48096; Louis Kaufman 

Anspacher, New York. 

4 acts, by J. A. Fielder. 34 p. fol. 
Typewritten. [2951 

© 1c. Feb. 10, 1916; D 42997; 
- Joseph A, Fielder, Steubenville, O. 

VALUE RECEIVED; play in 8 acts, by 
R. Bentinck. [103] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [2952 

© 1c. Feb. 16, 1916; D 438062; 
Richard Bentinck, New York. 

VaRA (LA) DE NARDOS; juguete cémico 
en 1 acto, dividido en 2 cuadros, en 
prosa, original de Gonzalo Canto y 
Nicanor Rodriguez de selis. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores es- 
panioles] 1915. 27 p. 12mo. [2953 

©) Jan. 27, 1016: 1 ec, Jan, 22, 
1916; D 42889; G. Cant6 y N. Rod- 
riguez de Celis, Madrid. 




tiempo cémico en 1 acto y en prosa, 
original de J. A. y F. Fernandez- 
Portero. [Madrid. Sociedad de au- 
tores espafioles] 1915. 57 p. 12mo. 


fc) Jan: 27, 1G: Jan, 228, 
1916: D 42866; José A. y Fernando 
Fernandez- Portero, Madrid. 

Sikalischer schwank in 8 akten, von 
Arthur Lippschitz, gesangstexte von 
Will Steinberg, musik von Rudolph 
Nelson. Berlin, Biihnenverlag Ahn 
& Simrock, g. m. b. h., 1916. 56 p. 
Svo. [Words only] [2955 

© 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; D 43069; 
Btihnenverlag Ahn & Simrock, g. m. 
b. h., Berlin. 

bufa en 1 acto. dividido en 3 cuad- 
ros. en prosa. original de Enrique 
Garcia Alvarez y Felix Garzo, mt- 
sica del maestro Juan Vert. [Mad- 
rid. Sociedad de autores espafioles] 

49TH. 38) pp. © i2Zmo.’*' [Libretto] 
©). Jan. 27%, 1916; diver Janse2s; 

1916; D 42859; E. Garcia Alvarez 
y F. Garzo, Madrid. 

VIVIDORES; juguete cémico en 1 acto 
Vy eh prosa, original de J. Selgas 

Ruiz. [Madrid, Sociedad de au- 
tores espanoles] 1915. 23 p. 12mo. 

Jan? Qe aioe e: sane ao. 
1916; D 42877; José Selgas Ruiz, 

WALKA O KOBIETE; tragedya w 1 akcie, 
opracowal T. Kantor i Marski. Chi- 
eago, Ill., W. H. Sajewski, 1915. 382 
p. 16mo. [2958 

© Dee: 29,7 191532 « Bebo ‘141, 
1916; D 438028; W. H. Sajewski, 

Wak GROOMS; tremendous laugh battle 
if 2 3ct.iby .. L Baotler, [2] 19». 
fol. Typewritten. [2959 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 43094; 
tay L. Butler, Glendale, Cal. 

WAR WOLVES; play in 1 act, by O. 

Black. [2] 18 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 43097; 
Orlow Black, San Francisco. 


pt. Tics. va 

WEIBCHEN; lustspiel in 3 aufztigen, 
von Ernst von Wolzogen. Berlin, 
Vertriebsstelle des Verbandes 
deutscher btihnenschriftsteller, 1915. 
S2 p.. 8vo. [2961 

© 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; D 43071; 
Vertriebsstelle des Verbandes . 
deutscher biihnenschriftsteller, Ber- 

deville sketch, by M. E. Merrifield. 
[ e p. 4to. Typewritten. [2962 

1 ec. Feb. 8, 1916; D 42990; 
nS Edythe Merrifield, Springfield, 

WHAT SHALL WE PLAY? a dramatic 
reader, by Fannie Wyche Dunn, 
with illustrations by Bert Valentine. 
New York, The Macmillan company, 
1916. vii, 183 p. front., illus. 12mo. 

(Everychild’s series) $0.40. Con- 
tents: The sleeping beauty.— 
Tweedledum and  Tweedledee.— 

Cinderella.—The story of Joseph— 
The brownies.—Three little Christ- 
mas waits.—The pied piper of Hame- 
lin—Gluck’s visitor. [2962* 

© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
20, 1916; A 418515; Macmillan co., 
New York. 

comedy in 3 acts, by 
E. B. Cauthorn. [74] p. fol. Type- 
written. [2963 

© 1. Feb. 14, 1916; D 43048; 
Eudora Belle Cauthorn, Los Ange- 


WILHEMINES BYRAA; [av] Peter Egge. 
Krisitania og Kjébenhavn, Gylden- 
dal, Nordisk forlag, 1915. 198 p. 
12mo._ kr. 3.20. [2963* 

© Nov. 14, 1915; 1 « Jange2e, 
1916; A—Foreign 13375; Gylden- 
dalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag. 

WoMAN ALIVE; Sketch, by M. Allen. 

22 p. 24mo. Typewritten. [2964 

© 1e. Jan. 31, 1916; D 48049; 
Maryland Allen, Portland, Or. 

WScIEKLY STUDENT; albo, Studenckie 
figle, krotochwila w 1 akcie, napisal 
Antoni Jax. Chicago, Ill, W. H. 
Sajewski, 1915. 14 p. 16mo. [2965 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c. Feb. 11, 
1916; D 43034; W. H. Sajewski, 



no. 2, 1916 


WYRODNA CORKA; dramat ze Spiewami 
w 3 aktalh, napisal i muzyke ulozyl 
Antoni Jax. Chicago, Ill., W. H. 
Sajewski, 1915. 64  p. 16mo. 
[Words only] [2966 

oer 2 1915; 2 c. Feb. 13, 
1916: D 480385; W. H. Sajewski, Chi- 

ZOSIA DRUHNA; monodram w 1 akcie 
ze Spiewami, przez A. Ladnowskiego, 
muzyka St. Ogurkowskiego. Chi- 
eago, Ill. W. H. Sajewski, 1915. 
16 p. 16mo. [2967 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c Feb. 11, 
1916; D 4380388; W. H. Sajewski, 




ZYDOWSKIE SWATY; obrazek dramaty- 

czny ze spiewami, napisal Szezesny 
Zahajkiewicz, muzyka Maryana S. 
Rozyckiego. Chicago, Ill, W. H. 
Sajewski, 1915. 40 p. 16mo. [Li- 
bretto only] [2968 

© Bee, 29,1915; 2 e. Feb. 11, 
1916; D 438033; W. H. Sajewski, 

13?; 0, El vencedor de fantomas, epi- 

sodio policiaco en 4 actos y en prosa, 
original de J. M. Martin de Eugenio. 
[Madrid, Sociedad de autores es- 
panioles] 1915. 54 p. 12mo. [2969 

©) jan: (27) 1916. fre. Fan 2s; 
1916; D 42888; José Maria Martin de 
Eugenio, Madrid. 

Number of entries of Dramatic compositions (including entries for 413 
unpublished and other one-copy dramas), printed in the catalogue since 

Jan. 1, 1916 



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ADAIRVILLE, Logan Co., Ky.  [Insur- 
ance map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. 
‘to an inch. 38 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [2970 

er fen 10. TMilb: 2 &,...Keb.. 11, 
1916; F 29740; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Arrica. Physical, Africa. Fig. 384. 
Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale, 750 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 104 by 84 inches. [2971 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28360; American book co., New 

Political, Africa. Fig. 386. Buf- 
falo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale, 750 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 104 by 8+ inches. 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28356; American book co., New 

— Relief map, Africa. Fig. 382. 
Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale, 750 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 104 by 8} inches. [2973 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F¥ 28343; American book co., New 

ALABAMA, Rand-MecNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Alabama, Chicago, New York, Rand, 
MeNally & co. [1916] 70 p._ fold. 
map. 16mo, $0.25. [2974 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417946; Rand, 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 

ALASKA. Physical and political, Alas- 
ka. Fig. 253. Buffalo, N. Y., Mat- 
thews-Northrup works. Secale, 270 
miles to 1 inch. Size 10} by 8} 
inches. [2975 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 283870; American book co., New 

ANTRIM County, Mich. Antrim 
County and parts of Charlevoix and 
Kalkaska counties, Mich. Size 163 
by 16} inches. [2976 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
F 28197; Shedd-Brown mfg. co., 

[2972 © 

‘ ASTA, 


ARIZONA. Rand-MeNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Arizona.’ Chicago, New York, Rand, 

McNally & co. [1916] 30 p. fold. 
map. 16mo. $0.25. [2977 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417948; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

ARKANSAS. Rand-MeNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Arkansas. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & co. [1916] 58 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $0.25. [2978 

© dan. +3, 1996; "2 '@. Fan. 10, 
1916; aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417938; 
Rand, McNally & ¢o., Chicago. 

ASHEVILLE, N. C. Automobile blue 
book pilot map of Asheville and ad- 
jacent territory. Size 25 by 28 
inches. [2979 

© Feb. 25. 1916; 2 ¢@ Feb. 26, 
1916; KF 283898; Automobile blue 
boook pub. co., New York. 

Physical, Asia. Fig. 355. Buf- 
falo. N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale 945 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 104 by 8} inches. [2980 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
IX 28872; American book co., New 
Political, Asia. 

Vig. 857. Buf- 
falo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Seale 945 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 104 by 8} inches. [2981 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ec. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28844; American book co., New 
Relief map, Asia. 
falo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale 945 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 104 by 84 inches. [2982 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢c. Feb. 8, 1916; 

Vig. 353. Buf- 

I’ 28864; American book co.. New 

AUSTRALIA. Physical, Australia and 
New Zealand. Fig. 403. Buffalo, 
N. Y.. Matthews-Northrup works. 
Seale 5385 miles to 1 ineh. Size 104 
by 84 inches. [2983 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. Feb. 8, 1916; 
IF. 28850; American book co,., New 



2984 ‘ 

pt. 4, WSs Wedees 

Political, Australia and Islands 

of the Pacific. Fig. 406. Buffalo, 
N. Y.,. Matthews-Northrup works. 
Seale 885 miles to 1 inch. Size 104 
by 8+ inches. {2984 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
FF 28868; American book co.. New 

Relief map, Australia and New 
Zealand. Fig. 400. Buffalo, N. Y., 
Matthews-Northrup works. Scale 
5385 miles to 1 inch. Size 104 by 84 
inches. {2985 
© Feb. 1. 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 





York. | 

American book co.. New | 


Ba.timore, Md. Map of city of Balti- 

more, main thoroughfares and lat- 
erals which have been improved in- 
side the city, showing connections 
with improved state highways. 1916. 
Size 11 by 12 inches. [2986 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 5, 1916; 
F 28205: Paving commission of Bal- 
timore, Md., Baltimore. 

Barpers Hirrt, Tex. Higgins map of 
' Barbers Hill, Chambers Co., Tex. 
Seale 1 inch to 500 feet. Size 303 
by 843 inches. Blueprint. [2987 
©. sane 22." 19lGs* 2 ee. Jan. 20, 
1916; F 28383; Pattillo Higgins, 
Houston, Tex. 

Bevery, ‘Burlineton Cor, VN. IF). [in- 
surance map] Dec. 1915. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 8 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [2988 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
EF 29729; Sanborn map co.; New 

Big. Horn County, Wy. 1916. Size 

48 by 64 inches. Blueprint. [2989 

©) Jan.1, 1916: 2c. Feb, 23,1946; 

F 28390; Nowell-Atherly co., Basin, 

BIRMINGHAM, Oakland Co., Mich. [In- 
surance map] Dec. 1915. Seale 50 
ft. to an inch. 3 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [2990 

(©) Hebi, 16, i O1Gy7 2. '¢..7;Beb. 1, 
1916; F 29750; Sanborn map co., | 
New York. | 

BISHOPVILLE, Lee Co., S. C. Insuranve 
map. Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an | 
inch. 7 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. ! 

[2991 ; 
© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 ce. Feb. 4, 1916; | 

F 29728; Sanborn map co., New | 


BREMEN, Fairfield Co., O. [Insurance 
map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 38 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Feb. 23, 1916> 2 cepa 

1916; F 29557; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 

Brown City, Sanilac Co., Mich. .[In- 
surance map] Dec. 1915. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 2 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [2993 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 9, 1916; 
F 29786; Sanborn map co., New 

CANADA. Physical and political, Do- 
minion of Canada, Newfoundland 
and Greenland. Fig. 265. Buffalo, 
N. Y., Matthews-Northrup works. 
Seale 485 miles to 1 inch. Size 104 
by 8 inches. [2994 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2.c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28861; American book co., New 

CanaL Zone. Panama Canal “Zone. 
Fig. 256. Scale 15 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 34 by 34 inches. [2995 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 87a9i6; 
F 28363; American book co., New 

CARROLL, Fairfield Co., O. [Insurance 
map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 2 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. © 


© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 ec. Feb. 8, 1916; 

F 29735: Sanborn map co., New 

CENTRAL AMERICA. Sée Mexico. Physi- 
cal and political, Mexico, Central 
America and West Indies. Fig. 
QTL [2997 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28359; American book co., New 

CHEBOYGAN County, Mich. Size 154 
by 93 inches. [ 2998. 

© Dee. .28, 1915; 2c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
F 28194: Shedd-Brown mfg. €0., 

CuinToNn, Ill. Insurance maps ef Clin- 
ton, Dewitt Co., Ill. Jan. 1916. Scale 
50 ft. to an inch. 13 sheets, size 25 
by 21 inches. [2999 

©. Peb. 16, 1916; 2- ooMen Ag, 
1916; F 29747; Sanborn map ©Co., 
New York. 



no. 2, 1916 

CoLoravo. Rand - McNally 
_ pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Colorado. Chicago, New York, Rand, 
McNally & co. [1916] 54 p. fold. 
map. 16mo. $0.25. [3000 
© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417928; Rand, 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 

CONNECTICUT. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 

Connecticut. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & co. [1916] 30 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $0.25. [3001 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417933; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

Covinetron, Tenn. Insurance maps of 
Covington, Tipton Co., Tenn. Jan. 

- 1916. Seale 50 ft. to an inch. 12 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [3002 

Si Hepes! 1916; 2 c..,.Keb., 23; 
1916; F 29756; Sanborn map ©co., 
New York. 

CRAWFORD County, Ark. Map of town- 

ship 8 north, range 30 west. Scale 

1 inch to 2000 feet. Size 93 by 15 

inches. Blueprint. [3003 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 18, 

1916; F 28261; Winters & Dove, 
Fort Smith, Ark. 

— Map of township § north, range 
31 west. Scale 1 inch to 2000 feet. 
Size 10 by 15 inches. Blueprint. 


ao voan 12 °1916-5 2 ec. Jan. “18, 

1916; F 28262: Winters & Dove, 
Fort Smith, Ark. 

Map of township 9 north, range 
29 west. Scale 1 inch to 2000 feet. 
Size 8 by 14 inches. Blueprint. 
ee oeen 12) 1916-2 « Jan: 18, 
1916; F 28263: Winters & Dove, 
Fort Smith, Ark. 

—— Map of township 9 north, range 
30 west. Scale 1 inch to 2000 feet. 

Size 16 by 16 inches. Blueprint. 
©’ Jan! 12; 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 18, 
1916; IF 28265: Winters & Dove, 

Fort Smith, Ark. 

Map of township 9 north, range 
31 west. Scale 1 inch to 2000 feet. 
Size 16 by 16 inches. Blueprint. 
Jan. 18, 
Winters & Dove, 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 e. 
1916; F 28259: 
Fort Smith, Ark. 


indexed CRAWFORD County, Ark.—Continued. 

Map of township 9 north, range 
32 west. Scale 1 inch to 2000 feet. 
Size 17 by 15 inches. Blueprint. 
©) Vian). 12, 1916-2 es Gans, 
1916; F 28266; Winters & Dove, 
Fort Smith, Ark. 

Map of township 10 north, range 

29 west. Scale 1 inch to 2000 feet. 
Size 16 by 16 inches. Blueprint. 

©.3jan, 12, 4916s 2 ©, fan. 38, 
1916; EF 28264; Winters & Dove, 
Fort Smith, Ark. 

— Map of townshp 10 north, range 
30 west. Scale 1 inch to 2000 feet. 
Size 16 by 16 inches. Blueprint. 


Jans 18 

& Dove, 

G). Jan.) 4255 1996s 20e: 
1916; EF 28260; Winters 
Fort Smith, Ark. 

DELAWARE. Rand-MeNally 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Delaware. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & eco. [1916) 18 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $0.25. [8011 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417929; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 



Beeler’s official map of 

city and county of Denver. Den- 

ver, Col.. Beeler map co. [1916] 

Slueprint. Size 70 by 56 inches. 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. Feb. 5, 1916; 
KF 28337: Edwin M. Beeler, Denver. 

Deschutes Valley, central Oregon. 
1915. Size 82 by 58 inches. [3013 

© Keb; 3; 91916 3.2 sc.o Wem 15: 
1916; If 28380; Robert B. Gould, 
Bend, Or. 
DivipE County, N. D. Size 8 by 164 
inches. [3014 
© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
F 28191; Shedd- Brown mfg. ¢o., 

Eau CrLarIreE, Wis. 

Kau Claire, Wis. 

Wright’s map of 

Scale 6 inches to 

1 mile. Size 81 by 24 inches. [8015 
© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 7, 1916; 

I’ 28342; Wright directory co., Mil- 



Erk County, Kan. Size by 638 

inches. Blueprint. [3016 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 ¢. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28378: Fred P. Osborn, Howard, 



Europe. Physical, Europe. Fig. 304. 
Scale 430 miles to 1 inch. Size 104 
by 82 inches. [3017 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; | 
F 283855; American book co., New 


— Political, Burope. Fig. 306. 
Scale 480 miles to 1 ineh. Size 104 
by 8+ inches. [3018 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28347; American book co., New 

— Relief map, Europe. 
Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale 430 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 104 by 8+ inches. [3019 

© Feb. 1,,1916; 2 ce. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28352; American book co., New 

FLINT, Mich. 

Size 41 by 32 inches. 

Flint, Mich. 

FLORENCE, Burlington Co., N. J. [In- 
surance map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 | 
ft. to an inch. 6 Sheets, size 25 by | 

[3021 | 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 « Feb. 17, | 
1916; F 29748; Sanborn map Co., | 

21 inehes. 

New York. 

FLoripA. Automobile blue book map 
of Florida highways. Size 27 by 28 

inches. [3022 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 « Feb. 16, 
1916; F 28382 ; Automobile blue book 
pub. co., New York. 

GEORGIA. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 

Georgia. Chicago, New York, Rand 
McNally & co. [916] 78 p._ fold. 
map. 16mo. $0.25. [3023 | 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2c. Jan. 10, 1916; 

aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417930; Rand, | 

McNally & co., Chicago. 

GLAscow, Barren Co., Ky. [Insurance 
map] Jan. 1916. Seale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 7 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 17, 

1916; EF 29744; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

GRAND TRAVERSE County, Mich. Grand 
Traverse, Benzie, Leelanau and parts 
of Antrim and Kalkaska counties, 
Mich. Size 19 by 184 inches. [3025 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
F 28201; Shedd-Brown mfg, €o., 

Fig. 302. | 

| GREENE County, Pa. 

© Feb: 11, 1916: 2 ¢) wep 17, | “O_o 

1916; F 28384; John M. Goepfert, | 

pt. I, n.s., v. 18 


inches. [3026 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 5, 1916; 

F 28204; Willard BE. Holt, Deming, 
N. M. 

Road and town- 
ship map of Greene County, Pa. 
New York, Orange Judd company, 
1916. Scale 2 miles to 1 inch. Size 
18 by 18 inches. [3027 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c Feb. 21, 
1916; F 283888; C. S. Hammond 
& co., New York. 

GREENLAND. See Canada. Physical 
and political, Dominion of Canada, 
Newfoundland and Greenland. Fig. 
265. [3028 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28361; American book co., New 

Map of Grove City 
compiled from surveys by L. KE. 
Burnside and co. 1915. Size 22 by 
28 inches. [38029 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 28, 
1916; F 28325; L. E. Burnside und 
co., Grove City, Pa. 

GRUNDY County, Mo. Standard atlas. 
Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1915. 2 
p. 1, [7]-69, viii, x—xviii p. illus. 
ports., col. maps. fol. $15.00. . 


© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff, Jan. 

17,1916; A 420385; George A. Ogle 
& co., Chicago. 

HENry County, Ill. Map of Henry 
County, Ill., showing farm owner- 
ship, roads and townships, revised 
by Susie Attwater, 1916. Size 36 by 
34 inches. [8031 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28307 ; Theodore W. Fuller, Dixon, 

Horyoke, Mass. Price & Lee ¢o0.’s 
new map of the city of Holyoke and 
part of city of Chicopee, Mass. 1916. 
Size 23 by 18 inches. - [8032 

© Feb. 18, 1916; 2 c« Feb. 26, 
1916; F 28396; Price & Lee co., New 

ILLINOIS. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Illinois. Chicago, New York, Rand, 
McNally & co. [1916] 78 p. fold. 
map. 16mo. $0.25. [3033 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417951; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 


no. 2, 1916 

INDIANA. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Indiana. Chicago, New York, Rand, 
McNally & co. [1916] 66 p. fold. 
map. 16mo. $0.25. [8034 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ce. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417934; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

Iowa. Rand-McNally indexed pocket 
map and shippers’ guide of Iowa. 
Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally 
& [1916] 50 p. fold. map. 
16mo. $0.25. [3035 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417935; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

Kansas. Rand-McNally indexed pocket 
map and shippers’ guide of Kansas. 
Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally 
& co. [1916] 50 p. fold map. 
16mo. $0.25. [3036 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417957; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

— Size 14 by 164 inches. [3037 
© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 ¢. Jan. 3, 1916; 

F 28198; Shedd-Brown mfg. ©Co., 
KENTUCKY. Rand-McNally indexed 

pocket map and shippers’ guide of 

Kentucky. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & co. [1916] 78 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $0.25. [3038 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417944; Rand, 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 

Kern County, Cal. Kern County, 
Mt. Whitney road, Weldon to Kern 
Tulare line. 2 sheets, various sizes. 
Blueprint. [3039 

© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 23, 
1916; F 28891; Auto club of south- 
ern California, Los Angeles. 

LAKE County, Or. Jan., 1916. Scale 
14 inches to a mile. Size 30 by 26 
inches. Blueprint. [3040 

© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 ec. Feb. 21, 
1916; F 283886; S. A. Mushen & R. H. 
Rogers, Lakeview, Or. 

LoGAN County, N. D. Standard 
atlas. Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co. 
1916. 2p. 1. [7]-98, viii, x—xxili 
p. illus., ports., col. maps. fol. 
$15.00. [3041 
© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ce. and aff. Jan. 

17, 1916; A 420886; George A. Ogle 

& co., Chicago. 


Logan County, O. Farm journal map 
of Logan County, O. Philadelphia, 
Wilmer Atkinson co. [1916] Size 
18 by 20 inches. [8042 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
F 28330; C. S. Hammond & co., New 

Lone Is~tanp. Rand-McNally county 
and railroad map of Long Island in- 
cluding Connecticut shore and met- 
ropolitan district. Size 64 by 34 
inches. [3043 

©) Fan. ZO 19f6: 2 @ Jani 26 
1916; F 28324; Rand-MecNally & co., 

LoRAIN County, O. Farm journal map 
‘of Lorain County, O. Size 28 by 19 

inches. Philadelphia, Wilmer At- 
kinson co. [1916] Size 28 by 19 
inches. [38044 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
F 28327; C. S. Hammond & co., 
New York. 

Los ANGELES, Cal. Orange belt special 
[Los Angeles to Redlands and re 
turn] Size 53 by 83 inches. (Red 
star fine auto tours) [3045 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. Jan. 15, 1916; 
F 28339; Frank Leslie Watson, Los 

LOUISIANA. Rand-MeNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Louisiana. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & co. [1916] 58 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $60.25. [3046 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417936; Rand, 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 

LOWELL, Mass. 1916. Seale 1000 ft. 
to an inch. Size 20 by 27 inches. 
© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 26, 
1916; F 28895; Sampson & Murdock 
co., Boston. 

Mapison Country, Ind. Farm journal 
map of Madison County, Ind. Phil- 
adelphia, Wilmer Atkinson co. 
[1916] Size 26 by 13 inches. [3048: 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
F 28829; C. S. Hammond & co., New 

MAINE. Rand-McNally indexed pocket 
map and shippers’ guide of Maine. 
Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally 
& co. [1916] 46 p. fold. map. 
16mo. $0.25. [3049: 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417943; Rand, 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 




pt. I, ms, v.28 

Mancuestrer, N. H. Insurance maps 

of Manchester, N. H. 1915. Secale 
50 ft. to an inch: +96 1., size: 25/by 
21 inches. Bound. [3050 

©-Jan. 29, 1916; 2 ¢. Jan. 31, 1916; 

F 29733; Sanborn map co., New 
MARYLAND. Rand-McNally indexed 

pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Maryland and District of Columbia. 
Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & 
co. [1916] 46 p. fold. map. 16mo. 
BO ZoL {3051 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ce. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417941; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

Rand-McNally new commercial 
atlas map of Maryland and Dela- 
ware. Scale 94 miles to an inch. 

' Size 21 by 28 inches. [3052 

© Jan..3, 1916; 2c. Jan..40, 1946 ; 
F 28322; Rand-MeNally & co., Chi- 

MARYSVILLE, Union Co., O. Insurance 
maps of Marysville. Jan. 1916. 
- Seale 50 ft. to an inch. 15 sheets, 
size 25 by 21 inches. [3053 

© Beb; 23," 19672" er" Wen 25, 
1916; EF 29759; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

MASSACHSETTS. Rand-MeNally _ in- 
dexed pocket map and_= shippers’ 
guide of Massachusetts. Chicago, 
New York, Rand, McNally & co. 
[1916] 42 p. fold. map. 16mo. 
$0.25. [3054 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
eAttsrhan. 2h, 1OTGs A 417953: Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

MeEpINA County, O. Farm journal 
map of Medina County, O. Philadel- 
phia, Wilmer Atkinson co. [1916] 
Size 154 by 20 inches. [8055 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
F 28331; C. S. Hammond & co., New 

Mexico. Physical and political, Mex- 
ico, Central America and West In- 
dies. Fig. 271. Buffalo, N. Y., Mat- 
thews-Northrup works. Seale 400 
miles to 1 inch. Size 104 by 84 
inches. [3056 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 283859; American book co., New 

MicuiegsN. Nine county maps of 
southern Michigan showing lakes, 
streams, ete. Battle Creek, Mich., 
Auto road map co. Scale 3 miles to 
an inch. 91. various sizes. . [8057 

© Jan. 10. 1916; 2 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
F 28335; Arthur W: Davis, Battle 
Creek, Mich. 

Rand-McNally indexed pocket 
map and shippers’ guide of Michi- 

gan. Chicago, New York, Rand, Mc- 
Nally & co. [1916] " 40 p,. fold. ita: & 
£OM0. — SOi25. [3058 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2.¢, Jan. 10, 4291G- 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916;. A 417947;- Rand, 
McNally & co., ‘Chicago. ~~ rn 
MippLE ATLANTIC States. Physical 
and political, Middle Atlantic States. 
Fig. 173. Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Scale 62 miles to 
linch. Size 104 by 8tinches. [3059 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ec. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28349; American book co., New 

MINNESOTA. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Minnesota. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & co. [1916] 54 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $0.25. [3060 
© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417954; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 
MONTANA. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 

Montana. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & co. [1916] 34 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $0.25. [3061 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan..10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417956; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

Moores Hitt, Dearborn Co., Ind. In- 

surance map of Moores Hill. Jan., 
1916. Seale 50. ft. to) an menoee2 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [38062 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 25, 
1916; KF 29758; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Mr. Hoxrty Sprines, Cumberland ¢co., 

Pa. [Insurance map] Jan., 1916. 
Scale 50 ft. to an inch. 6 sheets, 
size 25 by 21 inches. [3063 

© Feb. 106,,,1916;..2..¢ Wehawd 
1916; EF 29742; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 

Nanty-Gio,’ Cambria ’Co.4- Pa:“°"4 In- 
surance map] Dec., 1915. Seale 50 
ft. to an inch. 4 sheets, size 25. by 
21 inches. [3064 

©: Féb. 10, 1916; 2 ef eb 11, 
1916; IF 29741; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 



no. 2, 1916 3080 
NEBRASKA. Rand - McNally indexed | New JersEy—Continued. 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of | ———1916 edition auto road map of 

Nebraska. Chicago, New York, 
Rand. MeNally & co. [1916] 34 p. 
fold. map. 16 mo. $0.25. [3065 

© Jan. 3. 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
‘aft. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417960; Rand, 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 

NEVADA. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Nevada. Chicago, New York, Rand, 
McNally & co. [1916] 22 p. fold. 
map. 16mo. $0.25. | 3066 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417927; Rand, 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 

NEw ENGLAND. Physical and political, 
New England States. Fig. 157. 
Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale 58 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 103 by Si inches. [3067 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 

F 283866; American book co., New 

Pilot series. 

Size 3 by 54 inches. 


© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 « Jan. 3, 1916; 

F 28187; Antoine de Beelen Lovett, 
Brookline, Mass. 

NEw HAMPSHIRE. Rand-McNally in- 

dexed pocket map and_ shippers’ 

guide of New Hampshire. Chicago, 

New York, Rand, McNally & co. 
[1916] 26 p. fold. map. 16mo. 
$0.25. [3069 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417959; Rand, 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 

New JERSEY. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 

New Jersey. Chicago, New York, 
Rand MeNally & co. [1916] 42 p. 
fold. map. 16 mo. $0.25. [3070 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417958; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

—Rand-McNally new commercial 
atlas map of New Jersey. Scale 7 
miles to an inch. Size 28 by 21 
inches. {3071 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 1 ¢. Jan. 22, 1916; 
1 « Feb. 3, 1916; IF 283384; Rand- 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

—— Road map of eastern New Jersey 
and Staten Island showing main 
auto routes, interurban electric lines, 
railroads, ete. and route of the Car- 
teret Ferry. Scale 2 miles to one 

inch. Size 17 by 22 inches. [8072 
© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 ¢ Feb. 26, 
1916; F 28897; C. S. Hammond & 

co., New York. 

New Jersey with main routes into 
adjoining states. Size 28 by 17 
inches. [3073 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
F 28341; W. Nuneviller. Philadel- 

New Mexico. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 

New Mexico. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & co. [1916] 30 p. 
fold. map. 16mo0. $0.25. [3074 

© Jan. 3. 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417924; Rand- 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 

NEw YORK. tand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 

New York. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & co. [1916] 110 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $0.25. [8075 

© Jan. 3, 1916: 2 c. Jan. 10/4916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916: A 417955; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

NEw York (Sifate) The pilot series, 
New York. New Jersey. Size 3 by 

54 inches. [3076 
© Jas=- 11, 1916: 2 ¢c) Jan.,13, 
1916; F 28255; Antoine de Beelen 

Lovett. Brookline, Mass. 

NORFOLK, Va. Map of Broadway, Nor- 

folk, Va. Size 23 by 13 inches. Nov. 
1913. Blueprint. [3077 

©) Jan: 24, 1916; -2° c. Jan. 18, 
1916; F 28323; James N. W. Porter, 
Norfolk, Va. 

NortTH AMERICA. Physical, North 
America. Fig. 134. Buffalo, N. Y., 
Matthews-Northrup works. Seale 
700 miles to 1 inch. Size 10} by 84 
inches. [3078 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2.c. Feb. 8, 1916; 

F 28358: American book co., New 
—~—— Political, North America. Fig. 

135. Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews-North- 
rup works. Seale 700 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 103 by 8} inches. [3079 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. Feb. 8, 1916; 

F 28362; American book co., New 

- Relief map, North America. Fig. 
132. suffalo, N. Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Seale TOO miles to 1 
inch. Size 104 by 8} inches. [8080 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28351; American book co., New 



pt. 1, mss, ¥. a 

NortTH CENTRAL STATES. Physical and 
political, North Central States. Fig. 
218. Buffalo. N. Y., Matthews-North- 
rup works. Scale 114 mi. to 1 inch. 

Size 154 by 102 inches. [3081 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28373; American book co., New 


NorgtH CAROLINA. Rand-McNally in- 
dexed pocket map and _ shippers’ 
guide of North Carolina. Chicago, 
New York, Rand-McNally & Co. 
[1916] 78 p. fold. map. 16mo. 
$0.25. [38082 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417952; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

NortH Daxkora. Rand-McNally in- 
dexed pocket map and_ shippers’ 
guide of North Dakota. Chicago, 
New York, Rand, McNally & Co. 
[1916] 30 p. fold. map. 16mo. 
$0.25. [3083 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417949; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. Map of Nor- 

thampton and Florence. for the city 

diréctory, 1916. Size 17 by 33 
inches. [8084 
© Jan: 31,.1916;. 2 ¢. Keb 7, 19%; 

F 28338; Price & Lee co., New 
Onto. Rand-McNally indexed pocket 

map and shippers’ guide of Ohio. 
Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally 
& eo. [1916] 94 p. fold. map. 
16mo. $0.25. [8085 
(Osage. S.. Toribis) 2. cu sans id). 
1916; aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 4719387; 
Rand, McNally & co., ‘Chicago. 
OKLAHOMA. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Oklahoma. Chicago, New York, 

Rand. McNally & co. [1916] 46 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $0.25. [8086 
©). dative, AGIG: 2. cy. Fate ao. 
1916; aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417940; 
Rand, McNally & co., Chicago. 
OtTsEGo County, Mich. Size 164 by 
163 inches. [3087 
© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c« Jan. 8, 
1916; F 28196; Shedd-Brown mfg. 
co., Minneapolis. 

OxForD, Oakland co.. Mich. [Insur- 
ance map] Dec.. 1915. Seale 50 
ft. to an inch. 3 sheets, size 25 
by 21 inches. [3088 

© eb. 16, 1946s), 2) ch Rebs. 17, 

1916; F 29746; 
New York. 

Sanborn map ©Co., 


Paciric States. Physical and polit- 
ical, Pacific States. Fig. 244. Buf- 
falo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale 165 miles to 1 inch. 
Size 9 by 43 inches. [3089 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28369; American book co., New 


Phelps County, Mo. 

Official map of 
Scale 1 inch 

to a mile. Size 40 by 27 inches. 
© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 e)/Febagi. 

1916; F 28887; Booker H. Rucker, 

Rolla, Mo. 

politicai, Islands in the Pacific be- 
longing to the United States; with 
inset, Territory of Hawaii. Fig. 
259. Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Scale 140 miles to 
linch. Size 104 by 84 inches. [3091 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28346; American book co., New 

PLATEAU STATES. Physical and polit- 

ical. Plateau States. Nati eee. 
Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale 165 miles to 1 ineh. 

Size 104 by 8% inches. [3092 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ce. Feb. 8, 1916; 

F 28867; American book co., New 
Pontotoc, Pontotoc Co., Miss.  [In- 

surance map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 8 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [8093 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 11, 
1916; EF 29739; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 

Porto Rico. Fig. 255. Buffalo, N. Y.., 

Matthews-Northrup works. Scale 
30 miles to 1 inch. Size 64 by 34 
inches. {38094 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
KF 28365 ; American book ¢o., New 

PucEeT Sounp. Map of Puget oad 
and Qlympic Peninsular. Size 8} 
by 63 inches. [3095 

© Nov. 30, 1915; 2 «. Dec. 6, 1915; 
KF 28190; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. 
Paul ry., Seattle. 

RHODE ISLAND. Rand-MecNally §in- 
dexed pocket map and _ shippers’. 
guide of Rhode Island. Chicago, 
New York, Rand, MecNaliy «& co. 
[1916] 18 p. fold. map. 16mo. 
$0.25. [3096 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916: A 417981; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 



no. 2, 1916 
Rock Istanp County, Ill. Map ot 
Rock Island County, Ill., showing 

farm ownership, roads & townships, 
revised by Clifford L. Hubbard. 
[1915] Size 42 by 58 inches. [8097 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
F 28306; Theodore W. Fuller, 
Dixon, Ill. 

RoLanD, Story Co., Ia. [Insurance 
map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 inches. 

© Feb. 4. 1916; 2 c. Feb. 5, 1916; 

F 29731; Sanborn map co., New 

RoscomMMOoN County, Mich. Size 18 
by 144 inches. [3099 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
F 28195; Shedd-Brown mfg. Co., 

Royat Oak, Mich. Royal Oak, town 
no. 1, range 11 east, Wayne Co., 
Mich., 1916. Size 24 by 22 inches. 


Seiten, 25,1916: 2 c.. Jan...27, 

1916; F 28340; Wilbur Samuel Mc- 
Alpine, Birmingham, Mich. 

Russian Empire. Economic map of 
the Russian Empire. Size 17 by 22 
inches. [3101 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c Jan. 29, 
1916; F 28326; C. S. Hammond & 
co., New York. 

St. Pavur, Minn. Election districts, 
city of St. Paul. 1916. Scale 1200 
feet to an inch. Size 46 by 34 
inches. [3102 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 24, 
1916; F 28308; H. M. Smyth print- 
ing co., St. Paul. 

SatemM, Dent Co., Mo. [Insurance 
map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 3 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 
. [8103 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 17, 
1916; F 29753; Sanborn map ¢o., 
New York. 

SANDPOINT, Bonner Co., Id. [Insur- 
ance map] Dec., 1915. Scale 50 ft. 
to an inch. 14 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [3104 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
EF. 297384; Sanborn map co., New 

SEATTLE, Wash. Political map of Seat- 
tle, showing precincts, fort and 
county commissioner, state repre- 
sentative and state senatorial dis- 
tricts. Size 20 by 13 inches. Blue- 
print. [3105 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
F 28332; John Henry Coke, Seattle. 


SEprine, Mahoning Co., O. [Insurance 
map] Dec. 1915. Secale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 7 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 17, 

1916; F 29751; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

SHELBY CouNtTy, Ind. Farm journal 
map of Shelby County, Ind. Phila- 
delphia, Wilmer Atkinson co. [1916] 
Size 23 by 14 inches. [3107 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
F 28328; C. S. Hammond & ©co., 
New York. 

SHERRODSVILLE, Carroll Co., O.  [In- 
surance map] Dec. 1915. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 
21 inches. [3108 

) Feb. 10, °1916°"2"@ Web. '11, 

1916; F 29738; Sanborn map ¢o., 
New York: 

Washington Co., Md. 
Jan. 1916. Seale 
3 sheets, size 25 

[Insurance map] 
50. ft. to an inch. 
by 21 inches. [3109 

©. Reb. 16,1916: 2. e: Keb. 1G 
1916; EF 29749; Sanborn map ©co., 
New York. 

SouTtH AMERICA. Physical, South 
America. Fig. 288. Buffalo, N. Y., 

Matthews-Northrup ‘works. Scale 
600 miles to 1 inch. Size 103 by 8} 
inches. [3110 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28354; American book co., New 

South America. Fig. 
N. Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Scale 600 miles to 
lineh. Size 104 by 84inches. [8111 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28871; American book co., New 

Relief map, South America, Fig. 
281. Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Scale 600 miles to 
linech. Size10} by S8tinches. [3112 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28348; American book co., New 

and political, South Atlantic States. 
Fig. 198. Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Scale 121 miles to 
linch. Size 10}by 8}inches. [38113 

© Feb. 1 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8 1916; 
F 28345; American book co., New 

— Political, 
286. Buffalo, 




SoutH CAROLINA. Rand-McNally in- 
dexed pocket map and_ shippers’ 
guide to South Carolina. Chicago, 
New York, Rand, McNally & co. 
[1916] AG. p:,,.feld.. map. <iGmo. 
$0.25. [3114 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417942; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

SoutH CENTRAL STATES. Physcial and 
political. South Central States, Fig. 
206. Buffalo, N. .Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Scale 114 miles to 
Lineh. Size 154 by 104+ inches. [8115 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
EF 28874; American book co., New 

SoutH Dakotas. Rand-McNally  in- 
dexed pocket map and_ shippers’ 
guide of South Dakota. Chicago, 
New York, Rand, McNally & co. 
PS1G}-: 20 “p... fold. -map.~ ema: 
$0.25. [3116 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 «. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417932; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. ° 

STAPLES, Todd Co., Minn. Insurance 
map. Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 10 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


Feb. 19, 

Sanborn map ¢o., 

©: Heb: 48, 1916272... c: 
1916; F 29754; 
New York. 

Story Ciry, Stery Co.. Ia. [Insurance 
map] Jan. 1916. neale 50 an 
inch. 2 sheets. size 25 by 21 inches. 

2 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
Sanborn map co., 

© Feb. 2. 1916; 
Bat ; 

SUMMERTON, Clarendon Co., 8. C. [In- 
surance map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 38 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [8119 

©) Hel, 16. 1916" 2 ¢.. Men sty, 
1916; EF 29752; Sanborn map _ ©o., 
New York. 

Summit, N. J. Price & Lee co.’s new 
map of Summit, Union Co., N. J. 
Size 14 by 13 inches. [3120 

Cc) Web.,.12, 1916. 2c. Kebigic, 
1916; F 28381; Price & Lee co., New 

TaLocA, Dewey Co., Okla. Insurance 
map. Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. Size 25 by 21 inches. [3121 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c« Feb. 21, 

1916 ;. .F'29755 ; 
New York. 



Sanborn map ©Co., , 

pt. ines., ¥.43 

TENNESSEE. Rand-McNally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 

Tennessee. Chicago, New York, 
Rand, McNally & co. [1916] 78 p. 
fold. map. 16mo. $0.25. [3122 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417945; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

TEXAS. Rand-McNally indexed pocket 
map and shippers’ guide of Texas. 
Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally 

& co. [1916] 94 p. fold. map. 
16mo. $0.25. [3128 
© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 

aff. dan. ik 1916: | 417925 ; Rand- 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

UnITED STATES. Physical, United 
States. Fig. 146.” Buitale, te, 
Matthews-Northrup works. Scale 
252 miles to 1 inch. Size 15% by 104 
inches. [3124 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 283876; American book co., New 

Political, United States. Fig. 
150. Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Scale 252 miles to 
linech. Size 154 by 104 inches. [3125 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ec. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28377; American book co., New 

— Relief map, United States. Fig. 
148. Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Scale 252 miles to 
Linch. Size 154 by 104 inches. [38126 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 «. Feb. 8, 1916; 
F 28375; American book co., New 

Scale 185 miles to an inch. Size 
19 by 28 inches. [3127 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 e. Feb. 5, 1916; 
F 283836; Rand-McNally & co., New 

VERMONT. Rand-McNally — indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Vermont. Chicago, New York, Rana, 

McNally & co. [1916] 22 p. fold. 
map. 16mo. $0.25. [3128 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c: Jan. 10,1996; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417939; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 
Vitas County, Wis. Size 17 by, 10 
inches. [3129 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
F 28192; Shedd-Brown imfg. co., 



no, 2, 1916 

VINELAND, N. J. Map of borough of 

Vineland, Cumberland Co., N. J. 
1916. Secale 1 inch to 150 feet. Size 
50 by 38 inches. [3130 

i) ep, 15, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 16, | 

1916; F 28383; Henry Lee Fisher, 
Vineland, N. J. 

VIRGINIA. Rand-McN ally indexed 
pocket map and shippers’ guide of 
Virginia. Chicago, New York, Rand, 
McNally & co. [1916] 86 p. fold. 
map. 16mo. $0.25. [3131 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417926; Rand, 
McNally & co., Chicago. 

Size 103 

WAKEFIELD, Mass. by 83 

inches. [3182 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c.. Jan. 5, 1916; 

F 28189; William S. King, Wake- 
field, Mass. 

WALA WALA County, Wash. Size 154 

by 18 inches. [31383 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 

F 28199; Shedd-Brown mfg. Co., 
WARREN, Marshall Co., Minn. [Insur- 

ance map] Dee. 1915. Scale 50 ft. 
to an inch. 5 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [3134 

© Pes, 6) 1916; 2 c. Feb. 17, 
1916; F 29745; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

WASHINGTON (State) States of Wash- 
ington and Oregon. Size 15 by 194 
inches. [3135 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
F 28193; Shedd- Brown infg. Co., 

West PatM BeEaAcH, Fla. Map of the 
city of West Palm Beach, Fla. Size 
134 by 13 inches. [3136 

© Nov. 1, 1915; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
¥ 27928; Frank Conway Gardner, 
West Palm Beach, Fla. 

West VrRGINIA. Rand-McNally _in- 
dexed pocket map and _= shippers’ 
guide of West Virginia. Chicago, 

New York, Rand, McNally & co. 
[1916] 66 p. fold. map. 16mo. 
$0.25. [3137 

© Jan, 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417950; Rand, 
MeNally & co., Chicago. 

Number of entries of Maps included in the catalogue since Jan, 1, 1916____ 


WINCHESTER, Mass. Insurance maps 
of Winchester, Middlesex Co., Mass. 
Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an inch. 
20 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


(©)? Pepe 10, 1916: 2 c, Nek. 11, 

1916; F 29748; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

WorbLp. Cram’s unrivaled atlas [1916] 
New historical ed. New York, N. 

Y., Chicago, Ill., G. F. Cram com- 
pany, 1916. 494 p. col. front., ilus. 
Chart. col;),.. ports; .cok, maps, fol. 
eras [3139 

© Dee. 2, 1915; 2 ec. Dec. 29, 1915; 
aff. Dec. 20, 1915; A 420333; George 
F. Cram co., Chicago. 

Rand McNally & co.’s new family 
atlas. Chicago, New York, Rand 
McNally & company, 1916. 2 p. Ll, 
156 p. ports., col. maps, col. diagrs. 
fol. $1.00. [3140 
©: Jan. 27 2916% 2-6) ‘Jan 926; 
1916; aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 420532; 
Rand, McNally & co. Chicago. 
[Copyright is claimed on changes. ] 

— Rand McNally ideal atlas. Chi- 
cago, New York, Rand, McNally & 

company, 1915. 2.p..1., 193 p. col. 
front., col. plates, col. maps, col. 
diagrs. fol. [3141 

© Oct. 21, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 

12, 1916; A 420834; Rand, McNally 

& co., Chicago. 

The World, principal transporta- 
tion lines and commercial develop- 
ment. Fig. 409. Buffalo, N. Y., 
Matthews-Northrup works. Size 10} 
by 8+ inches. [3142 

© Feb, 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
Kk 283538; American book co., New 

YAKIMA CouNtTy, Wash. Size 14 by 

184 inches. [3143 
© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 

F 28200; Shedd-Brown mfg. ©Co., 
ZEARING, Story Co., Ia. [Insurance 

map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 

inch. 1 sheet, size 25 by 21 inches. 

. [3144 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 

I 29730; Sanborn map co., New 




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ABBEY & Imbrie,* New York. Fishing 

tackle that’s fit for fishing, 1916. 
208 p. illus. 16mo. (Catalogue no. 
188) [3145 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419906. 

ApAMs (Frank R.)* Whitehall, Mich. 
Mr. Man. (Jn Munsey’s magazine, 
Mar., 1916.) [3146 

© Feb. 20, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 18, 
1916; A 422529. 

ApamMs County, Ind. Farm journal 
directory of Adams County, Ind. 
[1916-1921] Philadelphia, W. At- 
kinson company, 1916. 1p. 1, 
256 p. illus. 8vo. [3147 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 420806; Wilmer Atkin- 
son co., Philadelphia. 

ADVERTISERS art & cut service, inc. 
[3148, 3149 

Zuckerman weekly fashion service, issue 
no. 97, week beginning Jan. 22, 1916. 
21. illus. fol. -© Jan. 8, 1916; ZC; 
and aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 425177. 

issue no. 98, week beginning Jan. 
31, 1916, 2 1. illus. fol. © Jan. 15, 
1916; 2c. and aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 

© Sidney D. Zuckerman, Chicago. 

AEOLIAN co.*, New York. [3150-3153 

. Aeolian Haas salons. In New York 
times) @© Feb. 18, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 21, 
1916; A 422565. 

~ Duo- art pianola. (In New rox evening 
pe CP © Feb. a 1916; 1 c. Feb. 21, 
916; \A 422566 
Most wonderful piano in all the world. 
a Literary digest) @© Feb. 19, 1916; 
c. Feb. 25, 1916; A 422658. 
Phonograph of richer tone that you can 

Fret. (In mee Mar., 1916) © 
eb ae 1916 ce. Feb. 18, 1916; A 

naan i” farm*, Columbus, O. 
From the shell to the show room; or, 
The way we do it at the Aldrich 
poultry farm. Rev. ed. 15 p. illus. 
16mo. [3154 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 1 c Feb. 21, 
1916; 1 c. and aff. Mar. 8, 1916; A 
425870. [Copyright is claimed on 
new matter. | 

Group 2 

Note.—An asterisk (*) after the author’s name indicates that the author 
and copyright proprietor are the Same, and that therefore the name is 
not repeated in the claim paragraph. 

ALERT syndicate service,* Chicago. 
[3155, 3156 

Sketches of merchandise for use in de 
partment store advertising, Mar., 1916. 
cover-title, 11 1. illus. $75.00 . @ 
Feb. 11, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 18, 
1916; A 425521. 

Suggestions for advertising copy. ~ Sup- 
plementary to the Mar. 1916 issue. 
cover-title, 14 numb. 1. fol. [Text 

parallel to binding] © Feb. 11, Bets 
2 c. and aff. Feb. 18, 1916; A 49581 

ALEXANDER (Georgia) Spelling ‘a 

New York, Chicago, Longmans, 
Green, and co. [1916] viii, 146, Tx— 
Xiv p. illus. 12mo. $0.15. | [3157 

© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
2, 1916; A 420965 : Longmans, Green 
& CO., New York. 

ALEXANDER Hamilton institute*, “New 
York. [3158, 3159 

Forging ahead in business. 127 p. col. 
front. 8vo. © Dec. 238, 1915%3-2 ec. 
and aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A Fa Ne 

Modern business reports. 24 Svo 
Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c. Jan 1; 1916: 
aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 419848. 

ALLEN (Quincy) pseud. Outdoor 
chums at Cabin Point; or, The 
golden cup mystery. New York, 
Grosset & Dunlap [1916] iv, 242 p 
front., plates. 12mo. [(His .The 
outdoor chums series)] $0.40. [3160 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
8, 1916; A 427122; Grosset & Dunlap 
New York. 

ALLEN County, O. Farm journal ru- 

ral directory of Allen County, QO. 
[1916-1921] Philadelphia, Wilmer 
Atkinson company, 1916. 208 -p. 
illus., ports. Svo. [3161 

© Mar. 2, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

4, 1916; A 427149; Wilmer Atkinson 
co., Philadelphia. 

ALVIENNE united stage training schools, 

inc.*, New York. Alvienne schools ; 

photo-play and = expressive arts. 
[New York, Printed by the Chas. 
Francis press, 1916] 1 p. 1, 5-46, 
[2] p. illus., ports. S8vo. [3462 

© Jan 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 418416. 




AMERICAN and foreign detective insti- 
tute. Successful detective. cover- 
title, 16 p. S8vo. [3163 

© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

6, 1916; A 426523; A. EH. O’Hara, St._ 


AMERICAN BUREAU of engineering, inc.*, 
Chicago. [3164-3176 
Adlake, Deaco, Disco, Esterline, National, 

Simms- Huff master charts. cover- title, 

158 p. 8vo. $6.00. © Dec. 29, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 11, 1916; A 420758. 

Ailis- Chalmers, Bosch, Jesco, lLeece- 
Neville master charts. cover-title, 1 p. 
ln tZo" p.. > Svo., . $6.00; Dees, 2, 

1915; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 11, 1916; A 

Apleo, Splitdorf-Apeleo master charts. 
cover-title, 85 p. S8vo. $6.00. © Nov. 
29, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff) Keb, O1/1916; 
A 420757. 

Autolite master charts. cover-title, 58 p. 
Svo. 6.00. © Decs 29) 1915; Cc. 
and aff. Feb. 11, 1916; a 420750. 

Bijur, Rushmore master charts. 


‘Delco meter charts. cover-title. p. 3— 
151. 8vo. $6.00. © Nov. 19, 1915; 2 
ce, and aff. Feb. 11, 1916; A 420748. 

Dyneto, Entz master charts. cover-title, 
68 p. 8vo. $6.00. © Dec. 29, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 11, 1916; A 420753. 

Gray & Davis equipment. cover-title, 72 
D. 8vo. 6. ©: Nov. 16) 1915-7).2 

. and aff. Feb. che 1916; A 420751. 

ieee book. cover-title, 62  p. 
loose pl., diagr. 8vo. © Nov. 9, 1915; 
2 e¢. and aff. Feb. 11, 1916; A 420760. 

North east U.S. L. master charts. 

title, 92 p. 8vo. © Dec. 29, 
1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. At, 1916; A 

Remy master charts. cover-title, 94 p. 
Svo. $6.00. © Dec. 15, 1915; 2 « 
and aff. Feb. 11, 1916; A 420749. 

Wagner, Ward Leonard master charts. 

sone Bae 83 p. 8vo. 

$6.00. © Nov. 

15; 2 c. and aff. Keb. 11, 1916; 

Westinghouse master charts. cover-title, 
102 p. 8vo. $6.00. © Nov. 29, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 11, 1916; A 420755. 

AMERICAN COMMERCE assn.*, Chicago. 


Practical ‘traffic Unit’ “erties 
vised] [19] p. © Feber 5, 1916; 
2c. Feb. 10, No16. aff Feb. 25, 1916 ; 
A 426337. 

Unit, 4, 5... 2v7,.. 4to.. ©). dans 15, 
Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. each Feb. 10, 1916; 
aff, Feb. Ze "1916; A 426338, 426339. 

Sincere appreciation of the _ practical 
traffic services of the American com- 
merce association. cover-title [48] p. 
4to.’ "© Jan: 3st, 1916 2 ec. Feb.’ 10, 
1916; aff. Feb. 25, 1916; A 426343. 

Traffic efficiency. 

vie k. 

general information 
bulletin. 62, [1] p. ports. 8vo. © 
Hep? i, Ul 27 seb: LO) OG air. 
Feb. 25, 1916; A 426336 


pt. T, as was 


Your personal instructor. Unit 1, steps 
—16. Lee 51 p. 4to. °@ Feb. 
5, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 10; 19162 a8 wee 
25% 1916; A 426340. 

Your personal instructor. 
steps 1-12. 2v. 4to. 
Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. each Feb. 10, 1916: 
aff. Feb. 25, 1916: A 426341, 426342. 


growers’ assn. 
Proceedings of the 46th annual 
meeting, held at the Hotel Ridgway, 

Camden, N. J., on Saturday, Jan. 22, 

1916. [Philadelphia, Pa., printed 
by Louis Fink & Son] 1916. cover- 
title, 19 p. S8vo. [3185 

© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
26,-1916; A 427088; Andrew J. Ri- 
der, Hammonton, N. J. 

logue no. 12, 1916. Chicago Il. 
[1916] 1112 p. illus. fol. [3186 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 e: and afi Jan. 

31, 1916; A 420587; F. E. Moore, 

~Safe-guarding your furs from 
moths. [16] p. illus. 24mo. 
(Cover title: Storage and care of 
furs.) [3187 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 
2, 1916; A 425720. 

c. and aft. Mar. 

AMERICAN FLINT glass workers’ un- 

ion*, Toledo, O. [3188-3190 

Circular no. 7, Dec. 23, 1915. 15, [1] p 
4to. © Dec. 23, 1915; 2 e. and daft. 
Feb. 7, 1916; A 420697. 

Circular no. 9. 15 p. 4to. © Feb. 21, 
1916; 2 ec.-and aff. Feb. 26, 1916; 
A 420940. 

Circular no. 10 16p. Ato. Yeb. 24, 
1916;:2 e¢ and ‘aff: Keb. 26, =f3iG-; 
A 420941. 


suppl. Preventive appliances. 4 p. 

illus. (part col.) ie [3191 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
18. 196A. 425515. National manu- 
-facturers co., New York. 

AMERICAN JERSEY cattle club*, New 
York. Herd register. v. 86. cCxxiv, 
655 p. S8vo. $1.00. [3192 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2c. and aff. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 418789. 

the best way. Sheet, 11 by 8% 
inches. [3193 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426367; Louis Lutje- 
harms, Columbus, O. 

Right way is 



no. 3, 1916 3212 

York. Complete alphabet book of | [3204, 3205 

embroidery transfer initials. 26 1. Annual announcement, American uni- 

obl. 12mo. 13194 versity, department of chiropractic, 

9 p. ports., diagrs. S8vo. 

© Feb. 11, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. (Cover-title: Doctor of chiropractic) 

25, 1916; A 426329. © Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

AMERICAN METAL Market and daily 
iron and steel report. Metal statis- 
tics, 1916. 9th annual ed. New 
York, The American metal market 
and daily iron and steel report [etc., 

- 1916]. 368 p. 16mo. $0.50. [3195 

© Feb. 10. 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

a2, 1916; A 418797; Amer. metal 
market co., New York. 


peaceful, parklike, perpetual care. 
cover-title, 16 p. illus. 24mo. 

© Dee. 1, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
- 24,1916; A 417983; Charles B. Sims, 

AMERICAN OPTICAL assn., Albert Lea, 
Minn. Optometric reading test card. 
Card, 7 by 5 inches. [3197 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426533. 

AMERICAN RAILWAY perishable freight 
assn., Chicago. Standard rules and 
regulations governing the handling 
of perishable freight. 22 p. 4to. 
(Circular no. 27—-D, Jan. 15, 1916.) 
$0.02. [3198 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
21, 1916; A 417 7905. 

AMERICAN SCHOOL of correspondence*, 
Chicago. [3199-3201 

Cost-analysis engineering. pt. 1, 2. In- 

struction poner prepared by DeWitt V. 

. illus., diagrs. 8vo. 

R °@ eb. 24, 1916: 2 c. each and 
aff. Mar. 4, 1916; A 427163. 

Dams and weirs. pt. 1, 2. Instruction 
paper ered by W. G. Bligh. 2 v. 
illus., diagrs. Svo. $1.50. © Mar. a 
1916 : 2c. each and aff Mar. 11, 1916; 
A 427220. 

Railroad engineering. pt. 1-3. Instruc- 
tion paper, prepared by Walter Loring 
Webb. Vv. illus., diagrs. vo. 
$1.50. © Feb. 10, 1916; 2 ¢. each and 
aff. Feb. 15, 1916; A 418845. 

AMERICAN SHORT horn breeders’ assn., 

Chicago. American short-horn herd 

book (new series) v. 86. Ixxix, 646 

p. 4to. $2.00. [3202 
© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 18, 

1916; aff. Feb. 19, 1916; A 418920. 

AMERICAN TELEPHONE & telegraph co., 

New York. Comission leaflet no. 

49, Jan. 1, 1916. xxi, 285-505 p. 

8vo. [3203 
© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 

25, 1916; A 418594. 

ol, 1916; A 419918. 
Diagnosis chart of pain areas. 51. fol. 
(With this Chart of cutaneous nerve 
distribution and spinal nevre supply 
end Concussion chart for spondylo- 
therapy.) @ Jan. 5, 1916; 2 ¢. and 
aft. Jan. 31, 1916; A 419907. 

AMHERST, Mass. Amherst directory 
including Hadley and Belchertown, 
1916. v. 15. Springfield, Mass., H. 
A. Manning co., 1916. 197 p. front. 
fold. map. S8vo. $3.00. [3206 

©: Jan... 215 1916; 2 ec: ‘and, aff. 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 420766; H. A. Man- 
ning co., Springfield, Mass. 

ANDERSON (J. S. B.)* Norfolk; Va. 
Bashful man; or, What do you 
think of that. 2.1. 12mo. [3207 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 18, 1916; A 425503. 

Andover and North 

Andover, Mass., directory, 1916. v. 

1. Salem, Mass., The Henry M. 

Meek publishing co., 1915. 363 p. 

front. (fold. map) S8vo. $3.00. 


ec. and aff. Feb. 
Alice R. Meek, 


© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 
9, 1916; A 420725. 
Salem, Mass. 

ANDREA (A. Louise) [3209, 3210 

Baking powder facts. Mar., 1916. © 
Feb, 25... 1916: live: Beby. 28; 1926); 
A 422760. 

What’s in a name, everything. Mar., 
1916. © Feb. 25, 1916; 1 ¢c. Feb. 28, 
1916; A 422761. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Gentle- 

woman ] 

© Gentlewomen, New York. 

ANGELETTI (Joseph)* Chicago. Rosary 
of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the 
way of the cross. 2d ed. Chicago, 
St. Francis De Paula press [1915] 

64 p. illus., front. 32mo. $0.20. 
() Oct. 3, 1915; 2 « ib! 9, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 42627 

ApprE (FE. <A.)* Cleveland. New 
stories about Lincoln as told by his 
barber and coachman, Joseph Chris- 

tian. (Jn Gaco ramrod. Feb., 1916) 


© Feb. 28, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 4, 
1916; A 422844 




APPLETON (Victor) pseud. [82138, 3214 

Motion picture chums’ war _ spectacle; 
or, The film that won the prize. New 
York, Grosset & Dunlap [1916] & 
Dsl. 210 p. = tron. al2mor i (as 
The motion pigne chums series) ] 
$0.40!) -@ Mar. 42 1916: 2c) Mar. 3; 
1916; aff. Mar. 10, 1916; A 428042. 

Tom Swift and his big tunnel; or, The 
hidden city of the Andes. New York, 
Grosset & Dunlap [1916] iv, 218 p. 
front. 12mo. [(His The Tom Swift 
series)] $0.40. @© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 «¢. 
and aff. Mar. 3, 1916; A 427124. 

© Grosset & Dunlap, New York. 

ARMISTEAD (Patrick Henry)* Baird, 
Texas. Lone star rhymes. 2 p. L, 
12 p. 16mo. $0.50. [3215 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426364. 

ARMSTRONG rubber co., inc.*, New 
York. Unusual opportunity for 600 
automobile owners including your- 

_ self. cover-title, 12 p. illus. fol. 


© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425339. 

ART METAL construction co., ine.*, 
Jamestown, N. Y. Making 1916 big 
for both of us. cover-title, 15 p. 
illus. fol. fo2l7 

1 Jan 17%; 1916: 2 dane’ 20, 
- 1916; aff. Jan. 19; 1916; A 417857. 

ART PUBLICATION soc.*, St. Louis. Pro- 
gressive series of music lessons. 
Lesson no. 80. Principles of prac- 
tree” {61 p. “tilus.. Pore a0. 


© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 425524. 

ART work shop*, Buffalo. 
reminders of bygone days. 
illus. obl. 48mo. 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 « 
Mar. 2, 1916; A 425715 

1G" 510. 

and aff. 

ASSOCIATION of American Portland ce- 
ment mfrs.*, Philadelphia. Accident 
prevention bulletin, no. 10, Feb., 
1916. 10 p. illus. 8vo. [38220 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 418729. 


Home for your old age. Atlanta 
Georgian and Sunday American. @© 
Feb: (13; 1916; ac endeb. 19) 19167 
A 422538. 

ATLANTA Georgian. 


pt..1, 1 Sa 

ATLANTA Georgian—Continued. 

Silent things that are part of our lives. 
Atlanta Georgian and Sunday Ameri- 
can. © Feb. 6,.1916 3:4) Penna 
1916; A 422537. 

Spring fashion hints from all over the 
world. Atlanta Georgian and Sunday 
American. @© Mar. 5, 1916; 1 ec. Mar. 
13, 1916; A 423032. 

Your shoes are a telltale; your feet 
feature the facts about you. Atlanta 
Georgian and Sunday American. © 
Feb. 11, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 19, 1916; 
A 4292539. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Hearst’s 

Sunday American] 
© Walter Gregory Bryan, Chi- 


ATLANTA JOURNAL*, Atlanta.. Friend 
Woodrow at the motion pictures 
party. (Jn Atlanta journal) 


© Feb. 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 11, 1916; 
A 422559. 

ATLAS specialty mfg. co.*, Chicago. 
Fabric specialties for the motor car. 
cover-title, 16 p. illus. obl. 24mo. 
([Catalog no. 20]) [3226 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 ec. Feb. 16, — 
aff. Feb. 15, 1916; A 425454. 

(John H.)* Los Angeles. 
Prof. John H. Austin’s beauty book. 
23 p. illus. 24mo. $0.10. [8227 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c. and@ate 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 425567. 

AUTOMATIC coinwrapping machine co.*, 
New York. Depositor’s coin. cover- 
title. 12 p. illus. 8vo. [3228 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425548. 

AUTOMOBILE trade directory’s mailing 

list. Suppl. Feb., 1916. 1st, 2nd 
section. 2 v. S8vo. [Text paraliel 
to binding. ] [3229, 3230 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. each 
Feb. 4, 1916; A 425178, 425179; Au- 
tomobile trade directory, ine., New 

Ayars (M. Morton)*, Philadelphia. 
Acrostic. Card, 53 by 33 inches. 
$0.05. [3231 

© Dee. 21, 1915; 2c. and aff.. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 417559. 

Azzoni (Casare M.) & Drake (Fran- 
ces)* Reno, Nev. Marionette film 
seenario. cover-title, 16 p. 16mo. 


© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 425462. 



no. 3, 1916 

B.-M. co.’s cumulative code annota- 
' tions and current digest. Idaho. [Vv. 
-> a) no: 2, Mar., 1916] Ed. by W. S. 
~ Church. San Francisco, Cal., Ben- 
' der-Moss company [1916] 2 p. L, 
196 p.,11., 92 p. 4to. $8.00. 
bene ¢ [3233 
© Mar. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
14, 1916; A 427237; Bender-Moss co., 
San Francisco. 

Bancock (M. G.) co. [ 3234, 3235 
Free silver spoon. Washington’s birth- 
day. (In New York herald.) © Jan. 
eerie c.6Rheb. 16, 1916; A 

silberl6ffel. Deutschland tiber 
(In Deutscher marktplatz.) 
GS ao1G= 2 ¢ Keb. 16,.1916; A 


© George H. Babcock, New York. 

BAILEY meter co.*, 
“41; Jan., 1916. 
, diagrs. 16mo. 
© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 
» 25, 1916; A 419826. 

Baker (Barnard Nadal) Administra- 
> tion’s shipping bill. Proof.  (Na- 
‘ tional editorial service, serial no. 
. B69.) [3237 
>>. © Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 425642; National edi- 
torial service, inc., New York. 

BAKER (Walter) & co., ltd.*, Dorches- 

ter, Mass. Choice recipes for the 
“use of Baker’s ground sweet choco- 
‘ Jate. cover-title, 12 p. illus. 16mo. 
Ei hed [3238 
ec. and aff. Jan. 

Boston. Bulletin no. 
[8] p. folder, illus., 

ec. and aff. Jan. 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 
21, 1916; A 417920. 

Itd.*, New York. 
Story of the oven. 31 [1] p. front., 
* illus. 4to. (Cover-title. Baker 
traveling bread oven) 3239 
>= © Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
~ Feb. 25, 1916; A 426330. 

BAKERSFIELD, Cal. Polk-Husted di- 
rectory co.’s Bakersfield city direc- 
tory, 1916. v. 8. Sacramento, Cal., 

. Polk-Husted directory co., 1916. 322 

. Dp. Svo. $6.00. [3240 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 14, 1916; 
-aff. Feb. 16, 1916; A 420805; Polk- 
Husted directory co., Sacramento, 

BALDWIN piano co.*, ~=Cineinnati. 
_ Seven tests that prove the world 
: supremacy of the Baldwin piano. 
15 p. col. illus. 16mo. [3241 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426363. 

BaKeEr’s (Joseph) 


Battes (F. W.)* Portland, Or. Basis 
for estimating on printing. [New 
ed.] [4] p. 24mo. $1.00. [3242 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 10, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 425871. [Copy- 
right is claimed on changes. ] 

service*, Sedalia, Mo. 
Savings club. Office 
ecard 2¢ class. Card, printed on both 
sides, 3 by 5 inches. [3243 
© Dees 15) 1915> 2) ‘and aff. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 425557. 

BANKERS AND BROKERS directory, with 
list of lawyers and accountants; 
New England, Middle Atlantic 
states, and Washington, D. C., Dec., 


1915. New York, Williams & com- 
pany: 1915:.. cS sparls (9i-s6s.. p. 
12mo. $2.00. [3244 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 418742; Williams & co, 
New York. 

Instructions. [3] p. 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425556; Edward Clarke 
O’Brien, Chicago. 

, Salt Lake City. 
[38246, 3247 
Trust company service. [22] p. 16mo. 

© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 21, 
1916; A 425570. 

BANKERS trust co.* 

Your life insurance money. [15] p. 
16mo. © Feb. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 425569. 

BANNON (P.) pipe co. ine.*, Louisville, 
Ky. Bannon’s patent lidded. con- 
duit [and] Bannon’s patented. ex- 

pansion pipe supports. Pamphlet 
D. cover-title, 68 p. illus., diag. 
4to. [3248 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
19, 1916; A 417855. 

BANUET (José) San Francisco. 
Spanish verb. cover-title, [8] p. 
24mo. $0.25. [3249 

© Mar. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

14, 1916; A 425956. 

BarBer (Edward §.)* Chi¢ago. Busi- 
ness, science of dentistry, Lesson T- 
J1. 5 v.. illus. Svo. $25.00 for set 
of 20 lessons. Contents.—Lesson 7. 
Personal appearance.— Lesson 8, 
Personality.—Lesson 9. Optimism.—- 
Lesson 10. Business efliciency.—Les- 
son 11. Personal service. 

© Feb. 15, 17, 1916: 2 c. each and 
aff. Feb. 23, 1916; A 426260-426264. 



3255 pt. 1, 8S... 
BARKER (Wharton) Europe headed | Barrrerr (Frederick H. & co. 

- for democracy. Proof. (National [38287-3290 

editorial service, serial, no. 368.) Dawn of a new era for investors; Bart- 

[3255 lett ouvert ee estate bonds. 

: M4 : cover-title, 15 p. vo. Feb. 10, 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 191G > 12 Le. pee aff. Febo 21, 1916; 

26, 1916; A 425641; National ediioc- A 425554. 

rial service, ine., New York. Regulations governing Salesmen-col- 

lectors; bond department. 3 1. fol. 

Barnes (A. M.) {Text parallel to binding] © Jan. 11, 

Esperance, the ship 

of hope; or, The search for the un- 
charted island. (Jn Illustrated 
companion, Mar., 1916.) [3255 

© Mar. 4, 1916; 1 c Mar. 8, 1916; 
A 422894; F. B. Warner co., New 

Barrett (Harold James)* Brookline, 
Mass. Dollars and sense. (Jn Bos- 
ton journal.) [38257 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 9, 1916; 

- A 422625 

BarsotTtTi (Charles)* New York. [Ca- 
blegrams] (In Progresso _italo- 
americano) . [3258-3286 

Feb: 15, ‘16, 1916... “@ Feb. “is, 16: 
TONG = AT e: Feb. GSAT AOS: Ay 42250: 

hep. a2 1S II Gs OL repa lis. as: 

PELORG HS le: ‘each Feb. 18, 1916; A 422527, 

Feb. 19, 1916. © Feb. 19, 1916; 1 ec. 
Feb. 23, 1916; A 422621. 

Feb. 20, 1916. © Feb. 20, 1916; 1. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 422581. 

«Feb. 21, 22, 1916. © Feb. 21, -22, 
1916: 1c. each Feb. 23, 1916; A 422622, 

Feb. 23, 24, 1916. © Feb. 23, 24,1916; 
1 c. Feb. 23, 24, 1916; A 422648, 422649. 

Feb. 25, 1916. © Feb. 25, 1916; 1 c. 
Feb. 25, 1916; A 422682. 

Feb. 26, 1916. © Feb. 
1c. Feb. 26, 1916; A 422709. 

Feb. 27, 28, 1916. © Feb. 27, 28, 1916; 

26," 196: 

14 Cs. each. Web. 28, 19165 Aj422734, 

Hep: 29: Mar i552, 19tGis © heb...29- 
Mar i> 2, 191637°-2 ¢-Mar.<1, 2; 49h6; 
A 422815422817. 

Mar: 3. 1916.3 ©2eMars 3) 19165 aie 
Mar. 3, 1916; A 422828. 

Mar. 4; 5, 1946. © Mar. 4, 5;519%6; 
1 ec. Mar. 4, 6, 1916; A. 422879, 422880. 

Mar. 6, 1916. @ Mar. 6, 1916; 1 c¢. 
Mar. 7, 1916; A 422891. 

Mar; 7%. 1916. s@sMar.saie ANG. ots ie: 
Mar. 8, 1916; A 422900. 

Mar. 8;,1916.° (@. Mar. §, 19164. 4.¢ 
Mar. 9, 1916; A 422969. 

Mar. 9, 1916. @ Mar. 9, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Mar. 10, 1916; A 422997. 

Mar: - 10,. 71; 1996... 4@ Mar: 516,14; 
1916; 1c. Mar. 10, 11, 1916; A 423029, 

Mar..12, 1916... @ Mas, 12, T9iG.; 1 ic: 
Mar. 13, 1916; A 423045. 

Mar. 13,..14. 19t6. (Oo Mara. tes.. 24: 
1916; 1c. each Mar. 14, 1916; A 423073, 

1916; 2 ¢. Jan. 14, 1916: af Jaw 20; 
1916 > 0A, 425217: 

6% Bartlett convertible real estate bond, 

eae 00... £4] “p...fok Jan. 18, 
1916; 2 c. and aff.. Jan. Si, 19ie- A 

6% Bartlett convertible real estate bond, 
$100.00. Sheet, printed on _~— both 
sides. 15 by 24 inches. fold to 8vo. 
© Feb. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 23, 

1916; A 426270. 
© Frederick H. Bartlett, Chicago. 

Barton (Edward E.)* Falmouth, Ky. 
Sweet clover and how to grow it. 
4th ed., rev. and enl. Falmouth, 
Ky., Bokhara seed co. [1916] vi, 25 
p. $0.10. [3291 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 418984. 

Bascom (Elva L.) Better babies book 
mark; comp. by Elva L. Bascom 
[and] Dorothy Reed Mendenhall. 
Sheet, illus., 8 by 3 inches. $0.25 
per 100. [3292 

© Jan. 11, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
20; 194G* A: 419860 : Democrat 2 De 
co., Madison, Wis. 

BatHurst (Thomas T.)* Kansas City, 
Mo. Bank and merchants savings 
plan. [6] p. 8vo. $0.25. [38293 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
26, 1916; A 419858. 

Bay View, Mich. Bay View summer 
resort directory [1916] [Grand 
Rapids, Mich., Printed by Standard 
pub. co., 1916] 48 p. 16mo. $1.00. 


© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

6, 1916; A 428000; Rosanna Mono- 
smith, Grand Rapids, Mich. 

BeEarp (Daniel Carter)* Flushing, N. 
Y. Dan Beard tells you how white 
people talk by gesture. (Boy’s life. 
Mar., 1916. ) [3295 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 1 c+Mares 
1916; A 422755. 

BeckeR milling machine co.*, Boston: 

Becker vertical and horizontal mil- 
lers..-.56:. p. . ius... plates: .a#eld 
table. diagrs. nie. [3296 

(©) Jan. .15, 1916; 2 c. and aff; Jan. 

24, 1916; A “7970. 



no, 3, 1916 



(Zoe) Problems of every- 
(Ji New York Evening mail) 
[38297, 3298 

Feb. 8, 1916. © Feb. 8, 1916; 1c. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 422676. 

Hep. 10, 1916. © Feb. 10, 191631 ec. 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 422995. 
© Evening mail syndicate, 
New York. 

Becton, Dickinson & co.,* Rutherford, 
-N. J. Illustrated catalog of drug- 
gists, surgical, dentai [etc.] special- 
ties, 1916. 208 p. illus. Svo. (Cover- 
title: General catalog, 1916.) [8299 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 

21, 1916; A 417901. 

BEEMAN (Claude Y.)* 
ceutage table. 

© Feb. 9, 1916; 2 «. 
21, 1916; A 425576. 
Bett (Archie) 


St. Louis. Per- 
Card, 15 by 10 inches. 

and aff. Feb. 

(3301, 3302 

From promised land back to Egypt. 
rhe ai 2016; 1c. Mar. 1;.1916; 
A 422800. 

How Bakst improves on nature. . © Feb 
20, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 24, 1916; A 422650. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Cleve- 

land Sunday leader] 
© Cleveland co., Cleveland. 

BELL TELEPHONE co. of Pennsylvania*, 
- Philadelphia. Telephone directories. 
Huntingdon ([etc.] 
84 p. 4to. © Feb. 26, 
fig ean. Mar! 2 1916; 

_Altoona, Clearfield, 
Feb. 5, 1916. 
nose 5) 2 Se. 

A 425708. 

Main line district, 
Soret, <) Mar. 11, 
aff. Mar. 16, 1916; A 425974. 

Shamokin, Sunbury, gt tra ee 
Jan. 15 1916. 58 p. Jan 
29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 4, 1916 | 
A 425188. 

BELL TELEPHONE €o. of Pa. & Delaware 
& Atlantic telegraph & telephone 

Feb. 21, 1916. . 64 
1916; 2 c. and 

¢o.,* Philadelphia. Allentown, the 
Bethlehems, Easton, Pa., Phillips- 

burg, N. J., and nearby places tele- 
phone directory, Jan. 25, 1916. 102 
p. 4to. [3306 
© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

18, 1916; A 425531. 
BENDEL (Henri)* New York. Making 
the fashions becoming, by Henri W. 

Bendel. (/n Harpers bazaar, Mar., 
1916) [3307 

© Feb. 25, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 28, 
1916; A 422725. 

BENEKE (Herman H.)* Topeka, Kan. 
Suggestions to track men, cover- 
title, 1 p. 1., 40 [1] p. plates. 24mo. 
$0.10. [3308 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 
2, 1916; A 425725. 

BENZIGER brothers’ 
ealendar for 1916. 

sacristy and desk 
eover-title [736] 

p. illuS. S2mo. -in box: {Text par- 
allel to binding] [3309 
© Wee. 21, 1916: 2 ¢ ‘and aff. 

Jan. 25, 1916; A 419829; Benziger 
bros., New York. 

BERANGER (Clara S.)* New York. 
Her ladyship. 8 p. 8vo. [Motion 
picture scenario] [3310 

© Feb. 9, 1916; 2 « Feb. 19, 1916; 

aff. Mar. 2, 1916; A 425710. 
BERGER BROS. co.*, New Haven, Conn. 
Spencer surety bond. Sheet, 54 by 
7 inches. [3311 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 e@. and aff. Jan. 
24, LO1G -- A. 417895. 

BERGER MFG. co.*, Canton, O. Classik 
steel ceilings, catalogue no. 21. 80 

p. front., illus., diagrs. obl. 8yo. 
©)Jan.. 15. 1916 :—.2. «.. Jans 19; 


BETTER business, y. 2, 
Chicago, A. B. hae 
[4] p. illus. S8vo. [3313 

© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426366; Samuel C. Bil- 
ger, Chicago. 

aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 425207. 

2, Feb., 1916. 
& co., 1916. 

ine. Course in 
repairing and selling auto- 

BircH motor college, 

mobiles. Lesson 1-10. 10 vy. illus., 
diagrs. Svo. Contents.—Lesson 1. 
The motor.—Lesson 2. Carbu- 

retors.—Lesson 38. Ignition.—Les- 
son 4. Cooling and _ lubrication.— 
Lesson 5. Clutches, transmissions, 
axles.—Lesson 6. Starting and 
lighting equipment.—Lesson ie 
Tires and their care.—Lesson 8. 
Daily, monthly and yearly atten- 
tion.—Lesson 9. How to drive cor- 
rectly.—Lesson 10. Automobile 
business management. [3314-3323 

© Dec. 15, 1915; 2 c. each and 

aff. Feb. 18, 1916; A 425537- 
425546; Ralph Birchard, Chicago. 
Bmp (W. H.)* Dalton, Ga. Message 
of hope; cancer, its cause, cure and 
prevention. 18 p. 16mo. $1.00. 


© Jan, 25,1916; ..2 ..c. 
Feb. 9, 1916; A 425332. 

and afé. 

BIRMINGHAM (Thomas M. C.)* Mil- 
ford, Neb. World peace under 
American leadership. [3] p. port. 
fol. $0.05. [3325 

© Jan. 13, 
1916; aff. Jan. 

Res. ie. Gi 
29, 1916; 

Jan. 17, 
A 425054. 




BrrerELL (Claire W.)* 
Penny for your thought? 
16mo. $0.10. [3326 

©- Dec. 27, 191d 20) Weer 31. 
1915; aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 419900. 

BLACKSTONE institute*, 

Los Angeles. 
[3] p. 


~ [83827-8339 

Model solutions to modern American law 
problems. 21-23. 3 v. 8vo. © Jan. 
28, 1916; 2 ec. each and aff. Mar. 6, 
1916; A 426498426500. 

“Modern American law guide. no. 41. 
12) Duin OVO Oy dam, Ah hwo "2 euanG 
aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426506. 

. Modern American law guide. no. 46, 

Ao 2 Ve. 8Vvo. . @ dam, 28;  1OtG:: 
2 e: each and aff. Mar. 6, 191 6; A 
. 426507, 426508. 

Modern American law guide. No. 63-65. 
3 v. S8vo. © Feb. 16, 1916; 2 ¢c. each 
and aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426509-— 


Modern American law problems. 21. 
Fah pe Smo. (© sam ste LOG ya) ic. 
and aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426501. 

Modern American law problems. 28. 
[4 opo. Sve. sO. Janiy2s,. LOtGee 2 ¢, 
and aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426502. 

Modern American law problems. 30, 31. 
2v.. 8vo.’ @ Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. each 
and aff. Mar. 6, 1916; <A 426508, 

Biocw (Alexander) Principles & prac- 

‘tice of violin bowing. New York, 
London [ete.] G. Schirmer [1916] 
2. 4.5 1 -ps, * 4t07 $0 Kor [3340 

a ©) Mar. 4, 1916) 27¢ (and saith Mats 
6, 1916; A 428017; G. Schirmer, New 
Wy Yor kk. 

BLOESER (Walter Alfred)* Chicago. 

‘Wakefield and Forestvilie court 

- apartments. Rogers Park, Ill. cover- 
title, 18 p. illus., plans. 8vo. 


© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417757. 

BivuE book of Brookline, 1916. Boston. 
Mass., Boston suburban book co., 
1916. viii, 270, [20] p. diagrs., fold. 
map. S8vo. $2.00. [3342 

© Feb. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 428004; Boston suburban 
book co., Boston. 

Botting (Bertha) [3343, 3344 
Message. Proof. © Feb. 23, 1916; 2 ec. 
and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 425858. 

Rome. "'Proot, "@ "heb, 23, Mle, 2c) 
‘and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 425859. 

“* © Newspaper enterprise assn., 

BonNET-Brown sales. service*, Chi- 
cago. [83845-3352 

Furniture [syndicate service] Suppl. F 
ope, i 882 A. Jan, Wie, Siteet, 
illus. 21 by 273 inches. © Jan. 15, 
1916; 2 c..and aff. Jan. 22,1916; A 


pt. 1, Sees 

BONNET-Brown Sales service*—Con. 

Furniture [syndicate peat, 
338, F 338A. Feb., 1916. Sheet, illus., 
21 by 28 inches. © Feb. 18, 1916 ; 20. 
and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; A 426302. 

[Men’s syndicate service] Suppl. 333, 
333A, Jan. 20,1916. Advanced spring. 
Sheet, illus. 21 by 274 inches. © Jan. 
15, 1916: 2 ce. and aff. Jan. 22, 1916; 
A 419777 

[Men’s syndicate service] Suppl. 339, 
339A. Feb. 20, 1916. Sheet, illus., 21 
by 28 inches. © Feb. 18, 1916; 2 e. 
and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; A 426303. 

Newspaper [syndicate service] Suppl. N 
31, N 881A, Jan., 1916] “Siteet, 
illus., 21 by 272) inches.” ,@F Janets, 
1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 

Suppl. F 


Newspaper [syndicate service] Suppl. N 
337, N - 887A. Feb., 1916. Sheet, 
TMI Gy Lone | 2S} inches. © Feb. 18, 
19163 2 ¢,. and aff, Pebs)2a.10ae es 

[Women’s syndicate service] Suppl. 334, 
334A, Jan. qi Advanced 
spring. Sheet, illus., 21 by 273 inches. 

© Jan. 15, 1916: 2, cand a. ame 22, 
1916; A 419774. . 

[Women’s syndicate service | 
340A. Feb. 20, 1916. Sheet, illus., 21 
by 28 inches. © Feb. 18, 1916; 2 e. 
and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; A 426304. 

Suppl. 340, 

Borton (Joshua O.)* Belleville, Kan, 
One of these days. Sheet, 8 by 43 
inches. [3353 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
24,1916; A 417974. 

Boston, Mass. Boston register and 
business directory, 1916. v. 81. Bos- 
ton, Mass., Sampson & Murdock com- 
pany, 1916. 993 [i. e. 959] p. front. 
(fold. map) S8vo. $3.00. [3354 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 427059; Sampson & Mur- 
dock co., Boston. 

San Francisco. 
Card, 5 by 4 inches. 

© Jan. 26, 19165 2. 
aff. Feb. Pall 1916; A 

Boyp (Uintah Ruple) * 

Christ is risen. 
$0.10 & $0.25. 
Feb. 2, 1916; 

Dearest dad. Card, 5 by 4 inches. $0.10 
& $0.25. © Jan. 26, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 
1916; aff. Heb. 21, 1916; A 426278. 

To mother. Card, 53 by 38% inches. 
$0.10 & $0.25. 6) Jan. 18, 1916; Ge 
Feb. 2, 1916; atf. Feb. 21, 1916; A 

Boyp’s street guide of Philadelphia, 
1916. 155 p. 82mo. (Cover-title: 
Boyd’s Philadelphia street and trol- 
ley guide, 1916) $0.10. [3358 

© Dec. 27, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
25,, 1916; A 419812; C. EH. Howe co., 



no. 3, 1916 

BRADLEY & Metcalf co. Special selling 
manual on Bradley & Metcalf shoes. 

Special private ed. 1 p. 1, 81 [1] 
numb. |. S8vo. [3359 

© Feb. 17, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426333 : “Irving R. Allen, 

BRADSTREE?T’S book of commercial rat- 

ings of bankers, merchants, manu- 
facturers, etc. [3360, 3861 
In the United States. v. 193, Mar., 1916. 

New York, The Bradstreet company, 
1916. Various paging. fol. Feb. 
Ze 1916s )2 eo Mar, 1, 1916; aff. Mar. 
2; ASt6 ; "A 420987. 

In the United States and the Dominion 
of Canada. v. 193, Mar., 1916. New 
York, The Bradstreet company, 1916. 
Various paging. fol. © Feb. a5 1916; 

2c. Mar. 1, 1916; aff. Mar. 2, 1916; 

A 420986. 

© Bradstreet co., New York. 
Branpt cashier co.*, Chicago. He 

never saw a Brandt automatic cash- 
ier. cover-title, 16 p. S8vo. [3362 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 4263875. 

BroakerR (Frank) Expert construc- 
tive accountancy, a post graduate 
course; the Broaker method. New 

’ York, Broaker accountics corpora- 
fion, inc: [1916] 2 v. 4to. $1.00 
each. Contents.—pt. 4. Summary ac- 
count and review.—pt. 5. Compara- 
tive statement and review. 


© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. each and aff. 
gan. 29, 1916; A 425069, 425070; 
Broaker accountics corp., New York. 

3ROOKLYN BLUE book and Long Island 

society register, 1916. Brooklyn, 
N. Y., Brooklyn life publishing co., 

1916. Ixiv, 366 p. 12mo. $3.00. 
© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. 

Mar. 1, 1916; A 427072 
life pub. co., Brooklyn. 

; Brooklyn 

BROOKLYN DAILY eagle almanac, 1916. 
Brooklyn, New York city, The 
Brooklyn daily eagle, 1916. xxx, 
672 p. maps (2 in pocket) 8vo. 
$1.00, [3366 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 1 ¢ and aff. 
beb. 28, 1916:.1c. Jan. 27, 1916: 
A 428022; Brooklyn . daily eagle, 

Brown shoe co., ine.*, St. Louis. 
Brown shoe co., inc., and our ideals. 
[28] p. 12mo. [3367 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 «. Jan. 

26, 1916; A 419852. 

and aff. 

BrusH (Mary Isabel) How I paid 
my way into English high society. 
(In Chicago daily or Sunday trib- 

une) [38368-3371 

Feb. 13, 1916. 2d instalment. © Feb. 
ise fi 1G6l4 heer Keb toi. 1996. 
A 422503. 

Feb. 20, 1916. 38d instalment. © Feb. 
20, 1916; re. eheb 26, 1006. A 

Heb; -27,, 1916." @ Web. 27; 1OTe = 11 “e: 
Mar. 2, 1916; A 422810. 

Mar. 5.1916)" @i Mar. 5, 19462 1.4 
Mar. 8, 1916; A 422902. 

© Chicago tribune, Chicago. 
Bryce (Catherine T.) Aldine speller. 

pt. 8, for grades five and six, by 
Catherine T. Bryce and Frank J. 

Sherman. New York, Newson & 
company [1916]. . xviii, [2]; 74 <p. 
ius... t2mo.. 180.20: Foote 

© Mar. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

9, 1916; A 427187; Newson & co., 
New York. 

Buss (John Scott)* Chicago.  In- 

struction sheet. What it is, safety 

first; a modern universal automatic 

twin car coupler. Sheet, illus., 17 
by 84 inches. [33873 
© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. 

Dec. 30, 1915; A 417484. 

J.)* Philadelphia. 

and illegal substitution. @©@ Feb. 
28, 1916; 1 ec. Mar. 6, 1916; A 422882. 

Possibilities of loss by infringing an- 
other’s trade-mark. @© Feb. 21, 1916; 
1 ce. Feb. 28, 1916; A. 422741. 

Preventing competitors from 
your employees. © Mar. 6, 1916; 
Mar. 18, 1916; A 423046. 

What the amendments to the Stevens bill 




mean. Feb: 1451916 +.or8 ct Beb. 
21, 1916; A 422586. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Modern 
merchant and grocery world] 
Buick motor co.*, Flint, Mich. Buick 
valve-in-head, the siege gun of gas 

(part col.) 
. Feb. 

motors. illus. 

© Feb. 17, 1916; 2 c. 
21, 1916; A 425549. 

[i6T -p. 
and aff 

iron foundry*, Providence, 
Grinding and polishing ma- 

chinery and pull countershafts. 104 
p. illus., diagrs. S8vo. 33579 
Cc) Jan. 21, 1916: 2 c. Jan. 24, 

1916; aff. Jan. 25, 1916; A 419824. 
BULLINGER (Edwin W.)* New York. 
Bullinger’s monitor guide [v. 50] 
464 p. 4to. $7.00. [3380 
© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

1, 1916; A 427096. 




pt. 1,082 v.13 

BurRNeEtTT (Alice Hale) [3381, 3382 

Beth’s garden party; illus. by Charles F. 
Lester. New York, The New York 
book ce. [1916] 58 p. incl. col. front. 
illus., col. plates. 12mo. (The Merry- 
vale girls) $0.40. © Feb. 16, 1916; 
2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 19, 1916; A 418922. 

Circus day at Merryvale; illus. by Charlies 
I’. Lester. New York, The New York 
book co. [1916} 61 p. inel. col. front. 
illus., col. plates. 12mo. (The Merry- 
vale books) $0.40. @© Feb. 16, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 19, 1916; A 418923. 

© New York book co., New York. 
Burr (Henry E.)* Hast Orange, N. J. 

Booklet of four garden plans. [4] p. 
nls. “Obl, temo: [3383 
© Feb. 28, 1916; 2c. Mar. 2, 1916; 

aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A “425876. 
Bourtis (Edith M.) Journal’s Christ- 
‘mas club. [no.1, 2 2 Vv. illus. S8vo. 

$0.04 each. 3384, 3385. 

© Dec. 10, 20, 1915; 2 c. each Jan. 
6, 1916; aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 419839, 
419840; Curtis pub. co., Philadelphia. 

BusH (Lucius M.)* Jersey City, N. J. 
Osteopathy, a new treatinent of deaf- 
ness. [8] p. S8vo. $0.05. [3386 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 3, 
1916; A 425134. 

[1916 ed.] 

© Apr. 5, 1915; 2 ce and aff. Feb. 
12, 1916; A 418815; Dodge pub. co., 
New York. 

BUSINESS MAN’S calendar 
cover-title, 541. Svo. in box. 

BUSINESS MEN’S advertising service, 
inec.*, New York. ‘Sellegrams for 
busy men who want more business. 
v. 1, no. 1. Blotter, illus., 94 by 4 
inches. [3388 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c. Jan,18. 
1916; aff. Feb. 1, 1916; A 425075. 

BUTTERICK ' pub. c¢o.*, New York. 
House that grows. 8. An adapta- 
ticn of the Home, sweet home cot- 

tage, with plans and sketches by 
Katharine C. Budd. 8 p._ illus., 
diagrs. S8vo. [38389 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

16, 1916; A 420795. 

3UxTON & Skinner ptg. & stationery 

co.*, St. Louis. Administrator & 

executor’s instructions and accounts. 

cover-tifle, [5] p. 24mo. $0.20. 

©,Jan. 21, 1916; 2 «. 
26, 1916; A’ 419858. 

and aff. Jan. 

C. S. R. blue book of dogdom. 8th an- 

hual volume. [pt. 2] New York 
‘eity;, CGC. So ° R. eo.) f1StG eo: 
illus. Svo. $1.00. [38391 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
4, 1916; A 427144; Fred J. Skinner, 
New York. 

CABRERA (C. Taylor) * Philadelphia. 
[3392, 3393 

Contracts for the sale of real property. 
2 ._ 12mo. $1.00. © Jan. 14, 1916; 
9 ¢. Keb. 10, 1996 } ati web: 9, 1916 ; 
A 425349. 

Real estate business. 32 p. 12mo. 
$1.00 © Jan. 1, 1916) 2 e.) Rep 10) 
1916; aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425348. 

CALENDAR OF CHEER [1916 ed.]- cover- 
title, 54 1. 8vo. in box. $0.35. 
; [3394 
© Apr. 5, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
12, 1916; A 418814; Dodge pub. co., 
New York. 

cover-title, 541. Svo. in box. $0.35. 

e. and aff. Feb. 
Dodge pub. Co., 

©°Apr. 5, 1915572 
12, 1916; A 418817; 
New York. 


cover-title, 541. Svo. in box. $0.35. 


© Apr. 5, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

12, 1916; ue 418816; Dodge pub. co., 
New York. 

1 p. 


© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 419996: Crosby-Chicago, 

CALIFORNIA redwood assn. 
redwood, nature’s masterpiece. 
1, 68, [2] p. col. illus. 8vo. 

CALUMET baking powder co.*, Chicago. 
LO dare ec 

IL canrit Tesista ©mOc 20" 
Feb. 19, 1916; A 422988. 
IXind mother uses. © Oct. 28, 1915; 1 
ce. Feb. 19, 1916; A 422984. 
Look, they’re made with Calumet. © 
Nov. 1; 1915; 1-c. Feb. 19, 1916, A 
{[Note: The foregoing are 
Ill., Daily news herald] 

in Peru, 

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Cambridge direc- 
tory, 1916. no. 65. Boston, Mass.., 
W. A. Greenough & co., 1916. 1227 

p. front. (fold. map) S8vo. $4,50. 


© Feb. 5, 1916: 2. c., and: aff: Meb. 

12, 1916; A 418830; W. A. Gree- 
nough & ¢o., Boston. 



no, 3, 1916 

verly, Mass. Laboratory equipment 
for elementary physics work, de- 
signed for Millikan, Gale & Bishop’s 
First course in laboratory physics. 
cover-title, 36 p. illus. 8vo. [3402 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 9, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 17, 1916; A 425525. 

Camp fire outfitting co.*, New York. 
New York styles and novelties for 
girls and women everywhere, spring 
and summer, 1916. cover-title, 50 p. 
illus. 4to. | [3403 

. © Feb. 12, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

- 16, 1916; A 425459. 

CAMPANA (Domenic M.) 
Decorative designs for decorations 
of all kinds. [no.8] [Chicago, IIl., 
Printed by Hildman printing co., 

‘’ 1916] 25 numb. plates. 4to. $0.80. 

femman 24. 1916: 2 ¢ Jan. 27, 
1916; aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 420540. 

Canton, O. 

illus. S8vo. 


© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
21, 1916; A 417912. 

CANTON CUTLERY ©C0.*, Canton, O. 
This is your opportunity to make 
money easily and honestly. 15 p. 
illus., ports. fol. [38406 

<r ran, 10 1916; 2 c. Jan. 15, 
1916; aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417799. 

(Frank G.)* Washington. 
Carpenter writes of the great fisheries of 
Alaska. Feb. 6, 1916; Me Ca HeD:: %; 
1916; A 422865. 
Greatest glaciers of the world are in 
Alaska, says Frank G. Carpenter. 
Feb. 20, 1916; 1.c. Feb. 21, 1916; 

United States bought great empire from 


CANTON CULVERT & Silo co.*, 
Zyro metal silos. 56 p. 


Russia for two cents an acre. © Feb. 
Panvaeuo. Lec Heb. 28, 1916; A 

Visit with Tsimpsean Indians of An- 

nette Island. @ Feb. 13, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 422866. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Washington 
Sunday star.] 

CARPENTER (William Spencer) * Phila- 

delphia. Richard Allen, the man of 

his hour. (Jn Christian recorder ) 


© Feb. 10, 1916; 1 c¢«. Feb. 17, 
1916; A 422510. 

CARRINGTON (James. B.) Russian 

painter’s impressions of the war; 

seenes from Russia and F 
Léon Gaspard, text 

rance by 
by James B. 


CARRINGTON (James B.)—Continued. 
Carrington. cover-title, p. 2814 
288. col. illus. 8vo. [Reprinted 
from Scribner’s magazine, Mar., 
1916] [3412 
© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 e@ and aff. 

Feb. 23, 1916; A 426267; Charles 
Scribner’s sons, New York. 

CARRINGTON (Nathaniel 
Chicago. Child’s 
Card, 6 by 84 inches. 

© vane: 22. 

Carter (Nicholas) [pseud] 
many faces; or, 
centuries. New 
Smith [1916] 

Thomas) * 
morning prayer. 
$0.05. [8413 
TOG se S.-C. ahamy, ee 
aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 425138. 

Man of 
The wisdom of 
York, Street & 
3147 ps 12mo. 4(On 
cover; New magnet library, no. 
O24) *S0a5. [3414 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
25, 1916; A 419832; Street & Smith, 
New York. 

CARTER white lead co.*, Chicago. 
Pure paint, a text book on house- 
painting. [16] p. illus. (part. col.) 
obl. 12mo. [3415 

Feb; «25, 1916: °2e. vand> ai. 
Mar. 9, 1916; A 425858. 

CASH buyers savings bank association. 
Cash buyers savings bank associa- 
tion. cover-title, 11. 16mo. [38416 

(Cy. Wee, - 24 19152. c.” Mec o27, 
1915; aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 419765; 
O. EE. McAnulty, Independence, 

CATALOG service @O., 
Bend, Ind. Why of this. [22] p. 
illus., ports. nar. 16mo, [38417 

Noy. .27,°4015:) 2 er andmaft. 
Feb. 4, 1916; A 425198. 

ine.*, South 

Catt (Carrie Chapman) Let our 
women prepare for war. (Jn Chi- 
cago herald) [3418 

©) Moar. -.6; /1916;..1.¢ , Mar. 16, 

1916; A 422987; J. Keeley, Chicago. 
CEMENT products co. Sanisep sewer- 
age systems. 13 [38] p. illus., diagrs. 
obl. 24mo. [3419 
Cc Men, 3, 1916s 2 °c. Web, 23, 
1916; aff. Mar. 8, 1916; A 425964; 
George Everard Widder, Wilming- 
ton, N. C. 

CHALMERS motor co.*, Detroit. Chal- 
mers physician’s Stanhope, a practi- 
eal car for a practitioner. [6] p. 
folder, illus. 16mo, [3420 

@eWFani17; 10263; :2 2c, dan, sl, 
1916; aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 425085. 


CHAMBERLAIN (Robert Rensselaer) * 
_ New Haven. Interior decoration 

and the history of periods. Article 
9-12. (Jn New Haven Sunday reg- 
. ister ) [3421-3424 

Nov. 28-Dee. 19, 1915; 1 «@ 
-each Feb. 29,1916; A 422756422759. 

CHANCE (Frank L.) [3425-3428 

Gambler secures place of honor on 
Chance’s best fan’s galaxy. © Mar. 5, 
1916 3.1. ¢. Mar. G6, 1946s A A22936: 

Little Kelly Powers will drag down $100 
month. © Feb. 27, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 422764. 

Railroad chief in Chance’s set, fan as is 
a fan. © Feb. 138, 1916; 1c. Feb. 14, 
1916; A 422466. 

Tinker forced into Fed league, opines 
Chance. © Feb. 20, 1916; 1 ce. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 422608. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

CHANDLER (Jenny Young) With an 
incense burner. Card, 5 by 33 inches. 

pute) dan. 12, 1916; 2 c. and-ait. dan. 
22, 1916; A 419740; Alma A. Rose, 

(Wayvell) & co.] Iin- 
automatic ball bearing 
electric floor surfacing machine. 
[6] p. felder. illus. 8vo. [3480 

© Mar..9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
‘ 16, 1916; A 425962; Arthur Edward 
’ Wayvell Chappell, Chicago. 

proved type 

CuHApPreLow (B. E.) Bigger, better 
business. (Jn Chicago herald) 

Desire, the key to suecess. © Mar. 10, 
1916; 1 ce. Mar. 11, 1916; A 423023. 

Faith in selling goods. © Mar. 7, 1916; 
1c. Mar. 8, 1916; A 422958. 

Goods, the money, the man. © Mar. 11, 
1916; 1 ec. Mar. 18, 1916; A 423038. 

Imagination and merchandising. © Mar. 
PN O1G Sel wer Mars 380) SiS teres: 

Neglected opportunities. © Mar. 6, 1916; 
1 ec. Mar. 7, 1916; A 422942. 

Vital merchandising mistakes. © Mar. 
8, 1916; 1c Mar. 9, 1916; A 422968. 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

CHARLESTON, S. ©. Walsh’s Charles- 

ton, S. C., city directory, 1916. 34th 
year. Charleston, 8. C., The Walsh 
directory company, inc., 1916. 2p.1., 
[77]-737 p. 8vo. $6.00. [3437 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
19, 1916; A 418899; Walsh directory 
co., ine., Charleston, 8S. C. 

pt. 4, hss, v.23 

CHARTERHOUSE €o.*, Philadelphia. 

Bookkeeping, a self-help course in three 
parts. pt. 1. cover-title, 23 p.  8vo. 

(Pay envelope studies) © Jan. 12, 
1916; 2 ce. and aff. Jans i499ose. 
A 417735. 

Good English. How to speak and write 
correctly and forcibly. cover-title, 40 
Dp. SVO. (Pay envelope’ studies) 
© Jan. 31, 191632 .¢. and ai Bea) 
3, 1916; A "495127. 

Office arithmetic, a self-help course in 

two parts. pt. 1. cover-title, 20 p. 
8vo. {eax envelope studies) © Jan. 
12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; 
A 417734. 

Workshop mathematics. 1st ' course. 
Mensuration. cover-title, [20] p. 
diagrs. 8vo. (Pay envelope studies) 
© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 10, 
1916; A 426081. 

CHASE supply co.*, Minneapolis. Shoes 
from factory to you. [24] p. illus. 
4to. [8442 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
26, 1916; A 419863. 

CHATTEL loan society of New York; 
ine.*, New York. 4th annual report 
[for the year 1915] 1 p. 1, 5-21 p. 
Svo. [38443 

© Mar. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
13, 1916; A 428068. 

of Baltimore city*, Baltimore. 'Tele- 
phone directories. [3444-3446 

Charleston, Clendenin, East Bank [etce.] 
Feb. 1, 1916. cover-title, 77 p. 8vo. 
© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 7, 1916; aff. 
Mar. 6, 1916; A 426538. f 

Hinton. Feb. 1, 1916. cover-titie, 12 p. 

8vo. ‘© Feb. 10, 1916.2 2 €xleee, 
1916; aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426540. 

PTuntine ton, Kenova, Logan [etc.] Feb. 

iL. 1916. cover- title, o4 p. S8vo. 
Feb. 10, 1916; -2:¢.) Mar: 7, tote ae 
Mar. 6, 1916: "A 426539. 


of Va.*, Baltimore. Telephone di- 
rectories. [8447, 3448 
Norfolk, Portsmouth, Newport News 
Lete.] Feb. 15, 1916. cover- title, 163, 
54 p. 8vo. © "Mar. 3,, 191652 ¢ Mar. 

(, 1916; ath: Mar. 6; 1916 ; "A 426537. 

Richmond, Ashland, Fredericksburg Lore 
Feb. 1, 1916. cover-title, 173, 59 
S8vo. © Feb. 14,1916; 2 e¢ Man P 
1916; aff.-Mar. 6, 1916: A 426541. 

CHICAGO CENTRAL station institute. 
Commercial engineering course. Les- 
son 4. Advertising. cover-title, 48 
p. illus. S8vo. [3449 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 425128; Natl. electric 
light assn., Chicago. 



no. 3, 1916 

Curcaco, Ill. Manual of the industrial | CHRISTENSEN (Alice & Nels)* Denver. 

map of Chicago district in Illinois. 
cover-title, [11] p. maps. (1 fold.) 
fol. $0.50. [3450 
Sees 6. 1915- 2 ¢ Jan. 21, 
1916; aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419732; 
James W. Hedenberg, Chicago. 

CHICAGO REAL estate index co.*, Chi- 
eago. Atlas and ownership index. 


Suppl. to v. 1. [Changes from Mar. 1, 

1910, to Dec. 20, 1915] cover-title, 15 

Be Jot) Jan. 21,.1916:; 2 c. Feb. 10. 
1916; aff. Feb. 23, 1916; A 426291. 
to v. 3. [Changes from May 1 

Suppl. E 
pay to Dec. 20, 1915] cover-title, 29 
fol. © Jan. 21, 1916; 2 ec. Feb. 10, 

1916: aff. Feb. 23, "1916: "A 426292. 
Suppl. to v. 6. [Changes from Sept. 1, 
1910, to Dec. 20, 1915.] cover-title, 
aan fol 6). Jan. 21,. 1916; 2 ec. 
Feb. 10, 1916; aff. Feb. 23, 1916; 
A 426293. 

Cxuicaco telephone co. [3454, 3455 

Chicago and adjoining counties Bell tele- 
pkone directory, Feb., 1916. [Chicago] 
Chicago telephone company, 1916. xii, 
936 p. Ato. Marts. 1916: > \¢. 
and aff. Mar. 15, 1916; A 428110. 

Oak Park district Bell telephone direc- 
tory, Nov., 1915. viii,9—-S7, 52 p. 4to. 
© Nov. 17, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 16, 
1916; A 425463. 

© Reuben H. Donnelley, Chicago. 

CHICAGO TELEP. co.*, Wisconsin telep. 
co., Cleveland telep. co., Michigan 
state telep. co., Chicago. Notes on 
the provision of outside plant ex- 
change facilities. 74 1., 13 numb. 

blue prints. 4to. (Central engi- 
neering bulletin, no. 63, Dec. 15. 
1915) [3456 

© Dec. 20. 1915; 2 
1915; A 425735. 
CHILDREN’S Savings system co. This is 
a children’s savings system store, 
Card, illus., 103 by 15 inches. [3457 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. Feb. 11, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 24, 1916; A 426352; S. L. 
Paradice for the Children’s savings 
system co., Dallas. 

Cumps (C. F.) & co.*, Chicago. 
United States government bond ¢al- 
endar. Card, illus., printed on both 
sides, 124 by 8 inches. [3458 

© Mar. 10, 1916; 2 ec. Mar. 15, 
1916; aff. Mar. 16, 1916; A 425979. 

CuHIPpMAN (Reeve)* Boston. Luxu- 
rious journeys; Alaska, the Yellow- 
stone, the Rockies, California, 1916. 
Boston, The Temple tours, 1916. 32 
p. illus. 12mo. [Cover-title: Tem- 
ple transcontinental tours, 1916] 

© Mar. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
10, 1916; A 428044. 


e. Dee: 27, 

Alphabet according to the Holy 
Scriptures. [4] p. 16mo. $0.10. 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 
_ 13, 1916; A 425948. 

CHRISTIAN (Eugene)* 
[Eugene  Christian’s 
seales dial.] 
Mar., 1916) 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 
A 422897. 

CINCINNATI, O. Williams’ Cincinnati 
industrial, mercantile and profes- 
sional register for 1916. Cincinnati, 
O., The Williams directory company 
[1916] 944p. Svo. $4.00. [3462 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 3, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 8, 1916; A 428038: Wil- 
liams directory co., Cincinnati. 

ec. and aff. Mar. 

New York. 
(Jn Physical culture, 
7, 1916; 

City savings bank, Reading, Pa. Read 
the story of Baby Nickel. Card, col. 
illus., printed on both sides, 9 by 63 

inches. $0.02. [3463 
© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

29, 1916; A 425873; Jacob W. Elvyn, 
Chicago, Tl. 

CLAREMONT, N. H. Claremont direc- 
tory. 1916. Boston, Mass., Union 
publishing company, ine., 1916. 180 

p. Svo. (With this: Newport di- 
rectory, 1915-1916. 92 p. and Suna- 
pee directory, 1915-1916. [113]- 
154 p.) $3.00. [3464 

© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 ec and aff. 
Jan. 28, 1916; A 420551. Union 
pub. co., Boston. 

CLARKE (Frances E.) Course of les- 

sons in public school music. Lesson 
no. 136, 142-144. 4 v. Contents.— 
Lesson no. 136. Musical form.— 
Lesson no. 142. Ancient music.— 
Lesson no. 143. Minstrels, trouba- 
dours, minnesingers, and meister- 
singers.—Lesson no. 144. Early 
Christian music. [3465 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 c. each Jan. 3, 

1916; aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 419805. 
Siegel-Myers school of music, Chi- 
Craupy (C. H.) [3466, 3467 
Roads and land values. 4 p._ illus, 
4to. (National highwaysassn.) © Feb. 
9, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 21, 1916; aff. Feb. 
19, 1916; “A 418935. 

When water is an undesirable citizen. 
[ Boston, Mass., Printed by the Everett 
press, inc., 1916] 6, [2] p.  illus., 

4to. © Mar. 2 teres Ss 
4..1916; aff. Mar. 3, "1916; 
A 427133. 

© National 

highways = assn., 



pt.1,n.s., v.13 


CLEVELAND (L.)* Whitesboro, Tex. 
Graded base ball rules. Card, 34 
by 114 inches. [3468 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 2c. Feb. 1, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 8, 1916; A 425872. 

CiosE (EH. H.) realty co. [20] 

p. illus., diagrs. S8vo. [3469 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

22, ASG A 4197782 Paul. Arthur 
Harsch, Toledo, O. 


Cops (Collier) North Carolina supple- 
ment. New York, The Macmillan 
company, 1916. cover-title, 2 p. Ll. 
ol p. illus. maps..;svove (Harrand 
MecMurry’s new geographies) $0.25. 


© Feb. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 418760; Macmillan co., 
New York. 

[Cor (Sayers) ] 

Golden age of Greece. Mentor reading 
course, monograph no. 1-6. Proof. 
© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 2, 
1916; A 425721. 

Ring of the Nibelung. Mentor reading 
monograph no. 1-6. Proof. 
@ Feb. 1, 1916; 2. c. and aff. Keb, 16, 
1916; A 425459. 

© Mentor assn., ine., New York. 

[3471, 3472 

CoHEN (Mrs. Nathan Henrietta)* Cin- 

cinnati. For my sons and other 
mothers’ sons. 86 p. ports. 12 mo. 
(cover-title: Messages of peace) 
$1.00. [8473 

© Feb. 11, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425561. 

Cote (Truman)* Little Falls, N. Y. 

Colford copartnership farm  con- 
tract. (2212 fol. [Text parallel: to 
binding] [3474 

© Jan. 1,-1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
17, 1916; A 426388. 

CoLLEGE of interstate commerce*, Cin- 
cinnati. Course on interstate com- 
merce and railroad transportation. 
23 p. nar. S8vo. [8475 

@ Jan. 22) 1916.2 cand ait. Jan: 
26, 1916; A 419862. 

Cottins (F. W.) Preparing for the 

profession of industrial engineer. 
30 numb. 1. diagrs. 4to. (Alex- 
ander Hamilton institute. Report 
no. 62) [3476 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 418710; Alex- 
ander Hamilton institute, New 

CoLLIns (Henry Albert)* Havana, III. 
[3477, 3478 
Judge’s decision. 24 incl. mounted 

front. . 12mo..-@ Feb." 16,9916) 2 3G: 
and aff. Feb. 28, 1916; A 426355. 

Life annuity bonds. 14 p. incl. mounted 
front. .12mo. ~~ @* Hebe 16)" 191Ga2ee 
and aff. Feb. 28, 1916; A 426356. 

Cottins (Louis L.) [8479-3482 

Foundation laid by pioneer miller for 
seventh ward. @© Feb. 20, 1916; 1 c. 
Feb. 25, 1916; A 422692. 

Minneapolis’ ninth ward was one time 
part of Wisconsin. © Mar. 5, 1916; 
1 ec. Mar. 10, 1916; A 4238001. 

6th ward prospers where river boats 
landed in the 50’s. © Feb. 138, 1916; 
ic. Feb. 1%, 1916 > AV 4228206 

8th ward rises from lairs trail led to in 
the 50’s. © Feb. 27, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 
8, 1916; A 422824. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Minne- 
apolis Sunday journal] 

© Journal ptg. co., Minneapolis. 

CoLORADO CULVERT and flume co.*, 
Pueblo, Col. Catalogue 16A. 382 p. 
illus., diagrs. obl. 8vo. [3483 

© Feb. 26, 1916>- 2. ey ieee 
1916; aff. Feb. 29, 1916; A 425731. 

vest. f[v. 1, no. 1, Dec. 19iai- ee 
George S. Berry and _ publisher’s 
editorial staff. Denver, Col., The 
W. H. Courtright publishing com- 
pany [1915] 168 p. 4to. $7.50. 


©-Dee. 3, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
18, 1916; A 428062; W. H. Court- 
right pub. co., Denver. 

CotviIn (Fred H.) Manufacturing 120 
millimeter Serbian shells 1. (dn 
American machinist) [3485 . 

© Mar. 9, 1916; 1 ce. Mar. 10, 1916; 
A 423008; Hill pub. co., New York. 

[CoMMUNITy savings and loan ©CO., 
Washington, D. C.] Bank with a 
heart. cover-title, [4] p. 24mo. 

- [8486 

© Mar. 13, 19163" 2c) and an 
Mar. 14, 1916; A 425954; J. F. Drum- 
mond, New York. 

CoMPLETE directory of glass factories 
in the United States and Canada 
[1916] Pittsburgh, Pa., J. G. Kauf- 
mann, Commoner publishing ©Co., 
1916. 64 p. 16mo. (Cover-title: 
American glass trade directory) 
$2.00. [3487 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 418958; Commoner pub. 
co., Pittsburg. 



no. 3, 1916 

CONE-PULLEY speed table. (Jn Ameri- 
ean machinist) [3488 
© Mar. 2, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 4, 1916; 

_ A 422849; Hill pub. co.. New York. 

CONNECTiIcUr River Valley. Connecti- 
eut River Valley and shore line Gi- 
rectory. 1915-16. Providence, R. L.. 
C. De W. White co., 1916. [48a]- 
48 p, [49]-392 p. S8vo. $3.50. 


© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 

1, 1916; A 427095; C. DeWitt White 
co., Providence, R. I. 

CoNSTITUTION, Atlanta. [3490-34982 
Before and after breakfast. © Feb. 28, 
1916; 1 ec. Mar. 4, 1916; A 422855. 
Club life is night life. © Feb. 14, 1916; 
1 c Feb. 17, 1916; A 422513. 
Jov-riders and the jay-cop. © Feb. 21, 
#94G- 1 c Web. 25, 1916; A 422683. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Atlanta 
Constitution ] 

© James R. Holliday, Atlanta. 

CONTEMPORARY verse. v. 1, 
Feb., 1916. [Philadelphia, Pa. 
Printed by G. F. Lasher] 1916. 
cover-title, p. 17-32. S8vo. $0.15. 


© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

3, 1916; A 425167; Howard S. Gra- 

ham, jr., Devereux C. Josephs and 
Samuel McCoy, Philadelphia, Pa. 

no: 2: 

Conway (Thomas A.)* Henderson, 
Ky. i3 reliable prescriptions. [8] p. 
folder. 32mo. [3494 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
26, 1916; A 419854. 

Cooper (Courtney Ryley)* Denver. 
Parables of a pessimist. (Jn Den- 
ver post) [3495 

© Mar. 5, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 9, 1916; 
A 422975. 

CooPERATIVE Commutation coupon co.*, 
Lima, ©. Repeat sales. [5] p. 
folder. 16mo. [3496 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 26, 
1916; aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425199. 

Cornett co.*, Cleveland. What does 
home mean to you. [4] p. diagrs. 
8vo. [3497 

© Mar. 10, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Mar. 16, 1916; A 425972. 

CORNELL LAW list, 1916; compiled & 
published by E. Morgan St. John. 
wank, tp. 12mo. $1.00. [3498 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 11, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 18, 1916; A 417878; E. 
Morgan St. John, Ithaca, N. Y. 


CoRNISH (Reynelle G. E.)* Portland, 
Ore. Legal sidelights for lawyers 
and jaymen. Jan. 30, Feb. 20, 1916. 
[2 instalments] (Jn Portland Sun- 
day Oregonian) [3499, 3500 

© Jan. 30, 1916: Feb. 20, 1916; 1 
c. each May 6, 1916; A 422870, 422871. 

CoRNISH, N. H. Cornish, Plainfield, 
Meriden [ete.] directory, 1915-16. 
vy. 2) [Canaan, N. H:] W. E. Shaw, 

1915. 1p. 1., 49-113 p. 8vo. $2.00. 

Hee. —15, 1915>-2 6 Dee. 22. 
1915; aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 420361; 

William E. Shaw, Canaan, N. H. 

CORPORATION security ratings. Ist an- 

nual number, 1916. New York, 
Mcody manual company, 1916. 2 
Dy l.455 BOE Ls avo [3502 

© Jan. 29, 1916: 2 c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 418720; Moody 
manual co., New York. 

CorricaAn (Clyde Sinclair)* San An- 
tonio, Tex. Trip to the missions. 
Sheet, 11 by 4 inches. [3503 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 2, 1916; A 425729. 

CotTrerL & Leonard*, Albany. From 
this to this. [A trip thru a hat 
factory.] 16 p. illus. 16mo. [8504 

© Feb. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Mar. 2, 1916; A 425727. 

Ia. Polk-McAvoy 
directory co.’s Council Bluffs city 
directory, 1916. [v. 25] Council 
Bluffs, Ia., Polk-McAvoy directory 
co., 1916. 6386p. Svo. $6.00. [38505 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 420856; Polk-Mc- 
Avoy directory co., Council Bluffs, 

Councit BLUFFS, 

Country home, the ladies farm jour- 

nal. (/n Fruit grower and farmer) 
vy. 26, no. 24, Dec. 15, 1916. © Dec. 
15) $9062, 1% ef Dee:; 22, 71915; A 
vy. 27, no. 4, Feb. 15, 1916. @©@ Feb. 16, 
1916; 1 ¢c. Feb. 23, 1916; A 422634. 
v. 27, no. 5, Mar. 1, 1916. © Mar. 2, 

"41916: 1 e. Mar. 13, 1916; A 423049. 
© W. G. Campbell, St. Joseph, Mo. 

Williams’ Covington 
directory, 1916-1917. 

and Newport 

Cincinnati, O., The Williams direc- 
tory company [1916] S812 p. Svo. 
$5.00. 13509 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 7, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 10, 1916; A 418788; Wil- 
liams directory co., Cincinnati. 




Crart (John) National highways and 

rural free delivery post roads. 4 p. 
illus. 4to. (National highways 
assD. ) [3510 

@P Feb. 15," 1916se2 mews ehe 21. 

1916; aff. Feb. 19, 1916; A 418984; 
National highways assn., Washing- 

CREDIT guide; a reierence book for the 

local trade of Cook eounty, 11. 
[1916] -.[ Chicago, TU. Priated. by 
Peterson linotyping co., 1916] 1 p. 
toa ps: Oly Rae OO: Pee iE 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aft. Mar. 
8, 1916; A 427 112; Credit guide ¢o., 

‘RE Ss nation: learing house*, 
CREDITORS national clenring house* 

Boston. Instructions to C. N. C. H. 
salesmen, every minute. cover-title, 
so ps Obls 32m0% «$2250; [3512 

© Jan: 181816: 22°se" Sam, 15, 
1916; aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 417860. 

CREIGHTON (Howard West)* Los An- 

geles. Old demon rum. Los An- 
geles, Cal, West publishing co. 
[i916] 59 p.. Sve. ¢ $0.25. foots 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 425182. 

Crort (Terrell)* University City, Mo. 
Practical lessons in electricity. Les- 
son 2-11. [10 instalments. ] 
Jovian, June, 1915—Mar., 1916.) Con- 
tents.—2. Principles of magnetism.— 
3. More about magnetism.—4. Per- 
manent magnets.—5. Properties of 
conductors. induction.—7. 
Mutual inductance.—8, 9. Electro- 
magnetie induction.—10, 11. Induct- 
ance and self inductance. 


© May 28, June 28, July 28, Aug. 

28, Sept. 28, Oct. 27, Nov. 27, Dee. 28, 

1915, Jan. 25, Feb. 28, 1916; 1 ec. each 
Mar. 13, 1916; A 4238054423063. 

CROMWELL memory institute. Course 
in memory training. [Lesson 1] 
[4] p. S8vo. $5.00 [3524 

© Mar. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
14, 1916; A 425944; George Crom- 
well Blower, Los Angeles. 

CrossMAN (Edwina M.)* Seattle. 
Shadow and sunshine. cover-title, 7 
Dp. Lomp., S050. [3525 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425550. 

CRUGER advertising system*, Norwalk, 
O. Retail clothier’s advertiser. 
Spring ed. v.35. xv, 297 p. illus. 
S8vo. $4.00. [3526 

© Mar. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
11, 1916; A 427251. 


pt. Bases 

CRUSSELL (Edward H.)* East Sacra- 
mento, Cal. Some aspects of modern 

Shingling. (in Building age, Mar., 
1916) [3527 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 1 «. Mar. 4, 1916; 
A 422852. 

CuMMiInGes (G. W.) & iKnewel- (Ar- 
thur)* Chicago. Telephone talks. 
(In Telephone engineer) [3528, 3529 
Feb., 1916. © Feb..1, 19%6,5f 3c em 

5, 1916; A 422834. 
wT 1916.  @ Mar. 1, -19tG 2a re Mar 
ade "1916; A 422835 

CUMULATIVE daily digag of corpora- 
tion news. 2d semi-annual number, 
1915. New York, Moody. manual 
company, 1916. 660 p. 8vo. [3530 

© Jan. 14, 1916;°2 -@ Heb Ae 
1916; aff. Jan. 27, 1916; A 420734; 
Moody manual co., New York. 

Curtis (Harry Wesley)* Boston. I 
am a cup of coffee. I am welcome 

every morning. Sheet, 114 by Ti 
inches. Lane 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

19, 1916; A 417852. 
Date (Alan)* Bayside, N. Y. Alan 
Dale says: (in Pittsburg Sunday 

leader ) [35382-3535 

Heb. 20; 1916... © Feb.) 20; 1916 ve: 
Feb. 23, 1916; A 422631. 

Heb: 2, towiGs SS @yeseb: 27, LOdiGes wo xe! 
Feb. 29, 1916; A 422750. 

Mar. 5, 1916. © Mar. 5, 1916; 1\¢ Mae: 
9. S1GIGs JA A229 

Mar. 12, 1916. @ Mar. 12, 1916; 1 ¢ 
Mar. 14, 1916; A 4238076. 

DaniEts (Henry C.)* Hartford, Conn. 
Christmas verse for postcards, 1916. 
cover-title, 18 loose 1. 16mo. [385386 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419902. 

DaprRATO statuary co.*, Chicago. 
[3537, 3538 
Altars of genuine merit. [4] p. illus. 
8vo. © Jan. 21, 19163 2oeSbeb: 

1916; aff. Feb. 21, 1916; A 425578. 

Artistic productions appropriate for Lent 
and holy week. [6] p. folder. illus. 
4to. © Feb: 219; | 19926 5 2c: and aff. 
Feb. 28, 1916; A 426376. 

DARLING (Grace) Grace Darling’s talks 
to girls. (In New York evening 
journal ) [3539-8541 
No. 3. Way to find friends in the world. 

© Mar. 3, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 4, 1916; 

No. 4. Traits in a girl that men like. 
© Mar. 8, 1916;,1 ¢. Mar. 9, 19965 
A 422968. 

No. 5. Word to those who have talent. 
© Mar. 10, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 11, 1916; 
A 42 3028. 
© Internatl. news service, New 




no. 3, 1916 

[DavuGHERTY (Robert Long)] Hy- 
draulics. chap. 5-7. [New York, 
McGraw-Hill book company, ince., 
1916] 1 p. 1, [48]-124 p. illus., 
diagrs. S8vo. [Preprint] [3542 

© Mar. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
9, 1916; A 425851; McGraw-Hill! book 
co., ine., New York. 

Dau’s New York blue book, 1916. New 

York city, Dau’s blue books, inc, 
1916. 2 p.1.,15-S00 p. 12mo. $7.50. 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 12, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 10, 1916; A 418805; Dau’s 
blue books, inc., New York. 

DAVENPORT (Claude M.)* Los Angeles. 
New hand at the wheel. [16] p. 
16mo. $50.00 per 1000. [3544 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426373. 

Davey tree expert co., inc.*, Kent, O. 
Tree saved, by John Davey. [16] p. 
illus. 16mo. [38545 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426326. 

Davis (A. M.) co.*, Boston. [3546-3571 

Birthday greetings. One would think 
you were a hundred. Card. col. illus., 
34 by 4% inches. $0.05. © Jan. 12, 

2946- 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 


Bluebird for happiness. Card, col. illus., 
34 by 43 inches. $0.10. Jan.#12° 
1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 

Happy birthday. Birthdays come and 
birthdays go. Card, col. illus., 33 by 
4% inches. $0.05. @© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 

c. and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417794. 

I'm glad it is your birthday. Card, 
col. illus., 34 by 53 inches. $0.05. © 
wan, 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 
1916; A 417793. 

I’m sure you're always’ happy. 
Card, col. illus., 34 by 53 inches. 
$0.05. © Jan. 12, 1916; 2c. and aff. 

Jan. 14, 1916; A 417780. 

I think of you and love you lots. 
Card, col. illus., 34 by 54 inches. 
$0.05. © Jan. 12, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 417789. 

I wish this little puppy-dog. Card, 
col. illus., 34 by 54 inches. $0.05. @© 

Jan. 12, 1916: 2 c. Jan. 14, 1916: A 


May friends and gifts and sunshine 
bright. Card, col. illus., 34 by 54 
inches. $0.05. @ Jan. 12, 1916; 2 c. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 417791. 

No, doggie dear. Stop begging! 
Card, col. illus., 33 by 534 inches. 
$0.05. @ Jan. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 

Jan. 14, 1916; A 417785. 

birthday cake I’m wishing you. 
Card, col. illus., 34 by 54 inches. 
$0.05. @ Jan. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 

Jan. 14, 1916; A 417790. 

Davis (A. M.) co.*—Continued. 

To some folks birthdays mean 
they're aging. Card, col. illus., 33 by 
4% inches. $0.05. © Jan. 12, 1916; 
2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417784. 

I see you’re having birthdays still. 
Birthday greetings. Card, col. illus., 
3% by 4% inches. $0.05. © Jan. 12, 
1916 2-e. and aff. Jan..14, 1916; A 

and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417786. 

My very best wishes on the wings of 
gladness start. Card, illus., 4 by § 
inches. $0:10. ._@ Jan.. 12, 1916; 2: c. 
and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 417788. 

Old friends are best. It’s nice to know 
the new friends. Card, 4 by 5 inches, 
$0102 > @tian: 192419163 2 tes and) af, 
Jans 22. T9162 A 419743. 

To one of my baldheaded friends. Card, 
illus., + by 6 inches. To thee, 
O well-beloved, but hairless friend, 
©) Jan..19, 1916: 2 ec. and aft. Jan, 
22, 1916; A 419742. 

Why don’t you write? Here it is in 
black and white. Post card, col. illus, 
50.035 © Jan. 10, 1916<.2. ¢- and. aft. 
Jan. 14, 1916; A 417773. 

Here’s a bargain—something new. 

Post card, illus. (part col.) $0.03. 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 

O16 >, Ay 417772. 

I do not care what other arts. Post 

card, col. illus. $0.03. © Jan. 10, 

1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; 

A 417778. 

—— [I think you must consider. Post 
care, col. “illus: . 50:03... .G@ Jane 10: 
11G: 2e; and ‘afi. Jan. 74, 1936 34 

I wish that you’d express some 

thoughts. Post card, col. illus. $0.03, 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 

1916; A 417777. 

If, suddenly, some lucky day. Post 
card, col. illus. $0.03. @© Jan. 10, 
1916;..2 ec. and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; 

A 417776. 

—— If you'd like to make me happy. 
Post card, col. illus. $0.08. © Jan. 
10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; 

A 417781. 

Since I last heard from you it 

seems. Post card, col. illus. $0.03. 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 

1916; A 417774. 

Sing a song of postmen. Post 

card, col. illus. $0.03. © Jan. 10, 

1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 1916; A 


- ‘Tis not unseemly, do you think’? 

Post card, col. illus. $0.03. © Jan, 

10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 14, 19161 

A 417775. 

Davis (Charles Henry ) (3572, 3573 
embargo, a national menace, 
(National editorial service, se- 
@' Jan. 6, 19iG; 2c; 
1916; A 425640. 


no, 366.) 

and aff. Feb. 26, 
4 p. illus. 4to, 
© Feb. 11, 

aff. Feb, 

| Real national highway. 
(National highways assn.) 

| 1916; 2 c. Feb. 21, 1916; 
19, 1916; A 418932. 

| © National 


highways assn., 



3574 pt. 1, Hos. Ww. 4S 
Davis (Meredith)* Pueblo, Col. | DE Satis (J. H.) Modern engine house 
Awakening. (Jn Pueblo star-jour- facilities and methods. p. 7-11. 
nal) [3574 8vo. $0.10. [With: Yard operation, 

© Feb. 27, 1916; 
A 422823. 

fC Mar 2 nib OG: 

Davis (Richard  Harding)* New 
York. [3575-3578 

Blinded in battle, but not made uselesss. 
© Feb. 27, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 28, 1916; 
A 422729. 

Following a king’s messenger. © Feb. 
20% 1916.» . A ele Bebe ail GaGa: 

© Richaard Harding Davis, New 


Verdun’s traps and mazes. © Mar. 5, 
1916; 1c. Mar. 6, 1916; A 422877. 
© Wheeler syndicate, inc., New 


War that lurks in Forest of the Vosges. 
© Feb. 13, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 16, 1916; 
A 422486. 
© Richard Harding Davis, New 


[Note: The foregoing are in New York 
times magazine] 

DrEcKARD (Howard C.)* Birmingham, 
Mich. Deckard hand-book of prac- 
tical shop mathematics. 2 p. 1, 3—- 
82 p. diagrs.. 16mo. (Cover-title: 
Practical shop mathematics) $2.00. 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

16, 1916; A 425466. 

Decker (Alfred) & Cohn*, Chicago. 
Season of spring. Cuts. cover-title, 
143 p. illus. fol. [3580 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 420653. 
Dr Focatuis (Alphonse) * 

New Or- 

leans. Drink problem from a new 
angie. [3581, 3582 
Jan. 23, 1916. (Jn New Orleans 'Times- 
Picayune) Oy Jan. i023, tabloid Gels: 
Jan. 27, 1916; A 422044. 
Feb. 26, 1916. (In Italo-Americano. ) 
@© Feb. 26, 1916; 1 ¢«. Mar. 1, 1916; 
A 422796. 
DELBRIDGE (Charles Lomax)* St. 
Louis. Results of weekly savings, 

4 per-cent interest, compounded 
semi-annually with interest calcu- 

lated from day of deposit. Card, 14 
by 54 inches. $5.00 per 1000. 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 425125. 

Deity (M.)* Paris. Fin dune wal- 
kyrie. nos. 3, 5-10, 12-16, 18-32, 36, 
37, 37 bis, 38-40, 42, 45, 49, 50, 52, 
54-58. [48 instalments] (Jn Echo 
de Paris, 9 nov., 1915-6 janv., 1916) 


© Nov. 9, 1915—Jan. 6, 1916; 1 «¢. 

each Mar. 20, 1916; A—Foreign 

by J. R. Hamilton] [38585 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 28, 1916: 
aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 425091; Central 
railway club, New York. 

DETMER service bureau. 

v. 12, no.'9, Feb., 1916, “[S8] “pet stolder: 
illus.. fol. © Jan. 17, 1916; 2 ¢c. and 
aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 419864. 

v.12, no. 11.. Sheet, hus > 2Zo5 nya 
inches. © Feb. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Feb. 4, 1916; A 425183. 

v. 14, no. 6. Sheet, col. illus., 17 by 22 
inches. © Feb. 19, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Feb. 25, 1916; A 426316. 

© Detmer woolen co., New York. 


DETROIT correspondence institute of 
motoring,* Detroit. Course of sci- 
entific instruction in motor car pro- 
duction, repairing, driving and sales- 
manship. Lesson 3, pt. 2. [15] p. 
Svo. [3589 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 425510. 

DEUTSCHE revue. 41. Febr., 

1LOTG: ovG: ; [3590 

© Jan. 26,°1916594 ceo Bebaae, 
1916; A—Foreign 13449; Deutsche 
verlags-anstalt, Stuttgart, Germany. 


DEUTSCHLAND. 7. jahrg. Hach illus. 
4to. [8991, 3592 
Tle ee eee wate jan., 1916. illus. 4to. 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 1c: Mar. 10, 1916; 

A—Foreign 13468. 

nr. 3, 10). febr:, 19TG) co allusi eo. 
© Feb. 10, 191671. cs Maree; 71906; 
A—Voreign 13469. 

© J. J. Weber, Leipzig, Germany. 
DE VEcmMon (J. A) & Urmy (W. H.)* 

San Francisco. Universal automo- 
bile chart, 1916 ed. Sheet, diagrs., 
384 by 16 inches. . [35938 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417980. 

Dr Vessey (Marie L.)* Washington. 
Anti-trust law has sounded the 
alarm of defense in behalf of the 

people. [Problem for Congress and 
the people to decide.] 15 p. 8vo. 

© Nov. 1, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417798. 

De Wet (Charles Ward)* San Fran- 
cisco. It’s the emblem for me. 
Sheet, 94 by 84 inches. [3595 

© Jan. 16, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 16, 1916; A 425520. 



no. 3, 1916 3620 
DickEy (Howard Starr) * Newton, | DonaHEy (William)* Chicago. 
Kan. They haven’t changed the [3605-3608 
map of Ireland yet. (Jn Newton Lost! two Teenie Weenies. © Feb. 20, 
journal) - [83596 1916; 1 c. Feb. 26, 1916; A 422705. 
© Mar. 3, 1916; 1c. Mar. 6, 1916: Teenie Weenies have a race. © Feb. 13, 

_ A 422884. 

lime manufacturers. 10th ed., 1916. 
Comp. by Cement era, Chicago, 1916. 

224 p. fold. map. 32mo. $1.00. 
© Feb. 17, 1916; 2 c« and aff. 
Mep. 28, 1916; A 426371; H.. W. 
Baumgartner, Chicago. 

DIRECTORY OF THE OHIO shoe industry 
[1916] [Hamilton, O., Printed by 
the Republican pub. co., 1916] 1386 
p. ports. 4to. $2.50. [3598 

© Feb. 29, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. 
Mar. 4, 1916; A 427165; Ohio retail 
shoe dealers assn., Cincinnati. 

DisTRicT oF CoLUMBIA. Boyd's direc- 
tory of the District of Columbia, 

1916. v. 58. Washington, D. C., R. 
L. Polk & co., 1916. 1880 p. S8vo. 
$9.00. [3599 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 ec. Feb. 15, 

1916; aff. Mar. 2, 1916; A 420985; 
~R. L. Polk & co., Washington. 

Drxon (Thomas)* New York. Fail 
Stun. fauen. chap: 21, 22; (In 
National Sunday magazine) [3600 

Jan..23, 1916; 
1916; A 423075. 

1 e@. Mar. 4, 

Dopee (Faith Hunter)* Oakland, Cal. 
Spanish letter writing. Introduc- 
tion. Lesson 1, 2. Sheet, 11 by 83 
inches. [3601 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 3, 1916; A 417562. 

Dotan (John J.)* Freeport, N. Y. 
Dolan’s telephone order booth sys- 

tem. cover-title, [4] p. 16mo. 
© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 

Feb. 18, 1916; A 425502. 

DotcH (Edward W.) jr.*, Ames, Ia. 

Football at home [rules] 4 p. 
16mo. [3603 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 28, 1916; A 426357. 

DoMESTIC sewing machine co., inc.*, 
Buffalo. Domestic electric. [12] p. 
folder. illus. nar. Svo. [3604 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

16, 1916; A 425456. 

———— et 

1916; 1 c. Feb. 17, 1916; A 422504. 
Teenie Weenies vets a pan of milk. 

Cy Mara 1916. "1-e: Mar -8> 191Gs 

A 422903. 

© William Dohaney, Chicago. 
Teenie Weenies write a letter. © Feb. 

2, 1916.5 1c, Mar 2, 1916 5 A A2Z2891. 

{[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily or Sunday Tribune] 
© Tribune co., Chicago. 
DonaLpson (Alfred Lee)* Saranac 

Lake, N. Y. Chapters of Adirondack 

history. Jan. 15, 20, 27.) Feb. 3; 10; 
Bese A916: [5 instalments] (In 
Saranac Lake news.) [3609 

© Jan. 13, Feb. 17, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 422695. 

DONNELLEY (Reuben H.)* Chicago. 
New York classified telephone direc- 

tory, Jan. 22, 1916. 739 p. 4to. 
© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 ec and aff. 

Mar. 3, 1916; A 427110. 

Dorr (Rheta Childe) AS a woman 
sees it. (Jn New York Evening 
mail) [3611-3614 
Feb. 7, rege © Feb. TT 1162" 1? Rep: 

8, 1916; A 422672. 
Feb. 8, 1916. @© Feb. 8, 1916; 1 c Feb. 

9.1916 =A 422675: 
Feb. 9, 1916. © Feb. 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
11, 1916; A 422681. 
Feb. 10, 1916. © aa 10, (ROTG Sole 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 422996. 
© Evening Re syndicate, 
New York. 


DroMGooLE (Will Allen)* Nashville. 
Song and story. (Jn Nashville ban- 
ner ) [3615-3619 

Feb. 12, 1916. © Feb. 12, 1916; 1 c. 
Feb. 16, 1916; A 422487. 

Feb. 19, 1916. © Feb. ee 191G* Te: 
Feb. 1, 1916; A 422587. 
Feb. 26, 1916. © Feb. oe LOtGi Ge 
Feb. 28, 1916; A 42273 
Mar. 4, 1916. @ Mar. y 1016.1 ¢. 
Mar. 6, 1916; A 422856. 
‘ey; > LITO LS: Q Mare tit, 40LG ea C, 
Mar. 13, 1916; A 423048. 
[Duptey (Frank Alonzo)] [Book of 
verses] 91. 12mo. [8620 
© Dec. 17, 1915; 2 c. Dec. 29, 

1915; aff. Jan. 13, 1916; A 425078; 
Etta Brown Dudley, Niagara Falls, 




DupLEY (W. SB.) Recent develop- 
ments in brake engineering princi- 
ples and practice. 65 p. 
diagrs. Svo. $0.10. [8621 

© Fan. - 18)" 1986S" 2c. Jans 28, 
1916; aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 425092; 
New York railroad club, New York. 

Durry (James O. G.)* Philadelphia. 

Sting of death, chap. 23-48. (Jn 
Philadelphia press megazine) 

© Dec. 26, 1915—Feb. 13, 1916; 1 e. 
Mar. 3, 1916; A 422836. 

DUNDEE collie kennels. Training and 
eare of collies. 4th ed. 28 p. illus. 
16mo. $0.50. [3623 
© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 14, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426534; Edwin 
A. Rogers, Dundee, Mich. 
Berea, O. Lesson in 
lawn making. no. 36. 6 p. folder. 
col. illus. 16mo. [3624 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426321. 

Dunwoopy (William Hood) industrial 
institute*, Minneapolis. Telephony ; 


general course. Serial no. 1. cover- 
title, 20 p. diagrs. S8vo. $0.25. 

© Dec. 11, 1915; 2 ce. Dee 15, 
1915; aff. Feb. 17, 1916; A 425527. 

Dvorak (John J.)* Chicago. Princess 
yoke book. v. 1. [Chicago, Novelty 
art studios, 1916] 15 p. illus. 94 
by 124 inches. $0.10. [3626 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
17, 1916; A 418868. 

Dyke (Andrew L.)* St. Louis. 


Supplement to Dyke’s automobile instruc- 
tion of the Packard twin six, models 
1—25 and 1-35, treating on operation, 
adjustment and care. [St. Louis, Mo., 
General printing .co.] _1916: 32. p. 
illus., diagrs. 4to. © Feb. 15, 1916; 

2 e@. and ait web, 2351916 CA 4518963. 

—— Of the Willys-Knight, model 84, mo- 
tor car, treating on the operation, care 
and adjustment. [St. Louis, Mo., 
Printed by General printing co.] 1916. 
32 p. illus, diagrs.:4to. _.© Pebs 15, 
1916>..2 c. and aff, Feb.,.23, 1916 sh 

—— Treating on the principle of con- 
struction, care, operaticn and repair of 
the Maxwell. [Detroit, Mich., Ameri- 
Gan) printing cok) LOG. 316 etl) ape 
illus., diagrs. 4to. @© Feb. 15, 1916; 
2c. and aff: Feb. 23; 1916; A 418965. 

C67, St. aban 
pia. (24). Dp. TS. 2 pots. ~ folk 
© Jan. 15, 19169) 2-2, dan. 126, 
1916; aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 419841. 

Ec-ZENE Scope and 

illus., - 


pt. 1, n. s., v. 13- 

Eppy (Clarence) Course of lessons 
for the pipe organ. Lesson no. 41—44. 
4 vy. Contents.—Lesson no. 41. Com- 
bined legato and staccato playing.— 
Lesson no. 42. Varieties of touch, 
continued legato and staccato play- 
ing—Lesson no. 43. Attack and re- 
lease of chords.—Lesson no. 44, 
[Phrasing]. [3631 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 ¢ each Jan. 3, 
1916; aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 419806; 
Siegel-Myers school of music, Chi- 

EDUCATIONAL FILMS corp.*, Chicago. 
[3632, 3633 
Education by visualization. The wise 
seeketh knowledge. [670 =pr folder: 

fol. © Jan? 19... 191Ge 2% andeane 
Jan. 22; 1916: As 425074: 

In Japan, photolog. of the flowery king- 
dom. [4] p. 8vo. © Jan. 19, 1916; 
2 ¢c: and aff. Jan. °22>1916; A 425076) 

EDUCATIONAL foundations. Model- 
store-keeping dept. World’s greatest 
problem, that of making industry at- 
tractive. p. [8]—45.  illus., plates. 
16mo. [3634 

© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 cand aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417961; Chapin & O’Don- 
nell, New York. 

ELEcTRIcC storage battery co.*, Philadel- 
phia. Sundry parts and supplies for 
use in connection with the chloride 
accumulator [ete.] Section B, 1916. 
2d ed. cover-title. 28 p. illus. S8vo. 


© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425562. 

for electrical uses. v. 8. Dee., 1915. 
2p. 1, 90 pe! > ilwsa no: [3636 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c and aff. Mar. 
16, 1916; A 425982; Gage pub. ¢o., 
ine., New York. 

Special devices 

ELITE list; a compilation of selected 
names of residents of Washington 
city, D. C., and ladies shopping 
guide, 1916. Washington, D. C.. The 
Hlite publishing company, 1916. 208 
p., 12mo. $5.00. [3637 

© Mar. 2,.1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

9, 1916; A 427195; Nell Boyd How- 
ell & HE. S. W. Boyd, Washington. 

ELLIOTT nursery co.*, Pittsburgh. Best 
in the world. 68 p. illus. 4to. [38638 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 425078. 



no. 3, 1916 3683 
Eriis (R. P.) Chicken dollars and | Evans (W. A.)* Chicago. How to 
sense. (Jn Philadelphia North Amer- keep well. (In Chicago daily or 
ican) [3639-3641 Sunday tribune) [3650-3683 
10. Use care in selecting the hired help. After and before Lister. © Feb. 20, 
© Jan. 30, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 17, 1916; 19166" 4c3 Web. 267319162" A: 422707, 

A 422496. Baby Sunday. @© Mar. 5, 1916; 1 e. 

12. Improved methods of brooding chicks. 
momen i232, 4916; 1c. Feb. 17, 1916; 
A 422511. 

13. Essential factors in brooding chicks. 
@ Feb. 20. 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 25, 1916; 
A 422694. 
© Matos adv. co., inc., Philadel- 


ELVYN (Jacob W.)* Chicago. 
[3642, 36438 
Stop! look! listen! which is the longer 
line? Sheet, illus., 5 by 33 inches. 
© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 29, 
1916; A 425875. 

Tell us how many blox there are. Sheet, 
illus., 5 by 3 inches. © Feb. 26. 1916; 

2 ce. and aff. Feb. 29, 1916; A 425874. 
Extwoop, Ind. R. L. Polk & co.’s El- 
wood directory, 1916. Indianapolis, 
fae oe. . Polk & co., 1916. 1p: 1, 
[17]-256 p. S8vo. $4.00. 3644 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
29, 1916; A 420951; R. L. Polk & 
co., Indianapolis. 

Emprre talking machine co. Machine 
that plays any disc record. Sheet, 
illus. (part col.) 12 by 9 inches. 


© Dee. 18, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 

24, 1916; A 417979; John H. Stein- 
‘metz, Chicago. 

ENGINEERING directory. pt. 2. 1916 
ed. Chicago, The Crawford publish- 
ing co., 1916. 3 p. 1., xl, [4], [15]- 
490 p. 4to. $2.00. [3646 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 418946; Crawford pub. 
co., Chicago. 

Eras, (Peter)* Buffalo. One minute 
book. v. 6. cover-title, [4]  p. 
16mo. [3647 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
28, 1916; A 425079. 

Erwin (Howard W.) Buffalo Bill in 
Mexico; or, Making war on the 
Greasers. New York, Street & 
Smith [1916] 308 p. 12mo. (On 
cover: Far West library, no. 207) 
$0.15. [3648 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 425532; Street & Smith, 
New York. 

Evans (Everett J.)* New York. To 
the song writers of America, greet- 
ing. [12] p. 16mo. [3649 

© Jan. 30, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 3, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419842. 

Mar. 8, 1916; A 422901. 

Baby week. © Feb. 3, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 
TO W916 3A: 422362. 

Baby week is coming. © Feb. 24, 1916; 
1 c. Feb. 29, 1916; A 4227492. 

Birth and death registration. © Feb. 
9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 16, 1916: A 422479, 

Birth registration. © Mar. 6, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Mar. 7, 1916; A 422909. 

Bronchitis. © Feb. 16, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 
24-4916 > A 422637. 

Dyspepsia. © Feb. 27, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 
25 OG; -Ay 422809: 

Fighting malaria. © Feb. 18, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Feb. 24, 1916; A 422639. 

Health cfficers’ schools. @©@ Feb. 23, 
191Gs ies Web. 29. “At Al 432703. 

Heart disease. © Feb. 26, 1916; 1 e. 
Feb. 29, 1916; A 422744. 

Humidity problem. © Mar. 1, 1916; 1 
e. Mar. 7, 1916; A 422905. 

Indoor humidity. © Feb. 8, 1916; 1 ec. 
Feb. 16, 1916; A 422478. 

Infection-carrying lice. @_., Web: 2410; 

G2 dco Keb. 16, f91G< “Ay 4222480: 

Itching. © Feb. 19, 1916; 1c. Feb. 24, 
1916; A 422640. 

Locomotor ataxia. 
ce. Mar. 15, 1916; A 422806. 

Making candy medicine. © Feb. 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 10, 1916; A 422364. 

Preserving blood corpuscles. © Feb. 2, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 10, 1916; A 422361. 

Prevention of pneumonia. Mar. 
1916; 1 ¢c. Mar. 7, 1916; A 422908. 

Rheumatism meaningless. Marrs: 
£916; 1 G. Mar: Te A916 A. 422907. 

Searlet fever. © Feb. 13, 1916; 1 ec. 
Feb. 17, 1916; A 422502. 

© Mar. "120-1916 34 



Sclerosis. @ Mar. 2, 1916; 1 ¢c. Mar. 7, 
1916; A 422906. 

Setting-up exercises. © Feb. 7, 1916; 
1c. Feb. 10, 1916; 422365. 

Smallpox situation. Feb. 17, 1916; 
1c. Feb. 24, 1916; A 422638. 

Some cases of rheumatism. © Feb. 12, 

1916; 1 c. Feb. 16, 1916; A 422482. 

Some experiences in the life of Dr. Tru- 
deau. © Feb. 11, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 16, 
1916; A 422481. 

State without consumption, @© Feb. 
1916; 1 ¢c. Feb. 10, 1916; A 422363. 
Trachoma. © Feb. 1, 1916; 1c. Feb. 10, 

1916; A 422360. 

Treatment of pneumonia. @©@ Feb. 25, 
1916; 1 ec. Feb. 29, 1916; A 422748. 
Use of fans in winter. @© Feb. 15, 1916; 

1c. Feb. 24, 1916; A 422636. 


War medical lessons. © Feb. 28, 1916; 
1c. Feb. 29, 1916; A 422745. 

Wet brain. @©@ Feb. 21, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
24, 1916; A 422641, 

Winter flies. © Feb. 29, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 
7, 1916; A 422904, 

You can't ventilate Archer avenue. © 
Feb. 22, 1916: 1 e¢. Feb. 24, 1916; 

A 422642, 




pt. 1, mss VS 

Dans la 
(In Pays 

Feb. 18, 

FaBer (Georges)* Paris. 
tourmente, 27 janv., 1916. 
de France. ) 

@.Jan. Zio 916s sd. © 
1916; A—Foreign 13447. 

FActs. [3685, 3686 

vy. 1, no. 1, Jan., 1916.  cover-title, 31 
fi]-‘p:° ius. ‘peris) “feknps0:232 ./© 
Jan. 322): 1916: 26 and atioestan. 24- 
1916; A 417978. 

vd; no. .2, Hep; 1916 ook pills. part. 
folS , $0.25: (@! Heb: 24. 4916; ce: 
and aff. Feb. 26, 1916; A 425635. 

© Co-operative adv. co., Chicago. 

FAIRBANKS, Morse & co. Fairbanks 
dial indicator. 11 p. illus. 8vo. 
(Catalog 59, section DD) [3687 

© Dec. 15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 417602; E. T. Fairbanks 
& co., Chicago. 

FARM and home. [3688, 3689 

Farm and home $1,000 cash old fa- 
miliar songs picturegame cataleg and 

reply book. cover-title, 48 p._ illus. 
12mo. @© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Mar. 2, 1916; A 425719. 

Picture pamphlet of the Farm and home 
of $1,000 old familiar songs picture- 
game. [24] p. illus. 8vo. © Feb. 25, 
1D1G' > (2he and aik?- Mars 2 4016; 
A 425718. 
© Publishers picture quiz assn., 

ine., New York. 

FARRINGTON (Frank)* Delhi, N. Y. 
Trade getting ideas for live bakers. 
2d_=article. (In Bakers’ review, 
Mar., 1916) [3690 

© Mar. 3, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 6, 1916; 
A 422883. 

FAULTLESS rubber co.*, Ashland, O. 

Complete plans for your rubber goods 
week. cover-title, 16 p. illus. 4to. 
© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 21, 
1916; A 417898. 

Tointing the way for March. cover-title, 
6. p2. tilhus. Sfot. ©, Web: 21% AO = 
2 2. and aff. Feb. 26, 1916; A 425649. 

= Ye 

Rubber goeds, how to choose, use and 
care for them. 32 p. col. illus. 24mo. 
©@) Hep. 3 T9tGy 2c. Wep. 17. 1916 = 
aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 425526. 

FAVORITE BUSINESS man’s’ calendar 

[1916 ed.] cover-title, 28 1. 24mo. 

i box. ~SO0izo. [3694 

© Apr. 9, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

12, 1916; A 418810; Dodge pub. co., 
New York. 

FAVORITE CALENDAR Of cheer [1916 ed.] 

cover-title, 281. box. $0.25. 


© May 3, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

12, 1916; A 418812; Dodge pub. co., 
New York. 

FAVORITE CALENDAR of friendship [1916 

ed.] cover-title, 28 1. 24mo. in box. 

Ls | Pee [3696 

© May 14, 1916; 2 e. and aff. Feb. 

12, 1916; A 418808; Dodge pub. co., 
New York. 

FAVORITE CALENDAR of sunshine [1916 
ed.] cover-title, 28 1. 24mo. in box. 
$0.25. [3697 

© Apr. 27, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
12, 1916; A 418811; Dodge pub. co., 
New York. 

FAVORITE SUNLIT road calendar [1916 
ed.]° 28 Ll. 24mo» in bem atee 
cover: Sunlit road) $0.25. [3698 

© Apr. 29, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
12, 1916; A 418809; Dodge pub. co., 
New York. 

FEATHERSTONE (Gertrude D.)* Alham- 
bra, Cal. Result. (Jn Childhood, 
Sept.. 1915) [3699 

© Sept. 15, 1916; 1 c. Nov. 1, 1916; 
A 422718. 

Federal school of commercial drawing, 
inc.*, Minneapolis. [38700-3702 

Commercial design lettering. 181. diagr., 
2 numb. loose fold. plates. fol. (Bul- 
letin 4.) [Text parallel to binding.] 
© Mar. 4, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Mar. 6, 
1916; A 426518. 

Commercial design, 

practical commer- 

cial art and still life studies. 2 p. L, 
22 numb. 1. 2 numb. loose fold. 
plates. fcl. (Bulletin 5) [Text par- 

aliel to binding] © June 7, 1915; 2. 
and aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426519. 

Human figure drapery. Bulletin 8. 38 
numb. 1. 6 numb. loose fold. plates. 
fol. (cover-title, commercial design) 
[Text parallel to binding] © Feb. 19, 
1916: 2c. and aff. Mak, 6; 191G= A 
4265iT. = 

Freretson (A.) Ile du Sabre; une his- 
toire de vendetta. Traduit de lan- 
glais par O’Neves. Illustrations de 
René Giffey. Paris, Librairie Dela- 

grave [1915] 2 p. L, 48 p. illus. 
4t0. fr: 1.35: [3703 

© Dec. 6, 1915; 1 c. Mar. 20, 1916; 
A—Foreign 13500; Librairie Dela- 
grave, Paris. 

Fercuson (Ralph E.)* Toledo. Whah 
you gwine to git it? Sheet, illus., 11 
by 19 inches. (Teledo travelers life 
insurance co.) [3704 

© Feb. 29, 1916; 1 & Maza 
1916; aff. Mar. 10, 1916; A 425883. 

(Oden L.)* South Pasadena, 
Cal. Editing a moving picture pro- 
gram. [7] p. 16mo. (Fern’s new 
ideas, no. 2) $1.00. [38705 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426359. 





no. 3, 1916 3723 
FIDELITY mercantile agency*, Provi- | FREE (Margaret) Primary reading 
dence, R. I. Fidelity’s reference and literature, a manual for teachers 
book of Providence. [1916 ed.] 528 to accompany the primer, first, and 
p. 4to. $50.00. [3706 second readers of the Reading-litera- 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 418768. 

FINANCE pub. co.*, Cleveland. Centen- 
nial, historic, publicity and progress 

issue of Finance, June, 1916. [12] p. 
fers. » LOL $0.15. [3707 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426334. 

FiscHer (Saxon)* Richmond. Christ 
has come the second time. [Rich- 
mond, Va., Virginia stationery ©Co., 
ime I Oi) ol p.. 24mo. $0.25. 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419904. 

FITZGERALD, Hubbard & co.*, Boston. 
Dividend-paying stocks, no. 8, Feb., 
1916. cover-title, 119 p. 24mo. 

© Feb. 17, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
19, 1916; A 418927. 

FLeTcHer (A. C. B.)* Berkeley, Cal. 
From job to job around the world. 
[chap.] 1. (Jn Wide world, Mar., 
1916) [3710 

© Feb. 27, 1916; Mar. 13, 
1916; A 423081. 

FLICKINGER (H. W.)* Glen Olden, Pa. 
When Jesus calls you, come. Sheet, 
8 by 5 inches. [3711 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 426294. 
FLoripa soft phosphate and lime co.*, 

f hear ce 

Oeala, Fla. Natural fertilizer. 
cover-title, 23 p. Svo. sy fale 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 425213. 

Foy (Frank)* Lyons, Ia. Poultry 
and squabs for profit. cover-title, 
96 p. illus. (part col.) map. S8vo. 
$0.50. [3713 

© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417969. 

FRANKLIN (James G.)* Brooklyn. 
[Scripture blocks] New York, R. M. 
McBride & co. [1916] 12 blocks, col. 
illus., 23 by 4 by 1 inches. $0.50. 

© Dec. 11, 1915; 2 c.: Feb. 18, 
1916; aff. Feb. 26, 1916; A 425736. 

FRANKLIN electric mfg. co. 
Richard’s new almanack. [8] p. 
illus. 16mo. [8715 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 426287; Earl E. White- 
horne, New York. 


ture series, by Free and Treadwell. 
Chicago, New York, Row, Peterson 

and company [1916] 160 p. 12mo. 
$0.40. [3716 
@ heb. 14. “1916.27 ec Web. 2:7. 

1916; aff. Feb. 18, 1916; A 420833; 
Row, Peterson & co., Chicago. 

FRENCH (James Adams) Highways of 
New Mexico. [Boston, Mass., Print- 
ed by the Everett press, inc., 1916] 
16 p. illus. 4to. oale 

© Mar. 2, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 4, 1916; 
A 427134; National highways assn., 

Frorest (Frank)* Weddington, 
land. Greye-Stratton mystery. 
2. chap. 1-5. (Jn Premier maga- 
zine, Mar., 1916) [3718 

© 1 ¢. Mar. 3, 1916: A ad int. 
2588 ; pubd. Feb. 4, 1916. 

FULLER (Wm.)* Grand Rapids, Mich. 
Stereoscopic anatomy of the brain. 
[Fuller’s pictorial anatomy of the 
brain. Sec. 2, no. 1-10] 10 illus. 
loose leaves in box, 74 by 54 inches. 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 420502. 


GAMBLE (Richard W.)* Norfolk, Va. 
Vithumus, prevention of spinach 

blight and other soil and crop dif- 
ficulties embracing certain features 
of our process of treating plant ail- 
ments and supplement. cover-title, 
[G6] we tol. [3720 

© Jan, 15, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
21, 1916; A 417896. 

GAMBOLD (Helen A.)* Springfield, O. 

Dancing master. cover-title, [16] 
p. illus., diagrs. 16mo. $2.00. 


© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

4, 1916; A 425182. 

GAMES (F. G.) Spanish in thirty les- 

sons: direct-conversational method. 
se) ads 12mo. [Text parallel to 
binding ] [3722 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916: A 425071; Universal lan- 

guages schools co,, Los Angeles. 

Garcra (Eliseo) Our school system 
for Mexico. Proof. (National edi- 
torial service, serial, no. 365) = [8728 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 425639; National edi- 
torial service, inc., New York. 


GARDENERS and florists’ annual for 
1916, ed. by J. Harrison Dick. New 

York, A. T. De La Mare ptg. and 
wo COs "hdS Wie xvi, ee: 
12mo. $0.59. [3724 

© Peb. 28, 1916; 2 ec Mars, 
1916; aff. Mar. 2, 1916; A 420998; 
A. T. De La Mare ptg. & pub. co., 

Itd., New York. 

GARDNER (Emmet Van Rensselaer) * 
Pine Island, N. Y. Dynamite in fish |; 
culture. [Goshen, N. Y., Printed by 
Goshen Democrat printing co., 1916] 
10 t 1 2m0. | SOL: PSaq25 | 

© ‘Pen. 25° I9te- 53.7 Mae. 
1916; aff. Mar. 18, 1916; A 425946. 

GARDNER (Henry A.)* Washington. 
Report on impregnated panel tests 
and fire retardant paints. Phila- 
delphia, Pa., Educational bureau, 
Paint manufacturers’ association of 
the U. 8S. [1916] 18 p. illus., diagrs. 
Svo. (Paint manufacturers’ assn. 
of the U. S. Builetin no. 51, issued 
Feb., 1916) [3726 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 420830. 

Churchill and Fisher 
again. @©@ Mar. 12, 
14, 1916; A 423069. 
Col. House as the Sphinx wins praises 
of -British: ~.©) Neh, 20, «4916. 74) 'e 
Feb. 29, 1916; A 422749. 

Human race at crisis of history this 

become friends 
19116; “4 Jc. Mar: 

spring. @© Mar. 5, 1916; 1c. Mar. 7, 
1916; A 422888. 

Strange sea fighting yet to surprise 
America. © Feb. 20, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 

23, 1916; A 422595. 
[Note: The foregoing are 
York daily or Sunday tribune] 

© Tribune assn., New York. 

in New 

GEARY (James V.)* Nome, Alaska. 
Folklore stories of the Eskimos of 
Alaska. ‘Thunder explained. (ln 
Los Angeles times illustrated week- 
ly.) Bye 

©) Aug, 28) 1915¢) 2 <c. "‘Oet -25; 

1915; A 422881. 

GENERAL roofing mfg. co.*, East St. 
Louis, Ill. Efficiency. (Jn St. Louis 
daily globe democrat) [3732 

© Mar. 6, 1916. Te) Maro. IOs ; 
A 422970. 

GENESEE pure food co.*, Le Roy, N. Y. 
Jell-o, America’s most famous des- | 
sert. [Bride and her task] cover- 
title, 1S p. col. illus. 16mo. [3733 

(). dant; 19967 2c. 
Zi, 19IG 5 Ay 407921 

and aff. Jan. 


pt.1,n.s., v.13 

GEORGE (Llewellyn)* Portland, Or. 
Planetary daily guide for all, i916. 
lith annual ed., 1916.  cover-title, 
112 p. illus. 16mo. [3734 

© Dee. 18, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
2, 1916; A 420992. 

: GEORGE Peabody college for teachers. 

Type studies and lesson plans. 

[3735, 3736 

Ty ‘pe studies and lesson plans. vy. 1, no. 

Dec., 1915. Corn and cotton, ed. by 
Cheri A. McMurry. [ Nashville, Tenn., 
Printed by Marshall & Bruce co.] 
1916. 47 p. 12mo. $0.10. © Jan. 6, 
19163; 2 ¢.. and aff. Jan: 4S. 19a 

Type studies and lesson plans. 
5, Feb., 1916. Biography, ed. by 
Charles A. MeMurry. [Nashville, Tenn., 
Printed by Marshall & Bruce co.] 

.1916. 41 p.12mo. $0.10. © Mar. 2, 
1916; 2 ec. and aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 

© Charles A. McMurry, Nashville. 
GEORGELIN (Frank)* Los Angeles. 
Chicken all the time in sunny Cali- 
fornia. Card, 63 by 4 inches. [3737 
© Jan. 4, 1916: 2 « and aff. Feb. 

9, 1916; A 425340. 
GERSTENBERG (Charles W.)* New York. 

¥y. Tone: 

[3738, 3739 

Problems in corporation finance. echap- 
ter 2-5. 16 p. 8vo. $0.50. @ Nov. 5, 
iSior 2c. and atc. Jan. 20, 19165 A 

Syllabus of corporation finance. pt. 2. 
[Chapter 11-21] New York city, 
Prentice-Hall, inc. [1915] 2 p. lL, 
[37]-68 p. 8vo. $0.50. © “Mar. 6, 
1915; 2 ¢. and afl, Jan» 20) 4986 


GESSWEIN (A. J.)* Washington. Great 
political situation, 1884-1916. Card, 
col. diagr., 53 by 24 inches. [3740 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 426298. 
GIBBONS (James, cardinal) Four hopes 

of the republic. Proof. (National 
editorial service, serial no. 383.) 

© Jan. 23, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
4916: A se National edito- 
rial service, inc., New York = 
GINTHER (Walter P.)* Beaver Dam, 
Wis. Special hints to emergency tax 
payers, 1916. 8&2 [2] » °f6me, 
$0.50. [3742 
© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 419624. 


GLAD news; by G. W. Bacon [and 
others} Hudson, N. C., Teachers’ 
music pub shitte company. 1916. 
[192] p. 12mo. $0.30. [3743 

() Wands 16 16: 2 ¢c. and afi. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417730: Teachers’ musie¢ 
pub. co., Hudson, N. C. 



no. 3, 1916 

Guass (Montague) [3744-3747 

Birsky and Zapp analyze the movies. 
Gren. 27. 1916; 1c Keb. 29, 1916; 
A 422748. 

Birsky and Zapp solve income tax 
enigma. @©@ Mar. 12, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 
14, 1916; A 423068. 

Politicians too coy for Birsky and Zapp. 
Gea F916: 1c. Mar. 7, 1916; 
A 422887. 

Russian ballet perplexes Birsky and 
Zapp. © Feb. 20, 1916; 1c. Feb. 23, 
1916; A. 422597. 

[Note: The foregoing are in New York 
daily or Sunday tribune] 

© Tribune assn., New York. 

Guten bros., inc.,* Rochester, N. Y. 
Fiftieth anniversary, Glenwood nur- 
sery, 1916. ccver-title, 64 p. illus. 
Svo. [3748 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feo. 
25, 1916; A 426350. 

Grenn (Charles R.)* Lamar, Mo. 
Book of facts, figures and -valuable 

information of various kinds. cover- 
pees p14 17h p.. 16mo. $0.25. 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 428006. 

GLOBE DEMOCRAT,* St. Louis. Globe 
democrat children’s page, Dec. 26, 
1916. (Jn St. Louis daily Globe 
Democrat ) [3750 

i Bee 26, 1916; 1 ¢. Dec. 29, 
1916; A 421300. 

GOLDSMITH pub. co.,* Cleveland, O. 
Children of all nations, a book for 
painting and crayoning. [382] p. 
illus. (part col.) fol. [3751 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 ¢«. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426335. 

Goop (Vernon A.)* Chicago. Pledge 
of the endless chain movement for a 
saloonless nation by the year 1925 
[ete.] Sheet, 54 by 74 inches. [8752 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A. 426358. 

Goopnow (Frank J.) Absolutism al- 
most a necessity for China. Proof. 
(National editorial service, serial no. 
378). [3753 

© Jan. 16, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419912; National edi- 
torial service, inc., New York. 

Goopwin (H. L.) Precaution the best 
way to avoid sickness in poultry. 
(Jn Scranton times) [3754 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 21, 1916; 
A 422646; Eugene MecGuckin co., 


GooDYEAR (Lloyd E.) Habit club cash 
record system. 24p. 12mo. (Amer- 
ican bookkeeping series Junior unit 
Bh OO: [8755 

© Feb. 17, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425575; Goodyear-Mar- 
shall pub. co., Cedar Rapids, Ia. 

GorDOoN (Elizabeth) I wonder why, 
by Elizabeth Gordon, illus. by M. T. 
(Penny) Ross. Chicago, Rand, Mc- 
Nally & company [1916] 72, [2] p. 
illus. (part col.) 12mo. $0.50. 


© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Mar. 

4, 1916; A 427162; Rand, McNally & 
co., Chicago. 

GORDON-VAN TINE co.*, Davenport, Ia. 

Building material, Spring catalogue, 
EODGH N52 pe illus: iGpart, colar vobl: 
Svo.. @ Vanes’ 5. ASG; 2 ve andi ait. 

Jan. 21, 1916: A 417919. 

Gordon-Van ‘Tine’s barns and out build- 
i cover-title, 19 p. illus. 4to. 

Jana 1055190622) cc andiatt Jans. 

1916; A 417917. 

Gordon-Van Tine’s ready-cut homes. 
cover-title, 98 p. illus., diagrs. 4to. 
@ Jan? Via 9G: 2) ee and: aft Janson 
1916; A 417918. 

Goss (Alice) 
baby girl. 
lishing company [1915] 
Li. 6, 25) numbed: col, tronts.“col: 
illus. 4to. $2.00. [3760 

© Oct. 30, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
12, 1916; A 418796; Dodge pub co., 
New York. 

illus. Record of our 
New York, Dodge pub- 
3-6 p., 7-63 

GossarRD (H. W.) co.*, Chicago. 
[8761, 38762 
Seventh semi-annual proclamation of au- 
thoritative Gossard corset styles for 
spring & summer, 1916. Sheet, illus., 
16 by 11 inches. © Jan. 15, 1916; 2 
ec, and aff. Jan. 29, 1916; A 425050. 
There are nine ideal figures, which is 
yours? Sheet, illus., 16 by 23 inches. 
@ Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 29, 
1916; A 425052. 

GowEN (Edwin A.) Beginners’ aid to 
rapid music-reading. Boston, New 
York [ete.] Evans music company. 

[1916] cover-title, 9 1. and pages 
lined for staff. Svo. $0.20. [3763 

© Feb. 9, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 11, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 23, 1916; A 426280; W. A. 
Evans, Boston. 

Gramnis (L. F.) & sons*, Allentown, 
Pa. Safety devices. cover-title, 48 
p. illus. obl. 16mo. [3764 

© Mar. 3, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 2, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 19, 1916; A 426345. 




pt. 1, HOSS vias 

GRAND JuncTIOoN, Col. Polk’s Grand 
Junction city and Mesa County di- 
rectory, 1916-1917. v. 7. Colorado 
Springs, Colo., The R. L: Polk di- 
rectory co., 1916. 4 p. 1., [81]-376 p 
Svo. $6. 00, [3765 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
SOG ne Hoe RR. ih. Polk: di- 
rectory co. of Col., Colorado Springs, 

GRAND RAPIDS Show case co.* Grand 
Rapids, Mich. Catalogue A-D.. 4 v. 
illus, peel (Cover-titie: New way) 

A. Show cases [ete.] for 

Janie imen t and general stores.— 
B. Show cases [ete.] for men’s 
elothing and furnishing goods stores. 

—C. New Way [ete] for jewelry 
stores.—D. New Way  [ete.] for 
drug, cigar, and confectionery 
stores. [38766-3769 

© Nov. 18, 24, 29, Dee: 10, 1915; 

2 ¢c. each and aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 

GRASSHOPPER. 41st jump. 18 p. illus. 
12mo. [3770 
© Feb. 22, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Feb. 

26, 1916; A. 425646; Skinner & Ken- 
nedy stationery co., St. Louis. 

Graves (Arthur Gordon)* San Fran- 
cisco. Peace-preparedness memorial 
to the Honorable, the Senate and 
the House of Representatives, com- 
posing the Congress of the United 
States. New ed. Sheet, 38 by 12 
inches. pow (1. 

© Jan. 10; 4916; 2 cand ‘aft. Jan. 
19, 1916; A 417853. 

GRAY, (Garry)* St. Petersburg, Fla. 
Beginning of the end. (Jn Granite 
state free press). louie 

©-eb. 1S," 1916s dt Meu mep. 21, 
1916; A 422582. 

Gray (Richard Henry)* Baltimore. 
tailway connections and junction 
points. Baltimore, Md., Fiddis-Mc- 
Crea -company,: 11G, 613,012) ip: 
16mo. homie 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
27, 1916; A 425022. 

[GREAT commission prayer league.] 
Suppose. 8 p. folder. 16mo. [38774 

© Feb. 11, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Feb. 

16, 1916; A 425482; Thos. E. Ste- 
phens, Chicago. 

GREENBAUM (Leon)* St. Louis. Primi- 
tive Christianity. St. Louis, Primi- 

tive publishing company [1916] 14 p. 
24mo. $0.08. [3775 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 42505 +L 



GREEN’S nursery co.*, Rochester, N. Y. 
[Catalog] 62 p. illus. 8vo. | [3776 
© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 

21 ISG; AAD . 

Greece (John Robert)* New York. Ex- 
tension of the TR principle in Gregg 
shorthand. (Jn Gregg writer, Feb., 
1916) ered 

© Feb. 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 28, 1916; 
A 422719. 

GrecorY (Carl Louis) Motion picture 

photography. (Jn Moving picture 

world) [3778-38780 

Feb: 26, 1916. © Febo Gs 4oterae 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 422562. 

ue 4, 1916. @© Feb. 23, 1916; 1 ¢) Mar. 
1916: A 422788. 

ae 11, 1916. .©Mar, «1 On eae 
Mar. 11, 1916; A 423018. 

© Chalmers pub. co., New York. 

Grecory (Thomas B.) [3781-8783 

Bird songs and music scales. © Feb. 20 
1916; 1 c. Mar. 1, 19163; A 422752, 

Millionaire twins. © Feb. 6, 1916; 1 «¢. 
Feb. 15, 1916; A 422493. 

Old problem. @© Feb. 13, 1916; 1 c¢. Feb. 
LOS. LONG Ae 422 ae 

[Note: The foregoing are in Pittsburgh 
gazette times. ] 

New York. 

feature service, ine., 

GREINER (Frank William)* Seattle. 
Souvenir of mountain poems. cover- 

title nay sp. Sx; [3784 

© Dee.'24, 1915; 2. ¢ Samia, 1 otGe 
aff. Feb. 1, 1916; A 425104. 

GROLIER society*, New York. Two Na- 
poleons and the changed face of 

EKurope. [Boston, Mass., Printed by 
©. H. Simonds co.] 1916. 15 p. 
illus., ports. Svo. $0.05. [3785 

© Mar. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
9, 1916; A 427194. 

GRosE (Kriedrich)* New York. Zur 
einftihrung in die gedankenwelt Go- 
bineaus. (In Walhalla, Jan. 29, 
1916) 3786 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 3, 1916; 
A 422881. 

Guitp (Mrs. M. P.)* Wellesley, Mass. 
[38787, 3788 

To my valentine. Lo, to this depth of 

winter. Card, col. illus. 3% by 53 
inches.; $010." .©; Jan, 27, 1916327: 
Feb. 1, 19163..aff. Jan: 31. 19065 = 

Wishing you the immortal joy of Easter. 
Card, col. illus. 3% by 52 inches, 
$0.10, © Jan. 27, 19165 2ieq0hen 1. 

1916; aff. Jan. 31, 1916; "A 420598. 


no. 3, 1916 

GUILLE (George FE.) Judgment seat 
of Christ. Chicago, The Bible in- 
stitute colportage association [1916] 
38 p. 16mo. $0.10. [3789 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 10, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425347; Bible 
institute colportage assn., Chicago. 

GUNKEL (Harry H.)* Chicago. Gun- 
kel-Novy system and its relation to 
successful tailoring. Chicago, Gun- 
kel-Novy company [1916] 12 p. 
illus. S8vo. [3790 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
15, 1916; A 4179835. 

GUTHAPFEL (Minerva L.) Land of 
covered faces. (In Christian 
herald ) [3791 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 19, 1916; 
A 422549; Vida Irene Thompson, 
Tomalo, Wis. 

GuTHRIE (Charles B.)* Washington. 
Official freight tariff directory. 
Suppl. no. 1, 2 to western lines 

index no. 7. Jan. 15, Feb. 15, 1916. 
2v. 4to. [3792, 3793 

© Jan. 12, Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Feb. 18, 1916; A 425518, 425519. 

HAFERKORN (Henry E.)* Washington. 
Searchlights, a short, annotated 
bibliography of their design and 

their use in peace and war. pt. 2. 
(In Professional memoirs. Mar., 
Apr., 1916) [3794 

© Mar. 4, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 4, 1916; 
A 422853. 

HALDEMAN (I. M.) [3795, 38796 

Haldeman’s international Sunday school 
lesson quarterly. 2d quarter, 1916. 
io ao, 2) «New York city, N. Y., 
C. C. Cook [1916] 1 p. 1., p. 163-3804. 
P2imo. w0.c)., ©. Mar. 2; 1916; 2 c. 
and aff. Mar. 4, 1916; A 427155. 

This hour is not the hour of the Prince 

of. Peace. New York, C. C. Cook 
[1916] 56 p. 12mo. $0.20. © Jan. 
18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 21, 1916; 

A 417916. 
© Charles C. Cook, New York. 

HALL-WELTER co., inc.*, Rochester, 
N. Y. Business romance. cover- 
title, [12] p. illus. 16mo. [38797 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
3, 1916; A 425119. 

HamitTron (John R.) Yard opera- 
tion. p. 3-6. Svo. $0.10. [With 
this: Modern engine house facilities 
and methods, by J. H. De Salis] 


© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 28, 1916; 

aff. Jan. 26, 1916; A 425090; Cen- 
tral railway club, New York. 


HAMILTON credit bureau co.*, Hamil- 
ton, O. Hamilton credit rating 
book. v. no. 2, 1916-1917. cover- 
title, 153 p. S8vo. [3799 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 2c. Feb. 11, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 12, 1916; A 418829. 

HANCHETT (I*red Pardee)* Pardee- 
ville, Wis. Stinger. Sheet, 11 by 63 
inches. [3800 

© Jan. 21, 1916;°2 c. and aff. Jan. 
26, 1916; A 419851. 

Hanp (James L.)* New York. Amer- 
ica’s leading jewelry auctioneer. 48 
p. illus., port. obl. 12mo. (Cover- 
title: James L. Hand, his book) 


Cyisn 2201916" Bes Jany 25, IO16; 
aff. Jan. 29, 1916; A 425088. 

HANSSEN’S (Louis) sons,* Davenport, 

Ia. Catalogue no. 64. 1137p. illus. 
Svo. (On cover: Hanssen’s unusual 

book of hardware, factory, mill and 
contractors’ supplies and tools) 
© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 11, 1916; A 420742. 

Harpin County, O. Farm journal di- 
rectory of Hardin County, Ohie 
[1916-1921] Philadelphia, W. Atkin- 
son company, 1916. 1 p. 1., 5-224 p. 
illus., ports. Svo. [3803 

© Mar. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
11, 1916; A 427232; Wilmer Atkin- 
son co., Philadelphia. 
car co.,* Cleveland. 
Harding motor cars. [4] p._ illus. 
4to. [3804 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 14, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 419807. 

HARDING motor 

Harmon (Christopher) * White Plains, 
N.Y. Register’s docket [and] county 
clerk’s docket. (Jn Eastern state 
journal) [3805-3808 
Feb. 10-16, 1916. © Feb. 19, 1916; 

1 c. Feb. 19, 1916; A 422545. 
Feb. 17-28, 1916. © Feb... 26, 
1c. Feb. 26, 1916; A 422708. 
Feb. 24—Mar. 2, 1916. @© Mar. 4, 1916; 


1 c. Mar. 4, 1916; A 422837. 
Mar. 2-8, 1916. @©@ Mar. 11, 1916; 1 c, 
Mar. 11, 1916; A 423025. 

HARMONY CAFETERIA. Today and every 
day of the new year. (Jn Chicago 
daily news) [3809 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 1, 1916; 
A 422976: Thomas M. Bowers, Chi- 


pt. fF nS. votes 


Harper (C. N.) & CO. 
fected account collecting system. [4] 

p. fol. $5.00 [3810 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
14, 1916; A 425407; C. N. Harper, 

HARRADEN (Beatrice)* London. Wom- 
en doctors in the war. (Jn Wind- 
sor magazine, Dec., 1915) [38811 

© 1 ec. Dee 28. 19152 A ad int 

2605; pubd. Nov. 30, 1915. 

Harris (James Coffee)* Rome, Ga. 
Making of the heavens and the earth 
and all living things as science sees 
Me 2k pa. lus: ae $0.18. [8812 

© Mar: 1, 1916: 2 e:-Mar, 21916 - 
aff. Mar. 16, 1916: Tk 425965. 

HARRISON (Louis Reeves)* New York. 

Actor versus type. © Feb. 23, 1916; 

1 ¢. Mar. 1, 1916; A 422790. 
Inconsequential. @©@ Mar. 8, 1916; 1 e. 

Mar. 10, 1916; A 42301 7. 
Spoiling the illusion. © Feb. 16, 1916; 
1 ¢. Feb. 21, 1916; A 422563. 

Totality of effect. © Mar. 1, 1916; 1 «¢. 
Mar. 11, 1916; A 423019. [Note: The 
foregoing are in Moving picture world. ] 

HARRISON safety boiler works*, Phila- 
delphia. Proposal and _ contract. 
Sheet, 11 by 94 inches. [3817 

© Feb. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
2 AGIG= A 425 (22: 

Hart (Albert Bushnell) Whipping 
the devil around the stump. Proof. 
(National editorial service, serial 
no. 890.) [3818 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 « and aff. Jan. 
381, 1916; A 419911; National edi- 
torial service, ine., New York. 

Hart (Charles W.)* Jefferson City, 
Mo. Description of the politic play- 
ing card. Sheet, printed on both 
sides, 84 by 24 inches. [3819 

© Dec. 22, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
26, 1916; A 419861. 

Hartrorp, Conn. Hartford, Conn., lit- 

tle suburban directory. Ed. for 1915. 

Hartford, Conn., Saugus, Mass., 
Clark-Delano company, 1915. 295 p. 
8vo. $2.50. [3820 

©: Dee 22, 191s 2c. Sany 7, A916; 
aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 420552; Clark- 
Delano co., Hartford. 

HaArRTIGAN (William H.)* Skaneateles, 
N. Y. World’s greatest blessing. 
[Auburn, N. Y., Printed by Auburn 
publishing co., 1916] cover-title, 36 
p. 12mo. . $0.25. [3821 

© Mar. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
14, 1916; A 425945. 

Harper’s per- | 

HAsTiInes (Fanny 

de Groot)* New 
Wrappings. [4] p. 16mo. 

© Dec. 18, 1915; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 417554. 

[Hastincs (James Syme)] Bits of 
byplay by Luke MecLuke [pseud.] 
[Each 5 instalments] (Jn Cincin- 
nati enquirer) [3823-3847 
Feb. 138-17, 1916. © Feb. 13-17, 1916; 

1 ¢c. each Feb. 19, 1916; A 422554— 
422558. = 

Feb. 18-22, 1916. © Feb. 18-22, 1916; 
Lc each Feb. 26, 1916; A 422711— 


Heb. 23-27, 1916; © Feb. 23-97, 1916; 
1 ec. each Mar. 1, 1916; A 422791— 
422794. : 

Feb. 28—Mar. 4, 1916 © Feb. 28—Mar. 
4, 1916; 1 c. each Mar. 6, 1916; A 


Mar. 5-9, 1916. © Mar. 5-9, 1916; 1 e¢. 
each Mar. 11, 1916; A 423011423015. 

© Cincinnati enquirer, Cincinnati. 

Hayes (William Solomon)* Brockton, 
Mass. America united, America 
unida a ten million horsepower idea, 
by T(h)inker. .11,. [4]°> po temo. 
$0.15. [3848 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 @ Feb.2, 79iG: 
aff. Feb. 1, 1916; A 425113. 

Hecut & co.*, New York. Easter Sun- 
day from 1916 to 2000; directory of 
New York’s best hotels and theatres. 
91. illus. 832mo. [Text parallel to 
binding] [3849 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 @ sama 
1916; aff. Feb. 5, 1916; A 419995. 

Hees (Mrs. M. H. Norton (Minnie B.)* 
Kansas City, Mo. Book of original 

yokes. Book no. 2. cover-title, 11, 
[1] p. illus. obl. 8vo. $0.15. [3850 
© Dee. 30, 1915; 2c. Jan. 8, 1916; 

aff. Jan. 28, 1916; ‘A. 425081. 

Heinz interest & discount time teller 
and desk calendar. 1916. Chicago, 
Edwards & Deutsch lithographing 
company, 1915. cover-title, [732] p. 
16mo. $2.50. [38851 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 419739; Hdward N. 
Heinz, Chicago. 

HERCULES powder co.*, Wilmington, 
Del. Game farming for profit and 
pleasure. Illus. by Clement B. 
Davis. 638 p. illus. 12mo. [3852 

©, Sept. 22; 1915; 2. es andieait. 
Mar. 8, 1916; A 427130. 



no. 3, 1916 

- Heywoop (Edwin J.) Bigger, Better 
business. (Jn Chicago herald) 

Every market can be widened. © Feb 
23, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 24, 1916; A 422659. 

Modern selling plant must be scientific. 
© Feb. 24, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 25, 1916; A 

One phase of co-operation. © Feb. 25, 
1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 26, 1916; A 429701. 

HiperNIA bank & trust co. Join our 
Christmas banking club. H—1. [4] 
p. illus. (part. col.) 4to. [3856 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 425053; Outeault adv. 
co., Chicago. 

Hicks nurseries. Home landscapes. 
Descriptive catalogue,  price-list, 
1916. 79 [1] p. illus. 4to. [3857 

© Mar. 13, 1916; 2 c. and aff Mar. 
16, 1916; A 425967; I. Hicks & son, 
Westbury, N. Y. 

Hickson & co.*, New York. 

Designed by Hickson of New York. @© 
Pee ote: 1 ¢c. Jan. 24, 1916; A 

Easter dress parade. © Feb. 25, 1916; 
1 ec. Feb. 28, 1916; A 422726. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Harper’s 
bazar ] 

HIGHLAND Park business directory and 
book of general information. v. 1, 
no. 1, 1916. cover-title, [56] p. S8vo. 
$0.50. [3860 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 17, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 2, 1916; A 425730; George 
Sylvester Cotter, Detroit. 

Hirscnt (Samuel D) Trade-mark and 
copyright protection in business. 
Chicago, Ill., La Salle extension uni- 
versity [1916] 23 p. 8vo. (Ameri- 
ean law and procedure) [3861 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 425135; La Salle exten- 
sion university, Chicago. 

Hopgsy (William B.)* Pittsburgh. Fiat 
lux. 7 [1] p. illus. 24mo. [8862 

© Dec. 22, 1915; 1 c. Jan. 5, 1916; 
1c. Jan. 15, 1916; aff. Jan. 28, 1916; 
A 425082. 

HoGwaLLow news. [3863, 3864 

Mar. 1, 1916 (Jn Bradentown herald.) 
© Mar. 1, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 13, 1916; 
A 423047. 

Mar. 3, 1916 (Jn Union sentinel.) @ Mar. 
3, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 9, 1916; A 422952. 

© Adams syndicate, Madisonville, 


HozmMes (Donald) Catalog no. 8. 

cover-title, 119  p. illus. Svo. 
$0.10. [3865 

© Feb. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
4, 1916; A 427147; Donald H. Als- 
dorf, Kansas City, Mo. 

| HoryoKkE, Mass. Holyoke city direc- 

tory, 1916. [v. 42] Holyoke, Mass.., 
The Price & Lee company, 1916. 
1104, [10] p. front. (fold. map) 
Svo. $4.50. [38866 

© Feb. 18, 1916; . and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 420913 : et ice & Lee co., 
New Haven. 

HomME telephone and telegraph co. 
Long Beach telephone directory. 
Feb., 1916. 96 p. 8 vo. [3867 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426530; Bernard Levy, 
Los Angeles. 

HoMELy hints by Mrs. Thrift [calen- 
dar 1916] Salem, Mass., Salem 
laundry co., 1916. Sheet, col. illus., 
calendar attached, 11 by 84 inches. 


© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 419767; Atlantis press, 
Cambridge, Mass. 

[Hore (Chester R.) ] [3869-3885 

Canals on Mars all nonsense. © Feb. 13, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 15, 1916; A 422527. 

Confidence queen turns uplifter. @ Mar. 
5, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 8, 1916; A 423007. 

Fifteen feet tall with tusks sixteen feet 
long. © Feb. 20, 1916; 1c. Feb. 24, 
1916; A 422655. 

Girl soldiers. The czar admits it. 
© Hen. 27, 1926° 1"; Mar. 7. 1916): 
A 422802 

Going to live with the monkeys. © Mar. 
5, 1916 ; ec. Mar. 8, 1916; A 423005. 

Gossip as aay © Feb. 27, 1916; 1 c¢. 
Mar. 1, 1916; A 422801. 

Hungary stunned by tragic fate of its 
most beautiful actress. @©@ Mar. 5, 
1916; 1c Mar. 8, 1916; A 423003. 

Million dollar art gift. © Feb. 27, 1916; 
1 ec. Mar. 1, 1916; A 422804. 

Most dangerous job in the world. © Mar. 

5, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 8, 1916; A 423002. 

Newest scientific discoveries and _ re- 
markable facts. Feb. 13, 1916. © Feb. 
18.1916: 1 c«. Feb. 15, 1016; A 

—— Feb. 20, 1916. @© Feb. 20, 1916; 
1c. Feb. 24, 1916; A 422654. 

5! Wap, 27. 1916. © Feb. 27, 2818; 
1c. Mar. 1, 1916; A 422805. 

—— Mar. 5, 1916. @ Mar. 5, 1916; 
1 ec. Mar. 8, 1916; A 423006. 

Plain Jack Thompson couldn’t marry 

millionaire widows, but Jean Harald 
Saint Cyr could. © Feb. 20, 1916; 
1 c. Feb. 24, 1916; A 422651. 

Seneca takes up her icy vi sil. © Feb. 
27, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 1, 1916; A 422803. 





[Horr (Chester R.)]—Continued. 

Stitch in time for modern art. © Feb. 
ae 1 e Feb. 24, 191657 A. 

What everybody thought of a modern 
family. © Feb. 13, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 15, 
1916; A 422516: 

[Note: the foregoing are in Cleveland 

Sunday leader. ] 

© Cleveland co., Cieveland. 



Hope (Laura Lee) 

Bunny Brown and his sister Sue. 
York, Grosset & Dunlap [1916] 
i 246. 22p: front., plates. 12mo. 
[(Her The Bunny Brown series) | 
$0.40. @ Mar. 1, 1916; 2 cand aff. 
Mar 3, 1916: Av 4274120: 

At Aunt Lu’s city home. 

York, Grosset & Dunlap [1916] 

Ds: .., 246 .p... frontyplatess = domo: 

[(Her The Bunny Brown series) ] 

$0:40: . © Mar, 1, 1916 2) c and: aft. 

Mar. 3, 1916; A. 427118. 



At Camp Rest-a-while. New York, 
Grosset & Dunlap [1916] 2 p. 1. 246 
p. front., plates. 12mo. [(Her The 

Bunny Brown series) | 

i; U91G 2 -e.— ang) ait. Mar 23. oc OG: 
A 427117. 

——QOn Grandpa’s farm. New York, 
Grosset & Dunlap [1916] 2 p. 1., 246 
p. front., plates. iZmo. [(Her The 
Bunny Brown series) ] $0.40. © 
Maire te Onley 2 e-cecande alte avian 3. 

1916; A 427119. 
—_— Playing circus. New York, Grosset 
& Dunlap, sone 2 paelk 
front., plates. 12mo. 
Bunny Brown series) ] 
Mar.) ob. 191G:. 2.-c~ and. 
TONG? AL 42nd 24 
Outdoor girls on Pine Island; 
» Gave and what it contained. New 
York, Grosset & Dunlap [1916] 2 
Peed ol we, trontiv. plates. samo. 
{(Her The outdoor girls’. series) ] 
$0405 @ Mar. 1, c191G? 2 ce: andi alk: 
Mar. 3, 1916; A. 427123: 

© Grosset & Dunlap, New York. 

aff. “Mar. 3f 

or, A 

Scoop, the cub 

Horxkins (Frank W.) 

reporter. Weeks of Jan. 10, 17, 
Bde - 2. Ulus.. fol: 
[3892, 3893 

© Jan. 4, 18, 1916; 2 c. each and 
aff. Jan. 29, 1916; A 425062, 425068 ; 
Internatl. syndicate, Baltimore. 

Horse review harness racing guide 
and trotting and pacing breeders’ 
directory for 1915. v. 4. Comp. by 
Grover H. Perrigo and John L. 
Hervey. Chicago, Ill., The Horse 

‘review company, 1916. 2 p. 1, 555 
p. illus. 4to. $2.50. [3894 
(jae game 1916: 2-e4dan:: 26, 
1916; aff. Feb. 7, 1916; A 418719; 
Horse review co., Chicago. 

HovucHtTon County, Mich. R. L. Polk 
& cos Houghton County directory, 
1916-1917. v. 8. Detroit, Mich., R. 




HovucHtTon County, Mich.—Continued. 
L. Polk & co., 1916. 6p. L485 
1355 p. S8vo. $7.50. [3895 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 418980 : R. L. Polk & co., 

Howe (Charles F.)* Coldwater, Mich. 
Marginal annotations to the com- 
piled laws, 1897. Public acts and 
court rules of the state of Michi- 
gan. [3896, 3897 
Suppl. A. 1915, Judicature 

act. 380 numb. 1. obl. Svo. $1.00. 
© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. At. 
LONG SA 420738. 

Suppl. no. 67. 183 Mich. Sheet, 82 os 
11 inches. $1.50 per year. - @ Feb 
8, 1916; 2 ec and afi Heh: at, 1918: 
A 420739. 

NOs G6. VPs 

Hoye (John T.) ‘Sune Crest. 14 
[1] p. inel. front., plate., illus. Svo. 

© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
2, 1916; A 425728; Royerofters, East 
Aurora, N. Y: 

HUBBARD (Elbert) [38899, 3900 

Little journey to the home of Josiah and 
Sarah Wedgwood. Kast Aurora, N. Y., 

The Roy crofters, LOTo: Arse (11 D. 
front. (port. ) 8vo. © Sept. 29, 
1915; 2c. Dec. 4, 19155 alt. Janse 
1916; A 420591. 

Moving forward, a sereed on the field 
and fitness of the American real es- 
tate company. East Aurora, N. Y¥., 
Printed at the Roycroft shop [1915] 
16 p. Svo. © Oct. 8, 1915; 2 c. Dee. 
4, fous: aff. Jan. 31, 1916; "A 420590. 

© Roycrofters, East Aurora, N. Y. 

HupDDLESTON (Josephine A.) Confes- 
sions of an artist’s model. (Im Chi- 
cago Sunday herald) [3901 

© Feb. 13, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 14, 1916; 
A 422462; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

HULLINGER’S correspondence school of 
artistic glass work. How to make 
your band polisher. Sheet, illus., 64 
by 6 inches. [3902 

© Dee.°15;.1912;)2'e. dames ie 
aff. Feb. 21, 1916; A 426346; L. 
Hullinger, Francesville, Ind. 

HUMANITARIAN Magazine. Jan., Feb. 
ed. [1916]. [New York, Printed by 
Sarlot bros., 1916] 27 p. 8vo. 


© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

2, 1916; A 425714; Misha E. Appel- 
baum, New York. 

Humpury (Edith M.)* Los Angeles. 
Truth about California. Los <An- 
geles, C. A. L. information bureau 
[1916]. 31 [1] p. illus. | 8vo. - $0.50. 

© Sept. 25, 1915; c. Jane Ao 

1916; aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425348. 





no. 3, 1916 

Huron, 8. D. R. L. Polk & co.’s Huron | INTERCOLLEGIATE swimming guide, 

city directory, 1916. Sioux City, Ia., 
St. Paul, Minn. [ete] R. L. Polk & 
co., 1916. 170 p. S8vo. $3.00. [3905 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
21, 1916; A 420444; R. L. Polk & ¢o., 
Sioux City, Ia 

HussEy (Abram R.)* Chicago. How 
you can learn sign painting quick 
and sure. cover-title. 15 p. port. 
Svo. [3906 

© Jan. 2, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 425509. 

HuTtron (Frederic Remsen) National 
highways and good roads: whom do 
they benefit; and why and how. 24 
me illus: port.  4to. (National 
highways assn.) [3907 

© Feb. 18, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 427 ane National high- 
Ways assn., Wviashineton. 

Hyatt (EK. B.)* Portland, Ore. Hyrex 
six year calendar. Card, printed on 
both sides, 23 by 4 inches. [3905 

@ietans 20, 1916; 2 e. and aff. 
Jan. 26, 1916; A 419859. 
IDEAL tool works. Full length ideal 
rafter tables. [4] = 16m0. [38909 
© Feb. 29, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 
& 4916; A: 495868: George Emmet 
Stanwood & William Edson Sefithe | 
Middletown, N. Y. 

TZTINOIS Malieable iron co. 

steam goods department. 


Mies toiG| xXxvill, 292 p. illus., 

diagrs. Svo. [3910 

© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

21, 1916; A 420846; F. E. Moore, 

ImuHorF (Roger)* Chicago. Philosophy 

of Roger Imhof. Chicago, Ill., R. 
Imhof, H. L. Conn and M. Coreene, 
Pee PG) p.. illus., ports. 12mo. 


© Dee. 18, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
7, 1916; A 425469. 

IMPLEMENT blue book, 1916. [13th 
year] The standard implement and 
vehicle directory of the United 
States. St. Louis, Mo., Midland pub- 
lishing co. [1916] 465 p. S8vo. 


© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 28, 

1916; aff. Feb. 26, 1916; A 428032; 
Midland pub. co., St. Louis. 

INDIANA rural credit assn.,* Indian- 
apolis. Indiana rural credit asso- 
ciation. 19, [1] p. ports. 8vo. 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

24, 1916; A 417973. 

1915-16; arr. and codified by the 
National collegiate athletic associa- 
tion, ed. by F. W. Luehring. New 

York, American sports publishing 
company [1916] ate py. 2 LEO; 
ports., diagrs. 16me. (Spalding’s 
athletic library, no. 361, group 9) 
$0.10. [38914 

© Jan. 14, 1916: 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
19; 1916 A ‘490423: Natl. collegiate 
athletic assn. & American sports 
pub. co., New York. 

INTERNATIONADS Correspondence schools. 


y Instruction paper. 
ist. ed. Li2i Setanton:s 'Paz-imiter- 
national textbook company [1916] 
cover-title, 63 p. illus. 8vo. © Dee. 
24, 1915: 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 4, 1916; 
A 425189. 

Caricaturing and cartooning. Instruc- 
tion paper. Ist ed. 1737. Scranton, 
Pa., International textbook company 
{1916] cover-title, 81 p. illus. Svo. 
@ewWeey 24) Ole 2 Cag. epee: eb: 
4, 1916; A 425194. 

Core making. Instruction paper with 
examination questions. 1st ed. 1700. 
Scranton, Pa., International textbook 
co. [L9TDS) cover-tithe, 42; 2 ps dius., 
qdigers..e8vo:. 1OPDen te tis <2) € 
and ef Jan. 21, 19'6> As 4L7893: 

Decorative lettering. Instruction paper. 
ist ed. 1732. Scranton, Pa., Interna- 
tional textbook company [1916] 
tittle, iS pe <alluss 7 Svo.. ©) Dee, 24> 
Od ae CA ane with. = Rebs. 45 bole: 
A 425198. 

Drawing for line engraving. pt. 1, 2. 
Instruction paper. ist ed. 1731A, B. 
Scranton, Pa., International textbook 
company [1916] cover-titles, 2  v. 
MIS) “SvOrsiOy Dees ole 19ISs 2 ee; 
each and aff. Feb. 4, 1916. A 425192. 

Gas making. Eaerae Hien paper with ex- 
amination questions. 2d ed. 
Scranton, Pa., International textbook 
co [1915] cover- -title, 76, 2 p. illus., 
diagrs. 8vo. © Dec. 14, NOT €. 
and aff: Jan. 21, 1916; A’) 417887. 

Green-sand molding. Pts. 1-4. Instruc- 
tion paper with examination ques- 
tions. Isted. 1699 ABC&D. Scran- 
ton, Pa., International textbook co. 
P9155] ov. Whus diagrss) Svo: 
Dec. 14, 1915; 2 c. each and aff. Jan. 
21, 1916; A 417892. 

House drains. Instruction paper with 
examination questions. 2d. ed. 733. 
Scranton, Pa., International textbook 
co. [1915] cover-title, 72,3 p. illus., 
diagrs. S8vo. @ Dec. 14, 1915; 2 «. 
and aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417888. 

Immigration and Chinese exclusion laws. 
Instruction paper with examination 
questions. ist ed. 17438. Scranton, 
Pa., International textbook co. [1915] 
cover-title, 27 p. S8vo. © Dec. 30, 

ee es ana ai, Jane 2 role: 
A 417894. 

Pictorial composition. Instruction paper. 
Ist ed. 17380. Scranton, Pa., Inter- 
national textbook company [1916] 
cover-title, 71 p. illus., diagrs. Svo. 
@Qy We. 24. 1915 ec. and ati Hebs 
4, 1916; A 425191. 

Animal drawing. 





pt. 1, Dos, Bae 

Pictorial perspective. Instruction paper. 


Ist ed. 1729. Scranton, Pa., Inter- 
national textbook company [1916] 
cover-title, 36 p. illus., diagrs. S8vo. 
@- Decy 245 1915 3 2 en and: ale. Heb. 
4, 1916; A 425190. 

Sewage disposal. Instruction paper 
with examination questions. ed. 
TST. Scranton, Pa., International 
textbook co. [1915]  cover-title, a Z 
p. illus., diagrs. 8vo. @©@ ec. 
LOUD 5 “2 ie: and aff. Jane aie i916? 
A 417889. 

Speed control. Instruction paper with 
examination questions. ist ed. 1655. 
Scranton, Pa., International textbook 
co. [1915] cover-title, 386, 2  p. 
diagrs. S8vo. © Dec. 14, 1915; 2 @. 
and aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A’ 417891. 

Water filtration. imetraction paper with 
examination questions. 2d ed. 739. 
Scranton, Pa., International textbook 
eo. [1915] cover-title, 38. Ds 
diagrs. S8vo. © Dec. 14, 1915; 2 e. 
and aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417890. 
© Internatl. textbook co., Seran- 

ton, Pa. 

INTERNATION AL harvester co. of Ameri- 
ea, ine.*, Chicago. Weber, king of 
all farm wagons. Catalog W-16. 
208 p. illus., diagrs. S8vo. (Cover- 
title: International farm wagons, 
Weber line) [3929 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417967. 

INTERNATIONAL MILL & timber co.*, 

Bay City, Mich. Famous fifty and 
other favorite homes. 128 p. illus. 
(part col.) diagrs., blue prints. 
Svo. [38930 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 420937. 

cago. I-M-I. 
the automobile 
illus. (part col.) 

Big money for you in 
business. 28 p. 
8vo. $1.00. 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

28, 1916; A 426365. 

INTERNATIONAL news service*, New 
York. Kabibble kabaret. (In New 
York evening journal) [38982-3955 

Feb. +6, 1916. @ Feb. 15, 1916; 1c. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 422485. 

Feb. 16, 1916. © Feb. 16, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
17, 1916; A 422505. 

Feb. 17, 1916. © Feb. 17, 1916; 1c. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 422526. 

Feb. 18, 1916. @ Feb. 18, 1916; 1c. Feb. 
19, 1916; A 422546. 

Feb. 19, 1916. © Feb. 19, 1916; 1c. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 422575. 

Feb. 21, 1916. @© Feb. 21, 1916; 1c. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 422618. 

Feb. 22, 1916. © Feb. 22, 1916; 1c. Feb. 

» 238, 1916; A 422620. 

| INTERNATIONAL news service* 


Feb. 23, 1916. © Feb. 23, 1916;-4 c. Feb. 

94 1916- A 42263) : 

Feb. 24, 1916. @© Feb. 24, 1916; 1c. Feb. 
Dye 1916; A 422778. 

Feb. 25, 26, 1916. @ Feb. 25; 26, 1916; 
1. ec; Feb. 26, 28; -2916 ;. Be 422 

Feb. 28, 1916. @© Feb. 28, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
29, 1916; A 422783. 

Feb. 29, 1916. © Febs.29), LOnG6 2 toe 
Mar. ft: 1916; A 422786. 

Mar. 1, 1916. ©-.Mar. 1, 1916 i.e Mine 
2. eee A 422874. 

Mar, + Deb 1916. © Mar. 2, 1916; 1 ¢c. Mar. - 
3, 1916; A 422826. 

Mar..3, 1916. © Mar. 3, 1916; 1c Maz 
4, 1916: A 422838. 

Mar. 4, 1916. © Mar. 4, 191635 1 © Mar: 
6, 1916; A 422873. 

Mar. 6, 1916. © Mar. 6, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 
7, 1916; A 422890. 

Mar. 7. 1916. @ Mar: 7, 1916; 1 c& Mar 
8, 1916; A 422965. 

Mar. 8, 1916. © Mar: 819163 ¥ caMar 
9, 1916; A 422966. 

Mar. 9, 1916. @ Mar, 9, 1916; 1 c. Mar, 
10, 1916; A 422992, 

Mar. 10, 1916... @ Marnieil0> 1 Orger sare: 

Mar. 11, 1916; A 423027. 

Mar. 11, 1916. @© Mar. = Lig 2c 
Mar. 13, 1916; A 423041. 

Mar. 13, 1916. © Mar. 13, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Mar. 14, 1916; A 423072. 

Shelby branch, St. Louis. Muff and 
Puff in the Red Goose wonder book. 
[16] p. col. illus. 16mo. [3956 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
21. I91G: Av AVGQ2Z2: 

Chicago. [8957-8959 

Parents’ department of the Sunday 
shool; a bulletin of information. 12 p. 

16mo. (Adult division leaflet no. 6.) 
$0.03...@ Keb: 1, 19163 2 Ge and cane 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 425555. 

Suggestions for promotion through 
the organized work. Sheet, 7 by 53 
inches. (Adult division leaflet no. 6a) 
$0.02. @© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aa. 
Feb. 23, 1916; A 426268. 

School of principles and methods, stand- 
ards and plans. 8 p. 16mo. _ (Educa- 
tional leaflet no. 5. $0.02. @© Feb.‘1, 
1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 16, 1916; 
A 425455. 

Irwin auger bit co.,* Wilmington, O. 
Irwin bit. .31, [1] “pe aie 
(Catalogue no. 10). [3960 

© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 419825. 

Isakovics (Alois von)* Monticello, 
N. Y. American perfumer, synfluer 
insert no. 68, [4] p. illus. fol. 


© Feb. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426382. 


no. 3, 1916 

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. R. L. Polk & ¢o.’s 
Jacksonville city directory, 1916. v. 
17. Jacksonville, Fla., R. L. Polk & 
ao... 1916. 4p. 1., 33-1155 p. .&vo. 
$7.50. [8962 

)) Mar. 13, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Mar. 16, 1916; A 427270; R. L. Polk 
& Co., Birmingham, Ala. 

Jacosp Tomer institute. Tome school. 
The Jacob Tome institute, founded 
by Jacob Tome. Port Deposit, Mary- 
land [1915-1916] [Baltimore, Md., 
Printed by N. T. A. Munder & co.] 
1916. 38 p. fold. front., plates, col. 
map. fol. [3963 

© Dee. 15, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 418948; Thomas S. 
Baker, Port Deposit, Md. 

Jacoss (Emilie V.) Where we live; a 
home geography. Book 2. [New 
ed. | Philadelphia, Christopher 
Sower company [1916] 174 p. illus., 
maps. 12mo. $0.55. [3964 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
11, 1916; A 418408; Christopher 
Sower co., Philadelphia. 

JAMES (James) Boston. Time table 
for the kitchen. cover-title, [15] p. 
48mo. [Text parailel with bind- 
ing] [3965 

fietam 22, 1916: 2 ¢° Jan. 24, 
1916; aff. Jan. 29, 1916; A 4250838. 

JAMESON (H. M.) Heald’s business 
practice and accounting. [San Jose, 
Cal., Printed by Wright printing co., 
aio) 1 p: 1, 62 p. S8vo.. $1.00. 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

13, 1916; A 428079; Heald’s busi- 
ness college, San Jose, Cal. 

ee ON (Helen Follett)] What to 
wear and how to wear it, by 

Madame Qui Vive [pseud.] (In ! 

Chicago herald) [3967-3991 
Feb. 9, 1916. © Feb. 9, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 422357. 

Feb. 14, 1916. © Feb. 14, 1916; 1 «. 
Feb. 15, 1916; A 422470. 

Hep eio, 1916. © Web. 15, 19165 1 ec. 
Feb. 16, 1916; A 422474. 

mer tG, 1916. ,.@ FKeb.,.16, 1916; 
Feb. 17, 1916; A 422497, 

Hep, 47, 1916. © Feb. 17, 1916; 
. eb. 1s, 1916; A 422520. 

© Feb. 18, 1916; 
Feb. 19, 1916; A 422540. 

| 1 
eb, 19, 1916. © Feb. 19, 1916; 1 ¢ 

Feb. 18, 1916. 

eb. 21, 916; A 422567. 
Feb. 21, 19 © Feb. 21, 1916; 

Feb. 23, ioe: A 422608. 
Feb. 22, 1916. © Feb. 22, 1916: 

Feb. 23, 1916: A 422611. 



[JAMESON (Helen Follett) ]—Contd. 

Feb. (23, .1916. ©, Feb. 23, 1916; 1 -¢. 
Feb. 24, 1916; A 422661. 

Feb. 24, 1916: - © Feb. 24,9916; 1 e¢. 
Feb. 25, 1916; A 422665. 

Feb. 25, 1916; @ Feb. 25, 1916; 
Feb. 26, 1916; A 422698. 

Feb. 26, 1916. @© Feb. 26, 1916; 
Feb. 28, 1916; A 422720. 

Feb. 28, 1916. © Feb. 28, 1916; 
Feb. 29, 1916; A 422772. 

Feb. 29, 1916. © Feb. 29, 1916; 
Mar. a 1916; A 422912. 

Mar. 1,.1916. @© Mar. 1, 1916; 
Mar. 2, 1916; A 422916. 

Mas... 2.. 1916. . ©. Mar... 2,, 1916; 
Mar. 3, 1916; A 422921. 

Mar. 3, 1916. © Mar 3. 2986.5 
Mar. 4, 1916; A 422926. 
Mar. 4, 1916. Bs Mar. 4, 1916; 1 e. 
Mar. 6, 1916; A 422931. 
Mar. 6, 1916. © Mar. 6, 1916; 1 
Mar. 7, 1916; A 422944. 
Mar: 7. 1916. @ Mar. 7, 19165..4 
Mar. 8, 1916; A 422956. 
Mar. 8, 1916. ° Mar. 8, 1916; 1 
Mar. 9, 1916; 422960. 

Mar. 9, 1916 - Mar. 9, 1916; 
Mar. 10, 1916; A 499987. 

Mar. 10, 1916. © Mar. 10, 1916; 
Mar. 11, 1916; A 4238021. 

Mar. 11, 1916. © Mar. 11, 1916; 
Mar. 13, 1916; A 423035. 

Jay County, Ind. Farm journal di- 
rectory of Jay County, Ind. [1916- 
1921] Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkin- 
son company, 1916. [3]-240 p. 
illus., loose fold. map. 8vo. [38992 

© Mar. 2, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 
4,1916; A 427157 : Wilmer Atkinson 
cO., Philadelphia. 

Jerrcorr (Henry Arthur)* Philadel- 
phia. Teaching your do} lars to have 
more cents. [8] p. 16mo. [3993 

© Dec. 2, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
16, 1916; A 425971. 

JEFFERSON (Alpha A.)* Lincoln, Cal. 
Life and perfect health. [Prospec- 
tus] Sheet, printed on both sides, 9 
by 6 inches. [3994 

© Feb. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
29, 1916; A 425688. 

Jenks (Jeremiah W.) Looking ahead 
in China. Proof. (National edito- 
rial service, serial no. 371.) [3995 

© Jan. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 495644 : National edito- 
rial service, inc., New York. 

JoHNSON (Hads) pub. co.*, New York. 
Johnson’s steam vessels of the Atlan- 
tie coast, 1916. liv, 232 p.  obl. 
32mo. $5.00. [3996 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 c Keb. 21, 

1916; aff. Feb. 23, 1916; A 418944. 


> stron 




JOHNSON (J. Frank)* Battle Creek, 
Mich. Roller preblem. [4] p. 
12mo. [3997 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
10, 1916; A 417904. 

JOHNSON & Johnson,* New Brunswick, 
N. J. Handbook of ligatures, no. 
226. cover-title, 47 p. illus. 8vo. 


© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

20, 1916; A 427015. 

JOHNSON & North,* Boston. U. S. in- 
come tax and emergency revenue 
law ready reference. cover-title, 12 
p. obl. 8vo. [3999 

© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 426344. 

JONES & Baker,* New York. 
[4000, 4001 

Carrying stocks on account. cover-title, 
8p. 24mo. @© Mar. 4, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426524. [Copy- 
right is claimed on changes and addi- 
tions. ] 

Course of an order. cover-title, 4 p. 
16mo. @© Mar. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Mar. 6, 1916; A "496525. [Copyright 
claimed on changes and additions. ] 

JOURNAL printing co.*, Minneapolis. 
What your neighborhood bank means 
to you. (Jn Minneapolis journal) 

@©r Beb> 2. 1916: 4 ec heb. 25: 
1916; A 422685. 

JUELG piano co. [4003-4007 

Come tomorrow with five dollars. @© 

Mar. 3, 1916 1) .¢c. Mar. Ti enli9iliG > JA’ 

This ad shows how strongly we guaran- 
tee these Newton pianos. @ Mar. 
1916; 1 c. Mar. 7, 1916; A 423066. 

When you begin to pay you begin to 


own a beautiful Newton piano. 
Mar. 2250 VG 2 es Mar te 196A 

You do not take a single chance in buy- 
ing a Newton piano. @ Mar. 1, 1916; 
1 ec. Mar. 38, 1916; A’ 422982. 

150 Newton pianos worth $350 each to 
be sold for $247 each. @© Feb. 29, 
1916; t.¢c. Mar. 3, 1916;°A 422981. 
[Note : The foregoing are in Washing- 

ton Evening star] 

© Newton piano co., New York. 

K. D. idea. v. 1, no. 4, Jan., 1916. 20 
p. illus. . 12mo. [4008 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417986; Kelley-Davis 
eco., Oakland, Cal. 

KAAI (Ernest K.) Ukulele and how 

it’s played. Honolulu, Hawaii, 

_ Hawaiian news co., Itd. [1916] 58 

p. front. (port.) fol. $1.25. [4009 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 ec. Mar. 6, 

1916; aff. Mar. 4, 1916; A 428016; 
Hawaiian news co., ltd., Honolulu. 

pt. IAs. Was 

KAHN (Harry C.) & son*, Philadel- 
phia. Kahn’s February furniture 
sale. [8] p. illus. fol. [4010 

1c. Jan. 20, 1916; 
we, UlGs A: 419770. 

2c. and aff. Jan. 

KANSAS Ciry casualty co.*, Kansas 
City, Mo. [4010*, 4010** 

teduced premium accident er for 
medically selected risks. [ fol 
fold. to 8vo. @© Dee. 29, idi8 2 ¢. 
and aff. Jan. 11, 1916; ‘A 419560. 

Reduced premium policy for medically 
selected risks. [4] p. fol. fold. to 
8vo. @© Sept. 28, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Jan. Ad: 1916: A 419561. 

KKANSAS Ciry, home telephone co.* 
Kansas City, Mo. Directory, Feb., 
1916. 318 p. Ato. [4011 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 425464. 

Results of Ford 
greater than its 
leaders. (In Cleveland Sunday 
leader ) [4012 

© Feb. 20, 1916;-1 c Feb. 24 
1916; A 422658; Cleveland cCo., 

KARR (Benjamin) 
peace expedition 

KAUFMAN (Herbert)* Ocean City, Md. 
Herbert Kaufman’s weekly page. 
Feb. 20, 27, 1916. (Jn Boston Sun- 
day herald) [40138, 4014 

© Feb. 20, 27, 1916; 1 ¢. each Mar. 
1, 1916; A 422753, 422754. 

KraL (Harry M.) & Phelps (Nancy 
S.)* Detroit. Mathematics for tech- 
nical high schools. 382 p. diagrs. 
12mo. [4015 

© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417964. 

trated companion. 

(Harry Stephen) Stolen 

chap. 14-end. (Jn Iillus- 

Mar., 1916) 

© Mar. 4, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 8, 1916; 
A 422896; F. B. Warner co., New 

(William Frederic)* New 
[4017, 4018 

New York, 
[1916] 24 


First steps in concentration. 
The Oxford printing co. 

p. 12mo. (Power thought manuals 
for beginners; concentration _ series, 
no. 1) $0.25: © Heb. 1% TOtecae 

c. and aff. Feb. 18, 1916; A 425522. 

Intuition, how to use is (In Construc- 
tive thinker. Mar., 1916) @© Feb. 29, 
1916: I-e.. Mar. 4, ates A 422854, 



no. 3, 1916 


KEELEY (J.)* Chicago. 
Astounding change Ll war has wrought 

in women. © he  NOLG se? ec. 
Feb. 28, 1916; A “492 768. 

Cabaret singer to be a king. @©@ Feb. 
moe 1916: 1-..c. Feb. 21, 1916; A 

For babies or bombs. © Feb. 13, 1916: 
1 ec. Feb. 14, 1916; A 422468. 

Half a million soldiers love this woman. 
@ Feb. 20, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 21, 1916; 
A 422600 

Hardest part an actress ever had to play. 

Hen 2¢, 1916; be. Feb. 28; 1916; 
A 422766 

Light that failed in no man’s land. © 
Wen to,04016: 1.¢. Feb. 14, 1916; 
A 422460. 

More of England's remarkable gees Ee 
frivolity. © Mar. 5, 1916; ec. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 422939. 

Page the king of Denmark; here’s an- 
other discovery by Dr. Cook. © Feb. 
a, 1916; 2 ce Feb. 28, 1916; A 

Prince, prince, who wants the handsome 
rince. © Feb. 13, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 

14, 1916; A 422464. 

Said the governor of Mush: Throw the 
women and children in the river. © 
Feb. 13, 1916; 1c. Feb. 14, 1916; 
A 422459. 

That Bowdoin divorce case. © Mar. 5, 
1916; 1 c. Mar. 6, 1916; A 422938. 

Those movie thrillers. © Mar. 5, 1916; 
1 c. Mar. 6, 1916; A 422941. 

Why men are untrue to their wives. © 
Heb 27, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 28, 1916; 
A 422770. 

why Paris can never be taken. © Feb. 

eto. « ¢. Keb. 28, 1916; A 

Wicked dance named after a good 
woman. © Feb. 20, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 422598. 

Wonderful new discovery of science. © 
Mar 5, 1916; 1 ¢«. Mar. 6, 1916; A 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily or Sunday herald] 

KELLEY (Geo. H.)* 
Blood of old Ireland. Trish 
voice and American echo) [4035 

© Feb. 12, 1916: 1c. Feb. 21, 1916: 
A 422585. 

Evanston. Il. 


Keitey (H. P.) & Owens (F. W.)* 
La Junta, Col. Plan for the organi- 
zation and maintenance of the mu- 
tual benefit league. cover-title. 5 p. 
2-tmo. [4036 

© Feb. 21. 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916: A 426514. 

Ketrey (Will C.)* Madison, Wis. 

-man’s work index. [11] p. 16mo 

fe) Nov. 1, 1915; 2 
_ &, 1915; A 426368. 


[4019-40354 | KeLLoce toasted corn flake co.*, 

Creek, Mich. Good morning! the 
best known breakfast food. cover- 

title, [4] p. 4S8mo. [4038 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
3, 1916; A 425123. 

Ketty (Thomas J.)* Omaha, Neb. 
Some observations on the teaching of 
singing, 4. (In Musical courier) 

© Mar. 2, 1916; 1 ce. Mar. 8, 1916; 
A 422951. 

Krnaca (W. C.)* Cleveland. Ad art 
service. Weeks rainliiien Jan. PS: 15. 
Pe AIG: "bi ys ilies: | fal: 
© Dec. 24, 30, 1915; Jan. 7, 13, 20, 
1916; 2 ec. each and aff. Jan. 22, 
1916; A 419733-419737. 

KENNEDY (David E.) ine.*, New York. 
Catalogue of designs, nonpareil cork 
tile. 26p. incl. front.,illus. 24mo. 

© Feb. 17. 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

18, 1916; A 425514. 

KENNICOTT co. Special selling manual 
on Kennicott co.s water purifying 
equipment. Special privateed. 36 p. 
Syo. [4046 

© Nov. 12, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426332 : “‘Trving R. Allen, 

KEUFFEL & Esser co.*, Hoboken, N. J. 
K & E metallic and linen tapes with 
patent locp and hook. [4] p. eol. 
illus. 16mo. [4047 

© Feb. 16. 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 425500. 

Kirr (Virginia E.)* Philadelphia. 
Kitchen movies. (Jn Ladies home 
journal Mar., 1916) [4048 

© Feb.. 20. 1916; 1 c. Feb. 19, 
1916; A 422949. 

KIMBALL (James Newton)* New York. 
International typewriting contest 
rules. 27 p. illus. 16mo. $0.10. 

© Feb. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916: A 426331. 

KimMEL (G. P.)* Washington. Cer- 
tificate of partentability ; refund and 
sales contract. Sheet printed on 
both sides. 11 by 84 inches. [4050 

© Jan. 6, 1916: 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
25, 1916: A 419831. 



pt. % 0.8. ¥. ae 

KiInGsLEY (Charles) Tutor’s story; 
by the late Charles Kingsley, re- 
vised and completed by his daugh- 
ter, Lucas Malet [pseud. of Mary 

St. Leger Kingsley Harrison] chap. 
6-10. (Jn Cornhill magazine, Mar., 
1916) [4051 

© 1 ¢ Mar. 21 1916 A ad int, 
2601 ; pubd. Feb. 26, 1916; Smith, El- 
der & co., London. 

KINLOCH telephone co.*, St. Louis. 
[4052, 4053 

East St. Louis telephone directory. no. 
7. Feb. 5, 1916. cover-title, 46 p. 
4to. © Mar. 11, 1916; 2 e¢. and aff. 
Mar. 16, 1916; A 425975. 

[St. Louis] directory, local and long dis- 
tance. no. . Heb. 5, 1916.  cover- 
title, 3 p. 1., [5]-3816 p. 4to. © Mar. 
11, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 16, 1916; 
A 425976. 

KINSILA (Edward Barnard) Modern 
theater construction. Article 6. (J 
moving picture world. Mar. 4, 1916) 


© Feb. 23, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 1, 1916; 

A 422789; Chalmers pub. co., New 

Kirk (Alice Gitchell) [4055-4061 

Home making talks. Everyday chemis- 
everyday meals. Feb. 18, 
: Feb. 18, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 19, 
1916; A 422550. 

—— Hveryday chemistry for everyday 
meals. Feb. 25, 1916. © Feb. 25, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 26, 1916; A 422717. 

—— Live for long life. © Mar. 3, 1916; 
1 ce. Mar. 4, 1916; A 422847. 

—— What shail I feed my children? 
@' Mar. 10; 19165 1..c; Mar. 11;°1916; 
A 423009. 

Importance of bread. © Mar. 3, 1916; 
1c. Mar. 4, 1916; A 422848. 

Standardizing bread. © Mar. 10, 1916; 
1c. Mar. 11, 1916; A 423010. 

Why do we eat bread. © Feb. 18, 1916; 
1 ec. Feb. 19, 1916; A 422551. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Cleve- 
land plain dealer.] 

© Alice Gitchell Kirk co., Cleve- 

KITTANNING, Pa. R. L. Polk & Go.’s 
Kittanning directory, 1916-i917.  v. 
7. Pittsburgh, Pa., R. L. Polk & co., 
1916. 2 p.1., [9]-263 p. 8vo. $4.00. 


© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

21, 1916; A 420869; R. L. Polk & co., 

KLEIN (Goshen Loraine von)* Santa 

Monica, Cal. Fountain of health. 
15 p. 16mo. $0.50. [4063 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 8, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 7, 1916; A 425880. 

IXNICKERBOCKER advertising and illus- 
trating service*, New York. Decem- 
ber bulletin. cover-title, 7 1. illus, 
fol. [4064 

© Dee. 10, 1915; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419905. 

KNowLtTon (William D.)* Chicago. 
[4065, 4066 
Drummer’s first day. Sheet, 28 by 54 
inches. © Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 12, 
1916; aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419760. 

Eclipse of the Star. Proof. © Feb. 12, 

; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 16, 1916; 
A 425457. 

Kurtz (Ada ©.)* Beaver Falls, Pa. 
Butterfly. Post card, 7 by 384 
inches. [4067 

© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
25, 1916; A 419818. 

Laconia, N. H. Laconia city direc- 
tory, 1915-1916, including Lakeport 
and the Weirs. Beston, Mass., 
Union publishing company, incorpo- 
rated, 1916. 214 p. S8vo. $3.00 


© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
12, 1916; A 420772; Union pub. co., 

Lair (Jack) [4069-4097 

Ad-man signs for blond copy to run T. F, 

© Mar. 10, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 11, 1916; 
A 423022. 

Banquet hints; or, First aid to dying. 
© Feb. 16, 1916; i c. Feb. 17, 1916; 
A 422498. 

Canada Kid finds a queer oasis. © Mar. 
7, 1916; 1 ec. Mar. 8, 1916; A 422957. 

Chaplin’s signature obtained at last. 
© Feb. 26, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 28, 1916; 
A 422722. 

Charlie, the Wolf frowns on anarchy. 
© Feb. 18, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 19, 1916; 
A 422542. 

Commissioner Ragen lays down arms. 
© Feb. 15, 1916; 1c. Feb. 16, 1916; 
A 4224738. 

Diana’s dove. @ Mar. 5, 1916; 1 «@ 
Mar. 6, 1916; A 422947, 

Enter handsome _ Bill, cowboy hero. 
© Feb. 24, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 25, 1916; 
A 422666. 

Found: a brotherhood of man and men, 
@ Mar. 9, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 10, 1916; 
A 422989. ; 

Good morning. © Feb. 18, 1916; 1 «. 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 422465. 

Gus gets a gift and takes another. 

Feb. 14, 1916; 1 ce. Feb. 15, 1916; 
A 422469. 

Gus the bus among the midnight set. 
© Feb. 21, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 28, 1916; 
A 422607. 

Gus the bus makes a run on the bank. 
© Mar. 6, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 7, 1916; 
A 422946. 

Gus the bus serves table de hote. © Feb. 
28, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 29, 1916; A 422773. 


LAKESIDE literature readers. 


LANDAY (Maurice) 


no. 5, 1916 

Lair (Jack)—Continued. 

Hon. William Hale Thompson, dear sir. 
@ Feb. 23, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 24, 1916; 
A 422660. 

How to beat the wife-beater to it. © 
Pen 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 10, 1916; 
A 422356. 

Letters for the novelette family. © Feb. 
25, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 26, 1916; A 422699, 

Municipal epitaph for unborn dead. 
@ Mar. 8, 1916; 1 ¢c. Mar. 9, 1916; 
A 422961. 

Novelette relative sees great. play. 
@ Mar. 4, 1916; i ec. Mar. 6, 1916; 
A 422932. 

Oldest crime vs. newest meth 20ds. © 
eps. 22. Feb. 23, . 

ooo: 2 ec. 

Political philosophy of Omaha Slim. © 
Mar. 3, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 4, 1916; A 

Psychology of true heart’s-ease. © Mar. 
4996" £ c. Mar. 2, 1916; A 422917. 

She was sweet 19, but didn’t drink. © 
watiew 14, £996" 1-c. Mar. 13; 1916; 
A 423636. 

Spring dream from lonely heart. 

© Feb. 
29. 1916; 1 c. Mar. 

2, 1916; A 422910. 

Tale of thrilling, frigid Arctic. © Feb. 
eee. £) ¢ Keb. 21, 19165 A 

Untold tale of bygone history. © Mar. 

a, 20165 4. ¢. Mar. 3, 1916; A 422922. 

Welcome to our city. © Feb. 20, 1916; 
1 ce. Feb. 21, 1916; A 422605. 

What do you mean? © Feb. 27, 1916; 
1 ec. Feb. 28, 1916; A 422771. 

Why Marian Lambert sinned and Gied. 

e Hep. 17, 191465 1 c. Heb. 18, 1916; 
A 422522. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

herald. ] 
© J. Kelley, Chicago. 

3] World stories for children se- 
lected and arranged by Sophie L. 
Woods. Chicago. Ainsworth and 
company [1916] 196 p. illus., port. 
8vo. $90.40. [4098 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
2a) ADIG:. A 418962 : Ainsworth & 
€0., Chicago. 

R. L. Polk & ¢o.’s 

Lancaster city directory, 1916. 
ieaneaster, Pa., R. L. Polk & co., 
1916. 1020 p. Svo. $6.00. [4099 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
14,1916; A 420764; R.L. Polk & co., 
Lancaster, Pa. 


Espion du kaiser; roman inédit @ 
amour et d’aventures de la guerre. 
Paris, A. Fayard et cie., 1915. 95 p. 
4to. (L’homme aux cent masques, 3) 
@ Jan, 19, 1916; 1 ¢c. Mar. 20, 1916; 
A—Foreign 13498. 



LARROWE milling co. 

La SALLE extension university,* 

La Tour (Maxime)* Paris. 


(Maurice )—Continued. 
France debout! roman inédit d’amour et 

d’adventures de la guerre. Paris, A. 
Fayard et cie., 1915. 94 p. 4to. 
(L’bomme aux cent masques, 2) 

Jan. £4950 1996 "4° e+ Mar 20. “1016; 

A—Foreign 13497. 

Poilu “ Poil-aux-Pattes’’; roman inédit 
damour et d’aventures de la guerre. 
Paris, A. Fayard et cie., 1916. 92: p. 
4to. (L’homme aux cent masques, 5d) 
@ Jan. 19, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 20, 1916; 

‘oreign 13496. 

Secret des Hohenzollern; roman inédit 
@amour et daventures de la guerre. 
Paris, A. Fayard & cie., 1916. 94 p. 
4to. (L’homme aux cent masques, 4) 
fr. 6.35. | @ Jan. 19: 1916:: 1 ¢.. Mar: 
~O, 1916; A—Foreign 13495. 

© Arthéme Fayard & co. et Mau- 
rice Landay, Paris. 

*, Detroit. Here 
is how you can tell if they are just 
boarders. [4] p. illus. (part col.) 
fol. folded to obl. 32mo. [4104 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426358. 

cago. [4105-4110 

Business administration. Business build- 
ing talk. nos. 10-14, 21. Contents.— 
no. 10, 11. Business economics.—no. 
142-14. Industrial organization and 
management.—no. 21. Organizing a 
business. 6yv. 4to. © Dec. 30, 1915; 
2 ec. each Jan. 13, 1916; af. Jan. 14, 
1916; A 417800. 

no. 15. Money and banking. 
1 "'S"p." 440: *@ Web: 44, 19tes - C. 
Feb. 21, 1916; aff. Feb. 23, 1916; A 

Effective business English. Lesson talk 
13-20, 29-36. 16 v. in 1. §8vo. 
Dec, 10, 1915; 2 c. Feb. 21, 1916; aff. 
Feb, 23, 1916; A 426259. 

General bulletin [1916]. 

cover-title, 43 

Dp: itlus., ‘ports... Sve.’ © Mar. 10, 
1916: 2 ¢. and aff: Mar. 13, 1916; A 

Hig er accountancy. How to_use the 

higher accountancy course and service. 
6p. 4to. © Mar. 10, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Mar. 13, 1916; A 4925968. 

What was the matter with Ed Kearney; 
or, Ten years’ promotion in one. 57 p. 
col. illus. S8vo. @© Feb. 18, 1916; 2 ec. 
Feb. 21, 1916; aff. Feb. 23: 1916; A 

Paris, A. 

©" Jan: 1919162" 1 Mar. 20; 
1916; A—Foreign 13499. 

du poilu: reman inédit. 
Fayard et cie. [1915] 76 p. 

LAYLANDER (QO. J.)* Chicago. To- 
gether. [13] p. front., illus. 32mo. 

© Dee. 18, 1915; 2 
25, 1916; A 419834. 

e. and aff. Jan.. 



LEADING cigar jobbers of the United | Leroux (Gaston)* Paris. 

States. Issued Jan., 1916. New 
York city, Tobacco record pub. ¢o., 
1916. eover-title, [42] p. 4to. 
$15.00. [4113 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

2, 1916; A 420982; Harry M. Kon- | 

wiser, New York. 
LEBLANC (Maurice)* % Hughes Mas- 
sie, London. Bombshell, tr. by Alex- 

ander Teixeira de Mattos. Feb., 
1916. 1st instalment. (In Pear- 
son’s magazine.) [4114 

© 1c. Feb. 29, 1916; A ad int. 
2585; pubd. Feb. 1, 1916. 

Ler (Albert Sherman)* Ripley, W. Va. 
United States history. cover-title, 
53 p. 16mo. $0.25. [4115 

© Jan. 1, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 417858. 

Ler (Baker Perkins)* Los Angeles. 
Real temperance versus prohibition. 
te a pe AZmor SOA. [4116 

© Oct. 15, 1914; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 419811. 

LEE (Geo. H.)* Omaha, Neb. Secrets 

of success with chickens. cover- 
title, 23 p. illus. 16mo. (Geo. H. 
Lee co.) [4117 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 ec. Feb. 14, 

1916; aff. Feb. 28, 1916; A 426281. 
Le GaALLIENNE (Richard) Shake- 
speare  tercentenary, 1616-1916. 

Shakespeare the great creator of 
tragedy. (In New York times.) 


© Feb. 27, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 28, 

1916; A 422730; New York times co., 

New York. 
Le Gorric (Charles) En cantonne- 
ment; un deuxiéme chapitre de 

Vhistoire des fusiliers marins. (In 
Revue des ceux mondes, ler déc., 
1915) [4119 
© Dec. 1, 1915; 1 c. Mar. 20, 1916; 
A—Foreign 13512; Plon-Nourrit & 
co., Paris. 
LENNON (Bert) 
the world saved by love. 
cago herald) [4120 
© Yeb..20,. 1916;.-1-.c.. Keb, 21, 
1916; A 422599; J. Keeley, Chicago. 
Lenz & Naumann, ine. General lab- 
oratory apparatus and_ supplies. 
1915 ed. New York, Montreal, Lenz 
& Naumann, ine. [1916] 499 p. 
illus., diagrs. 8vo. $1.00. [412% 
© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 420596; W. J. Lenz, 
New York. 

Wickedest woman in 
(In Chi- 

pt. 1, n.s., v.13 

Confitou ; 
roman inédit. nos. 1-5, 9-27, 29-— 
31. [27 instalments] (in Paris 
matin, 16 jano.—15 févr., 1916) 
© Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 1916; 1 c each 
Mar. 20, 1916; A—Foreign 138519. 

LE Roy plow co.*, Le Roy, N. Y. 

[4128, 4124 
Le Roy chilled plows. 23 p. col. ae 
obl. 48mo. @© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 e 

and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; A 426327. 

Le Roy chilled plows, gang, two-way and 
walking plows. 34 pe eS: (part 
col.) . © Jan 1916; 2 
ce. and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; a 426328. 

LEVEILLE (Edward A.)* Chicago. 
ie [4125, 4126 

Freight tariff no. 4—D on wrought iron 
and steel pipe; Chicago and Pitts- 
burgh to points in Michigan, effective 
Jan. 1, 1916. Suppl. no. 1. [4] p. 
24mo. © Jan. 1, 1916; 2 ¢c and ak. 
Jan. 22, 1916; A "419768. 

—— No. 5-H, Chicago and Pittsburgh to 
points in Towa, effective Jan. 15, 1916. 
© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 419769. 

Levy (Louis H.) Pictorial review’s 
correspondence course in sex-educa- 
tion; a series of six talks on anat- 
omy, physiology, hygiene and habits. 
New York city, Pictorial review Co. 
[1916] 82 p. 8vo. $0.50. [4127 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 425333; Pictorial review 
co., New York. 

Lewis (John Franklin)* San Fran- 
cisco. Race track game; directions 
for playing. Card, printed on both 
sides, 34 by 24 inches. $1.00. [4128 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426545. 

Lewis (Lloyd D.) Is the Red spectre 

of ’57 hanging over India. (Jn Chi- 
cago herald) [4129 

© Feb. 20, 1916; 1 ¢@ Feb. 21, 
1916; A 422601; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

Lipsey (Laura Jean) Saint Valen- 
tine’s, love’s own day, is here and it’s 
leap year too. (In Cleveland Sun- 
day leader ) [4130 

© Feb. 13, 1916; 1 ¢ Feb. 15, 
1916; A 422515; Cleveland co., Cleve- 

Lispy (Paul)* La Jolla, Cal. Let 
there be light. cover-title, S p. nar. 
16mo. [41381 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 21, 1916; 
aft. Mar. 13, 1916; A 425949, 



no. 3, 1916 4167 
LIEBMANN’S (S.) sons brewing co.,* | Liste (Ann)—Continued. 
Brooklyn. Rhymes of the Rheina- re ae fa inte Can 12 1916; 
. 3 G a illus ‘ ec. Mar 307 
roons, 1916.° [20] p. illus. 12mo. {Note: The foregoing are in New York 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 « and aff. 

LINDEMANN (A. J.) & Hoverson co. | Lirrte (Charles E.) Life and litera- 
Special selling manual on the Alca- ture readers. 8d reader. Advisory 
- zar range and heater co. & Areadiau editor, Charles E. Little, illus. by 

malleable range co. [Chicago, II1., 
Printed by the Irving R. Allen co., 

PIG] 1 p. 1; 83 numb. i SVO; company [1916] 250, [1], iv p. illus. 
[4133 (part col.) 12mo. $0.48. [4159 
© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ¢. and aft. Feb. © Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
12, 1916; A 418824; Irving R. Allen, 21, 1916; A 420879; Williams print- 
Chicago. ing co., San Francisco. 
nae ee 82 Te 1.. | LUITTLe wonder mfg. co.] Why not 
— oe oeay rae aha operate a wholesale manufacturing 
ea ee OS "[4134 business? [4] p. 4to. [4160 
©) Jan. 15, 19163 2° and att. Jan 
© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. | 25 : ‘ ; 
a4 25 iGevA OS: ; ar C 
LIsLte (Ann) [4185-4158 eines (Karl K.) ed. [4161, 4162. 
Cinderella man. Feb. 15, 1916. © Feb. Children’s day treasury, no. 26. Dayton, 
abiae iG ep. LO... FONG 5 772 0., New York lete.] OE Rs 
- : company, 1916. cover-title, 4 ; 
Reb. 167 1916. © Web.) 165.1916 ; illus. Svo. $0.15. © Feb. 16, 1916; 2 
ices tign) LGhG 2) A 422506: ec. and aff. Feb. 21, 1916; A 420866. 
—— Heb. 17, 1916. © Feb. 17, 1916; Easter treasury, no. 21. Dayton, O., 
ioc. Deb. US) 196; A. 422525. New York [etc.] Lorenz publishing 
Shep. 18. 1916. ~G Feb. 18. 1916: company, 1916. cover-title, 34 p. 8vo. 
1 Bes RING ee: 422547, .0.15. © Feb. 16, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Shey 1. 1916. © Feb. 19. 1916: Feb. 21, 1916; A 420867; 
flies Feb. 34 1916: A 422570, e 7 Lorenz pub. co., Dayton, O. 
Jast a woman. Feb. 21, 1916. © Feb. | Lorerz (Joseph L.) Payroll auditing. 

21916 > bc, Web, 23,1916; A 422617. 
——Feb. 22, 1916. Hehiw22. A9iG: 



1c. Feb. 23, 1916; A 422619. © Feb. 18, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 21, 
Eel Wen, 23. 1916. © Feb. 23, i916: 1916; A 422710; George H. Holden 
rer teb ws, 1916: A 422644. | & ¢o., ine., New York. 
7, web. 24, 1916. © Feb. 24, 1916; | Low (Alvin H.)* Los Angeles. Story 
ieee 2s. 19065. A 422777. | a a ee AS 
A a ane : of a drop of water. (Jn National 
Feb. 25, 1916. © Feb. 25, 1916; Taprais 
1 c. Feb. 36, 1916; A 422779. | effersonian ) [4164 
Hep, 26, 1916. © Keb. 26, 1916; ©) Web. 26, “A9IG =" ad se Mar.2: 
i ¢ Keb. 28. 1916; A 422782. 1916: A 422829, 
r= Heb. 28. 191¢ ) Web. 28, 1915; : 
1 c. Feb. 29, ee Pete Lowey, Mass. Lowell directory, 1916. 
Feb. 29, 1916. © Feb. 29, 1916; no. 65. Beston, Mass., Sampson & 
1 2. Mar. 1, 1916; A 422787. Murdock ¢co., 1916. [3]-931 p. front. 
en 1, ok Cee 15 1191.6 5 (fold. map) 8vo. $5.00 [4165 
ce. Mar, 2, 1916; A 422813 
; : aie ; j ») : ¢ 
——-Mar. 2, 1916. © Mar. 2, 1916; 9 © oe > ee 2 . eae 
1c. Mar. 3, 1916; A 422827. 26, 1916; A 420929; Sampson & 
2 Mar. 3. 1916. © Mar. 3. 1916; Murdock co., Boston. 
ee oye | EUeAS. (De Witt B.)*" Philadelphia. 
es ieee Siti. © Tee 1916; Knowing people. Sheet, printed on 
- aticti. ’ vu : 1 Aq Y 1 j 
6, 1916. © Mar. 6, 1916; both sides, d1 by 84 inches. [4166 
Ic. Mar. 7, 1916; A 422889. © Jan. 14, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 15, 1916; 
Poa ear (, 1916. *@ wMar. 7,) 1916; aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 419758. 
1 ec. Mar. 8, 1916; A 422899. L jos * N All nm 
———Mar. 8, 1916. © Mar. 8, 1916; YON laboratories,* Nashville. Auto 
1 ¢. Mar. 9, 1916; A 422967. physician manual giving directions, 
Mar. 9, 1916. © Mar. 9, 1916; treatment and dosage for each mal- 
1 ce. Mar. 10, 1916; A 422991. ady and its remedy. 27 p. 16mo. 
Mar. 10, 1916. © Mar. 10, 1916; 80.25. 41 
1c. Mar. 11, 1916; A 423026. yi D et 
—— Mar. 11, 1916. @©@ Mar. 11, 1916; © Jan. 5, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan... 
1 ¢. Mar. 13, 1916; A 423040. 19, 1916; A 417850. 


evening journal] 

© Internat). news service, New 

Helen Harll and Elsinore Robinson 
Crowell. San Francisco, Doub & 

Chap. 1. (In Surveyor) [4163 



pt. 1, 2S.) yo 

[M. S. pharmacal co.] Jn-o-me, a 

secret of Cleopatra? 7 p. illus. 24mo. 


© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 

23, 1916; A 425594; Jerome W. Mar- 
row, Chicago. 

McATAMNEY (Hugh) co.*, New York. 
Wanamaker cut service. Issue no. 
Ze, 245° Jan. 3, 10, JOT. 2 va Wis. 
254 by 184 inches. [4169, 4170 

©. Dec. 17, 24, 1915; 2 @ and aff. 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 419771, 419772. 

McCriaiIn (Kdward C.)* Philadelphia. 
Truth in the ultimate. 11. 24mo. 
©’ Jan. 1, 1916: 2c. Yan. 3, 1916: 

aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 419759. 

McCown (Minnie Parker)* Emporia, 
Kan. Picture. (Jn Emporia times) 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 1 c& Feb. 23, 
1916; A 422627. 

McCoy (James David) * 
Suggestions in X-ray technic for 
the orthodontist. (Jn International 
journal of orthodontia. Jan., 1916) 


Feb. 16, 

Los Angeles. 

©: Jan15, 191G6- val “eS 
1916; A 422492. 

McCutTcHEon (John T.) [4174, 4175 
Crafty Standard oil co. @© Feb. 20, 1916; 
1 ce. Feb. 23, 1916; A 422616. 
© Tribune co., Chicago. 
When Greek meets Scot. © Feb. 18, 
£O1G)5 1... Feb. 20.1906 jhAn 422572: 

{[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily or Sunday tribune] 

© John T. McCutcheon, Chicago. 

McDapE (Andrew J)* Brooklyn. 
Science of investment. cover-title, 
8p. 24 mo. $0.05. [4176 

© Mar. 14, 1916; 2 «. 
Mar. 16, 1916; A 425969. 

and aff. 

MAcponNALp (James P.)* Boston. Old 
Glory, the stars and stripes. Bos- 
ton, Mass., Macdonald & Evans 
[1915] [16] p. 24mo. $0.10. [4177 

ie Deg Za, AGio; -2--e Dac: 30, 
1915; aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 425084. 

McDowett (Lillie Gilliland) * To- 
peka, Kan. Stories I told Louise. 
Illus. by Albert T. Reid. Topeka, 
Kan., The Kansas farmer co., 1915. 
=p. 1, {11]-151 p. front... (port.) 
iis. iZmo. $0.50: [4178 

© Dec. 11, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 8, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 14, 1916; A 420297. 

McKEEsport, Pa. R. L. Polk & ¢0.’s 
McKeesport directory, 1916. v. 10. 
Pittsburgh, Pa., R. L. Polk & Gas 
1916. 703 p. S8vo. - $6.00. [4179 

© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 e. and aff. Feb. 
15, 1916; A 418837; R. L. Polk & eo., 

MackeEy (Richard KE.)* St. Louis. 
Rapid calculator, for the muitiplica- 
tion of any two numbers from 1 to 
100. Sheet, 82 by 14 inches. $1.00. 

© Jan. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
26, 1916; A 419856. 

McKinstry (James F.)* Gainesville, 
Fla. Prayers. [Gainesville, Fla., 
Printed by Pepper printing & pub. 
co., 1915] 13.1. deme, sae 


© Dec. 18, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
138, 1916; A 418446. 

MAcKINTOSH (Charles Henry) 
[4182, 4183 

Christmas, by a batchelor. [8] p. 16mo. 
Dec. 24, 1915): 2. 6 Deez ola 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417880. 

Mother’s day. [Duluth, Minn., Printed 
by M. I. Stewart company, 1915] [7] 
p. illus. 24mo. © Mar. 3, 19162 2¢€ 
and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 425854. 
© Stewart-Mackintosh, ine., Du- 

luth, Minn. 

McLAuGHLIN (T. C.)* Newton, Kan. 
Safety first; information for travel- 
ers. [New ed.] 78 p. illus. 16mo. 
$0.10. [4184 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c. Mar. 2, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 3, 1916; A 425952. 

McMicHarnt (Stanley L.)* Cleveland. 
Cleveland—sixth city. [Cleveland, 
O.] The Cleveland real estate board 
[1916] cover-title, 16 p. 16mo. 


© Mar. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
14, 1916; A 425955. 

Macnasp (Alexander J.) 
Individual instruction 
tice. cover-title, 23 p. 

jr.*, Seattle. 
in rifle prac- 
24mo. $0.10. 


© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

31, 1916; A 419901. 

MacNiper (George Mallett)* Green- 
ville, S. C. Preparation of size for 
cotton warps. cover-title, [7] p. 
diagr. Svo. (Reprinted from Cot- 
ton, Jan., 1916) [4187 

©, Jan. 2), 116; 2, ¢. seb ea 
1916; aff. Mar. 8, 1916; A 425850. 



20. 3, 1916 

Macoc (H. J.)* Paris. [ 4188, 4189 
Démon boche; grand roman régional in- 
édit. nos. 1-73, 77-103, 103>!s, 104— 
153. [151 instalments] (Jn L‘ouest- 
éclair, 27 juin—12 déc.. 1915; © June 
Babee, 12, 1915; 1 c.. each Mar. 20; 
1916; A—Foreign 13515. 

Espionne d’Hze. nos. 1-83, 90-189, 
189ris, 190. [185 instalments] (In 
L’éelaireur de Nice, 30 juin, 1915-12 
févr., 1916) © June 30, 1915—Feb. 12, 
1916; 1c. each Mar. 20, 1916; A—For- 
eign 138514. 

Mai (W. E.)* Iowa City, Ia. 
[ 4190, 4191 

Most powerful combination in business 
building methods yet devised. 16 p. 
pgs, 651.00. @ Feb. 19; 1916; 2 c. 
and aff. Feb. 23, 1916; A 426258. 

Suecessful selling method for our auto- 
matic business building campaign. 38 
p. ites. i2mo. $0.50. © Feb. 19, 
PatG 2 eo and aff. Keb. 23; 1916; A 

MAIN street auto sales co. Start right, 
right now. [4] p. illus. 4 to. [4192 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 426290; Clarence R. Ball, 
Oklahoma City, Okl. 

MAINE telephone & telegraph co.*, 
Rumford, Me. Rumford district tele- 
phone directory. Winter issue. 1915-— 
1916. 19. cover-title, 64 p. Svo. 


© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417797. 

MANDEL bros.*, Chicago. Mandel 
brothers’ weekly art cut service. 
Hach 1 sheet, illus.. 24 by 18 inches. 


Sheet 349. Oct. 16, [1915] Sheet, illus., 
24 by 18 inches. © Oct. 13, 1915; 2c. 
and aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 4178435. 

Sheet 353. Nov. 13, [1915] Sheet, illus., 
24 by 18 inches. © Nov. 11, 1915; 2c. 
and aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 417846. 

Sheet 355, 355A, Nov. 27 [1915] Sheet, 
illus. printed on both sides, 24 by 18 
inches. © Nov. 25, 1915; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 425552. 

Sheet 357, Dec. 11, [1915] Sheet, illus., 
24 by 18 inches. © Dec. 9, 1915; 2. 
and aff. Feb. 21, 1916; A 425553. 

MANITOBA readers (Polish) 2d reader. 
Chicago, Ill., Polish American pub- 
lishing company [1916] 190, [2] p. 
illus. Svo. $0.30. [4198 

en Jan) 28, 1916: 2.¢. Feb. 12, 
1916; aff. Feb. 14, 1916; A 420786; 
Polish American pub. co., Chicago. 

MARBLE (B. L.) chair co.*, Bedford, O. 
Supplement to catalog no. 22, Feb. 1, 
1916. 7 p. illus. [4199 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426323. 


Marcy (Mrs. E. D.)* Chicago. Moth- 
er’s prayer. 21. 24mo. $0.15. 
© Dec. 23, 1915; 2 ec. Feb. 1, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 16, 1916; A 425529. 

MARINE oil engine co., inc.*, New York. 
Skandia marine oil engines for crude 
or fuel oils. 14 [2] p. illus., diagrs. 
4to. [4201 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2c and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425346. 

(Willard EKugene)* Memphis, 

Tenn. Pathway to health. 22 p. 
illus. S8vo. $2.00. [4202 

© Feb. 20, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 427052. 

MARTIN Safety first horse hitch co. 
Confidential terms and prices to repre- 
sentatives for the Martin safety first 
horse hitch. Sheet, illus., 11 by 8% 
inches. © Feb. 17, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 425560. 

Martin safety first horse hitch. Sheet, 
illus., printed on both sides, 17 by 84 
inches. © Feb. 17, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 425558. 

Not liable for license tax. Sheet, 84 by 
53 inches. © Feb. 17, 1916; 2c. and 
aff. Feb. 21, 1916; A 425559. 

© Kenneth Martin, St. Louis. 

Master builders c¢o.*, Cleveland. 
Master builders primer, a textbook 
on concrete fleors. 31 p. illus. S8vo. 

©Feb. 8, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426322. 

MatrruLtats (Alice) Frauen sind die 
hiiter (Heil’ ger heimath gtiter!) 
Sheet, printed on both sides, 7? by 

4 inches. [4207 

2 ey Deets th: $915 <2 “ed any 14, 
1915; aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 417849; 
Chappell & co., Itd., New York. 

Mavrer (William P.)* Los Angeles. 
Filmland favorites. Los Angeles, 
Cal., American pub. co. [1916] [78] 
p. ports. 16mo. $0.25. [4208 

(©) Deer 18, 19> s-2  e): Deca Ze 
1915; aff. Jan. 15, 1916; A 417859. 

Mayer (Alexander U.) True God, by 
A. U. M. New York, The Roycroft 
shops [1916] 15 p. 12mo. [4209 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 
1, 1916; A 427097; Mua co., New 

MayFietp (Albert Ulysses)* Denver. 
Official ritual National order of cow- 
boy rangers. 20 p. 16mo. $0.25. 

©) Jans 28). ISt6s'2 Gy Deen aT, 
1915; aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 425105. 




Mays (Clarke) Treasure chest, a 
musical extravaganza in 2 acts, by 
Clarke Mays, Grace Sherwood, Mar- 
shall Martin. Lyrics. [Providence, 
R. J., Printed by Eddy-Marsh mono- 

pt. 1, D. S., Vv. 13 

MERCHANTS TRUST and sayings bank. 

Will a trust company increase my 
estate. cover-title, [12] p. 24mo. 
(No. 6 of a series) [4219 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

type composition co., 1915]  cover- 21, 1916; A 425571: Harvey A 

title, 27 p. 8vo. [4211 | “Bibdeett St Pant =e 1 Jes 
© Dee. 6, 1915; 2 « and aff. Feb. 

8, 1916; A 418726; Grace M. Sher- | MercenrHater linotype co.*, New 

wood, Providence, R. I. York. Specimen book of type 

MELTING pot saies assn. of America. 
Hebert’s sunshine sales talks. 
[4212, 4213 

No. 3734-3738. 12-4-15 to 12-31-15. 

- Ato. © Dec. 31, £915; 2 °c -and 

ff. Feb. ey 1916; A 426309. 

No. 3739-874 1-8-16 to 1-29-16. 
4 ]. 4to. GC: Jans 292) tOtGe 2 elrand 
aff. Feb. 25, eat A 426310. 

MERRELL Messenger. 

styles, 1915. Various paging. obl. 
Svo. [4220 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c Feb. 14 
1916; 1 c Feb. 18, 1916? am Yew 
12, 1916; A 420821. 

WW. 2, a” ee 
1916. [Cincinnati, O., Printed by 
The Procter and Collier ¢o., 1916] 

; 1 cover-title, 16 p.. illus. Sve. 
© Louis A. Hebert, Chicago. 14991 
MERCANTILE AGENCY. Reference book | © Feb. 16, es c. and aff. Feb. 
(and key) containing ratings of 18, 1916; A 425501 ; Wi. 8S. Merrell 
merchants, manufacturers and trad- chemical co., Cincinnati. 
ers generally throughout the United 
States and Canada, Mar., 1916. v. | MreTrapHysicaL almanac, 1916. Los 
192. New York, R. G. Dun & co. Angeles, Cal., The Master mind pub- 
[1916] Various paging. maps. fol. lishing co. [1916] [20] p. 16mo. 
$10.00. [4214 $0.10. [4222 
© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. © Dec. 24, 1915; 2 ¢« and aff. 
23, 1916; A 418950; R. G. Dun & co., Dec. 30, 1915; A 419999; Master 
New York. | mind pub. co., Los Angeles. 
MERCANTILE REFERENCE agency's book | Mryrer-BorH co. [42234233 

of commercial ratings of corpora- 
tions, firms and individuals of the 
territory of Hawaii, — v... 5, 1915. 
Honolulu, T. H., Mercantile refer- 
ence agency, 1916. 585 p. 8vo. 

©aWuly A5, 21915 +2. «cand af. 
July 31, 1915; A 418626; Norval B. 
Young, Honolulu. 

D manufacturers’ co.* 
Springfield, Mass. Bulletin, mer- 
chants’ and manufacturers’ service. 
; [4216, 4217 


Bulletin 133, 133A—-I. 10 sheets, 11 by 
84 inches. © Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Feb. 3, 1916; A 425137. 

154, 134A-I. 10 Sheets, illus.. 11 by 9 
inches. @© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Mar. 9, 1916; A 425862. 

MERCHANTS TRADE reports co. Rating | 
book of dressmakers and _ ladies’ | 
tailors. [22d ed., Jan., 1916] 56 p. 
obl. 24mo. [4218 

©). Jan 4, tie. 2c: Jak col, 

1916; aff. Feb. 1, 1916; A 425097 : 

Joseph W. Keyes, New York. | 


& summer, 1916. 

Fashion edition, spring 
col.) .fel.16 

[16] .~p.. illus. - (park 

Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 48, 

1916; A 425517. 

© H. J. Grauman, Chicago. 
Newspaper feature cut service. Weeks 

ending Feb. %, 14, .21, 49465 73-4. 

illus. fol. Jan, 26, 1916 2a 

each and aff. Feb. 1, 1916; A 425109— 

© R. Masters, Chicago. 

Sheet L. P. 46, 47, Mar. 7, 14, 1916. 
2 vy. illus., each 19 by 25 inches. © 
Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. each and aff. Mar. 

9, 1916; A 425860, 425861. 

© Oscar Meyer, Chicago. 

Sheet no. 15. Feb. 10, 1916. -~Sheet, 
illus., 19 by 25 inches. © Feb. 12, 
1916 ; 2c. and aff. Feb. 18, 1916; A 
© H. J. Grauman, Chicago. 

Sheet no. 41, Jan. 5, 1916. Sheet, illus., 
19 by 25 inches. © Dec. 30, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 3, 1916; A 417563. 

Sheet no. 45. Feb. 24, 1916. Sheet, 
illus., 19 by 25 inches. @ Feb. 21, 
1916; 2.¢e. and aff. Feb. 25, i320, 
A 426313. 
© Oscar Meyer, Chicago. 

Sheet no. 286, Jan..18, 1916. Sheet, 
illus., 19 by 25 inches. © Dec. 30, 

1915% 2 ic. and ‘aff; Jani Sy), soi; 

A 417564. 

ee eS Sy ee See eee ie te 

’ no. 3, 1916 



Meyer-BorH co.—Continued. 

Sheet no. 288. Feb. 22, 1916. Sheet, 
© Feb. 

illus., 19 by 25 inches. 21, 
1916; 2 c¢. and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; A 

© W. C. Both, Chicago. 

Meyers (Paul M.) Methods of lo- 
eating machinery foundation tem- 
plets. Synopsis. (Jn American ma- 
chinist ) [4234 

© Feb. 24, 1916; 1 c¢. Feb. 26, 
1916: A 422693; Hill pub. co., New 

MicHELeENA (Beatriz)* San Rafael, 
Cal. Talks with screen-struck girls. 
(In San Rafael Independent) 

[4235, 4236 
© Feb. 22, 1916; 1 «. 


Series 2, no. 1. ). 

Feb. 28, 1916; A 

Series 2, no. 2. © Feb. 29, 1916; 1 c. 
Mar. 13, 1916; A 423052. 

MicHican state auto school,* Detroit. 

Michigan state auto school. cover- 
title, 94 p.__illus., fold. plate.  obl. 
16mo. [4237 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
9, 1916; A 425857. 

MicHIGAN washing machine Co. 

Harmony. Sheet, 11 by 83 inches. 
(Motor high speed sales talks. No. 31. 
29 16) @© Feb. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 25, 1916; A 426305. 

I am not afraid of tomorrow. Sheet, 11 
by 83 inches. (Motor high speed sales 
talks. No. 30. 1—26-16) @© Jan. 26, 
1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; A 

Inspiration of the clock. Sheet 11 by 82 
inches. (Motor high speed sales talks. 
No. 28. 12-29-15) © Dec. 29, 1915; 
2 c. and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; A 426306. 

World is watching me. Sheet, 11 by 83 
inches. (Motor high speed sales talks. 
No. 29. 1-12-16) Jan. 12, 1916; 
2 c. and afi. Feb. 25, 1916; A 426308. 

© J. D. A. Johnsen, Muskegon, 

[Minter (Mrs. C. R.)] Weekly fea- 
ture page. Jan. 2, 16, Feb. 6, 1916. 
owe ius. fol. [42424944 

1) Mee. 23, 1915; Jan. 7, 21, 1916; 
eee each and afi. Jan. 29, 1916; A 
425059425061; Internatl. syndicate, 

Minter (George Ernest)* Covington, 

Ky. Skel-E. (In Scribo. Mar.. 
1916) [4245 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 9, 1916; 
A 4230667. 




Mrixter (W. H. B.) Uncle Ben’s clo- 
verfield; simple nature stories for 
boys & girls. Mountain View, Cal., 
Kansas City, Mo. [etc.] Pacific press 

publishing association [1916] 2 p. 
1., 9-295 p. front.. illus. Svo. $1.00. 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
7, 1916; A 427176; Pacific press pub. 
assn., Mountain View, Cal. 

MILLER saw-trimmer co.*, Pittsburgh. 
Miller saw-trimmer and special at- 
tachments. 32 p. illus. Svo. [4247 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
21, 1916; A 417908. 

MILLIKIN national bank. Bankers’ 
certificate savings book. cover-title, 
[12] p. 16mo. [4248 

©. Ane 25) §9in- 2 ec. dare - 10: 

1916; aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 419803; 
Bankers’ certificate service of Amer- 
ica, Bloomington, Ill. 

Mirts (Anna W.)* New York. Guided 
by the spirit. cover-title, 12 p. 
16mo. $0.10. [4249 

© Feb. 10. 1916: 2 c. Feb. 14, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 23, 1916; A 426286. 
Minner (Florence)* Detroit. 

Jimmie’s impressions of Poe were in 
sand. Jan. 22, 1916; 1 ec Feb. 9, 

1916; A 422978. 
Not in the text book. © Feb. 5, 1916; 
1 ec. Feb. 9, 1916: A 422980. 

Schoolboy howlers. © Jan. 29, 1916; 1 
ce. Feb. 9, 1916; A 422979. 
{ Note: The foregoing are in Detroit 
Saturday night] 

Mi_WwAUKEE lace paper co.*, Milwaukee. 
Thousand and one ways. 31 [1] p. 
illus. 4te. [4253 

© Jan. 21, 1916: 2 c. and aff. Mar: 
16, 1916; A 425973. 

Mixer (George W.)* Westfield. Mass. 
Appendix Bookkeeping, com- 
plete course. Boston, New York 
fete.]. Ginn and company, 1915. 
cover-title, p. XXvili-xxxvy. S8vo. 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 « and aff. Jan. 
25, 1916; A 419836. 



How are you, 
(Jn Minneapolis journal) 
© Mar. 6. 1916; 1 c Mar. 10, 1916; 
A 423000; Journal ptg. co., Afinne- 

Minwax co., ine.*, New York. Floor 
treatments. 12 p. illus. 4to. (Bul- 
letin no. 3. Jan., 1916) [4256 

© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
21, 1916; A 417992. 





pt. 1, n.s., v.13 

MOLINE heat*, Moline, Ill. High class 
heating for high class buildings of 
every Size and character. 46 p. 
illus., diagrs. 4to. [4257 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
19, 1916; A 417847. 

Montciair, N. J. Directory of Mont- 
clair, Bloomfield, Caldwell [ete.] 
1916. ~ [ve SP? Newark, Nod, fhe 
Price & Lee company, 1916. 916, 
[S] p. loose fold. map. S8vo. $5.09. 


© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
14, 1916; A 420778; Price & Lee ¢o., 
New Haven. 

New York. 

(Charles Alexander) * 
False Shakespeare epi- 

taph now at Stratford-on-Avon. [4] 
p. obl. 48mo. $0.10. [4259 
ae Jan. 19, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 

22, 1916; A 419764. 
MONTPELIER, Vt. Montpelier, Vt., di- 
rectory for the year beginning Nov., 
1915. vy. 15. Springfield, Mass., H. 

A. Manning co., 1916. 1p. 1., 39-191, 
iS}. pe front. fold. map) 8vo. 
$3.00. [4260 

© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
14, 1916; A 420765; H. A. Manning 
co., Springfield, Mass. 

Moopy’s analyses of investments. pt. 
1. Steam railroads, by John Moody. 
7th annual number, 1916. New 
York, Moody’s investors service. 
London, Frede. C. Mathieson & sons 
[1916] 1p. 1, 15-1148 [i. e. 1149] p. 
maps. $15.00. [4261 

© Feb. 29, 1916; 2 c and aff. Mar. 
1, 1916; A 427078 ; Moody’s investors 
service, New York. 

Moore (Ernest Carroll) Outlines to 
accompany What is education? Bos- 
ton, New York [ete.] Ginn and com- 
pany [1915] cover-title, 24 p. 12mo. 
$0.10. [4262 

© Dec. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
25, 1916; A 419835; Ginn & co., Bos- 

MoorE (W. Clement)* New Egypt, 
N. J. $2000 a year in a business of 
your own. cover-title, 32 p. illus. 
8vo. $0.50. [4263 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 419997. 

MoreAu (Emilienne) Mes mémoires, 
1914-1915. [39 instalments] (Jn 
Petit Parisien, 5 déc., 1915-16 janv., 
1916) [4264 

© Dec. 5, 1915-Jan. 16, 1916; 1 c. 
each Mar. 20, 1916; A—Foreign 
13518; Petit Parisien, Paris. 

MoreaAn (Thomas 8S.) & son*, Wil- 
liamsport, Pa. Morgan's boys Gde- 
partment. [4265, 4266 

Morgan’s boys department, fall oe 
1915. Sheet, 74 by 42 inckes. © Dee 

2, 1915; 2 c. and aff! Gam ey 1916: 
A 425180. 

Morgan’s boys department. Spring sea- 
son, 1916. Sheet. 7 by 42 inches. 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 23, 
1916; A 426289. 

Mortarity (J. T.)* Inglewood, Cal. 
lories in Old Glory. Sheet, 7 by 33 
inches. [4267 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Feb. 

28, 1916; A 426379. 

MormMan (James B.) Elementary 
principles for the operation of an 
incubator. (Jn Scranton times) 


© Feb. 28, 1916; 1 ec. Mar. 4, 1916; 

A 422842; Eugene McGuekin ¢o., 

MornineG telegraph Sunday magazine. 
Feb. 6, 13, 20, 1916. [3 instalments] 
(In New York morning telegraph, 

sec. 2) [ 4269-4271 
© Feb. 6, 13, 20, 1916; 1 c« each 
Feb. 23, 1916; A 422591422598 ; 

Lewis pub. co., New York. 

MorepuHy (Edward Alexander)* Toot- 

ing, London, England. Astragen 
waistcoat. (In All-story weekly) 

©). Jan. 1, 1916= dite Feb. 23, 1916; 
A 4226383. 

Morse (Waldo G.) No hyphenated 
American families. Proof. (Na- 
tional editorial service, serial no. 
364) [4273 

© Jan. 4, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 425638; Natl. editorial 
service inc., New York. 

Morton salt co.*, Chicago. Salt talks 
no. 5. Curing and packing. 15 p. 
illus. S8vo. [4274 

© Jan. 31, 1916: 2 © Jamas 
1916; aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425335. 

MoTHER’s magazine. [4275, 4276 

List of titles and reply book, the 
Mother’s magazine $4,000 cash pic- 
ture-play pastime. cover-title, 64 p. 
Svo. @© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 23, 1916; A’ 426255. 

Pitcure pamphlet of the Mother’s maga- 
zine $4,000 cash picture-play ape 
cover-title, 32 p. illus. 8vo. @© Feb. 
15, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 23, 1916; 
A 426254. 

© Publishers picture quiz assn., 
inc., New York. 



no. 3, 1916 

New York, N. Y., The Motion pic- 

ture trade directory co., incorpo- 
rated [1916] 1p.1, 195 p. 8vo. 

©Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

18, 1916; A 418495; Motion picture 
trade directory co., inc., New York. 
[4278, 4279 

2, no. 4, Nov., 1915. New York, 
N. Y., The Motion picture trade di- 
ent co., ine. [1915] 108 p. S8vo. 

.50. Noyv.. 30,. 1915; 2 .c. Dee. 
me FOI: < alt. Jan. TS), oth A 

(os, mo. 4, Feb., 1916. New York, 
N. Y., The Motion picture trade di- 
rectory co., incorporated, 1916. 108 
p. Svo. $0.50. @©@ Feb. 29, 1916; 
2 c. Mar. 6, 1916; aff. Mar. 4, 1916; 
A 427169. 
© Motion picture trade directory 
¢o., ine., New York. 
Moror- way year - book, 
Georgia state highways 


[ Official 

ed., 1916] Atlanta, Ga., Armstrong 

& Gans [1916] 242 p. maps. 8vo. 

- $0.50. [4280 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

28, 1916; A 427027; Armstrong & 
Gans, Atlanta. 

Mororcooter sales co. Hot again. 

Sheet, illus., printed on both sides, 

Ji by 12 inches. fold. to obl. 24mo. 


© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

2, 1916; A 425717; Charles N. Tay- 
lor, Lond Beach, Cal. 

Mount GREENWOOD cemetery assn. 
Chicago’s most beautiful cemetery. 
D> p. folder, mounted pl. 4Smo. 

; [4282 

© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 425208; Willis N. Rudd, 

Moyian (William) Resignation. (Jn 

Our Sunday visitor) [4283 

/ Heb. 13, 1916: 1c. Feb. 18, 

1916; A 422514; Blanche Margaret 
Rowan, Dubuque, Ia. 

MUBLFELD (John E.) Pulverized fuel 

for locomotives. 10 p. illus., fold. 
diagrs. Svo. (New York railroad 
club) $9.10. [4284 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 420942; New York rail- 
road club, New York. 

MULLIKIN (S. A.) co.*, Marietta, O. 
Salesman’s key of instructions on 
how to sell the Knowledge book. 48 

p. 8vo. $0.25. [4285 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
22. 1916; A 419766. 






[MumForp (John K.)] Chinese rugs. 
Mentor reading course, monograph 
1-6. Proof. [4286 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
16, 1916; A 425970; Mentor assn., 
ine., New York. 

MUMFORD MOLDING machine co. 
Combination jol- “Squeeze machines. [4] 

p. illus. Svo. © Feb. 12, 1916: 2 e. 
and aff. Feb. 21, "1916; A 425573. 

Pattern drawing machines. [4] p. illus. 
Svo. © Feb. 12, 1916: 2 ec. and aff. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 425572. 
© Vulcan engineering sales ¢o., 


Music bulletin. [4289-4290 

v. 2, no. 5, Jan., 1916. [New York, N. Y., 

A. H. Kellogg & eco.] 1916. 15 p. 

Svo. © Jan. 27, 1916: 2 ec. and aff. 
Feb. 5d, , 1916: A 418697. 

¥. 24, Ho. 6: Heb:.. 1916 [New York, 

Printed by A. H. Kellogg & co.] 1916. 
15 p. Svo. © Mar. 2, 1916; 2 c. and- 
aff. TMiae. 9, 1916; A 427179. 

© Amer. book co., New York. 

NADELSON (Philip)* Yonkers, N. Y. 
Teeth, their relationship to health 
and success in life. [19] p. illus. 
obl. 16mo. [4291 

© Feb. 18, 1916; and aff. Feb. 
Al. ASIG;: A. 495574. 

NATIONAL CASH register co.*, Dayton. 


of National cash registers, de- 

and supplies, for the United 

; ne. 39: x. sued Mar. 1, 1916. 

16mc. © Feb. 28, 1916: eee 
. Mar: 1, 1916: A 427081. 

* national cash registers. 125, 
. (part col.) Svo. (Cata- 
Feb. 1, 1916). @©@ Feb. 23, 
and afi. Feb. 24, 1916; 

Price list 

A 426351. 
NATIONAL CLOAK & suit co.*, New 
York. [4294, 4295 

Blue book of bargains. no. 56. 23 p. 

illus. fol. ({National pee saving 
style beok. v. 20, no. 2, Jan., 1916]) 
© Jan; 285 ASG; 2. "e, and aff. Feb. 

, 1916s A 425112. 

National money-saving style book, spring 
& summer, 1916. cover-title, 521 p. 
illus. (part col.) fol. ([{National 
money saving style book, v. 20, no. 1, 
Jan., 19161) © Jan. 29, 1916: 2 es 
and aff. Feb. 1,1916;A 425103. 

Vostro sicuro collettore. cover-title, 
[80] p. fol. $15.00. [4296 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
5, 1916; A 425338: Adolph Strie- 
peke, Scranton, Pa. 



pt..1, B.S, v.43 

NATIONAL fire proofing co.*, Pitts- 
burgh. [4297-4300 

Instructions for erecting the Natco im- 
perishable silo. illus., diagrs. 
Svo. © Jan. 26, 1916." 2 ¢ and. af. 
Feb. 1, 1916; A 425107. 

Natco chicken house. Design no. 11. 
Sheet, printed on both sides, plans, 
40 by 10 inches. © Jan. 10, 1916; 
2 e. and aff. Feb. 1, 1916; A 425106. 

Natco dairy barn for 20 cows. Sheet, 
printed on both sides, illus., diagrs. 
474 by 20 inches, fold to obl. 24mo. 

(Design no, 4.)) -@— Rebs 7205 aode. 
2c. Feb. 24, 1916; aff. Feb. 25, 1916; 
A 426317. 

- Natco hog house. Design no. 10. 
Sheet, printed on both sides, plans, 
48 by 10 inches. © Jan. 31, 1916; 
2 ec: Heb. os - LOlGise ath. heb: 5, 1916; 

A 419998. 
NATIONAL gas engine assn. N. 
A. data sheets. livid, 2.55, 6] V2.4. 
12mo. [4801 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 ce. Mar. 1, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 29, 1916; A 425707; Harry 
R. Brate, Lakemont, N. Y. 


NATIONAL HIGHWAYS assn.*, Washing- 
ton. [4802-43805 
Bill for Congress to create a national 

highways commission proposed by the 
National highways association. What 

course shall the nation follow? 6th 
ed.) 24) p. illus.) 4te: (National 
highways assn.) @ Feb. 22, 1916; 

2c. and aff. Feb. 28, 1916; A "427068. 
Facts: in the history of road-building. 

ial maps. 4to. (National 
highways assn.) @ Feb. 4, 1916; 2 
e. Feb. 21, 1916; aff. Feb. 19, 1916; 
A 418937. 

Fifty thousand miles of national high- 

ways, four fold system. : 
maps Ato. (National highways 
assn.) @ Feb. 10, 1916; 2 e. Feb. 
ZA, OLG). 7 Ait. Reb. <9: AGT. 3 A. 

Interview; by a journalist for the Cen- 
tury magazine. [Boston, Mass., 
Printed by the Everett press, inc., 
191G] 38) Ip.) ius. —Svo:.0 (National 
highways assn.) © Mar. 2, 1916; 
Ye Mar, 4, 19163 al. Mar: 3,.1916: 
A 427132. 

Omaha, Neb. Instructions to repre- 
sentatives. 11 numb. 1. 4to. [Text 
parallel to binding] [4306 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 426253. 

NATIONAL JEWELERS board of trade*, 
New York. Confidential reference 
book of the jewelry trade in the 
United States and Canada, Mar., 
1916. 10, Ixxxii, 985, a-h p. 4to. 


© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Mar. 
3, 1916; A 427111. 

NATIONAL MOTOR vehicle co.*, Indian- 
apolis. National highway twelve. 23, 
[1] p.. illus... (part cole ssa 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 425508. 

NATIONAL MUSICIANS’ directory co. 
Northern California musicians’ direc- 

tory. Seasons 1916, 1917. cover- 
title, xvi, 80 p. illus... ports. onl 
24mo. [4309 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 426296; S. Wendell Sil- 
ver, San Francisco. 

NATIONAL RURAL credit corporation, 
Washington. Co-operative and com- 
munity interest endeavors of Charles 
Frederick Bishop. 1 p. 1., 22 numb. 
1. Ato. [4310 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425588; Charles Fred- 
erick Bishop, Washington. 

NeEeEs (John J.)* St. Louis. J. N. col- 
umn system bookkeeping. Sheet, 13 
by 12 inches. $0.75. [4311 

© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 c Jan. 6, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 417861. 

[NEw AMERICAN hotel.] Worth while 
sayings from master minds. [4] p. 
eol. illus. 82mo. [4312 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417976; Miller & Miller 
co., Chicago. 

NEW ENGLAND SCHOOL for stammerers. 
Prospectus of the New England 
school for stammerers. Boylan meth- 
od. 1p. 1S py A 2a [4313 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426815; George T. Boy- 
lan, Hartford, Conn. 

co.*, Boston. Fitchburg-Worcester 
district, telephone directory, winter 
issue, 1915-1916. cover-title, 128 p. 
4to. [4314 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 c and aif. Jan. 
19, 1916; A 417851. 

NEw HAVEN dairy. Portfolio of adver- 
tisements for 1916 campaign. cover- 
title, 120 1. numb. illus. fol. [4315 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
3, 1916; A 417551; Simpson, Sho- 
walter & Barker, ine., Pittsburgh. 

NEw METHOD school of journalism. 
Lesson no. 1-6. 6 loose 1. 8vo. 
$20.00. {4316 

© Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 417746; William How- 
ard Ketler, Camden, N. J. 



no. 3, 1916 


New YorK AMERICAN financial annual 
and investors guide, 1915-1916. [New 
York, printed by McConnell printing 
co., 1916] Zp wilus. fol: .[Re- 
printed from New York American, 
Friday, Jan. 7, 1916] [4317 

Meee oo: 2 ec. and aif, 
Feb. 28, 1916; A 427057; Star co., 
New York. 

NEw YORK EVENING post co.*, New 
York. [4318-4323 

Advertising record of evening papers for 

Jan., 1916, 1915. Sheet, 11 by 163 
inches. (Bulletin, v. 3, no. 2.) @©@ Feb. 
a 2916; 1 c. and aff. Feb. 10, 1916; 
1c. Feb. 28, 1916; A 426283. 
—— Feb. 1916-1915. Sheet, 113 by 
17 inches. (Bulletin, v. 3, no. 6) 
Marini olG 2 ¢. and aft: Mar. 9, 

1916; A 425865. 

Advertising record of morning papers for 
Jan., 1916, 1915. Sheet, TEIE™ sjony 3059 
mienes. (Bulletin, v. 3, no. 3.) © 
Feb. 5, 1916; 1 c. and aff. Keb. 10, 
1916; 1c. Feb. 23, 1916; A 426284. 

—— Feb., 1916-1915. Sheet, 114 by 
154 inches. (Bulletin, v. 3, no 5) 
© Mar. 7, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Mar. 9, 

(1916; A 425864. 

Advertising record of Sunday papers for 

Jan., 1916, 1915. Sheet, 11 by 17 
imenes. (Bulletin, v. 3, no. 1.) © 
Feb. 5, 1916; 1 c. and aff. Feb. 10, 

1916; 1 ce. Feb. 238, 1916; A 426282. 

—— Feb., 1916-1915. Sheet, 11 by 174 
inches. (Bulletin, v.3,no.4) © Mar. 
a, 19196: 2 c and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; 
A 425866. 

New YORK HERALD. Contributions to. 


German attack on Verdun effort to 
drive France to her knees. © Feb. 27, 
1916; 1 ce. Feb. 28, 1916; A 422728. 

Germans attempt to repeat at Verdun 
tactics used at Warsaw. @© Mar. 5, 
1916; 1 ec. Mar. 6, 1916; A 422876. 

Mauretania to resume passenger service. 
Key to chart. © Feb. 27, 1916; 1. 
Feb. 28, 1916; A 422727. 

Russians move on Tigris Valley for final 
struggle. © Feb. 30, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 422578. 

Three big Pe eeenanins arrive here tomor- 
row. Key to chart. © Feb. 20, 1916; 
1 ¢. Feb. 21, 1916; A 422579. 

“Vaux and Corbeaux woods demand week 

of German effort at Verdun. © Mar. 
fe prowGs T. e..; Mar. 13, “1916; 
A 423044. 

West Indies traffic passes the transat- 
lantic. Key to chart. © Mar. 12, 
1916; 1 c. Mar. 18, 1916; A 423048. 

41 steamships on the Herala chart this 
week. Key to chart. © Mar. 5, 1916; 
1c. Mar. 6, 1916; A 422875. 

NEw YORK TELEPHONE co.*, New York. 
Substation plans and circuits. cover- 
title, 146 p. diagrs. 32mo. (En- 
gineering bulletin 185. Jan. 1916.) 


© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

26, 1916; A 425120. 

New York. 
tercentenary. 1616— 
1916. Mar. 5, 1916. (Jn New York 
times ) [4333 

© Mar. 5, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 6, 1916; 
A 422878. 

NEWARK shoe stores co. [4334, 4335 
Successful management. cover-title, 41, 
fiat pe: Svo;7. @dan. 3/1906 ::2°¢) and 
aff. Feb. 12, 1916; A 426347. 
© Morton Samuels & co., 


205 stores in 97 cities, worn by over 3 
million men. (/n Baltimore news 
Mar? 32 °1916 1 eG (Mari i4, 19le ss 
© Newark shoe stores co., Balti- 




NEWKIRK (Garret)* Pasadena, Cal. 
Msop’s retold. [Dee. 3,1915] Proof. 
illus. [4336 

© Dec. 3, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
11, 1916; A 425528. 

NEWMAN (Charles)* Elizabeth, N. J. 
Power of the will. Elizabeth, N. J., 
The Efficiency publishing co., 1916. 
Card, 5 by 7 inches. [4337 

© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417975. 

NEWSPAPER feature service, inc.*, New 
York. [Each ExOor, illus. ] 

Simpson, the village queen. 
Gosh! Con, this actor biz is a hun- 
S<ryebiz. 1 .@) Dec: oie Oa5 2 2 ierean, 
13, 1916; aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 417862. 

a weil? we're in a fine fix, aren’t we? 
@ Jans 15, 191652 ‘e} andvaft> Jan 25, 
1916; A 419814. 

Daily magazine page for everybody. 
Clara Morris says that the retrospect 
of the holidays shows need of sincerity. 
@. Decs 31, 1915 = 2).c. Jani. 13,1916: 
aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 417868. 

One-sided dance frock. © Jan. 15, 
1916; 2 ¢ and aff: Jan: 25, 1916; A 

Revelations of a wife. Final prep- 
ations for sic s. mother. © Dec. 
1. ROUGH Se yen, Uo. TOlGis abe Jam, 
20, 1916; i 417869. 


—— How the day was saved. 
Dee si. 1915" 2.¢) Jancis 1916 aft. 
Jan. 20, 1916; A 417866. 

Mrs. Graham senior’s way with 
maids. © Jan. 15, 1916; 2 e. and aff. 
Jan. 25, 1916; A 419821. 

Why Madge decided to keep 
Katie. 4.@) Dee; 3121915. 2c Jan: 13, 
1916; aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 417871. 

——— Why the first dinner was a 
failure. © Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 25, 1916; iA 419818. 

Winifred Black writes about cages 
and freedom. © Jan. 15, 1916; 2 e. 
and aff. Jan. 25, 1916; A 419822. 

Just a newspaper story.. © 
Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c«. and = Jan, 25, 
1916; A 419820. 





NEWSPAPER feature service, inc.*—Con. 
Small families or large? © 

Jan». 45,1916 -2-¢e. and -aff...Jano 25, 
1916; A 419823. 

The bossy woman. 
1915: 2 ¢, Jan. 18 
1916; A 417867. 

—— The wire and the mother-in- 
fw HO) Dec Siar s + 2 te Dany ae. 
1916; aff. Jan..20, 1916; A 417870. 

Johnny Boston Beans. This boy appears 
to be in fearful distress. © Jan. 15, 
£916: 2 ec. and ate Jan. 25-1086 A 

Polly and her pals. 

© Dee. 31, 
7 AONG: Aik Jan. 20; 

Increasing popular- 

ity of black undergarments. © Jan. 
Ly eLOLGse2 ye and ai.dians25ao1G = 
A 419817. 

Whaddye mean, I give you them 
‘earrings fer Christmas? @© Dec. 31, 
TOUS) 2 Chan ds, TONG = att deamie 20: 

1916; A 417864. 

Putting it over on pa. It looks like 
fathers feet! (@ DecijcoL. 1915 3421: 
Jan. is, 1996 an. Jan: 20, I19*t6>" A 
_ 417865. 

That son-in-law of pa’s. Gee, but I wish 
~ we could get anold of enough coin t’ 
wire ma. @© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c. Jan. 
13, 1916; aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 417863. 

I am surprised, Pa, that you have 
so little personal pride. © Jan. 15, 
1916.;. 2. ec). and-aff. Jan. 25, 1916-5 A, 

NICKERSON (Converse E.)* Los An- 
geles. Nickerson system of teaching 
piano chimes. cover-title, [4]  p. 
ebl. 32mo. $90.50. [4358 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

"86; 19496: A: 426521: 

Nimo (David 
Seotch marching 
' by 4 inches. 
© Mar. 3, 1916; 2 c. 
9, 1916; A 4258638. 

Chalmers)* Detroit. 
song. Sheet, 104 

and aff. Mar. 

[NoRMLOIL company of New York] 
Negative liquids; or, Electro-mag- 
netic absorption for purification, 
activation and stability. 6 p. folder. 
nar. 8vo. $1.00. [4360 

@o dan. 26> 1916: 2 .¢: aw, 
1916; aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425334; 

Jacob E. Bloom, Brooklyn. 

NortH (Grace May) Bylow bears’ 
- own book, by Grace May North, illus. 
by Eva Dean. New York, R. F. 

Fenno & company [1916] 2 p. lL, 
7-187 p. col. front., col. illus. 12mo. 
(Bed time rhymes) $0.75. [4361 

© Feb. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
10, 1916; A 428048; R. F. Fenno & 
_¢co., New York. 

NortH AMERICAN accident insurance 
co. [ 4862, 4363 
Rate card Ot the “Ny “A; AL ‘2 pro- 

tective department. [4] -p. 12mo. 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 «¢. 
31, 1916; ‘A 419913. 

and aff. Jan. 


59 reasons why I should join the N. A. 
A. I. C. Card, printed on both oo 
83 by 4 inches. © Jan. 6, 1916; 2¢ 
and aff. Jan. 10, 1916; A’ 417663. 

© W. G. Critchlow, Covington, Ky. 

accident insurance 


Bay City, Mich. Aladdin homes 
built in a day. 1 p.d TdT po) aes 
(part col.) plans. 8vo. (Catalog 

no. 28, 1916) 
© Jan. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 425086. 
NORTHERN life insurance Go. 

Classification of life and accident =e 

health risks. 23 p. 24mo. @ Dec 
24,.1915; 2 c and aii Siaa 1916: 
A 417553. 

[Rate book of the] Northern life in- 
surance company. 179 p. 24mo. @ 
Dec: -24, 1915 ; 2 4c... andlal. Jamel isae 
£916 2 A 4275523 

- Term, 5 year dividend option, with acci- 
dent and health. Continuous liability 
benefit. 4. .p... fol) >@: Dee. 23, 4915" 
2c. Jan. 17, 1916; aff Gan. 2eeoiee 
A 425102. 

© Tasso M. Morgan, Seattle. 

NortTHRUP, King & co.*, Minneapolis. 
Northrup, King €& co.’s_ sterling 
seeds, 1916. 32d annual catalogue. 
cover-title, 168 p. illus. 4to. [4368 

© Jan. 7, 1916; °2 6 Meee 
1916; aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 425881. 

Noyes (Alexander Dana) [4869, 4370 

Relations of the great financial states 
after the war. 19, [1] p. 24mo. @ 
Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff dae, 22, 
1916; A 419738. 

War and currency inflation. 23 c 
24mo. © Feb. 17, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Feb. 23, 1916; A "426266. 
© Charles Scribner’s sons, New 


O’Brien (D. P.) Way of the cross; 
its origin, nature, and object. Chi- 
cago, D. B. Hansen and sons [1915] 
44p. illus. 24mo. $0.10. [4371 

© Dec. 6, 1915; 2 e Jan. 22, 1916; 
aff. Dec. 29, 1915: A 419809; D. B. 
Hansen & sons, Chicago. 

O’Connor (Eugene J.) jr.*, Boston. 
U. S. Baseball diamond problem and 
national game world champion regis- 
ter. [5] p. S8vo. $2.50. [4372 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Mar. 2 ,1916; A 425723. 

O'Connor (Thomas Power) 
France resolved even as England to war 

to the end. ©. Feb. 27, 19iG3 is}. 
Mar. 1, 1916; A 422797. 


pt.1,n.s., v.18 @ 


ae eae | ae ae Te. So re ee ee 


no, 3, 1916 4402 
O'Connor (Thomas Power)—Contd. O’KEEFE (Patrick F.) Bigger, better 
French ge a Paeeeenty ae business. (Jn Chicago herald) — 
of victory. Mar. 5, Gis 1. e;..Mar. 6—4 

eee Co-operation between eee ee 
Time fights with the Allies is now belief T aiierensait, el HED: 17, 1916: 1c. Feb, 

of England. © Feb. 20, 
Feb. 23, 1916; A 422635. 
{ Note: "The foregoing are in Wilming- 
ton Delmarvia star] 

© Central news of America, New 

S164 1) ¢:, 

OFFICIAL AUTOMOBILE blue book, 1916. 
16th year. v. 6. The Southeastern 
states. Chicago, Ill., New York city, 
The Automobile blue book publish- 

ing company, 1916. 866 p._ front., 
maps (part fold.) S8vo. $2.50. 

© Mar. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
7, 1916; A 427171; Automobile blue 
book pub. co., New York. 

OFFICIAL INDEX to state legislation. 

wr 22s. 8, 2] sanuary 22, 29, 1916 
New York, Law reporting 
PoIG.: 2: yv.. Ato. $10.00 
wenn 2%. 191G> @ Jan. 31, 1916; 
each Feb. 5, 1916; aff. Feb. 15, 1916: 
A 418705, 418706. 

y. 2, no. 3, February 5, 1916. New York, 
Law reporting company, 1916. 
ous paging. 4to. @© Feb. 7, 1916; 
2 c. Feb. 8, 1916; aff. Feb. 10, 1916 ; 
A 418785. 

woe no. 4,° Hebruary 12, 
York, Law reporting company, 1916. 
Various paging. 4to. © Feb. 15 
#91G,; 2 c. Feb. 16, 1916; aff.. Mar. 6, 
1916; A 428014. 


1916. New 

y. 2, no. 5, February 19, 1916. New 
York, Law reporting company, 1916. 
Various paging. 4to. © Feb. 21, 

fee. ce rep. 23, 1916; aff. Mar. 3, 
1916; A 427154. 

Woo nO: G, February 26, 1916. 
York, Law reporting company, ; 
Various paging. 4to. © Feb. 28, 

1916; 2 c. Mar. 1, 1916; aff. Mar. 15, 
1916; A 428118. 
y. 2, no. 7, March 4, 1916. New York, 

Law reporting company, 1916. Vari. 
ous paging. 4to. © Mar. 6, 1916; 

ec. Mar. 9, 1916; aff. Mar. 10, 1916; z 
m2.) ne. SG, Mar. 11, 1916. New York; 

Law reporting company, 1916. Vari- 
ous paging. 4to. © Mar. 13, 1916; 
2 ¢e. Mar. 14, 1916; aff. Mar. 18, 1916; 
A 427312. 

© Law reporting co., New York. 
OHIO cumulative digest, issue of Feb., 
1916. [19th issue] Ed. by Clement 
Bates, assisted by Hugh H. Bates. 
Cincinnati, O., The Ohio. law re- 
porter company [1916]. 571 p. 4to. 
$5.00. [4385 

©Mar. 2 2, 1916; 2c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 428607; Ohio law reporter 
co., Cincinnati. 


OKLAHOMA world. 

- | Oxcotr (Frances Jenkins) 


- Laurels. 

18, 1916; A 422523. 

Export field. © Feb. 15, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 422472 

Home market. © Feb. L4y LOGS 1 oe, 
Feb. 15, 1916; A 422468. 
Parcel post possibilities for the little 

fellow. @ Feb. 18, 1916; 1 c. Feb. iy) 
1916; A 422543. 

Publicity for business, big and little. 
© Feb. 19, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 21, 1916: 
A 422570. 

Taking the profit out of piracy. © Feb. 
16; SPOTG sid ic. Keb. tactoae eA. 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

100 photo-tones. of 
the world’s foremost motion picture 
Stars. (Jn Oklahoma world) [4892 

© Feb. 24, 1916; 1 @ Mar. i. 
1916; A 422799; Ernest FF. Gardner, 
Kansas City, Mo. 

* Brooklyn. 
(In New York 
nagazine) % 

[43938, 4894 
£2,,19165 2 ¢. 

Once more told tales. 
evening post Saturday 

Fairy swan song. © Feb. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 422561. 

Some flatboat adventures from the life of 
Lincoln. @© Feb. 5, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 21, 
1916; A 422560. 

What well dressed 

women are wearing. (Jw New York 
Evening mail) [4395-4397 
ih, LOVGS 1 le. Keb: 

eb. 7, 1916. © Feb. 
8, 1916; A 422669. 

Feb. 8, 1916. © Feb. 8, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 422673. 

Feb. 9, 1916. © Feb. 9, 
it, 1946 = As 422678. 
© Evening mail syndicate, 

New York. 

1916; 1 c. Feb. 


Omaha directory co.’s 
city directory of Greater Omaha, 

1916. [v. 42] Omaha, Neb., Omaha 
directory co., 1916. 1487 p.. S8vo. 
$10.00. [4398 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 13, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 11, 1916; A 427233: Omaha 
directory co.. Omaha, Neb. 

O’NeEtxnL (Felix J.)* Stafford Springs, 

Conn. 4399-4402 

College girl and college boy. @© Mar. 2, 
1916; 1c. Mar. 8, 4916: A 422898, 
Editor and the poet. © Teb. 10, 1916 ; 
1c. Feb. 23, 1916; A 422628. 

© Feb. 17, 1916; 1 «. Feb. 23, 
1916; A 422629. 

Rich man and the poet. © Feb. 24, 1916; 
1c. Mar. 8, 1916; A 422892. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Catholic 


pi.rns., v.18 

[Ontons (Berta Ruck)] Girls at his 
billet, by Berta Ruck. [2  instal- 
ments] (Jn London Illustrated Sun- 
day herald) [ aah 
Hebe 660) 3s aT 9t6.9O@r eves each, Mar: 
1916: A ad in. 2591; pubd. eb: 6, 13 
Web. 7, (Mar. 51916. Oi De Mar, 25. 
1916; A ad in. 2608; pubd. Feb. ie 
Mar. 5, 1916. 

Mrs. George Oliver, London. 

ORVILLE (Florence) Bunnies of 
Bunnyboro, by Florence Orviile, 
photographs from life, by Harry 
Whittier Frees. New York, P. P. 
Simmons co., ine. [1916] 212 p. incl. 
front., illus. 12mo. =) 60. [4405 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 6, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 4, 1916; R 427168; Par ker 
P. Simmons co., ine., New York. 

Oscoop co.,* Chicago. 
Sive display service. 
ed.] 7, [1] p. 

{[Spring, 1916 
illus. fol. folded to 4to. 

[4406 | 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425582. 

OvuTING kumfy-kab co.*, La _ Porte, 
Ind. Outing kumfy-kab. 85 p. illus. 
8vo. (Cover-title: Outing kumfy- 
kab makes the babies happy) 


© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

24, 1916; A 417963. 

OwrEN (Lincoln)* Boston. Rice drill 
eard in arithmetic. [4408-4409 
Decimals no. 71, 72 [and] Answers. 2 

cards, 4 by 6 and 43 by 6 arenes 
$0.02 per card. © Feb. 26, 1916 

Feb. 11, 1916. ‘afi; Keb. 28, i016: 
A 425950. 

Fractions no. 81, 82 [and] Answers. 2 
cards, 4 by 6, 43 
per ecard. © Feb. 9, Pe Feb. 
11, 1916; aff. Feb. 28, sage A 495951. 

Owen (R. M.) & co. A B C of the 

Owen magnetic. [6] p. illus., diagrs. 

nar. S8vo. [4410 
© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

26, 1916; A 419857; E. S. Partridge, 

New York. 

[Pace ageney for placements, ine.] 
Placement service in business. 7 p. 
port. S8vo. [4411 

©itan: 20; A916 >°2 sex Jane 22; 
1916; aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 417966; 
Pace & Pace, New York. 

Pace & Pacre*, New York. [4412, 44138 
Vocational counseling. 11 p. 8vo. © 
Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 24, 
1916; A 420890. 

What does business demand? 10 P. 

port. 8vo. Jan. 26, 1916; 2 
Jan. 22-1916} am. Jan. 24, 1916; A 

Osgood exclu- | 

PACIFIC MERCANTILE agency co.*, San 
Francisco. Book of ratings. v. 18, 
Jan:,;- 1916. °2 pos (902 ae eee 
$15.00. [4414 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 e Feb. 1, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 420638. 

PACIFIC TELEPHONE & telegraph co.*, 
Los Angeles. Los Angeles and Los 
Angeles County telephone directory, 

Jan. 15,1916. xvi, 176, 92;°G5ea8 
4to. [4415 
© Mar. 2, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

14, 1916; A 425957. 
[Pace (Brett) ] [4416-4420 
Butler’s glass. Card, 8 by 64 inches. 
© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 31, 

1916; A 425201. | 

His favorite bin. Card, 8 by 6% 
@ Jan. 27, 19165 272 
1916; A 425202. 

Where the widow lives. Card, 8 by 6% 
inches. © Jan. 27, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 425203. 

Who is it. Card, 8 by 63 inches. © Jan. 
27, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 31, 1916; 
A 425205. 

Widow at home. Card, 8 by 6% inches. 
Jan. 27, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jans oe 
1916; A 425204. 

© Morris & Bendien, New York. 

PAINTERS’ and decorators’ bi-monthly 
world, Jan.—Feb., 1916. Chicago, IIl., 
Thybony & Bengtson, 1916. cover- 
title, 48 p. illus. [4421 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 419773; Thybony & 
Bengtson, Chicago. 

and aff. Jan. 31, 

[Pancoast (C. W.)] School day mem- 
ories. New York, Dodge publishing 
company [1916] [16] p. col. illus. 
12mo. $0.50. [4422 

© Jan. 10, 1916;.2 ¢ and? am 
Feb. 12, 1916; A 425468; Dodge pub. 
co., New York. 

PAPER mil! and wood pulp news. vy. 39, 
no. 8, Feb. 19, 1916. [Convention 
number] 240 [i. e. 217] p. illus., 
ports. fol. [4423 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 418952; Lyman D. Post, 
New York. 


[Bulletin] [4424-4426 

No. P54. Jan. 15, 1916. 8 Io alos 
fol. @ Jan. 15, 1916; 3 ‘c. “and am: 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 419782. 

No. P55. Jan. 25, 1916.- - pe ae 
165.° illus. fol. @ Jan. 25,:a5aG 
2 ec. and aff. Jan. 29, 19163 4 "425055. 

No. P59. Mar. 5, 1916. numb. 1. 190- 
197. illus. fol. @ Mar. 5, 1916; 2 
c. and aff. Mar. 16, 1916; A 425977. 

art service*, 



no, 3, 1916 

ParK (John William)* Roxbury, Bos- 
ton, Mass. For England. (In 
Cambridge daily standard) [4427 

© Feb. 18, 1916; 1 c Feb. 24, 
1916; A 422657. 

Parsons (H. D. G.) Keizer’s cam- 

paign. 12 p. 16mo. $0.10. [4428 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Feb. 

4, 1916; A 425206; Elizabeth Par- 
sons, Cleveland. 

Parsons (Louella O.) [4429, 4430 

Magic charm of personality, 
of movie stardom. © Feb. 27, 
hc, pep. 28, 1916; A 422767. 

Movies no place for spoiled little rich 
girl, she is barred. @© Feb. 13, 1916; 
1 ec. Feb. 14, 1916; A 422461. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

PATENTEES’ bureau*, New York. Dis- 
elosure of inventions. 2 loose 1. 
Ato. [4431 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
11, 1916; A 425924. 

PATTEN (Simon WN.) England's 
mobilization of American securities. 
no. 385. serial. Proof. (National 
editorial service. ) [4432 

oan 2s, 1916: 2 ec. and aff. 
Jan. 31, 1916; A 419909; National 
editorial service, ine., New York. 

[PAWLETT (Louis M.)] Which, rev- 
olution or evolution, by Lumalett 
[pseud] Bridgeport, Conn., Luma- 
lett co-operative service, 1916. 30 
p. 24mo. $0.50. [4433 

(© .Mar. 15, 1916; 2 ¢c«. and aff. 
Mar. 16, 1916; A 425960; Lumalett 

the secret 

co-operative service, Bridgeport, 

Pearce (Percival) jr.*, Waukegan, 
Il. How to give a chalk talk. 
Waukegan, Ill, Century press 
[1915] [16] p. illus. 8vo. $0.30. 


© Jan. 30, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 
2t, 1915; A. 417872. 

Peck (Sedley Clarendale)* San 
Mateo, Cal. Some verse and a 
story. [20] p. illus. 12mo. 


See Pee, 25. 1915; 2 c...Jan. 11, 
1916; aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 425087. 

PENN-JERSEY automobile red _ book, 
eae ov. 10. ##=jPhiladelphia,  W. 
Nuneviller co., 1916. 124 p. maps 
(1 loose) S8vo. $1.00. [4436 

gan 22. 1916; 2 ¢.Jan. 26, 
1916; aff. Feb. 2, 1916; A 420632; 
W. Nuneviller co., Philadelphia. 


delphia. [4437, 4438 
Tests of a class K4s locomotive. 107 
p. illus., diagrs. S8vo. (Bulletin no. 
29) "© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 

Jan. 27, 1916; A 418629. 

Train resistance and tonnage rating. 
65 p. illus., diagrs. S8vo. (Bulletin 
ne. 26)- © ‘Jan. ate 1916; 2 
Si, atic 27," 916: "A 418622. 

PENTE (Will)* Chicago. Giants of 
"illiputania ; an animated fairy tale. 
2p.1, 11 p. 8vo.» $0.50. [4439 

fe) Web-2i; 191627 2-e rep as, 
1916; aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 425877. 

PEPPER (Charles M.) [4440-4441 

British trade policy after the war. Proof 
(International editorial service, serial 
no. 363) @© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. and 
aff. Feb. 26, 1916; A 425637. 

Foreign trade policies. Proof, (Na- 
tional editorial service, serial, no. 370) 
© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff, Feb. 26, 
1916; A 425643. 

© Natl. editorial service, inc., New 

c. and 

PERKINS (Elmer E.)* Chicago. Talk 
on drying. cover-title, 24 p. illus., 
diagrs. S8vo. [4442 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 
93, 1916; A 426272. 

PERSONAL efficiency, v. 6, no. 2, Feb. 
ISG: S32... Ghhsc Sve: [4443 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 425136; La Salle exten- 
sion university, Chicago. 

c. and aff. Feb. 

[PETERSEN (William)] Talk by the 
dean. [4444-4445 
International law. Chicago, American 

correspondence school of law [1916] 
12 p. 8vo. © Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Feb. 16, 1916; A 425460. 

Your law training. Chicago, American 
aoe eee a ‘school of law [1916] 
1 8vo. @© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 ¢«. and 

aff. Peb. 16, 1916; A 425461. 

© American correspondence school 

of law, Chicago. 

PETERSON (George H.) ine.*, Fair 
Lawn, N. J. Little book about roses. 
1916. cover-title, 40 p. illus. S8vo. 


© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan: 

26, 1916; A 419849. 

PETTINGILL (Alice)* St. Louis. Miss 
Peittingill’s music methods for be- 

ginners, illus. with the Batchellor 
color materials. St. Louis, 1914. 78 
p. obl. 8vo. [4447 

© Noy. 3, 1914; 2 ¢. Jan. 27; 1916; 
aff. Feb. 28, 1916; A 427054. 



pt.1,n.s., v.13 

PHEtps (P. E.)* Rockford, Ia. Sub- 
mission. [3] p. port. 16mo. [4448 

© Dee. 6, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 11, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 419741. 

PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Professional di- 
rectory of physicians and druggists, 
dentists and nurses of Philadelphia, 
Camden and Atlantie city and near- 
by towns, 1916-1917. [5th ed.] 
Phiiadelphia, Edward Trust, 1916. 
dipole 29s ps 2mek $2.00: [4449 

© Feb. 14, 1916; 2 «and aif: 
Feb. 18, 1916; A 420823; Edward 
Trust, Philadelphia. 

PHitities (EK. O.) No candidate to 
have enough G. O. P. backers. (In 
Chicago Sunday tribune) [4450 

© Mar. 5, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 6, 1916; 
A 422869; Tribune co., Chicago. 

PuHinities (Libbie Sprague) Mystery 
of Castle Lennox. Chap. 7-13. (In 

Illustrated companion, Mar., 1916) 
© Mar. 4, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 8, 1916; 

A 422895; F. B. Warner co., New 

PHOENIX, Ariz. Phoenix city and 
Salt River Valley directory, 1916. 
Phoenix, Ariz., Arizona directory 
company, 1916. 551 p. S8vo. $6.00. 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 @ and aff. Feb. 
11, 1916; A sais Arizona direc- 
tory co., Phoenix, Ariz. 

[PHOTOPLAY promotion syndicate] 
Shower of gold for motion picture 
fans. $10.000.00 in gold free! [4] 
p. 12mo. [4458 

© Feb. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 425181; C. Karl Lysinger, 
Greensburg, Pa. 

PHYSICIANS’ and dentists’ guide. 

no: E.: ody; 1906: 

‘eae be 
Plan of oper- 

ation. New Orleans, La., Co-opera- 
tive service association [1916] 
cover-title, 4 1. 8vo. [4454 

© Mar. 13, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
16, 1916; A 425981; Chas. A. Brad- 
ley, New Orleans. 

PICTURE advertisers*, Oregon City, 
Oregon. Picture tells the _ story. 

(Jn Oregon City courier ) [4455 
© Jan. 20, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 7, 1916; 
A 422885. 

Pirerce-ARrow motor car co.*, Buffalo. 
Introducing the Pierce-Arrow series 
four. Lo pinch. front:, Wlus:" “Svo. 

© Dec. 31, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
1, 1916; A 425108. 

PIKE LAKE LopcE*, Fifield, Wis. Pike 

Lake Lodge, formerly Feelys resort, 

Fifield, Wis. [14] p. 
illus. 16mo. [4457 

© Mar. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
a a ea BS a 427230. 

[Prospectus ] 

PIKES PEAK, Grand Canyon and Yel- 
lowstone log book, 1916. [7th an- 

1ual ed.]  cover-title, 119, [1] p. 
illus., fold. maps. 12mo. $1.50. 

} Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 5, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 18, 1916; ‘A 425505 ; wep, B. 
Gay, Provo, Utah. 

PIONEER Co-operative bank. Growth of 
money [by] Pioneer, Homestead, 
Guardian, the Three co-operative 
banks. cover-title, [12] p.  illus., 
port. 16mo. [4459 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 425210; William Daniel 
Eidredge, Boston. 

PITTSBURGH, Pa. Classified building 
trades directory of Pittsburgh, Pa., 
and vicinity. 3 p.. fol. |Wext par- 
allel with binding] [4460 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 « and aff. Feb. 
3, 1916; A 425130; Richard M. Roess- 
ner, New York: 
PLUME (Edward C.) co.*, Chicago. 
[4461, 4462 

Founders of American liberty. 53 p. 
ports. 8vo. © Jan. 6, 1916; 2 ¢. Jan 
10, 1916; aff. Jan. 19, 1916; ‘A ATT 874. 

Plume-izing publicity service for _ pro- 
gressive “jewelers. 52 p. illus. 382mo. 
© Jan: 3, 1916; 2 c. Jang'G S20tg. 
aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 417873. 

Policies, a magazine of levity and 
brevity, Mar., 1916. New York, L 
Tannebaum son & co. [1916] cover- 
title, [8] p. 24mo. [4463 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 ¢. Mar. 3, 1916; 
aff; Mar. 138, 1916; A 42595335 2 
Tannebaum son & co., New York. 

PoLtk’s vest pocket street directory and 
ear line guide of Baltimore. Balti- 
more, Md., R. L. Polk & co., 1916. 1 
p.’ l., 175 p. illus. 26me.) $025) 


© Feb. 23, 1916; 2c. and aff. Feb. 

25, 1916; A 426299; R. L. Polk & @o. 
of Baltimore, inc., Baltimore. 

(Michael)* New York. Cost 
reducing home supply corporation. 
[4] p. Svo. [4465 

© Dee. 20, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
22, 1916; A 419802. 




no. 3, 1916 

Poor’s manual of the railroads of the 
United States, 1916. 49th annual 
number. New York, Poor’s railroad 
mangal co. [1916] 1 pi 1. [ix]- 
SatianveotA p. fold: ‘maps: 8vo. 
$12.00. [4466 
© Feb: 15, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 21, 
1916; aff. Feb. 24, 1916; A 4209900; 
Poor’s manual co., New York. 
Potts (Joshua R. H.)* Chicago. Pat- 
ents, trade-marks, labels. How to 
get them. [New ed.]  cover-title. 
top. 12mo. [4467 
© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426372. 

Power (William 8.) Bigger, better 

business. (/” Chicago herald) 
Back from the graveyard. © Mar. 4, 

HOUGs L ¢: Mar. 6, 1916; A. 422933. 
Evolution of an idea. © Feb. 28, 1916; 
1 ¢@. Feb. 29, 1916; A 422774. 
Eayman ctactor, © Mar. 1, 1916; 1 e. 
Mar. 2, 1916; A 422918. 

Language of the people. © Mar. 3, 1916; 
1 ¢. Mar. 4, 1916; A 422928. 

Making sales grow where they didn’t. 
Gyheb. 29, 1916; 1 ¢. Mar. 2, 1916; 
A 4229138. 

Merchandising instinct. © Mar. 2, 1916; 
imc. Mary o, 1916; A 422923. 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

PrRatT (Milson R.)* Salt Lake City. 
America in the war! 32 p. 8vo. 
$0.25. [4474 

© Dec. 10, 1915; 2 c. Dec. 28, 

1915; aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 419761. 

Press circulations system, a co- 
operative business building and sub- 
scription system. 81 [1] p. 12mo. 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
9, 1916; A 425959. 

Prick (Lucy Jeanne) He’d dance 

_ right through church service. (In 
Cleveland Sunday leader) [4476 

© Mar. 5, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 8, 1916; 
A 423004; Cleveland co., Cleveland. 

PRINTZ-BIEDERMAN  co0.*, Cleveland. 
How to know style. [Spring & sum- 
mer of 1916) [32] p. ius. 12mo. 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
2, 1916; A 425712. 

PROMINENT families, Pittsburgh, sub- 
urban districts and adjacent towns, 
1916. Pittsburgh, Pa., The Index 
company [1916] xiv, [2], 360, xv- 
exp. Svo. ) $1.00. [4478 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 1 c. and aff. Feb. 
Pam OIG) toc; Web. 12; 1916; A 
420996 ; Index pub. co., Pittsburgh. 


PROTHEROE (Daniel) Course of les- 

sons in choral conducting. Lesson 
no. 28-30. The Messiah, by Handel, 
Cont d-7pt. cGy sor Ve Ovo. [4479 

© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 c. each Jan. 3, 
1916; aff. Jan. 17, 1916; A 419804; 
Siegel-Myers school of music, Chi- 

PROVIDENCE telephone co. Providence 
classified business directory. Mar. 
LASIG. 143 p, .-4t02 [4480- 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426531; Reuben H. Don- 
nelley, Chicago. 

PRUDENTIAL loan society. Who for? 

cover-title, 20 p. 8vo. [4481 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 

24, 1916; A 417972; Daniel Fremont 
McGraw, San Francisco. 

PULL-U-OUT Sales co.*, St. Louis. 
thing with a big pull.  cover-title, 
11 p. illus., diagrs. 8vo. [4482 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
3, 1916; A 425126. 


PUNCH. v.50) Each illus., 4to; 93d: 
[ 4483-4486. 

HO. Scot, he. 2 alo. ©) dies Mary a, 
1916; A ad int. 2586; pubd. Feb. 2, 


no, seu2,, Neb. 9, 1916. © 1 ¢ Mar. 9; 
1916; A ad int, 2593; pubd. Feb. 9, 

no. 3893, Feb. 16, 1916. © 1c. Mar. 15, 
1916; A ad int. 2595; pubd. Feb. 16, 

no. 3894, Feb. 23, 1916; © 1 c. Mar. 22, 
1916; A ad int. 2602; pubd. Feb. 23, 


© Bradbury, Agnew & co., ltd., 

PURINTON (Edward Harle)* Morgan- 
town, W. Va. Office efficiency test. 
Feb. 21, 1916. (Jn Independent) 

©, Feb. 18;..1916;.2. @.BHeb. 23, 
1916; A 422680. 

Pustert (Fr.) & co.*, New York. 
Pustet’s spring catalogue. 31 [1] p. 
illus. fol. (Catalogue no. 831) 


© Mar. 1, 1916 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426520. 

QRS co. QRS. Quick reference 
system. Chart EH, Civil engineering. 
Sheet, 18 by 943 inches, $10.00. 


and afi. Feb. 
Roy 'Thomp- 

© Heb. 1, 1916-2 
21, 1916; A 425566; 
son, Tacoma, Wash. 


aa hi 



——— ~~ — 

Ratt (Harris Franklin)* Evanston, 

fll. Development of the Kingdom ; 

of God, life and teaching of Jesus 

Christ. Lesson 10-13, Mar. 5, 12, 
LS Ae oe (In Adult Bible class 
monthly, Mar., 1916) [4490 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 9, 1916; 
A 422347. 

RAND-McNALLY bankers’ directory and 
list of attorneys. The original bank- 
ers’ blue book. Jan., 1916. 80th ed. 
44th year. Chicago, New York, 
Rand MeNally & company [1916] 
1960 p. col. maps. 4to. $6.00. 


©j\aheb...19.. 1916: 2 @. Meh. oe 

1916; aff. Feb. 24, 1916; A 420901; 
Rand, McNally & co., Chicago. 

READ poultry farm. Mating list, 1916. 

4 numb. 1. illus. 4to. [4492 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

29, 1916; A 425058; Julia M. Read, 
Watervliet, N. Y. 

REFRIGERATOR, heater & ventilator car 
o.*, St. Paul. Perishable products 
transported scientifically economi- 
cally: Moore system. 64 p._ illus. 
diagrs. 4to. [4493 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426870. 

REINTHAL & Newman*, New York. 
House of art. cover-title, 48 p. 
illus. 4to. (Catalog S.) [4494 

© Oct. 7, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
17, 1916; A 417848. 

RELIABLE corresponding club. 

[4495, 4496 
Contract to my gentlemen members. 
Sheet, 11 by 83 inches. @ Feb. 21, 

1916 ; 

Contract to my lady members. Sheet, 
1 by 84% inches. @© Feb. 21, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 28, 1916; A ‘426378. 
© Mrs. C. M. Wrubel, Oakland, 


REMEDIAL loan society of Buffalo, 
inc.*, Buffalo. Third annual report 
for the year ending Dee. 31, 1915. 
et] p. 'Syvo. [4497 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
238, 1916; A 418945. 

2c. and aff. Feb. 28, 1916; A 

REPUBLIC construction co.,* Baltimore. 
Eternal rest. [Baltimore, Md., 
Printed by the Horn-Shafer co., 1916] 
a°p. 1., [1], 33 p. “ilus., ‘diagrs>*obL 
16mo. [4498 

© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 25, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 24, 1916; A 420907. 


pt. 1, n. s., v.13 

RETAIL credit co. Ready answers for 
hard questions. cover-title, 2 p. L, 
23 p. 12mo. [4499 

© Feb. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
21, 19165 vA. 425551 : Cator Woelford, 

(Richard Olsen) * Huron, 
S. vi. Bess eg) organiza- 
tion system. -2 p. 1, 20 p. 4to 
© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
18, 1916; A 425836. 

RICHMOND (Grace S.)* Fredonia, N. Y. 
Her father’s daughter. chap. 1, 2 
(In Ladies home journal Mar., 1916) 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 1 @ Feb. 19, 
1916; A 429553. 

Rieck (Edward E.) co. 
comfort into cold cash. 

Turning cold 
2 1. folio. 

19153: 2 Coan ae 
A 417550; Simpson, 
Barker, ine. Pitts- 

©. Dec. 26: 
Jan; 3.. 1916: 
Showalter & 

RiorRDAN (James William)* St. Louis. 

Parcel post zone system and postal 
information. [94] p. illus. fol. 

© Dee. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
9, 1916; A 425867. 

RITENouR (John §S.)* Pittsburgh. 
Master minds of type and press. (In 
Inland printer) [ 4504, pie 

No. 2. Typesetting machines. @© Feb. 2, 
1916; 1 ¢ Feb. 19, 1916; A 422548. 

No. 3. Tolbert Lanston @ Mar. 2, 
1916; Le Mar: 9; 1916; A 429973, 
Roserts (George E.) Services of a 
bank. Chicago, La Salle extension 
university [1916] 20p. fold. forms., 
plate. 8vo. [4506 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 10, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 23, 1916; A 426271; La 
Salle extension univ., Chicago. 

Roperts (Peter) English for coming 
Americans. Beginner’s reader—3. 
New York, London, Association 
press, 1916. iv, 87 p. 12mo. $0.20. 


© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
1, 1916; A 425096; International 
committee of Y. M. C. A., New York. 

RosBerRTSON (Thomas Henry)* Jersey 
City. Reason why; or, Relations to 
two worlds. New York, Christian 
alliance publishing co. [1916] 56p. 
12mo. $0.10. [4508 

© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 427064. 



a imma aimee aan _ 


no. 38, 1916 4549 
Rosrnson (Charles D.)* New York. | Russeiit (Lillian)* Chicago. 
Ten golden rules, an educational [4520-4548 
guide. Card, 9 by 6 inches. [4509 | Beauty talks by Lillian Russell. Poodle 
© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. Seer ict age oe a ee 
21, 1916; A 417909. | —— Skating. © Max bh Solon | €, 
| F and °° e i 
Rocarp (I. D.) Supplement on Dyke’s | ian oe ie aS eee o  4ate- 
automobile instruction on the King | RONG. Bold Ok Ee Le 
eight eylinder ear, model D. [ De- —_ Thirsty air. © Feb. 9, 1916: 1. 
troit, Mich., Printed by Topping & | Feb. 10, 1916; A 422359. 
Sanders] 1916. 48 p. illus. diagrs. | ——- Types of beauty. © Mar. 8, 1916; 
4to. [4510 | 1c. Mar. 9, 1916;.A 422964. 
5 oN : Feet, your body's poor relations. © 
Snel * yee ahs | Feb. 27, 1916; 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; 
‘ A. ; A. L. Dyke, S \ 77 
Louis. Lillian Russell's beauty hints. Can you 
; : : afford to smile. © Feb. 17, 1916; 
RoewRsS (Julius) co.*, Rutherford, N. J. 1 e. Feb. 18, 1916; A 422524. 
Orchids and _ greenhouse plants. —— Costly wit. © Feb. 24, 1916; 1c. 
cover-title, 62, [2] p. illus. (part nies 25, <4 “0 Feb, ee: 
= —— Day in be eb. 22,2 1 
col.)  4to. niet ce. Feb. 23, 1916; A 422615 
© Mar. 7, 1916 ; 2 c. and aff. Mar. Disappearing art. © Feb. 26, 
11, 1916; A 427225. 1916; 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; A 422724. 

Rossiter (Alfred)* New York. Pocket 
manual for character analysts and 
employment managers. 53p. 24mo. 
$1.00. [4512 

© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

24,1916; A 419908. 
Roya baking powder co.*, New York. 
[4513, 4514 | 

An ha balay flga paghorno sistema de 
hornear con exito para uso de Jas amas 
de casa. (Successful home baking) 
cover-title, 15 p. illus. 16mo. © Dec. 
fit es ee. 11. 1905; aff. Jan. 
13, 1916; A 417877 

Mananalung sariling pag-i-ihaw sistema 

de hornear con exito para uso de las 

amas de casa. (Successful home bak- 
ing) cover-title, 15 p. illus. 16mo. 

Cnbee: td 1915-2 € Dee. 11, 1915; aff. 

Jan. 13, 1916; A 417876. 

RoyaL WORCESTER corset co.*, Worces- 
ter, Mass. [4515, 4516. 

Advertising service. cover-title, 28 p., 
29-63 numb. 1. illus. (part col.) 4to. 
© Feb. 26, 1916; ye 
1916; A 425713. 

Royal blue book, correct corset fashions. 
916. cover-title, 48 p. illus. 8vo. 
© hep, 29. 1916: 2 c-and aff. Mar. 6, 
1916; A 426526. 

2 ec. and aff. Mar. 

RoyLe (John) & sons,* Paterson, N. J. 

[4517, 4518 

Royle saw-conditioning appliances. 23 
[1] p. illus. 8vo. (Circular no. 274) 
© Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 25, 
1916; A 419828. 

Tub rocker for photo-engravers’ etching 
baths. 7 [1] p. illus. -8vo. @© Feb. 
, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 24, 1916; aff. Feb. 
4, 1916; A 425209. 

RuceLtes (Katherine Wilder)* Oak- 
land, Cal. Wild flower. [8] p. illus. 

faart col.) I12mo. $0.25. [4519 
© Feb. 11, 1916; 2 @ Feb. 18, 
1916; aff. Mar. 14, 1916; A 425963. 



—— Enjoying poor health. © Feb. 21, 

1916; 1 ¢c. Feb. 23, 1916; A 422614. 
—— Eyes not purehasable. © Mar. 38, 
1916; 1 ec. Mar. 4, 1916; A 422929. 
—— Fasting. © Mar. 2, 1916; At se: 
Mar. 3, 1916; A 422924 
—— Flirt. © Feb. 18, 1916: te; Web; 
19, 1916; A 422544. 
Golden rule manners. © Mar. 4, 

1916 -<e. Mar. "6, 19163 A 422934" 

——— Headache habit. © Mar. 10, 1916; 
1 e. Mar. 11, 1916; A 423024. 

—— Hills that hide the scenery. © 
Heb... 25, 1916::-1, e: Web-> 26> 19162 
A 422702. 

—— How to be happy though fat. © 
Heb. 44,9916; £-e. Keb. 2157-9916; 

A 422476. 

——Intemperance. © Feb. 19, 1916; 
fe. Feb. 21, 1916; A. 422571. 

—w— Keep your teeth beautiful. @ Feb. 
28, “S86: “De Heb. 29, 1916 -s= A: 

— Make the best of it. © Feb. 23, 

1916; 1 ¢c. Feb. 24, 1916; A 422663. 

—— Pleasure in health. @© Feb. 16, 
19163' fe, Peb: 17, 1916; A 429501. 

—— Preparedness. © Feb. 15, 1916; 
1 ce. Keb. 16, 1916; A 422477. 

Respect the corset. @ Mar. 7, 
1916; 1 ec. Mar. 8, 1916; A 422959. 

—— Teeth as shears. © Mar. 1, 1916; 
1 ec Mar. 2, 1916; A 422919. 

Values in inches. © Feb. 29, 1916; 

ie. (Mar 2. 19163. A. 429914. 

Sing ye seekers after beauty. @ Feb. 
2). 21916 toe. Web. 21, A916. A. 

Your eyes are little tattletales. @ Mar. 
5, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 6, 1916; A 422935. 
Wreaths of rosy snow her arms must 
be. @ Feb. 13, 1916; 21 c. Feb. 14, 
1916; A 422475. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 

(Rutledge) What you 
should weigh. 20 p. 24mo. [4549 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
38, 1916; A 417558; Toledo seale co., 
Toledo, O. 


4550 pt. 1,8 Svea 
Ryan (George W.)* New York. | Savines loan & trust co. Condensed 
Economy in fire insurance; hints railway time card. Feb. 21, 1916. 
for merchants and manufacturers. [+] p. 24mo. — * [4561 

[10] p. 8vo. $1.00. [4550 
©MrReb. -23,.1916: 2aemend att. 
Feb. 25, 1916; A 426318. 

SAFE-CABINET cO.*, Marietta, O. 
[4551, 4552 

Here’s one policy you can’t get. [8] p. 
illus. fol. © Jan. 29, 1916: 2c. and 
aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 425215. 

Worry. 6 p. folder. illus. 24mo. © 
Jan. 29." 1946 592° e) ang aie, Reb. 4: 
1916; A 425214. 

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. R. L. Polk & €o.’s 

St. Augustine city directory, 1916-17. | 

y.-5. Jacksonville, Fla., R. L. Polk 
& co., 1916. 260 p. Svo. $4.00. 


© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 

1, 1916; A 427076; R. L. Polk & co., 
Birmingham, Ala. 

Sr. Jouns table co.*, Cadillac, Mic 


St. Johns tables, 1916. 159 p. illus. 8 

© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
1916; A 425633 

St. Johns tables, the battiefields of busi- 
23: pe» Tes. | 4t0. 1@ni Feb. 24, 

= 2ietiand satis Mebet26521 91.6% 

A 4256: 34. 

SaLeM, Mass. Naumkeag directory for 
Salem, Beverly, Danvers f[etc.] no. 
ZS; 1915. Salem, Mass., The Henry 
M. Meek publishing company, 1915. 
1583 efi... e: 1597] ape, trent... (fold: 
map) Svo. $4.50. [4556 

©: Noy. 24, 1915; Gi fame <9; 
1916; aff. Feb. 19, 1916; A 418915; 
Alice R. Meek, Salem, Mass. 

SALES method co.*, New York. Ad 
helps for shoe dealers. 51 1. illus. 
16mo. (Comfort and style series, v. 
A) [4557 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 425504. 





SALESMAKER V. 1, no. 1. 34 p. illus., 
ports. 4to. [4558 
© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 

21, TAG: A eee Canteen sah: 
son ¢co., Chicago. 

SANBORN (N. W.) Poultry and farm. 

pt. 1. (Jn American poultry advyo- 
cate. Mar., 1916) [4559 

CO) Mia? 2 191g Io PMaE 13, 
1916; A 423053; Clarence C. De Puy, 
Syracuse, N. Y. 

SAUNDERS (Henry Lee)* Wichita 
Falls, Tex. Contractor’s guide. 
cover-title, [12] p. 16mo. $0.50 


© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 4, 1916; 
ait. Mar. 11, 1916; A. 425173. 



© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 426288; George R. 
Angell, Madison, Wis. 
SAYLES (Harold F.) - Truth in a nut- 
shell. [16] p. 24mo. $0.02. [4562 
© Dec. 15, 1915; 2 e. and aff. Dee. 
29, 1915; A 425200; Evangelical pub. 
co., Chicago. 
SCHEIN bros.*, New York. 
ecard, illus., 31 by zee 

© Feb. 22, 1916; 
TL OT Gey ee 425709. 

SCHLAGHECK (Joseph) * Toledo. Profit 
makers; gold fish from Schlagheck’s. 
[4] p. illus. (part col.) 4to. [4564 

© Nov. 28, 1915; 2 ec. and aff. Jan. 
24,1916; A 417971. 

(Martin) Lese-Ubun- 
kinder, von Martin Schmid- 

2 c. and aff. Mar. 

gen ftir 

hofer, mit bildern von Joseph Kah- 
Jer. Boston, New York [ete.] D. C. 
Heath & co. [1916] 2-p. i=162@. 
illus. i12mo. ( Heath’ Ss modern lan- 
guage series) $0.35. [4565 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 427028; D. C. Heath & 
co., Boston. 

ScHMuUcK (J. Carl)* Lawrenee, N. Y.: 
Light to guide our way; an evening 
prayer. Sheet, 84 by Bd inches. 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 '¢ Janeoi ere 
aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 425212. 

ScHoFER (Aivin H.)* Reading, Pa. 
Bankers’ exact maturity chart; 
Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 1916. 
Sheet, 13 by 94 inches. $0.50. [4567 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
2a, ORGS A: 426269. 

ScHoitt. orthopedic training school*, 
Chicago. Correspondence study 
course. Lesson no. 7 and 8. cover- 
title, p. 86-103, illus. S8vo. $2.00. 


© Dee. 28, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 


28, 1916; A 426374. 

ScHRAMM (William F.) 
liberty, ed. and comp. by W. F. 
Schramm, illus., by C. O. Longa- 
baugh, Chicago, E. C. Plume com- 
pany, 1916. . 32, -p.. ports: .16me: 
$1.00. [4569 

© Jan. 6, 1916; -2 c..Jan..10,1916; 
aff, Jan. 19, 1916; A 417875 ; Edward 
C. Plume co., Chicago. 

Fathers ‘of 


no. 3, 1916 4595 
SCHRECKENBACH (Paul)  TIllustrierte | Scriprure text calendar, 1917. [14], p. 
weltkriegschronik der Leipziger illus. (part col.) fol. $0.25. [Text 
Illustrirten zeitung, 1914. Text von parallel to binding] [4582 

Paul Schreckenbach. Leipzig, J. J. 
Weber, 1916. [4570, 4571 

21. lfg. illus., col. plates (part double). 
Poe ey gan, to, 1916;\1 ¢. Mar. 10, 
1916; A—Foreign 13466. 

22. lfg. illus., col. plate. © Feb. 10, 
1916; 1 ec. Mar. 10, 1916; A—Foreign 

© J. J. Weber, Leipzig, Germany. 

Scuutrz & Hodgson*, Chicago. 
[4572, 4573 
Just an earful of facts. [4] 4to. 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 2 ¢. and .aff. Jan. 31, 
1916; A 419915. 

Wondering— how to beat the figures this 
year? Sheet, printed on both sides. 
illus., 21 by 14 inches. © Jan. 26, 
7916; 2 ¢..and aff. Jan. 31, 1916; A 

ScHUSTER (Edw. J.)* St. Louis. Schus- 
ter’s yellow pine lumber rate book. 

Dec., 1915. Texas ed. cover-title, 39 p. 
4to. $12 for 12mo. @© Jan. 14, 1916; 
2c. and aff. Jan. 19, 1916; A 417844. 

Jan., 1916. Eastern ed. cover-title, 
248p. 12mo0. $12.00 per year. © Feb. 
Paolo. 2 Cand ait. Heb. 4, 1916 ; 
A 425211. 

Jam, 1916, Texas ed. Bo) Dp: 4to. 
whew tor, 12 mo: @ Jan. 26, 1916; 
my eane am, Jan: 29, 1916: A 425066. 

Feb., 1916. Hastern ed. cover-title, 248 
p. 12mo. $12.00 for 12 mos. © Feb. 
PPE wNOAG 2 Gand aff, Webi 25, £916 ; 


A 426325. 


San Francisco. 
book. 15 [1] p. 

stationery co.,* 
Registration guide 
16mo. $90.25. 
© Dee. 31, 1915; 2 ¢. Jan. 5, 1916; 
am. Jan. 21, 1916; A 425337. 

ScHwartz (George W.)* Louisville, 

Ky.  G. W. Schwartz short hand. 
[Lesson 1-10]  cover-title, [22] p. 
- 8vo. $2.00. [4579 

~ © Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 425647. 

ScHwinp (Adolph)* Chatham, N. Y. 
Guide to farm selection. 14 [2] p. 
map. 24mo. $0.25. [4580 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 425481. 

Scotr (Temple)* New York. Publish- 
ing: the business, its problem and 
the solution. (Jn Publishers’ weekly ) 

- [2 installments] Contents.—1l. The 
business and its problem.—2. The 

solution of the problem. [4581 

© Feb. 26, Mar. 4, 1916; 1 ¢. each 
Mar. 8, 1916; A 422953. 


© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
25, 1916; A 426324; Messenger pub. 
co., Chicago. 

Srars, Roebuck & co.*, Chicago. 


Bargain counter. Bulletin no. 168. cover- 
title. noe py.) DUS. -Syo.. 9G Jans 9; 
191652" ¢) ‘and’ aff.’ Peb; 4, 19te; 

A 425185. 

Bulletin no. 169. 
illus. Syo. @ Jan. 25, 191632 ¢c. and 
aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 425186. 

Bulletin no. 170. cover-title, 32 p. 
illus. Syvyo. © Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 425187. 

Bulletin no. 174. cover-title, 32 p. 
illus. 4to. © Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426528. 

Bulletin no. 175. cover-title, 32 p. 
lus. 4to.° Keb: 29.) 1916 2c. and 
aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 426529. 

—— Bulletin no. 176. cover-title, 32 p. 
illus: 4to, . @ Mar: 6;/ 1916; 2c. and 
aff. Mar. 16, 1916; A 425978. 

Catalog 132. cover-title, [2] 1457 p. 
mlust: part col.) 4t0. 7 @: Wee. 716; 
TOTS tees Webi25,,1916::, 1c) anduait. 
Feb. 10, 1916; A 426349. 

cover-title, 32 p. 

Srars, Roesuck & co. of Texas. Your 
grocery store. far. Apr. toe: 
cover-title, 48 p. illus. 4to. [4590 

© Feb. 22, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426527; Sears, Roebuck & 
co., Chicago. 

SEARSON (J. W.) Studies in reading. 
4th grade. By J. W. Searson and 
George I. Martin. Chicago and Lin- 
eoln, The University publishing coim- 

pany, 1915. xii, 340 p. illus. 12mo. 
$0.45. [4591 

© Dee. 11, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
5, 1916; A 420238; University pub. 
co., Lincoln, Neb. 

(Russell M.) Bigger, better 
(in Chicago herald) 
[4592, 4598 

Plea for national team work. Feb. 21, 
1916. © Feb. 21, 1916; 1 ¢c. Feb. 23, 
1916; A 422606. 

Webs 22° LOtGy .@) Webs.22, 1916 5 

1 c. Feb. 23, 1916; A 422609. 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 


SEIVWRIGHT (Jean) [4594, 4595 

Capes of all sizes on new spring models. 
Heb. 27, (916. 1 ¢.: Mar. 2.1916). A: 

Newest dinner gown has medieval lines. 
© Feb. 20, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 26, 1916; 
A 422706. 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily or Sunday tribune] 
© Chicago tribune & the New York | 

globe, Chicago. 




pt. I, DS, v4 

SELLING aid cut service. Selling aid 
cuts 2d ed. Chicago, Selling aid cut 
service [1916] 55 p. illus. (part 
col.) S8vo. [4596 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
as aia A. 419993 : “Flint McNaugh- 
ton, Chicago. 

SENTANEL remedies co.*, Cincinnati. 
When every day is full of song. 21. 
col. illus. 48mo. [Text parallel to 
binding] [4597 

© Dec. 18, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 
2, 1916 2A) 425738. 

SERL (Emma) Work-a-day doings on 
the farm; by Emma Serl, illus. by 
Harry E. Wood. Boston, New York 
fete.] Silver, Burdett and company 
[1916] 128 p. ha 12mo. [4598 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

19, 1916; A 420418 : Silver, Burdett 
& €O., Boston. 
SHAFER (Anna Louise) [4599, 4600 

Persian drills for 
© Feb. 28, 1916; 
A 423034. 

Rhythmic exercise advocated to develop 
muscles. @ Mar. 6, 1916; 1 ec. Mar. 
7, 1916; A 4229438. 

[Note: The foregoing are in 
© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

SHAw (Jonathan O.)* Los Angeles. 

present day needs. 
1) Cy Rep. 295 WNOiG:: 


Directions to play Diviso. Sheet, 
printed on both sides, 53 by 38% 
inches. [4601 

© tan. 18. 1916 2 -edant =25. 
1916; aff. Mar. 16, 1916; A 425980. 

SHEEHAN (Charles A.)* New York. 
Invention for the dead. [4] p. illus. 
fol. [4602 

© Sept. 10, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 425064. 

SHELLZOK (J. J.)* Chicago. Rupture 
conquered. Sheet, illus., 12 by 12 
inches. [4603 

© Feb. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 426265, 

SHEPARD (Frank) co.*, New York. 


Atlantic reporter citations. v. 
1 mo, 3, Feb. 1916. [Cumulative 
suppl.] 143 p. 8vo. $5.00. @© Feb. 
16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; 
A 427209. 

Shepard’s Florida citations. 
Feb., 1916. 

19163. .2) <. 
A 427210. 

Shepard’s Indiana citations. 
December, 1915. [Cumulative suppl.] 
268 p. S8vo. $5.00 per year. © Dec. 
22, 1015; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 28, 1916; 
A 427061. 


WO Kos 
Cumulative suppl. 52 p. 
per year. © Feb. 17, 
and? ai. Mar..9,, dole: 

v. tne. 4, 


SHEPARD (Frank) co.*—Continued. 

Shepard’s Maine citations. vy. 1, no. 2, 
Feb., 1916. Cumulative suppl. 
. $4,00 per year. 
1916; 2 ec. and aff. Mar, 9; 
A 427211. 
Shepard’s Massachusetts citations. 
no. 1, Feb., 1916. 


v. Bo 
[Cumulative suppl. ] 

240 p Syo. $4.00 per year, Feb. 
26, 1916: 2 c. and aff. Mar. oO sie: 
A 427212. 

Shepard’s Missouri citations. vy. 15, no. 
1, Feb., 1916. [Cumulative suppl. ] 
£GH sp: ” 8vo. $5.00 per year. © Feb. 
25, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; 
A 427213. 

Shepard’s Nebraska citations. y. 11, no. 
1, Feb., 1916. [Cumulative suppl.] 
183 p. S8vo. $5.00 per year. © Feb. 
29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; 
A 427214, 

Shepard’s Northwestern citations. 
no. 1, Feb., 1916. 
156 p. 8vo. 
19> 19'G6 5-2 
A 427215. 

Shepard’s Oregon citations. y. 9, no. 1, 
sy 1916. Cumulative suppl. 253 

$5.00 per year. © Feb. 24, 
1916: 2 c. and aff. Mar. 9, 1916: 
A 427208. 

Shepard’s Pennsylvania Superior court 
and lower court citations. 3d ed., 
191G?? 6p. Ly 340" pe Save $12.00. 
© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff, Feb. 21, 
1916; A 420877. 

a Teeno., ay sak: 1916. Cumulative 
suppl. 53 p.. S8vo. $4.00 per yr. © 
Jan. 22, 1916; 2 @ and Bie foe 
1916; A 420624. 

Shepard’s Pennsylvania Supreme court 
citations. . vy. 1, no. 1, dan 7496. 
Cumulative eg 102 D. 8vo. $5.00 
per-yr. © Jan. 22, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 

Feb. 2, 1916; A 420623. 

Shepard's Pennsylvania Supreme court 
and Sia HaLory citations. 3d ed., 1916. 
6 p 690 p. S8vo. $20.00. © Feb. 
8, Mote: 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 21, 1916; 
A 420876. 

ehepacdt® Southwestern citations. v. 9, 

vs 43, 
{Cumulative suppl. ] 
$6.00 per year. © Feb. 
ec. and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; 

———_ V 

1, Feb., 1916. [Cumulative suppl] 
286 p. Syvo. $6.00 per year. © Feb. 
18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; 

A 427216. 
Se s United States citations. v. 15, 
1, Jan., 1916. [Cumulative suppl.] 
384 p Syo. $6.00 per yr. @ Jan. 26, 
1916; 2 ec. and:.aff. Feb. 2, 1916; 

A 420622. 
SHEPARD (Harvey N.) Contracts of 

infants. Chicago, Blackstone insti- 
tute, 1916. 28 p. port. 8vo. (One 
of a series of lectures) [4619 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426505; Blackstone in- 
stitute, Chicago. 

SHEPPARD (H. Cecil)* Berea, O. Shep- 
pard’s famous Anconas. 84 p. illus. 
Svo. [4620 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
9, 1916; A 425852. 



no. 3, 1916 
SHERWoop (EK. Hugh) Bobbie Bub- 
bles, by E. Hugh Sherwood and 

Maud Gridley Budlong, illustrations 
by KE. Hugh Sherwood. Chicago, 
New York, Rand, McNally & com- 
pany [1916] 72 p. incl. front., illus. 
(part col.) 12mo. $0.50. [4621 
me dan. 14,°1916; 2 c. Jan. 26, 
1916; aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 420528; 
Rand, McNally & co., Chicago. 

Suietty (John Cofer)* Chicago. 
Waiting. (Jn Review. Feb., 1916.) 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 3, 1916; 
A 42283838. 

SHORTWRITER co. of America*, Chicago. 
Shortwriting, the stepping-stone to 
a successful future. [8] p. col. 
illus. 4to. [4623 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426515. 

SIpWAY mercantile co.*, Elkhart, Ind. 
[4624, 4625 
Allwin baby carriages, 1916. cover- 
title, 96 p. illus. (part col.) — obl. 
wacom. 6: 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 419783. 

Sidway baby carriages, 1916.  cover- 
title, 96 p. illus. (part col.) obl. 
24mo. © Jan. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Jan. 22, 1916; A 419784. 

Sinver, Burdett & co.*, Boston. Great 
composers of the world who have 
eontributed to the progressive music 
Series. 87 p. ports. 8vo. [4626 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

2, 1916; A 420988. 

SIMONDS (Frank H.) [4627-4628 

As spring comes—peace and the talk of 
peace. © Feb. 27, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 29, 
1916; A 422747. 

Fate of Poland—German peace proposals 
in East. © Feb. 20, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 422596. 

[Note: The foregoing are in New York 
daily or Sunday tribune] 

© Tribune assn., New York. 

SINCLAIR (James)* Los Angeles. In- 
structions for collecting and preserv- 

ing valuable lepidoptera. S80 p. 
illus., diagrs. obl. 24mo. $2.00. 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 27, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 21, 1916; A 426535. 

SINGER mfg. co.*, Elizabeth, N. J. In- 
structions for using Singer sewing 
machine. no. 98-8 [for stitching 

automobile tires] 13 ip. illus., 
diagrs. S8vo. ([Form 8278, Jan., 
1916] ) [4630 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 «. and aff. 
Feb. 1, 1916; A 425116. 


SINGER SEWING machine co., inc.*,; 

Elizabeth, N. J. [4631, 4632 

Singer machine no. 25-56. [2] p. 
illus. S8vo. (Form 9363, Jan., 1916) 
@) Jans 2265 191 6252. ec: and aff. Feb. 
PT. TOVGSTA 425117: 

Singer machines of class 7. 7, [1] p. 
illus. 8vo. (Form 9399, Feb., 1916) 
Om Mari iO Gree: and aff. Mar. 
62> 1916 scAl 426532. 

SincH (St. Nihal) India’s service to 
the empire during the war. (I 
Christian science monitor. ) [4633 

© "Feb. 10, WIG: 1° e&” Keb? 12° 
1916; A 422564; Christian science 
pub. soec., Boston. 

[SINGLETON (HEsther)] Furniture of 
the revolutionary period. Mentor 
reading course, monograph 1-6. 
Proof. [4634 

©) Janet15, (1916320 e c<andetatk: 
Ireb. 38, 1916; A 425131; Mentor 
assn., ine, New York. 

(Constance Lindsay)* New 

singer to Nakku. @© 
1 ¢. Heb. 28, 1916 7-4 


KXan-il-lak the 
Jan. 6, 1916; 
49973 4, 

Songs of the coast-dwellers. 
1914: Tew Meh 2S. LOG: 
dawn» “© Jan G6; 

ZSe OMG A 429735 

© pOetit; 
A 422733. 

Summer 1OLG des 


SMALLEY (George W.)* New York. 
[46388, 4639 

Mr. Wilson abroad. © Mar. 138, 1916; 1 
c. Mar. 14, 1916; A 423070. 

Sir Edward Grey. © Feb. 21, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Feb. 28, 1916; ‘A 422594. 
| Note: The foregoing are in New York 
daily or Sunday tribune] 

Smiru (Charles E.) Practical course 
in touch typewriting. 12th ed., rev. 
ani cul. Single keyboard ed. New 
York, I. Pitman & sons, 1916. 1 p. 
l., 74 p. 1 loose chart. 4to. $0.60. 
[Text parallel to binding] [4640 

©. Feb. 215 1916; 2 «Web. 25, 
1916; aff. Feb. 24, 1916; A 420906; 
Isaac Pitman & sons, New York. 

SmitH (David Eugene)* New York. 
Modern advanced arithmetic. Can- 
adian ed. Teachers’ ed. Boston, Lon- 
don [ete.] Ginn and company [1916] 
64 p. 12mo. (Wentworth-Smith 
mathematical series) $0.40. [4641 

© Jan. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 420728. 

SmitH (Farmer) Goodnight stories. 
(In New York Evening mail) 

Feb. 7, 1916. 7, 1916; 1 c¢. Feb. 


© Feb. 
A 422671. 




pt. 1, n. s., v.13 

SmitH (Farmer )—Continued. 
Feb. 8, 1916. © Feb. 8, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 422677. 
Feb. 9, 1916. © Feb. 9, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
11, 1916; A 422680. 
© Evening mail syndicate, 
New York. 

SmirH (G. R.) 


Manufacturing rifle 
(Jn American ma- 

chinist) [4645 

© Feb. 17, 1916; 1 ¢« Feb. 19, 
1916; A 422697; Hill pub. co., New 

SmitH & sons mfg. co.*, Kansas City, 

Mo. Our resolution. Royal road 
machinery. 45 p. col. port., illus. 
(part col.) obl. 8vo. [4646 

© Jan. 2, 1916; 2 ec. Jan. 24, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 22, 1916; A 419780. 

SNiTzLeR (James M.) Bigger, better 

business. Baiance between produc- 
tion and selling. (in Chicago her- 
ald) [4647 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 1 ¢« Feb. 28, 

1916; A 422723; J. Keeley, Chicago. 
SocraL register assn.* New York. Dila- 

tory domiciles, Seal register. 

8 p. 16mo0. @© 
ec, and aff. Feb. 16, 

Baltimore. Feb., 
Feb. 10, 1916; 
1916; A 425 iss 

Boston, Feb., 19 
hOn A S16 5 
A 425452. 

Buffalo, Feb., 
Le,” ISG 
A 425447. 

Chicago, Feb., 1916. 14 p. 16mo. © Feb. 
410, 19165°2 co und at. Feb: 16,9916 
A 425451. 

Cincinnati & Payton, Feb., 1916. p. 
16mo2 ©: Webi. 1916: Bex andar. 
Feb. 16, 1916; A 425441. 

Cleveland, Feb., 1916. 6 p. 16mo. @© 
Heb 21, 41916 :52 ¢ cand afl Rebs 16, 
1916; A 425440. 

Minneapolis, Feb., 1916. 
© Feb. 11, 1916; 2 c. 
1916; A 425436. 

New Orieans, Feb., 
@ Feb. 11, 1916; 
1916; A 425446. 

New York, Feb., 
Gi Keb; 4, A916. 
1916; A 425449. 

: 90 p. 16mo. © Feb. 
ae. eo aff. Feb. 16, 1916; 

1916. 9p. 16mo. © Feb. 
2 ce. and aft. Feb. 16, 1916; 


S: pi atGmo. 
and aff. Feb. 16, 

1916... 9p. ‘“W6mo: 
2 c. and aff. Feb. 16, 


60 p. 16mo. 
and aff. Feb. 16, 

Philadelphia, Feb., 1916. 23 p. 16mo. 
© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 16, 
1916; A 425450. 

Pittsburgh, Feb., 1916. OF Pp: 16mo. 
© Feb. 10. 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 16, 
1916; A 425439. 

Portland, Feb., 1916. 5 p. 16mo. © Feb. 

10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 16, 1916; 
A 425443. 

Providence, Feb., 1916; 6 p., 16 mo. 
@. Web. .41,. 1916: e ec, and aff. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 425 45 

St; Louis, Feb., 1916. 14 p. 16mo. 
© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 16, 
1916; A 425438. 

SocIaL register assn.*—Continued. 

St. Paul, Feb., 1916.- 7 p. 46mes7@ 
Feb. 11, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 16, 
1916; A 425435. 

San Francisco, Feb., 1916. 
@ Feb. 10, 1916; 
1916; A 425437. 

Seattle, Feb., 1916. 3 p. 

12 p. 16mo. 
2c. and aff. Feb. 16, 

16mo. © F 

10, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 16, 1916; 
A 425442, 

Southern California, Feb., 1916. 6 p. 
16mo. © Feb. 11; 1916; 2 ec. and aff. 

Feb. 16, 1916; A 425444, 

Southern cities, Feb., 1916. 10 p. 16mo. 
© Feb. 11, 1916; 2 ce. and aff. Feb. 16, 
1916; A 425448, 

Washington, Feb., 
© Feb. 11, 1916; 
1916; A 425434. 

1916. 16 
2 ce. and a 

. 16mo. 
. Feb. 16, 

Sonar metal produc ‘ts co., ine.,* Colum- 

bus, O. [4668-4681 

Hollow metal partitions design no. 300. 
2 1. diagrs. obl. 8ve:' @ Beesas 
1915; 2. ¢. and. ;afis Janae eee 
A 419757. 

Metal gauges— weights and decimal 
equivalents. 2 loose l. obl. S8vo. 
Dec. 29, 1915; 2 © and at, Janes 

1916; A 419744. 

Specification for standard door opening 
design no. 100. 2 1. diagrs. obl. S8vo. 
© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan, 15, 
1916; A 419745. 

Specification for standard door opening 
design no. 101. 2 1. diagrs. obl. 8vo. 
© Dec. 29, 1915;-2 @. and aff. Jan. 15, 
1916; A 4197A4T. 

Specification for standard door opening 
design no. 102. 21. diagrs. obl. S8vo. 
© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c. and’ al dams, 
L916 5 vA 419748. 

Specification for standard door opening 
design no. 120. 2 1. diagrs. obl. Svo. 
© Dec. 29, 19154-2-¢ and aff. Jan. 15, 
1916; A 419749. 

Specification for standard door opening 
design no. 121 for use in connection 
with electric cut out box. 2 1. diagrs. 
obl. Svo. © Dec. 29, 1915; 2 ¢. and 
aff. Jan. 15, 1916; 1916; A 419746. 

Specification for standard door opening 
design no. 151. 21. diagrs. obl. 8vo. 
© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 15, 
19165) A 419750. 

Specification for standard door opening 
design no. 152. 21. diagrs. obl. S8vo. 
© Dee. 29, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 15, 
1916; A 419751. 

Specifiention for standard door opening 
design no. 153. 21. diagrs. obl. 8vo. 
© Dee. 29, 1915; 2 ¢c. and aff. Jan. 15, 
1916; A 419752. 

Specification for standard door opening 
desien no. 200. 2 1. diagrs. obl. 8vo. 

Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 15, 
1916; A 419753. 
Specification for standard door opening 

design no. 201. 2 1. diagrs. 8vo. 
© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 15, 
1916; A 419754. 

Specification for standard door opening 
design no. 203. 21. diagrs. obl. 8vo. 
@ Dec, 29, 19ts 5 2c: and af. Janae 
1916; A 419755. 

Specification for standard door opening 
design no, 204. 2 1. diagrs. obl. 8vo. 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 15, 

1916; A 419756. 



no. 8, 1916 

SORENSEN (C. M.) co., ine.*, New York. 
Tankless air compressors. 39 p. 
illus. S8vo. [4682 

me rep, 15, 1916; 2 a Mar. 15, 

1916; aff. Mar. 15, 1916; A 425958. 
SouTHERN coAL & coke co. Co-oper- 
ative advertising service, series no. 
1. Sheet, illus., 22 by 30 inches. 
© Nov. 26, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
26, 1916; A 419855; Edgar Clyde 
Mahan, Knoxville, Tenn. 

SouUrTHERN CONFERENCE for education 
and industry*, Washington. How 
ean the whole community co-oper- 
atively use its life? [4] p. 16mo. 

‘© Jan. 25,1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 425065. 

SOUTHWESTERN telegraph & telephone 

co. 4685, 4686 
Houston, Texas, telephone directory, 
spring, 1916. 2 p. 1., 124; 32 p: Ato. 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and "aff. Feb. 28, 
1916; A 426360. 
© Southwestern telegraph & tele- 
phone co., Dallas. 
St. Louis and 
Peerectory, Jan, 11, 1916, 
Atos, 1@) Heb. 9, 1916; 2 ce. 
Feb. 16, 1916; A 420307. 
© National telephone directory 
co., St. Louis. 

suburban telephone di- 
228, 280" p. 
and aff. 

SPECTATOR co.*, New York. [4687-4689 

Benefits under accident policies, 1916. 
Sheet, printed on both sides, 17 by 8% 
inches, folded to 8vo. 0.25. Feb. 
We 1916; 2c. and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; 
A 426319. 

Fire insurance pocket index, Tans [48th 

year] 79 p. 12mo. 0. © Feb. 
21, 1916; 2 c..and aff. Feb. 25, 1916; 
A 426320. 
Keen looking gentleman takes a hand. 
] p. folder. 24mo. $0.10. © Jan. 
20, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 24, 1916; 
A 417968. 

SPERLING (red John Ernest) * Wilkes- 
Barre, Pa. [4690, 4691 

Interesting papers. 35 p. 8vo. 
D aff. Feb. 9, 

Book 2. 
ec. 1, 1915; 2 c. and 
1916; A 425345. 

ii teresting papers on tapeworms; Dr. 
Samuel Hahnemann and homeopathy ; 
and a Sketch of the life of Dr. John 
Gersperling, Book’ 1. 57 p illus., 
plates, ports. S8vo. © Dee. 1, 1915; 
2c. and aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425344. 

Spiers (Mary Dandridge)* Washing- 
ton. KEncircled. (In Washington 
post. ) [4692 

© Mar. 8, 1916; 1c. Mar. 8, 1916; 
A 422948. 




Sprtzka (Hdw. Anthony)* New York. 
How the brain erects the inverted 
image. (Jn Optieal journal and re- 
view of ie [4693 

© Mar. 2, 1916; 1 « Mar. 6, 1916; 
A 423051. 

SPOKANE, Wash. Spokane city di- 

rectory, including Hillyard, 1916.: 

v. 25. Spokane, Wash., R. L. Polk 

& co., 1916. 1188 p. S8vo. $7.00. 


Cy yan al OTe 42 ve ATE. Keb. 

14, 1916; A 420767 Polk & 
co., Spokane, Wash. 

and £ 
5 Ra Ts 

SPRINGFIELD chauffeurs club*, Spring- 
field, O. Practical questions and 
answers on automobile construction, 
operation and care. [12] p. 24mo. 


© Feb: 23; 1916442 c. andy aff, 

Mar. 6, 1916; A 426496. 

Spurr (HE. Willard)* Waterloo, Ia. 
Advance Xmas budget. [Waterloo, 
Ia., Art judges pub. co. 1915] 
cover-title, 48 p. illus. fol. [4696 

© Dec. 1, 1915; 2 c. Dee. 4, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 17, 1916: A 417879. 

eo. StaBrite varnish 
[6]. ps folder. | illus. 
© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 e¢. Feb. 15, 
1916; aff. Mar. 1, 1916; A 425724; 
Howard L. Fischer, St. Paul. 

STacPooLE (H. De Vere)* Stebbing, 
Chelmsford, England. Luck ‘of 
Captain Slocum. The Beazleys. 
(In Premier magazine, Mar., 1916) 


© 1c Mar. 8, 1916; A ad int. 
2589; pubd. Feb. 4, 1916. 

STANDARD ANILINE ‘products, _ ine.*, 
Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Sulphur 
black S. A. P. [4] p. illus. 4to. 

©, Jam 29, 1916; 2: e: Jan. 31. 
1916; aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 425342. 

New York. 


Standard transfer catalogue. cover- 
title, 24°) p: illus: “fol. $00; ” 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 
15, 1916; A 418838. 

STANDARD PUB. co.*, Boston. Standard 
fire insurance tables [1906]-1916. 
112 p. nar. 8vo: $0.25. [4701 

© Feb. 29, 1916; 2 c Mar. 10, 
1916; aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 425882. 




STANDARD REGISTER Of national adver- 
“ising. < vs; J, me, slayiPebs, \aiSig: 
SSupph no. 2 Tpit p, Ate. 

% [4702 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 ¢@ and aff. 

Feb. 26, 1916; A 425648; National 
aoe pub. co., ine., Will Kes-Barre, 

York. ee 2 
Standard bond descriptions. 4, no. 4. 

eover-title, 1p. lk, 8, [8 71 1D) 4to. 
$60.00. © Feb. 21, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Feb. a 1916; A 420894. 
mene no. 5. cover-title, [109] ‘ 
Rio $60. 00. © Mar. 8, 1916: 2 cand 
_ aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 427190. 
- Standard bond offerings. Feb., 1916 is- 

sue. Pocket-size. Lope lea GSamep: 
12mo. $60.00. © Feb. 15, 1916; 2 
and aff. Feb. 17, 1916; A 418859. 

Standard corporation records. v. 4, no. 
4. cover-title, [174] p. 4to. $60.00. 
@ Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 24, 
1916; A 420893. 

Se Seay 4, no. 5. cover-title, various pag- 
ing. 4to. $60.00. © Mar. 8, 1916; 2c. 
and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 427192. 

- Standard corporation service daily. v.A 4, 
no. A 3. cover-title, 1 p. 1, 26, 
1619-1706 p. 4to. $60.00. @© Feb. 7 
1916; 2 « and aff. Feb. 8, 1916; A 

v. A 4, no. A 4. cover-title, 1 p. L., 
3, 5, 1707-1784 p. 4to. $60.00. © 
Heb. 21, 1916; 2 c: and aft. Heb. 24 
atl A ae 

——y. A 4, A 5. Core Eee i pel. 
48, 1785-1868 p. 4to. $60.00. © 
Mar. 8, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. wk 9, 1916; 
A 427193. 

Standard financial digest service. 
; no. A 4. cover-title, [9], 4, 4, 645- 
660 p. . 4to. $60.00. © Feb. 21, 
1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 24, 1916; A 

v. A 3, no. A 5. cover-title, [9], 4, 
4, 659-674 p. 4to. $60.00. © Mar. 
8, 1916; 2 «@ and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; 
A 427191. 




v. A 3, 


Stanton (Lenthel)* Hillyard, Wash. 
Marbillball and doubleball. cover- 

" Litke, 9 p. illus. 12mo. $0.25. 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff, Feb. 
1, 1916; A 425098. 

Stark (William P.) Inside facts of 
- profitable fruit growing. cover-title, 
88 p. illus. 12mo. [4714 

© Feb. a 1916; 2.¢c..Feb. 23, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 2, 1916; A 425737; William 
P. Stark nursery, Neosho, Mo. 

STATE bank, New York. [ Mitzvah 
elinu lsaper.] SED aby mien 
(In Jewish daily news) [4715 

© Feb. 24,.1916; 1c. Feb. 25, 

1916; A 422684; 
New York. 

Jewish daily news, 

pt.1,n.s., v. 13 

STEESE (Michael Alfred) and Kemp 

(Leonard ) * Baltimore. Rules for 
major indoor base ball. cover-title, 
[4] p. 8vo. $0.25. [4716 

© Jan. 14, 1916; 
21, 1916; A 417897. 

2 ¢c._and aff. Jan. 

[STELZLE (Charles)] Alcohol and the 
babies. [4] p. S8vo. (Scientific tem- 
perance federation) [4717 

© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426869; Amer. issue pub. 
co., Westerville, O. 

STEPHENS (Anna D.) When Titeena 

tried. (Jn Messenger of peace, Fehb., 

1916.) [4718 
© Feb. 19, 1916; 1 c@ Feb. 24, 

1916; A 422656; Peace assn. of 

Friends in America, Richmond, Ind. 

STEVENS-Davis co.*, Chicago. 
[4719, 4720 

Ragged edges of a sale. no. 20. cover- 
title, 831. 4to. © Jan. 14, 1916; 2 ¢. 
and aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417899. 

Unplanned vacation. no. 21. cover- 
title, 2 1. 4to.. © Jan. 21) 191622 ce 
and aff. Jan. 29, 1916; A 425057. 

STitES (Lynn)* Milwaukee.  Presi- 
dency of the United States of Amer- 
ica. Milwaukee, Wis., Historical re- 
search society, 1916. 41 p. illus., 
maps. 16mo. $0.25. [4721 

© Jan. 17, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
24.1916; A 417962. 

STOLLEY-McGILL pub. co. Stolley- 
McGill ten lesson course in moving 
picture piano playing. Portland, Or., 
Printed by Portland printing house 
eompany [1916] 2p.1.,3-41p. S8vo. 
$5.00. [4722 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
19, 1916; A 418895; Maude Guise 
Stolley, Portland, Or. 

STONEBURN (Frederic H.) [4723-4725 
Artificial hatching of chicks; details of 

incubator management. © Feb, 249 
1916; 1 c. Mar. 3, 1916; A 422882. 
Rearing chicks by natural methods, 
proper management of hens and broods. 
© Mar. 5, 1916; 1 co Mare Sr isae: 

A 422954. 
© Matos adv. co., ine, Philadel- 

Winter egg production determined by 
breeding, housing feeding, care. @© Oct. 
31; 1915; 1 e. Feb. 17, 1916; A 422495. 
[Note: The foregoing are in Philadel- 

phia North American ] 

© Matos-Menz adv, co., 

ine., Phila- 



no. 3, 1916 

STowE (Lyman H.)* Detroit. 
signs of the zodiac. 4 numb. loose 1. 
illus., diagr. fol. $5.00. [4726 

© Aug. 5, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426381. 

STRATEMEYER (Edward)*. New York. 
Rover boys on a tour; or, Last days 
at Brill college, by Arthur M. Win- 
field [pseud.] New York, Grosset & 

= Punlap [1916] vi, 326 p.  front., 
plates. 12mo. (On cover: The Rov er 
boys’ series for young Americans) 
$0.60. [4727 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
3, 1916;°A 427125. 

SreeNxcrH, Noy., 1915. 24 p._ illus. 
. 8vo. [4728 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
81, 1916; A 419903: Milo bar-bell co., 


STeeEY (H.)* Plano, Ill. Facts about 
matrimonial papers and honest ad- 
wiece. [16] p. 24mo. $0.15. [4729 

© Feb. 28. 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Mar. 
9, 1916; A 425849. 

STRICKLAND (Arthur B.)* Providence, 
R. I. Dead in earnest. 1 p.l. 14 p. 
12mo. (Dead in earnest series, no. 
4.) $0.05. [4730 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 425636. 

ereonc (Wm. J. 4#H.)* - Chicago. 
Agency contract for the sale of the 
Lake breeze motor, 1916. Sheet, 
printed on both sides, 14 by 834 inches 
‘folded to 8vo. [4731 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
» 18, 1916; A 425528. 

Strouse (Arthur Howard) comp. 
Easter tidings, recitations, dialogs 
and songs. Chicago, Ill., Meyer & 

brother [1916] 95, [1] p. 12mo. 

U2). [4732 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
= 20, 1916; A 418992; Meyer & bro., 

Sueerss with meat. v. 2, no. 1, Feb., 
1916. Chicago, B. Heller & co., 1916. 
eover-title, 48 p. illus. Svo. [4733 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
29, 1916; A 426314; B. Heller & co., 

GArthur d.)* 
Penmanship, a 



adapted for secondary schools. [4] 
p. 4to. $2.50 per C. [4734 
fee an.) 25.) 1916: 2c; Feb 25, 

e7tG; afl. Mar. 7, 1916; A 425879. 

Twelve | 


Sullivan electric room and pillar coal 
cutter CE direct current.  cover-title, 
8vo. (Price list of parts, no. 
, od ed.) © Jan. 4, .1916%-2 e: 
1916; aft. Jan. 17, 1916; A 

SULLIVAN machinery co.*, 

Suilivan electric coal 
cutter CE-6 
title. 20 p. 
110. 63° BRP. 

Gan... 8: 
A 4.17883. 

Sullivan electric room and pillar ironclad 
coal eutter CH-7 direct current. 34d, 
ed, cover-title, 24 p. S8vo. (Price 
list of parts, no. 63 IP) © Jan. 4, 
116 2¢e. Jan. 8, 191Gseat. Jani 17, 
1916, A 417885. 

Sullivan Longwall electric ironelad coal 

room and pillar 
direct current. cover- 
8vo. (Price list of parts, 
2d. ed.) © Jan. 4, 1916; 
NOLG: sath. Wan. Ui. 1916) 

cutters CH-8 direct current.  cover- 
Litlen120- p.. 7 Svo; (Price list of 
duplicate parts. circular 63 NP. d 
ed.) Ch dane 4.) (Gas 2) eat 

1916; aff. Jan. 17, 1916: A 417884. 
SsuMMiT, N. J. Summit directory, 
1916. .Newark, N. J., The Price & 
Lee co., 1916. 204. [10] p. front. 
(fold. map) Svo. $4.00. [4739 
©), Web) 21916". .2>.¢. Webs aiGs 

1916; aff. Feb. 
Price & Lee co., 

28, 1916; A 427055; 
New Haven. 

calendar [1916 ed.] 

Svo. in box. $0.35. 


© Apr. 5, 1915; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

12, 1916;. A. 418813 ; Dodge pub. cO., 
New York. 

Surety farms*, Chicago. Fancy hen- 
nery eggs. [4] p. 24mo. [4741 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 425501. 

SustoLto (Frater) Dial astro-logium 
of the essential fortitudes and de- 
bilities of the planets; key to na- 
ture. [5] p. folder, diagr. 4to. $1.00. 

© Dec. 28, 1915; 2 ec. Jan. 26, 
1916; aff. Feb. 18, 1916; A 425530; 

SUNLIT road 
eover-title, 54 1. 

Society of Rosicrucians, ine., New 
SUVERKROP (E.. A.) Manufacturing . 
British 18-pounder high-explosive 

shells. 5. (Jn American Machinist) 
© Mar. 2, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 4, 1916; 

A 422850; Hill pub. co., New York. 

(A. W.) co.*, New York. Uni- 
[ De- 

versity faculties’ home-course. 
scriptive circular] Sheet, 
port., printed on both sides. 22 by 
15 inches. Tare 

ae Jan. 17,1916; 2 c. and aff.. Jan. 
= TOUG:: <A 419827. 




pt. 1,0 S., Vv: 13 

Sweet (D. C.)* Los Angeles. How to 
apply for positions, and other hints 
on correspondence. 31 p. 24mo. 
$0.25. [4745 
. © Feb. 15,1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar 
9, 1916; A 425856. 

Taper (Irving)* Mount 

-Twenty-three hundred 
is the judgment year. 
+ inches. 
© Feb. 29; 1916: 2° &. Web. 16, 
.1916; aff. L, AGIs AeA ZA 

YTABLER (Fred E.)* Canton, O. With 
the heip of Christ healing power. 
[3}°p. 32mo.: [4747 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. Jan. 
yy pel ks ALE gem 2 419763. 

Tarr: (William 4H.) Law-trained 
‘American citizen. Chicago, Black- 
stone institute, 1916. 20 p. port. 
Svo. (One a series of lectures) 

© Mar. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 

Pleasant, O. 
and seventy 
Sheet, 83 by 



27, 1916; A 429170; Blackstone in- 
stitute, Chicago. 

TartpoTt (Mary Hamilton) Pop corn 
recipes. [20] p. 16mo. [4749 

© Jan. 22, 1916; 2c. and aff. Jan. 

24, 1916; A 426087 : Sam Nelson, jr., 
Grinnell, Ta. 

TALLANT (George A.)* Chicago. Com- 

mon school advanced arithmetic, by 

George A. Tallant and Frederick H. 

Umholtz. Chicago, Laird and Lee 
[1916] . vi, 384 p. ius. diagrs. 
“12m0. $0.55. [4750 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 418961. 

TaMAGNO (Daniel B.)* New. York. 
Ten business rules, made in the 
United States. Card, 11 by 84 

inches. [4751 
© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 12, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 25, 1916; A 426348. 

Tampa, Fla. R. UL. Polk & co.’s Tampa 
eity directory, 1916. v. 15. Tampa, 
Hia., R..L. Polk &-co.,:1916. 1007 -p. 
8vo. $7.00. [4752 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 420793; R. L. Polk & co., 
Birmingham, Ala. 

Taprpe (Herman Patrick)* New York. 

Designed by Tappé of New York. 

{in Harper’s bazar. Feb., 1916) 
©) Jan, 207719167 1c. Jany2e 
1916; A 422447. 

TARKINGTON (Booth)* Indianapolis. 
Penrod’s nervous breakdown. (In 
‘Cosmopolitan, April, 1916.) [4754 

© Mar. 9, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 10, 

1916; A 422998. 

Sainte Marie, Mich. Bridgie. (in 
Christian union herald, Feb. 24, 
1916) [4755 

© Feb. 26529167292 Feb. 25, 
1916; A 422822. 

Tayrtor (Charles I.)* St. Louis. Ad- 
vertisements for savings banks. Se- 
ries S A 211. illus. 48mo.- $5.00. 
[Text parallel to binding] [4756 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425568. 

Taytor (John Madison) When mili- 

tary training should begin. Proof. 
(National editorial service, serial 
no. 372) [4757 

© Jan. 12, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
26. 1916; A 425645; National edito- 
rial service, inc., New York. 

Taytor (N. & G.) co.*, Philadelphia. 

Selling arguments for tin roofing. 
2d ed. 1916. 80 p. ~ailass sole 
chart. S8vo. [4758 

© Feb. 2, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426362. 

.)* Rochester, N. Y. 

Taylor’s analyzed citations; a supple- 
ment to TPaylor’s analyzed citations of 
the official series and N. Y. supplement 
reports. ‘[Feb., 1916] 3 p. 1, 1397p. 
4to. $8. 00 per -yr. Feb. 2, : 
Baer Feb. 7, 1916; aff. Feb. 4, 1916: A 

of all cases in the New York court 
appeals reports. [Y¥eb., 

[370] p. : $8.4 00 per yr. © 

DP tOlGs 2 Cs Hep wle 1916; aff. Feb. 4, 

1916; A 418724. 

of the New York miscellaneous re- 

TAYLOR (Zachary P 

ports. [Feb., 1916] [92.1 Dp. . bee 
$5.00 per, yr. @ Feb., 2, 49'Ge. 27 
Feb. 7, 1916; aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 

of the New York supplement re- 
ports [Feb., 1916] [418] p. 4to. 
$8.00 per yr. ' ©. Feb. 2, 19iGs 2 
Feb. 7, 1916; aff. Feb. 4, 1916; A 

of the New York Supreme court re- 
ports. [Feb., 1916] [386] p. 4to. 
$9.00 per yr. © Feb: 2, 19167275. 
Feb. 7, 1916; aff. Keb. 4, 1916, 

TAYLOR INSTRUMENT cos.*, Rochester, 
N. Y. Control of temperature. 

[4764, 4765 

Process kettle regulators. 12 p._ illus., 

diagrs. S8vo. © “Feb: 16, 19163) 276, 
and aff. Mar. 2, 1916; A 425732. 

Time regulator. 11. p. illus., diagrs. 
8vo. © Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. 
Mar. 2, 1916; A 425733. 



no. 8, 1916 4788 

TELEGRAPH printing co. Catalogue of | Trpsres (Charles E.)* Chicago, Pre- 
official forms made necessary by paredness for national defense. 7, 
the Workmen’s compensation act LT p. “Svo: [4780 
[of Pennsylvania] 67 1.  4to. © Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
$1.00. [4766 25, 1916; A 426311. 

é Pa Ge. Men, ; ' : 
‘es es ea. ORE > | Timken (Frank Herrmann)* Detroit. 
Pome. P. McCullough Hee Human factor in industry, its devel- 
Pa . : uptets “gees opment and utilization. (Jn Bul- 

TELEPHONE society of the Mountain 

States. Educational dept. 
Bell system. 4 numb. loose 1. 4to. 
(Lecture no. 6. Jan. 6, 1916.) © 

Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 21, 

1916; A 425583. 

Policy. 4 numb. loose 4to. (Lec- 
ture no. 7. Feb. 10, 1816) © Feb. 
10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. DOM Gy 
A 425584. 

Substation practice, pt. 1. Substation 
sets and apparatus, section 6, 7. 

v. 4to. (Plant course no. 2.) © ae 
27,1916; 2 c..and aff. Feb. 21, 1916; 
A "425585. 

© Mountain States telephone & 
telegraph co., Denver. 

TELLING (George Palmer)* Pasadena, 

Cal. Telling bungalow plans. 
cover-title, 40 p. illus., diagrs. 
48mo. $0.25. [4770 

fj Dee 7 1915; 2 c. Dec 13, 

1915; aff. Jan. 4, 1916; A 417886 

Tempter (EH. R.) Keeping the wolf 
from the door with poultry. (Jn 

Scranton times) [4771 

© Feb. 14, 1916; 1 c« Feb. 21, 
1916; A 422647; Eugene McGuckin 
co., Philadelphia. 

THEIR married life. (Jn New York 

evening journal) [4772-4778 

Feb. 16, 1916. © Feb. 16, 1916; 1 «. 
Feb. 17, 1916; A 422507. 

Hep. 19. 1916... © Feb. 19, 1916; 1 ec. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 422574. 

Hep. 23, 1916. © Feb. 23,.1916; 1 «. 
Feb. 24, 1916; A 422645. 

Feb. 28, 1916. © Feb. 28, 1916; 1 e. 
Feb. 39, 1916; A 422784. 

Mar. 2, 1916. OmMar 2.19165) 1 /¢ 
Mar. 3, 1916; A 422895. 

Rei 6 1 9G. 1 © 2Mar. 7, 19163. 1 ‘ec. 
Mar. 8, 1916; A 422898. 

Mar. 9, 1916. © °+Mar 1916; 1 e. 

Mar. 10, 1916; A 429993 

© International news service, 
New York. 

THysony & Bengtson*, Chicago. Thy- 
Ben sales agent’s wear book for 
1916. cover-title, 382 p. illus. 


© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
22,1916; A 419779. 

16mo. | 

letin of the National commercial fix- 

ture manufacturers association. 
Feb., 1916. ) [478 
© Feb. 26, 1916; 1c. Mar. 3, 1916; 
TINEE (Mae) Life stories of the 
movie stars: v. l. Hamilton, Q:;, 

The Presto publishing co., 1916. 2s 
p. ports. 16mo. us 15. [4782 

© Mar. 5. 1916: 2 ¢. Mar. 7, 1916s 
ait. Mar. 6, 1916; A. 125878: Presto 
pub. ¢o., Hamilton, ©; 

TroGa mill & elevator co.*, Waverly, 
N. Y. Story of Colonel’s ration. 
[6] p. folder, illus. 16mo. [4783 

© Feb. 5, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
2, 1916; A 425726. 

TIRE supply co.*, Los Angeles. 17621 
is the largest single tire bargain 
ever made. Card, printed on both 
sides, illus., 7 by 11 inches. [4784 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
38, 1916; A 425168. 

Topp protectograph co.*, Rochester, 

N. Y. Mr. Kelch paid $1,035. Sheet, 
printed on both sides, 11 by 8% 
inches. [4785. 

© Jan. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
19, 1916; A 417856. 

ToLEepo credit rating & collection co.*, 
Toledo, O. Toledo’s credit register 

and additions. Smith’s mercantile 
report for Toledo. v. 8. 1 p. 1. 852 
p. fol. $25.00. [4786 

© Mar. 10, 1916; 2c. and aff. Mar. 
11, 1916; A 428101. 

Totstoy (Countess) Tolstoy’s daugh- 
ter on Russia’s firing line writes her 
adventures. Proof. port. [478T 

© Jan. 11, 1916; 2 ¢c and aff. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 425316; Newspaper enter- 
prise assn., Cleveland. 

Topeka, Kan. Radges’ Topeka city 
directory, 1916. Topeka, Kan., Polk- 
Radges directory company, 1916. 
715 p. 8vo. $8.00. [4788 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2. ¢. Feb. 7, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 9, 1916; A 420723; Polk- 
Radges directory co., Topeka, Kan. 




Tracy (William B.) Bigger, better pee nen be We 
business. Habit. (In Chicago her- | 
ald) [4789 | 

© Feb. 9, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 10, 1916; i 
A 429358; J. Keeley, Chicago. 

TRADERS national bank. [4790, 4791 
Executive department. cover-title, [5] p. 
aS. Svo. (One cf a series of arti- 
eles on business administration) © Jan. 
Ate 2S ee andeat. Jane 297 19n6: 
A. 425067. 
Soliciting department. 
illus. 8vo. 
eles on business administra 
te NOG. 2 ic sand aa. Jian. 
A 425068. 

© John H. rye, Birinin 

i5] p. 
(Qne of a Series of arti- 
tion) © Jan. 
29, 1916; 


gham, Ala. 

TREMAINE (De Witt Cherles)* Wil- 
liamsville, N. Y. Eece homo. Sheet, 
illus., 6 by 10 inches. [4792 

© Dee. 1, 1915; 2 ¢. Dec. 28, 1915; 
aff. Jan. 20, 1916; A 419808. 

Troy record almanac and year-book 
for 1916. Comp. by James Langland. 
[Troy, N. Y.] The Troy record com- 
pany. 1916. 627 p. illus., mags, 
ports. Svo. $0.25. [4793 

© Jan. 27, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 29, 1916; 
aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 420574; Troy 
record co., Troy, N. Y. 

TUCKER (William)* New York. 
teresting data on agrostology; 
price list. cover-title, [22] p. 

© Feb. 15, 1916; 
16, 1916; A s95405. 

Turrs (Leonard) Help those to he!p 
themselves, another name for na- 
tional highways. 4p. iilus., maps. 
4ito. (National highways assn.) 

1A JONG Ze: Mebear, 

19, 1916; A 418933; 


2 c. and aff. Feb. 

© Feb. 
1916; aff. Feb. 
National highways assn., 

TouLsa, Okl. Polk-Hoffhine directory 
co.’s ‘Tulsa city directory, 1916. 
fv. 8] Tulsa, Polk-Hoffhine dire¢- 
tory company, 1916. 700 p. S8vo. 
$7.00. . [4796 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Heb. 
14, 1916; A 420768; Volk-Hofrfhine 
directory co., Tulsa, Okl. 

User land und meer. Jahrg. 58. 115 
bd. [Each illus. fol.] [4797, 4798 
nr. .18.,..© Jan. 26,,.19165. 1 ¢... Kept 15, 
1916; A—YToreign 13448. 
nr, 21. © Heb. 16, 1916. 1 ic: Mar. 
1916; A~—Foreign 13465. 
© Deutsche verlags-anstalt, Stutt- 

gart, Germany. 


pt. 1, Hi: Savio 

TMHOLrZ 6(Frederick H.) ‘Common 
school elementary arithmetic, by 
Irederick H. Umhoitz and George A. 
Tallant. Chicago, Laird: &: Lee 
[1916] vii, 280 p. illus. 12moe. $0.35. 


© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 e. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 418960; George A. Tal- 
lant, Chicago. 

UnpbERWoop (Drury) Top ’o the morn- 

ing. (In Chicago herald) 

Feb. 8, 1916. © Feb: 8, 19162 1_@ hem 
9, 1916: A 422355. 

Feb. 13, 1916. © Feb. 13, 1916 ; 1%¢eé 
Feb. 14, 1916. A 422467. 

Feb. 15. 1916. @ Feb. 15, 1916; pe 
Feb. 16, 1916; A 422471. 

Feb. 16, 1916. @ Feb. 16, )0996-)9 0 
Feb. 17, 1916; A 422499. 

Feb.. 17; 1916. .°@ "Rebs 17,1) a9ier ft ces 
Feb. 18, 1916; A 422521. 

Feb. 18, 1916. © Web2 As ieee 
Feb. 19, 19263; A: 422544- 

Feb. 19, 1916. © Feb. 19) AOTes 1b ve 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 422568. 

Feb. 20, 1916.: © Feb. 20, 4916-33 
Feb. 31, 1916; A 422604. 

Feb. 22, 1916... @ Pebs; 22) t916— ioe 
Feb. oF 1916; A 422610." 

Feb. 23. 1916. © Feb. 23; 191622 eG 
Feb. 24, 1916; A 422662. 

Heb. 24, 1916:- ©: Feb) 24. #916 > fe 
Feb. 25, 1916; A 422664. 

Feb. 25, 1916. © Feb. 25, 4916472 
Feb. 26,1916; A. 422700. 

Feb. 26, 1916. ae Feb., 26, 7996.5 Ao 
Feb. 28, 1916; A 422721. 

Feb, 29, 1916. @©@ Feb. 29, 1916: 42 © 

Mar. 2, 1916: 5.14) A22948. 

ile 1916. @ Mar. 1, 1916; 1c. 
1916: A 422915. 

2, 1916; @ Mar 2 
8, 1916; A 422920. 
Pinos LONG.) “«CheMiar 
4, 1916; A 422925, 
. 4, 1916. © Mar. 
6, 1916; A 4229380. 
(i, LOGE Ch Mare 
8, 1916; A 422955. 
r, 8, 1916. @©@ Mar. 
1916; A 422962. 

Mar. 1916. © Mar. 
10, ery A 422988. 

Mar... 10, 1916: © Mar. 16, ISté te 
Mar. 11, 1916; A 423020. 

Mar. 11, 1916. © Mar. 11, 1916378 ¢€ 
Mar, 13, 1916; A 423037. 

© J. Keeley, Chicago. 

1916; 1¢. 

3, 1916; 1. 


1, A916S Je: 

8, 1916; 1¢. 

9, 1916% fc Mar 

UnpbERWwoop typewriter co.*, ine., New 
York. Order of accurate typists, in 
which also is included As it was in 
the beginning, by J. N. Kimball. [6] 
25> p. illus., Svo. [4823 

© Jan. 15, 1916; 2 e- Jan 1 
1916; aff. Jan. V6, 1916; A 417881. 



no. 3, 1916 

UNITED AGENCY,* Chicago. Book of 
ratings. v. 10, Mar. to Sept., 1916. 
{Western and southern ed.] 
ous paging. fol. $37.50. [4824 

© Mar. 6, 1916; 2 c Mar. 138, 
1916; aff. Mar. 10, 1916; A 428076. 

UNITED inc.*, New 
York. [4825, 4826 
Instructicrs for the use of the U—B-S list 

book. 5 1. folder. 24mo. © Feb. 8, 

go2G5>2 ec; Neb. 11, 1916; aff. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 425506. 

List of 5-10-15ec items. cover-title, 37 p. 
nar 6 6}2mo.) $0.50. Mar: 1; 4916; 
2c. and aff. Mar. 9, 1916; A 425855. 

7. S. BANK note co.*, 

Bank drummer. 

BUYERS service, 

, Indianapolis. 
5 1916 ed. cover- 
title, 102 p. illus. S8vo. (Catalog 
no. 191) [4827 

© Feb. 18, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
21, 1916; A 425587. 

UNITED STATES WATER and steam sup- 

ply co. [4828, 4829 

Catalogue no. 11. Kansas City, Mo. 
[1916] 1p. 1., [v]—xliii, 850 p. illus. 
Svo. @© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 ¢c. and aff. 
Mar. 10, 1916; A 428041. 

Catalogue no. 12. xxviii, 405 p._ illus., 
maers. ovo. © Heb: 12, 19165 2c. 

and aff. Feb. 21, 1916; A 420845. 
© R. R. enetiey & sons co., Chi- 

. cago. 

UNIVERSAL CREDIT rating co.*, Dayton, 
O. List of Springfield, Ohio, retail 
groceries and meat markets, 1916. 
cover-title, 9 p. 16mo. [4830 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419919. 

UNIVERSAL DISPLAY System,* Oklahoma 
City, Okl. Important instructions to 
theatres. Sheet, 12 by 9 inches. 

aan, 1651916: 2 ¢ Jan. 15, 
1916; aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 425101. 

aS SAVINGS corporation,* Nor- 

folk, Va. Stein’s universal plan for 
savings and loans. cover-title, 13 p. 
16mo. [4832 

© Feb. 16, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
23, 1916; A 426285. 

UraH state gazatteer and business di- 
rectory, 1916-1917. v.6. Salt Lake 
Maey, Utah, R. L.-Polk & co., 1916. 
789 p. Svo. $7.00. [4833 

© Jan. 24, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
1, 1916; A 427094; R. L. Polk & co. 
of Utah, Salt Lake City. 

Vacuum oil co.*, Rochester, N. Y. 
Correct lubrication for motorboats, 
1916. cover-title, [8] p. col. illus. 
16mo. [4834 

© Feb. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
' 26, 1916; A 416716. 

Vari- | 



VAILE-KIMEsS co.*, Dayton, O. 

[4835, 4836 
’ & KR pumps for domestic water supply. 
8 p._illus., diagrs. S8vo. (Circular, 
no. 119) © Jan. 14, 1916; 2 c. and 
aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417913. 

Wi iad directions, 118. Sheet, diagrs., 
by 83 inches. @ Jan. 14, 1916; 2 

3 rey aff. Jan. 21, 1916; A 417914. 

"ALENTINE & co.*, New York. Rush of 
live steam—a flood of boiling wa- 

ter—and the varnish wasn’t harmed. 
(In Ladies’ home journal, Mar., 
1916) [4837 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
1916; A 422624. 

VANDERVORT (Archie EK.) urkey rais- 
ing a highly profitable industry. (In 
Scranton times) [4838 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 4, 1916; 
A 422841; Eugene Mc Guckin cO., 
Philadelphia. . 


(Jn American 

Russian shrapnel—4. 
muchinist ) [4839 

Oo Meb. 17, 1o1G:. Lc. Heb: 09: 
191G> A,42 2606 ; Hill pub. co., New 

VAN Duzer (Winifred) Why people 
read the Updike story. (Jn Cleve- 
land Sunday leader ) [4840 

© Feb. "18; A916: tt en-Webs., 15, 
1916; A 422518; Cley eland co., Cleve- 


VAUGHAN’S seed _ store*, 
Vaughan’s seeds, 1916. 
$59. Eps lus. (part col.) seo pr 
4to. [4841 

Glan. Ale 1916... 25 esedanae24 
1916; aff. Jan. 13, 1916: A 419809. 

Viavi co.*, San Francisco. 
book. 208 p. illus., diagrs. 16mo. 
$0.10. [4842 

© Mar. 3, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
1D OIG = AT AaG, 229, 

Viavi text 

Van Valkenburgh)* 
Masque of Merlin. 
© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 15, 1916; 
aff. Mar. 2, 1916; A 425734. - 

Vitas’ (Faith 
Evanston, Ill. 
cover-title, [38] p. 16mo. 

(William Hopkins) Service, 
care of Reo own- 
mounted illus. 

how Taber takes 
ers::. [5]--p.. folder. 
4to. [4844 

©)" Feb: 415; 1916;°2. "e. Krebs; 
1916: aff. Feb. 16, 1916; A 426297; 
Russell Peet Taber, Hartford, Conn. 



Waco, Tex. Morrison & Fourmy di- 
rectory co.’s Waco city directory, 
1916. v. 18. Houston, Morrison & 
Fourmy directory co., ine., 1916. 563 
p. 4to. $6.00. [4845 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 
11, 1916; A 420740; Morrison & 
Fourmy directory co., ine., Houston. 

Waite (Louise R.)* Los Angeles. 
Talks with Uncle David. 1 p. 1. 46 
p. 12mo. $0.50. [4846 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426522. 

[4847, 4848 
He appreciated. [4] p. 24mo. © Feb. 

15, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 26, 1916; 
A 425632. 

Tom Kelly, some _ salesman. Pid -p. 
folder. 16mo. @© Dec. 21, 1915; 2c. 
Jan. He 1916; aff. Jan. 29, 191 6; A 

WaLLick (Ekin) [Attractive home] 
chap. no. 1-8. 8 loose 1, illus. fol. 

©. Jan. 1, 1916+ .2.e, Janmii12: 
1916; aff. Jan. 27, 1916; A 425074; 
Carpenter-Morton co., Boston. 

Warp (Edward Gendar) Rational 
method in reading, by Edward G. 
Ward. Additional ist reader, by 
Mary A. Ward, assisted by Mada- 
lene D. Barnum. Rev. and enl. ed. 
Boston, New York [ete.] Silver, 

Burdett and company [1916] 159 
p. illus. 12mo. [4850 
©: Jan. 25, 1916: 2 “eh and watt. 

Jan. 28, 1916; A 420544; Silver, 
Burdett & co., Boston. [Copyright 
is claimed on revision and added 
material. ] 

Warp (Mary Augusta Arnold) Lady 
Connie, by Mrs. Humphry Ward. 
(In Cornhill magazine. [4851, 4852 

enap, o95°°6.. (© i, ¢. hebs- 26.) 19 A 
ad int. 2575; pubd. Jan. 26, 1916. 

eHap. ‘7, 8. © 1.¢. Mar. 25, 19Te, A 
ad int. 2607 ; pubd. Feb. 26, 1916. 

© Mrs. Humphry Ward, London. 

WarMAN (Edward B.) Care of the 
body. New York, American sports 
publishing company [1916] 117 p. 
front. 16mo. (Spalding red cover 
series of athletic handbooks, no. 
62R) $0.25. [4853 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
26, 1916; A 420943; Amer. sports 
pub. co., New York. 


pt. 1, n. S., v.13 

WARREN, Pa. Warren borough and 
Warren County directory, 1916. v. 
8. Warren, Pa., Kirwin & Latham, 
1916. 403 p. 8vo. $6.00. [4854 

© Jan. 20, 1916;-2 ¢€ and aim 
Feb. 2, 1916; A 420628; Kirwin & 
Latham, Warren, Pa. 

America’s best shoe 
cut service. [4855, 4856 

Sheet no. 8, Feb. 1, 1916. Shee illus., 
24 by 18 inches. © Feb. 1916; 
ines and aff. Feb. 4, 1916; i "425216. 

Sheet no. Mar. 1, 1916. Sheet, illus., 

4 by is inches. @ Mar. 1916; 
2c. and aff. Mar. 6, 1916; ic "426513. 

© Richard G. Waskow, Chicago. 

WASKOW CO., ine. 

Watson (Mark §S.) Canada _ united 
in loyalty to mother country. 
Article 3. (In Chicago daily or 
Sunday tribune) [4857 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 1 ec Feb. 10, 
1916; A 422366; Chicago tribune, 

Watson (William Bernard)* Norfolk, 
Va. Business success. Sheet, 6 by 
4 inches. [4858 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
3, 1916; A 425118. 

Weser (Henry Charles Paul)* Ur- 
bana, Ill. Outline charts in qualita- 
tive analysis. 8 1. 4to. $0.10. 

© Feb. 8, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426544. 

Wesster mfg. co.*, Tiffin, O. Ma- 
chinery for the handling of ma- 

terials and products. 520 p._ illus., 
diagrs. S8vo. (Catalogue no. 42) 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 1, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 10, 1916; A 418790. 

WeEExks (Arland Deyett)* Fargo, N. D. 
Mind of the citizen. 38. (Jn Ameri- 
can journal of sociology, Jan., 1916.) 

©- Jan.- 31, °1916; ‘1 e. Web! 717, 
1916; A 422512. 

New York. Minstrel 
jokes, gags, and conundrums. 58 p. 
24mo. $0.10. [4862 

© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

8, 1916; A 425122. 

WEHMAN bros.*, 

WELTMER (Sidney A.) Suggestive 
therapeutics ; a complete correspoend- 
enee course in psychology, general 
philosophy, suggestive therapeutics, 



no. 3, 1916 


WELTMER (Sidney A.)—Continued. 
and right living, together with com- 
_ plete lesson outlines. [4863-4865 

Section 13-19. New rev. ed. 7 v. fol. 
$25.00. [Text parallel to binding] 
ma pepe. 7, 1995; 2c. Nov. 5, 1915; aff. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 425579. 

Section 24. Newreved. 101. fol. $5.00. 
{Text parallel to binding] @© Nov. 5, 
1915; 2 ¢c. and aff. Feb. 21, 1916; 
A 425580. 

Section 25. New rev. ed. 9 1. fol. $5.00 
[Text parallel to binding] @© Dec. 7, 
1915; 2 c. and aff. Mar. 6, 1916; 
A 426542. 
© Weltmer institute of suggestive 

therapeutics co., Nevada, Mo. 

WENTWoRTH (George)* Brookline, 
Mass., & Smith (David Eugene) 
New York. Essentials of arithme- 
tic. Advanced book. Teachers’ ed. 
Boston, New York, [ete.] Ginn and 
company [1916] 1p.1,61p. 12mo. 
(Wentworth-Smith mathematical se- 
ries.) $0.40. [4866 

© Feb. 1, 1916; 2 c and aff. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 425433. 

WERNER (W)* Chicago. [4867-4901 

America’s artistic declaration of inde 

pendence. © Mar. 2, 1916; 1c. Mar. 
4, 1916; A 422846. 
tonishine. © Feb. 17, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 

21, 1916; A 422590. 

Care of the children. © Mar. 4, 1916; 
1 c. Mar. 6, 1916; A 422864. 

China tea pot. © Mar. 9, 1916; 1 ec. 
Mar. 11, 1916; A 423016. 

Deb and Dan. @ Feb. 18, 1916; 1 e. 
Heb. 21, 1916; 422588. 

Dollar spent is a ae saved. © Feb. 
1, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 25,1916; A 422688. 

Dream stuff. @ Mar. 3, 1916; 1-¢c. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 422862. 

peas boy. © Feb. 16, 1916; 1 c. Feb. 
18, 1916; A 422531, 

Girl back home. © Mar. 6, 191634 c. 
Mar. 8, 1916; A 422950. 

Henrietta, =F informed. © Feb. 26, 
1916; 1 c. Feb. 28, 1916; A 422738. 

Home ports. © Feb. 235, 1916; 1 ec. Feb. 
8, 1916; A 422740. 

Industrial peearsticn and the other To 
Feb. 16, 1916. © Feb. 16, 1916; 
Feb. 18, 1916; A 422532. 

Feb. 26, 1916. © Feb. 26, 1916; 
1 ¢. Feb. 28, 1916; A 422739. 

It’s a wise Man ae knows a good thing 
when he sees it. © Feb. 14, 1916;1 6c. 
Feb. 16, 1916; A 422491, 

Jean’s determination, © Feb. 15, 1916; 
1 c. Feb. 18, 1916; A 422530. 

Lost money. © Feb. 14, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 
16, 1916; A 422490. 

_. Married life the twentieth year. chap. 2, 
@ Feb. 15, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 25, 1916; 
A 422686. 

- ——.chap. 3.' ©.Keb. 22, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 
26, 1916: A 422690. 

chap. rs Feb. 29, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 
2, 1916: A 422819, 

WERNER ve )* Chicago—Continued. 
—— chap. © Mar. 6, 1916; 1 c. Mar, 
9, 1916; ‘A 422972 
Miser and coward. 
ie) Web:+ 25. #9162" A. 42 
Mrs. Ellison’s divorce. © Feb. 24, 1916; 
te: Heb. 26.1916: A 422718. 
Mother. @© Feb. 22, 1916; 1 c¢. Feb. 25, 
1916; A 422689. 
Motor car industry. © Mar. 
1 c. Mar. 6, 1916; A 422863 
Open the door. © Feb. 19, 1916; 1 e¢. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 422584. 
Out of bondage. © Feb. 17, 1916; 1 ¢. 
Feb. 21, 1916; A 422589. 
Poppies. © Mar. 2, 1916; 1 ¢c. Mar. 4, 
1916; A 422845. 
Remedy. © Mar. 
1916; A 422829. 
Rivals. © Feb. 19, 1916; 1 ¢c. Feb. 21, 
1916; A 422583. 
Selling a slicer. @ Mar. 8, 
Mar. 10, 1916; A 422999. 
Study in telepathy. © Feb. 29, 1916; 
1 c. Mar. 2, 1916; A 422818. 
Such is life. © Feb. 28, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 
1, 1916; A 422762. 
Wedding clothes. © Mar. 7, 1916; 1c. 
Mar. 9, 1916; A 422974. 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 

4, 1916; 

1, 1916; 1 erMarz: 3, 

$16" - 1 “ec; 

What does your office furniture say. © 
Heb. 1:28, 14986; 1 .c.-Mar.-1; 19463 A 

Willing horse. 

© Heb. 21,  1OtG= ste. 
Feb. 25, 1916; : 

A 422687 

[Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
daily news] 

Wescott (Eugene M.) & Wiegand 
(Otto O.)* Shawano, Wis. One-leaf 
tax roll; method of using. [2] p., 
2) ~Syve_.) SOL [4902 

© Jan. 31, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

o, 1916; A 45124. 

WeEsT coast lumbermen’s assn. (Shin- 
gle branch)* Seattle. Grading 
rules for rite-grade red cedar shin- 
gles. [8] p. 24mo. [4903 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426377. 

WESTERN SOIL bacteria co.*, San Fran- 

cisco. Beneficial soil bacteria and 
legume crops. cover-title, 44 p. 
illus. Svo. [4904 

© Jan. 25, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 
3, 1916; A 425133. 

WESTERN STATES peace-preparedness 
league. Associate membership ap- 
plication. cover-title, 2 1. 24mo. 


© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
19, 1916; A 417854; Arthur Gordon 
Graves, San Francisco. 

WESTERN UNION telegraph co.*, New 
York. Tariff book, 1916. New 
York, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Craw- 
ford co. [1916] iv, 333 p. maps. 
4to. [4906 — 

© Jan. 10, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
14, 1916; A 429358. 



4907 pt.1,n.s., v.13 
WESTINGHOUSE air brake co.*, Wil- VHITMAN (Stephen)* New York. 
merding, Pa., & Pittsburgh. ie Children of hope. chap. 138-15. (Un 
: [4907, 4908 | Century, March, 1916) [4916 
Part catalog no. 3206-1. Reservoirs, | - 
drain cocks and unions. Dec., 1915. |! © Feb. 19, 1916; 1 C. Feb. 23, 
7 p. illus., diagrs. 4to. © Jan. 10, 1916; A 422632. 
1916 ; 2 ¢: and “ais Heb. Tf, 19163 7A: 
425100. | ; ; WIEDEMANN (George) brewing co. 
lecturs, Httainens., check vatyos, beliweh {he ao) PAE: Ss 
pipe tees, filler blocks, drain cups. pose. 46 p. illus. 16mo. [4917 
Jan., 1916. 12 p._ illus., diagrs. 4to. =. 
© Jan. 13, 1916; 2c. and aff. Feb. 1, © Dec. 27, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan. 
1916; A 425099. 3, 1916; A 417557; Felix Mendel- 
o % 7 
WHEELER (James Rush)* Bellevue, sohn, Chicago. 

Id. Wheeler’s post & pole chart. Fie oe moe tee : . 

Sheet, diagrs., 19 by 15 inches. | W sie” eee on She 

$0.75. [4909 (port col.) Svo. [4918 
© Jan. 1, 1916; 2.c. and aff. Jan: © Jan. 1, i816! eae ae 

24, 1916; A 419830. an. 4, : ; 2S ; 
Ma S aff. Jan. 24, 1916; A 417984; William 

WHELAN (Charles E.)* Madison, Wis. J. Wigmore, San Francisco. 


Every day is your day to me. 
e : 7 " Witcox (Fred H.)* Waterloo, Ia. Hog 

cover-title, 14 1. S8vo. [4910 . i Bewte ee sein 
© Dee, 21, 1915; 2¢ and aff. Jan.|  1¢9)'"Ta, Printed. by Stewart-Sim- 
3, 1916; A 417556. mons press, 1916] 21, [1] p. 12mo. 
WHITE (Clarence H.)* Los Angeles. $0.50. [4919 
New painless dissolvent treatment, © Jan. 24, 1916; 2 ¢ and aff. Jan. 
a perfect method of treatment for 26, 1916; A 420537. 
the cure of piles and all other dis- : 
eases of the rectum. cover-title, | WILLARD (Jess) [4920-4923 
72 p. port. nar. 8vo. [4911 Blows that win fights, Feb. 27, 1916. 

Heb. - 27,2 1916 = 48 eh Hem "29, 1916; 
A 422874, 

Mar. 5, 1916. © Mar. 5, 1916; 1 c. 
Mar. 6, 1916; A 422874. 

How to have health and muscles like 
mine. Feb. 20, 1916. @© Feb. 20, 1916; 
lelshebs2t. 1916: A AP25T ie: 

Jess Willard's own story of the best 
blows used by champions. Mar. 
12, 1916; 1° c.- Mar 33) t3aG lee 

© Jan. 7, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
1, 1916; A 425115. 

Wuitre (E. F.) Dispenser & carbo- 
nator. Why and again why. (Jn 
Southern pharmaceutical journal, 
Mar., 1916.) [4912 

© Feb. 29, 1916; 1 ¢. Mar. 4, 1916; 
A 422843; W. H. Cousins, Dallas. 

WHITE & Kemble*, New York. White [Note: The foregcing are in New York 
American ] 

& Kemble’s atlas and digest of rail- 
road mortgages, Buffalo, Rochester © A. Merrit, New York. 
& Pittsburgh ry. co., Buffalo and 

Susquehanna r. r. corp. f[fete.] 22 | WILLARD sToracGe battery co.*, Cleve- 

p. front. (fold. map) fol. $10.00. land. [49244925 
[4913 General instructions for setting up, 
charging and maintaining Plante type 
© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Mar. fone ieee Sols ie P- 
: A97T15 mo. ulletin no. 5 e q 
4, 1916; A 427151. 1916 ; 2 ec. and aff. Feb. 5 1916; A 
WHITE KING squab products co.*, Vine- — = 
land, N. J. Dovitam. [24] p.. illus. Service station manual. Rquipnient, 
16 AQI 4 tools, and instructions for the proper 
ma: [4 repeating al ‘yee a Ayers ier i 
( ‘ j ai Tx including etc B us 
© Jan. 8, 1916 ; 2 ¢) ‘and aff, Jan. diagrs. S8vo. (Bulletin no. 116). 
15, 1916; A 425080. Jan. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 29, 
1916; A 425056. 
WHITE MounrTaIn telephone & tele- 
graph co.*, Plymouth, N. H. Ply- | Wm. H. Bates’ lodge and society daily 
. mouth district telephone directory, guide, 1916. 13 1. obl. 4to. $0.20 
winter issue, 1915-1916, [section] 11. [Text parallel to binding] [4926 
' rey-ti os Sv 915 
Covel title, 28 p. Svo. [4915 © Dec. 24, 1915; 2 c« Jan. 7, 
© Jan. 19, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 1916; aff. Feb. 21, 1916; A 426276; 
21, 1916; A 417915. William H. Bates, Pekin, Ill. 



no, 3, 1916 

WILLIAMS (Clara Andrews) Jack and 

Betty’s magazine, Apr., 1916. (In 
Woman’s home companion. Apr., 
~ 1916) [4927 

©, Mar. 15, 1916; 1 c.. Mar. 13, 
1916; A 423050; George Alfred Wil- 
liams, Summit, N. J. 

WILLIAMS (Jesse Feiring)* New York. 
Laboratory course in applied physio- 

“logy. [New York, Printed by the 
Columbia university book — store, 
1916] 2 p. 1., 2-30 numb. 1. 4to. 

. [4928 
© Jan. 20 ,1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 

28, 1916; A 420560. 

WILLIAMS pub. co.*, Kansas City. 
Helpful health hints. Series D. 
cover-title, 13 1. 8vo. [4929 

© Jan, 31, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. Feb. 
3, 1916; A 425129. 

Woo (W. P.) & co.*, New York. 
[As seen by Willis nos. 9, 10] 2 v. 
illus. 4to. [ 4930, 4931 

©) Wee. 18, 1915, Jan: 20, 1916: 
Peewseich, and aft. Jan. 21, 1916; 
A 417910, 417911. 

WILLMORE (Howson Edward) jr.*, 
Chicago. From amber to dynamo. 

Pt. 14. Voltage regulation and effi- 

eciencies of generators. (Ji Brass 
_ world and platers’ guide, Feb., 1916) 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 1, 1916; 
“* A 422751. 

WILson (Carolyn) [4933, 4934 

' Berlin confident that allies will be beaten. 
@ Mar: 12,1916; 1 c: Mar. 15, 1916; 
A 422808. 

Germany solves problem of raw material 
stock, @© Mar, 13, 1916;.1 ¢c, Mar. 15, 
1916; A 422807. 
*- ~ [Note: The foregoing are in Chicago 
-. daily tribune] 

© Tribune co., Chicago. 

WittscH (Louis J.) Black art secrets. 
St. Louis, Mo., Soudhan magic com- 
‘pany, 1916. [4] p. diagr.  S8vo. 
$0.10. [4935 

- © Jan. 21, 1916; 2 c Jan. 24, 
#916; ait. Jan. 31, 1916; A 425093; 
Soudhan magic co., St. Louis. 

WINDER service co.*,New York. Winder 
service. [4936, 4937 

™ issue no. 31. cover-title, [8] p. illus. 
fol. ©) Jan. 2, 1916: 2 « and aff. Jan. 
24, 1916; A 417982. 

Issue no. 55. [8] p. illus. 
410. -@ Jan. 1, 1916; 2 ¢. and aff. 
Jan. 24, 1916; A 417981. 



WINTER and health resort directory, 

1916. Brooklyn, N. Y., The Brook- 
lyn daily eagle, 1916. 24 p.  illus., 
maps. 4to. (Eagle library no. 1938) 
$0.10. [4938 

© Jan; 17, 1916; 2 ¢. Feb. 7, 1916: 
aif. Feb. 28, 1916; A 428023; Brook- 
lyn daily eagle, Brooklyn. 

WINTERS (Quera) Quack! a model 
photoplay. 8 1. 4to. $1.00. [Mo- 
tion picture scenario] [4939 

© Jan. 29, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
31, 1916; A 419914; Russell Chap- 
man, Auburn, N. Y. 

WINWAL cCo.*, Rockford, Ill. Art of 
cosmetic beauty. 34 p. illus. 8vo. 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 ©. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 4265438. 

WISCONSIN national bank. Weekly 
Savings certificate. Kansas City, 
Union bank note co. [1915] Sheet, 
14 by 84 inches. [4941 

© Dec. 14, 1915; 2 ¢. and aff. Jan: 
3, 1916; A 417561; Percival G. Tur- 
ner, Kansas City, Mo. 

Wisconsin telephone co. Milwaukee 
classified telephone directory. Feb., 
19IGS ALON 4to: [4942 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 «. and aff. Feb. 
28, 1916; A 426361; Reuben H. Don- 
nelley, Chicago. 

Wotr & co.*, Philadelphia. House- 
keepers’ preserving booklet. cover- 
title, [4] p. 8 gummed. 24mo. 


© Dee. 1, 1915; 2 c. Feb. 26, 1916; 
aff. Feb. 28, 1916; A 4263854. 

Woop-CRANE co.*, San Francisco. 
Wood-Crane co.. distributors of 
America’s best goods. no. 82, Jan— 

Mar., 1916. illus. 
4to. [4944 

© Jani A7, 1916. 2 .c.' Meba,2 1; 
1916; aff. Feb. 18, 1916: A 425581. | 

Woop, Stubbs & co., ine.*, Louisville. 
Blue ribbon seeds. 18th annual cat- 
alog. Spring, 1916. cover-title, 95, 
[1] p. illus. 4to. [4945 

© an. 10 191652" Fans 21: 
1916; aff. Jan. 28, 1916; A 425095. 

Dawn of a new era in 
real estate merchandising. (Jn Sun- 
day state journal ) [4946 
© Feb. 27, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 1, 1916; 
A 422798; Fred’k H. Bartlett, Chi- 

cover-title, 64 p. 

Woops bros. 



pt. I, 0. S., V. 13; mess nia 

WORCESTER, Mass. Worcester direc- 
Lory, .4916. No:, ;%3.. . Woreester, 

Drew Allis company, 1916. 1242 p. 
loose fold. map. a $5.00. [4947 
© Feb. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 

Ce, BOL SA. 427058 ; Drew Allis ¢o., 

WoRDEN (George Minturn) * New York. 
Building trades pay roll time tables. 
20 p. 16mo. $0.50. [4948 

©, Jan.) din OIg? we stant. 
TSIG: bre: and aff. Jan. 29; 51916 3 cA 

WrRicHT (Benson)* La Crosse, Wash. 
Statutory calendar. Jan. 7-Feb. 25, 
1916. [8 instalments] (Jn Colfax 
commoner ) [4949 

© Jan. 7-Feb. 25, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 
7, 1916; A 422886. 

WericHt (Mary Louise) Managing 
marriage. (Jn New York Evening 
; ge [4950-4953 
Feb. TITS. = «© ro i; LOG = Te; Heb; 
8, 1916: A 4226 
Feb. 8, 1916. © ae 8, 1916; 1° c. Feb. 
9, 1916; A 422674. 
Feb. 9, 1916. © Feb. 9, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 

5 oo is 1916; A 422679. 

Feb. 10, 1916. Q Heb. Os AOLG eS sie: 
Feb. 14, 1916; A 422994. 
© Evening mail syndicate, inc, 

New York. 

WROUGHTON (Oliver L.)* Kansas City, 
Mo. Business building, 3 p. 1., 28 p. 
24mo. $0.10. [4954 

© Dec. 24, 1915; 2c. and aff. Jan. 
8, 1916; A 417555. 

WURLITZER (Rudolph) co.*, Cincinnati. 

Complete evolution of a high-grade 

piano from front to back. [20] p. 
eol. illus. 8vo. [Shaped like a 
piano] [4955 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Mar. 
6, 1916; A 426497. 

Wryiie (I. A. R.)* Londen... Day of 
days. (Jn Story-teller, Mar., 1916) 

©) <1 "ce. Mar. 37, 19162 A “ad int. 
2592; pubd. Feb. 10, 1916. 

X-RAY incubator co.*, Des Moines. In- 
structions for operating X-ray incu- 

bators and X-ray brooders. 30 p. 
illus. 16mo. - [4957 
© Oct. 9,41915: 276 janes 1916; 

aff. Jan. 21, 1916 ; A 419801. 

YAwMAN & Erbe mfg. co.*, Rochester, 
N. Y. File all your papers in a your- 

file. Sheet, illus., printed on both 
Sides, 14 by 9 inches. (Form no. 
2667) [4958 

© Jan. 26, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
29, 1916; A 425072. 

Youne (Hilla Flagg) & Field (Walter 
Taylor)* Chicago. Young and Field 
literary readers. Book 1. A primer 
and first reader. Illus. by Maginel 
Wright Enright. Boston, London 

[etc.] Ginn and company [1916] 
160 p. illus. (part col.) 12mo. 
$0.36. [4959 

© Jan. 28, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 418772. 

Youne (Otto Nathaniel)* Lindsborg, 
Kan. Bank account; suggestive 
rimes for the busy ad man. 10 1. 
24mo. $1.00. [4960 

© Jan. 21, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 
25, 1916; A 419837. 

YOUNGSTOWN, O. Youngstown official 
city directory, 1916. [v. 27] Akron, 
O., The Burch directory company, 
1916. 8, [17]-1640 p. S8vo. $7.00. 


© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 ec. and aff. Mar. 

18, 1916; A 428061; Burch directory 
co., Akron, O. 

19 states will elect delegates. (Jn Chi- 
cago Sunday tribune) [4962 

© Feb. 20, 1916; 1 ¢ ‘Feb. 21, 
1916; A 422578; Chicago | tr ibune, 

This catalogue contains the following entries since Jan. 1, 1916: 
(a) United States publications (including 1,698 contributions to 

Periodigais) 262i) ek Ces ie a 4,055 

(b) Foreign books in English intichinee under ad interim provisions 
OL aia. ak, CANO ie iat oie ee 50 
(c) Foreign books in foreign langyaeitto to ea ee ee 64 



Baxter (Delia B.) Brooklyn. House | GrrrtsEara (Bernard Henry) New 
Uncle Pabrepoit: 3 1. ‘fol.. Type- York. Food economics. 25 1. fol. 
written. [4963 Typewritten. [4971 
© 1c. Mar. 7, 1916; C 929. © 1c. Feb. 29, 1916: C 926. 
Bynum (William D.) Indianapolis. 
Corrupting influence of executive | LuNpBERG (Carl Frederic) Minne- 
patronage. 28 1. fol. Typewrit- apolis. Yens Yenson, yanitor. Rev. 
ten. [4964 ed. 3 1. fol. Typewritten. [4972 

m2 eG Heb. 21,1916: C 921. 
CLancy (John D.) Chicago. Lecture 
on an amortization loan system. 12 
1. fol. Typewritten. [4965 
@© 1c. Mar. 10, 1916; C 928. 
Dovuetass (Dwight) Brooklyn. 
trifugal curve-throw, 
lecture. 10 1. fol. 

a descriptive 
(© 1c. Mar. 10, 1916; GC 927. 
ParRAND (Homer A.) Elgin, Ill. Pay- 
ing the price; anybody’s job. 1 p. 
1, 8 numb. 1. 4to. Typewritten. 
© 1c. Feb. 17, 1916; C 919. 
Forsis (James B.) jr., Kansas City, 
Mo. Romantic highway. 1 p. L., 
18 numb. 1. 4to. Typewritten. 
© 1c. Keb. 21, 1916; C 918. 
FosTER (Herbert A.) Spokane, Wash. 
[4969, 4970 

Introducing a new plan of business. 
wlortol, | ehypewritten. © 1 ¢c. Jan. 
Ly FOIG ; C 924. 

Old adage It is better to give than to 

receive, is good religiously. 2 1. 
ee bypewritten. © 1. ce Jan. 15, 
pote: C 925. 

Number of entries of Lectures, sermons, 
meme sinee Jan. 1, 1916... 

© 1 @ Mar. 9, 1916; GC. 923. 

PoweERS (Mabel) East Aurora, N. Y. 
Tales the Iroquois Indians tell 
their children. 12 1. 4to. Type 
written. [4973 

© te) Mar, 1916> "C922 

STETSON (Francis Lynde) Prepara- 
tion of corporate mortgages, col- 
lateral trusts and indentures. 2 p. 
1., 2-108 numb. |. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [4974 

© sieve. Keb: (28.5 1916-6920: 
Association of the bar of the city 
of New York, New York. 

WEBER (Carl) Santa Barbara, Cal. 

Mothers of the next generation. 9 

loose 1. fol. Typewritten. [4875 
© Le, Mar 21, 19165 C93. 

WricuHt (Charles W.) 
Chesapeake Bay, the 
waters. 14 numb. 1. fol. Type- 

- written. [4976 

(© fe. Mar. 13, 1916; ‘C-930: 

mother of 

addresses, included in the Cata- 



drama in 2 acts, by Walter Ben 
Hare. Chicago, T. 8S. Denison & 
company [1916] 54p. 12mo. [4977 

i) Heb. 19, 1916:°2 c. Feb. 25, 
1916; D 43185; Eben H. Norris, Chi- 

ABHUL, THE AZRA; play in 1 act, by 
S. Cowan. 16 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [4978 

© 1c. Mar. 16, 1916; D 43346; 
Sada Cowan, New York. 

ACORN -PLANTER (THE); California 
forest play [in prologue, 2 acts and 
epilogue] by J. London. New York, 
Macmillan company, 1916. v, 84 p. 
12mo. [4979 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 ¢. Feb. 24, 
1916; D 48120; Jack London, Glen 
Ellen, Cal. 

ACROSS THE STREET; comedy playlet, 
by N. Rackow and A. M. Leitzbach. 
[1], 22 p. 4to. Typewritten. [4980 

© 1c. Mar. 4, 1916; D 48222; N. 
Rackow & A. M. Leitzbach, New 

matic sketch in 1 act, by W. S. Gid- 
ley. 15 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


ee. Hep, 25.1916: D 43137; 
Will S. Gidley, Springfield, Mass. 

en 1 acto, dividido en 3 cuadros y 
un suelto periodistico, original y en 
presa de Antonio Paso y Joaquin 
Abati, mtsica del maestro Lleo. 
Madrid [Sociedad de autores espa- 
poet 1916. 37 p...12mo. _ [Li- 
-retto only] [4982 

© Mar. 7, 1916; 1 ec. Mar. 11, 
1916; D 48280; A. Paso y J. Abati, 

ALL ON A SUMMER’S DAY; comedy, by 
Lindsey Barbee. Chicago, T. S. 
Denison & company [1916] 22 p. 
12mo. [4983 

Hep. 19° 1916: 2° c. Keb: 25, 
1916; D 48184; Eben H. Norris, Chi- 

ALL UP IN THE AIR; farce with music, 
by. HY. “Reynolds - [3]; 8 p. \~4to. 
Typewritten. [words only] [4984 

© 1c. Mar. 11, 1916; D. 43292; 

Harrington Reynolds, Chicago. 

FINDS LOVE; play, by lL. Bowman. 
11 p. 8vo. Ms. [4985 

© Dee. Mebs 14, «1916 > 1D, 45165); 

Leroy Bowman, El Monte, Cal. 

APRIL FIRST; or, The mysterious 
cousin, comedy in 1 act, by EH. A. 
Elsbach. [11] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [4986 

© 1c. Mar. 7, 1916; D 43235; Ed- 
win Arthur Elsbach, San Francisco. 

ARM (THE) OF THE LAW; 1 act playlet, 
by John_H. Sloane. [13] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [4987 

© 1 e¢ Feb. 23, 1916; D) 43118; 
David H. Sloane, New York. 

BAacK HOME AGAIN; Short playlet, by 
Wi Mack: fi} 2%. piri 4tor) 2 fype- 
written. [4988 

© 1c. Mar. 18, 1916; D 43363; 
Wilbur Mack, New York. 

BasTON (EL) DE ALUALDE; pelicula 
céOmica hablada dividida en 4 series, 
original de Manuel Caba y Jose 
Alba. Madrid [Sociedad de au- 
tores espafioles] 1916. 56 p. 12mo. 

© Mar. 7, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 11, 1916; 
D 48281; M. Caba y J. Alba, Madrid. 

drama of the Andes in 8 acts, by 
H. R. Durant. [129] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [4980 

© tee! Web 21, 1916s D4SNG; 
Harold Riggs Durant, New York. 

BELIEF; miracle play, by C. Laurence. 

[2] 27 p. 4to. Typewritten. [4991 
© 1 ¢. Feb. 25, 1916; D 43141; 
Clarice Laurence, New York. 

BETTER (THE) MAN; modern play ina 
prologue, 4 acts and 10 scenes, by 
J. H. Booth. [146] p. fol. -Type- 
written. [4992 

©: 1 ¢ Mar. 13, 1916; D: 43312; 
John Hunter Booth, Boston. = 




pt. 1,-n. S:, Vv. 18 

Bie (THE) GREY CAR; drama in: 1 act, 
by I. Levinsohn. [20] p. 4to. Type- 
written. . [4993 

© 1 ¢«. Dec. 22, 1915; D.43205; 
Ivar Levinsohn, Brookiyn. 

BLESSED THOMAS More; sacred drama 
telling the story of a martyrdom, 
written and arranged by Sister M. 
Camilla. [3], 52 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [4994 

© 1 @ Mar. 9, 1916; D 48254; 
Sister M. Camilla, Rochester, N. Y. 

Bonp (THE) AND THE FREE; pageant- 
drama in 8 acts, by M. O. Tomes. 
[1], 87 p. 4to. Typewritten. [4995 

© 1c. Mar. 3, 1916; D 48335; Mar- 


garet Otey Tomes, Albany, N. Y. 

(THE); or, The right way, 
comedy drainatic political incident, 
by W.. H. Sloan. [1]; -8:p. . 4toi 
Typewritten. [4896 

© 1c. Feb. 4, 1916; D 43126; Wil- 
liam H. Sloan, New York. 

BRINGING UP FATHER; play in 8 acts, 
by George McManus. i6 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [4997 

©/'1 ¢. Mar. 3; 1916; D 43213; Star 
company, New York. 

Borren (CHE): play ‘in 1. act, by -A. 
Gerstenberg. [1], 68 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [4998 

© 1c Feb. 28, 1916; D 43169; 
Alice Gerstenberg, Chicago. 

Bues; comedy skit, by R. W. Farris. 

[1], 7p. 4to. Typewritten. [4999 

©) et yan. 21,” 1916s" De 43248: 
Ralph W. Farris, Warren, Me. 

BurcharR (THE); drama in 1 aet, by 
Cc. F. Hoke. FLOP. % pe 24mo. 
Printed. [5090 

© Mar: 10; 1916; 2.°c.° Mar) 14, 
1916; D 48348; Clarence Frederic 
Hoke, Sacraimento, Cal. 

edy drama in 8 acts, by Lindsey 
Barbee. Chicago, T. S. Denison & 
company [1916] 38 p. 12mo. [5001 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2c Mar. 1, 1916; 
D 43192; Eben H. Norris, Chicago. 

CALIBAN; by the yellow sands, com- 
munity masque of the art of the 
theatre, devised and written to com- 
memorate the tercentenary of the 
death of Shakespeare, by P. Mac- 
Kaye. [100] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

©-1c. Feb. 11, 1916; D 48011; 
Percy MacKaye, New York. 

CARLOTA ; play in 1 act, by H. Adams. 

10 p. fol. Typewritten. [5003 

© 1 ¢. Feb. 19, 1916; D 48269; 
fepert Adams, Les Angeles. 

Casa (LA) DE LOS CRIMENES; juguete 
comico en 1 aeto, original de Wn- 
rique Garcia Alvarez y Pedro Mufioz 
Seca. Madrid [Sociedad de autores 
espanhsles] 1916. 25p. 12mo. [5004 

© Mar. 7, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 11, 1916; 
D 48277; E Garcia Alvarez y P. 
Munoz Seca, Madrid. 

in 1 act, by GC. Laurence. . [2], 2a,;p- 
4to. Typewritten. — [5005 

© 1c. Feb. 25, 1916; D 48142; 
Clarice Laurence, New York. ; 

PHONE; melodrama in 1 act, by A. 
Goldknopf. [1], 9 p. 4to. Type- 

©-1 « Muar. 2; 1916; bp 4e2038- 
Abraham Goldknopf, New York. 

CLASH (THE) oF CLASS; original dra- 
matic sketch in 1 act, by M. G. Whit- 
man. 12 p. 4to. ‘Typewritten. 

© 1c. Mar. 17, 19163°D 43308; 
Max Gilbert Whitman, Dallas. 

Cotp (A) pay; original farce comedy 
in 3 acts; by P: D. Wisher> “[7G¥ @p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5008 

© 1c. Mar. 18, 1916; D 48380; 
Perkins D. Fisher, Newton, Mass. 

CoMING BACK; or, The dreamer, drama 
in 4 acts, prologue and epilogue, by 
L. Morrell. [70] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [5009 

© 1c Mar. 10, 1916; D 43266; 
Louis Morrell, New York. 

PLAYS; by’ P. Wilde! New York, H. 
Holt and company, 1916. xv, 1 L, 
173 p. -T2mo. $1:20°  Contenmm: 
Confessional.—The Villain in the 
piece.—According to Darwin.—A 
Question of morality.—The Beauti- 
ful- story. 5009* 

©; Feb: 19, 1916; 2c Mena 
1916; aff. Feb. 23, 1916; A 418940; 
Percival Wilde, New York. 

Conruicr (THE); epilogue and 3 act 
play, by G. Freeman. [69] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5010 

© 1c Feb. 28, 1916; D 48110; 
Gladys M. Freeman, New York. 


ht hot 


ea i 


no. 3, 1916 

ConFiict (THE); family drama in 8 
acts, by E. H. Sterling. [104] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5011 

© 1c Feb. 28, 1916; D 48168; 
Edward Hamilton Sterling, Trenton, 
Mw: J. 

COPPERHEAD (THE); drama in 4 acts, 
meer. &. Roads. [1], 127 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5012 

© 1c. Feb. 29, 1916; D 43178; 
Praul Boyer Roads, Pottsville, Pa. 

Cog (LE) EN PATE; piéce en 8 actes: 
par Armont et Gerbidon. [269] p. 
4to. Ms. [5013 

© 1c. Mar. 20, 1916; D 43376; 
Armont & Gerbidon, Paris. 

Cowarp (THE); vaudeville sketch, by 
A. Geyer. [2], 18 p. 4to. Trype- 
written. {5014 

© 1 ¢. Mar. 3, 1916; D 43221; Al- 
bert Geyer, Los Angeles. 

CRUCIFIXION; drama of to-day in pro- 
logue, 3 acts and epilogue, by Mary 
Kinsella [pseud. of M. P. Smith]. 
96 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5015 

© 1c. Mar. 13, 1916; D 48307; 
Mary Pierce Smith, Los Angeeles. 

Cry (THE) OF THE WOLF; drama in 1 
act and prelude, by C. E. Parker. 
[2],12 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5016 

fy 1 c Mar: 13, 1916; D 43306: 
Clifford Elmore Parker, New York. 

CYNTHIA’S ROMANCE; 1 act playlet, by 
W. G. Marshall and J. O. Hewitt. 
[18] p. 4to. Typewritten. [5017 
© 1. c..Feb. 29, 1916; D 43182; 
Walter G. Marshall & John O. 
Hewitt, New York. 

DANGER (THE) LINE: modern drama 
in 4 acts; by J. W. Thompson. [70] 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [5018 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 48200; 
John William Thompson, Roxbury, 

DAWN (THE) OF A NEW DAY; play in 1 
moooy or. 2. Zutro: 6 p.  4to. 
Typewritten. [5019 

St ec Web. 15, 1916; D 43057: 
Rita H. Zutro, New York. 

-.T0 KENILWORTH; incident of the 
. poet’s boyhood, by K. Lord. 18 p. 
_ 8vo. (The little playbook. ) [5020 
._. ©’ Mar. 18, 1916; 2 ec: Mar. 138, 

1916; D 48302; Katharine Lord, 
* New York. 


DEAR OLD DAD; play in 1 act, by Be B. 
Tatem. [1], 28 p. 4to: Typewrit- 
ten. [5021 

@© Ie. Feb. 24, 1916; Dp 48129; 
Benjamin Thomas Tatem, Colum- 
bus, O. 

DEFECTIVE (THE); 1 act melodrama, 
by H. W. Moore. 10 p. fol. Type- 
written, [5022 

te Ken 2. 1910: pb 43140; 
Harry W. Moore, Oak Park, II. 
DESTINY; pantomime in 1 act, by V. 

Zacharie,  -[1], <4 .p....4te.,. Type 
written. [5023 

©. c War. ts, 1916) iy asaor 
Viola Zacharie, New York. 

Doctor ALE; libretto for a lyric opera, 
suggested by one of Asbjérnsen’s 
Tales from the Fjeld, by C. F. 
Ohliger. [1], 388 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [Libretto only]. [5024 

© fe. Feb. 29) 1916: PY 43i7o: 
Carl Frederick Ohliger, Pittsburgh. 

DoROTHY IN WISCONSIN; comedy play- 
let, by H. M. Graves. [1], 34 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5025 

tC) tocar. 1S. 191Gb: 43364 - 
Harry M. Graves, New York. 

matic episode, by A. Walsh. 13 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5026 

© 1c. Mar. 18, 1916; D 438303; 
Andy Walsh, Oak Park, IIl. 

comedy dra- 

Drees; melodrama in 1 act, by F. P. 
Dade, “lip -4te- Pypewrittes., 

[5027 - 

© 1c Mar. 7, 1916; D 43242: 
Frances Pemberton Dade, Philadel- 

DuMMy’s (THE) REVENGE; play in 1 
act, by J. K. Connor. [6] p. fol. 
Typewritten. [5028 

© 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; D 43210: 
James K. Connor, Los Angeles. 

Indian pageant play in 8 acts, by 
Elaine Goodale Eastman. New 
York, Camp fire outfitting co. [1916] 
30 p. 16mo. [5029 

jG) Web: 25, 1916; 2 c. Feb: 28; 
1916; D 438170; Camp fire outfitting 
co., New York. 

ma in 8 acts, by P. deS. D. Quinton. 
[70] p. 4to. Typewritten. [5030 
-© 1c. Mar. 14, 1916; D 43323; 
Pauline deS. D. Quinton, Buffalo. 

35430—16—6 991. 



pt. 1, fi. s., v.18 

EN MAR DE FONDO; comedia en 3 actos 
y en prosa, original de S. Aguado 
‘-Rojel. Madrid [Sociedad de autores 
‘espafioles] 1915. 65 p. 12mo. 

© Mar. 7, 1916; 1c. Mar. 11, 1916; 
D 48284; Samuel Aguado Rojel, 

Error (THE) OF YOUTH; drama in a 
prologue and 8 acts, by Samuel Mor- 
ris. [60] p. 4to. Typewritten. 


. .©1c. Mar. 15, 1916; D 43330; 

Samuel Morris Pike, New York. 

ErerNAL (THE) WANDERER; drama in 
prologue and 8 acts, by O. Dymow 
and M. L. Landman. [80] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5033 

© 1 ce. Feb. 29, 1916; D 48179; 
Ossip Dymow & Michael L. Land- 
‘man, New York. 

EVERYCREDITMAN ; morality play, by J. 
' E. Breed. [10] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [5034 
© 1c. Mar. 1, 1916; D 48187; 
James EK. Breed, Portland, Or. 

FAIRIES’ (THE) GLEN; or, A romance 
“of old Erin, romantic 1 act comedy, 
iby #2 Ly Griffiths. [23] p. folk 
Typewritten. [5035 

© 1e¢ Mar. 3, 1916; D 43214; 
Fred L. Griffith, San Antonio. 

FAIRY DUST; comedy in 8 acts, by A. 
Hunter. [1838] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [5036 

© 1c. Feb. 23, 1916; D 48108; 
Ancella Hunter, Los Angeles. 

FATE DECIDES; play in 2 acts by V. S. 
Lawrence. [72] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5037 

© 1c Mar. 8, 1916; D 48217; 
Vincent Sargent Lawrence, Brook- 
line, Mass. 

FELIX AND THE FAKER; Stage play in 
1 act, by A. W. Van der Koor. [2] 
p. fol. Typewritten. [50388 
o'C-L ¢ Mar. 6, 1916* D 43232* 
Alfred W. Van der Koor, St. Paul. 

3 actes, de Mouezy-Eon et Daveil- 
‘lans. [152] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

AO) 1 ¢. Mar, 20, 19165...) 43577 ; 
Mouezy-Eon & Daveillans, Paris. 

tragedy in 1 act, by C. R. Peters, 
jr. 6p. 4to. Typewritten. [5040 

© 1c. Feb. 23, 1916; D 438114; 
Charles Rollo Peters, jr., New York. 

Foou’s LucK; farce in 1 act, by Lella 
Grant and Marie Coe. [20] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5041 

© 1. Feb. 23, 1916; D 48111; 
Lella Grant Cullingford, Oakland, 
Cal. . 

FOR THE PEOPLE; dramatic incident in 
1 act, by J. B. Stafford. [28] bp. 
12mo. 'Lypewritten. j o042 

© +t ec. Feb... 7, 1916: D 438127; 
Jumes Benson Staiford, Buffalo. 

FOUND IN A CLOSET; play in 1 act, by 
C. van Valkenburg. 10 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [50438 

© 1 c« Mar. 138, 1916;, D 43309; 
Carlton van Valkenburg, New York. 

cémico en 8 actos, original de En- 
rique Garcia Alvarez y Pedro Muiioz 
Seca. Madrid [Sociedad de autores 
espafoles] 1916. 77p. 12mo. [5044 

© Mar. 7, 1916; 1 ce. Mar. 11, 1916; 
D 438290; E. Garcia Aivarez y P. 
Munoz Seca, Madrid. 

FULL VALUE; 4 act drama, by M. E. 
Campion. [70] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [5045 

© 1. c. Mar. 14, 1916; D-43322; 
Molise E. Campion, New York. 

GANARSE LA VIDA; comedia en 1 acto v 
cuadro, original de J. Benavente. 
Madrid, Editado por artes graficas 
Mateu, 1910. [18] p. 12mo. 


© Jan. 3, 1910; 1 c. Feb. 16, 1916; 
D 48158; Jacinto Benavente, Madrid. 

act, by Willard Mack. [2], 27 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5047 

© 1c. Feb. 23, 1916; D 48112; A. 
H. Woods, New York. 

Goat (THE); play in 8 acts, by R. 
Barry. [111] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1c Mar. 2, 1916; D 48206; 
Richard Barry, New York. 

Gops AND LITTLE FISHES; comedy in 3 
acts, by T. H. Dickinson. [174] p. 
Ato. Typewritten. [5049 

© 1c. Mar. 17, 1916; D 48356; 
Thomas H. Dickinson, Madison, Wis. 

Goop FripaAy; a dramatic poem, by 
John Masefield. (In his Good Fri- 
day, and other poems. New York, 
The Macmillan company, 1916. Book 

© Feb. 9, 1916; 2 c. and aff. Feb. 
10, 1916; A 418761; Macmillan co., 
New York) [5049* 



no. 3, 1916 


HEART (THE) OF DIXIE; play of ro- 
mance and realism, in 4 acts, by Er. 
Lawshe. [137] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [5050 

© 1 c. Feb. 12, 1916; D 48125; 
Robert Campbell, New York. 

acts, by George Scarborough. [111] 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [5051 

© 1 « Mar. 14. 1916; D 43327 
David Belasco, New York. 

HEARTS OF ISRAEL; play in 1 act, by 
- F. Deonard: [1], 26 p. fol. 
Typewritten. [5052 

© 1 ec. Mar. 17, 1916; D 43350; 

- David Leib Leonard, New York. 

Hetrto New York; Satirical revue of 
Manhattan with musical interrup- 
tion in 2 acts and 15 scenes, by J. 
McCree. [91] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [Libretto only] [5053 

© 1 ce Mar. 10, 1916; D 48265; 
Junie McCree, New York. 

play in 3 

HENRY’S STUDY HouR: play in 1 act. by 
Harriet A. McCabe. [1], 14 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5054 

© 1c. Mar. 10, 1916; D 48267; 
Mrs. Guy Stewart McCabe, Pitts- 

HER HUSBAND; play in 1 act, by L. 
Winslow. [2], 14 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5055 

©.1c¢. Mar. 20, 1916; D 48368; 

- Leah Winslow, Bath, Me. 

His NEIGHBOR; bit of life contrast in 1 
act, by J. B. Stafford. [35] p. 12mo. 
Typewritten. [5056 

© ic Feb. 7, 1916; D 48128: 

' James Benson Stafford, Buffalo. 

HIs SISTER’S FRIEND: leap year farce in 
2 acts, by S. E. Jones. [42] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5057 

©-1 c¢. Feb. 26, 1916; D 48145; 

- Sybil Eliza Jones, Pasadena, Cal. 

Honeymoon (A) IN 2000; musical 
fantasy in prologue and 3 acts, book 
and lyrics by H. Wyeth and C. Sil- 
bert. [118] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

- [Words only.] [5058 


-@© 1 ec. Mar. 1, 1916; D 48191; 

Celia Silbert, New York & Henri- 
etta Wyeth, Boston. 

HotT-HOUSE (THE) FLOWER; symbolic 
nhovelty play in 1 act, by H. M. 
_ Graves. [1], 40 p. Svo. _ Typewrit- 
2 [5059 
mee bc. Web. 28,-1916; -D. 43167; 
-Harry M. Graves, New York. 

ROAD; in 4 acts, by G. R. Bridgham. 
[132] p. 4to. Typewritten. [5060 

© 4 .¢.. Mar» 3, - 1916 5D: 43220: 
Gladys Ruth Bridgham, Somerville, 

IN MeETHOW VALLEY; dramatic inci- 
dent, by .C. Dey... .L1).. fp. to. 
Typewritten. [5061 

© 1c. Feb. 26, 1916; D 48149; 
Charles Dey, New York. 

IN THE TOILS: drama in 8 acts, by G. 

Gibson. [110] p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1 c.«Mar. A47,..1916;: D.433513 
Gerolt Gibson, New York. 

IN THE WRONG GAME; Skit for vaude- 
ville, by E. Barto. [12] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5063 

© 1. Feb. 17, 1916; D 43199; 
Eddie Barto, Philadelphia. 

original play in i 

act, by B. Barchus. [12] p. fol. 

Typewritten. [5064 
© 1 ¢. Feb. 28, 1916; D 43188; 

Belle Barchus, Portland, Or. 


Iron (THE) RING; drama of to-day in 
4 acts, by G. Johnstone. [137] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5065 

© 1c. Mar. 8, 1916; D 43245; 
Gordon Johnstone. New York. 

Is HE A BANDIT? farce, by W. S. Cooper. 
[1], 26 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5066 
© tc Mar. 18 1916; D, 48359: 
William Skinner Cooper, Minneapo- 

IsteE (THE) OF SERENO; study of how 
to finance a revolution, being a 
comedy in 3 acts, adapted from the 
story, Saint Salome of Reno, by Aus- 
tin Adams [by W., H. and P. Hay- 
man] with musical illustration by 
P. Hayman. [137] p.- 4to.. Ms. 
© 1 e. Dee:*2;:43915: D-43198; 
Westby. Henry & Philip ‘Hayman, 
Glendale, Cal. 

IT MIGHT HAPPEN TO Le farce in 3 

acts, by H. Boyd.- [95] p.  4to. 

Typewritten. [5068 
©: F ¢-Mar. f. 1916: D 48185; 

Hutcheson Boyd, Ridgefield, Conn. 

1 act, by A. Marshall. [2] 20 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5069 

©.1.c. Mar. 12, 1916; D 43197 ; 
Abigail Marshall, New York. 


——— a 


5070 pt. 1, 0. SS.) vas 
t7’s my Tom ; comedy play in 1 act, by | Last (THE) YANKEE; play in i act, by 
he Worthington” {25° 2Zaypr Sto. Y. B. Robinson. 28 p. 4to. Type- 
= Evpewritten. 4 i written. [5080 

© 1 ¢.- Mar!13,' 1916; 

© 1c Mar. 9, 1916; B 42m. 
‘Edward Worthington, New Yeats 

Violet Brockhouse Robinson, Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 

LEVITATION ; play in 1 act, by Charles 
xoddard. 5 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1 ¢ Mar. 16, 19167 BD 4333— 
Star company, New York. 

JTALIA; Gramma in 5 atti, di P. Niceili, 

- New York, Societa tipografica itali- 

“sana, 1916. 46 p. Svo. [5071 
7) Mar. Ab) AGG. 2 Gr iar. 20, 
i116; D 43373; Pompeo Nicelli, 
Toms River, N. J. 

JERRY'S BELLS; play in 1 act, by K. M. 

Rice. [2], 30 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

, [5072 

© 1 c. Feb. 23, 1916; D 43119; 

Katharine MeDowell Rice, Wor- 
thington, Mass. 

LicHt (A) AND A LAUGH; play in 1 
act, by EK. E. Kresko. [5] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5082 

© i ce Mar. 15, 19162) 435389e 
Edson Evered Kresko, Port Jeffer- 

| Son, IN; 2. 

Joy-ripers (THE) ; comedy in 1 act, by | LIGHTS AND SHADOWS; new playlet, by 

~ Alan Storm [pseud. of G. Lipkind] H. A. Woolf. [1], 10 p. 4to. Type- 

and Ben Fiersheim. [1], 18 p. 4to. written. [5083 

Typewritten. [5073 © 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; D 48163; 
@ Lc Feb. 29, 19163 D 43177; Hdgar Allan Woolf, New York. 

Goodman Lipkind, New York Lirrie Kar Jinc:; play in 3 acts, by 

EF. Lightner. [136] p. 4to. Type 

written. [5084 
© 1c Mar. 8, 1916; D 48252; 

Frances Lightner, Detroit. 

JUST MAMMY; 1 act comedy, By S. E. 
Jones. [1], 16 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [5074 

© 1) ¢ Mar: 13, 19t6= Desens: 

Sybil Hliza Jones, Pasadena. Live (A) Brrp; social calamity in 1 

Kentucky (THE) HANDICAP; *% act act, by L. B. Yates. [2], 16 p. 4to. 
racing comedy drama, by M. D. Cor- Typewritten. [5085 
rigan. [11] p. fol. Typewritten. © 1c. Mar. 20, 1916; D 438370; 

[5075 Arthur Bennett, Buffalo. 

©le Feb. 26, 1916; D 43270; LOVE; HONOR AND OBEY; Sketch in 1 

Martin De Vere Corri igan, Cleveland. act, by L. Shaffner. [1], 16 p. 4to. 

‘Kine (THE) oF HEARTS; comic opera Typewritten. [5086 
in 2 acts, music by Stuart ¥. Louch- © 1c. Mar. 18, 1916; D 43366; 
heim, books by D. 8. Stern, lyrics Lillyan Shaffner, New York. 

by D. S. Stern and Stuart F. Louch- : 
pe fan, [51] p. 4to. Typewritten. Love IN A COTTAGE; Play in 3 scenes, 

: =F by M. HE. Swan. (20) ae ee 
[Libretto only] 1 [5076 iypereiiient _ [5087 
@)'1..¢c. Feb. 23;°4916;- D 48233; 1 Feb. 24. 1916: D 43132: 
David S. Stern, Philadelphia. © 1e¢. Feb. 24, as rah 
Mark HE, Swan, New York. 
-Wavres’ (THE) REDUCING PARLOR; com- 
edy from life in 3 scenes, by M. | Love (THE) oF MarTHA ANN FOR A 

Swan. [24] p. 4to. Typewritten. COWMAN; play in 2 parts, by L. 

[5077 Bowman. 100 p. 4to. Ms. [5088 

© 1c. Mar. 18, 1916; D 48358; © 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; D 43164; 
Joe Maxwell & Mark Swan, New Leroy Bowman, El Monte, Cal. 

_ York. LUCK WANTED; comedy playlet in 1 

Lapy (THE) OF THE WEEPING WILLOW act, by G. E. Crater, jr. 26 p. 4to. 

TREE; play in 3 acts, by S. Walker. 
[68] p. Svo. Typewritten. [5078 
© 1c¢ Mar. 14, 1916; D 43324; 
Stuart Walker, New York. 
Lanp (THE) OF PROMISE; dramatic | Lying (THE) MACHINE; comedy 

Typewritten. [5089 

© 1c. Feb. 24, 1916; D 438121; 
George E. Crater, jr., Brooklyn. 

sketch in 1 act, by W. Aspinwall. sketch, by B. Creighton. [1], 23 p. 

{10] p. 4to. Typewritten. [5079 Ato. Typewritten. [5090 
-Vo@ 1 c«. Feb. G, 1916; D 43123; © 1c. Mar. 6, 1916; D 43223; 

Woolsey Aspinwall, Seattle. Bertha Creighton, Newark, N. J. 




no. 3, 1916 

in 3 acts, by G. F. Abbott. [133] p. 
4te. Typewritten. [5091 

© 1. Feb. 25, 1916; D 48139; 
George Francis Abbott, New York. 

MAN (THE) ovuTsipE; farce in 1 act, 

by H. Bagg. [2], 38 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5902 
© ft ec: Mar. 9, 1916: D 48257. 

Helen Bagg, Chicago. 

edy play, by C. E. Neilson. [2], 
41 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5093 
@© 1 c Mar. 11, 1916; D 43295; | 

Catherine Eva Neilson, New York. 
MASKED (THE) MARVEL; farce comedy 
in 3 acts, by Adolph Philipp. [91] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5094 
Pek ©, Meir. S, 191G: D. 43218; 
Apollo amusement co., ine, New 

MASsQvuE (THE) OF ares or, The 
seven ages of the soul, an arrange- 
ment of scenes from 7 Shakespearean 
plays, by W. A. Hope. York, 
Samuel French; London, Samuel 
French, Itd., 1915. 86 p. 12mo. 

2, 1916 ; 


© Dee. 30, 1915; 2 c. Mar. 
D 48196; Winifred Ayres 
Ridgewood, N. J. 

MASTER (THE) COMETH; religious play 
in 4 acts, by D. Haight. [38], 39 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5096 

© 1 ¢ Mar. 15, 1916; D 43341; 
Dorothy Haight, New York. 

3 acts, by A. Hunter. [170] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5097 

(et 2 Pep. 23, 1916; D 43107: 
AnceHa Hunter, Los Angeles. 

Master (THE) PARENT; comedy in 1 
mee bY Fe Putnam. [2], 25 p.. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5098 

© i ec. Feb. 28, 1916; D 48159; 
Israel] Putnam. Washington. 

ter nighit’s dream in 8 acts with a 
prolegue and an epilogue, by L. A. 
Garnett. New York, Macmillan com- 

act com- ! 

MELODYLAND; musical comedy in 1 act, 
by C. W. Bostock. Sp. 4to. Type- 
written. [5101 

© 1 «¢ Mar. 15, 1916; D 43337; 
Claude W. Bostock, New York. 

Mmst*.1MER (A) DANCE DREAM; fantas- 
tic comedy in 1 act, by Anna Bird 
Stewart and William Shakespeare. 

New York, Wayne publishing com- 
pany, ine. [1916] 41 p. 12mo. 


© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 2, 1916; 

D 43193; Wayne publishing co., ine., 
New York. 

Mitts (THE) oF Gop; romantic drama 
in 4 acts and a prologue, by Mrs. M. 
Olds and Mrs. O. Oes. 66 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5103 
-©1e. Mar. 13, 1916: D 43300: 
Mrs. Marshall Olds & Mrs. Ovidia 
Oes, New York. 

MIScCHIEVOUS MaiIzIe; book and lyrics 
of an American musical comedy, in 
8 acts, by R. W. Graham. 118 pz 
4to. Typewritten. [5104 

© 1c: Feb. 23, 1916; D 48115; 
Robert W. Graham, Pawtucket, R. I. 

Mr. Jack; play in 8 acts, by Rupert 
Randolph Gibson. 25p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5105 

© 1c. Mar. 18, 1916; D 43361 ; 
Star company, New York. 

Mrs. OSMOND’S REFLECTION; play in 4 
acts, by E. B. Benedict. [127] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5106- 

© 1c. Mar. 14, 1916; D 48321; 
Edwin B. Benedict, New York. 

MoDERN BUSINESS; play in prologue 
and 4 acts, by H. B. Lewis. [4], 60 
p. fol. Typewritten. [5107- 

© £ ¢; Mar: 13,1916; D 48365; 
Henry B. Lewis, Muskegon, Mich. ~ 

sketch, by I. V. Williard. 2p. 8vo. 
Typewritten. [5108 

© foie Mar 3) 1916; D433; 
Isabel V. Williard, Columbus, O. 

MotTHER GOOSE UP-TO-DATE; play in 2 

| pany, 1916. 4 p.1. 124 p. cee acts, by M. G. Wyre. 10 p._ fol. 
5099 : 
z se bd eee Typewritten. [5103 
ics. ~ ae Se ae © 1c. Mar. 11, 1916; D 43291: 
” ee el, Myrtle Gates Wyre, Sioux, Ia. 
Evanston, Il. ape ik 
Metopy (THE) IN F: play in 8 acts. | MorHer (THE) IN HER; Sketch, by G. 
by E. Lamberti. [73] p. 4to. Type- Bloomquest. [15] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5100 written. [5110 
Seeei’c. Web: 23. 1916: D 43109; © 1 ¢ Mar..2, 1916: D 43204; 
Ernest Lamberti, New York. George Bloomquest. Minneapolis, ©-: 



pt. 5, B.S vee 

MOTHER LOVE; play in 1 act, by G. | NoncomBatTant (THE) ; episode, by S. 

Buck. [1], 40 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© fc. wep. 24, 1916-"D 43122: 
Gertrude Buck, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 

Music (THE) LESSON; 1 act play, by 
B.C. Turner...’ 28.0..5N6:. Ms. pati? 
©. 1-¢. Mar. 15,°1916;-D 43319: 
Beatrice Constanee Turner, Brook- 
line, Mass. 

OF SHAKESPEARE; play in 1 act, by 
D. Sherman. [9] p. fol. Typewrit- 
ten. [Words only] [5113 

© 1 c Mar. 4, 1916; D 43225; 
Dorothy Sherman, New York. 

MuTuat (A) MISTAKE; comedy skit in 
t act, by W. C. Dunean. [2], 29 p. 
4te. Typewritten. [5114 

©: 1 «> Mar. 7, 1916: D 43254; 
William Cary Duncan, New York. 

My 3BOoO’FUL BABY; comedy in 8 acts, 
by J. Simonson and Hardin D. Rick- 
man. [2], 82 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

©, 1c. Mar. .7:,1916:. BD. 43241: 
Jules Simonson, New York. 

My MOTHER’S ROSARY; play in 4 acts, 
by Hal Reid. [98] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5116 
pe ©) 1e.. Mar) Ad. J91G- Dy Assit 
Gus Hill, New York. 

MYSTERIES OF Mona; play in 3 acts, by 
Charles Goddard. 19 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [SELF 

© 1 ¢. Feb. 23, 1916; D 43260; 
Star co., New York. 

Mystic (THE) MAIDEN; play in 8 acts, 
by sy A. > Taylor: \- [142 76: ip. Atos 
Typewritten. [5118 

© 1c. Mar. 4, 1916; D 43224; 
Jeanie A. Taylor, Boston. 


act, by J. J. Ossermann. [2], 29 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5119 

© 1 ¢. Feb.. 25, 1916; D 43138: 
J. Julian Ossermann, Edgewater, 

NIETECITG (EL); cuento en 1 acto, de 
J. Benavente, con el asunto de un 
cuento de Grimm. Madrid [Socie- 
dad de autores espafioles] 1910. 
{20] p. 12mo. [5120 

© May 23, 1910; 1c. Feb. 16, 1916; 
D 43157; Jacinto Benavente, Ma- 

C. Posner. 9 Typewrit- 
ten. [5121 
© 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; D 48153: 
Sue Conly Posner, San Francisco. 
NUTS THAT ARE NOT; play in 1 act, by 
E. E. Kresko. [7] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5122 
© 1c. Mar. 15, 1916; D 48338; 
Edson Evered Kresko, Port Jeffer- 
son, N. Y. 

OBsTACLE (THE); comedy in 8 acts, 
by A. H. Gibson. -[3],-#6 4 aa. 
Typewritten. [5123 

© 1c. Mar. 18, 1916; D 48313; 
Addison Howard Gibson, Los An- 

OH! Doctor! farce in 1 act, by H. 
Turnbull. [2],..20.. ps feline 
written. [5124 

© 1c. Feb. 26, 1916; D 43294: 
Hector Turnbull, Hollywood, Cal. 
—1 act play, by Willard Mack. 
[1], 14 p. 4to. Typewritten. 
© 1c. Mar. 16, 1916; D 48347; 
Joseph E. Bernard, New York. 

ON DECK ; musical farce, by L. Weslyn. 

[1], 9 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5126 

© 1.c¢ feb. 28, 1916: Dp 45i62- 
Louis Weslyn, New York. — 

WEEK ; credit comedy in 4 payments, 
4 acts, by S. J. Warshawsky. [T4] 
p. 4to. Typewritten. L512¢ 

© 1 c. Mar. 17; 1916> WY Sear. 
Samuel Jesse Warshawsky, Cleve- 

ORCHIDS AND VIOLETS; play in 1 act, 
by L. Winslow. — [1], 122) py Ate 
Typewritten. [5128 

© 1c Mar. 20, 1916; D 43367; 
Leah Winslow, Bath, Me. 

ORIGINAL (AN) IDEA; play in 1 act, 
by Tex Charwate [i. e. A. T. Char- 
wate] 17 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1 ¢. Feb. 21,1916; D 4382015 
Arthur Tex Charwate, New York. 

ORPHANS (THE); dramatic playlet in 
1-act,) by C:—B. Hellis. “7a 
8vo. Typewritten. [5130 

© 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; D 43249; 
Charles Brock Hellis, Philadelphia. 

OTHER (THE) WANDERER; drama in 3 
acts and a prologue, by W. Aspin- 
wall. [87] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Feb. 9, 1916; D 43124; 
Woolsey Aspinwall, Seattle. 

p. 4to. 



no. 3, 1916 


OUR COUNTRY’S CALL; dramatic sketch 
mm 2. sets; by EF. Schmidt. [9] p. 
fol. Typewritten. [5132 

i) 1c, Feb, 29,.1916: D 43176: 
Frederick Schmidt, Stockton, Cal. 

Our FIRST Mrs. PRESIDENT; drama in 
3 acts, by S. J. Warshawsky. [76] 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [5133 

© 1c. Feb. 29, 1916; D 48173; 
Samuel Jesse Warshawsky, Cleve- 

PaAtR (A) OF TICKETS; playlet, by W. 
Mack. [1],15p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Mar. 18, 1916; D 43362; 
Wilbur Mack, New York. 

Parpon (THE); play with 3 acts and | 

12 scenes, by A. Di Stasio. [92] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5135 | 
fe) 1 .¢ Mar. 4, 1916: D 43226; 
Annette Di Stasio, New Yor Ix. 
PARISH (THE) PUMP; play in 8 acts, 
Serer. G. Layton. [113] p.- 4to. 
Typewritten. [5136 
mot cc Mar. 7, 1916; D 43247; 
Frank G. Layton, London. 
spring masque of the dunes, by A 

W. Goss. [2], 17 p. 4to. Type- 
written. fS5iS7 
ac. Mar. 8 1916: D 43250: 

Aletta Waterbury Goss, Chicago. 

PAST, PRESENT . . . UNKNOWN; play in 

peace, Dy LL. Winslow. [1], 15_p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5138 

© 1c. Mar. 13, 1916; D 43308; 
Leah Winslow, Bath, Me. 

ma in 8 acts, by M. T. Jacobs. [63] 
p. 4to. [5139 

e+ 1e. Mar. 15, 1916.;..D- 43333 ; 
Maurie T. Jacobs, Cincinnati. 

PEACE (THE) GIRL; romantic comedy 
in 4 acts, by V. Thompson. [141] p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5140 
et e@ Neb: 28, 1916;.D 48318; 
Vance Thompson, Los Angeles. 

PENALTY (THE); play in 4 acts, by F. 
W. Chase and W. G. Hennessy. [1]. 
62 p. fol. Typewritten. [5141 

© 4 c« Mar. 3, 1916; D 43215; 
rank W. Chase & William G. Hen- 
nessy, Melrose, Mass. 

acts, by J. R. Colter and H. S. -Lee. 
-{1], 49 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Feb. 29, 1916; D 43180; 

John R. Colter, East Orange, N. a8 
& Harry S. Lee, Syracuse, N. Y. 

— Sa a 


PETTICOATS ; play in 1 act, by John B. 
Hymer. 17 p. 4to. Typewritten. ~ 

© 1c. Mar. 15, 1916; D 43340: 
Eleanor Hymer, New York. 
whiskies and a bald pate, original 
fantasy in 1 act and 4 scenes, by S. 
Williams. [1], 44 p. fol. Type 
written. [5144 
© 1 ¢. Mar. 9, 1916; D. 48255: 
Scott Williams, Little Rock, Ark. 
in 5 acts, from the French of Theo- 
dore Barriere, by F. O. Rose. [79] 
p. 4to. Typewritten [5145 
© 1 ¢. Mar. 14, 1916; D 43326: 
Frank Oakes Rose, New York. 
PLrays; by O. P. Parker. Memphis, 

Tenn., National drama co., 1916 
[218] p. 12mo. Contents: The win- 

ning of Latane.—Better than gold.— 
The valedictory.—Lone star. [5146 

©) ‘Jan. 29, 1916: 2 e@ “Web. 23: 
1916; D 48246; Oliver Perry Parker, 
Memphis, Tenn. 

PERNATURAL: by Theodore Dreiser. 
New York, John Lane company; 
London, John Lane, 1916. 228: p. 
Svo. $1.25. Contents: The girl in 
the coflin.—The blue sphere.—Laugh- 
ing gas.——In the dark.—The spring 
recital—The light in the window.— 
Old Ragpicker. [5146* 

© Feb. 18,1916; 2 ec. and* aft. 
Feb. 19, 1916; A 418912; John Lane 
co., New York. rere 

PoLitius; play in 7 scenes, by W. J. 
Walker. [34] p. fol. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Feb. 18, 1916; D 48144; 
William J. Walker, Milford, Mass. 

comedy in 3 aets, 

New York, Samuel 
French; London, Samuel French, 
tid: O15. 125 p; 12mo. [5148 

Dee: 30, 51915 = 2. ©. Mar. 2: 
1916; D 48195; Louis N. Parker, 
PooR BLIND MEN; play in 8 acts, by J. 
Jex. [106] p. 4to. Typewritten. 
© 1 ¢. ‘Keb. 23, 1916; D: 43ii8: 
John Jex, Newark, Del. 

PowrER (THE) UNSEEN; play in 4 acts, 
by P. H. McCaigue. [100] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5150 

© 1c. Mar. 14, 1916; D 43325; 
Philip Henry McCaigue, New York. 

by L. N. Parker. 



PREPAREDNESS; or, Slipping one over, 
playlet in 1 act, by R. Earle. 24 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [DLO 

©- tic: Mar. 20, A916; .D) 43369; 

’ Richard Harle, New York. 

PROCRASTINATION ; or, The story of the 
dance, play in 1 act, by Vincent 
Bryan. 15 p. fol. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Mar. 8, 1916; D 43244; 
Meyer Golden, Los Angeles. 

PropiA (LA) ESTIMACION; comedia en 
38 actos y en prosa, original de J. 

Benavente. Madrid [Sociedad de 
autores espafioles] 1916. By ee OF 

12mo. lola 

--©@) Mar. 71,1916; 1.¢. Mar. 11, 1916; 
D 48289; Jacinto Benavente, Madrid. 

Protector (THE) ; play in 1 act, by F. 
W: Norris... lal, 2o 0. 4e0, , iype- 
written. [5154 
© 1c. Mar. 11, 1916; D 43298; 

F. Wickham Norris, Brooklyn. 

Proving (THE) GROUND; service epi- 
sode in 8 ealls, by R. P. Glassburn 
and H. D. Walter. [99] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5155 
' ©l1c. Mar. 3, 1916; D 43219; Rob- 
ert Price Glassburn & Herbert Da- 
vid Walter, New York. 

PSYCHE; pantomime with dances in a 

prologue and 2 scenes, by H. S. 
Linné. [5] p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Feb. 19, 1916; D 48154; 

Hans 8. Linné, Los Angeles. 

drama policiaco en 4 actos y en 
prosa, original de Luis Linares Be- 
cerra y Jose Maria Solanas de la 
Infanta. Madrid [Sociedad de au- 
tores espafioles] 1916. 62 p. 12mo. 


. © Mar. 7, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 11, 1916; 

D 43282; L. Linares Becerra y J. M. 
Solanas de la Infanta, Madrid. 

PUNISHMENT; play in 4 acts, by L. 

Burleigh and H. H. Bierstadt. [139] 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [5158 
GC) 1 «. Feb. 25, 1916: D. 43136: 
Louise Burleigh & Edward Hale 
Bierstadt, New York. 
Pursuit (THE) OF HAPPINESS; or, The 

marriage of Anne, satirical Ameri- 
can comedy, with a vein of irony in 

3 acts, by H. A. McAnarney. 121 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5159 

©) 1c: Mar...15, 1916% D! 49832: 
Henry Aloysius McAnarney, Balti- 

pt. I, ns), Woks 

Put IT powN, HENRY; comedy-drama 
in 3 acts, by R. B. Simpson. [4], 
45 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5160 

© 1c. Mar. 13, 1916; D 43304; 
Roy B. Simpson, St. Louis. 

PUTTING IT OVER; farce comedy in 3 
acts, by H. A. and F [rank] R[oland} 
Conklin. [166] p. 4to. ‘Typewrit- 
ten. ; [5161 

© 1 «@ Mar. 8, 1916; D 4338i5; 
Harry Adams Conklin, New York. 

PUTTING ON AIRS; comedy sketch in 1 
act, by N. Twomey. [1], 18 p. 4to: 
Typewritten. [5162 

© 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; D 48166; 
Neil Twomey, Dorchester, Mass. 

@uITS; near tragedy. dramatie sketch, 
by C.. H.: Rees. _ [1], tay ae wee. 
Typewritten. [5163 

© 1 ¢c. Mar. 18, 1916; D° 4383603" 
Clara Hayes Rees, Peoria, Il. 

READY, BOYS, READY! play in 4 acts, by 
R. H. Burnside. [187] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5164 

© 1 c. Feb: 29, 1916; D 43172 -7 
Robert H. Burnside, New York. | 

REAL (THE) JEW; comedy drama in 4 
acts, by C. I. Bolles and Lillian 
Langdon. [205] p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [5165. 

© 1c. Mar. 10, 1916; D 43263; 
Charles I. Bolles, Los Angeles. 

Re@’tArR (A) LADY; character farcical 
comedy playlet in slang, by R. Fos- 
ter. [2], 23 p. 4to. Typewriten. 

© 1c. Mar. 16, 1916; D 43345; 

Roy Foster, New York. 

REGULAR (A) cop; comedy melodrama 
in 2 scenes, by J. Driscoll. [2], 19p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5167 

© 1c. Feb. 26, 1916; D 48147; 
Joseph Driscoll, New York. 

gunda parte de, £138?, 0, El venecedor 
de Fantomas, en 5 actos y en prosa, 
original de J. M. Martin de Hugenio: 
Madrid [Sociedad de autores es- 
panioles] 1916. 54 p.12 mo. [5168 

© Mar. 7, 1916; 1 ce. Mar. 11, 1916; 
D 438286; José Maria Martin de 
Kugenio, Madrid. 

REvE (Un) v’Isis (A dream of Isis) 3 
drame-symphonie, avee danses_ et 
choeurs, en 8 seénes, scenario et 
texte de C. H. Meltzer. 9 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5169 

© 1c. Feb. 24, 1916; D 48156; 
Charles Henry Meltzer, New York. 



no. 3, 1916 | 

RIFLES; libretto of a musical farce in 
2 acts, book and lyrics by A. N. C. 
Fowler. [66] p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c Feb. 29, 1916; D 48174; 

Albert N. C. Fowler, Glens Falls, 
iN: ¥. 

River (THE) oF SouLS; or, The robe 
of wood, Chinese play, by J. Golden. 
[2] 28 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5171 

i) 1 ¢c, Mar. 6, 1916; D. 48229; 
John Golden, New York. 

RosBLE (EL) pE LA JAROSA; comedia 
en 8 actos, original de P. Munoz 
Seca. Madrid [Sociedad de autores 
espanoles] 1915. 82 p. 12mo. 

© Mar. 7, 1916; 1c. Mar. 11, 1916; 
D 438283 ; Pedro Munoz Seca, Madrid. 

RoMANCE ISLAND; comedy in 4 acts, by 
oD. Willson: [2], 120 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5173 

© 1c. Mar. 6, 1916; D 48230; 
Corwin Dale Willson, Ann Arbor. 

Roses; 1 act comedy, by C. I. Scho- 
field. [1], 26 p. 4to. Typewritten. 

© 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; D 43161; 
Charles Irving Schofield, Brooklyn. 

W. G. Marshall. [3], 14 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [D175 

© 1c. Feb. 29, 1916; D 48181; 
Walter G. Marshall, New York. 

1 act playlet, by 

SAUL; a tragedy in three acts, by John 
ee eetrone Chaloner. Roanoke 
Rapids, N. C., Palmetto press, 1915. 
66, 67 p., ad 8vo. $0.50. [5175* 

@), Dec. 24 1915: 2 c. and aft. 
Dee. 24, 1915; A 418746; Palmetto 
press, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 

ScHEMERS (THE); comedy in 8 acts, 
by H. J. Scheibl. [1], 59 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5176 
© 1c. Feb. 26, 1916; D 43150; 
Herbert J. Scheibl, Rockford, Il. 

Secret (THE) KINGDOM; play in 4 

acts, by Basil Dickey. 18 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5177 

© 1c. Mar. 7, 1916; D 43236; 
Star co., New York. 

in 3 acts, by H. N. Thompson. 48 
p. fol. Typewritten. [5178 

© 1c. Mar. 10, 1916; D 48268; 
Elizabeth Noyes Thompson, Wash- 




SHADY SHORE; rural musical play in 

3 acts, book and lyrics by J. E. 
Young. [98] p. fol. Typewritten. 
[ Words only. ] [5179 

© 1c. Feb. 24, 1916; D 48131; 
John EK. Young, New York. 

prologue, 3 acts and epilogue, by M. 

C. Robinson. [70] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5180 
© 1c. Mar. 8, 1916; D 43251; 

Mary C. Robinson, Asheville, N. C. 

in honor of Shakespeare’s birthday, 
by M. B. Tounsend. [7] p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5181 

© 1 ¢. Mar. 15, 1916; D 43342; 
Mary Blanche Tounsend, New York. 

SMALL TOWN STUFF; 1 act comedy, by 

R. Warner. 
written. [5182 

© 1c. Feb. 26, 1916; D 48146; 
Richard Warner, New York. 

[1], 28 p. 4to. 

comico en 1 acto y en prosa, orig- 
inal de Mariano Muzas y Celso 
Lucio (hijo). Madrid [Sociedad de 
autores espafioles] 1915. 30p. 12mo. 


Oy Marie. 19169) te. oMar AL: 
1916; D 48288; M. Muzas y Cu 
Lucio (hijo), Madrid. 

SoLvIER BOY; 1 act musical comedy, by 
Allen Lowe [1], 18 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5184 

© 1 ¢ Mar. 6, 1916; D 432283 Ai< 

bert E. Haynes,.-New York. 

SOMEBODY ELSE; play in 4 acts, by F. 
H. Babeock. [116] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5185 

© i .¢., Mar, 7, 1916; D 482405 

Fred Hayes Babcock, Chicago. 

SOUTHERN METHODS; play in 4 acts, by © 

R. J. Martinez. New Orleans, La., 
L. Graham co., ltd. 36 p. 12mo. | 

© Feb. 12, 1916; 2 c¢. .Feb.. 10, 

1916; D 42826 : Raymond Ji: Mar- 

tinez, New Orleans. 

SPECIALIST (THE); play in 1 act, by. 
W. Haynes. 16 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5187 

© 1c. Mar. 17, 1916; D 43354; 
Williams Haynes, Northampton, 
Mass. a 



x= ae a ema = 

EKlizabethan revel. 

een ne _ a eS Se 



pt. I, WS, Ve 1S 

Sports (THE) OF WAR; neutral Eu- 
ropean military drama in 4 acts, by 

N. R. Feusier. [62] p. 4to. Type- 
' written. [5188 
© Tc. Mar. 6; 1916;--D* 43231 ; 

Norman R. Feusier, San Francisco. 

SquarE (A) DEAL; play in 4 acts, by 
*W. K. Stone -and’ G. -R. Warren. 
[105] p. 4to. Typewritten. [5189 
© d-e@ Web; 26..1986s. D 435143: 
William K. Stone, New York, and 
Giles R. Warren, Dumont. N. J. 

E; drama in 4 acts, by J. Seagrave. 
[115] p. 4to. Typewritten. [5190 
© 1c. Mar. 10, 1916; D 48264; 

- Jane Seagrave, Brookline, Mass. 

SUFFRAJINX (THE); play in 1 act, by 
Caryl De Voe [i. e. C. D. Wright] 
[1], 14 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5191 

© 1c Mar. 15, 1916; D 43334; 
Caryl De Voe Wright, Kansas City, 

SUPERWOMAN (THE); comedy drama 
in 4 acts, by Tex Charwate [i. e 
A. T. Charwate] [89] p. 4to. Type- 
- written. [5192 

© 1-¢* Feb. 19, 19167" PD 43203: 
Arthur Tex Charwate, New York. 

SURETIES; miracle play in 3 acts, by 
V. Z. Post. [1], 91 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5193 

© 1 ¢ Mar. 11,1916; D 43296; 
Van Zo Post, New York. 

TAKING A CHANCE; or, Arson, Hebraic 
comedy in 38 acts, by W. B. Young. 
[174] p. 4to. Typewritten. [5194 

© 1c. Mar. 3, 1916. D.437i6- 
William Bertram Young, Chicago. 

widerspinstigen zahmung) ; opera in 
4 acts, free adaptation of Shakes- 
-peare’s comedy, by Joseph Viktor 
Widman, music by Hermann Goetz. 
New York, Fred Rullman, inc., 1916. 
59 p. S8vo. [Libretto only] [5195 

© Mar. 9, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 9, 1916; 

D 48258; Fred Rullman, ine., New 

TEDDY; comedy drama in 4 acts, l 
scene, by C. I. Bolles and Lillian 
Langdon. [141] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5196 

© 1c. Mar. 10, 1916; D 48262; 
Charles I. Bolles, Los Angeles. 

inal drama of today in 4 acts, by 
C. P. Brown. [2], 69 p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5197 

© 1c Mar. 20, 1916; D 43372: 
Charles Paul Brown, Santa Monica, 

THAT GIRL; play in 3 acts, by L. N. 

Walker. 17 p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1c. Feb. 24, 1916; D 48256; 
Lillie Nolting Walker, Denver. 

THAT MYSTERIOUS LOVE; vaudeville act, 
by Hal E. Messick, words and music 
by M. Golden. [5], 6p. fol. Type- 
written. : [5199 

© 1c. Mar. 13, 1916; D 43299; 
Meyer Golden, Los Angeles. 

Charles Nevers Holmes. Chicago, 
T. S. Denison & company [1916] 
9 p. 12mo. [5200 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 ec Feb. 25, 
1916; D 4381383; Eben H. Norris, 

THERESE; 1 act play, by F. Merrill. 
[2], 7p. 4to. Typewritten. [5201 

© 1¢-:-Mar. 2, 1916; D 43209; 
Fenimore Merrill, ‘New York. 

Tuirp (THE) AcT; play in a prologue 

and 1 act, by J. Street.” (Zijto2ep: 
4to. Typewritten. [5202 
© 1c. Mar. 1, 1916; D 43168 ; 

Julian Street, New York. 

comedy sketch, by C. Dey. [1], 14 
p. 4to. Typewritten. [5203 

© 1c. Feb. 26, 1916; D 43248; 
Charles Dey, New York. 


Turitis; farcical travesty in 3 acts, 
by R. E. Mooney. [5], 69 p. 4to. 
Ty pewritten. [5204 

©. tc. Feb. 23,. 1916; D4anri- 
Ralph HE. Mooney, St. Louis. 

romance of Alaska in 3 

Potter. [96] p. 4to. 


D 438151; 

acts, by G. 

©) il. ..¢.\) Feb. 
George Potter, 

Indian play in 1 act, by Princess E- 
gah-tah-yen [i. e. Mrs. O. J. Kellogg] 

28, 1916; 

[1], 28 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5206 
©) 1 c. Mar. 6, 1916. D> 4220 

Laura Cornelius Kellogg, Washing- 
ton. : 

~~ Sr 

Sn eS ee 


no. 3, 1916 

Traitor (THE) ; 1 act playlet, by W. S. 
Phillips. 26 p. 4to. Typewritten. 
: [5207 
© 1c. Mar. 1, 1916; D 43190; 
William S. Phillips, New York. 
TRAPPED; play in 1 act, by J. E. Good- 
man, based upon a story, Anton the 
terrible, by Thomas H. Uzzell. [1], 
26 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5208 
mete. Mar, 1, 1916; D 435186; 
Jules Eckert Goodman, Mt. Vernon, 

peare pageant in honor of Shakes- 
peare’s ter-centenary, by J. Thorp. 
[30] p. 4to. Typewritten. [5209 

© 1c. Dec. 30, 1915; D 43189; 
Josephine Thorp, East Orange, N. J. 

1 act, by Vincent Bryan. [1], 9 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5210 

~ ©1€ Nov. 3, 1915; D 43211; Foy 
& Clark, New York. 

Urtmras (Las) Rosas: comedia en 3 
actos y en prosa, original de Juan 
G[arcia] Poreel. Madrid [Sociedad 
de autores espanoles] 1916. 65 p. 
12mo. : [5211 
© Mar. 7, 1916; 1 c. Mar. 11, 1916; 
D 43285; Juan G Porcel, Madrid. 

UNDER THE EAGLE; 3 plays with a pro- 
logue and epilogue, by D. Potter. 

Boston, Gorham press [1916] 70 p. 
i2mo. (American dramatists se- 
ries. ) Contents: Watchful wait- 

ing.—Ycllow yielding—Bombast and 
platitudes. 15212 
oe: Mar 4, -1916; 2 e. Mar. 10, 
1916: D 43259: Dorothy Potter, Le- 
onia, N. J. 

UP IN THE AIk: play with music in 3 
acts. by W. C. Twitchell, music by 
Arthur M. Fournier. [1], 72 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [Libretto only] [5213 
ae) fc Mar. 15, 1916: D 43329; 
Waldo Collins Twitchell, San Diego, 

UtrerMosr (THE) FARTHING: play in 
1 act, by H. B. Tedrow. 11 p. 4to. 
Typewritten. [5214 

© 1 c« Feb. 26, 1916: D 48272; 
Harry B. Tedrow. Denver. 

act, by Tex Charwate [i. e., A. T. 

-Charwate] 15 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [5215 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 43202: 
Arthur Tex Charwate, New York. 


VEIN (THE) OF GOLD; play in 4 acts, 
by R. Hughes, adapted from Perch 
of the devil, a novel by G. Atherton. 
[168] p. 4to. Typewritten. [5216 

© 1c. Feb. 29, 1916; D 43171; 
Rupert Hughes & Gertrude Ather- 
ton, New York. 

VICTIMS OF LOVE; play in 4 acts, by J. 



"= ji Newer <li! \'= 

106 p. Svo. Ms. [5217 
© 1c. Feb. 11, 1916; D 48085; 
Julia Semkoff, Brooklyn. 

eee oT bbl =i st f= = 
terme \'\= 1 late \< 

VIRGINIA; play in 3 acts, by G. M. 

Nelson. [111] p. 4to. Typewritten. 


© 1 e¢. Mar. 11, 1916; D 43297; 
George Merwin Nelson, New York. 

Voopoo’s (THE) PROPHECY; play in 1 
act; -by. Basil Dickey.. .3.: pi: Ato. 
Typewritten. [5219 

© 1c. Mar. 17, 1916; D 43344; 
Star company, New York. 

WANING (A) HONEYMOON; 1 act dra- 
matic composition, by F. J. Beaman. 
[1]. 15 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5220 

© 1-c. Mar. 11, 1916; D 48293; 
Fred J. Beaman, Washington. 

WANTED—-AN ACTRESS; comedy sketch, 
by Cecile Breton [pseud. of C. B. 
Seat] [1]. 8S p. 4to. Typewriiten. 

©.1-c.. Mar. -7,--1916;°D 43243; 
Cecile Breton Seat, Chicago. ie 

lustiges sttick in 3 akten, von Toni 
Impekoven u. Otto Schwartz. Ber- 
lin-Wilmersdorf. Felix Bloch erven,. 
1916. 94 p. S8vo. [5222 
© 1.¢ Mar. 13, 1916: D 42301; 

Felix Bloch erben, Berlin-Wilmers- 


Way (THE) out; or, The one who 
pays, 1 act play, by A. Long. 1 p. 
4to. Typewritten. [5223 

© 1c Feb. 28, 1916; D 43160; 
Alves Long, Chicago. 

Ways (THE) OF THE HEART; drama in 
4 acts, by H. R. Gers. [101] p. 4to. 
Typewriiten. [5224 

Gi ¢ Mar...2, 1916; D 45207; 
Harry Richard Gers, Louisville. - 




WHEN GENIUS BURNED; opera bouffe in 
dvact, by Fo. A. ‘Churehall)’ jes (i, 
Sp. 4to. Typewritten. F5225 

© 1c. Mar. 8, 1916; D 482538: 
Frederick Arthur Churchill, jr., 

WHO IS SHE? sketch, by H. E. Jensen. 

14p. 4to. Typewritten. [5226 

© 1c. Jan. 18, 1916; D. 48237: 
Harold E. Jensen, New York. 

WHY MEN LOVE; comedy in 1 act, by 
Jacob Gordin. 
{In The Day, v. 3, no. 469-471, Feb. 
20-22, 1916) [5227 
© Feb. 20-22, 1916; 1 c. each Feb. 
24, 1916; D 438130; Alexander J. 
Gordin, admr. of the estate of Jacob 
M. Gordin, Brooklyn. 

WINGED (THE) MESSAGE; 1 act vaude- 
ville sketch, by H. M. Lethert. [2], 
11 p. 4to. Typewritten. [5228 

© 1 ee) Mar. 15, 1916: D. 45828: 
Henry M. Lethert, St. Paul. 

WITHOUT WARNING; play in 1 act, by 
J. Westley. 11 p. 4to. Typewrit- 
ten. [5229 

© 1 ¢ Mar. 1, 1916; D 438184; 
John Westley, New York. 

pt. 1, n. s., v. 13, no. 3, 1916 

WoMAN (THE); dramatie sketch in 1 
act and 5 scenes, by W. F. Bardin. 

[14] p. fol. Typewritten. [5230 
© 1c. Feb. 28, 1916; D 43152: 

William F. Bardin, New Orleans. 

WoMAN’S PAGEANT; play in 4 acts, by 
W. J. Viley and L. Jamison. [8] p. 
fol. Typewritten. [5231 

© 1c. Feb. 21, 1916; D 48155; 
Wyla Jamison Viley & Lorena 
Jamison, St. Louis. 

play in 4 acts, by A. 
[120] p. 4to. Type- 
written. [5232 

© 1c. Mar. 17, 1916; D 48352; 
a Goodrich, Mount Vernon, 


nilitary allegory and comedy drama 

in 5 acts, hv M. A. J. Zinkhan. Re 
vised ed. [8], 58 p. 4to. Type 
written. [5233 

@© 1c. Mar... 1, J91G> ye 4aeee- 

Mrs. M. A. J. Zinkhan, Washington. 

You; just a small part of everyone, 
play in 1 act, by H. Rempel. [1], 9 p. 
fol. Typewritten. [5234 

© 1c Feb. 17, 1916; D 43255; 
Harriet Rempel, New York. 

Number of entries of Dramatic compositions (including entries for 654 
unpublished and other one-copy dramas), printed in the catalogue 

2g ae Toa ee | 2: eee ae Sa See aT a ee « 





OS 2 ane SS ~ 


AMHERST, Mass. Insurance maps of 
Amherst, Hampshire Co., Mass. Jan., 

#916. Scale 50 ft. to an inch. 15 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [5235 
mrep. 26, 1916: 2 c. Feb. 28, 

1916; F 29781; 
New York. 

Sanborn map Co., 

ATLANTIC Crry, All Americas exposi- 
tion. All Americas exposition, At- 
lantie City, N. J., 1919-1920, plan 

showing proposed site, etc. 1915. 
size 263 by 243 inches. . [5236 

© Feb. 21, 1916; 1 ¢. Feb. 29, 1916; 
1c. Mar. 9, 1916; F 28434; All Amer- 
icas exposition co., ine., Camden, 

Sh eae S 

AvusTRALIA. Australia and the Philip- 
pines. 1915. Scale 90 statute miles 
to an inch. Size 614 by 44 inches. 
(Physical wall map series by J. 
Paul Goode. ) [5237 

; © Feb. 25, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 4, 1916; 
F 28422; Rand-MecNally & co., Chi- 


(Political wall map series by 

_ J. Paul Goode. ) [5238 

© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 4, 1916; 

FR 28428: Rand-McNally & co., Chi- 

— Physical and political Australia 

and New Zealand. Fig. 566. Buf- 

falo, N. Y.; Matthews - Northrup 
works. Seale 5385 miles to 1 inch. 

Size 6 by 84 inches. [5239 

ren, 25. 1916: 2 c. Mar. 17, 

1916; F 28451; American book co., 
New York. 

AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Physical and po- 
litical Austria-Hungary, Italy, Swit- 
zerland and the Balkan countries. 
Fig. 451. Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews- 

- Northrup works. Scale 158 miles to 
1 inch. Size 6 by 84 inches. [5240 

©. Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c Mar. 17, 
1916; F 28458; American book eo., 
New York. 

Map of Beargrass oil and coal lands. 

Seale 1 inch to 400 varas. Size 534 
by 413 inches. Blue-print. [5241 

© Feb. 18, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 2, 1916; 
F 28418; Beargrass coal co., Jewett, 



BEpDForRD, Middlesex Co., Mass.  [In- 
surance map] Feb., 1916. Secale 50 
ft. to an ineh. 38 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [5242 

© Mar. 14, 1916; 2 ¢. Mar. ‘15, 
1916; F 29787; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

Beminsi, Minn. Insurance maps of 
Bemidji, Beltrami Co., Minn. Jan. 
1916. Scale 50 ft. to an ineh. 14 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [5243 

@.iMeb.! 25,1996; 2 .e)-Web.-26, 
1O16°. F-29772; Sanborn map €o., 
New York. 

BrITIsH Isites. Physical and political 
British Isles. Fig. 887. Buffalo, 
N. Y., Matthews-Northrup works. 
Seale 87 miles to 1 inch. Size 84 by 
6 inches. [5244 

© hep. 25, 1916.2 «Mar. tn 
1916; F 28463; American book co., 
New York. 

Buriineton, Ia. Burlington, heart of 
the Middle West. Size 6 by 6 inches. 

©) fan: 24° 1916: -2 ¢ wep 12; 
1916; F 28400; McMullin & Woell- 
haf, Burlington, Ia. 

Butte, Mont. Map of mining claims, 
Butte and vicinity, Montana. 1916. 
Size 40 by 46% inches. [5246 

© Feb:.24 1916; 2.¢e. Fé: 28, 

1916; F 28401; Harper, Macdonald 
& co., Butte, Mont. : 
Capiz, Harrison Co., O. [Insurance 

map] Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 

inch. 7 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


©) . Beh: 24,1916 --.2 -e...Feb. 25, 

1916; F 29762; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

CAMDEN, Me. Road map of Camden, 
Me., and vicinity. Scale about 1 
mile to an inch. Size 14 by 10 
inches. [5248 

© Mar. 16, 1916; e. Mar. 16, . 
1916; F 28438; John R. Prescott, 
Ventonviile, Mass. 





CANADA. Physical and political East- 
ern’ Canada. Fig. 299. © Buffalo, 
-N. Y., Matthews-Northrup works. 
- Seale 250 miles to 1 inch. Size 4 
‘.by 6 inches. ' [5249 
@ eb. °23; 291672" ec Mar 1%, 
1916; F 28445; American book cv., 
New York. 

Physical and political Western 

Canada. Fig. 298. Buffalo, N. Y., 
-Matthews-Northrup works. Scale 
250 miles to 1 inch. Size 4 by 6 
inches. [5250 

a Te) Webs 2s; 191652 se, SMa ery, 
1916; F 28444; American book ©co., 
New York. 

CEDAR Farts, Ia. Insurance maps of 
Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Ia. 
Jan. 1916: Secale 50 ft. to an inch. 

16 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 ¢« Feb. 25, 
1916; F 29765; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 

Marion Co., Ill. [Insur- 
Jan. 1916. Seale 50 ft. 
; 15 sheets, size 25 by 
~ 21 inehes. [5252 

© Mar. 17,- 1916 202«e,cMary 18, 
..1916; EF 29795; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 

CuHicaco, Ill. Route map of nearby 
Chicago territory, prepared by the 
-Chieago tribune. uae 193 by 274 

--ance map] 
to an inch. 

inches. [5253 
© Marivts 19163" 2%. Mar 10! 
1916; F 2843838; Tribune co., Chi- 


CHIHUAHUA, Mexico. Plano del es- 
tado de Chihuahua. 1916. Size 
214 by 20 inches. [5254 
. @, Jan. 44, -4916:+.2. cam 48; 

1916; F 28385; 
Hayden, Ariz. 

Edward G. Piper, 

CHINA. Physical and political China 
and Japan. Fig. 517. Buffalo, N. 
Y., © Matthews- Northrup works. 

Secale 505 miles to 1 inch. Size 6 
by 84 inches. [5255 

(cy Feb. 23)" 1916) 2c, “Mar 47, 
1916; F 28459; American book co., 
New York. 

CINCINNATI, O. Wagner’s complete 
map of Cincinnati and the Kentucky 
cities. Scale 3 inches to 1 mile. 
Size 33 by 444 inches. [5256 

© Mar. 16,:1916; 2 ¢&. Mar. 17, 
1916; F 28469; Arthur C. Wagner, 

ee ee 


pt. 1, HeS.; v.48 

CoALDALE, Schuylkill Co., Pa. [Insur- 
ance map] Feb. 1916. Scale 50 ft. 
to an ineh. 4 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [5257 

© Mar.. 14, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 45, 
1916; F 29786; Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 

Road map of Colville Indian reser- 
vation and vicinity. Size 10 by 12 
inches. Blueprint. [5258 

© Mar..1,/19165 2c: Mar: 77a 
F 28425; Clair Hunt, Colville, Wash. 

CoRgNING, Perry Co., O. [Insurance 
map] Feb., 1916. Seale 50 ft. to 
an inch. 2 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [5259 

© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 26, 1916; 
F 29771; Sanborn map co., New 
York. . 

Corpus Curisti, Tex. Map of the city 
of Corpus Christi and its environs. 
Scale 1 inch to 600 feet. Size 32 by 
23 inches. [5260 

© Feb. 25, 1916; "2 “ec Webs Zs: 
1916; F 28402; B. M. Haberer, Cor- 
pus Christi, Tex. 

Covineton, Newton Co., Ga. [Insur- 
ance map] Feb., 1916. Secale 50 ft. 
to an ineh. 10 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [5261 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2. c= Web 2s, 
1916; F 29785; Sanborn map ©Co., 
New York. 


Daxota County, Minn. Atlas a 
farm directory. St. Paul, Minn., 
The Farmer, 1916. °>38," 7120 
ports., col. maps. fol.- $9.25. [5262 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 9, 1916; 

aff. Mar. 6, 1916; A 427185; Webb 
pub. co. 
DELAWARE. Rand-McNally new com- 

mercial atlas map of Maryland and 
Delaware. Scale 94 miles to an 
inch. Size 21 by 28 inches. [5263 

© Jan. 3, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 10, 1916; 
I 28321; Rand-MeNally & €0., Chi- 

Insurance maps of 
1915. v.. 8.. Seale 
50 ft. to an inch. -2.p.-1., 105 1., size 
25 by 21 inches. Bound. [5264 

- ©: Mar. -16,-1916;- 2 ¢- Mar. 18, 
1916; F 29799; Sanbor n map ©0., 
New York. 

Detroit, Mich. 
Detroit, Mich., 


no. 3, 1916 

DIXIE HIGHWAY. Map of the Dixie 
highway showing every city, town, 
village and hamlet throughout its 
entire length, proposed by the Dixie 
highway .assn. and also advocated 
by the National highways assn. 
Nov., 1915. Size 24 by 64 inches. 


© Dec. 30, 1915; 2 ec. Feb. 28, 

1916; F 28405; National highways 
assn., Washington. 

Kurore. Relief map of Europe and 
British Isles. Size 74 by 18 inches. 

© Mar. 1, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 3, 1916; 

FP 28427; Brown & Bigelow, St. Paul. 

Fauyts City, Richardson Co., Neb. [In- 
surance map] Feb. 1916. Scale 50 
ft. to an inch. 9 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [5267 

© Mar. 14, 1916; 2 @ Mar. 15, 
1916; F 29791; Sanborn map co., 
. New York. 

FLAGSTAFF, Coconino Co., Ariz. [In- 
surance map] Jan., 1916. Secale 50 
ft. to an inch. 17 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [5268 

© Feb. 26, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 6, 1916; 
F 29770; Sanborn map co., New 

FRANCE. Physical and _ political 
France, Spain and Portugal. Fig. 
433. Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews- 
Northrup works. Scale 149 miles to 
linch. Size 834 by 6 inches. [5269 

© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 17, 
1916; F 28450; American book co., 
New York. 

FREEPORT, Ill. Map of the city Free- 
port, Il. 1915. Scale 1 inch to 300 
feet. Size 39 by 52 inches. [5270 

me emee. 50, 1915: 2 e: Jan. 17, 
1916; F 28258; Chas. S. Hepner & 
A. C. Dresser, Freeport, Il. 

GERMANY. Physical and political Ger- 

many, Netherlands, Belgium and the 

' Seandinavian countries. Fig. 407. 

Buffalo, N. Y., Matthews-Northrup 
works. Scale 140 miles to 1 inch. 


feimeb. 25.) 1916; 2 ¢. -Mar..17, 

1916; F 28448; American book co., 

New York. 

GLouster, Athens Co., O. [Insurance 

~ map] Jan., 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 

inch, 4 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


- © Feb. 24, 1916; 2 e. Feb. 25, 

1916; F 29766 : Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 


Map of the Great Lakes-Atlantic 
highway showing every city, town, 
village and hamlet throughout its 
entire length, proposed by the Great 
Lakes-Atlantic highway assn. and 
also advocated by the National high- 
ways assn. Dec., 1915. Size 21 by 
7 inches. [5273 

© Dec. 29, 1915; 2 c.. Feb. 28, 
1916; F 28407; National highways 
assn., Washington. 

GREAT PLAINS ROAD. Map of the Great 
Plains road showing every city, 
town, village and hamlet throughout 
its entire length, proposed by the 
Great Plains road assn. and also 
advocated by the National highways 
assn. Nov., 1915. Size 26 by 53 
inches. [5274 

@©eNovs 305191572". ep, 25: 
1916; F 28406; National highways 
assn., Washington. 

Great Plateau highway showing 
every city, town, village and hamlet 
throughout its entire length pro- 
posed by the Great Plateau high- 
way assn. and also advocated by 
the National highways assn. Nov., 
1915. Size 7 by 29 inches. [5275 

© Nov. 29, 1915; 2 ¢ Feb. 28, 
1916; F 28403; National highways 
assn., Washington. 

HAMPTON, Va. Insurance maps of 
Hampton, Hlizabeth City Co., Va. 
Jan., 1916. Seale 50 ft. to an inch. 
42 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Meb: 26; 1916" *2-¢.) Hebe 28: 
1916; EF 29779; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

HENRICO County, Va. Map of Henrico 
County, Va.,; compiled from actual 
surveys and former maps revised to 
date. Feb. 14, 1916. [5277 

© Mar. 6, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 3, 1916; 
F 28419; T. Crawford Redd & bro., 
Richmond, Va. 

Hopart, Okla. Insurance maps of 
Hobart, Kiowa Co., Okla.  Feb., 
~ 1916. Seale 50. ft. to an inch. 13 
sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. [5278 

©. Mar. 17, 1916; 2 e. Mar. 18, 
1916; F 29793 : ~ Sanborn map Co., 
New York. 






SSS SSS ee eee ~ FS 



pt. 1, fs ee 

Hooprrr, Dodge Co., Neb. [Insurance 

cr Jan., 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 

meh. 3 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


CG Feb. 24° 3916 =" Se Pep 25, 

1916; F 29764; Sanborn map co., 
“New York. 

-Hvupsparp Ciry, 

Hill Co. Vex: finsur- 
“:ance map] Jan., 1916. Seale 50 ft. 

to an inch. 4 sheets, size 25 by 21 

inches. [5280 
© Web: 24. 1916> 2c.” Febso25., 
1916; F 297638; Sanborn map ¢o., 

New York. 

Idaho showing Blackfoot land 
Jan., 1916: Seale 1 inch 
Size 52 by 31 inches. 
=. Mar. 6, 1916; 2. c Ma&urd4, 
1916; F 28486; Idaho Falls club of 
commerce, Idaho Falls, Id. 

- district. 
to 4 miles. 

InpIA. Physical and political India 
and Indo-China. Fig. 508. Buffalo, 
'N. Y., Matthews-Northrup works. 

-- Seale 368 miles to 1 inch. Size 6 
by 84 inches. [5282 
“iO, Heb. 2, I9dG. 2 Ce War. dy. 
' 1916; EF 28460; American book Co., 
New York. 

International pavedway from the | 
* Rio Grande to the Great Lakes show- 
ing every city, town, village and ham- 
let throughout its entire length, pro- 
‘posed by the International paved- 
“ Way assn. and also advocated by the 
National highways assn. Dec. 1915. 
Size 28 by 63 inches. [52838 
©) Dee. 27, 195 26 “ene ae 
1916; F 28408; National highways 
_assn., Washington. 

JONES County, Ia. Standard atlas. 
+-Ghicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1915. 2 

i- pe L, T-97, viii, x—xxiii p.  illus., 
--ports., maps (part col.) fol. $15.00. 

.-, .© Dec. 24, 1915; 2.c. and aff. Feb. 
*“21, 1916; A 420882; George A. Ogle 
’ & co., Chicago. 

KersHaw, S. C. [Insurance map] of 

Kershaw, Kershaw and Lancaster 
@08.; 8. C. Jan. 1916. Scale 50 ft. to 
. @m- inch. 4 sheets, size 25 by 21 

inches. [5285 
© Heb. 2p, 1916; 2 ce: Kew 26, 
“1916; F 29774; Sanborn map co., 

New York. 

KEYESporT, Ili. [Insurance map] of 
Keyesport, Bond and Clinton cos., 
Ill. Feb. 1916. Seale 50 ft. to an 



| inch. Size 25 by 21 inches. [5286 

| © Mar, 11, 1916; 2 ¢ Mar, ae 

| 1916; F 29767; Sanborn map eo., 
New York. 

LANCASTER, Lancaster Co., S.C. [In- 
surance map] Feb. 1916. Seale 50 
ft. to an inch. 7 sheets, size 25 by 
21 inches. [5287 

© Mar. 14, 1916; 2c Mar. db, 
1916; F 29790; Sanborn map ¢o., 
New York. 

LANE County, Or. Size 404 by 81 
| inches. Blueprint. [5288 
| © Jan. 26, 1916; 2 «© Mar. 4, 

1916; F 28417; Alfred D. Collier, 

Hugene, Or. 
LawnsForp, Carbon Co., Pa.  [Insur- 
| ance map] Dec.,.1915; Seale 50 ft. 
| to aninech. 10 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [5289 

© Feb. 25, 1916; 2 c Feb... 26, 
1916; 29778; Sanborn map ¢o., 
New York. 

LASSEN County, Cal. Map of Lassen 
County, Cai., 1916. Scale 3 miles to 
linch. Size 32 by 23 inches. [5290 

© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 c. MEAP. 6G, 
1916; IF 28421; Lassen County ab- 
stract co., Susanville, Cal. 

LAWRENCEBURG, Lawrence Co., Tenn. 
[Insurance map] Feb., 1916. Seale 
50 ft. to an inch. 6 sheets, size’ 25 

| by 21 inehes. >  Sp52ot 

© Mar. 18, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 20, 
1916; HF 29797; Sanborn map ¢o., 
New York. 

Los ANGELES, Cal. H-z guide map of 
Los Angeles, Gal. with patent. indi- 
eator. Size 12 by 16. [5292 

© Dec. 1, 1915; 2c. Feb. 23, 1916; 
F 28435 ; German American trust & 
Savings bank, Los Angeles. 

McKENZIE County, N. D. McKenzie 
County, N. D. In township form. 
Scale 4 chains to an inch. 90 sheets, 
size 113 by 114 inches. Blueprint. 


© Feb. 15, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 7, 
1916; F 28426; William Janson, 
Watford, N. D. | 

Macon County, lll. Map of automo- 
bile trails, state aid roads, inter- 
urban roads and railroads of Macon 
County, Ill. Size 8 by 8 inches. 

© Jan; 5; 1915-2 ¢. Jan: 10° 7916- 
i. BocL., Deextur’ posting service, 
Decatur, Ill. ; 


oe, Tee, ee, 


no. 3, 1916 

Physical and political Middle 
Atlantic State. Fig. 115. Buffalo, 
N. Y., Matthews—Northrup works. 
Seale 62 miles to 1 inch. Size 84 
by 6 inches. [5295 

@eren. 25, 1916; 2 c Mar. 17, 
1916; F 28453; American book co., 
New York. 

the Middle Atlantic group compris- 
ing Virginia, West Virginia, Mary- 
land, Delaware and the District of 
Columbia. Size 34 by 46 inches. 


© Jan. 6, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 8, 1916; 

F 28210; National survey co., Ches- 
ter, Vt. 

Mission San Josze, Alameda Co., Cal. 
[Insurance map] Jan., 1916. Scale 
50 ft. to an inch. 38 sheets, size 25 
by 21 inches. [5297 

© Feb. 19, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 6, 1916; 
F 29768; Sanborn map co., New 

Montecxiatr, N. J. Map of Montclair, 
Glen Ridge and Bloomfield, N. J. 
1916. Size 17 by 234 inches. [5298 

© Feb. 7, 1916; 2 c Feb. 14, 1916; 
F 283879; Price & Lee co., New 

Moopy County, 8S. D. Seale 1§ inches 
to a mile. Size 32 by 29 inches. 


© Feb. 24, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 28, 

1916; F 28414; Geo. A. Chorpening 

& Theo. T. Meyer, Flandreau, S. D. 

Natick, Mass. Insurance maps of Na- 

tick including Cochituate, North Na- 
tick, Felehville & South Natick, Mid- 

dlesex Co., Mass. Dec., 1915. Scale 
50 feet to an inch. 20 sheets, size 
25 by 21 inches. [5800 

© Feb. 4, 1916; 2 c. Feb. 5, 1916; 
HW 29732; Sanborn map co., New 

Drumm’s detail map of the Neder- 
land-Beaver Creek mines, Boulder 
Co., Col. 1916. Seale 600 feet to an 
inch. Size 24 by 30 inches. [5301 

© Feb. 28, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 3, 1916; 
F 28420; Henry A. Drumm, Boulder, 

NrEvADA, Story Co., Ia. [Insurance 
map] Jan., 1916. Scale 50 ft. to an 
inch. 6 sheets, size 25 by 21 inches. 


© Heb. 26, 1916; 2 c Feb. 28, 

1916; EF 29780; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 


New EncLanp. Map of New England, 
principal auto routes. Size 32 by 23 
inches. [5303 

© Mar. 4, 1916; 2 c. Mar. 10, 1916; 
¥ 284382 ; Automobile legal assn., Bos- 

Physical and political New Eng- 
land States. Fig. 84. Buffalo, N. Y., 
Matthews-Northrup works. Scale 58 
miles to 1 inch. Size 6 by 84 inches. 


© Feb. 23, 1916; 2 c Mar. 17, 

1916; EF 28457; American book co., 
New York. 

NEw LEXINGTON, Perry Co., O. [Insur- 
ance map] Feb., 1916. Scale 50 ft. 
to an inch. 7 sheets, size 25 by 21 
inches. [5305 

© Mar. 18, 1916; 2 ce Mar. 20, 
1916; F 29798; Sanborn map co., 
New York. 

New YorK (State.) New York, cen- 
tral and eastern part. Size 25 by 
19 inches. [5306 

©i dan 20,1996); | 2:.e2 Jane 21; 
1916" 28271: C. So Hammonde& 
co., New York. 

Size 12 by 19 

inches. [5307 
@* Jan: 20," 19162 °2.e Jane 72 

1916; F 28272; C. S. Hammond & co., 

New York. 

western part. 

southern part. 

size 12 by 19 
inches. [5308 

© Jan. 20, 1916; 2 c. Jan. 21, 1916; 
F 282738; C. S. Hammond & co., New 

New York (City) Atlas of the 
borough of Manhattan, city of New